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LESSON 1 Getting to Know Jesus

Date ___________________

Name ________________________________
I. Do I know You Activity
Questions to Ponder
n it? 1. What did you feel upon receiving a name tag without your name on it?
he 2. What did you feel when your classmates were able to write down the
qualities that you have?
your 3. What did you feel when your classmates were not able write any of your
II. Who is Jesus to you?
______ ________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________

is salvation is ... For the Lord your The Lord in my strength Take up the shield of For God so loved the Surely his salvation is
ose who fear God will bless you in all and my shield; my hear faith, with which you world that He gave near those who fear
at his glory your harvest and in all trusts in Him, and I am can extinguish all the his one and only Son, him, that his glory
ell in our the work of your hands, helped. flaming arrows of the that whoever may dwell in our
and your joy will be Psalm 28:7 evil one. believes in Him shall land.
5:9 complete. Ephesians 6: 17 not perish but have Psalm 85:9
Deuteronomy 16:15 eternal life.
John 3:16
_____ J __ __ E __ __ __ __ __ S_____ Unfailing S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

III. Moving Forward

If someone will ask you who Jesus is in your life, what would you tell them?

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us LESSON 1 Getting to Know Jesus
Date ___________________

Name ________________________________
VII. Do I know You Activity
Questions to Ponder

on it? 7. What did you feel upon receiving a name tag without your name on it?
n the 8. What did you feel when your classmates were able to write down the
qualities that you have?
of your 9. What did you feel when your classmates were not able write any of your
VIII. Who is Jesus to you?

rld For God so loved the world

d only that He gave his one and only
ves in Son, that whoever believes in
have Him shall not perish but have
eternal life.

John 3:16

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