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Please join

Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney

With Special Guest
Congressman Jerrold Nadler
And other special guests

New York Mets vs. Philadelphia Phillies

Sunday ♦ August 15th♦ 1:10PM
Citi Field – Empire Suite
For a Luncheon and America’s Favorite Pastimes
Please make checks payable to ‘Maloney for Congress’

 Grand Slam! $4800  Home Run! $2400  Triple! $1000

R.S.V.P. to Alex Leopold or Jamie Ansorge at 212-228-5222

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Please return this form with your check to:
Maloney for Congress♦ 24 East 93rd, Suite 1B ♦ New York, NY 10128
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Paid for by Maloney for Congress

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