Stachowski Recieves I Line

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July 19, 2010 716-400-8497

An Independent Voice: State

Independence Party gives nod to

Buffalo, NY – Late this morning the Executive Committee of the Independence Party
endorsed and authorized Senator Bill Stachowski to run on their ballot line. In overruling
the nomination of Legislator Tim Kennedy by the local party, the Independence Party
executive committee made a clear choice to support an independent candidate beholden
to no one but his constituents.

Said Senator Stachowski “I’m honored to receive this important endorsement. Thousands
of Western New Yorkers look to the Independence Party to choose qualified candidates
whose legislative efforts but their constituents first. In overruling the decision of Erie
County Independence Party Chair Sandy Rosenswie, State Chairman MacKay has sent a
strong message; quid pro quo deals aren’t how you win nominations.”

Rosenswie received a county job earlier this year after legislator Tim Kennedy
abandoned his Democratic colleagues to participate in a coup d'état against the
Democratic majority in the County Legislature.

Stachowski was able to receive the endorsement after a local Independence candidate
declined his nomination. A committee to fill vacancies chose to have Senator Stachowski
replace the vacating candidate, after learning of Independence support for Senator


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