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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

(A Govt. of India Enterprisc)

Bharat Sanchar Bhavan, Janpath,
Nerv Delhi -'I l0 001
ou,"a ftr1rry, zoro

All Heads of Telecom Circles & Metro Dishicts,

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Sub : - Staff involved in project SHIKHAR

A large number of executives and. non-executives
Project SHIKHAR initiatives such are involved in different
as p."j;.;;;y, Ucraan and Entcrprise
Platinum & coltr offices. Tlrey or" ir,uor
roles for which considerable effort ""i'in'sulJ, un.r channcr Managemcnr
und .;;;;^iiuu"
trailli.rg To cnsurc' against ross of moment.,rr. o"un invcstecr for thcir
ur-r.i for provicling sustained
tlu'ust to these e.deavors, it is important
thu; thu;;;"mbers of staff are retained
in their current posting for a reasonable
period of ti,r.,e. H.wevcr, in casc
exigencies nccessitating transfer of
or r.,.t-, ,tu'ri, ,uit]tr" ,uostitute must
before t^e transfers are given effect bc posted
to. Thir *;;i;i;.rlrratc imparring necessarv
trainirrg to the new incumbents before
the t ansferrJstaff arc. rclicved

This issues with approval of

the competent authority.
(D.P. De)
Copy to : - cM (Estt.)

1. CM (Corporatc Rcs\;.) IISNI- C.O. w.r.t.

Iettcr No. 4-612010_l(esr11. tlarcrl


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