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I do not claim this is the answer, just that it names the person who developed it (R.M.

Donner(Navy Surgeon) who was working for Sandia (S4), until he retired. He now lives in Santa
Fe, New Mexico) The person who made these statements is John Lear, and I supplied the
youtube video link below, its about 3/4 of the way thru the video, and he has claimed he met
another person that worked on the virus with Donner, and confirmed it was the cure.
I do not want it to get suppressed again.
Good luck Sir, I love the show,

Subject: Aids Cure...with additional information....

Additional Information that has come in….

OK.... There is hope with this drug. It was discovered by a doctor doing research at
University of California - San Francisco. The research was funded by the Swiss company
Sandoz, which rightfully retained the rights to any beneficial discovery.. The initial
results are promising, though no tests have been done on humans to date....even in China
(they use it for abortions). They have filed with the FDA for approval to begin tests for
toxicity; efficacy trials would follow if the drug seems safe in humans. We live in a very
litigious society, you can't just throw drugs out on the market. Even when they test and
something is missed, allowing the drug to go to market, the drug company gets sued six
ways from China.... which eats up more funds.... and on and on... The net is that it shows
promise, they are moving forward as fast as the system allows and if the result is good
they will bring it to market as fast as possible. I don't think it is being held back in order
that others profit from the sick...
===End of Quote===

Subject: Aids Cure...

This is serious. I am of the belief that everyone knows someone, who knows someone that can
take this information and perhaps effect a cure worldwide. IF this is true, and I
have no way to know for sure one way or the other, human nature is such that
people think, that if they know, everyone knows, and the information stops. Do
you know someone, or someone who knows someone who could check this out?
If you don't know, send it to serious people you know, that perhaps will. I do not
want it to be suppressed, and if it stops before someone can call it good or BS
with authority, it will go back into the nether regions of the internet. I strongly
believe that there are people out there that are letting the truth seep out, and
hope that it will get passed on. Do your best, and I urge others who read this to
get it to someone who can effect a cure.
All it takes for something to fail, is for good people to do nothing. Pass this on, send it around the
world, don't let the facts get lost. I won't say that this is the answer, but it might
be. And it deserves to be looked at by the right people. I have already sent it to
as many Aids research centers I could find, but that is no assurance that it will
get to the scientists, I am a skeptic. Lets fix the problem.

Subject: RE: Aids Cure...

This is the youtube video where he states what is transcribed below...

Subject: Aids Cure...

Aids is a virus that is protected by the protein code on the RNA, preventing the anti-bodies of the
T4 cells of the immune system from detecting and eliminating it. The alleged cure for AIDS lies in
the excrement of the white fungus that's grown from the Chinese cucumber (tricothanthes
Kirilowii)). This excrement which develops after about 2 or 3 weeks, is separated with Hydrazine
Sulfate and an acidification process which dissolves the protein coat on the RNA and exposes the
nucleus of the virus, that's detected by the anti-bodys of the immune system. Regardless of how
weak the immune system is, the virus will be destroyed. No more than a 20cc dose per 36 hour
period should be administered. No anti-biotics should be used during this period. The 20cc's are
metabolized in 36 hours, having dissolved the Protein coat on the virus.

Trichosanthes Kirilowii is found in China.

Chinese Cucumber
Scientific names: Trichosanthes kirilowii
Common names: Chinese cucumber also is known as Chinese snake gourd, gua-lou,
tian-hua-fen, and compound Q.
Efficacy-safety rating:
...Ethno or other evidence of efficacy.
Safety rating:
●...Moderate to serious danger.

This was transcribed from an interview from James Lear 6-11-08

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