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Good Health, Is It Worth It?

I believe we all have times when we question ourselves. I certainly have through my own
weight loss journey over the last five years. The main thing that has held me back is the fact
that I remind myself too often of the things I did in the past and perceive that healthy living is
a “punishment” for that!

This may seem unusual but sometimes I see people who are scared of making positive
changes because of such fears or historic beliefs. From a health and fitness perspective, it is
often seen as a burden or a punishment to go to the gym or eat healthy. The reason for this is
that people often don’t associate discipline with happiness. I heard this quote from American
business guru and motivational speaker Jim Rohn and it has always stuck with me.

The definition of discipline is either an activity,

exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill
or a punishment inflicted by way of correction and
training! So we can see that is has it’s positive and
potentially negative meanings depending on the context.

I tend to look at the way it makes me feel and also my

clients. There is no better feeling than being in a good
mood without a reason. I believe that thanks to the
media and advertising, we are sometime taught that we
should feel happy because it’s Friday or that we are
eating a certain food that tastes great.

I have experienced being overweight, drinking heavily

and smoking and whilst it is never easy to break these
habits, the way that I feel now knocks the socks off the
way being overweight, smoking and drinking makes me

I will never preach about anything as everyone has an

option and a choice. That is the key to everything in my
opinion, I believe that everyone has a choice and whatever choice they make is up to them
and no one else.

If you are in the position where you want to make a positive change in any area, I would say
the key is to ask yourself the question, “Is it worth it?” This could make you think beyond the
action and into your motivation and goals. Whilst goal setting and motivation are certainly
not new topics, I believe that this is vital to judging whether any change is worth the risk.

If you then focus on this goal as you continue through the journey (or perceived punishment!)
it helps you see light at the end of the tunnel. This is especially true when you start to feel
down or lack confidence, which happens to all of us.

I have certainly experienced this through my journey and it doesn’t get any easier. This is
especially difficult when trying to eat healthy and the first thing you pass in your car is a fast
food outlet!
Good Health, Is It Worth It?

If I may quote Jim Rohm again, he said that “It isn’t the goal that is important, it is what it
makes of us to achieve it” If we think about the skills we learn by changing our eating habits
or by going to the gym, these could be skills for life and whilst a ideal weight is a great goal,
a healthier mindset and lifestyle could stay with us forever.

The biggest lesson I have learnt is that challenges come and go but if you have a solid goal
and thick skin, there isn’t much that cannot be achieved.

John Hill, Inspiring Fitness Personal Trainer

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