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Bergonia Florence Maye Mr.

leones Gonsoden

Soriano Marjorie July 15, 2010


As we watched noynoy’s inauguration speech via television last

june 30, 2010 at quirino grandstand he announced policies that
can help t o improve our country and help our country to be more
progressive like to those who have been put in positions by
unlawful means this Is my warning: We will begin earning back the
trust of our people by reviewing midnight appointments. Gradually
we will lessen the lack of infrastructures for transportation,
tourism and trade. From now on, mediocracy work will not be good
enough when it comes to the roads, bridges and buildings because
we will hold contractors responsible for maintaining their
projects and good conditions. We will strengthen collections by
bureau of internal revenue and we will fight corruption in the
bureau of costums in order to found our objective for the public
welfare such as: quality education including vocational, so that
those who chose not to attend college or those who cannot afford
it it can find dignified livelihood. Improve public health
services such as philhealth for all within 3 years no more
influence peddling, no more patronage politics, no more stealing,
no more sirens, no more short cuts, no more brives its time for
us to work together one more.

These are the policies that noynoy want to put as an

order in our country so that a lot of lives will improve. If
these policies will put in order, all Filipinos will follow it
and will work hand in hand to make Philippines a better

In some means yes, if they will become effective all Filipinos

will follow the policies that are beloved president proclaimed.

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