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Life Coaching Online

for Baby Boomers

with Dreams!

Don’t believe that Over 50 means Over-the-Hill!

Brought to you with the compliments of:

Karen Batchelor -

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2010 All rights reserved. Prepared for publication by

Karen Batchelor is a certified professional life coaching online coach who

works primarily with people in midlife and mid-career. She earned her
coaching credentials through a training program accredited by the
International Coach Federation.

Karen had 20 years in the practice of law and as an executive in corporate

America. Now she combines her diverse and extensive professional skills
with her natural blend of creativity, enthusiasm and humor to support and
encourage others as they rediscover and reinvent themselves in the
uncertain times of midlife and a troubled economy.

Both life coaching online and personal one-on-one is available for

transitions life coaching for mid life, and issues like over 50
employment, and how to rediscover themselves and work through some of
the mid life crisis symptoms that can de-rail our life purpose and joy.

This little baby boomer report is brought to you with the compliments of
Karen and her website online coaching site Amazing Life After 50

Karen Batchelor --- America's Success Coach for 50 Somethings

Check out the life coaching online website here:

and you can subscribe to the free 50 plus magazine here:


Baby Boomer Statistics on Birth, Retirement and Empty Nestling

Baby Boomer Statistics: All about the Baby Boomers Generation

Career Change, Is it for a Baby Boomer?

Overview on the Beliefs of Baby Boomers

Many Baby Boomers are Close to Retirement, What Will They Do?

Baby Boomers, What They Want and What They Expect In Today's Society

Aging Baby Boomers, All about Your Life

Baby Boomer Statistics on Birth, Retirement and Empty Nestling

The baby boomer generation plays a significant part in almost every aspect of today's America. They
made an impact to every age cluster they get to belong. Baby boomers have the diverse potentials that
uplifted their group in history.

Fast statistics show that the fifty plus age group of

baby boomers are earning roughly two trillion dollars,
in control of more than seven trillion dollars of
wealth and own 77% of financial assets in United
States. That is not all, baby boomers also grip 50% of
the discretionary powers in both government and
private organizations.

Baby boomers are interesting subjects to tackle-their power to do, their immense abilities and their
emotions. And since the baby boomer generation is now ranging at the age of 42 to 60 years old, they
are facing the issues of retirement. It is fascinating to discover how baby boomers envision their old age,
their retirement plans and the thought of being empty nesters.

Empty nesting is the period in parents' lives when their children start moving out to live their own lives.
Sadly, aging parents are left by themselves, reviving the scenarios when they were just starting out a
family as well. The difference is that they have consumed the energy and youth they used to be
abundant of. While the baby boomers have a range of emotions toward empty nesting, they are most
likely to play the brand name for them-the independent generation.

Furthermore in the poll conducted for baby boomers, the following are some key points which were
Considering the statistics of birth of baby boomers, the name of their generation was derived from the
explosion of birth right after the World War II. At the span of the baby boomer years, roughly seventy-
six million Americans were delivered to the earth. Currently, the population of baby boomers occupies
twenty-eight percent of the whole populace in United States.

Specifically by the year 1957, an estimated 4.3 million of babies were born in America. The number has
outstood any other year before it.

On the issue of retirement, baby boomers view this stage on its brighter side. Accordingly, most of the
baby boomers plan to pursue a career after their previous career. Being involved in sole proprietorship
or any self employed business is the popular choice.

Seventy-five percent envision their retirement as the chance to devote leisure time with their children
and grandchildren. This will result to more domesticated adults. However, of this poll, seventy-four
percent feel freer upon retirement while fifty-seven percent claimed that they will only be freer when
they become empty nesters.

More than half of the baby boomers are confident that they will have enough money for leisure when
they already retire. This means that less than half of them are not certain if they will live a comfortable
life after retirement. These statistics greatly affects the issue on the empty nesting emotions.

When questioned about parenting, 71% of the baby boomers responded positively. For these baby
boomers, parenting was a challenging task that marked many wonderful experiences for them. That is
why when the empty nesting stage comes, baby boomers are more emotionally prepared.
This is illustrated in the positive feedback of the 58% baby boomers who are readying for the time when
their kids had to leave their territory for good. In parallel, a surprising twenty-six percent feel like they
would be closer to their better halves when their kids are gone.

The older the baby boomers are, the more emotionally stable they become. Most of the oldies in this
generation have been ready to clear the nest. While the large percentage states a neutral emotion, baby
boomers are more likely appreciative of freedom that they will soon be enjoying.

For seventy-four percent of baby boomers, they have proven to be good role models for their children.
And forty percent of the aging baby boomers foresee that there will come a time when their children
would still cling to them. Since baby boomers are characterized by being independent, only twenty-eight
percent view their old age like their children would be charged for the rent.

Indeed, baby boomers play significant roles in the society. It is their age that introduces the value of
optimism and self sufficiency.

Baby Boomer Statistics: All about the Baby Boomers Generation

During the period between 1946 and 1964 or between post World
War II and the Vietnam War, a significant increase of birth rate was
recorded. This generation was called the baby boomers generation.

If you were born within the years 1946 and 1964, you can consider
yourself as part of the baby boomers generation. This particular
generation is one of the generations that contributed a lot in politics
and also to the culture of the United States.
The main cause of the baby boom was the after effect of World War II. In this period, cities were in
rubbles and world economies that were affected severely by the war were in need for goods and
services. The needs were so staggering that it is considered as the largest in peacetime.

The United States have been providing a lot of money and also services for their allies in order to help
them recover from the war. The United States factories which made war materials before began
producing peacetime goods and materials for export. Because the United States began exporting goods
and materials to the free world to help them rebuild their economy, it led to a very lucrative business
and didn't slow down up until 1958.

Because of this growth, education became cheaper and many people began attending colleges and
some even took second college degrees. Because of the increase in education and high incomes of
families in this period, it made it possible for them to produce more children. Besides, they had enough
money and resources for it.

Today, the baby boomers population is one of the largest in the United States. In fact, there were almost
76 million Americans born during the baby boomers period. This means that they represent about 28
percent of the United States population. This is considered as one of the largest in the United States

You have to consider that there are now millions of aging baby boomers today who have reached mid-
life. Because of the significantly high population of the baby boomers generation, they contributed a lot
to the United States.

They were the manpower who was also responsible for the increasing economy of the United States. In
fact, you can even consider the baby boomers as the economy of the United States.
The baby boomers today also hold a large amount of government offices. In fact, the highest office in
the United States already had 2 baby boomers, namely Bill Clinton and the incumbent president George
W. Bush.

You have to expect that baby boomers will be on the political scenery for quite some time.

Also, because of the advancement of technology in the medical field, baby boomers are expected to live
longer than their predecessors. Today, they now have access to advanced medical technology and great
quality health care.

You should also expect baby boomers getting a hold of the judicial system for a long time in the United
States. Statistics have suggested that baby boomers will be in political power up until 2010 to 2015. And,
the political influence of baby boomers will be around for quite a long time.

Because people age, the government is also concerned about the health care budget for retiring baby
boomers. As everyone knows, old age is always associated will illnesses and diseases, such as arthritis,
diabetes, and heart related diseases.

Because the baby boomer population is now in their late 50's and 60's, the government is now finding
ways to adjust the national budget and dedicate more to health care benefits for retiring baby boomers.
Obviously, the baby boomer population is one of the largest in the United States. Because of this, you
have to consider the fact that without adjustment in the national budged, there will be shortages on
health care financing.
Most baby boomers today are relying on their retirement benefits to provide for their health care

As you can see, the baby boomers statistics on population is quite a large number. You have to consider
the fact that baby boomers were one of the generations responsible for the significant boom in the
United States workforce and economy.

Expect that society will further be influenced by baby boomers in the future and political views will be
one of the fields that most baby boomers will have influence on.

Career Change, Is it for a Baby Boomer?

There are fewer worries when you're a kid. Your parents provide
for all your material and emotional needs. As a person grows old,
their needs and wants also grow with them. And finally, when they
graduate college, it is now time to start a life of their own.

Looking for the right career that is of great interest to you can be
quite hard. But if you successfully choose a good career and decide
to keep it, you're life will be worth living.

There are many career paths to take. So before anything else, you should make sure that you're on the
right path. Oftentimes, people end up with a job or career that they are not interested in; they simply
manage to push through with it because they need the money.
In today's hard times, having a good paying job is already enough. You can finance all your expenses,
most especially if you have children to support. But if the situation is like this, a time will come when you
will finally get tired of doing a work that you're not interested in.

If you belong in the generation of the baby boomers, you already have a career by now. You're the type
of person who wants to work harder and for longer hours. If you want a career change, it's never too
late. In fact, most of the baby boomers in the workforce are retiring late, and there are still those who
change their careers. Most boomers want to continue in contributing or working even after they retire.

It's common to change a career in your lifetime. You can even find people who changed their careers
more than three times. The reason behind this is that they haven't found yet the right career that they
can be satisfied with, and what they love doing. Perhaps they will stop changing careers only after they
found what suits their needs and wants.

Confronting a career change for a baby boomer can be a bit difficult. Boomers grew up in a prosperous
world, where everything was easy for them to have like education and their material needs. And with
today's competitive market, a baby boomer should be able to compete with other capable people.

It would be better to view a career change as an opportunity to find a better career, one that will suit
you best. You should find a job that you love doing and one that you could be satisfied with until you
retire from work.

Around 3% of people going through changes in their career are only forced to do so because they were
laid-off and about 4.5% just want to explore something else. Undergoing a shift in career will be much
easier, enjoyable, and productive if you do a couple of things like:
1. assess your skills and see if it can be used in other jobs

2. money doesn't matter to most people; so find a job that is meaningful for you, one that you love

3. find where your passion lies

4. always be realistic; if your skills doesn't suit the job, you're probably better of without it

5. do you want to stay in the profession or do you want a radical change in your career

6. if you're satisfied with the present company that you belong, perhaps you can ask for re-training

7. don't mind your age, what's important is your skills and the things that you can do

8. you can join organizations in the field that you're interested in

These are just few of the things that you can do before seeking for a new career. Your job experience
matters in getting into another career, as well as relevant trainings.

Change is natural. The world changes every day; inventions can happen overnight. But with a career
change, you can't do it with the snap of your finger. You should consider a lot of things like your family,
your needs, and other important matters.

It's never too late for baby boomers. You've lived your life long enough as a happy-go-lucky individual.
It's time to stick with the realities of life and start working hard in your new-found career.
Overview on the Beliefs of Baby Boomers

The birthrate in the United States of America rose to almost

20% after the World War II (1946). It again increased to
another 12% in 1947. Finally, it peaked up to 4.3 million babies
in 1957.

Therefore, from 1946 to 1964, there were 77 million babies

born in America, they were called as "baby boomers". Today,
boomers comprise 28% of the US populations since the
birthrate returned to normal in 1965.

But the said numbers of babies are considered as a statistical anomaly in the birthrate of the United
States according to some researchers. It is because some of the baby boomers have detached
themselves in that generation and lives as if they were not born between the years 1946 to 1964.

Discriminations even happened considering baby boomers as different species. They were compared to
the 1969 generation where they were marked as the holiest, most curious, and brightest of all
generation in the human history.

As the years passed by, these opinions have greatly changed and the boomer's criticism reached a
fevered pitch. The baby boomer's generation was dubbed as a self-absorbed generation.

They defined themselves not through sacrifices as their parents had experienced but by indulgences.
Other critics even wrote that throughout the American history, baby boomers were the most self-
seeking, self-centered, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing, and self-interested generation.
These views about the boomers have an underlying gravity, unifying principle, and hermeneutic
understanding of the world. The reasons behind are natural survival, class struggles, relativism, and lack
of knowledge. Boomers became a part of the culture. But their concerns lie more on dominant concerns
and dominant passions.

The Boomer's Six Commandments was even established based from these worldviews. But these do not
apply to all baby boomers because there is always an exception. There is no monolithic generation. It
was shaped by circumstances wherein these circumstances are not uniformed like generations.
Nevertheless, every generation must live according to commandments or rules.

1. Thou shall be hip. According to some studies, the baby boomer's major problem is the refusal of
growing up. Their adolescence periods were prolonged, taken in various forms such as physical fitness
obsession, youth worship, and embarrassment on the natural aging process. Others include their
aspiration to stay in style, hip, and current. Boomers do not consider it as a mere trendiness but a
tendency to being externalized and magnified. That is why even during their aging years, they try to
maintain the fashion of their era insisting that those times were frozen on them.

2. Accept culture changes to stay relevant. The boomers foresee themselves as a force that can
transform cultures. However, they did not succeed. Instead of becoming culture transformers, the
culture itself transformed them. The boomers accepted the culture's promise of eternal relevance for
their rendered services. The only problem was that this relevance can deliver them only popularity.

3. Honor thy individuality. America is the civilization known for radical individualism. The novel
expression that is acquainted only with egotism sapping public life virtues and later on destroy and
attack others. Boomers lived during the peak of the women's rights, civil rights, anti-war movements,
and reproductive rights.
4. Thou shall forget history. Boomers always declare themselves as the first generation to
experience new milestones in their lives which include childbirth, adolescents, parenthood, marriage,
and middle age. They know history, however they just question its importance to them.

5. Thou shall feel guilty if you sell out. Boomers manifest their guilt interestingly. They maintain
the defiance attitude along with their youth convictions as they abandoned convictions themselves. At
heart, boomers remain as revolutionaries while they live the protestant, middle class, white-bread
American dream.

6. Thou shall question authority. There was a serious problem that rises on the part of most
boomers. Their motto was to trust no one over thirty. Their rebellion towards authority is a skeptical
approach to the pastoral authority, polity, and doctrinal standards of the church. Boomers have rejected
this authority in two ways. They either denied the Bible's authority right away or relativize the Bible's
authority like a Protestant Evangelicalism.

Although these boomers' rules create issues and controversy, it influenced and altered the way on how
American thinks. And even it was predicted that all boomers will be gone, still many baby boomer's
followers are still there.
Many Baby Boomers are Close to Retirement, What Will They Do?

When people get old, they need not work. They should enjoy the rest of
their lives having fun and worrying about nothing. But ever since baby
boomers were born, a lot of changes have taken place in each milestone
of their life. And now that they are close to retirement, can you imagine
them staying at home and doing nothing at all?

With their unique characteristics, baby boomers were able to redefine

and reshape the society as a whole. They certainly made an impact
before, and probably they will again for the years to come. Of all baby boomer population, about 76% of
them intend to stay in the workforce even after the age of retirement.

Baby boomers tend to make decisions that make them different from other generations, and they never
outgrew this trait. Now that they are retiring, they are sure to make a big personal decision. They have
to choose between retiring or to keep working. But if you're talking about a boomer, he will probably
choose the second alternative.

To many old people, retirement is an end-point. But with baby boomers, it's the turning point of their
lives. But this doesn't mean though that it's all work. Some of them want to work part-time while others
want to put up their own businesses. Some boomers want to have a leisurely time away from busy
schedules after many years of working; one way is to travel to other places. This will not be a problem
because they have all the money to spend for luxurious trips.

These various decisions of baby boomers may be because of certain external factors. You are probably
aware that baby boomers make up a huge number of the population. If they all retire, the workforce will
be greatly affected and the state will not be able to handle all claims for benefits. Other factors include:
1. Longer life; because of the new technology that many people enjoy, boomers can live longer
and this means another twenty years or so of incurring expenses; if they will live longer, their resources
will not be enough to sustain their needs

2. Less pensions; companies offering pension plans want to have their plans changed and to
reduce benefits; this does not give baby boomers enough time to make savings because they are near
retirement already

3. Medical costs; medical costs will continue to rise, it even outpaced inflation; from now, many
companies are expecting a 10% increase yearly of boomers looking for services or products where they
can pay/save on medical services/cost.

Considering these factors, the baby boomers are sure to make a different decision once they retire. They
can't rely on their family for support, especially if their children have a family of their own.

The retiring of baby boomers is not just an issue for the baby boomer, but also for the entire state.
Boomers make up today's economy. They represent a large percentage of the workforce and they were
responsible for the economy's growth during the 1990s when boomers were at the peak of their
spending years and careers. If they all leave the workforce, what will happen to the economy?

The US and other countries with baby boomers are finding it necessary to address this situation. And at
present, they now have plans on how the economy can cope up with such situation.

The aging and retiring boomers are a lot different from the previous generation of old people. Boomers
love vacation homes, cosmetic surgery, skin creams, and other stuff which helps them to stay youthful.
These industries can expect a huge increase on their sales because of patronizing baby boomers.
As baby boomers reach their retirement age, they have to make a sound decision whether to continue
working or to simply stay at home and wait for their pension every month. But knowing a boomer, he
already has a well thought-out plan of his future after retirement.

Boomers are often seen as individuals who are more on the 'I' side of things. They focus more on their
'self' and not on other people. So if they think that retiring or pursuing another career is best, he will
stick to his decision. And no amount of convincing can change his decision once he has his mind made

Baby Boomers, What They Want and What They Expect In Today's Society

In terms of generations, one of the generations in the United

States that contributed a lot in terms of political, cultural,
industrial, economy, and academic is the baby boomers era.
This era is one of the highlights of the United States history and
it is also an era where the economy was on an all time high.

First of all, you have to know why it is called the baby boomers
generation and which people are included in this generation.

The baby boomers generation is composed of people who were

born between the years 1946 and 1964. Because of the significant increase in birth rate during this era,
historians called it the baby boomers generation.

People who were born during this period have distinctive political views and cultural views. They are
people who grew up and participated in the civil rights protests and they are also people who grew up
knowing about the American Military might and also knowing that the enemies were communists and

Maybe this is the reason why baby boomers have different and distinct political views. You have to
realize the fact that baby boomers have contributed a lot in terms of politics. Since they grew up in the
years of the Cold War and the Vietnam War, baby boomers tend to be more militarily and politically
inclined. In fact, Bill Clinton and the incumbent President George W. Bush are the two first presidents
who are in the baby boomers era.

If you look closely, both have somewhat similar political views and their policies don't really differ that
much, even if one is a democrat and the other is a republican. You have to consider the facts that both
have funded the military in order for the United States retain its military might and they are also
concerned about civil rights.

So, what do baby boomers want? If you look closely, people who are in the age of mid-40s to 60s are
very much unlike aging people in the past. Today, you will see these people to be more active and are
generally concerned more about their health. In fact, many people who were born in the baby boomers
era frequently visit doctors compared in the past. This is because these people want to care for their
own health.

What this means is that baby boomers will likely live longer than their predecessors. Today, baby
boomers are aging. However, because of the latest medical technology available today, you should
realize that the life expectancy for baby boomers has increased.

However, there are also growing concerns that the baby boomers today are facing. Because the baby
boomer population is at an all time high, there are problems concerning Social Security benefits and also
about Medicare. Another problem is that when the baby boomers go into retirement, the workforce will
decrease. This is because of the decreased birth rate after the baby boomer era. This will mean decrease
in workforce and increase in retirees.

What the baby boomers want today is when they retire, they should be able to get the necessary
retirement and health benefits. Since baby boomers are expected to healthier than their predecessors,
they will be able to travel a lot.

After retirement, the baby boomers population is expected to travel a lot. In fact, most baby bloomers
working today are working to save enough money to go on a retirement vacation.

The baby boomers are a proud generation where they went through a lot fighting for civil rights. They
also contributed a lot in culture. This is why you should expect them to want some ways to relax and
taking a vacation is one of them.

Today, aging baby boomers are now considering retiring and are expecting the government to repay
them for the services they contributed to the society.

The baby boomers era is responsible for making the United States economy to run smoothly. This is
because of the high population levels of workforce and also in those times, unemployment rates were
virtually non-existent.

Since baby boomers came of age when there were protests for the war in Vietnam and civil rights, you
should expect that they are well aware of their civil rights and wants everyone to respect it.

And for this reason, baby boomers really want to retain their civil rights and expect the government to
give them the benefits they deserve when they retire.
Aging Baby Boomers, All about Your Life

Today, baby boomers are in the ages

between 40 years old to 50 years old. This
means that they are already aging.

It is important for you to know that as a

part of the baby boomer population, you
should know where you stand on trends,
and also your rights as a citizen of the
United States of America.

Today, many baby boomers experiences age discrimination in the workplace. Some baby boomers that
are qualified to do the job are not accepted by companies and some are laid off from their current job
just because of their age.

It is important for you to know that this is a violation of the ADEA or the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act. It is also important for you to know that when you experience age discrimination in
the workplace, you have somewhere to complain to, which is the EEOC or the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.

You of all people should know about this because as a part of the baby boomer population, you came of
age during the time where people were fighting for their civil rights in the United States. Chances are,
you were part of those people who were fighting for civil rights, which include equal employment
This generation is the generation where rock and roll started and where hippies were popping out to
protest the Vietnam War and their rights as a citizen of a democratic country.

Health is also an issue with baby boomers. It was found that there was a significant increase of hospital
and doctor visits by baby boomers. In fact, in 1992 there were only about 42 percent of people visiting
the doctor at the age of 45. In 2002, the numbers increased to 53 percent. Most baby boomers suffer
from different ailments, such as diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

This is because of the diet and lack of exercise that baby boomers experienced during their era. Because
of this, many people are now more health conscious than the era of baby boomers. Some baby boomers
even considered losing weight and getting active to prevent or at least minimize the effect of the
mentioned diseases.

New drugs are now also available for baby boomers for preventive care. With the technology available
today, aging baby boomers are now able to seek the medical attention they need. They can also benefit
from the different government and private organization offers, such as free medical check ups and free

With all the benefits of today's medical technology, it is expected that baby boomers will likely live
longer than previous generations of Americans. In fact, of the 3.4 million people born in 1946, 2.8
million are still alive and will get the benefit of living longer than their predecessors because of the
advancement in medical technology.

This means that you can expect to live longer than ever before.
26 percent of the American population is made up of baby boomers. This means that in the coming
years, Medicare will be much more in demand than ever before. You can expect that there will be a
need for more hospitals and there will also be a need for more professional caregivers around the
United States.

However, because of the latest medical technology, baby boomers will not only expect to live longer
than previous Americans, but they will also enjoy better health condition. More and more baby boomers
today are now health conscious and are staying as active as they can in order to prevent serious diseases
such as diabetes and heart related diseases.

So, if you are a part of the baby boomer population, you can expect to live longer and also live a happier
life than the previous generation. You should thank the advancement of technology in the medical field
and also the increasing awareness for health in today's world.

Did you know that every 7 seconds, someone turns 50 years old? Thousands of people like you are
asking every day – what’s next, what do I do now, how do I get what I want out of the next half of life?

If you thought you knew what your path was going to be, has the recent downturn in the economy
changed your roadmap for the future into an uninspiring dead-end? Setting some clear goals with my
“Creating Goals” power pack can help you get back on track.

Karen Batchelor is a certified professional life coaching online coach who works primarily with people in
midlife and mid-career. She earned her coaching credentials through a training program accredited by
the International Coach Federation.
Karen had 20 years in the practice of law and as an executive in corporate America. Now she combines
her diverse and extensive professional skills with her natural blend of creativity, enthusiasm and humor
to support and encourage others as they rediscover and reinvent themselves in the uncertain times of
midlife and a troubled economy.

Both life coaching online and personal one-on-one is available for transitions life coaching for mid life,
and issues like over 50 employment, and how to rediscover themselves and work through some of the
mid life crisis symptoms that can de-rail our life purpose and joy.

OK — that’s the official version. Now, in her own words, this is how Karen got here:

One day in 2005, I was sitting in my nice corporate office contemplating a career path that looked
incredible on paper. I had practiced law and was then a senior executive with a staff. I was climbing the
proverbial ladder of success. But on that day I felt like there was a plastic bag over my head and I was
suffocating. All of a sudden it hit me “Oh (expletive deleted) — wrong ladder!”

Even though I had the image and seductive trappings of success, I wasn’t living in sync with my life
values. With an undergrad degree in psychology, a law degree in my hip pocket and the corporate job
many people dream of I should have been happy – right? Wrong. I wasn’t fulfilling my life purpose of
helping others, my creativity was stifled, my personal life was shoved into a corner and I was depressed.

So with a courage I didn’t think I had in me, I climbed down that ladder and headed off in search of the
life I truly wanted. This journey of rediscovery allowed me to get present to what I wanted to do with
the next half of my life. You might say I started to get reacquainted with the “real” me. I’ve enjoyed that.
During this time, I had a health challenge that my doctor described as “potentially fatal”. Those words
got my full attention! Great medical care got me through that crisis only to be follow by the news that
my best friend of 50+ years was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s Disease.

From that point on, I made the commitment to live my life in a way that fits the person I’ve become. For
me – midlife wasn’t just about finding myself.

It’s been about creating myself. And I knew I was on the right path when I found professional coaching
and started helping other people discover that life after 50 can indeed be amazing!

To contact Karen for a no obligation free consultation to see how you can also start living an amazing life
after 50, or to subscribe to her free life coaching online over 50 magazine, visit the site:
DISCLAIMER: This information is provided "as is". The author, publishers and marketers of this information disclaim any loss or liability, either directly or
indirectly as a consequence of applying the information presented herein, or in regard to the use and application of said information. No guarantee is given, either
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Further, this information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a
substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions
you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read

The reader should not regard the recommendations, ideas and techniques expressed and described in this book as substitutes for the advice of a qualified
medical practitioner or other qualified professional. Any use to which the recommendations, ideas and techniques are put is at the reader’s sole discretion and

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