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Ein cyf/Our ref:

Dyddiad/Date: 19th July 2010


Environment Agency public information session on proposed energy from waste facility at
Trident Park, Ocean Way, Cardiff
Following your previous interest in the proposed energy from waste facility at Trident Park,
Ocean Way, I am writing to let you know that Environment Agency Wales will shortly be
announcing a draft decision on Viridor Waste Management Limited’s application for an
environmental permit.

To inform people of our draft decision, we will be holding a public information session
between 2 and 7p.m. on Friday 30th July at the STAR Centre, Splott Road, Splott,
Cardiff, CF24 2BZ, as part of our consultation period.

Environment Agency officers will be available to discuss our response to Viridor’s

application. We have set up a pre-booking appointment system for 20 minute slots for
members of the public to speak with our staff. If you would like to book one of these slots,
please contact Helen Florek on 029 2024 5330 or via e-mail Helen.florek@environment-

As part of the determination process, we consulted with our statutory consultees, (including
Countryside Council for Wales, the Health and Safety Executive, Cardiff and Vale University
Health Board and Cardiff Council.) We also sought the views of local communities in Cardiff
and held two public consultation sessions.

Further information
We have produced an information pack on energy from waste. The pack is available on our
website: The pack will also be available as
hard copies at the above information session.

Yours faithfully

Dr N.P.Allen
PPC Compliance Team South East Wales Area
Direct line: 029 20245038 Direct fax: 029 20362095

Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd Cymru Environment Agency Wales

Plas-yr-Afon, Parc Busnes Llaneirwg, Llaneirwg, Caerdydd, Rivers House, St Mellons Business Park, St Mellons, Cardiff,
Llinell gwasanaethau cwsmeriaid: 08708 506 506 Customer services line: 08708 506 506
Ebost: Email:

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