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r. «^
DEC 2* \m

5,.^ It was pointed out to me last year that though

~^ every PubHc School was keeping a Record of
J[J Service of its " Old Boys," little was heard of the
rjj personal service of the Schoolmasters who have
supplied the O.T.C. with Officers and Instructors,
"^ and who have also suppUed the fighting forces
with 5xcellent material at a critical time in our
natioral history. I was asked as Hon. Sec. of
the O.T.C. (Officers) Club to take steps to compile
such with this purpose in view I collected
a record ;

material from all Schools furnishing Contingents

to the O.T.C. I then found that I had undertaken

a very and one which at the limited time

aig task,
at my disposal would have taken years to complete
satisfactorily. I was fortunate enough however

to secure the assistance of Major D. H. Steers who

had recently returned from France, and it is by
him that aiost of the work has been done and to
whom most of the credit is due for the production
of this stJI incomplete record. I hope that in-

accuracies >r omissions in this first edition will be

notified to ne or to Major D. H. Steers, R.E. (x.),

St. John's College, Cambridge, as soon as possible,

so that they may be corrected in future issues.


Hon, Sec. O.T.C. Club.

St. Albans, 25/7/1919.


Certain abbreviations have of necessity been

brought into use in the following pages, but it is

not thought that any will be found difficult to


It will be noted that the Records of Services are

divided into two parts:
— " A " containing :hose of
O.T.C. Officers only, and " B " those of Members
of the Staff (not being Officers of the O.T.C).

The names of all Officers and Men vho have

fallen in the War, orwho have died between
August 4th, 1914, and November nth, 1918, are
shewn in heavy type.
An index is given at the end of thi book, by
means of which any name can be quckly found.
The Schools and Colleges are given in alphabetical
order ; returns which have arrived too late for
inclusion in this book will be published as a supple-
ment, and will be sent to all who ap:)ly for it.

As it is anticipated that more tlan one edition

will be required, it is particularly requested that
atiy errors or omissions be at once notified to me
as early as possible.

All Officers Commanding Contingents are cor-

dially thanked for the trouble they have taken to
obtain the Records required for insertion in the
following pages, and for their courtesy in so
promptly correcting the proofs of the Records of
their respective Schools or Colleges.

Lieut. H. A. Golden, R.E. (t.), and Lieut. D. H.

King, R.G.A. (S.R.), are also thanked for their
help in reading and checking the proofs, and for
their assistance in compiling the nominal index at
the end of the book.

Major R.E. (x.)

St. John's College,

July, 1919.
Aldenham School '

Ampleforth College -----

All Hallows School, Honiton - - - 3
Ardingly College
Beaumont College ------
Bedford School
Bedford Modern School
Berkhamsted School
----- 8

Bloxham School 12

Bournemouth School
Bradfield College ------ 13

Bridlington School ------18

Bradford Grammar School - - - - i6
Brighton College
Bristol Grammar
Bromsgrove School


- - -

Bury Grammar School 22
Cambridge and County School - - - - 22

Charterhouse -------24
Campbell College, Belfast

- - - - 23

Cheltenham College
Chigwell School, Essex
Christ's Hospital
Churcher's College----- 28

Clifton College
Cranbrook School
City of London School - - - - - 31

Cranleigh School ------ FAGB

Dean Close School ------

Dartford Grammar School - - - - 38
Denstone College -
Derby School ----- .

Dover College ------

Dorchester Grammar School - - - - 42
DuLwicH College
Durham School-
Eastbourne College
------ 43
Edinburgh Academy - . _ - -

Ellesmere College ------

Elizabeth College, Guernsey

- - - - 48
Emanuel School
Epsom College
Eton College

Exeter School 58
Felsted School 59
Fettes College - - - - - -197
Forest School -

Framlingham College -----

George Heriot's School, Edinburgh - -

GiGGLESwicK School
Glasgow Academy
George Watson's College-

- . - . 66
Gresham's School - 71
Grimsby Municipal College - . . - 72
Haileybury College 74

Harrow School _.--_-

Handsworth Grammar School - - - - 76

Hillhead High School-----

Hertford Grammar School

Hurstpierpoint College
. . . - 78

Hymers College 84
Imperial Service College . - - - 86
Ipswich School
Kelly College ------
Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow - - -
King Alfred's School, Wantage . - - 89
King Edward VII. School . - - - 90
King Edward's School, Bath - - - - 92
King Edward's School,
King's College School -----

King's School, Bruton, Somerset




King's School, Canterbury - - - - 96
King's School, Grantham 97
King's School. Warwick 98
King's School, Worcester . - - - 98
Kirkcaldy High School 99
Lancing College
Leeds Grammar School
Liverpool College
Liverpool Institute
LoRETTo School
Louth School ------- 104
Maidstone School
Malvern College ------

Manchester Grammar School -

- -





Merchant Taylors' School - - - - iii

Merchiston Castle School - - - - 113
Mill Hill School - - - - - -114
Monkton Combe School - - - - - 116
Newcastle High School, Staffs. - - - 117
North-E astern County School, Barnard Castle 117
Nottingham High School - - - - 119
Oakham School - - - - - -120
Oratory School 121
OuNDLE School 122
Plymouth College 123
Portsmouth Grammar School - - - - 124
Queen Mary's Grammar School, Walsall - - 125
Radley College
Reading School


Repton School
RossALL School-
Reigate Grammar School

Royal Grammar School, Guildford - - - 137
Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe - - 138
Royal Grammar School, Lancaster - - - 139
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne - 140
Royal Grammar School, Worcester - - - 198
Rugby School - - - - - - -142
St. Albans School -144
St. Bees School 145
St. Columba's College, Ireland
St. Dunstan's College
St. Edmund's School
----- - - - 146
St. Edward's School, Oxford - - - - 151
St. John's School, Leatherhead - _ - 132
St. Lawrence College 153
St. Paul's School 154
St. Peter's School, York - _ _ - 157
Sedbergh School 158
Sherborne School 160
Shrewsbury School - - - - - 162
Sir Roger Man wood's Grammar School - - 164
Solihull Grammar School - _ _ _ . 166
Stonyhurst College _ . _ _ - 166
Sutton Valence School - - - - - 168

Taunton School 169
The Leys School
ToNBRiDGE School ------ 17^
Trent College -
Uppingham School ------
Victoria College, Jersey
Wellingborough Grammar School - - - 181
Wellington College- . - . - . 183

West Buckland ------

Wellington School, Somerset -

- - - 183
Westminster School
Weymouth College ------
Whitgift Grammar School - - - .

Winchester College
Wolverhampton School
Wilson's Grammar School, Camberwell

- - 189
Woodbridge School
Worksop College ------ _ _ - - . 193




WADMORE, Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. M., Q.H. Capt.

O.C. Contingent July 1908 Sept. 1914. Temp.
Capt. (21/9/14) 9th (S.) Bn. Roy. Fus., 12th Div.
France 30/5/15 present at Loos, Sept. and Oct.

1915 ; Hohenzollern, Mar. 1916 ist

; Somme,
Sept. 1916. Temp. Maj. and 2nd-in-c. 8th (S.) Bn. Roy.
Innis. Fus. Mar. 1916, i6thDiv. Three times wounded,
last severe transferred to U.K. 16/9/16. Perman-

ently disabled. Posted No. 21 Ofifr. Cdt. Bn. ; Coy.

Comdr. Apr. 191 7 ^May 1918— appointed Chief

Instructor and 2nd-in-c. May 1918. Home Services

List Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1/1/19.
13/3/18. Disem-
bodied 11/1/19. Re-appointed to Unattached List
as Capt. (T.F.) for service with Contingent 6/3/19.

ADAMSON, Capt. H. B. Capt. Temp. Capt.,

Sept. 1915, i2th Bn. Suffolk Regt ; later loth Bn.
Transferred to 21st Bn. W. Yorks Regt. (Pioneers)
France, June 19 16. Served with Contingent Apr.

1912 July 1915.
Sept. 1915.
O.C. Contingent Sept. 1914
Died of wounds 30/10/16.

VASEY, Maj. G. H. Capt. Served with Contingent

June 1909 —
Dec. 1914. Capt. (S.R.) 29/12/14, 3rd
Bn. Dorset Regt. France 1915, with either ist or
2nd Bn. Invahded home, enteritis, since serving in
India. Act.-Maj. 1918.

I 6
BRIGHT, Lieut. W. J. Temp. 2nd
Lieut. 2nd Lieut
R F A. (S.R.) 7/4/16. Served in India and
Mesopotamia. Served with Contingent from 5151^5—

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MEAD Capt. G. F.
C. Capt. Gazetted 2nd Lieut.
18/8/14. Temp.
Lieut. 13/6/15- O.C. Contingent

July 1915 Mar. 1919. Temp. Capt. 6/12/18. Sub-
stantive Captain 27/3/19.

BECK, Lieut. H. M. Temp. Lieut. Gazetted 2nd

Lieut. 1 4/2/15. Promoted Temp. Lieut. 28/10/15.
Resigned commission 26/1/18.

ENGLISH, 2nd Lieut. F.H. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Date

of rank 9/8/15. Resigned commission 1/11/18.
Reinstated 3/2/19.

ALLSOP, 2nd Lieut. B. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Date of

rank 2(2 jit. Resigned commission 17/1/19.

WEBBER, 2nd Lieut. A. C. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Date

of rank3i/5/i6.

GREEN, 2nd Lieut. W. 2nd Lieut. Date of rank 1 7/8/1 7.

Transferred from Royal Grammar School, Worcester,
O.T.C, 15/5/18.


HACKING, Capt. E. M. Enlisted in a PubUc Schools Bn.

Sept. 1914. Gazetted to Sherwood Foresters Oct.
1914. France 1915 wounded ; transferred Rifle

Brigade. Egypt since 191 7.

DICE, 2nd Lieut. N. B. Enlisted in 6th Mddx. Regt.

(T.F.) Dec. 1914. France Nov. 1915. Lance-Corpl.
Officers' Cadet Bn, Gailes, Ayrshire. Gazetted 6th
Bn. Mddx. Regt. (T.F.) Aug. 1916. Transferred to
13th (S.) Bn. Mddx. Regt. France 1916-17. Killed
in action 28/4/17.


TYLER, Capt. H. G. Capt. O.C. Contingent Oct. 1908—

Sept. 191 1. 2nd Lieut., 3rd (attd. 2nd) Bn. Mon-
mouthshire Regt. 5/8/14. Capt. 2/10/14. France

KNIGHT-ADKIN, Capt. J. H. Lieut. O.C. Contingent

Oct. 191 1 —Dec. 1912. Transferred to Imperial
Service College O.T.C, Windsor, as O.C. Contingent
Feb. 1913. Lieut. 4th (attd. ist) Bn. Gloucs. Regt.
5/8/14. France 1915-17. Twice wounded.

COCKEY, Capt. C. E. E. 2nd Lieut. O.C. Contingent

30/1/13 — 27/1 1/14. Temp. 2nd Lieut, nth (Service)
Bn. Devonshire Regt. 27/I1/14. Transferred to 3rd
Bn. Spec. Res. 1915. —
France, May Nov. 1915.
Salonika (attd. 2nd Bn. Gloucs. Regt.) Nov. 191 5
Jan. 1919. Lieut. 20/7/17. Capt. 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

GILLETT, Lieut. G. H. Lieut, O.C. Contingent since



NAPIER, 2nd Lieut. G. S. Enlisted 14th (County of

London) Bn. The London Regt. (London Scottish)
1/8/15. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 30/10/15. France 9/6/16
Apr. 191 7. Invalided out of the service owing to ill-
health. Re-enlisted as Pioneer R.E. Jan. 1918.
Wounded in France May 191 8.

FINCH, 2nd Lieut. G. EnUsted R.G.A. Aug. 1916.

Temp. 2n4 Lieut. 1917. Italy 1917.


iU BARNETT, Rev. H. A. Capt. R. Army Chaplain's

Dept., 4th Class, 14/11/14 (Temp. France Jan. 1915 ;
subsequently Salonika, German E. Africa and N.
Russia. O.C. Contingent 20/9/12— 14/11/14 (H.)

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MAWSON, Rev. R. L. Capt. Capt., Unattd. List

(T.F.) 27/3/19. O.C. Contingent since 14/11/14.

MADDOX, Rev. J. D. Temp. Lieut. Temp. Lieut.,

Unattd. List (T.F.) 6/6/17.

MARWOOD, Rev. R. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut., Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 17/8/17.


^ DAWES, Rev. W. S. R. Army Chaplain's Dept., 4th

Class, 24/10/14. Temp. 2nd Class 18/2/18. France
since 191 5. Wounded twice.

J^BRYNE, Rev. W. A. R. Army Chaplain's Dept.,

4th Class Temp. 23/1/16. France since 30/3/16.

»J< PRIMA VESI, Rev. A. F. R. Army Chaplain's

Dept., 4th Class Temp. 18/12/17. France 18/12/17
4/4/19. Attd. 99th Bde., 2nd Div., 18/12/17 12/10/18.—
1918 ;Cambrai 1918 ;

Attd. 291st Bde. R.F.A. 13/10/18 4/4/19. Bapaume
German withdrawal to
Scheldt 1918 Belgium 1918.

ALLNATT, Maj. A. E. Lieut. Roy. Innis. Fus. (S.R.)
France Aug, 1914. Sick Sept. 1914. Instr. at
Officers' Cadet Units 191 5- 18. Home Services List
J< BULKELEY. Rev. R. A. L. N. Lieut. Temp. C.F.,
4th Class.

BELL, Capt. J. W. Capt. T.F. Res. Empd. Musketry


CAVILL, W. V., M.C. und Lieut. W. York Regt.

(S.R.) France July 1916. Wounded Jan. 19 17.
M.C. June 1917. Staff Capt. i8th Inf. Bde. Apr. 1918.

CURTIS, Maj. H. R. 2nd Lieut, nth Bn. Roy. Welsh

Fus. Salonika 191 7. Killed in action.

DALZIEL, Lieut. C. 2nd Lieut. 9th Bn. Loyal N. Lanes.


DOWELL LEE. Lieut. R. W. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Dorset

Regt. (S.R.) 1915. Mesopotamia 1916. Serbian
Order White Eagle. Despatches 191 7.

HADLAND, 2nd Lieut. R. C. 2nd Lieut. 22nd Bn.

K.R.R.C. France 1917. InvaUded out 1917.

KEEP, Capt. G. R. Lieut. 3rd Bn. Roy. Sussex Regt.

(S.R.)France 1915. Sick to England. Adjt. 3rd
Bn. Roy. Sussex Regt. 191 6.

SHEPHEARD WALWYN, Lieut. R. A. Capt. 3rd Bn.

W. York Regt. (S.R.) France 1915. Sick to England.
Adjut. 3rd Bn. 1916-17. France 1917. Sick to
England 191 8. R.A.F. France 191 8.

TINDALL, Capt. A. S. F. Lieut. K.R.R.C. 1916. R.A.F.


NORMAN, Capt. C. W. 2nd Lieut. Leics. Regt.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SMITH, Capt. A. H. T. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

WILSON, Lieut. T. E. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

FRANCIS, Lieut. G. T. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


ADAMS, 2nd Lieut. E. Roy. War. Regt. Retired List.

Invalided. Wounded 1917-

BEVAN, Lieut. A. E. ist Bn. Norfolk Regt. Wounded

1914. Instr. M.G. School, Grantham.

COUTTS, 2nd Lieut. N. V. gth Bn. E. Surrey Regt.

Wounded and missing 25/9/15.

CURTIS, Lieut. S. W. R.F.A.

DOWNING, H. J. Naval Schoolmaster 1916-18.

DUBUIS, Capt. H. F. nth Bn. Roy. Welsh Fus. France

1915. Salonika 1916. War Office 1918.

ENOCH, Capt. A. J. Notts, and Derby Regt. and Tank

Corps. Despatches.

FOSTER, Lieut. R. C. Baganda Rifles. Uganda.

HAMPTON, 2nd Lieut. W. O. 3rd Bn. Norfolk Regt.

Attd. loth M.G.C. Killed in action 1/7/16.

LINE, Corp. W. R. A. 14th Bn. Roy. War. Regt.

OLDHAM, Pte. J. H. 28th Bn. Roy. Fus. Retired List.

Invahded. Wounded 191 7.

WELLS, Spr. A. P. R.E. Special Coy. (Gas Service).

HENDERSON, Lieut. R. M. Northumberland Fus. and


MELLERSH, Lieut. E. L. R.G.A.

ATTHILL, Maj. G. Du S. 4th Bn. Hants. Regt.

^ BURNE. Rev. R. V. H. Temp. C.F., 4th Class.

4< STREAT, Rev. C. Temp. C.F. 4th Class.

TESCH, C.S.M. L. R., M.S.M. 23rd Bn. London Regt.

(T.F.) 1914 Star. M.S.M.


»J< COLLINGRIDGE, Rev. E. C. Lieut. Temp. C.F.

4th Class France.

^ KETTERER. Rev. F. Quariermaster . Temp. C.F.

4th Class France.

^TEMPEST, Rev. A. Lieut. Temp. C.F. 4th Class


^ MONTAGU, Rev. W. P. Lieut. Temp. C.F. 4th Class

France. Died of wounds 31/10/18.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MAYO, Capt. E. A. Capt. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

O.C. Contingent.

CULLINAN, Lieut. P. J. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List


MALONE, 2nd Lieut. B. A. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut

Unattd. List (T.F.)


BUCKLEY, Lieut. P. K. Lieut. K.O.Y.L.I. (Sergt.

in College O.T.C.)

>J< BLAKE, Rev. B. Temp. C.F. 4th Class France.

>J< BRAND, Rev. W. Temp. C.F. 4th Class France.

>J< CAMPBELL, Rev. N. Temp. C.F. 4th Class France.


Temp. C.F. 4th Class France. Died

^ CAREY, Rev. T.
of sickness in 35th General Hospital Calais 24/2/19.

>lA ROBERTS, Rev. S. Temp. C.F. 4th Class France.

J< ROCKLIFF. Rev. E. Temp. C.F. 4th Class France.

!< WOODLOCK, Rev. F., MX. Temp. C.F. 4th Class


FLOWER, Sergt. A. Sergt. in The Buffs. Since joined

an Offr. Cdt. Bn.


>J< PERRY, Rev. H. C. (C. of E.) (4th

Class). Attd. 2/7th W. Yorks
Regt. 4/1/17 pro- ;

ceeded to France with 62nd Div. 8/1/17. Transferred

to 62nd Div. R.A. (attd. to 310th Bde. R.F.A.)
6/1 /i 8. Transferred to ist Bde. R.A.F. in France
22/7/18, BuUecourt 1917. Cambrai 1917. Around
Bucquoy and Hebuterne 1918. Rheims 19 18. Re-
turned to England and demobilised 6/1/19.

DAVID, 2nd Lieut. H. L. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Garr.

Bn. Roy. Welsh Fus. 21/8/17. Left U.K. 7/1/18 for
India. Attd. 23rd Rifle Bde. Multan and Bareilly.
Appointed A. P.M. Dalhousie (Acting Capt.) 19/8/18.
DemobiUsed 28/2/19.

FARNELL, Lieut. H. L. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Beds.

Regt. 15/7/15- Transferred to General List ; France
22/1 1/16. Censor Duties (Base) 22/1 1/16 17/3/17.
Attd. IntelUgence, Fourth Army H.Q., 17/3/17

28/12/17. Promoted Temp. Lieut. 30/5/17. Attd.
Intelligence, G.H.Q., France, 28/12/17—5/1/19. Ger-
man Press Censor, British Army of the Rhine, 5/1/19
(still serving).

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SYMONDS, Capt. N. P. Temp. Capt. O.C. Contingent.

GARRETT, Capt. R. J. C. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List


SEWELL, Capt. F. A. S. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List


BATTERBURY, Lieut. T. K. E. Temp. Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)

ATCHISON, Lieut. G. T. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List


ASKWITH, Lieut. W. M. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List


HENDERSON, Lieut. H. E. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List


STEPHENSON, 2nd Lieut. J. L. I. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.)


HUDSON, Capt. C. H. Lieut. Transferred to 6th Bn.
Seaforth Highrs. 11/11/14. France, with 51st Div.,
1/5/15. Act.-Capt. 16/5/16. M.C. 3/1/18. 1914-15
Star. Wounded 1 1/4/18. Capt. June 1918.
Retained for service with O.T.C.

JARRATT, Capt. F. L. Capt. Capt. 9/10/11.

LANGDON, Lieut. P. G. Lieut. Lieut. 9/10/11.

CARR, 2nd Lieut. F. G. P. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

— —


WEST. 2nd Lieut. G. H. Artists' Rifles O.T.C. July 1918.

2nd Lieut. R.G.A. Jan. 1919.

WEST, 2nd Lieut. E. L. Mddx. Regt. 191 6. 2nd Lieut.

Royal Fus. 26/4/17.

PECK. Co. Sergt. -Major W. H. Army Gymnastic Staff

Aug. 1914 Mar. 1919.

BLACKBURN, Sergt. P. G. R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. May

1916 — Jan. 1919.

CRANE, Pte. H. E. Roy. Fus., Sportsmen's Bn. Died of

wounds 1 91 6.


HOPKINS, Maj. T. H. C. Maj. T.D. (H.) Temp. Capt.

18th (S.) Bn. Notts, and Derby Regt. 26/2/16—
31/3/16; 13th (S.) York Regt. 1/4/16, 40th Div.
France, June 1916 Oct. 1916.— Sick Oct. 1916
Dec. 1916. Instr. No. 13 O.C.B. 29/12/16 16/9/18. —
Coy. Comdr. 1 7/9/18 ig/ijig. O.C. Contingent
29/3/19- Capt. 1913-16.

BAVIN, Maj. J. T. 2nd Lieut. 1913-14. Temp. Lieut,

loth (2nd R.) Bn. Norfolk Regt. 5/11/14. Temp.
Capt. 30/T2/14. Adjt. May 191 5. Transferred to
nth (S.) Bn. The Queen's (R.W.S.) Regt. 28/12/15.
Adjt. i2th (R.) Bn. 10/3/16. Act. -Maj. and 2nd-in-c.
97th Training Res. Bn. 1/9/16. Attd. 51st Bn.
Mddx. Regt. as 2nd-in-c. Dec. 191 7. Bde. Education
Officer Mar. 1918. Bde. Education Officer, 64th Div.,
Nov. 1 91 8. Home Services List 191 7.

SCOTT, Capt. W. 2nd Lieut. 1914-15. Temp. 2nd Lieut.
i8th (S.) Bn.Notts. and Derby Regt. 26/2/16 31/3/16.
13th (S.) Bn. Yorks Regt. 1/4/16, 40th Div. Temp.

Capt. 1 5/5/17. France, June 1916 Mar. 1918. —

Attd. 51st Bn. Leic. Regt. Mar. Oct. 1918. De-

DAVIS, Capt. E. G. Lieut. 1913-14. Lieut. 8th Bn. Essex

(T.F.) 22/5/12. Capt. and Adjt, 8th Bn. Essex Regt.
(T.F.) 23/9/14. Adjt. 2/8th Bn. War. Regt. (T.F.)
1916. France 1916 (gassed), attd. 4th and 15th Bns.
Essex Regt. (T.F.)

>^ CRAGG, Rev. R. H. ^h Class Chaplain {T.F.) 1916-18.

Temp. Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class. Mesopo-
tamia 1918 ; Russia 1919.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

PARSONS, Maj. J. T.D. Maj. 1911-19. O.C. Con-

tingent to Mar. 1919. Territorial Decoration. Home
Services List.

HERBERT, Capt. H. B. Capt. 1911-19. Unattd. List

(T.F.) (H.)

THOMPSON, Capt. A. R. Lieut. 1914. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Capt. 1919.

COX, Lieut. C. M. Capt. 1919. Unattd. List (T.F.)

HILL, 2nd Lieut. A. T. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

MORGAN, 2nd Lieut. J. S. 2nd Lieut.


BAKER, Capt. A. S. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Suffolk Regt.

24/10/16. Act.-Capt. 23/8/17. Lieut. 24/4/18.

France Nov. 1916 Apr. 1918, with 2nd Bn. Suffolk
Regt., Assist. Adjt.


BATES, 2nd Lieut. S. F. Rifle Bde. 2nd Lieut. Dec.

1916. EnUsted in Queen's (R.W.S.) Served in India.

COOMBS, R.G.A., 2nd Lieut. Jan.

Maj. A. G., D.S.O.
1915. Lieut. June Act.-Capt. May 1917.
Act.-Maj. Oct. 1917. Served in France May 1916
Sept. 1918. D.S.O. 1918. Belgian Croix de Guerre.

DALE, Pte. F. H.A.C., Sept. 1917- With ist Bn. H.A.C.

in France July 1918 —
Jan. 1919.

LEGH, Capt. A. H.. M.C. Inns of Court O.T.C., Jan. 1916.

France, as Intelligence Officer, with ist Bn. Cheshire
Regt. Lieut. 5/2/18, and Assist. Instr. with British
MiUtary Mission in U.S.A. Special appt., CI. II.,
6/12/18. M.C.

LUMBY, Lieut. C. D. R. Inns of Court O.T.C. 2nd

Lieut. Manch. Regt. Sept. 1915. Wounded in

)^ FELLING, Rev. S. B. Temp. C.F., 4th Class, Sept.

1914. Temp. C.F., 3rd Class, Oct. 1916. Despatches.

RAWES, Lieut. P. L. Lieut. A.S.C. Dec. 1915. In

Officer with Portuguese Exp. Force.

France with A.S.C. Apr. 1916 Jan. 1919. Liaison
Order of Aviz
(Portugal). Despatches.

WILLIAMSON, 2nd Lieut. A. 2nd Lieut. Suffolk Regt.

Jan. 1915. Killed in action France Jan. 1916.

WILKINSON, 2nd Lieut. H. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Mar.

191 7. France.

CHILD, Capt. A., M.C. Capt. London Regt. France
1918. M.C.

ALLEN, Lieut. C. Lieut. (Instructing Officer at an

O.C.B. three years.) France. Capt.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SMITH, Capt. L. E. Capt. O.C. Contingent Jan. 1916—

Aug. 1918.

JACOB, Lieut. LI. Lieut. Sept. 1915 —Aug. 1919.

O.C. Contingent since Sept. 1918,

HOOLE, B. 2nd Lieut. (Attd.) Sept. 1918.


PASTFIELD, Lieut. G. Killed in action. France.

NUTTALL, 2nd Lieut. J. M.G.C. Killed in action.


ALEXANDER, J. S. Pte. Wounded. France.

ATKIN, Lieut. J. M. Lieut. 3rd Bn. Sher. For. (S.R.)
France. Killed in action Oct. 1914.

FOBMAN, 2nd Lieut. F. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Dorset

Regt. (S.R.) 2nd Lieut. July 1915. France. Killed
in action July 1916.

STURMER, 2nd Class A.M. L. P. R. 2nd Lieut. Air

Mechanic, R.A.F. France.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SEWELL, Capt. W. G. Capt. O.C. Contingent

Oct. 1908—present time. (H.)

TIPLADY, 2nd Lieut. H. 2nd Lieut. Died from appendi-

citis Sept. 1914.

BARRACLOUGH, 2nd Lieut. A. 2nd Lieut. Sept. 191 7—

present time.



ROGERS. 2nd Lieut. A. H. France. Advance on

Miraumont and Achiet le Petit 1916-17. Ypres

Nov. 1 91 7 Apr. 1918. Battle of Wychaete 25/4/18.
Ypres. Vlamertinghe June— July 191 8. Lens July—
Aug. 1918. Geronne Sept. 1918. Kemmel. Menen
Oct. 1918. St. Genois Nov. 1918, In France with
8th Northumberland Fus.. nth Div., Dec. 1916
April 17 ; —
Nov. 191 7 July 191 8 with i/7th W. Yorks,
49th Div. ; —
July 1918 Jan. 1919 with No. 4 Special
(Mortar) Coy. R.E. Gazetted 25/9/17. Demobilised

TYSON, 2nd Lieut. R. Gazetted 1 5/3/15 3rd Bn. Dorset

Regt. Wounded in France Sept. 1916. Transferred to

LITTLE. Lieut. E. W. France. 3rd battle of Ypres

(July —Dec. 191 7), 4th battle of Ypres, and battle of
Cambrai 1918. 217th Siege Battle, R.G.A., 31/7/17
2/1/19. Gazetted 10/6/17. DemobiUsed 2/1/19.

KERR, Lieut. H. J. A. 3rd Dorset Regt. 10/6/17. Salonika

and France with 5th Bn. K.R.R.C. Gazetted June

ALLEN. Corpl. V. B. Pte., 6th Bn. Wilts. Regt. France,

Feb. 1916 —Feb. 1917 Feb. 1917 —
Dec. 1918 A.P.C.

LAWRENCE, L.-Corpl. F. W. Mesopotamia in R.A.O.C,

26/8/17 — 1/2/19. Demobilised 18/3/19.


CLARK, Maj. G. M. Capt. 6th (S.) Bn. Northampton-

shire Regt., Apr. 191 5. Despatches. Battle of the
Somme. Killed in action 14/7/16.

BLAKE, Capt. G. P. Capt. loth (S.) Bn. Roy. Welsh
Fus., Jan. 1915. Battle of the Somme. Killed in
action 21/7/16.

ROBERTS, Maj.F.W. Lieut. 6th (S.)Bn. Northampton-

shire Regt., Apr. 1915. Battles of the Somme, Arras,
3rd Ypres. Company Officer, R.M.C., Sandhurst,
Jan. 1918.

POOLE, Maj. R. H. 2nd Lieut. Special Companies, R.E.

July 1915. Attd. A.O.D. Mar. 1916. At G.H.Q.,

France, Dec. 1916 Mar. 1919.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SILLS, Maj. T. B. Maj. O.C. Contingent Sept. 1913—

Nov. 1918. Died 19/11/18. (H.)

SHERA, Capt. F. H. Temp. Capt. Transferred to Mal-

vern College O.T.C. Sept. 1916.

WATHEN, Capt. A. R. Capt. O.C. Contingent since

Nov. 1918.

CHINNECK Lieut. S. T. E. Temp. Lieut.

TOLLEMACHE, Lieut. L. de O. Temp. Lieut.

HODGSON, 2nd Lieut. E. 2nd Lieut. Transferred to

Sherborne School O.T.C. 1917.


SHEPPARD, Maj. G., M.C. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A., 1915.

France. M.C. 19/11/17. Temp. Maj.

CRICHTON, H. T. Assist. Paymaster, R.N.R., 19 14.

InvaUded out of the Service Apr. 191 5.


BBOAOBENT, 2nd Lieut. C. H. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) Nov. 1914. Posted to 4th Bn.
K.O.Y.L.L (T.F.) (2nd Lieut.) Aug. 1915. France
Sept. 1915. Accidental!}^ killed 1/3/16 (by prema-
ture explosion of bomb when acting as Bn. Bombing

Retained for service with O.T.C.

JONES, Lieut. Ellis. Lietd. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Nov. 1914. Served with Contingent from
thence onwards. Lieut. July 1916. O.C. Contingent
Aug. 1917.

SMITH, 2nd Lieut. L. L. 2nd Lieut. Sergt. in Contin-

gent Nov. 1914. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)
Oct. 191 5. With Contingent. Since commissioned.

WYKES, Lieut. P. H. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Nov. 1914. Lieut. June 1916. Resigned
Aug. 1917.


MORRIS, Pte. G. W. 2nd Bn. Artists' Rifles.

LLOYD, Pte. R. A.S.C. 2nd Advd. M.T. Depot, 365th

Coy. France. Died of pneumonia after returning
from France 20/2/19.

DICKINSON, Asst.-Paymaster P. P. R.N.V.R.

BONNE, Interpreter C. L. A. French Army. French

Mission, France.

BENDALL, Lieut,-Col. F. W. D., C.M.G. (H). Capt.
O.C. Contingent 1910-1914 and at present. Pro-
moted Temp. Lieut. -Col. Sept. 19 14. Appointed to
raise and command 2/3rd Bn. London Regt. (T.F.)

Service abroad Malta, Dec. 1914 April 1915 the


Sudan, Apr. 1915 Aug. 1915. O.C. British Troops,

Khartoum. Gallipoli, Suvla Bay, Sept. 1915 evacua-

tion with 29th Div. Invalided home (frostbite)
Jan. 1916. France, July 1916, 56th Div. Commanded
8th Bn. Mddx. Regt. (T.F.) Battles of Somme,
second battle of Arras, third battle of Ypres.
Substantive Lieut. -Col. Mar. 1917. Despatches
(twice) 1917. Severely wounded 16/8/17. C.M.G.
i/i/iS. Passed for Home Service 22/5/18, and
so employed June 1918 —April 1919. Relinquished
commission through ill-health caused by wounds
24/4/19, retaining rank of Lieut.-Col. Re-gazetted to
Unattached List (T.F.) to command BridUngton
School O.T.C. May 1919 as Capt. O.T.C. (Lieut.-Col.,

BLAGBROUGH, Maj. G. S.. E. Yorks Regt. Lieut.

Capt. i6th Bn. W. Yorks Regt. Sept. 1914. Egypt
1915-16. Regular commission in E. Yorks Regt.
1916. France 1916. Maj., March 1916. Killed in
action near Hebuteme Dec. 1916.

FARROW, Lieut. B. A., R.G.A. Lieut. 2nd Lieut.,

Unattd. List (T.F.), 1914. Transferred to R.G.A.
(Spec. Res.), Mar. 1916. Lieut. R.G.A. Sept.
1917. Acting Capt., June 1917. Palestine 1917-18.
Battles of Gaza, Jaffa, Rafat, and final advance.
Returned to England Dec. 191 8. Demobilised Feb.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

STENNER, Capt. C. L. R. Lieut. O.C. Contingent

1914-18. Transferred from O.T.C. to M.T., A.S.C.,
1918. Returned to O.T.C. owing to ill-health 1919.
Relinquished commission 191 9.

17 c
REEVE, G. T. 2vd Lieut. Resigned commission on Un-
attached List (T.F.) to train as cadet for R.G. A. Aug.
1918. Discharged from training Dec. 1918.

HOUSEMAN, Lieut. J. B. Lieut. Commission in O.T.C.

1915. —
O.C. Contingent Apr. 1918 Apr. 1919.


HITCHINGS, Capt. O. T., O.B.E. Commission Mar. 1916

as Censor. Intelligence Staff, Oct. 1916. France, on
Intelligence Staff 1916-18. Despatches 1917. O.B.E.

TINSLEY. Capt. R. P. 2nd Lieut. 7th Bn. Mddx. Regt.

(T.F.) 1916. Attd. Trench Mortar Battery. France
1918. Wounded June 1918.

BELCHER, Capt. G., M.C. Lieut. {Seconded) Lieut.
3rd Berks. (S.R.) 26/2/12. France, ist Berks.
Sept. 1914. Temp. Capt. 10/3/15. Battles of Ypres
and Festubert. Despatches 14/1/15. M.C. 18/2/15.
Killed in action at Festubert 1 6/5/1 5.

CARLILE, Capt. C. Lieut. Lieut. 3rd Bn. Roy. Scots

(S.R.) Dec. 1914, Temp. Capt. 1/6/15. France
(ist Bn. Roy. Scots).

HOFFMEISTER, Capt. C. E. Lieiit. Pte. H.A.C. Aug.

1914- 2nd Lieut. 7th (S.) Bn. Dorset Regt. 23/3/15.
I2th (S.) Bn. South Wales Borderers May 1915. Capt.
June 1915. DemobiHsed 28/1/19. Seriously wounded
12/8/16. France Sept. 1 9 14 —
Mar. 1915. June 1916

Aug. 1916. Aug. 1917 Sept. 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BELCHER, Maj. A. H. Maj. O.C. Contingent.

HETT, Capt. W. S. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)


CORBETT, Lieut. A. L. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

BENNETT, Lieut. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


FLYNN, Maj. T. H. 2nd Lieut, ist Home Counties'

Brigade R.F.A. (T.F.) 3/4/12. Embodied 4/8/14.
Capt. 4/9/15. Act.-Maj. 10/10/17. Mesopotamia
Nov. 1915 — July 1916. France since May 1917.

qi BROWN. Rev. W. H. Temp. C.F., 4th Class. 9/9/15-

Relinquished commission 22/4/19. France 5/1 2/1 5
Div., 5th Brigade, Feb. 1916 Feb. 1917-
Germany 10/12/18 5/4/19. Attd. 2nd

July 1917 Dec. 1917.

CCS. Feb. 1917 July 1917. 55th Gen. Hospital
2nd Div., 6th Brigade,

June 1918 Apr. 1919.

ROBINSON, J. H. Joined R.G.A. 24/4/17. Bombardier

16/9/17. France. 434th Siege Battery, July 1917
Oct. 1917. Discharged 7/11/18.

PEARCE, Capt. H. K. Lieut. loth Bn. London Regt.

(T.F.) 21/2/15. Temp. Capt. 6/8/i6. Substantive
Capt. June 1917. France. Jan. 1917 June 1917. —
Instr. No. 4 Offr, Cdt. Bn. (Oxford), Aug. 1917. Attd.
R.F.C 7/11/17. Capt. R.A.F. 1/4/18. Still serving.

DODD, Lieut. B. F. 2nd Lieut. loth (S.) Bn. E. Surrey

Regt. 14/5/16. France. Transferred to Indian
Army 107th Pioneers 11/9/ 18,


LEWIS. Capt. W. Capt. 4th Bn. Glouc. Regt. France

1914-16. England 1916-18. Depot 4th Glos. O.C

Retained for service with O.T.C.

PARKER, Capt. H. A. M. Capt. O. C. Contingent


LEIGHTON, Lieut. W. Lieut. 1914-18.

COLLINS, 2nd Lieut. W. R. 2nd Lieut. 1916-18.


OAKFORD, Bdr. S. C, R.F.A. India 1914-17. Mesopo-

tamia 191 7-1 8. Died Mesopotamia 1919-

CHICOTEAU, Corpl. C, Interpreter. France 1914-17.

With French Army 1914-15, Regt. Tel. Interpreter
wath British Army 191 6 and 191 7. Medaille Militaire
Aug. 1915-

TURNER. Lieut. L. V.. R.G.A. (S.R.) Gazetted July

1916. Salonika 1917 —
18 with 95th A. A. Section.
Despatches Feb. 1919. On Struma Front with 8oth

and 82nd Bde. Oct. 1917 Oct. 1918. Disembodied
Mar. 1919.

BURKITT, Lieut. F.. R.G.A. (S.R.) Pte. 15th Bn. Glos.

Regt., England June —
Aug. 1916. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A.
12/10/16. Salonika 153rd Heavy Battery, i6th

Corps, Dec. 1916 Dec. 1918. Struma River Dec.

1916 July 1918. Vardar River July 1918 Nov. —

BRIDGE, Pte. R. S. Artists' Rifles O.T.C.

CAUDWELL, Lieut. L. V. 4/7th Bn. E, Surrey Regt.

12th Div., France, Dec. 1916 Mar. 1917,
Depot, Ireland, 191 7. Command Depot,

Sutton Coldfield, 1917-18. Ministry of LaboungiS-ig.

PHILLIPS, Capt. C. W. Pte. 21st t(..P. (Public
Schools Bde.), Sept. —
1914 Apr. 1915. Lieut.
12/4/18. —
Education Instr. Feb. June 1919, Bristol
Area. 2nd Lieut. 9th, attd. 3rd, Bn. Oxf. and Bucks.
Light Inf. 20/5/15. Posted to 6th Bn. Oxf. and Bucks.
Light Inf., France, Apr. 1916 served till Bn. was

disbanded, Feb. 191 8 transferred to 2/4th Bn.


Lieut. 5/2/16. Act.-Capt. Nov. 191 7. Education

Officer, 6ist Div., France, 19/3/18
mobilised g/2/19. Capt. (Temp.) 19/3/18.
9/2/19. De-—


McFARLANE-GRIEVE, Lieut. R. W. 2nd Lieut. The

Black Watch (S.R.) M.C. Wounded 1916. Meso-
potamia and France.

FARR, Instr.-Lieut. H. F. 2nd Lieut. Royal Navy.

Salonika 1916. Attached R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

ICELY, Capt. H. E. M. Capt. O.C. Contingent until


SMITH, 2nd Lieut. J. G. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)

BURNELL, 2nd Lieut. I. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.)


WHITTALL, Capt. F. J. G., M.C. Manchester Regt.

France 1915-16. M.C. Wounded Somme 1916.

RHYS, Lieut. B. R.N.V.R. North Sea 1916-17 and


BAINES, 2nd Lieut. W. R.G.A. France 1917-18.

HENDRIE. Capt. H. A. Lieut. France May 1915, 19th
Manch. Regt. Transferred to 90th Trench Mortar
Battery. Taken prisoner Apr. 191 8 at St. Quentin.
Temp. Capt. Demobilised Dec. 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SPIVEY, Capt. J.H. Capt. O.C. Contingent. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 11/4/12.

SLEIGH, Lieut. J. H. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 30/7/09.

WOODD, Lieut. G. N. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) 28/7/16.


BEDDOW, Capt. J. F. H. Capt. ^j^th Bn. Essex Regt.
Killed in action, Gaza 191 7.

DAVIES, Capt. F. L. C. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. German

East Africa 191 5- 18.


McINNES, 2nd Lieut. W. M. 8th Bn. Wilts. Regt. (T.F.)

Killed in action at Kut 191 6.

SLOMAN, Capt. H. R.A.S.C.

THORNTON, Air Mech. G. P. R.A.F. Served from


WRIGHT, Pnr. C. E. Special Bde. R.E. ; later on

Research Work, Woolwich Arsenal.

WALL, Capt. T.. M.C. R.G.A. StafE Capt. M.C.

LOGAN-RAMSEY, Lieut. H. Gnr., R.G.A.. 12/12/ 15.

2nd Lieut. R.A.S.C. 21/12/16. Lieut. 21/6/18. India,
Africa and Egypt 31/4/17 —
7/1 2/1 8.
of the Service owing to ill-health 19 19.
Invalided out

HAMBLETON, Dk. Hand F. G. R.N.R. (T.) 2/7/15—

12/7/16. Invahded out of the service owing to ill-

HARVEY, Pte. F. E. E. Pte. Artists' Rifles (2nd Bn.)

191 7. Temp. 2ndLieut. Lab. Corps. Transferred
I /5thHunts. Cyclists (T.F.) Seconded to Lab.
Corps 4/12/18. France Nov. 1918 Apr. 1919. —
MOWTON, L.-Cpl. W. E. L.-Corpl. Suffolk Yeomanry.
Palestine Mar. 191 7 —Sept. 191 8. France Sept.

1918 Oct. 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SUMNER, 2nd Lieut. E. J.


CHASE, Capt. C. D., M.C. Served as Capt. i6th
(S.) Bn. Roy. Irish 36th (Ulster) Div. from
1/10/15 —
1/11/17 in France and Belgium. From
1/11/17 —
28/6/18 attd. to Staff (France and Belgium).
Temp. Capt. 8/12/14. ReUnquished commission
1/2/19. Despatches May 1917. M.C. 1/1/18.

MADDEN, Capt. W. H. 2nd Lieut. Served as Capt. i6th

(S.)Bn. Roy. Irish Rifles, 36th (Ulster) Div. in France

and Belgium from 1/10/15 24/3/18. Present at the
Somme (1916), Messines and Ypres (1/9/17), Cambrai
(1917), and St. Quentin (1918). Temp. Capt. 8/12/14.
Killed in action at St. Quentin 24/3/18.

tietained for service with O.T.C.

MACFARLAND. Capt. R. A. H. Temp. Capt. O.C.

Contingent since 19 14. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List
(T.F.) 4/5/15.

HARPER, Lieut. V. M. Temp. Lieut. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 25/3/16. Temp. Lieut. 24/5/18.


KEMBLE, Lieut.-Col. H. H., D.S.O., M.C. Capt. Officer

Commanding 23rd Bn. London Regt. (T.F.) D.S.O.,
M.C. Temp. Lieut.-Col. Killed in action 7/6/17.

THOMPSON, Capt. H. F. Capt. Rifle Bde. Temp. Capt.

Killed in action 1 2/7/1 6.

GABAIN, Capt. W. G. M.C. Capt. Rifle Bde. M.C.

Temp. Capt. Reported missing.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SMART, Lieut.-Col. F. W. B.. T.D. Maj. O.C. Con-

tingent, 1908-1919. Home Service List 13/8/ 18.
Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1/1/19. Territorial Decoration.

IRVINE, Capt. A. L. Capt. Unattd List (T.F.) Apr.

1913 (H).

CHIGNFXL, Lieut. N. J. Lieut. Unattd List (T F )

28/12/14 (H).

NAYLER, 2nd Lieut. W. A. 2nd Lieut. Unattd List

(T.F.) 22/7/15 (H).

LAKE, 2nd Lieut. E. D. C. 2nd Lieut. Unattd List

(T.F.) 5/1/16.


THOMSON, Maj. J. C, M.C. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.)

17/12/15. France 20/7/16. O.C. 20th Siege Bty.
R.G.A. -/11/17. M.C. -/4/18. Despatches : -/5/1 7,
-/6/18, -/12/18. Wounded -/4/18.

WILLETT, Lieut. B. H. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.)

17/12/15. France 25/7/16. Attd. Sound Ranging
R.E. 7/2/18. Wounded 21/4/17. Home Service
1/9/ 17. —
France 7/2/18 25/10/18. Demobilised

MALLORY, Lieut. G. H. L. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.)

17/12/15. France 3/4/16. Invalided home 10/4/17.

Home Service 10/4/17 21/9/18. France 21/9/18.

PORTER, Pte. F. S. i/5th E. Yorks Regt. 24/8/18.

Home Service.

ROUND, L.-Corpl. F. H. 2nd Artists' Rifles O.T.C.

1/2/18. Home Service. Demobilised 15/1/19.

>J< ALLEN, Rev. L. J. Naval Chaplam 1/1/16 —28/1/19.

FLETCHER, Lieut. P. C, M.C. 42nd (E. Lanes.) Div.
Signal Coy. R.E., (T.F.) Commissioned 12/9/14, i/5th
Bn. Manch. Regt. (Bn. Signal Officer). Transferred to
42nd Div. Signal Coy. R.E. 1/5/15. Lieut. 1/6/16.
M.C. 1/1/19. Wounded Galhpoli May 1915. Service
overseas with 42nd Div


GallipoH 3/5/15 28/5/15. Egypt and Sinai Peninsula

Egypt 10/9/ 14 3 1/4/ 15.

10/1/16 —
22/2/17. France 1/3/17 16/10/18. — Now
T.F. Reserve. Details of service Bn. Signal Officer,

Inf. Bde. Signal Officer, No. i Section Signal Officer,

Wireless and Visual Officer. Demobilised 16/10/18.

PEARSON, Col. R. F. O.C. Contingent prior to
418/1^. To Army Adjt. Base Depot
Stafi 4/8/14.
Havre, Sept. 1914. O.C. Devon and Cornwall Prov.
Bn. 1915. O.C. No. 4 Bn. M.G.C. 1916. Group
Comdr. Training Group " C." M.G.C. Training
Centre 191 7. Despatches (twice). Home Services

BYRDE, Maj. E. H. Capf. 2nd Bn. Monmouthshire

Regt. 1914. Wounded 3/5/15. Chemical Adviser,
Eastern Command, 191 6.

CROSS, Capt. S. T. Capt. 15th Sikhs, Indian Army, as

Interpreter, Sept. —
Oct. 1914. Wounded Oct. 1914.
Glos. Regt. (S.R.) Apr. 1915 —
Apr. 1916. ist Bn.
Glos. Regt. May 1916 —
Sept. 1916. Wounded.

InteUigence Corps Dec. 1916 Nov. 1917. Despatches
Dec. 1917. Staff learner, 31st Div., loth French

Army, G.S. (Int.), G.H.Q., Dec. 1917 Sept. 1918.
G.S.O. (3), 4th Div., Oct. 1918—Dec. 1918. Attd.
2nd M.G., G.H.Q., Dec. 1918.

HUNT, Capt. F. R. W. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Roy. W. Surrey

Regt. Aug. 1914. Wounded Oct. 1914, now Ordnance
College, Woolwich.

PIGG, Maj.C. H., M.C. 2nd Lieut. loth Bn. Wore. Regt.
1914. Gassed 1915. M.C. 1915. Bde.-Maj., Berk-

CRUMP, Maj. G. H. Capt. 4th Bn. Essex Regt. Meso-

potamia Apr. 1916. Invalided 1917.


BISHOP, Lieut. A. G. loth Bn. Wore. Regt. Wounded

severely 30/10/15. Despatches.

BODINGTON, Capt. P. E. 9th Bn. Warwickshire Regt.

BUTLER, Lieut. L. G. 15th Bn. Rifle Bde. Killed in

GRAY, Capt. G. 5th Bn. Lane. Fusiliers. Twice wounded.

Prisoner of war.

LLOYD-BAKER. Maj. A. B. L. 4th Oxf. and Bucks.

L.I. Staff S. Midland Bde.

REED, 2nd Lieut. H. W. T. 2nd Bn. Monmouthshire

Regt. Killed in action in France May 19 15.

REID, Capt. J. G. nth Bn. Wore. Regt. Salonika.

Killed in action Aug, 191 6.

BOND, Naval Instr. J. S. Roy. Navy; still serving.

BOWERS, Lieut. B. A. A.S.C. 3rd Cavalry Div. M.T.


DYER, Lieut. F. G. Roy. Naval Volunteer Res.

REYNOLDS, Lieut. C. E. W. Roy. Naval Res.


DELL, Lieut. R. 2,nd Lieut. Beds. Regt. and M.G.C.
Service overseas. Died of wounds 8/5/18.

NEWMAN, 2nd Lieut, J. B. -znd Lieut. Transferred to

5th Bn, (S,R.) Middx. Regt. In France and Belgium

from 23/9/17 20/1 1/17. Present at Advance on
Cambrai with i6th Bn. Middx. Regt., 29th Div.
Wounded 20/1 i/i 7. Attd. to R.A,F, 9/9/18, and
served with No, i Wing R.A,F, Cdt. Bde. as
Instructional Officer at home until demobiUsed


Retained for service with O.T.C.

WELLS, Lieut. W. D. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 9/9/15.

HEATON, 2nd Lieut. R. B. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 10/12/16.


SEYMOUR-HOSLEY, Capt. F. W. Capt. 9th Bn.

(King's Own) Scottish Borderers.

SHEARS, Capt. F. S. loth (S.) Bn. Norf. Regt.

Temp. Capt. while specially employed 15/1/18.

MONFRIES, L.-Corpl. J. D. C. Inns of Court O.T.C.

EnUsted 10/8/15. Home Service 16/8/15 30/10/16.

P.T. Reserve 31/10/16 24/7/17. Discharged 24/7/17


PUGH, R. W. B.
Sgt.-Inst. Feb. 1916. Joined 3/5th
C.L.R. Nov. 1916 went to France with R.E.,
— —
May June 191 7 Course of Intelligence
June 191 7 Armistice Interpreter in Intelli-
gence Corps. —
Armistice ^Mar. 1919 Sergt.-Instr.,
G.S. Educational Staff, G.H.Q., France.

GREEN, Maj. G., M.C. Lieut. Joined 9th Bn. Essex Regt.
Sept. 1914. May 1915-16 in France also Oct. 1916


June 1917 and July 1917 Oct. 1917 and Dec. 1917

Aug. 1918, Sept. 1918 Oct. 1918 in France. In
hospital sick : June —Aug.
191 6, Sept. Oct. 1916, —
Jun^-July 1917, Aug.— Sept.
1918. I/c Clearing
Station after being gassed on active service. M.C.
3/6/16. Capt. Dec. 1914; Maj. 6/3/17 Act.-Lieut.- ;

Col. 20/4/17— 25/5/17 and 28/4/18— 22/8/18. De-

mobilised 28/12/19.


BOABDMAN, Lieut.-Col. T. H., D.S.O. Maj. Roy. Fus.

26/10/14. France Oct. 1915-16. Lieut.-Col. 8th Roy.
Inniskilling Fus. 1916 —
Aug. 1917. Despatches 1916.
D.S.O. 1916. Killed in action 4/8/17.

EYRE, Capt. W. Capt. 1/1/14, 12th Bn. The Welsh

Regt., Gallipoli, attd. ist Lanes. Fus. Died of
wounds Aug. 1915.

FOXELL, Capt. E. W. L. Capt. Dec. 1914, 9th Bn. The

Buffs. Died in France 11/6/17.

^ ALLEN, Rev. G. K., C.F. Lieut. T./C.F. 4th Class

31/12/15. France 31/12/15 1/1/19. —
EDWARDS, Capt. A. C. W. Lieut. 9th Bn. The Welsh
Regt. Capt. 9/11/14. France July Sept. 1915. —
Severely wounded Loos, 25/9/15. No. 7 Y.O.C. Feb.

June 1916. June Oct. Western Command School of
Instruction for Infantry Officers. Attd. Western

Command H.Q. Oct. Feb. 1917. Staff Course,

Cambridge, Feb. Mar. 191 7. France Apr. May —
1917. Sick to England June 1917. Coy. Comdr. No.
16 Offr. Cdt. Bn. Aug. 1917 Feb. 1919. —
Services List.

COLEMAN, Capt. H. C, M.C. ind Lieut. 9th Bn. Roy.

Sussex Regt. France. M.C.

Retained for Service with O.T.C.

BOOTH, Capt. T. K. M. Capt. O.C. Contingent.

FORBES, Capt. J. W. F. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

BLAMIRE-BROWN, Lieut. C. Lieut. Unattd. List


PATTERSON, 2nd Lieut. R. F. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)

BUTLER, 2nd Lieut. W. G. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List



GOODWIN, Maj. H. S. Enlisted i6th Mddx. Regt.

Aug. 1914. Lieut. 22nd Roy. Fus. Oct. 1914 Capt., ;

10/10/14. France, Oct. 1915 to Feb. 1916. Wounded

Feb. 1916. Home unfit Feb. 1916 Oct. 1917. —

France Oct. 1917 Dec. 1918. 5th Army H.Q.
D.A.D.G.R. & E. Act.-Maj. May 1918.

JONES, Pte. L. B. C. Cadet, ist Res. Garr. Bn. Suffolk

Regt., Mar. 1917. Transferred 192nd Coy. R.G.C.
Aug. 1917 (6th Bn. R.G.C.) France, Jan. 1918 ^Mar. —
1918, Wounded (severely) Prisoner of war. Mar.

1918 Dec. 1918.

ROBINSON, Lieut. W. de H. 3rd Bn. Border Regt.

Killed in action on Western front Jan. 191 7.

HILL YARD, Lieut. T. G. 2nd Devon Regt. Wounded

in action France.

BOYD, Lieut.-Col. M. A., Bursar (retired list). R.E.

I/c R.E. at Aldershot.

ALLAN, 2nd Lieut. G. A. T., Steward. R.A.S.C.,


BRIGHT, Bimbashi L. L., Assistant Steward. Egyptian

Army (late Lieut. 7tli Suffolk Regt.).

RAD WELL, Maj. J. Capt. O.C. Contingent from Oct.
1905-14. i/eth Hants. Regt. Maj. 1914. India
Sept. 1914-17. Mesopotamia 1917-18.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

PIGGOTT, Capt. G. H. O. Capt. O.C. Contingent since



MATHEWS, Capt. C. E. Capt. (Substantive) K.O.Y.L.I.

and R.A.F. Wounded three times (France).

WOODS. Sub-Lieut. F. C. R.N.V.R.

HOGGARTH, 2nd Lieut. A. H. G. Border Regt.

BELSHAM, Capt. S. J., M.C. Capt. (Substantive) 5th

Bn. Mddx. Regt. (S.R.) Capt. 3/4/15. Dec. 1914—
Sept. 1915 attd. 2nd Bn. Wilts. Regt., 7th Div.,
France. —
Feb. 1916 Nov. 1918, attd. ist Mddx.
Regt., 33rd Div., France. M.C. 191 7.


DRAPER, Capt. F. W. M. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)
2/10/09— 25/9/18. M.I. I (b.) 26/9/18. Intell. E(c).

France 4/10/18 13/12/18. Disembodied 21/2/19.

O.C. Contingent Jan. 191 7 Sept. 1918 and since Mar.
1919. (H.) A.B.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SPILSBURY, Capt. A. J. Capt. O.C. Contingent

10/9/12 — 16/12/16. p.s. (H.)

CATTERMOLE. Capt. J. W. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

30/1/14 present date. Act. O.C. 26/9/18 31/12/18.
p.s. (H.)

BAYLEY, Capt. F. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.).
28/10/14 to May 1919. p.s. (H.)

BROOM, Lieut. C. G. M. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 16/12/15 to present date. p.s.

GARROD, Lieut. H. G. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

3/12/14 to May 1919. p.s.


ACTON, Lieut. R. Artists' Rifles Feb. 1916. R.G.A.

Cadet School Aug. 1916. 2nd Lieut. 20/1 1/16.
Posted 292nd Siege Battery R.G.A. 30/12/16. Pales-
tine May 1917. Transferred to 97th Bde. R.G.A.
1/5/18. Demobilised 23/2/19.

FARNELL, Pte. E. N. 2nd Bn. H.A.C. 5/4/17. France,

7th Div., 3/7/17. Italy Nov. 191 7. Wounded on
Piave 26/10/18. England 3/12/18. Demobilised

FFRENCH, Lieut.-Col. W. K. P., M.C. S. Wales Bords.

Gallipoli. Adjt. Brevet-Maj. Despatches. M.C.
Staff College. Temp. Lieut.-Col., G.S. Cologne.

PENN, 2nd Lieut. C. D. Artists' Rifles Aug. 1918.

R.G.A. Cadet School Nov. 1918. Gazetted Apr. 1919.

TROUBRIDGE, Sergt. J. L. R.G.A. France 2/9/16—

2/3/19. DemobiUsed Mar. 1919.

RAYMER, Lieut.-Col. R. C.M.G., D.S.O.
R., Maj.
Commanding Contingent —
Jan. 1913 Aug, 1914.
Maj. 2nd Bn. Roy, Militia of Jersey 1910-14. S.
Africa 1901-2. Queen's Medal with 5 Clasps. Maj.
5th Bn. S. Staffs. Regt. Oct. 1914 Feb. 1915.—
Lieut.-Col. Commanding 5th Bn. S. Staffs. Regt. since
Feb. 1915, Wounded. Despatches (4 times) D.S.O.
June 1916. C.M.G. June 1919. France and Egypt
1915-19. Commanded loth Offr. Cdt. Bn. Jan.
May 1918.

CLISSOLD, Maj. H., D.S.O. Maj. Maj. South-Midland

R.E. Sept. 1914. France 1915-17. D.S.O. June 1916.
Killed in action 28/9/17.

BURBEY, Maj. J. L. Maj. Commanding Contingent

Aug. Dec. 1914. Temp. Maj. Loyal N. Lanes. Regt.

Dec. 1914 Jan. 1919. Home Services List Feb. 1917.
O.C. Contingent Aug. Dec. 1914. —
PARR, Lieut. H. W. M. Lieut. Lieut. 5th Bn. S. Staffs.
Regt. Oct. 1914. Killed in action 15/5/15.

FISHER, Lieut. K. Lieut. Seconded for service under

Ministry of Munitions 1914-18 (Chemical work with
Brunner Mond and Co.).

Retained for service with O.T.C.

RINTOUL, Maj. (Hon. Lieut.-Col.) D., V.D. Maj. Re-

sumed command of Contingent Jan. 1915. Resigned
Jan. 1919. Died 21/4/19. Home Services List 13/3/18.
Volunteer Decoration.

MAYOR, Capt. H. B. Capt. Rejoined Contingent Dec.

1914. Resigned May 1919.

RIDLEY, Capt. M. R. Capt. Served with Contingent

since May 1914. O.C. Contingent Jan. -May 1919.

PAYNE, Capt. C. E. Capt. Served with Contingent since


KEMP, Lieut. F. J. Lieut. Served with Contingent since

May 1916.

MUIRHEAD, Lieut. J. A. O. Lieut. Served with

Contingent since 191 4.

CHOTTIN, Lieut. E. P. E. Lieut. Served with Contingent

since 1914.

FAWDRY, Lieut. R. C. Lieut. Served with Contingent

since Nov. 1914. Resigned May 1919.

33 ^
IMLAY, 2nd Lieut. A. D. 2nd Lieut. Served with Con-
tingent since 1914-

MATTHEWS, 2nd Lieut, H. N. 2nd Lieut. Served with

Contingent since Jan. 191 6.


ATKINSON, Lieut. E. C. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) School of Musketry Staff. Afterwards under
Ministry of Munitions (Inspectional Staff, Woolwich

BUTT, Capt. H. A. Temp. Capt. 14th Bn. Gloucs. Regt.

France. Killed in action 8/6/16.

CRAWLEY-BOEVEY, Capt. T. R. Temp. Capt. 14th

Bn. Gloucs. Regt. France. Killed in action 30/8/16.

HEMSLEY, Maj. W. J. EnUsted Roy. Fus. 1915. Com-

missioned in R.A.S.C. 1916. Temp. Maj. Jan. 1918.
Salonika 191 7- 18,

LANGLEY, Maj. O. R. Capt. South-Midland R.E.

(T.F.) Sept. 1914. Temp. Maj. Apr. 1915-18. France
1 91 6- 1 7. Inspection Staff at Woolwich Arsenal

June 19 1 7 Apr. 1919.

MACRURY, Capt. E. Temp. Capt. 30/5/17. Intelligence

Staff 1915. Macedonia and Egypt. G.S.O., 3rd
grade, 29/10/18.

PARR, 2nd Lieut. E. M. M. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Sherwood

Foresters 7/5/15. France.

>J4HEALE. Rev. T. W. Temp. C.F., 4th Class. Dec.

1 91 7. France.


(T.F.) France.

BARKER, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. (S.R.) Essex
Lieut. F. D.
Regt. —
France Dec. 191 6 May 1917. Relinquished
commission owing to ill-health caused by wounds

MAY, 2nd Lieut. H. G. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. (S.R.) Dorset

Regt. France. Killed in action May 1915.

Retained fof service with O.T.C.

PIERCE. Rev. F. Capt.

C. O.C. Giggleswick School
O.T.C. to Dec. 1914. Haileybury College O.T.C.
1915. Cranbrook School O.T.C, 1915-18.

SMITH. Capt. W. G. Capt. O.C. Contingent 1914-18.

Rossall School O.T.C. since May 191 8.

SEAFORD, Lieut. H. J. Lieut. O.C. Contingent May

1918 — May 1919.

HIND, 2nd Lieut. J. 2nd Lieut. Cranbrook School

O.T.C. May 1918— July 1918.


DUNN, 2nd Lieut. A. J. R.G.A. France May—Oct. 191 8.

SHEPHERD, Corpl. D. A. McR. i6th Bn. London Regt.

(T.F.) Killed in action June 1917.

STIDWELL, 2nd Lieut. J. Roy. Berks. Regt. 19 14- 16

(June). Reported " missing."

HADLAND. Maj. S. A. Capt. 2nd Bn. Rifle Bde. Galli-
poH. France, Wounded. Later killed in action


WINSLOE, Capt. F. Temp. Capt. 48th (Provisional)

Bn. Monmouth Regt. Sept. 1915. Transferred Res.
Bn. 4th Bn. Berks. Regt. (T.F.) 10/12/15. France
with i/4th Bn. Roy. Berks. Regt. (T.F.) 27/12/15.
Hospital (sick) 7/4/16— 10/5/16. England 10/5/16
May 1 91 7. Rejoined unit in France Oct. 1917- Italy
Nov. 191 7. In Advance from Asiago Plateau.
Wounded (Ypres) 16/8/17. Capt. (Substantive) Jan.
1916 (H.) Despatches Sept. 1918. 1915 Star. Dis-
embodied 1 7/3/1 9.

PURVIS, Lieut. J. S. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted to 5th (Res.)

Bn. Yorks Regt. (T.F.) Mar. 1916. France July 1916
with 5th Bn. Yorks Regt. (T.F.) 50th Div. Bn. Intelli-
gence Officer. Battle of the Somme. Wounded Sept.
1916. Res. Bn. Dec. 1916. France with 4th Bn.
Yorks Regt. Feb. 1917. 5th Bn. Mar. 1917. 150th
T.M.B. Mar. 191 7 Arras. StafiE Instr. 7th (later 3rd)
Corps School of Trench Mortars July 191 7. Hospital
Feb. 191 8. Invalided Mar. 191 8. Resigned Com-
mission (ill-health) Nov. 191 8.

FAWCUS, Lieut. J. G. 2nd Lieut. Transferred to 4th Bn.

Roy. Berks. Regt. 1/9/18. With Res. Bn. to Oct.
1918. France 19/10/18 (attd. ist Bn.) 2nd Div.,
Army of Occupation, Bn. Education Officer 1/11/18
7/1/19. Disembodied 15/1/19.

ALDRIDGE, Capt. M. 2nd Lieut. R.A.O.C. France.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

CROWHURST, Capt. C. Capt. O.C. Contingent 1915.

Unfit for service abroad.

MERTENS. Capt. R. H. C. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List


LAMB, Lieut. G. J. Temp. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

WINSLOE, 2nd Lieut. R. C. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List



NOTT, Capt. F. T. ist Bn. Herefordshire Regt. (T.F.)

Twice wounded. Gallipoli and France.

JOHNSTONE. Capt. R. C. S. 3rd Bn. Roy. Sussex Regt.

REES, 2nd Lieut. M. 6th Bn. South Wales Borderers.

GOWER, 2nd Lieut. L. C. 6th Bn. South Wales Borderers.

BROWNE, Pte. W. W. Roy. Red Cross (Salonika).

MILLS, Capt. E. J. Sergt.-Maj. Instr. to a contingent on

4/8/14. Loaned to Army Gymnastic Staff 1/9/14.
Act.-Supt. of Gymnasia, Aldershot Command, 7/9/14.
Re-enUsted and promoted Sergt.-Maj., H.Q., P. and
B.T., 1/3/15. Gazetted Temp. 2nd Lieut. (Act.-Supt.
of P. and B.T.), 28/6/16. Temp. Capt. (whilst Supt.
of P. and B.T.) 18/8/16. Act.-Adjt,, H.Q. School of

P. and B.T., 23/6/16 6/4/19. Home Services List
27/2/19. Released 7/4/19.

NORMAN, Lieut. R. E. EnUsted 28th Bn. London Regt-

(T.F.) Artists' Rifles 1915. 2nd Lieut. Sept. I9i6.
France with Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. Light Inf. Apr.
1917. Wounded (St. JuUen) Aug. 1917. Lieut.
Mar. 1918. Attd. Cranleigh School O.T.C. Sept. 1918.
Disembodied Feb. 1919. Transferred to T.F. Res.
May 1919.

HALE, 2nd Lieut. H. E. EnUsted (Q.O.) Oxfordshire

Hussars 3/9/14. France 21/9/14 24/10/17 with 2nd
Cavalry Div. First and second battles of Ypres,
Loos, Somme, Arras. England (for commission) Oct.
191 7. Attd. No. r Offr. Cdt. Bn. and gazetted
1/5/18 to 4th (Res.) Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. Light Inf.

France Sept. 1918 Jan. 1919. Attd. ist Bn. Roy.
Berks. Regt. Cambrai, River SeUe. With Army of
Occupation. Disembodied 14/1/19.

MOORE, Lieut. F. R., R.E. Enlisted Inns of Court
O.T.C. Aug. 1915. 2nd Lieut. Roy. Anglesey R.E.
(S.R.) Nov. 1918. France, May 1916—Apr. 1919.
Demobilised Apr. I9i9'

TESCH, 2nd Lieut. L. R. Enlisted Aug. 1914. To France

with draft for 2nd Bn. The Queen's (Roy. W. Surrey)
Regt., 7th Div., 7/11/14. Transferred to H.Q. Staff,
7th Inf. Bde. (Staff Sergt.), 9/1 1/16— 30/6/18. Eng-
land (for commission), nth Offr. Cdt. Bn. De-
mobiUsed ii/i/i9- Temp. 2nd Lieut. 15/5/19.
Despatches Dec. 1916. 1914 Star. M.S.M.


MANSFORD. Capt. C. Capt. Attd. French Red Cross

Society 1915. Military Intelligence Dept. 1918-19.

GURREY, Maj. P. Lieut. France 1915-17. Three times

wounded. Attd. R.A.F. since 28/12/17. Apptd.
2nd-in-c. of School of Navigation and Bomb-
Dropping, Stonehenge 3/1 2/19.

SUMMERS, Lieut. W. G. Capt. France 1915. Killed in

action 28/12/15.

PLANT, Lieut. W. P. Lieut. 8th Bn. Roy. W. Kent Regt.

(T.F.) France 1915. Killed in action. Loos, 27/9/15.

COOKE, Lieut. H. Lieut, i /5th Bn, Roy. W. Kent Regt.

(T.F.) India 1914 ; Mesopotamia 1917-19.

FISHER, Lieut. J. W. Lieut, i/ist Bn. Monmouthshire

Regt. France 1915-17. Twice wounded.

Retained for setvice with O.T.C.

CROSS, Lieut. P. M. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut., Unattd.

List (T.F.) 18/10/14. Temp. Lieut. 2/10/15. O.C.



FLECKER, Lieut. H. L. O, Capt. 2nd Lieut, and Lieut.
Gloucs. Regt. 21/11/14 —
1/7/17. Served and wounded
in Mesopotamia 1916. O.C. Contingent 1/8/17

TALBOT, Lieut. J. W. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Nov. 1914 —May 1915. 2nd Lieut. loth Bn.
Gloucs. Regt. 2/5/15. France Oct. 1915 Mar. 1918 —

(with ist Div.), Mar. 1918 Jan. 1919 (with Flash-
spotting Group, R.E.). Despatches 191 7.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MOUNTFORT, Capt. C. C. O.C. Contingent to 1/8/17

LITTLEWOOD, 2nd Lieut. A. 2nd Lieut. Sept. 19 14

July 1916.

MAUDE, Lieut. E. R. Lieut. Sept. 1917 —Apr. 1919.

BEAMENT, 2nd Lieut. W. O. -znd Lieut. May 1917

July 1917-

ADAMS, 2nd Lieut. C. F. 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1917 —Apr.



CMUGHTON, 2nd Lieut. L D. nth Bn. Suffolk Regt.

France. Killed in action 4/3/15.

SMITH, Capt. A. i6th Bn. (2nd Salford) Lanes. Fus.

STRAND, 2nd Lieut. A. C. 24th Bn. (The Queen's)

London Regt.

FORTEY, Bombardier P. W. R.G.A. France. Offr.

Cdt. Bn. (R.A.) 1918.

HALSE, 2nd Lieut. L. W. 12th Bn. Gloucs. Regt. Died of
wounds 17/10/18.

JENKINS. 2nd Lieut. G. R. R.E.


BODLEY, Capt. D. H. 6th Bn. N. Staffs. Regt. (T.F.)

WILSON, Lieut. R. E. Worcs. Regt.


COLEMAN, Capt. R. H. F. Lieut. Transferred to 9th

Bn. N. Staffs Regt. 27/3/15. France 27/3/16. Acting
Camp Commandant 37i;h D.G.Q. May June 1916.
Rejoined Bn. June 1916. Wounded on Somme July

19 1 6 and Arras Apr. 191 7. Capt. July 19 18. Educa-
tion Officer, 37th Div., 3/11/18. Education Officer,
4th Corps, since 3/2/19.

WEBB, Capt. B. 2.nd Lieut. Transferred to 4th Bn. N.

Staffs Regt. July 1915. France. Transferred to
M.G.C. Despatches Apr. 191 7.

WHITLEY, 2nd Lieut. B. H. Lieut. Transferred to 3rd

Bn. Roy. Scots, France, Apr. 1916. Despatches
1/1/17. Killed in action 17/7/16.

POLLARD, 2nd Lieut. W. M. N. Lieut. Transferred to

5th Bn. N. Staffs Regt. 5/1 /i 7. France Feb. 1917.
Ealled in action 1 0/4/1 7.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

CADMAN, Capt. H. S. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

SMITH, Lieut. J. L. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


BUTLER, 2nd Lieut. H. M. 2«i Lieut. Unattd. List


GREENSTREET, 2nd Lieut. J. W. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)


MERRICK, Capt. H., M.C. Pte. 4th Bn. Glos. Regt.

Aug. 1914. 2nd Lieut. 14/2/15. France Feb. 1915.
Severely wounded 11/6/15. Lieut. Nov. 1916.
Returned to France Dec. igi6. M.C. May 1917.

HUSKINSON, Capt. A. W. Artists* Rifles Sept. 1916.

No. I Garrison Artillery Cadet School Dec. 19 16
Mar. 191 7. Mesopotamia, 387th Siege Battery

Aug. 191 7 May 19 18, with 13th Div. at Sakaltuten
Pass and Tara Kepe. Palestine, 392nd Siege Battery,

May 1918 Jan. 1919, with 20th Corps Horse Artillery
in final operations against the Turks in Sept. 19 18.
2nd Lieut. R.G.A. 12/3/17. Lieut. 12/9/18. Act.-
Capt. 24/1 1/18. Capt., Unattd. List (T.F.), 27/5/ig.

OGLE, Lieut. F. Inns of Court O.T.C. Dec. 1915. 2nd

Lieut. Tank Corps Nov. 1916. Lieut. May 19 18, Avith
Tank Corps Detachment. Egypt June 191 7 July

CROMPTON, 2nd Lieut. A. A. Joined Artists' Rifles
Dec. 1915. France Feb. 19 16 with ist Bn., attd.
Intelligence B., G.H.Q., France, June
Rejoined ist
July 1916.—
Bn. Artists' Rifles July 1916. Invalided
Sept. 1916. Attd. 2nd Bn. Artists' Rifles Nov. 1916.
22nd O.C.B., Cambridge, Apr. June 1917. — 2nd
Lieut. 17/6/17. istBn. London Regt., attd. 29th Bn.,
transferred to T.F. Res. Sept. 1918. 2nd Lieut.,
Unattd. List (T.F.), 29/5/19.

WOODS, Lieut. F. A. A.P.C. France.

GATELY. Lieut. V. H. ind Lieut. 2nd?Lieut., 22nd Bn.
King's (Liverpool Regt.) 20/10/15. Transferred to
M.G.C. 14/2/16. I nth Coy. M.G.C., France,
20/10/16. Battle of the Ancre. InvaUded 4/12/16.
Lieut. (Temp.) 1/5/17. Lewis Gun Instr., N.C.O.'s
School of Instruction, Ripon, Aug. 1917 Jan. 1918.
Belgium and France

36th Bn. M.G.C, France.

Apr. 1918 Jan. 1919. Transferred to R.E. (Signal
Service) Aug. 1918, Ypres to Courtrai.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WILSON, Capt. A. K. Temp. Capt. O.C. Contingent

from 1 91 2 to present time.


Retained for service with O.T.C.

PALMER, Lieut. T. T. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

2/5/13. O.C. Contingent.


DAVIES, Corpl. T. G. Enlisted A.S.C., Aldershot, 20/4/15.

Corpl. June 1915. Attd. to 300th Coy. A.S.C., 17th
Div. Supply Column, June 1915. France July 1915.
Unit became ist Australian D.S.C. Apr. 1916. Trans-
ferred 6th Div. Supply Column Feb. 191 7. Army of
Occupation, Germany, Dec. 1918 Feb. 1919. —
GARD, Lieut. H. A. E., D.F.C. Joined R.E. (Clerical
Section) 1916. Transferred R.A.F. 1917. France.
D.F.C. 1918.

TAYLOR, Pte. T. J. Joined A.S.C., M.T. (1916-19)-


Retained fot service with O.T.C.

EVANS, Capt. C. L. Capt. O.C. Contingent since Apr.


EVANS, Lieut. T. H. T. Temp, Lieut. With Contingent

since Jan. 19 17.

MUNNS, 2nd Lieut. R. D. G. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted,

Unattd. List (T.F.) 3/11/14.


MANSELL-MOULLIN, Lieut. O. No. i Squadron R.F.C.

(Flying Officer). Prisoner of War Mar. 191 5. In-
terned in Holland Apr. 1918. Disembodied May

GARDINER, Capt. A. J. Act.-Maj. R.F.A., Com-

missioned 26/8/14. Served in France with 64th

Bde. R.F.A. 1/6/15 5/10/18. Loos, Somme, Arras,
Messines, Ypres, 191 7; Yprcs, 191 8. Despatches
191 7. Disembodied 13/1/19.

CLARKE, Capt. F. W. 3rd Roy. Innis. Fus. Gallipoli.

(Other details not available.)

KITTERMASTER, Capt. A. N. C. Capt. 9th Bn. Wore.
Regt. Gallipoli and Mesopotamia. Killed in action
Apr. 1916.

GIBBON, Lieut.-Col. W. D., D.S.O., M.C. Capt. 9th Bn.

Wore. Regt. Gallipoli and Mesopotamia. M.C,

REES, Maj. R. A. T. 2nd Lieut. N. Lanes. Regt. France.

TELFER, Lieut. R. G. Lieut. Border Regt. France.

CROWTHER, Lieut. W. C. Capt. 19th Bn. London

Regt. (T.F.) France.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

HOSE, Capt. H. F. Capt. Capt. 1/10/14. O.C. Con-


TAYLOR, Capt. A. R. Capt. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)


ADAMS, Capt. H. E. Capt. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)


DIXON, Lieut. H. H. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


PRYCE-JONES, 2nd Lieut. A. G. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 14/10/14.

HOPE, 2nd Lieut. P. 2iid Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) 7/8/18.


BEACHCROFT, 2nd Lieut. G. W. Lane. Regt. (S.R.)

France. Killed in action July 1917.

BURGESS, Pte. M. G. R.A.M.C. Mesopotamia.

CLARKE, Capt. G. T. K. A.S.C. France.

GARSIDE, 2nd Lieut. T. O. Berks. Regt. France.

Killed in action Apr. 1917.

NIGHTINGALE, 2nd Lieut. F. L. 7th Bn. Line. Regt.

France. Killed in action Dec. 191 5.

WRIGHT, Capt. C. C. G. Durham L.L (S.R.) Egypt,


SELBY-LOWNDES, 2nd Lieut. E. General List.


J< JAMES, Rev. P. E. Temp.

Lieut. O.C. Contingent
Nov. 1916 —Aug. T./C.F., 4th Class, attd.
Hampshire Regt., 56th Inf. Bde., Mesopotamia,
Dec. 1916. 2nd Lieut. Nov. 1914. Temp. Lieut.
Nov. 1916 (on Unattached List T.F.).

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BUDWORTH, 2nd Lieut. R. D. 2nd Lieut. O.C. Con-

tingent 1914 — Nov. 1 916.

BLACKETT, 2nd Lieut. J. P. M. 2nd Lieut. Dec. 1915.

O.C. Contingent since Sept. 1917.


WOODARD, 2nd Lieut. E. A. K.O.i'.L.L, attd. Nor-

thumberland Fus. Malta, ist Garrison Bn. Jan.
1918-19. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 16/9/17. Demobilised

WICKS, Lieut. A. T. Inns of Court O.T.C. 3/1/ 16. R.A.

Cadet School 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.)
19/8/ T 6. —
In Ireland Sept. 1916 Oct. 191 8. 49
Coy., R.G.A. Bere Island, R.G.A. Signalling Training

Depot, Queenstown, and 43 Coy., R.G.A., Queens-

town. 539 Siege Battery, Lydd, Nov, 1918.
Lieut. 19/2/18. Demobihsed 3/1/19.

PETRIE, Capt. F. E. Enlisted 21st (S.) Bn. R.F. (U. and

P.S.) 15/9/14. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 21st (S.) Bn. Sher.
Foresters 23/3/15. Temp. Lieut. 1/1/16. Act. -Capt.
14/9/16— 2/12/17; 2/2/18— 25/12/18. With 29th (R.)
Bn. R.F. 1/6/15— 1/9/16. 105th T.R. Bn. 1/9/16 —
20/9/17. Italy 26th (S.) Bn. R.F. (41st Div.) 19/12/17
— 6/3/18. France (same unit) 6/3/18 —
24/3/18, when
wounded near Bapaume. England 29/3/18. 5th Bn.
R.F. 2/7/18. To Depot 28/8/18. 6th Bn. R.F.
26/9/18. Demobihsed 25/12/18.


DINGLE, Capt. A. J- 6th (S.) Bn. E. Yorks, nth Div.

Landed at Suvla Bay Aug. 6. Temp. 2nd Lieut.
9/8/14. Temp. Lieut. 8/12/14. Temp. Capt. 9/8/15.
Killed in action at Galhpoli 22/8/15.

TANQUERAY, Capt. T. 2nd Lieut. Special Reserve of
Officers,Queen's Roy. W. Surrey Regt. 4/6/12. Served
in France Sept. —
Nov. 19 14, ist Bn. Queen's Regt.
(3rd Bde., ist Div.) Battles of Aisne and Ypres (i).
Substantive Capt. 8/10/15. Wounded 31/8/14. June
191 1— June 1912 in Eastbourne College O.T.C.
Attd. to O.T.C. 1912 onwards. 1914 Star. Attd.
No. 13 Offr. Cdt. Bn. Jan. 1917-19. (Coy. Comdr.
from Apr. 1918.)

ELLERTON, Capt. C. F. Lieut. Cheshire Regt. France.

Killed in action Nov. 19 16.

HAWKINS, Lieut. A. G. Lieut. Intelligence Officer,

(1917) ; ;

36th (Ulster) Div., Aug. 1916 Jan. 1919. Messines
Cambrai (1917) 3rd Battle of Ypres (1917)
St. Quentin (1918) and Final Advance to Courtrai
(1918). Despatches (twice). Belgian Croix-de-

MORRES, Lieut. H. F. M. 2.nd Lieut. Temp. Commission

Roy. Marine Artillery July 1915 July 1916. German
East Africa resigned commission (ill-health) 1916.

Temp, commission ist G. Bn. Worcs. Regt. Sept. 1917

—Feb. 1919. Egypt and Palestine (attd. 19th Rifle
Bde.). Assist.Mihtary Governor Zummarin W.
Haifa. Despatches Jan. 191 9.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

JAMESON, Capt. H. P. Capt. Retained in O.T.C. Staff

(H.) (Q.) p.s.

R.M.C., Sandhurst, May 1916 Mar. iqiq.


LESTER, Capt. E. C. Capt. O.C. Contingent May 1916,

p.s. (H.)

TORDOFF, Capt. B. Capt. Resigned commission 1915.

MATHESON, Capt. H. F. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Capt. 17/7/08.

PEACOCK, Lieut. G. H. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Lieut. 23/12/14.

WILLIAMS, Rev. F. S. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Lieut. 6/3/15.


HALL, Lieut. C. S. 20th Bn. (Public schools) Roy. Fus.

Sept. 1914. 2nd Lieut. 26/5/15 3rd Bn. Dorset Regt.
With 2nd Dorset Regt. in Mesopotamia Jan. 1916
Aug. 1 916 with relief force before Kut-el-Amara.
Wounded 22/4/16. Lieut. July 1917. India Aug.
— —
1916 Jan. 1919. Mar. 1918 Jan. 1919 CO. H.M.
Naval Wireless Station, Bombay. Demobilised

WELCH, Lieut. J. J. R.G.A. France 1916-19.

PETTY, Lieut.-Col. W., D.S.O. Capt. South Africa
1901-02. Capt. 9th Bn. Seaforth Highrs. Nov. 1914.
Temp. Lieut.-Col. and CO. Apr. 1917 Aug. 1918. —

France May 191 5 Aug. 191 8. Supervisor Training
ist and 4th V. Bns. Suffolk Regt. Sept. 1918
DemobiUsed (as Lieut.-Col.) Mar. 1919.

Wounded. Despatches (twice). D.S.O.

PEEL, Lieut. B. L. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 8th Bn. Cameron

Highrs. 5/7/15. France with 27th T.M.B. 10/10/15
3/12/15. Wounded 12/11/15. Temp. Lieut. 1/9/16.
Instr. No. i O.C.B. 16/5/18. Demobilised 12/1/19.

PARKINSON. Lieut. W., M.C. R.E. 2nd Lieut. 2nd
Lieut. R.E. 28/1/16. France Sept. 1916 Mar. 1919.—
Lieut. 28/7/17. Signal Officer 169th Inf. Bde., 56th
(London) Div. (T.F.) Despatches Jan. 1918. M.C.
Mar. 1919. DemobiHsed 12/3/19.

CUMMINS, Capt. H. C. B. 2.nd Lieut. Sea. Highrs. Capt,

1914. France 1915-16. Wounded. Despatches.
Died of wounds May 1916.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

THOMAS, Capt. L. G. Capt. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 191 1. Lieut. 1912. Capt. 1914- O.C. Con-
tingent Nov. 1914.

DAWSON, Lieut. R. T. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 1915. Lieut. 1918.

DUNGEY, Lieut. E. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 1916. Lieut. 1918. Resigned commission


WAUTON, Capt. A. D. B. 2nd Lieut. R.A.S.C. 25/1/15.

France July 1915 Apr. 19 19. Transferred to Gen.
List, Staff Lieut., 2nd Class, Jan 1916 for work on
Railway Traffic Establishment. Staff Lieut., ist
Class, Dec. 1916. Capt. R.A.S.C. May 1918. De-
mobilised April 1 91 9.

PIERCE, Capt. H. W. Roy. Marines (Submarine miners).


BESCOBY, Capt. A. C. Capt. O.C. Contingent O.T.C.
1916. Lieut. Aug. 1916, 37th Sanitary Section,
R.A.M.C, France, Capt. Mar. 1917.


CALDWELL, Lieut. W. C. F. Commissioned July 19 15

in 3rd (R.) Sussex Regt. France, nth Bn. Roy,
Sussex Regt. June 191 6. Lewis Gun Officer, Intelli-

gence Officer and Adjt. 15/2/18 15/10/18, attd.
to 23rd Bn. Roy. Welsh Fus. in England. France
15/10/18 with 2nd Bn. Roy. Sussex Regt. IntelUgence
and Scout Officer (Army of Occupation) until de-
mobilised 10/2/19. Wounded 5/11/18.
SHAW, Cadet Corpl. R. Instr. Cadet Ship H.M.S.
Worcester —
(R.N.R.) June 1915 May 1918. Roy.

Horse Artillery June Aug. 1918. No. 2 R.G.A.
Officer Cadet School Aug. 191 8 until demobilised

ELVERSON, Lieut. R. W. Lieut. 9th Bn. E. Surrey Regt.
France. Killed in action.

CURTIS, Maj. H. R. Lieut. 12th Bn. Roy. Welsh Fus.

Salonika. Killed in action.

LOMAS, Lieut. G. G. 27id Lieut. 14th Bn. Manch. Regt.

France. Killed in action.

SINCLAIR, Capt. J. G. Capt. 317th Bn. Northumber-

land Fus. France. Wounded. O.C. Contingent.

PESTLE, Capt. H. P. Lieut. Roy. Welsh Fus. France.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

COSENS, 2nd Lieut. W. R. H. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) O.C. Contingent.

COPE, 2nd Lieut. G. E. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)

49 »

CURTIS, 2nd Lieut. H. 9th Bn. W. Yorks Regt. Gal-

lipoli. Killed in action.

GASS. Capt. G. I. 12th Bn. Wore. Regt. France.

Seriously wounded.

PHILLIPS, Res. R. H. Northern Rhodesian Rifles.

POOLE, Corpl. J. 2nd Sportsmen's Bn. Roy. Fus.

France. Severely wounded.

SEARLS, Capt. H., M.C. M.C. Wounded three times.

SMITH, Pte. H. A. 6th Bn. N. Staffs Regt. France.

Severely wounded.

BARTON, Gnr. G. R.F.A. France. Wounded.

HARTLAND, Corpl. R. W. Roy. Welsh Fus. Mesopo-


CARL, W. W. J. Naval Schoolmastership, 6th Light

Cruiser Squadron.

WILLIAMS, Pte. T. E. R.A.O.C, i6th Div., France.

GOULD, Pte. G. R.A.O.C. France.

RYLE7, Lieut.Harold Buchanan, Suffolk Regt. (formerly
Headmaster). Capt. Joined Suffolks with rank
of Lieut, on 7/12/16 at age of 49. At his own request
went to France and worked on Lines of Communi-
cation then drafted to the East, where he fell while

leading his company against Arab raiders. Killed in

Palestine 15/12/17. 1900-05, Capt. O.C. Sandwich
School Cadet Corps. 1905-09, Capt. O.C. Emanuel

School Cadet Corps 1909-13, Capt. O.C. Emanuel


School O.T.C. p.s.


ELDER, Capt. William G. Lieut. Joined 20th Bn. Lond.

Regt. (T.F.) Lieut. 1/6/16. France 1915- 16 Salonika,

1916 ;Palestine, 191 7. Contracted lung trouble in a

desert dust storm returned to England Oct. 191

and died at the 3rd Lond. Gen. Hosp. Jan. 1918. Gas
Officer to 60th Div. in France towards latter part of
1916. 2nd Lieut. 1/7/14, Lieut. 1914, 2nd Lieut. 20th
Lond. 23/1/15 with Emanuel O.T.C.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

GOODWIN, Major F. S. Maj. O.C. Glasgow High School

O.T.C. 1910 Dec. 191 3. 2nd Lieut. 9/12/09. Prov.
Capt. 1/2/10. Capt. 23/5/12. O.C. Emanuel School
O.T.C. since Jan. 1914. Temp. Maj. Oct. 1917.
Substantive Maj. Mar. 1919. War Office Aug.
Sept. 1914. (H.)

BURNETT, Capt. G. Capt. 2nd Lieut. 1/4/09. Lieut.

18/1/11. Capt. 1/10/14. Emanuel School O.T.C.
since 1909. War Office Aug. —
Sept. 191 4- (H.)

DANLEL, Lieut. J. F. R. Lieut. 2nd Lieut, ist Beds

R.E. 7/4/06. 2nd Lieut, ist Sussex R.E. 26/10/07.
2nd Lieut. 2nd Field Coy. Home Counties' Div.
Engrs. 1/4/08. 2nd Lieut. R.E. (T.F.) Und. List
31/3/09. 2nd Lieut, seconded with Emanuel O.T.C.
21/2/11. Lieut. 21/2/u (gazetted 29/4/14). Trans-
ferred to O.T.C. Feb. 1914. p.s. Resigned Sept.

SPARK, Lieut. S. H. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 1/7/14. Trans-

ferred to King's College School, Wimbledon, Feb.
igi8. Lieut. (Temp.) "1/10/16.

RUDKINS. Lieut. F. R. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 1/10/14.

Lieut. (Temp.) 1/10/16. Resigned Sept. 1918.

GLASGOW, Lieut. G. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 1/1/15. Lieut.

(Temp.) Feb. 19 18.

WALLIS, 2nd Lieut. J. C. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. June 1918,
LOVEL, 2nd Lieut .W.H. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut, Sept.1918.


SEGAR, Lieut. B. G. Cdt. Offr. O.T.C. France.

Wounded and discharged.
WHITEHEAD, Lieut. James E., R.G.A. (Special Res.)
Joined Lond. Univ. O.T.C, thence to R.G.A. At
present Lieut. Somme, 1916. Invalided. Rejoined
his Bn., 278th (S) Battery R.G.A. Palestine, 1918.
Mentioned in despatches. 2nd Lieut. 7/7/16.

POIRIER, Lieut. R. L. Enlisted July 1915, nth Service

Bn. Queen's Roy. W. Surreys. (Temp.) commission in
the sane Battalion 8/1/16. Went to France July
191 6. InteUigence Service from 191 7-1 8. Returned
to England April 191 8 severely wounded. Resigned
commission 191 8 (Sept.) Previously served in Legion
Etrangere, Enghsh Bn., Aug. 1914. Discharged
Dec. 1914 unfit.

DIXON, Pte. H. Enlisted May 1916 in the A.S.C. (M.T.)

France, July 1916 Jan. 1919 with No. i Water Tank
M.T. Coy.

WELLS, Capt. F. A. (T.) loth (Cyclists) Bn. Hants. J^egt.


CROW, Maj. P., M.C.
D.S.O., Capt. Transferred as
Lieut., R.F.A., 1914. Lieut. 5/2/15, 23rd Bde., R.F.A.
3rd Div. Transferred to 32nd Div., i6ist Bde.,
Oct. 1 9 15. Wounded in France Apr, 19 16, Apr. 191 7,
Sept. 1917, Oct. 1917. Despatches May 1917. M.C.
May 1917. D.S.O. Nov. 1918. Served as Lieut.,
Capt. and Act.-Maj. with i6ist Bde. Gazetted out
with rank of Maj. 1/5/19. Re-gazetted to Command
Epsom O.T.C. with rank of Capt. 25/5/19.


At)D£NBROOKl!, Capt. A. Lieut, transferred as Capt.

toRoy. War. Regt. France. Despatches. Died of
wounds at Falfemont Farm.

WHEATLEY, Maj. C. W. C. Capt. On W.O. Staff.

Staff Capt. in Aeronautical Dept. Member of British
Mission advisory on Aeronautics to America. At
one time A.D. Director of Aeronautic Supply at
Adastral House.


STILEMAN, Capt. D. C. G. Enlisted University and

Public Schools Brigade Aug. 1914. Temp. 2nd Lieut,
9th K.O.R.L.R., 31/8/14. Machine Gun Officer Nov.

1914 Aug. 1916. Temp, ist Lieut. Dec. 1914.

France 2/9/15 27/10/15. Salonika 27/10/15 12/6/17. —
Temp. Capt, 13/12/15. Coy. Comdr. Aug. 1916
May 1917. Wounded 1/5/17. Despatches June 1917.
Attd. Officer Epsom College O.T.C. from 1 2/7/1 8.

LISSANT, Capt. S. P., R.F.A. Not in O.T.C. First

Commission, Temp. 2nd Lieut., R.F.A. 17/3/15. ,

Served in France, io6th Bde., 24th Div., 30/9/15

9/10/18. Act.-Lieut. and Adjt. 19/2/17 17/6/17. —
Act.-Capt. 17/6/17 —
2/3/19, Temp. Lieut, 1/7/17.
Act. -Maj. 9/1/18 —
12/2/18. Loos (1915), Somme

(191 6), Lens Vimy (191 7), Ypres Messines (19 17),
Amiens (191 8). Demobihsed 2/3/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

LEE, Capt. H. F. Capt. 2nd Lieut., Unattd. List (T.F.)

31/8/08. Capt. 11/11/09, O.C. Contingent.

HEALD, Capt. B. Capt. Unattd. List. (T.F.) Capt.


GANDY, Lieut. E. S. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 24/10/14.

Temp. Lieut. 8/i/i6. Lieut, ^jl^fig.


PAI^SONS, Lieut. J. R. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 6/3/15.

Temp. Lieut. 7/9/18.

RUMSEY, 2nd Lieut. H. St. J. 2nd Lieut. Commissioned


POWELL, Lieut.-Col. E. W., O.B.E. Capf. Joined
4/8/14 and served in France from 1914-17; Egypt
1918 ; with the Intelligence Corps, and later R.F.C.
and R.A.F. Took part in Retreat from the Marne,
Neuve Chappelle, Festubert, Somme, Arras.
Despatches June 1915, Feb. 1916, Nov. 1916. O.B.E.
4/6/19. DemobiUsed 23/1/19.

SHEEPSHANKS, Lieut.-Col. A. C, D.S.O. Lieut. Capt.

8th Bn. Rifle Bde., 14th Div., 1/11/14. Later with loth
Bn. K.R.R.C, 20th Div. France: Hooge (1915),
Somme (1916), Arras and Cambrai (1917). D.S.O.
Sept. 1915. Despatches: Jan. 1916 and Jan. 1917.
Wounded 31/7/15 and 8/2/16. Disembodied 8/10/18
with Honorary rank of Lieut.-Col.

WRIGHT, Maj. R. M., M.C. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Coldstream Guards (S.R.) 29/10/14. France: Jan.
19 1 5 and June —
Sept. 1915 with ist Bn. Coldstream

Guards, ist Div. Sept. 191 5 Aug. 19 18 with 2nd
Guards Bde. M.G.C. and 4th Guards M.G. Regt.
(Guards Div.) With latter unit again from 27/1 i/i 8
Jan. 1919. Capt. (Substantive) Coldstream Guards
(S.R.) 11/2/17. Act.-Maj. Aug. 1917 Jan. 1919. —
Loos (1915), 3rd Battle of Ypres (1917), Cambrai and
Gouzeaucourt (Nov. 1917), Arras (1918). Final
Advance (1918) Despatches 1916. M.C. 1917. Bar
to M.C. 1918. Wounded 25/1/15, 10/10/17, 27/8/18.
Disembodied 16/1/19.

DUCKWORTH, Capt. F. R. G., M.B.E. 2nd Lieut.

2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Aug. 1915. G.H.Q., Salonika.
Despatches (twice). M.B.E.

CHRISTIE, Capt. J., M.C Capt. Gazetted 12/9/14. France
with 9th Bn. K.R.R.C, 14th Div. Hooge 16/6/15,
30/7/15 and 25/9/15. M.C. Jan. 1916. Despatches
1915. Wounded 30/7/15. Resigned, owing to ill-
health, 1/6/16. At Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich, Sept.
I goo— June 1902.

DURNFORD, Capt. R. S. Capt. 9th Bn. K.R.R.C.

14th Div. 15/10/14. France. Hooge 1915. Killed in
action 3 1 /7/1 5.

HOPE-JONES, Capt. W. Capt. Gazetted Aug. 1916.

France, with 206th Siege Battery R.G.A. and Field
Survey Co. R.E. Vimy Ridge, Messines, 3rd Battle
of Ypres and Final Advance. Demobilised Jan. 1919.

PRIOR, Capt. E. F. Lieut. Lieut. 8th Bn. Rifle Bde.,

14th Div., 1/11/14. France. Hooge 1915 Somme ;

1916. Killed in action 1 5/9/1 6.

SLATER, Capt. E. V., M.C. Capt. 2nd Lieut. 26/12/14.

France with 7th Bn. Yorks. Regt., 17th Div., till
Feb. 1916. Special Bde. R.E., Mar. 1916 May 1918. —
Somme (1916), Messines (1917), Ypres (1917), Cam-
brai (1917). Despatches Dec. 1916. M.C. Jan. 1917.
Wounded July 19 15. Temp. Capt. Resigned

YOUNG, Capt. R. A. Capt. Gazetted 26/12/14. France,

with 7th Bn. Yorks. Regt., 17th Div., on Ypres
Salient from Aug. 191 5 —
Mar. 19 16. At home with
52nd Bn. Northumberland Fus. Temp. Capt.
Resigned 1/11/18.

GLADSTONE, Lieut. C. A. Lieut. France with Intelli-

gence Corps from 7/8/14 Oct. 1914 (attd. R.F.C.)

by Germans,

Observer R.F.C. Oct. 1914 30/4/15, when captured
Temp. Lieut. Disembodied Jan. 1919.

FLETCHER, 2nd Lieut. W. G. 2nd Lieut, istBn. Roy.

Welsh Fus. France 7/S/ij\. — 20/3/15. Despatches
(twice). Killed in action 20/3/15.

Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Coldstream
Guards 2nd Lieut. Apr. 1917. France, with
ist Bn. Coldstream Guards. Cambrai (1918). Dis-
embodied Nov. 19 1 8.

OVEY. Maj. D.. D.S.O. Capt. and Adjt. D.S.O., Order

of White Eagle (Serbian). Rifle Bde. Gen. Staff.
Despatches. Wounded.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

ROBESON, Lieut.-Col. F. E. Lieut.-Col. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Home Services List.

RAYNER WOOD, Lieut.-Col. A. C. Lieut.-Col. Un-

attd. List (T.F.)

TODD, Lieut.-Col. L. Temp. Lieut.-Col. Unatt. List


McNEILE, Maj. A. M. Temp. Maj. Brevet Maj. i/r/19.

Unattd. List (T.F.)

CHUTE, Capt. Rev. J. C. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

KINDERSLEY, Capt. R. S. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

CONYBEARE, Capt. A. C. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

FOSTER, Lieut. V. Le N. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

DOBBS, Lieut. F. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

WHITWORTH, Lieut. A. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

ADIE, Lieut. C. J. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

GRACE, Lieut. J. F. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

HOWSON, Lieut. H. E. E. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

BLAKISTON, Lieut. C. H. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

CHAFFEY, Lieut. Rev. L. B. T. Lieut. Unattd. List

LYTTELTON. Lieut. Hon. G. W. Lieut. Unattd. List


GOW, 2nd Lieut. A. S. F. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

BUTTERWICK, 2nd Lieut. J. C. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)

FORD, 2nd Lieut. C. L. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Resigned commission 191 8.

MARSDEN, Capt. H. K. Capt. and Quarter-Master.

Unattd. List (T.F.) Promoted Capt. for valuable
services 'il^lij. Home Services List Mar. 1919.


ROBINSON, Maj. F. L. M.C. Marine Artillery Staff.


SYSON, Maj. A.E. R03'. Marines. Despatches. Wounded.

Southern Command G.S.

LEE, Lieut.-Col. H. 2nd Lieut. Aug. 1915. R.F.C.,

France, 191 5- 17. Home Services List.

MORRIS, Lieut. T. F. Northamptonshire Regt.

MASON, 2nd Lieut. E. R.A.F., Kite Balloon Section.

Killed in action 9/5/15.

TAYLOR, 2nd Lieut. C. M. C. Roy. Sussex Regt. ; late

Pte. Mddx. Regt.

DE SATGE, Corpl. P. C. H. With French Army, 78th

Territorial Inf. Regt., from 5/8/14 —
Aug. 1916, when
attd. to Guards Div. as Interpreter. Marechal-des-
logis. Medaille MiHtaire. Demobilised Mar. 1918.

WILKINSON, Maj. C. H., M.C. Despatches. Croix de
Guerre. Crocci di Guerra. G.S. Intell., 2nd Army,
2nd Lieut., 2nd Bn., Coldstream Guards, 1/1/15.
M.C. Cdt. E.C.O.T.C. 1914. Wounded.


METCALFE, Capt. B. T. Lieut. Intelligence Officer

(3) France. Mons 1914. 1914 Star. Invalided
home 1915.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

ENGLAND, Capt. E. T. Capt.{prov.) 2nd Lieut. 18/2/11.

Provisional Capt. 1/2/12. (H) O.C. Contingent since

BILSBOROUGH, Lieut. J. H. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

21/11/16. Temp. Lieut. 30/1 1/18.


WAND-TETLEY, 2nd Lieut. E. C. 9th Bn. Lanes. Fus.

Gallipoh. Killed in action, GalUpoli.

SAUNDERS, Naval Instr. A. H. Naval Instr. Dec. 1915.

Battle of Jutland.

)^FULFORD, Rev. Dr. J. L. L. T./C.F., 4th Class.

Home service only.

BREARLEY, Lieut. A. J. 7th (CycHst) Bn. Devon Regt.

(T.F.) Lieut. Feb. 1915. Capt. June 1915. Trans-
ferred R.E. (Lieut.) July 1916. France Apr. 1917.
Killed in action 20/6/17.

HORNSBY-WRIGHT, Lieut.-Col. G. J.. D.S.O. Capt.
O.C. Contingent Oct. 1901 —
Dec. 191 1. Maj. 2/5th
Bn. Essex Regt. (T.F.) 2S/5/15. T/Lieut.-Col.
24/5/16. (Substantive) 1/6/16. Commanding 28/5/15
— 2/5/18. Home Services List 24/2/17. CO. 15th

Bn. Essex Regt. (T.F.) 6/5/18 13/4/19 in France.
Took part in advance of 59th Div., 5th Army, from
St. Venant to Lille and the Scheldt. O.C. Demobi-
lisation Camp, Dieppe and Leave Camp, Calais,
Jan. —Apr. 1919. Disembodied 14/4/19. D.S.O.
3/6/19. Home Services List 191 7.

JOYNER, Capt. C. B., M.B.E. Capt. Capt. 9th (S.) Bn.

Essex Regt. 22/9/14. Incapacitated by accident
31/12/14, and transferred to 12th (R.) Bn. Essex
Regt. Mar. 19 15. Employed under Ministry of
Munitions. M.B.E. 1/1/18. Ministry of Reconstruc-
tion. Demobilised 8/4/19.

WATTS, Capt. H. L. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 9th (S.) Bn.

Essex Regt. 22/9/14. Capt. Mar. 1915. In France
with 9th Bn. Killed in action at HuUuch 19/10/15.

HENDERSON, Capt. S. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 9th (S.)

Bn. Essex Regt. Temp. Lieut. 17/7/ 15. In France
with 9th Bn. Wounded at Hulluch 18/10/15, and on
the Somme Aug. 1916. In Italy with R.A.F. Capt.
R.A.F. H.Q., 27th Group, Army Educational Officer

ARMITSTEAD, Lieut. W. K. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 3/5th

Bn. Cheshire Regt. (T.F.) 26/8/15. Lieut. 30/3/16. In
France with i/5th Cheshire Regt. (T.F.), 56th Div,,

on the Somme Aug. Oct. 1916. Wounded at Les
Boeufs 2/10/16. With 13th (S.) Bn. Cheshire Regt.

Dec. 1916 Dec. 1917, 25th Div. at Messines. Act.-
Capt. 25/8/16 —
16/9/16. Invalided home 14/12/17.
4th (Res.) Bn. Cheshire Regt. Transferred to Un-
attd. List 8/1 2/1 8.


Retained for service with O.T.C.

MONTGOMERY, Capt. J. E. Capt. O.C. Contingent

since Dec. 191 1. Unattached List (T.F.) (H.)

MEDLEY, Capt. R. P. Capt. Unattached List (T.F.)

CHITTOCK, Lieut. C. Lieut. Unattached List (T.F.)

PEERS, 2nd Lieut. E. A. 2nd Lieut. Unattached List


JACOB, 2nd Lieut. F. 2nd Lieut. Unattached List (T.F.)


TURNER, Capt. F. G., O.B.E., M.C. i8th Bn. Roy.

Fus. 2/9/14 —
14/1/15- 2nd Lieut. 14/1/15- 13th (S.)
Bn. Hampshire Regt. Lieut. 14/1/15 5th (S.) Bn.
Dorset Regt. at Suvla. In Egypt in France. Act.-

— —
Capt. 20/10/15 7/2/16. Adjt. 7/2/16 7/1/17. Capt.
27/10/16. G.S.O. (3) nth Div. 7/1/17— 28/6/17.
Bde. Maj., 34th Bde., 28/6/17— 14/2/18. With nth
Div. on Somme, at Messines, 3rd battle of Ypres and
in final advance. M.C. 3/6/17. O.B.E. 3/6/19.
Demobilised 14/2/19.

ROBSON, Lieut. E.I. Temp. Lieut. 9/1/18. Gen. List

M.I. 5 W.O. Mihtary Control Bristol Channel Ports
till Apr. 19 1 8. British Mihtary Mission in Italy,

Apr. 1918 Jan. 1919. Assistant M.C.O. Feb. 1919
May 1919. Bristol Channel Ports. Demobihsed

EVANS, Pte. S. J. A. Inns of Court O.T.C. July 1918—

Jan. 1919. Demobihsed Jan. 1919.

MILLARD, Lieut. A. G. Artists' Rifles. Lieut. 3rd C. R.

Bn. E. Surrey Regt. Killed in action in France


rOMLINSON, Corpl. W.
A. 335th S.B. R.G.A. Apr. 191
Jan. 1919 Corpl. In France 2gl'jli'j Jan. 1919 at
Passchendaele and with 2nd Army Advance. Corpl.

Army Educational School, 19th Corps. Demobilised

[NGHAM, Sergt. W. R.A.S.C. Attd. R.N.A.S. Served in

East Africa (Sergt.)

HODGES, Lieut. C. S. 2nd Lieut, ist Eastern Rifles

South African Defence Force, Aug. 1914 June 1915.
Lieut. Feb. 1915. Served in S. W. Africa. 2nd Lieut,

(prob.) 3rd (R) Bn. Connaught Rangers 24/8/15.
Injured during training ; invalided out 27/3/18.

SLEIGH, Capt. G. B. Capt. O.C. Contingent Sept. 1912
—Aug. 1914. 3rd Bn. King's Own Roy. Lancaster
Regt. 15/8/14. With ist and 7th Bns., France and

Belgium, May 191 5 Oct. 191 7. Somme and Messines
Coy. Comdr. No. 24 (Tanks) O.C.B. 1918-19 (Q.) (H.)

Capt. Capt. Commission in
County Bn. D.L.I. (Sept. 1914). Twice wounded.
M.C. Discharged Aug. 1918. Died in hospital Sept.
1918 (Q.) (H.)

DAWE, Lieut. L. S. ind Lieut. Hants. Regt. 1916.

Mesopotamia 191 7- 19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WOODARD, Capt. F. A. Capt. O.C. Contingent since

Aug. 1914 (H.)

HOWARD, Lieut. J. R. E. Lieut. Commission 30/1/15.

DAVIES, 2nd Lieut. J. o.nd Lieut. Commission 11/4/15.

Resigned Jan. 191 8 for work in War Office.


GEARY, Lieut. B. H., V.C. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. E. Surrey

Regt. Aug. 1914. France and Italy 1914-18. Awarded
V.C, Hill 60, 1916. Twice wounded.

HARDING, Lieut. J. B. 2nd Lieut. Shrop. Light Inf.

191 5. France.

MORLEY, Lieut. R. S. 2nd Lieut. 1917- France.

GILLARD. Sig. S. C, R.N.V.R. Joined R.N.V.R.

1 3/4/1 7. Service on North American Convoys. Dis-
embodied 8/2/19.

CANE, 2nd Lieut. L. A. W. D. Commission 191 8, R.A.F.


^MACNAMARA, Rev. A. Temp. C.F. 4th Class

1917-19. France.

GURNHILL, Lieut. Lieut. R.A.M.C. 191 6. Italy.

MATSON, Lieut. A. W. 2nd Lieut, in County Bn. Beds.

Regt. Transferred to R.A.F. France.

GREAVES, Dvr. D. Joined A.S.C. Apr. 1915. Trans-

ferred to R.E., Signallers, Sept. 1915. France Oct.

1915 Feb. 1919. Discharged Feb. 1919.


PICKARD, Maj. H., M.C. Lieut. Jan. 1915— July 1915

in France, 41st Battery, R.F.A., 42nd Bde., 3rd Div.
Battle of Hooge May 1915. 31st Div., Egypt, Dec.

1915 Mar, 1916. 31st Div., France, Mar. 1916—Apr.
191 7, Somme and Vimy Ridge. 31st Div., France,
Mar. 1918—Aug. 191 8, 2nd battle of the Somme.
2nd Lieut. Nov. 1914. Capt., Act.-Maj. Despatches
Jan. 1917. M.C. June 1919.

MILBURN, 2nd Lieut. W. H. 2nd Lieid. Suffolk Regt.
Killed in action July 1916.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

KEY, Rev. W. T. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Mar. 1914. Temp. Lieut. Dec. 1914. Substantive
Lieut. Mar. 1919. O.C. Contingent Jan. 1915. (H.)

STOCKS, 2nd Lieut. F. W. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) Nov. 1914. 2nd Lieut. (Substan-
tive) Apr. 1917.

FEATHERSTON, 2nd Lieut. S. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) Feb. 1915. 2nd Lieut.
(Substantive) Apr. 1917.


LONSDALE, Lieut. H. Suffolk Regt. Twice wounded.


MEREDITH, Capt. W. M. E. Yorks Regt. Wounded.

RATCLIFFE, 2nd Lieut. A. V. W. Yorks Regt. Killed in

action July 19 16.


GORDON, Major J. Capt, O.C. Contingent on 4/8/14.
2nd Lieut. Roy. Scots (S.R.) Captain 1/6/15.
France Aug. 1916 to Feb. 1917. 17th (S.) Bn. Roy.
Scots. Temp. Major Sept. 191 7. 2nd-in-c. Aug.
1918 to Feb. 1919. M.C. 1/1/19. Croix de Guerre
Dec. 1917.

KERR, Capt. H. B., M.C. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted to 17th

Roy. Scots April 1915. Bde. Major 120th Inf. Bde.
France Jan. 1916 to Jan. 1919- ^-C.


EDGAR, Capt. R. D. Lieut. Temp. Capt. 17th (S.)

Bn. Roy. Scots 15/4/15. France Jan. 1916 to Jan.
1919. Adjt. 17th Roy. Scots Mar. 1917 to Jan. 1918.
Adjt. 4th Army Musketry School Jan. 1918 to Jan.

DOUGLAS, Capt. W. T. Act. -Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 14th

R.S. Transferred to R.F.C. 10/8/16. France June
1917-19. Aug. 1918-19 1st Bde. M.G.O. (R.A.F.)

HAMILTON, Capt. G. Lieut, and O.C. Lieut. i8th

Roy. Scots 19/2/16 77th T.R.B. Capt. and Super-
visor P. and B.T. Tay and Aberdeen Garrisons
25/12/17 to 30/2/19.

HARDIE, Temp. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Lieut. J. A.
Lieut.Black Watch (T.F.) Sept. 1918. 8th S.B.
Black Watch. France 15/11/18 to 11/1/19. Dis-
embodied 19/2/19.

Retained fof service with O.T.C.

PERKINS, Lieut. R. M. Temp. Lieut. Temp. Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) O.C. Contingent.


SCOTT, Major G. A. Forth R.G.A. Mar. 1915-16.

France Mar. 1916 Dec. 1918. 2nd-in-c. 70th S.B.
July 1917— Oct. 1918. O.C. 242nd S.B. Oct. 1918
Dec. 1 91 8. Mentioned in Despatches Jan. 1918.

TODD, Major J. A. 8th Roy. Scots. France Nov. 1914.

Wounded Nov. 1914 and May 1915. 2nd-in-c. of
Bn. July 1916. Despatches Jan. 1918. Prisoner of
War April 1918.

CARNON, Capt. W. Lieut. (Act.-Capt. and Adjt. May-

Dec. 1918) 1st Lowland R.F.A. Lieut. 10/6/15.
Transferred to No. 23 (Scottish) Fire Command Oct.

WALLACE, Capt. D. M. 2/ist Lowland R.F.A. 2nd
Lieut. 8/9/15. Lieut. 1/1/16. Act.-Capt. Oct. 1918.
Salonika 1918-19. 22nd Divisional Artillery.

DEWAR, Lieut. J. M. Gazetted to nth Black Watch

Oct. 1914. Transferred to 9th Black Watch. Gassed
8/5/16. Killed in action 16/10/18.

GENTLE, Lieut. W. 2/ist Lowland R.F.A. Lieut.

8/9/15. Lieut. 1/1/16. France April 1916 May- —
June 1917. Wounded June 1917.

HARDIE, 2nd Lieut. A. Spr. R.E. June 1916— 17/8/16

2nd Lieut. Labour Corps 11/8/17. France Feb. 1918
—Oct. 1918.

KEITH, Lieut. W. S. Gunnery Instr.R.F.A. July 1916

— Jan. 1917. B.C.A. in training —
Jan. 1917 April
1917. Commissioned Sept. 1917. France Oct. 1917.
Gassed 26/12/17, 17/3/18, 5/6/18. Demobilised 9/4/19

MILLAR» 2nd Lieut. J. Gazetted to 9th Black Watch.

Killed in action in France 25/9/15.

TAYLOR, Lieut. J. ist A. & S.H. Roy. Scots (T.)

Aug. 1914. Gallipoli June 1915. Wounded June
1915. Gazetted to A. & S.H. July 1916. Salonika

Nov. 1916 Jan. 1918.

DALBY, Sergt.-Major J. D. i/5th Bn. Roy. Scots 1914.

Gallipoli April 1915. Wounded June
191 5. 3 /5th
R.S. Nov. 1915 (4th Res. Bn.) Roy. Scots 1916.

France Jan. 1918. i/8th R.S. Jan. 1918 April 1918.

9th OfEr. Cdt. Bn. Gailes, June 1918 Jan. 1919.

FORBES, Sergt.-Major-Inst. J. Northants Regt. Attd.

Army Gym. Staff 22615. France Dec. 1917-19.

SMITH, Sergt. R. L. R.S.F. Mar. 191 7. Transferred to

Lab Corps May 191 7.

WILSON. Sergt. J. Roy. Scots Dec. 1916. Transferred

to loth R.F. June 1918.

65 F

HARE, Sergt. E. R.S.Fus. Mar. 1917. Transferred to

Lab. Corps May 1917-

PATERSON, L.-Corpl. H. Joined R.E. in Mar. 1916.

RYRIE, Spr. J. S. Joined R.E. in April 191 6. Two

years with Salonika Forces.


SHEPHERD, Capt. F. P. Capt. Enlisted 6/10/14. Capt.
5th Roy. Scots,, afterwards with Offr, Cdt. Bn. Gailes.

COOPER, Maj. W. R. Capt. Enlisted 7/10/14. Capt.

4th Roy. Scots. Promoted Act.-Maj. 4/1 2/15.
Substantive 17/7/17. 2nd-in-c. 4th Roy. Scots. Service
abroad Gallipoli, Egypt and France.

SHAW, Sergt. A. M. Capt. EnUsted 4/2/15. Pte.

R.A.M.C. Service abroad, Sergt.

GERRARD, Maj. R. F. Capt. Enlisted 5/7/15. Capt.

Roy. Scots. Promoted Maj. Killed in action Apr.

HARE, 2nd Lieut. A. B. 2nd Lieut. Enlisted -/12/15.

2nd Lieut. R.F.A, Killed in action 31/10/16.

CATTO, Lieut. W. S. Capt. Enlisted 16/10/18. Lieut.

Roy. Highrs.

WAUGH-ROBERTSON, 2nd Lieut. G. Lieut. EnUsted

3/12/14. Sapper R.E. , 21/9/16. Pte. Oxf. and Bucks
L.I. 3/2/17. Trooper S. Notts. Hussars 20/1/18. 2nd
Lieut. 9th Roy. Scots. Salonika 20/1/17 15/6/17. —
France 25/6/17 — 13/8/17. Demobilised Mar. 1919.


Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Enlisted 7/6/15.
2nd Lieut. i6th Roy. Scots. Lieut. Aug. 1916.
Despatches Jan. 191 7, transferred to R.E. Aug. 191
as Lieut. France, 7/1/16 —
18/1/19, in infantry with
34th Div. in R.E. with Field Survey.


LOCKHART, Capt. T. T. R., M.C.. R.E. Capt. Enlisted

30/6/15. Corpl. 7/7/15 Sergt. 23/2/16 ; 2nd Lieut.

30/4/16; Lt. 19/10/17; Capt. 1/7/18. France

15/7/15— 8/11/15 Egypt and Dardanelles 20/1 1/15


23/2/16 France 18/3/16 10/5/18 Italy 20/5/18

— 13/1/19.

Demobilised 21/1/19.

3/1/17. M.C. 19/10/17. Encomitum (Comando
Supremo Italian Army) 15/12/18. Instructor to
American Army 12/1/18 30/3/18. — Instructor to
Italian Army 26/5/18 —
30/1 i/i 8. Education Officer
G.H.Q. Troop Italy 1/12/18— 13/1/19. Present at
Loos (Sept. 1915), Hulluch (Oct. 1915), Somme
(July 1916), Arras (Apr. 1917), Messines (June 1917),
Hill 70 (Aug. 1917). Wounded 13/11/16.
ALLARDICE, Capt. J.T., M.C. Capt. Enlisted 20/10/14.
2nd Lieut.,Nov. 1915, in 3/5th Black Watch. France,
attd. 6th Camerons, 7/10/16. O.C. 45th T.M.B.
Feb. 1918. Demobilised Jan. 1919. Despatches
twice. M.C. 1919. Present at Ypres (1917), Arras
(Apr. 1917), Arras (Mar. 1918), Soissons (June 1918),
Hulluch (1918).

Hetained for service with O.T.C.

ANDERSON, Capt. W. Temp. Capt. O.C. Contingent.

FINDLAY, 2nd Lieut. H. J. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 22/8/15. With Contingent until
Dec. 1918.


NAULET, Lieut. M. F. Enlisted 1/8/14. Lieut. 6th Regt.

of Inf., French Army.

CROWDEN, 2nd Lieut. H. Enlisted 3/8/14. 2nd Lieut.

13th Roy. Scots. Wounded.

ANDERSON, Sergt. T. Y. EnUsted 3/8/14. Sergt. 7th

Roy. Scots.

NISBET, 2nd Lieut. J. Enlisted 3/8/14. 2nd Lieut. Roy.
Scots. Killed in action 1 5/4/1 5.

GIBB, L.-Corpl. A. J. EnUsted 3/8/14- L.-Corpl, 6th

Roy. Scots. Killed in action.

MAYBIN, Lieut. J. J. EnHsted 3/8/14- Lieut. Roy.

Scots. Killed in action July 1916.

SEYMOUR, Maj. H. R. EnUsted -/9/14 as Sergt. Instr.

S. Lanes. Regt. afterwards Maj. Loyal N. Lanes.

LE HARIVEL. Pte. P. C. G. EnUsted 11/11/15. Pte.

A.S.C. 4/1/16. A.S.C. Record Office, Woolwich,
7/7/16. Central Requisition Office, France, 28/12/6.
Branch Requisition Office, 5th Army, 26/3/18. Claims
Commission and Directorate of Hirings and Requisi-
tions, District Office No. i., 28/2/19. DemobiUsed.

WILLIAMS, 2nd Lieut. F. J, H. EnUsted 10/12/15.

2nd Lieut. Roy. Scots Fus.

LENNIE, Pte. R. M. EnUsted 6/4/16. Pte. A.S.C, now


GALL» Gnr. W. J. R. EnUsted 1 5/5/1 6. Gnr. R.G.A.,

afterwards 2nd Lieut. Killed in action 19/4/ 18.

PHILIP, Gnr. G. EnUsted 7/6/16. Gnr. R.G.A.

PEARSON, 2nd Lieut. F. R. EnUsted 29/6/17. 2nd

Lieut. Equipment Officer, R.A.F.

ALBERT, 2nd Lieut. E. EnUsted 20/5/18. Pte. R.A.F.,

afterwards 2nd Lieut.

FAIRLEY, Ldg. Seaman J. Enlisted 3/8/14. Seaman

Gnr., H.M.S. Canopus, R.N., afterwards Ldg. Seaman.

CURRALL, 2nd Lieut. R. S. EnUsted 1/7/18. Pte. 28th

London Regt., afterwards 2nd Lieut. Dec. 1918.
Gazetted in Gen. List, attd. G. Motor M.G. Corps
Train. DemobiUsed 16/1/19.


DOWNIE, Pte. E., M.M. EnHsted 11/1/15. Pte. 4th

K.O.S.B., transferred M.G.C. 7/5/16. France 15/7/16
— 20/9/17. Wounded twice 16/8/16 and 20/9/17.
M.M. 7/6/17. Demobilised.


CLARK. Lieut. E. D. Temp. Capt. Transferred to S.R.

4/1 /17. Lieut. 3rd Bn. A.P.W.O. (York Regt.).

France 14/3/17 19/5/17, 7th Bn. York Regt., 17th
Div. Battle of Arras. Severely wounded 12/5/17.
Rejoined 3rd Bn. Sept. 191 7 in England. France
19/6/18. Attd. 13th Bn. Duke of Wellington's Regt.,

59th Div. Final advance Sept. Oct. 1918.

BELL, Maj. E. A. Capt. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

1914. Lieut. 1916. Capt. 1918. Transferred to 9th
Bn. Norfolk Regt. France Nov. 1918. Army of
Occupation, Cologne. Employed on Educational

DYER, Lieut. H. F. 2nd Lieut. Transferred to 3/6th Bn.

Duke of Wellington's Regt. Apr. 1916. France
Oct. 1916. I /6th Bn. Duke of WeUington's Regt.

49th Div. Died of wounds 28/8/17.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

McINTOSH, 2nd Lieut. A. M. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Temp.

2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) Sept. 1916. Passed for
Home Service only.


J< QUICK, L.-Corpl. E. K. Oct. 1915— July 1918.

Temp. C.F. (4th Class) Home Service. July 1918
Dec. 1918, Rifleman, L.R.B., Home Service.


CLAUGHTON. 2nd Lieut. W. T. A. Cadet School,

Gailes, Apr. — July 1916. 2nd Lieut. 29th Bn. Roy.
Fus., Aug. 1916—-Nov. 1916. France 21/11/16—
Feb. 191 7 with 20th Bn. Roy. Fus. Feb. 191 7
28/5/17 Home Service. 28/5/17
with 20th Bn. Roy. Fus.

July 1918 France
Invalided home.

TEVERSHAM, Corpl. T. F. Dec. 1915—Apr. 1916, 26th

Bn. Roy. Fus. Home Service. France 4/5/16
9/9/16 (invaUded home). Transferred nth Bn.
Bedford Regt. Mar. 1917. Discharged as medically
unfit for further service 11/4/18.

HASWELL, 2nd Lieut. P. Cadet School July 191 8—

Oct. 1918. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. France 31/1/18 with
331st Siege Battery. St. Quentin and Amiens (Mar.,
Apr. 19 1 8). Computing Officer, 4th Army CaUbration

Section, July ^Nov. 191 8.

^PARKINSON, Rev. C. T. Oct. 1915— July 1918.

Temp. C.F. (4th Class). France June 1916. Attd.
i8th Divisional R.F.A. —
Somme July ^Nov. 1916.
Arras May 1917. Third battle of Ypres July Nov. —
1917. St. Quentin, Amiens Villers-Brettoneux 1918.

Cadet School July 19 18 Nov. 19 18. St. John's
Wood (R.F.A.) with a view to a combatant com-

WATKINS, Air-Mech. L. R.A.F. Sept. 1918. Home


REID, Capt. F. W., M.C. Capt. Joined i6th H.L.I.
2/9/14. Temp. Capt. 1/12/14. France (Somme 1916.

Flanders 191 7 Passchendaele, Houlthulst Forest).
France 1918 (Amiens, St. Quentin, BellengUse,
Bric-St. Christ). i6th (S.) Bn. H.L.I., 32nd Div.
M.C. June 1919. Wounded 1/7/16. Rejoined O.T.C.
as Capt. (Substantive) dated 1/12/14.

MACBETH, 2nd Lieut. J. D. G. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.
Unattd. List (T.F.) 15/3/15. 2nd Lieut. 5th Bn.
H.L.I. 8/1/16. Transferred as 2nd Lieut, to 5th
R.S.F. in Egypt. Wounded. Missing; presumed
killed Mar. 191 7.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

COUPER, Maj. P.Maj\ O.C. Contingent. Attd. 2/ist

(153rd) A. & S.H. Bde. 1/7/15— 31/8/15. Maj.
Unattd. List (T.F.) 9/12/13.

BARRIE, Lieut. G. L. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) 14/1/15. Temp. Lieut. 14/4/16.

DUNLOP, Lieut. J. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) 15/3/15- Temp. Lieut. 27/1 1/16.


WALSH, Capt.J. N. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 1914.

6tliBn. Yorks and Lanes. Regt. 1915. Gallipoli.
Wounded. Invalided out of service.

BIRLEY, Capt. N. P.. D.S.O., M.C. Capt. 2nd Lieut.

3rd Bn. S. Stafifords Oct. 1914. Capt. 3rd Bn. S.

Stafford Regt. (S.R.) France May 1915 Mar. 1918.

Posted ist Sher. For. May 1915 Dec. 1916. H.Q.

25th Inf. Bde., 8th Div., Dec. 1916 Mar. 1918.

M.C. Aug. 1917. D.S.O. Jan. 1918.

H.Q., 27th (R.) Inf. Bde., Aug. 1918 Jan. 1919.

SPARLING, 2nd Lieut. H. P. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 13/3/15. Naval Instr., R.N., 4/1/16. H.M.S.
Erin 24/5/16 4/10/17. Temp. Lieut. R.E. 6/10/17.
France 20/10/17 25/12/18. 2nd Field Survey Bn.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MILLER, Maj. J. C. Maj. O.C. Contingent 1901-17.

Resigned 1917 on expiracy of command (p.) (H.)

HAMMICK, Capt. D. LI. Capt. Temp. Capt. 5/9/16.

O.C. 1917-19.

PARTRIDGE, Capt. H. W. Capt. 2nd Lieut. 20/6/15.

Temp. Capt. 17/12/18. O.C. Contingent 1919.
Served in ranks 18/9/14 20/6/15. —
ROBERTSON, 2nd Lieut. E. A. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.
4/1/18. —
Served in ranks 18/9/14 4/1/18.


FOSTER. Lieut.-Col. J. H. Enlisted Mddx. Regt. 1914.

Commission in 1915 Service Bn. Highland Light Inf.
Wounded Nov. 1917 and Aug. 19 18. Despatches

SMITH, Capt. V. N. Enlisted Mddx. Regt, 1914. Com-

mission in 1915 Wilts. Regt. Despatches. Killed in
action 13/11/16.

KENTISH WRIGHT, Capt. O. Notts, and Derby

Mounted Bde. Field Ambulance R.A.M.C. (T.F.)
MobiUsed 5/8/14. Transferred to 2nd hne as O.C.
1/11/14. France 12/12/17 —
11/3/19, Temp. Maj.
4/5/15 — 11/12/17. Act.-Maj. 2/1/18 —
11/3/19. Act.-
Lieut.-Col. 20/6/18 — 15/7/18. Demobihsed 11/3/19.


STREAM, Maj. E. J. Capt. Maj. Comdg. loth Bn.
Lines. Regt. Embodied Served in France

Jan. Sept. 1916. Disembodied 29/3/19. O.C.
Contingent up to Aug. 19 14.


PRATTE, Maj. W. S. Ltetd. Temp. Capt., Act.-Maj.,

loth and nth Bns. Lines. Regt., 82nd T.R.B. Em-
bodied g/g/14. Home Service only. Disembodied
July 19 19.

BRANFOOT, Lieut. C. 2nd Lieut, nth Bn. Lines. Regt.

Franee Jan. 1916 —Aug. 1917. Killed in aetion Aug.

SHREWSBURY, Lieut. J. H. Lieut. In France with

2/5th Bn. Lines. Regt. Mar. —Apr. 191 7. Severely
wounded 11/4/17. Graded for Perm. Home Service.
Seconded to O.T.C. 1/6/18, and Comdg. Contingent
from that date.

Retained for Service with O.T.C.

SMITH, Lieut., E. W. Lieut. Unfit for General Service.

Comdg. Contingent Sept. 1914 —
Feb. 1918. Resigned
on account of ill-health.


CAMMACK, Capt. C, M.C. Temp, rank 7th N. Lanes.

Regt. France July 191 5 Jan. 1919. — Gazetted
Gassed, Somme, June 1916.
9/9/14. M.C. Dec. 1916.
Commission relinquished Mar. I9i9'

FAWCETT, Sergt. W. H. France 23/11/16— 3/1/19 with

R.A.S.C, attd. 193rd S.B. R.E.A. Enlisted 25/5/16.

BULLOCK, Dvr. A. Enlisted Oct. 1916 R.A.S.C. (M.T.)

France with 8th Bn. Loy. N. Lanes. Regt. June 1917
May 1918. Wounded May 1918. Demobilised Dec.

BRIGGS, Corpl. J. B. Served in France with 6th Bn.

Lines. Regt. Jan. —
Oct. 1918. Enhsted Dee. 1915.
Demobilised Feb. 1919. Gassed May 19 18 at Hulluch.


GOOD ACRE, R.S.M. C. A. France and Salonika 191

with Notts, and Derby Mtd. Bde., F.A.(T.F.) and 60th
Gen. Hosp. Mobilised 4/8/14. Discharged 21/12/17.
S. Africa 1899- 1902

NEWBERY, Spr. H. —
France 9/1/16 24/1/19 with loth
Bn. Lines. Regt. and 49th Div. Sig. Co. R.E.


REID, Capt. C. J. Capt. 9th (S.) Bn. Roy. Wore. Regt.

Missing, Gallipoli, Aug. 1915 (now presumed killed),

WATERS, Capt. G. T. Lieut. 7th (S.) Bn. Suffolk Regt.

Killed in action France Apr. 1918.

GRUNDY, Lieut. G. E. Lieut, gth (S.) Bn. Roy. War.

Regt. Killed in action Gallipoli July 19 15.

PICKLES, Capt. A. 2nd Lieut, nth (S.) Bn. Suffolk

Regt. France.

FARRELL, Lieut. W. J. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. France and

Mesopotamia (Special appointment).

Retained for service with O.T.C.

LATHAM, Capt. and Brevet-Maj. P. H., T.D. Capt. and

Brevet Maj. O.C. Contingent. Territorial Decoration
1919. Brevet Maj. 1919. Home Services List. p.s.

MALIM, Capt. F. B. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

LLOYD, Lieut. W. R. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

THOMAS, Lieut. T. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

SPEAKMAN, Lieut. L. A. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

HYLTON-STEWART. Lieut. B. D. Lieut. Unattd.
List (T.F.)

BOWER, Lieut. A. J. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

DUCHESNE, 2nd Lieut. A. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List



CHAMPION, Lieut.-Col. C. C. D.S.O. nth (S.) Bn. S.

Lanes. Regt. Served in France. D.S.O. Despatches
(twice). Twice wounded.

FAIR, Maj. C. H., D.S.O. i/igth Bn. London Regt.

Served in France. D.S.O. Despatches.

TENNANT, Capt. N. R. D. 2/i9th Bn. London Regt.

Wounded in Palestine.

LEMPRIERE. Capt. L. R., O.B.E. R.A.M.C. O.B.E.

Medaille des Epidemics en Argent. Despatches.

JOCE, Lieut. J, B. D. R.N.V.R.

WALTERS, Lieut. D. J., M.C. R.G.A. Despatches.


MILLER, Lieut. R. W. R. R.E.

PURSER, Lieut. F. D. R.N.D. Killed in action, France,

Dec. 1917.

ADAMS, Lieut. C. W. R.G.A. Wounded in France.

RICHARDSON, Maj. T. J. Capt. 2nd-in-c. i6th Bn.
N. Staffs Regt. 191 4-1 8.

ENGLAND, Capt. R. E. Capt. Musketry N.C.O. School,

Northern Command, York, 1915-18.

HILBOURNE, Lieut. G. M. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. Meso-

potamia Jan. 1915 and Mar. 1915 Aug. 1916.—
Wounded Jan. 1916, Dec. 1917 and July 1918.

GUISE, 2nd Lieut. E. S. 2nd Lieut. Transferred from

O.T.C. to 7th (Res.) Bn. Worcs. Regt. June 1916.
Drafted to 2 /7th Bn. Worcs. Regt France Sept. 1916.
Severely wounded near Neuve Chapelle 10/10/16.

Hospital Oct. 1916 June 191 7. Invalided from
Service with Honorary rank of 2nd Lieut. Sept. 19 17.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

CLENDON, Capt. A. Temp. Capt. O.C. Contingent.

PARDOE, Lieut. R. H. Temp. Lieut. Temp. Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.)

THOMAS, 2nd Lieut, T. H. znd Lieut. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.)


THOMPSON, Capt. C. C. 3rd Innis. Fus. 1914-16. France.

Killed in action on the Somme July 1916.
ALLISON, Lieut. H. A. 3rd Bn. R.W.F. 1915. Attd.
13th Bn. R.W.F. 22nd Div. 1916-18. Lieut. 1917.
Demobilised Nov. 191 8.

LEWIS, Sergt. W. Sergt. Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. France

1917-18. Wounded Sept. 1918.

TYTTERLEIGH, Corpl. A. C. Corpl. R.A.F. June 1918.
Bombing Instr. 1918. Demobilised Jan. 1919.

NORMAN, Pte. S. G. M.G.C. Heavy Section 1915. In-

valided out 1916. Died 1919.

BROWN, Capt. H. C. i/yth Bn. Worcs. Regt. (T.F.)

StaffCapt. 145th Inf. Bde., 48th Div. France.
Wounded Oct. 191 7.

MERCER. Lieut.-Col. E. G., C.M.G., T.D. Maj. O.C.
Contingent Christmas Term 191 2 till Aug. 19 14.
South Africa. Hon. Capt. in the Army. Commanded
1st Bn. London Regt. (T.F.) in France. Lieut.-Col.
Commanding 2/5th Bn. Beds. Regt. Transferred to

WERNER, Capt. C. A. Lieut. 5th Bn. Rifle Bde. (S.R.)

Killed in action 9/5/15 near Fromelles.

LAGDEN, Capt. R. O. Lieut. 4th Bn. K.R.R.C. Killed

in action in France Mar. 191 5.

EYRE, Capt. C. H. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Bn. K.R.R.C. Killed

in action in France 25/9/15.

KENT, Lieut. H. G. Temp. Capt. Coldstream Guards

(S.R.) Aps. 1917. France with ist,3rd and 4th Bns.
till Dec. 191 8.

CARRINGTON, Capt. C. W., D.S.O. Act. -Capt. Gren.

Guards (S.R.) Wounded in France Mar. 191 8.
D.S.O. 1918.

^KITTERMASTER, Rev. D. B., M.C. Lieut. Chaplain

to the Forces, ist Div., France, Sept. 1915 Sept. —
1916. Later Senior Chaplain, ist Div., France, June
1 918 —
Christmas 191 8. M.C.

LEAF, Capt. F. A. 2nd Lieut. R.E. Apr. igi?- Later
at War Office.

EDWARDES, 2nd Lieut. T. E. 2nd Lieut. Served in the

ranks in Rifle Bde. from Aug. 1914 until discharged
on medical grounds Jan. 191 5.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

FREEBORN, Maj. E. W. Brevet Maj. O.C. Contingent

since Aug. I9i4'

CALVERT, Capt. W. J. R. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List


MOORSOM, Capt. C. W. M. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List



BEGUIEN-DE-MEAUX, Capt. A. 48th Bn. de Chasseurs,

French Army. Wounded and prisoner of war Sept.

HOLLINGSWORTH, Capt. J. H., D.S.C. Roy. Marine

Artillery. Granted D.S.C. in May 191 8 in France.

COOTE, Comdr. B. T., R.N. Roy. Navy. Chief Instr.

in Physical Training in the Roy. Navy from Aug. 1914.


CHAMBERS, Lieut. Eric. 2nd Lieut. 5th Bn. Glos.
Regt. ; later loth (S.) Bn. Glos. Regt. 1914. Salonika


KINMAN, Maj. G. W. Maj. loth (S.) Bn. Bedford

Regt. 1914-15- 3rd (S.R.) Bn. Bedford Regt. 1916.
17th I.B.D. (France) 1916. 22nd Training Res.
Bn. 1917 and No. 5 Offr. Cdt. Bn. 1918. Military and
Appeal Representative (Herts.) 191 6- 18. O.C.
Contingent since 1908. p. (H.)

ROBINSON. Capt. P. H.. M.C., R.G.A. 2nd Lieut.

nth (S.) Bn. Loyal N. Lanes. Regt. then to R.G.A. ;

(48th Siege Bde.) 191 5. France Apr. 191 6. Staff

Capt. for County Battery work with 6th Corps Heavy
Artillery from Oct. 1917. Somme 1916. Arras 1917.
Cambrai 19 17. Somme Mar. 19 18 and Allied attacks

Aug. Nov. 1918. M.C. 3/6/18. Despatches 17/12/17.
Demobilised from Army of Occupation Apr. 1919.

NICHOLLS, Lieut. W. H. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Herts,

Yeomanry. Egypt and Palestine 19 17- 19.

WELLS, 2nd Lieut. E. L. 2nd Lieut. 7th Bn. Wellington

Regt. N.Z.E.F. Killed in action Gallipoli 1915.


JENKINS, Sergt. W. M.S.M.

F., i/4th Bn. Cameron
Highrs. (T.F.) Sept. 19 14 (21st Bde, 7th Div., in
France 1915). Neu ve Chapelle 1 9 1 5 Festubert 1 9 1 5

Givenchy 1915. Wounded July 1915. Promoted

Sergt. on the field May 1915. Meritorious Service
Medal. 1915 Star. Despatches Jan. 1916. De-
mobilised Feb. 1 9 19.

WESTBROOKE, Sergt. R. G. R.N.A.S. Aircraftsman i.

July 1917 —Apr. 1918 Felixstowe. Sergt. R.A.F.,
same station, till December 1918. —
Dec. 191 8 Feb.
19 1 9 (demobiUsed) Beaulieu.



MACLEAN, Maj. Capt. In command of Contingent

from 1904 —
1/4/14. Capt. 6tli (T.) Bn. Highland
Light Inf. 17/4/12. Capt. and Adjt, 2/6th and
3/6th (T.) Bn. Highland Light Inf. Sept. 1914
June 1916. Temp. Maj. Nov. 1915. Maj. 24/2/16.
Attd. Young Officers' School, Kinross, as Instructor
in Tactics July 1916 —
Oct. 1916. 2nd-in-c. 17th (S.)
Bn. Yorks. Regt. Oct. 1916 May 1917. — Attd.
War Office and sent out as Administrative Officer to
7th, 12th and 23rd Offr. Cdt. Bns. from May 1917
until disbanding of Offr. Cdt. Bn. p.s. (t.) (H.)

McELWAIN, Maj. Capt.

J. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List
(T.F.) 9/1/11. Lieut. 1/12/11. Capt. Commanding

Contingent i/4/i4' 2/9/14. Temp. Capt. i6th (S.)
Bn. Highland Light Inf. {2nd Glasgow) 2/9/14. Temp.
Maj. 1/7/15. France Nov. 1915. Wounded 1/7/16.
2nd-in-c. 78th Training Reserve Bn. France, In-
structor 4th Corps School of Instruction. Attd. 51st
Div. Gassed 21/3/18. Instructor Offr. Cdt. Bn.,
Newmarket. War Education Dept. 2nd-in-c.
Officers' School of Instruction, Keeham Hall, Newark.

RICHARD, Capt. F. L. ind Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd

List (T.F.) 27/5/14— 5/12/17. Graduated M.B.,
Ch.B., Glasgow University, Oct. 191 7. Transferred
to R.A.M.C. (S.R.) Lieut. R.A.M.C. (S.R.) 6/12/17.
France 13/12/17. Attd. i/3rd North Midland Field

Ambulance Dec. 1917 May 1918. Attd. i/5th (T.)
Bn. South StafiEs. Regt. May 19 18 Apr. 19 19. —
Capt. 6/12/18. Wounded 3/10/18. Demobilised

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SHILLING, Capt. S. R. Capt. ist Lanarkshire Rifle

Volunteers 29/3/00 31/3/08. Corpl. 17/12/06. 2nd
Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 20/2/14. Lieut. 22/8/14.
Temp. Capt. 11/10/14. Capt. 27/3/19. In command
of Contingent from 11/10/14.

— 7

McDonald, 2nd Lieut. C. M. 'znd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 5/5/18.

JORDAN, 2nd Lieut. J. W. 2nd Lieut. Sergt. ist

Lanarkshire Volunteer Roy. Engineers 5/2/91
20/1 1 /91. ist Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers 27/3/92
31/3/08. Sergt. Volunteer Long Service Medal.
Served as Volunteer in South African War. Attd.
2nd Bn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Queen's Medal
and 4 Bars. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 11/5/18.


BLAIR, Lieut. G. W. Cadet Glasgow University O.T.C.

21/4/09 — Pte. 9th (Glasgow Highland) Bn.
20/4/1 1.
(T.) Highland Light Inf. 12/1/15— 19/8/15. Corpl.

Royal Engineers (S.B.) 19/8/15 14/12/16. France
4/9/15. 2nd Lieut. Gen. List (Anti-Gas Services)

14/12/16 2/5/17. 2nd Lieut. Roy. Engineers (S.R.)
2/5/17. Lieut. 14/6/18. Demobilised 16/2/19.

BO AG, 2nd Lieut. J. A. Cadet Glasgow University O.T.C.

14/4/16— 7/7/16. CadetNo. 4O.C.B. 7/7/16— 21/11/16
Temp. 2nd Lieut. Roy. Scots Fus. 21/11/16. France
13/12/16, attd. ist Bn. R.S.F. Invahded home on
account of illness contracted on active service 29/5/17.
Resigned commission onaccount of ill-health 22/11 /i

BOYLE, Lieut. J. A. Pte. 2nd Vol. Bn. Highland Light

Inf. and 6th (T.) Bn. Highland Light Inf. 30/4/03—
24/6/09. Pte. Artist Rifles O.T.C. 24/10/16 22/1/17.—
Cadet Artillery School, Handel St., London, and

Shoeburyness 23/1/17 8/4/17. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A.
(S.R.) Anti-Aircraft Section 8/4/17. Woolwich
8/4/17 —27/5/17. In charge of various Anti- Aircraft
Stations in Clyde District and Firth of Forth 27/5/17
24/12/18. Lieut. 8/10/18. Demobilised 24/12/18.

8x G
McAllister. Pte. W. Pte. and L.-Sergt. 2nd Vol. Bn.
Highland Light Inf. and 6th (T.) Bn. Highland Light
Inf. 30/4/03

31/3/12. Pte. 4th Bn. Highland Light
Mar. 1916. France Feb. 1917. Attd. 15th (S.)
Bn. Highland Light Inf. Home Jan. 1919. De-
mobiUsed 1 7/3/1 9.

McMINN, Lieut. W.
Pte. 19th (S.) Bn. Highland Light
Inf. Pte. 6th (S.) Bn. King's Own
15/3/16— 30/6/16.
Scottish Borderers 1/7/16 5/1/17. —
France 30/6/16.
Cadet No. i Offr. Cdt. Bn. 5/1/17— 26/4/17. Temp.
2nd Lieut. The Royal Scots. Fusiliers. France 3/9/17.
Attd. 1st Bn. R.S.F. MiUtary Cross 25/6/18. Pris.
of War 12/5/18 —
1/12/18. Temp. Lieut. 26/10/18.
Home Attd. 3rd R.S.F. Demobihsed 17/6/19.

ROBERTSON, Lieut. R. D. 2nd Lieut. R.E. (T.F.)

1 Tyne Electrical Engineers. For 3 months
7/8/1 7.
with No. 10 Tyne Mobile Searchhght Coy. on North-
London and Essex Defences. Transferred to Tyne
Elec. Eng. R.E. Depot as Officer-in-c. Electrical
Engineering Classes.

STEWART, Capt. G. Pte. ist Lanarkshire Rifle Volun-

teers for 2 years.Temp. 2nd Lieut. 26th (S.) Bn.
Northumberland Fus. (3rd Tyneside Irish) 23/4/15.
France Jan. 1916. Wounded 1/7/16. At home
1/7/16 —
15/3/17. France 15/3/17. Killed in action

WRIGHT, Pte. R. J. R.A.S.C. (Mechanical Transport).

France, India.


LEE, 2nd Lieut. H. V. 2nd Lieut. Suffolk Regt. 1915.

Salonika. Killed in action on the Struma River

MALLAM, Lieut. P. P., M.C. Lieut. Grenadier Guards
1916. M.C. Sept. 1918.

SIMS, Lieut. W. 'znd Lieut,

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SCOTT, Capt. P. W. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.) (H.) p.s.

POCOCK, Lieut. H. B. I. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


ROBINSON. Pte. N. E. i/8th Bn. Roy. Fus. (T.F.)

France, July 1916 —Feb. 1917. Somme, July and
Aug. 1916.

BARBER, Lieut. Rev. H. S. Roy. Naval Vol. Res.

AXE, Pte. A. C. Sportsmen's Bn. Killed in action on the

Somme 1/7/16.

DESPICHT, Lieut. S. M. W.A.A.F.

WILLIS, Lieut. R. 9th Bn. Loyal N. Lanes. Regt. Killed

in action Vimy Ridge 15/5/ 16.

STRAUGHAN, Lieut. T. A. Northumberland Fus.

Galhpoh (Suvla Bay) 1915. Died of wounds 5/2/18.

WILLIAMS, Capt. C. a B. Devonshire Regt.

BELL, Capt. W. S. Lanes. Fus.

YOUNGHUSBAND, Lieut. H. E. Surrey Regt.

DAVIES, Lieut. D. A. W. R.F.A.

^ HEDLEY. Rev. P. F. Temp. Chaplain to the Forces,

4th Class,

FIELDEN, Lieut. T. P. R.F.A. (S.R.)

NEWMAN, Lieut. C. F. K.O.Y.L.I.


CARROL, Capt. J. E. M. Capt. O.C. Contingent to May
1914. loth Bn. E. Yorks Regt. France, Egypt,
India from Aug. 1914 to present time.

BAKER, Capt. T. Lieut. O.C. Contingent May Oct. —

1914. Capt. loth Bn. Line. Regt. Oct. 1914. France
Dec. 19 15. Killed in action June 191 6.

RAND, Capt. H. M. 'Znd Lieut. O.C. Contingent Oct

1914 July 1915. Home Counties' Div. Sig. Coy..
R.E. (T.) 2nd Lieut. 6/10/14. Attd. R.E. (T.)
10/9/15. France Apr. 1917. First Army and 13th
Corps Signal Coy. (Vimy). May 1917 Oct. 1917, —
29th H.A. Bde. Signals (Messines, Ypres salient)

Oct. 1917 Mar. 1918 Cambrai front. Mar. 1918 —
Jan. 1919 ist Army Signal Coy. in-c. Carrier Pigeon
Service and Temp. Staff Officer to Signal Ofificer-in-
Chief. Jan. 1919 5th Corps H.A. Signals. Feb. 1919
5th Corps Sig. Coy. Apr. 1919 9th Corps H.A. Signals
(Army of Occupation). Temp. Capt. Jan. 1919.
Despatches Apr. 191 8.

SOUTHWELL, Lieut. F. E. G. ^nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

4th (Res.) Bn. E. Yorks. Regt. Oct. 1915. France
Jan. 191 7. Died of wounds Apr. 191 7.

MAYNE, Lieut. G. W. R.E. (T.F.) 2nd Lieut. 2nd

Lieut. 4/1/15. Elec. Lights, Plymouth, 1915-18.
14th and 1 6th. A. A. Coys. R.E. East London 191 8
Jan. 1919. Lieut. July 1916. Demobilised 3/1/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

Capt. Temp. Capt. 2nd Lieut. 4/1/15.
Temp. Lieut. Dec. 1916. Temp. Capt. 29/1/18.
Lieut. 26/3/19. O.C. Contingent since July 1915.

CLOUGH, Lieut. G. H. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Oct

1915. Temp. Lieut. Feb. 1918. Left May 1919.


DAKIN, Lieut. A. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Nov. 1916.

Temp. Lieut. Feb. 1918.


DENHAM, Maj. H. A., D.S.O. E. Riding R.G.A. (T.)

Capt. 22/12/13. Humber Coast Defences 4/8/14
21/5/16. Commanded 164th Siege Battery R.G.A.
21/5/16 — 13/6/17; 511th S. Battery R.G.A. 26/11/17
— 13/6/18; 329th S. Bn. 14/7/18 —
21/5/19. France
5/9/16 — 13/6/17; 29/6/18 to disembodiment. Maj.
(Substantive) 1/6/16. Disembodied Apr. 1919.
D.S.O. 2/6/19. Somme, Beaumont Hamel (1916),

Arras (191 7), German Retreat (July Nov, 191 8).
5th Corps to 1916, Canadian Corps 1917, nth Corps
1918 onwards. Despatches 16/3/19.

HOLMAN, Maj. F. Capt. E. Riding R.G.A. (T.) Maj.

(Substantive) 1/6/16. Humber Coast Defences
4/8/14 —
June 1916. Commanded 198th Siege Battery
R.G.A. since Sept. 1916. France Sept. 1916 to present.
Despatches 16/3/19.

WARD, Maj. J. G. 2nd Lieut. 10/5/13 E. Riding R.G.A.

(T.) Embodied 4/8/14. Humber Coast Defences to
Sept. 1915. Temp. Lieut. 26/3/15 77th Siege Battery
R.G.A. Sept. 1915 to disembodiment. Lieut, (Sub-
stantive) 1/1/16. Act.-Maj. 19/10/17. Disembodied
13/4/19. France May 1916 —
Apr. 1919. Despatches

DRURY, 2nd Lieut. H. E. Enlisted Mar. 1915. 2nd Bn.

Line. Regt. Roy. Scots., Sergt., May 191 5. 2nd Lieut
2nd Bn. Lines. Regt. Jan, 1916. France Jan. 1916
— Jan. 191 7. Somme, 8th Div.
1917, Invalided out Jan, 1918.
Wounded Jan.

PUGH, Lieut. J. V, 2nd Lieut. 10/11/15. Home Service

only. With 25th Prov. Bn. to Aug. 1916; 27th P.
Bn, to 1/1/17; 36th Bn. North. Fus, to Apr. 1918;
37th Bn. to 12/2/19. Lieut. 1/5/17. Musk, Officer
1915-16, M.G. Officer 1917-18. Bde. Educ. Officer
191 8 till demobilised 1 2/2/1 9.

. —

MATTHEWS, Capt. G. E. 7th Bn. K.O.Y.L.I. EnKsted

7/9/14 17th Roy. Fus. 2nd Lieut. Sth K.O.Y.L.I.
29/1/15. France with 7th K.O.Y.L.I. 5/6/16; with
9th K.O.Y.L.I. 14/12/16; with 7th K.O.Y.L.I.
1/8/17. Attd. R.A.F. 1/8/18. Wounded 3/9/16,
9/4/17 and 23/9/17. Lieut. 1/7/17. Act.-Capt.
20/8/17. Act.-Maj. 9/5/17. Somme, Ypres (ist
and 2nd) and Vimy Ridge, 20th Div. 14th Corps.
2ist Div. 9th Corps (1917). Demobilised 12/3/19.


KNIGHT- ADKIN, Capt. J. H. Capt. O.C. Contingent

1913-14. Lieut. i/4th Bn. Gloc. Regt. (T.F.) 5/8/14.

Flanders Mar. 1915 July 1915 (48th Div.) (Festu-
bert). Wounded (Ploegsteert Wood) 10/6/15. France
1916-18. Temp. Capt. 1/6/15 ; Substantive 1/6/16.
1914-15 Star. Awarded Chevalier pour le Mente
Agricole. Demobilised and regazetted to command
Contingent 3 / 1 1 / 1 8


BORDER, Capt. G. W. 2/4th Bn. Line. Regt. (T.F.)

Dec. 1915 Mar. 1918. Attd. 51st Bn. Leic. Regt.

Mar. 1918 Sept. 1918. 4th Bn. Line. Regt. Sept.

1918 Dec. 1918. Attd. 25th Div. Headquarters

Dec. 1 91 8 Mar. 1919 as Div. Education Officer.
Temp. Capt.

CHALLENGER, Corpl. A. E. E. K. EnUsted 4/1/15.

in 2ist Bn. Mddx. Regt. Gassed 7/10/15. Trans-
ferred to Lab. Bn. Roy. Engineers. Re-transferred to
Special Chemistry Corps R.E. France July 1915
Feb. 1916. Loos 1915. Corpl. R.E. Discharged


PHILLIPS, Maj. C. M. Joined 6th Bn. Suffolk Regt. 1914.
Transferred to Queen's Westminsters (i6th Bn.
London Regt. (T.F.) 191 5. France as Brigade
Bombing Officer, Salonika, Egypt. D.A.Q.M.G.
Temp. Maj. 1918. Despatches 1919.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

POWELL, 2nd Lieut. T. G. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted Sept.

1918. Unattached List (T.F.) O.C. Contingent.


FISHER, 2nd Lieut. G. W. Interpreter 1914-15. In-

valided out Dec. 1915.

THOMAS, 2nd Lieut. L, M. Joined R.N.D. Easter 1916.

Died on active service in France Feb. 19 17.

FAUSSET, Lieut. C. R. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Roy.
Irish Regt. Aug. 19 14. Killed in France May 1915.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

PENNY, Capt. A. O. V., T.D. Capt. O. C. Contingent

during the war. Territorial Decoration. (H.)

PLUM, Lieut. H. V. Lieut. Joined the ranks of O.T.C.

promoted 2nd Lieut, and Lieut.


DUMBLE, Lieut. T.M. 2nd Lieut. 4th Border Regt. May

1915. France. InvaUded home; now serving in
India. Inns of Court O.T.C. Dec. 1915.

HARRIS, 2nd Lieut. R. A. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. W. Yorks
Regt. (S.R.) Killed in action in France 9/10/17.

MAY, Lieut. H. G. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Dorset Regt. Aug.

1914. France Jan. 1915. Died of wounds Apr. 1915.

SARGENT, Pte. M. P. Enlisted Aug. 1914 in 15th (S.)

Bn. Roy. Scots. Invalided out Dec. 1914.

PEACOCK, Maj. M. R. Capt. 6th Bn. Suffolk Regt. May

1914. France 1916-19 with 47th (2nd London) Div.
i8th Bn. and 20th Bn. London Regt. Maj. 1917.

CANNELL, Capt. F. S. Aug. 191 4 6th Bn. Lines. Regt.

Helles, Suvla, Egypt, France. Despatches June 19 16.

STANLEY, Capt. C. M. 6th Bn. E. Yorks Regt. Aug. 1914

Army Cyclist Corps Jan. 1915. Gallipoli, Egypt, France
Despatches Jan. 1917. Demobilised Jan. 1919.

RODDA, Sergt. F. S. T. Mar. 1915 A.S.C. (Supply).

Transferred to 6th Bn. K.R.R.C. France with 2/20.6.
Bn. London Regt. (R.F.) Captured Sept. 1918.
Repatriated Dec. 19 19.

MURPHY, Platoon Sergt. S. H. Joined the ranks of

Kelly College Contingent O.T.C. Platoon Sergt.
Physically unfit.


WALKER, Capt. H. S. Lieut. 6th Camerons Service Bn.
Joined Oct. 19 14. France, taken prisoner June, 191 5.
Sent to Germany Jan. 1919 to repatriate Russian
prisoners ; Mar. 191 9 as Capt. in Intelligence Service ;
seat to Siberian Forces.



LOW, Lieut. D. H. Intelligence Service General List


France 18/9/16. Temp. Lieut. Disembodied 3 i/i 2/1 8.

RITCHIE, Pte. J. B. ist City of Glasgow Volunteer Bn.

SCHULZE, Pte. D. G. ist City ol Glasgow Volunteer Bn.


>^ MAYNE, Rev. A. S., C.F.. M.C. 2nd Lieut. France

Apr. 1916 Apr. 1919. (Temp.) 4th Class Chaplain
R.A.Ch.D., D.C.G. Dept. Attd. No. 4 Stat. Hosp.

Apr. 1916 Apr. 191 7. ist Worcs. Regt., 24th Inf.

Bde. Apr. 191 7 Apr. 1919. Gazetted 18/4/16. Re-
linquished commission 10/^/19. Theatre of War,
France. Present at battles Ypres (31/7/17), Pass-

chendaele (1/12/17), Somme (Mar. 191 8), Villers

Bretonneux (Apr. 1918), Aisne (May June 1918),

Advance (Sept. Nov. 1918), M.C. June 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

LIDDLE, Capt. G. E. Capt. O.C. Contingent throughout

the war (H).


RICH, Capt. C. O., M.C. Tank Corps. M.C. with bar.

ROSCOE, 2nd Lieut. A.. M.C. W. Kent Regt. M.C.

Killed in action Sept. 1916.

DELLER, A. R.N. Naval Schoolmaster.

GALE, W. P. A.B., R.N.

MEAD, R. G. M.T., A.S.C.


HARDMAN, Capt. A. 2nd Lieut. With Contingent up to

July 1915. Active Service with K.O.Y.L.I. in France.
Wounded at the Somme. Returned to France Feb.
191 7. Killed in action at Broodseinde 4/10/17.

MACKAY, Rev. H. W. 2nd Lieut. With Contingent

Sept. 1916 —Apr. 1918. Subsequently C.F. (C. of E.)

Retained for Service with O.T.C,

PROCTER, Capt. R. G. Capt. (Substantive) Commission

1902. Served with Contingent since Jan. 1909. CO.
since May 191 2. Passed fit for Home Service only.
GODFREY, Lieut. J. B. D. Temp. Lieut. Passed fit
only for Home
Service. With Contingent Sept. 1916
— Aug. 1918.

MEASE, 2nd Lieut. W. A. L. 2nd Lieut. Pte. 3rd Vol. Bn.

York and Lanes. Regt. Subsequently commission in
O.T.C. ; has served with Contingent since May 191 8.

WHITE, Lieut. H. L.Lieut. {Substantive) With Con-

up to leaving the School subse-
tingent May, 1 91 2 ;

quently Commission in R. Artillery and Instructor

at a Cadet School at Exeter.


BARRON, Lieut. T. B. i6th (S) Bn. Mddx. Regt. Oct.

1914 —Apr. 1916. Commission in M.G.C. Aug. 1916.
Act.-Capt. France 1915-18. Demobilised Jan. 1919.

CARTWRIGHT, Lieut. C. C. Beds Regt. KiUed in

action France.

DELL, 2nd Lieut. A. M. R.A.S.C. With Egyptian

Exp. Force in Palestine.


EFFRON, Sergt. G. H. Enlisted 7/9/14. 20th (Public

Schools) Bn. Roy. Fus. Transferred to 29th Bn. In

France with M.G.C. Apr. Sept. 19 16. Wounded at
Guillemont 6/9/16. Discharged unfit 25/9/17.

LIDDLE, Lieut. H. W. K.R.R. Served in France.

Wounded. Prisoner.

LOCK, Rifln. J. B. Enlisted Queen's Westminster Rifles

22/7/18. Transferred to City of London Rifles
6/12/18. Demobilised Dec. 1918.

LUTLEY, Pte. C. E. 33rd Training Reserve 12/1/17. In

France with 2nd Bn. Hants. Regt., 29th Div., from
May 191 7 to Jan. 191 9. Wounded Langemarck
16/8/17. Demobilised Jan. 1919.

MAINPRIZE, Lieut. W. H. Joined Navy as A.B. Ob-

tained commission in R.A.F. Served in Mediter-

NICHOLAS, 2nd Lieut. J. S. Gunner, R.H.A., Apr. 1917.

Cadet R.G.A. School, Bournemouth, June Oct. —
1917. Special Reserve Commission in R.G.A. 25/1 1/17.
In France with 211th Siege Battery R.G.A. Jan. 1918
—Feb. 1919. Demobihsed 28/2/19.

PRIOR, Sergt. A. Enlisted R.A.F. 18/7/18. Sergt.-

R.A.F. Cadet School, Bath, Sept. 1918 Jan. —
WATKINS, Lieut. H. B. Pte., Devonshire Regt. 5/8/16.

In France with 2nd Bn. Dec. 1916 Jan. 1917. Cadet
No. 13 Offr. Cdt. Bn,, Newmarket, Mar. June 1917.
Temp. Commission Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf.

26/6/17. In France with ist Bn. Aug. Nov. 191 7.—
Severely wounded Ypres 6/11/17. Rejoined Res.
Bn. June 1918. Officer i/c Messing, Dysentery
Convalescent Hospital, Barton-on-Sea, July 191 8
Apr. 1919. Demobilised 30/4/19.


SCOTT, Lieut. J. C. Enlisted i6th Mddx. Regt. Com-

mission in Worcs. Regt. France. Missing Oct. 1915-

THOMPSON. Able Seaman W. B. Hawke Bn. of Roy.

Naval Div. (attd. 29th Div.). Gallipoli 1/5/15
7/1 0/15. Sent to Govt. Hospital, Port Said, 9/ 10/15.
Invalided 6/3/16.


SKINNER, Maj. F. T. Capt. Lieut. 4th Bn. Hampshire
Regt. Oct. 1914; Capt. Mar. 1915 Maj. Aug. 1916.


O.C. Contingent Jan. 1906 Dec. 1912. Killed in

action on the Somme 3/9/16.

INCH, Lieut. S. R., M.C. znd Lieut. 15th (S.) Bn.

King's Liverpool Regt. Apr. 191 5. Transferred to 2nd
(Garrison) Bn. King's Liverpool Regt. Jan. 1916.
Egypt Mar. 1916. Imbros May 1916 Dec. 1916. —

Salonika Dec. 1916 July 1918. Lieut. 1/7/17.
Transferred to M.G.C., Grantham,. July 1918. M.C.

JAGO, Lieut. E. O. 3/4th Bn. Gloucs. Regt.

"znd Lieut.
(T.F.) 14/1/16. 2/4th Bn. Gloucs. Regt. 20/4/16.
2/5th Bn. Liverpool Regt. (T.F.) 5/2/17. Lieut.
14/7/17. Claims Officer 57th Div. 17/2/17. Claims
Officer nth Corps 13/4/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

LANGLEY, Capt. E. T. Capt. O.C. Contingent Jan.


HARDY, Lieut. F. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Jan. 1916. Temp. Lieut. 7/11/17.

WOOD, 2nd Lieut. E. H. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Hants Regt.,
attd. ist Bn. Killed in action 23/10/16.

STINTON. Capt. T. CapL 8th Bn. Worcester Regt.

(T.F.) 1915-19. i/8th Bn. France and Italy Feb.

1917 Jan. 1919.
(19 1 8).
Somme, Ypres (1917), Asiago
Italian Bronze Medal for Valour 8/8/18.
Disembodied 13/1/19 (H.)

LANGLEY, Lieut. -Commander A. S. Capt. R.N.V.R.

June 1916 — present date. Awarded C.M.G. Mar. 1919.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

KIRKBY, Capt. W. H. Capt. Lieut. 5th Bn. Roy.

Warwick Regt. (T.F.) Aug.— Sept. 1914. O.C.
Contingent Sept, 191 4 —May 191 9.

STREET. Lieut. A. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


GIBSON, 2nd Lieut. G. F. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


LEE, 2nd Lieut. A. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)



BRYANT, Lieut. R. J. T. R.A.S.C. 1/3/17— Feb. 1919

O.T.C. 1/3/17 —
28/3/17. England and Ireland 8/5/17
— Apr. 1918. —
France 4/4/18 Feb. 1919.

WHITMORE, Maj. C. J. R., M.C. R.G.A. France 1916-

19. Wounded 28/2/17. M.C. 28/2/17. Somme 1916.
Vimy Ridge, Messines, Ypres, 191 7; Somme, Lys,
Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes, Mons, 19 18.

Roy. W. Surrey (The Queen's) Regt. S.R. prior to
war, proceeded to France Aug. 1914. Retreat from
Mons, Marne and Aisne. Wounded Sept. 1914.
Instr. No. 6 Offr. Cdt. Bn. 1916. Proceeded to France
1 91 7 as Brigade Maj. German Offensive 191 8.
Wounded Mar. 1918. Now G.S.O. 3, H.Q., E.G. Mons
Star and Military Cross. O.C. Contingent 191 3-14 and

FELTON, Capt. R. H. Lieut. M.G.C. Gazetted 20/3/15.

Mesopotamia. Still serving.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

OGLETHORPE, Capt. H. C. Capt. Gazetted 2nd Lieut.

1914; Lieut. 1916; Capt. 1918. King's College School
O.T.C. O.C. Contingent since 1916.

WATT, Lieut. G. T. C. Lieut. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. 1915 ;

Lieut. 1918. Resigned commission through ill-

health 1 91 9.

HARLEY, Lieut. T. R. Lieut. Lieut. 18/1/12. King's

College, Taunton. 1911-12. St. Albans School O.T.C.
1912-18. King's College School O.T.C. 1918.

SPARK, Lieut. S. H. Lieut. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. 1914

Emanuel School O.T.C. 191 8 King's College School


LEGGE, Lieut. R. J. Temp. Lieut. R.F.A. Gazetted

31/3/15- Palestine. Still serving.

WOOD-HILL, Lieut. B. Temp. Lieut. 21st Bn. K.R.R.C,

41st Div. Jan. 1916 Cadet No. 8 Ofifr. Cdt. Bn.
France as 2nd Lieut. 10/1/17. Messines Ridge June
191 7. Wounded at Hollebeke July 191 7. Instr.
No. 15 Offr. Cdt. Bn. Demobilised Sept. 1918.

BISHOP, 2nd Lieut. G. S. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A.
Gazetted 4/4/17. France. Gassed July 1918. Still

RHEAD, 2nd Lieut. G. F. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A.

Gnr. 66th Siege Battery and " G " Battery A.A.
19/5/16. France Sept. 1916. Gazetted 2nd Lieut.
Oct. 191 7. Demobilised Mar. 1919.

GALE, L.-Corpl. W. J. Special Brigade R.E., ist Army.

Joined 29/7/17. France 30/1 1/17. Armentieres, Lens.
Demobilised Jan. 19 19.

LAMONBY. Pte.H. Inns of Court O.T.C. Enlisted

10/6/18. Demobilised Jan. 1919.


VASEY, Capt. P. W. Capt. 3rd Bn. Dorset Regt.
Cf»pt. ^f^}i$. France. Attd. ist Mancb. Regt. Mar.
1915. Invalided May 1915. In France again Aug.
1916. Invalided from base Aug. 1916. Medically
graded for permanent home service Feb. 1917.
Recruiting duties at Dorchester Feb. 1917. Seconded
for duty with Ministry of National Service Dec. 191 7.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

DOVER, Lieut. G. C. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Apr. 1913.

Unattd. List (T.F.) O.C. Contingent from Dec. 1914
— Dec. 1918.

SYMES, 2nd Lieut. H. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Lieut. 28/12/14. Unattd. List (T.F.)

HUME, Capt. D. B. M. 2nd Lieut. Flight Sub.-Lieut.

R.N.A.S. Jan. 1916. Attd. Kite Balloon Section.
Served with Grand Fleet in H.M.S. Menelaus 1916.
Sheer ness 191 7. Gibraltar May 19 18. Despatches.



GAL-LADEVEZE, Lieut. F., MX. Interpreter to French

Army. Attd. 4th Dragoon Guards, France, Aug.
1914. Transferred to Indian Cavalry Div. 1915, and
later to French Flying Corps. Served as observer on
Verdun front 1916, Severely injured in accident
during test for Pilot's Certificate Nov. 1916. Later
attd. as Interpreter to American Army. M.C. 1914.
Croix de Guerre 191 5. Despatches (twice).

Lieut. S. FUght Sub.-Lieut. R.N.A.S.
1/5/17. Attd. Kite Balloon Section, Milford Haven,

June Aug. 1917. Nieuport Aug. Oct. —1917.

Sheerness Training Depot Nov. 19 17 Nov. 191 8.

Malta Nov. 191 8 Apr. 19 19. Eastchurch May 1919
— June 191 9. Halton as Bde. Educational Officer
June 1919.


BELL, Lieut. C. W. Capt. O.C. Contingent May 1909
Aug. 1912. General List (New Armies). Temp. Lieut.
9/ 1 0/15. Instr. Offr. Cdt. Bn. Roy. Defence Force,
England and Ireland.

POOLE. Lieut. D. H., R.G.A. (T.F.) Capt. O.C. Con-

tingent Jan. 1913-Dec. 1915. Gazetted Lieut. 3/4th
Bn. The Buffs (T.F.) 11/2/16. Transferred R.G.A.
(T.F.) 18/3/17. France, attd. i/8th Roy. Warwick

Regt., 48th Div., July Nov. 1916. France 217th

Siege Battery, Aug. Oct. 1917. France 144th, 224th

and 209th A. A. Section Apr. 17, 1918 Feb. 1919.
Demobilised 6/2/19.

Retained for setvice with O.T.C.

LATTER, Capt. A. Capt. O. C. Contingent since Dec.

1915. Home Services List 25/3/19.


EVERITT, 2nd Lieut. R. E., 162nd Battery, R.G.A.

France (as Gunner and Bombadier) 1916, 2nd Lieut.
R.G.A. 1917. Killed in action 24/6/17.


CANNELL, Maj. F. S. Lieut. 6tli Bn. Lines. Regt. (T.F.).

Served with nth Div. at Dardanelles and since in

WARD, Maj. H. Lieut. 2/4th Lines. In Ireland during

Rebellion. France Jan. 1917 Mar. 1918. Despatches.
Killed in action Mar. 19 18.

WOODHOUSE, Pte. C. L. 2nd Lieut. EnUsted Aug.

1914. Served with loth Bn. Mddx. Regt. (T.F.) at
home. Discharged owing to ill-health. Now O.C.

Retained for service with O.T.C,

HOPPER. Capt. A. N. Temp. Capt. Formerly O.C.

Contingent. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 21/3/15.
Temp. Lieut. 28/5/16. Temp. Capt. 9/10/18.


SCOTT, Capt. C. E.. M.C. 8th Bn. Sher. For. (T.F.)

Served at Dardanelles with nth Div., afterwards in
France. M.C. Twice wounded.

SOUTHERTON» L. C. Wireless Operator in Navy.

Drowned off North Coast of Ireland Jan. 191 8.

GRIME, Pte. A. G. A.S.C. France 1917. Mesopotamia


97 H
ANSCOMBE, Capt. A. W., M.C. Capt. Temp. Capt.
(S.)Bn. Roy. Welsh Fus. 2/5/15. France. M.C.
At present with the Rhine Army.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

HAINWORTH, 2nd Lieut. A. D. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted

to Unattd. List (T.F.) 3/11/14.

BUMPUS, 2nd Lieut. T. H. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted to

Unattd. List (T.F.) 20/5/15.


FENTON, Maj. B. L. Capt. O.C. Contingent before the
war, Dorsetshire Regt. France. Killed in action
Aug. 1916.

SMITH, Lieut. H. C. L. Lieut. 3rd Bn. Sher. For. Some-

time O.C. Contingent. Killed in action near Lille
Oct. 1914.

HUMBY, Capt. H. R.. M.C. 2nd Lieut. R.E. Wireless.

France. M.C. 1917. Demobilised 1919.

MORGAN, Lieut. F. A., M.C. Lieut. Sometime O.C.

Contingent. France. 2/6th S. Staffs (T.F.) M.C.
1918. Demobilised 1919.

BOARD, Lieut. D. Lieut. R.E. Wireless 1916. Mesopo-

tamia, afterwards Russia. Sometime O.C. Contingent.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BEACH-HICKS, 2nd Lieut. R. M. M. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.)

HUGHES, Capt. H. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

WHITAKER, Lieut. R. J. Lieut. O.C. Contingent at
present time.


REED, Lieut. H. W. T. {See Cheltenham College B.)

ROWNTREE, 2nd Lieut. M. R.E. Wireless 1917. France.

Demobilised 1919.


KINO, 2nd Lieut. J. A. 2.nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 4th
Gordon Highrs. 1 7/3/1 6. France July 1916. Killed
in action on the Somme Sept. 1916.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

CONNELL, Lieut. P. Lieut. Lieut, s^ 112/07. Unattd.

List (T.F.) O.C. Contingent since Nov. 1913 (H.)


DOGGART. Capt. J. M. 7th Bn. Roy. Mrs. 30/4/15.

France, attd. 9th Corps H.Q. Aug. 1917 27/1/19. —
Demobilised 27/1/19.

HUSBAND, Capt. Pte. 3rd Gordon Highrs.

Nov. 1 91 4. Lieut. loth Gordon Highrs. Mar.
1915. Loos (1915). Capt. in M.G.C. July 1916.
Killed in action during German Retreat Apr. 1918.

MILNE. 2nd Lieut. G. (R.G.A.. S.R.) 3rd Gordon Highrs.

Feb. 1916 —
Feb. 1917. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.)
4/8/17. —
R.G.A. 191 7 Nov. 191 7. France with
71st Heavy Battery R.G.A., also H.Q. Staffs of 57th
Bde., Cavalry Corps, H.A. and of Fifth Army as
R.O. and I.O. Cambrai (1917), Retreat on Somme
(Mar. 191 8) Final Advance. Army of Occupation
till demobilised 7/1/19.

JAMIESON, Lieut. J. R. Gnr. R.F.A. Oct. 1915—Aug.
1916. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. Aug. 1916 Oct. 1916. —
With 6th Howitzer Bn. in France Oct. 191 6 Oct. —
1918. Computing Officer 4th Army R.A. Calibration
Section. Ypres 1917. Passchendaele 1917, Cambrai
19 1 7, Retreat on Somme 1918, First Advance 1918.
Invalided home Dec. 1918. DemobiUsed May 1919.


HAIG-BROWN, Lieut.-Col. H. R., D.S.O. Capt. O.C.

Contingent 1906-16. Transferred to 23rd Bn. Mddx.
Regt. as Maj. and 2nd-in-c. Dec. 191 5. Temp. Lieut.-
Col. 23rd Bn. Mddx. Regt. 1917. France 1916-18.
Italy 1917-18. Despatches (twice). D.S.O. 1917.
Killed in action 2 1/3/ 18.

SQUIRE, Maj. C. E., M.C. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Lancing

O.T.C. 1911. Temp. Lieut. Rifle Bde 1914. Act.-Maj.
1918. Wounded twice. M.C. 1918. Somme, St.

SWIFT, Capt. C. T. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Gren. Guards

1915. Capt. 1918. France 1916. Wounded.

HARRIS, Lieut. W.
B. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List
(T.F.) 1914.Attd. R.E. (Signals). France 1918-19.
2nd Army Signal Col. and 33rd Div. Signal Coy.
Cambrai and Selle River. (H.)

COOPER, Lieut. J. H. Lieut. Transferred to 23rd Bn.

Mddx. Regt. 1916. France 1916-17. Capt. 17/10/16.
Despatches June 191 7.

ROXBURGH, Lieut. J. F. Capt. 2nd Lieut. 25/6/13.

Lieut. 20/10/15. Capt. 2/4/19. Attd. R.E. (Signals)
27/10/17. France 16/6/18 -17/1/19. — 2nd Army
Signal Coy. and 30th Div. Signal Coy. (H.)


Retained for service with O.T.C.

FOX, Capt. A. Capf. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Mar. 1907. Capt. 16/6/07. O-^- Contingent 1916-19.

BOND, Capt. W. F. Capt. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Mar. 1907. Capt. 6/6/14. O.C. Contingent since
1918. p.s.

GORDON, 2nd Lieut. E. B. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) (Senior Div.) Oct. 1914. Lieut. Jan. 1915,
(Junior Div.) 2nd Lieut. May 1915.
BRENT-SMITH, and Lieut. A. E. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.
Unattd. List (T.F.) 191 5- 19.

KENNINGTON, 2nd Lieut. S. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List. (T.F.) 191 7.

PUTTOCK, 2nd Lieut. M. A. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 191 8.


CARDWELL, Capt. C. R. 2nd Lieut. 2/4th Bn. Dorset

Regt. (T.F.) 1915. India, Egypt and Palestine.

SHAW, Lieut. R. C. 2nd Lieut, 2/4th Bn. Dorset Regt.

1915. India, Mesopotamia. Transferred to 17th
Div. Sig. Co

WILLIAMS, Lieut. G. G. 2nd Lieut. 2/4th Bn. Dorset

Regt. 1915. India.

WHITWORTH, Capt. W. H. A., M.C. 2nd Lieut. 2/4th

Bn. Dorset Regt, 11/12/14. India 1915. Seconded to
R.F.C. Jan. 19 16. France with 34th and 52nd

Squadrons R.F.C. July 1916 May 1917. Somme.
Wounded 1 2/3/1 7. Anti- Submarine Patrols, 250th
Squadron. No. 9 Operation Group R.A.F. Aug.
Nov. 1918. M.C, Nov. 1916. Relinquished commis-
sion 16/3/19.



DALE, Maj. F. R., M.C.
D.S.O., Capt. 2nd Lieut.
Leeds Grammar O.T.C. olSJiS- Temp.
2nd Lieut. 2ist R.W.F. 7/2/16. Temp. Capt. 5/6/16.
France. 17th R.W.F., 21/9/16. O.C. 38th Div.
Sniping Coy. 1 3/2/1 8. Acting 2nd-in-c. 19th Welsh
1/6/18—31/7/18. Attd. 14th Welsh 3/9/18. 2nd-in-c.
i6th R.W.F. 26/9/18—26/2/19. M.C. 30/9/18.
D.S.O. 4/1/19. O.C. Contingent 1/5/19-

KIRK, Capt. L. C. 2m^ Lieut. Capt. 15th Bn. W. Yorks

Regt. Sept. 1914. France, 9th Bn. W. Yorks Regt.,
Sept. 1916. Killed in action near Poelcapelle 9/10/17.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MARSHALL, Lieut. F. H. C. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) Mar. 1910. Lieut. Oct. 1912. Retired

WYNNE-EDWARDS, Capt. J. R. Capt. (O.C.) Capt.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 9/9/09- Retired 1/5/19-

HILTON, Lieut. H. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 13/8/17. Lieut. 1/5/19-


WALLING, Capt. E. 2nd Lieut. 7th Bn. W. Yorks (Leeds

Rifles) at outbreak of war. France, Apr. 1915-
M.C. 1918. Despatches Croix de Guerre (France)

Apr. 19 1 8. Killed in action 25/4/18.

LEIGH, Capt. P. L. Capt. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. June 1903
Aug. 1906. 2nd Lieut. (S.R.) July 1912. France
4/3/15. Temp. Capt. 4/12/15. O.C. Contingent July
191 1 — July 1914. Killed in action 28/8/16.


DODSON, 2nd Lieut. J. E. Lieut. Enlisted 1917. Pales-
tine 4/11/19. Commissioned for gallantry. 2nd
Lieut. 2/4th Bn. Roy. W. Kent Regt. (T.F.) O.C.

Contingent Dec. 1914 Apr. 19 15. Killed in action
near Lille 10/10/18.

RENWICK, Lieut. J. E. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn.

Cheshire Regt. Temp. Lieut. 29/1 1/15. France
1915-16. Twice invalided. O.C. Contingent July
Dec. 1914.

JEPSON, Capt. R. W. ^nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Cheshire Regt.

Transferred to R.A.F. Act. Capt. President Cadet
Brigade Examinations Board. Aug, 1915 Feb. 19 19.—

O.C. Contingent Apr. July 1915.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WRIGHT, Capt. R. W. Temp. Capt. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 8/1/15. Temp. Lieut. 14/5/16.
Temp. Capt. 17/1/18. O.C. Contingent since July

LITTLER, Lieut. H. D. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) 25/5/15, Temp. Lieut. 2y/g/i6.

REYNOLDS, 2nd Lieut. B. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 10/7/18.


SACKVILLE-LAWSON, H. R.F.A. Killed in action in


SLOLEY, 2nd Lieut. R. W. Aeronautical Inspection

Directorate July 1915 —Sept. 1919. O.C. Inspection
of Armaments.


WHEELER, Capt. C. N. Capt. France Dec. 1914— Jan.
1915. 3rd Bn. S. Lanes. Regt. O.C. Contingent up
to 1914 (H). Killed in action near Ypres 7/1/15.

WHITING, Capt. T. Lieut. France Nov. 1915— July

1916. Somme. 20th (S.) King's (Liverpool) Regt.
Temp. Capt. Killed in action 30/7/16.

ELLIS, Capt. G. D., M.C. {a) France Dec. 1915

Oct. 1916. Somme.
i6th (S.) Roy. Welsh Fus.
38th (Welsh) Div. Severely wounded Ypres 16/10/16.
(b) France May 1918 —
Dec. 1918. Attd. 23rd Bn.
Cheshire Regt. (T.F.), 40th Div. M.C. 11/1/19.
Employed Recruiting 12/8/14 15/9/14. — Temp.
Capt. 1/3/15-

SIMON, Lieut. N. 2nd Lieut. France. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

E. Yorks. Regt. Killed in action Somme Aug. 191b.

Retained for service imth O.T.C.

DOUGHTY, Lieut. W. H. 2nd Lieut. 1/12/14. Temp.

Lieut. 12/7/16.

BROWN, Lieut. S. V. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 1 7/9/1 5.

Temp. Lieut. 24/7/17.

FYSON, Lieut. G. Lieut. Lieut. 3rd Bn. Roy. Scots Aug.
1914. France and Flanders. Invalided Sept. 1917.
Instr. No. 9 Ofifr. Cdt. Bn. Dec. 1917 July 1918.
Joined ist Bn. Roy. Scots, Macedonia, July 19 18.

Killed in action 4/9/18.

LEMMEY, Capt. F. G. 2.nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut, nth (S.B.)

Roy. Scots 11/12/14. France and Flanders Apr. 1915
— 1916. Battles of Loos and the Somme. Temp.
Capt. Killed in action at Longueval 1 4/7/1 6.

BUCHANAN-DUNLOP. Lieut.-Col. A. H. Maj. Retired
pay Res. of Officers, Leic. Regt. Rejoined Army on
mobilisation. Appointed to Railway Staff, South-

ampton, 4/8/14 30/10/14. Rejoined ist Bn. Leic.
Regt. France 31/1/14 as Substantive Maj. ist and
2nd Battles of Ypres. 2nd-in-c. ist Bn. Leic. Regt.
2/8/15. Battle of Hooge Aug. 1915. In command of
Bn. 22/10/15. Temp. Lieut.-Col. 22/1 1/15. Gassed at
Ypres and invalided home 21/2/16. Commanded 3rd
Vol. Bn. The Roy. Scots 7/3/17 20/9/17. —
appointed to Loretto School O.T.C. 21/9/17 and
demobilised. Previous war service S. Africa 1900-

01-02. With Bn. in 22nd Inf. Bde. Mar.

June 1900.
On Staff July 1900 Nov. 1902. Queen's S. African

Medal with 3 Clasps King's S. African Medal with

2 Clasps. Coronation Decoration 191 1. Mons Star


WHITLEY, Lieut. B. H. :Lnd Lieut. 2nd Lieut, i ith (S.B.)

Roy. Scots Aug, 1915. Battle of the Somme. Killed
in action at Longueval 14/7/16.

ALLEN, 2nd Lieut. C. B. Lieut. Gazetted 2nd Lieut.

Grenadier Guards (S.R.) 26/10/18. Still serving.

STUART DUNCAN, Capt. C. H. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn.

Roy. Scots Aug. 191 4. Served with 2nd Bn.
S. Lanes.
Regt. in Flanders. Invalided 191 5 shell-shock. Capt.
1 91 5. Served as Musketry and M.G. Instr. 3rd Bn.
Roy. Scots, Glencorse, 1915-16 ditto to M.G.C. 191 7.
Placed on retired list owing to ill-health Dec. 191 8.


O'LEARY, A. P. Pte., 3rd Bn. Roy. Scots Apr. 1917.

2nd Lieut. Hampshire Regt. Aug. 191 8. Joined 14th
Bn. Hampshire Regt., France, Oct. 1918. Army of
Occupation 1918-19. Demobilised Mar. 1919.

GOODWYN, P. W. Pte. 8th Bn. Cameron Highrs. Apr.1917.

Served with M.G. Corps France Sept. 1917-18.

^ KING, Rev. S. Temp. Chaplain to the Forces {4th

Class). Home Service only 191 5- 16.



UNWIN, Lieut. S. R. Capt. Attd. 3rd Bn. Devon Regt.

25/9/17 as Musketry Officer, Tregantle Musketry
Camp. O.C. Contingent prior to Nov. 191 7.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

GARDINER, 2nd Lieut. E. A. 2nd Lieut. O.C. Conting-

ent since Nov. 191 7.


CROSS, Capt. W. E. Capt. 5th Bn. (Cinque Ports)

Roy. Sussex Regt. Embodied 29/7/15. Disembodied
1/4/19. Brigade Instr. (Young Officers) July Dec. —
1915. France, 5tli Bn. Roy. Sussex Regt., 26/8/16
26/9/16. 48th Div. (Somme) O.C. 4th Infantry Lab.
Coy. Mddx. Regt. B.E.F. (49th Div.) 26/3/17—
26/1 1/17. Brigade Instr. (Young Officers) Feb.
June 1 91 8. Depot Field Survey Companies, R.E.,

France, June Aug. 1918. Attd. 2/ist Lovat Scouts

Yeomanry Oct. 1918 Apr. 1919. O.C. Whitgift
O.T.C. 1904-09 ; Maidstone O.T.C. 1913-15. (p.s.)

PHILLIPS, Lieut. G. B. znd Lieut. Transferred to Roy.

Sussex Regt. 22.111 ji^. Lieut. 1/7/17. Instr. Brigade
School for Young Officers Jan. 1916 July 1916.
Instr. Aldershot Command School for N.C.O.'s

Aug. 1916—Feb. 1918. Attd. 26th (S.) Bn. Roy.
Fus. —
France, Mar. 1918 Nov. 1918. 41st Div.,
Kemmel Hill, Ypres. Intelligence Officer 26th Roy.
Fus. May 1918. Assist. Adjut. 26th Roy. Fus. June

1918 Nov. 1918. Attd. 124th Brigade. Educat.
Officer Dec. 1918 —Apr. 1919. Act.-Capt. 29/1 1/18
13/4/19. Civil Staff Capt., 124th Inf. Brigade., Feb.

1919 Apr, 1919.


ORMROD, Lieut. G.Sergt. M.S.O.T.C. 1914-15. 8th

Oflr. Cdt.Bn. Mar. 1916. 2nd Lieut. 2/5th Bn. Roy.
Sussex Regt. 5/8/16. France 30/9/16, attd. 2nd Bn,
Lieut. 5/2/18. Killed in action at St. Helene (near
St. Quentin) 19/9/18.

DAVIES, Capt. H. B. Capt. i/yth Manch. Regt. (T.F.).
26/1 1/14. Transferred Malvern College O.T.C.
2/6/16. Gallipoli 1915. Wounded.

TIREMAN, Capt. L. C. Capt. R.F.A. Jan. 1915. Later

R.F.C. Transferred to Admiralty for R.N.C., Dart-

Retained for service with O.T.C.

TASSELL. Maj. D. S. M. Maj. 2nd S.M. Bde., R.F.A.

(T.F.). Seconded to Command Malvern College
O.T.C. Mar. 1909. CO. 1909-19.
SHERA, Capt. F. H. Capt. Bradfield College O.T.C.

Feb. 19 1 3 Oct. 1916. Transferred Malvern College
O.T.C. Oct. 1916.

KER, Lieut. R. A. Lieut. June 191 8.

PORCH, Lieut. R. B. Lieut. June 1918.

LOWE, Lieut. W. W. Lieut. June 191 8.


BULLOCK, Lieut.-Col. E. C, T.D. Commanded 2nd S.

Midland Bde. R.F.A. (T.F.) Aug. 1914— Mar. 1915.

France Mar. 19 15 Mar. 19 16. Special appointment

France June 1917 Apr. 1918. Territorial Decora-
tion. Despatches. Home Services List.


LYON. Col. R. E., C.B., V.D. 2nd Lieut, ist Worcs.

Art. Vol. Oct. 1887. Lieut.-Col. July 1906. Hon.
Col. and V.D. 1907. Commanded 2nd S.M. Bde.
R.F.A. (T.F.) 1908-12. Raised 2/2nd S.M. Bde.
R.F.A. (T.F.) Sept. 1914; and CO. till Mar. 1916
C.R.A. Prov. Bdes. Apr. 1916. Assist, to Brig. -Gen.
R.A., Northern Army, Sept. 1916. Formed and
Commanded 353rd Bde. R.F.A. (72nd Div.) Dec. 191
—Apr. 1918. C.B. 1/1/17. T.F. Res. Apr. 1918.

L'ESTRANGE, Capt. P. H. W. Yorks (T.F.)

3/7th Bn.
Sept. 1915 —May 1916. Temp. Capt. Invalided
out May 19 16.

COOKSON, Lieut. R. T. C. 353rd Bde. R.F.A. (T.F.)

Dec. 1916. France May —
1917 Jan. 1919.

SANDERSON, Lieut. G. B. 1916. 6th Res. Regt. Cavalry

1/6/17 Berks. Yeomanry (T.F.) Palestine June 1917
— Oct. 1918. Staff Lieut., ist Class, June 1918
Feb. 1919. Gallipoli. Tfemp. Lieut.

COOKE, Lieut. A. W. H. 29/12/14 13th (S.) Bn. the

Worcs. Regt. Gallipoli. Wounded Aug. 1915.
France, attd. 22nd (S.) Bn. Durham L.I.. Temp.
Lieut. Wounded and missing (now presumed killed)
Mar. 1918.

ELLIOTT, 2nd Lieut. H. D. E. 5th (S.) Bn. K.S.L.I.

France June 1915 —^May 191 6. Invalided out Sept.

>^ STOTTS, Rev. C. E. T./C.F., 4th Class, May 191 6. Sa-

lonika Jan. 1917. Palestine June 1918. Egypt Dec.


POTTS, Capt. and Brevet-Maj.C.O.B.E. Capt. Sept. and

Oct. 1914. Recruiting Officer for 20th Bn. Roy. Fus.
(3rd Public Schools). Oct. 1914 attd. G.S. at War
Office. G.S.O. (3) War Office 1915. Brevet-Maj.
O.B.E. 3/6/19. Home Services list.

MUMFORD. Maj. E. Moore. Lieut. Sept. 1914 Adjut.

i6th (S.) Bn. Lanes. Fus. Maj. and 2nd-in-c. 1916.
Served in France. Wounded. Indian Ministry of
Munitions 191 6.

WATERHOUSE, Lieut. G. (Navy) Lieut, i/ioth Bn.

Manch. Regt. Sept. 1914. Manch. Grammar School
O.T.C. Sept. 1914. Trinity College, Dubhn, O.T.C.
Oct. 1915. Admiralty (Intelligence) 1918.

SADDLER, Lieut. W. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1914.

Manch. Grammar School O.T.C. Oct. 1915 R.G.A.

GRIFFITHS, Lieut. D. H. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) (Liverpool Institute Contingent)
5/1 2/1 4. Manch. Grammar School Contingent Apr.
1915. Temp. Lieut. 7/10/17. R.G.A. 5/10/18.
Demobilised 3/1/19.

SHARP, Lieut. W. D. Attached Officer. 8/7/15; still

serving. 7th Bn. S. Lanes. Regt. Attd. Officer
Manch. Grammar School O.T.C. 15/3/18. France

25/5/16 24/7/16 and 21/1/17 —
15/6/17. Wounded
three times.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

DANN, Capt. W. S., M.B.E. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 2nd Lieut. 29/12/14. Temp. Lieut. 16/5/16.
Temp. Capt. 4/1/18. Substantive Lieut. 27/3/19.
Home Services List 5/3/19.M.B.E. 3/6/19. Lecturer
under Army Education Scheme, France and Belgium,
Dec. 1918 — Jan. 1919.

STAFFORD, Lieut. F. J. Temp. Lieut. Manchester
Grammar School O.T.C. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 30/1 1/15.
Temp. Lieut. 1918.

JOHNSTONE, 2nd Lieut. F. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) Lecturer under Army Education Scheme,
France Dec. 1918 —Jan. 1919.


BROPHY, R.S.M., J. C.S.M. i/6th Bn. Lanes. Fus. 1914--

24/1 1/15 Egypt and Galhpoli. Command Depot,
Heaton Park, since Apr. 1917. R.S.M. Bury (Lanes.)
Volunteers. Wounded. Despatches 1915. 191 4- 15
Medal. Long Service Medal.

BROWN, Capt. M. W. Manch. Regt. Served in France.

Killed in action 1916.

CARNEY, Mechanic R. H. Navy (H.M.S. Malaya)

ist Air
191 5. Served at Jutland Bank. Transferred to
R.N.A.S. Wounded in air raid (Boulogne). Died of
wounds R.N. Hospital, Haslar, 4/4/17.

DARWIN, Spr. G. Meteorological Section R.E., in

England. 29/4/18 —

FINNEY, ist Air Mechanic J. H. R.A.F.

FORSHAW, Capt. A. T., V.C. i/gth Bn. Manch. Regt.

(T.F.) Egypt and Gallipoli. V.C. (GalUpoli). Trans-
ferred to Indian Army 191 6.

FRY, Lieut. C. E. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Sept. 1914.

Served in France 191 5 —Apr. 19 17. Wounded Nov.
1916. Killed in action 1 7/4/1 7.

GREEN, Corpl. H. 2/28th Bn. London Regt. (Artists'

Rifles) 30/5/18 —
17/1/19. L.-Corpl. Aug. 1918
Corpl. Nov. 1918. P.T. Instr.

HAWCRIDGE, Corpl. R. S. Joined 25th (Sportsmen's)
Bn. Roy. Fus. France. Killed in action 28/7/16.

HEATHCOTE, Bombdr. A. R.H. and R.F.A. 16/1/17—

23/1/19. France 5/1/17— 23/1/19.

HOLDEN, Capt. N. V. Temp. Capt. i/6th Bn. Lanes. Fus.

(T.F.) Egypt and GalUpoli. Killed in action 1915.

KENNELLY, Corpl. J. Joined K.R.R.C. 13/8/16. France.

Demobilised 25/2/19.

KING, 2nd Lieut. W. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. 1/1/17.


Mesopotamia July 191 8 Jan. 19 19. Demobilised

KITTSON, Lieut. E. C. Temp. Lieut. General List.

Intelligence Duties, Boulogne.

LOB, Lieut. H. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 8th E. Lanes.

Regt. 6/12/14. Temp. Lieut. June 1917. ist and 2nd
Field Survey Coys. R.E. Dec. 1917 — Feb. 1919.
France Feb. 1916—-Feb. 1919.

MAKIN, Capt. G. 3/9th Bn. Manch. Regt. (Temp. Capt.)

MERRYWEATHER, Maj. C. W. Sept. 1914—Nov. 1916.

i6th (S.) Bn. Lanes. Fus. Wounded 1915. Killed
in action 15/11/16 (Somme). Gazetted Maj. after

WILSON, Pte. C. P. 20th (3rd PubUc Schools) Bn. Roy.

Fus. —
4/9/14 12/5/18. —
France 14/11/15 22/7/16
and —
24/12/16 22/5/17. Wounded.


JAMES, Capt. E. S. P. K. Capt. 6th Bn. K.R.R.C.
20/9/14. 4th Bn. K.R.R.C, France, Jan. 1915.
Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.) 15/1/14. Killed in action


DAVIES, Lieut, D. M.C. Capt. O.C. Contingent

Sept. 1913 —
Feb. 1918. Lieut. 13th (Res.) London
Regt. 26/2/18. I /13th London Regt., France, 1 7/4/1 8.
Act.-Capt. 11/11/18. M.C. June 1918. Now O.C.
Contingent. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.) 12/8/12.
Demobilised 31/1/19. (H.)

BUCK, Lieut. G. R. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

14/10/14 2/2/16. 5th (Res.) Bedford Regt. 2/2/16
25/1 1/17. H.Q. East Anglian (Res.) Bde. 25/1 1/17
24/6/18. 4th Bedford Regt., 63rd Div., France,

24/6/18 26/8/18. Invalided home, sth (Res.) Bn.
Bedford Regt., 25/10/18—9/1 1/18. 53rd Bn. (Y.S.)
Bedford Regt. 9/1 1/18— 29/1 1/18. No. 12 O.C.B.
(Instr.) 29/1 1/18 —
18/1/19. Demobilised. (H.)

FRYERS, Lieut. J. L., M.C. Lieut. Sfefid. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 8/12/14. Lieut. 8/6/16. Lieut.
Intelligence Corps Jan. 1917, France. Attd. 6th
Roy. Berks. Regt. till Apr. 191 7. Attd. 5th Div.,

France, Apr. 1917 Jan. 1919.
1919. M.C. June 1919.
Despatches, Mar.

CALLINAN, 2nd Lieut. T. W. 2nd Lieut. 8th Durham

Light Inf. 5/10/14. Killed in action 25/4/15. 2nd
Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 12/2/14.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

^ LUMB, Rev. T. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) Lieut.

15/7/13. Resigned 9/5/19.

PATTERSON, 2nd Lieut. J. B. 2nd Lieut . Cadet Officer

Sept. 1914 Apr. 1918. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List
(T.F.) 6/4/18. Resigned 9/5/19.

ALLEN, 2nd Lieut. E. T. 2nd Lieut. Resigned 9/5/19.

PARKES, Lieut. C. W. Temp. Lieut. Cadet Officer

Sept. 1914 May 1916. O.Ct. Contingent Feb. 1918
Apr. 1919. (H.)


CAPRON. 2nd Lieut. N. H. Pte. ist Bn. H.A.C., France.

Wounded. 2nd Lieut. 6th (Res.) Bn. London Regt.
Invalided and discharged.

STEPHEN, 2nd Lieut. F. C. Gordon Highrs. France.

Killed in action 25/9/15.

RIEU, Pte. H. Pte. Mddx. Regt. Killed in action 30/1/16.

WALLER, Lieut. B. P. Gazetted 1/9/18. Hertford-

shire Regt., attd. Bedfordshire Regt. France.

^ MITCHELL, Rev. C. W.. C.F. Temp. C.F., 4th Class,

R.A.Ch.D. France. Despatches. Killed in action


MACDONALD, Lieut. Col. C. L.. D.S.O. Capt. 1914-19

17th (S.) Bn. Manch. Regt. D.S.O. and Bar. Wounded

ROBERTS, Maj. C. E. Capt. i6th (S.) Bn. Manch. Regt.

France. Killed in action.

MADDEN, Capt. J. G., D.S.O. Lieut. 17th (S.) Bn.

Manch. Regt. France. D.S.O. Wounded.

OATEN, Capt. W. S. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. France.


BELL, 2nd Lieut. J. M. 2nd Lieut. 1915-17. 19th (S.) Bn.

High. Light Inf. France. Killed in action.

LOCKYER, Pte. S. H. Lieut. 1914-16. (Home Service)

2oth (S.) Bn. Roy. Fus. Discharged medically unfit
Aug. 1916. Commissioned Unattd. List (T.F.)
14/6/17. Lieut. 8/2/19.

113 I

FEARENSIDE, Lieut.-Col. E., D.S.O. 1914-19. 17th

(S.) Bn. Manch. Regt. France, D.S.O. Wounded.

YOUNG, Capt. H. S. 1914-18. A.P.C. France.

HALDANE, 2nd Lieut. J. O. K.R.R.C. France. Killed

in action.

STRATHAIRN, 2nd Lieut. H. W. 6th (S.) Bn. Roy.

Highrs. France. Died of wounds 19/11/16.


LEE-HARRISON, Lieut.-Col., G., D.S.O. 2ndLieut. In-
terpreter with Indian Troops 19 14. Capt. Mddx.
Regt. 1 91 5. Regular Captaincy Queen's Roy. W.
Surrey Regt. Lieut.-Col. 5th Bn. Wounded at
Constantinople 1919. Bimbashi, 2nd Bn. Egyptian
Army 1919.
McLELLAN, Maj. F. R. H. Lieut. i6th (S.) Bn. Roy.
Welsh Fus. Temp. Capt. 4/12/14. Temp. Maj.
1/3/15. In France with unit 3/12/15 15/10/18. —
Disembodied 15/11/18.

JONES, Capt. C. J. 2nd Lieut. i6th (S.) Bn. Roy. W. Fus.

1914-15. Staff work (gas and anti-gas) 1915-18. R.E.,
Ripon 1 91 9.

HARRE, Capt. R. W. Cadet Officer. 2/4th Bn. Roy.

Sussex Regt. (T.F.) 2nd Lieut. 21/11/15. Lieut.
1/7/17. Instr. at Eastern Command Signal School
(2nd-in-c.) Oct. 19 16 — —
Bde. Sig. Officer Dec. 1917
1917. Temp. Capt. while
Sept. 1918. Disembodied

GEMMELL. Capt. K. T. 2nd Lieut. M.C. Intelligence

Officer G.H.Q. 1914-17. Afterwards Liaison Officer in
Paris 191 7- 1 8.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BRETT-JAMES, Capt. N. G, Capt. O.C. Contingent

since 191 1 (H.)

ROBERTS, Lieut. A. J. R. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

BROWN. Lieut. W. H. Lieut, Unattd. List (T.F.)

ELLIOTT, 2nd Lieut. V. A. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List


CANE, 2nd Lieut. L. A. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


JONES, Lieut. W. H. R.N.R. Surgeon at Mudros and

Dunkirk 1916-18.

WEBER. Lieut. W. E. R.T.O. Rouen 1916-18.

RIDING. Lieut. G. A. Inns of Court 1915. Lieut. N.

Fus. 1915-18. Woundedat Arras 1915. O.C. Hospital
for Officers St. Anne's-on-Sea.

HANSON, Capt. J. Artists' Rifles (28th Lond. Regt.)

Nov. 1915 Aug. 1916. 2nd Lieut. 5th and 2nd Bns.
Coldstream Guards 4/8/16. Lieut. Nov. 191 7. Capt.
July 1918. —
France Dec. 1916 Mar. igiQ- Staff
Capt., attd. H.Q., R.A.F., France, Apr.— Nov. 1918.

ROWLAND. Corpl. S. C. Artists' Rifles (2/28th London

Regt.) June 1917 —
Jan. 1919. Demobilised 12/1/19.

RAYNER, Lieut. R. M. Lieut. 7th (S.) Bn. N. Staffs

Regt. Gallipoli. Wounded and invalided out.

HOWARD, 2nd Lieut. J. P. 2nd Lieut, nth Hants

(Pioneer) Bn. Jan. 1915 —
Sept. 1915- Invalided.

WILLIS, Pte. G. M. R. Roy. Fus. Transferred to Roy.
W. Kent Regt. 1916. In France 1916-18. Invalided.
HENERIE, Brig.-Gen. J. E. S. Brigadier, Composite
Brigade, Gailipoli and Suez. Received thanks of
Minister for War, Special Work, 1916-18. CO. Naval
Brigade in France.

WYLD, Sub-Lieut. R. S. B. R.N.V.R. 1905-15. In

charge of Motor Mine Sweeper, Scapa Flow, 191 5-16.
Suez Canal 1916-17. Egypt and Palestine 1917-18.
Demobilised 19 19.


HOARE, Capt. O. C. Contingent up to

Lieut.-Col. E. G.
1915. Capt. 3rd Bn. Somerset L.I. 1915. Training
School for Young Officers and Offr. Cdt. Bn. till May
1916. France May 1916. Capt. K.O.Y. L.I. May 1916.
In France Capt. and later Act.-Lieut.-Col. 55th Divi-
sional School. Later Maj. and 2nd-in-c. of 9th Bn.
Liverpool Regt.

KITCHING, Capt. A. F. Capt. Capt., Unattd. List

(T.F.) O.C. Contingent.

JOHNS, 2nd Lieut. W. C. S. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.,

Unattd. List (T.F.)


WILLIAMS, Capt. F. L. 2nd Lieut. 6th Bn. Beds. Regt.

Aug. 1914. France July 1915- —May 1917. Wounded
May 19 1 7. Despatches.

GRAHAM-BROWN, Capt. G. F. 2nd Lieut. 6th Bn.

K.O.S.B. Regt. Aug. 1914. France Apr. May 1916. —
Wounded May 1916. Act. -Capt. and Adjt. 3rd Bn.
Oct. and Nov. 1917.



HODGKINSON, Capt. J. 2nd Lieut. 2/5th N. Staffs
Regt.(T.F.), 59th Div., 21/9/14. Temp. Capt. 11/11/14.
Lieut. 16/10/16. Capt. 1/6/16. Dublin Rebellion
Apr. 1916. —
France 25/2/17 18/11/17. Wounded
26/9/17. Seconded to Tank Corps 18/11/17. Section
Comdr. 15th Tank Bn. —
France 7/7/18 27/3/19.
Coy. 2nd-in-c. Jan. 1919. Disembodied 29/3/19.


HEARD. Maj.N. Lieut. R.E. (T.F.), 4/8/14. 46th Div.

Act.-Maj. C.R.E., 59th Div., 5/10/14—5/8/15.

BENTLEY. Capt. A. J., M.C. 24th (S.) Bn. Roy. Fusiliers

Dec. —
1914 Sept. 1915. 2nd Lieut. 8th (S.) Bn.

Border Regt. 2/9/15. France Apr. 1916 Feb. 1919,
25th Div. Wounded 3/7/16. M.C. Mar. 1918. Bar
to M.C, May 1918. Demobilised 7/2/19.

COWARD, Capt. H. 2nd Lieut. Border Regt. Aug. 1915.

Temp. Capt. France, Feb. 1912. Killed in action

DIBBIN, Lieut. N. C, M.C. M.T., A.S.C. (Offr. Cdt. Bn.)

Apr. 1916. Lieut. Salonika 1917-18. M.C.


PHILLIPS. Lieut. S. R. E. Lieut. Transferred 1 5/9/1
2/ist Herefordshire Regt. Home Service and draft
conducting. 1915-16-17. France. Oct. 1917 to Jan.
1918. Wounded 20/12/17. Instructor No. 7 and No. 23
Offr. Cdt. Bn. Fermoy and Catterick, during 1918.
Lieut. (Substantive). (Act.-Capt.) Disembodied

KEKriON, Lieut. T. t). Lieut. Lieut. (Substantive).
Transferred 2/ist Herefordshire Regt. 15/9/15. Attd.
23rd Cheshire Regt., 40th Division. France May

1918 Jan. 1919. Disembodied 23/1/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BUNTING, Capt. R. J. Capt. O.C. Contingent 1909-19.

ADLARD, Capt. M. Capt. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

27/7/15. Temp. Lieut. 4/11/17. Temp. Capt.
13/5/19- O.C. Contingent since Apr. 1919.

BEETHAM, 2nd Lieut. B. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) 28/7/15.


HEMINGWAY, C. S. Enlisted.

MARKS, F. EnHsted.

McKENZIE, A. EnUsted.

HEPPLE, R. I. D. Enlisted.

SMITH. Maj. M. V. Herefordshire Regt. Latterly

Labour Coy. (Gassed.)

CLAPPEN, Lieut. W. I. 3rd Durham L.I. (1915). Killed

in action.

ERLEBACH, Lieut. S. A. 6th The Buffs (1915). Wounded.

SOUTHERN, Lieut. T. A. R.G.A. (since 1916). France,

June 1917 — Feb. 1919.

LEGGETT. Maj. H. A. Capt. Capt. nth Bn. Sher. For.
Oct. 1914. Maj. Dec. 1914. Transferred 13th Bn.
Sher. For. then to 14th Bn, Sher. For. France Apr.
1917. Wounded and invalided home July 1917.
Commandant, Officers' School Minor Tactics, Ripon.

MORGAN, Maj. C. LI. Lieut. Lieut, nth Bn. Suffolk

Regt. (Cambs. Bn.) Oct. 1914. Capt. Nov. 1914.
Wounded 2/7/16. Rejoined Sept. 1916. Maj. Dec.
1 9 16. Severely wounded Mar, 191 7. Invalided out

HOOD, Capt. G. F. Capt. Lieut. R.E. Special Brigade

Aug. 1918. France Oct. 1918. Temp. Capt. 10/1/19.
Demobilised Feb. 1919.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

KENNARD, Capt. J. W. L. Temp. Capt. Temp, 2nd

Lieut. Unattd, List (T,F.) 12/1/14. Temp, Capt.

MORGAN, Lieut. C. L. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

30/10/05. (H.)

STRANGEWAYS, Lieut. L, R. Temp. Lieut. Temp.

2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 12/12/14. Temp. Lieut.

GASKIN, 2nd Lieut. P. E. -zrid Lieut. 2nd Lieut, Unattd.

List (T.F.) 14/12/18.


ARGYLE, Sergt. G. E. Joined Special Brigade R.E, 1915.

France 1915-18.

PAGE, Lieut. H. A. Joined Pubhc Schools Bn. R.F.

Christmas 1914. L.-Corpl. 1915. 2nd Lieut. M.G.C.

SMITH, Capt. A. M. Joined i6th Bn. Lanes, Fus.'as 2nd
Lieut. 1914. Capt. 191 5. France 1915-16. Invalided

July 1916. Home J Service I till J. early 1918, then

invalided out.

GREEN, 2nd Lieut. H. E. B. Cambridge Univ. O.T.C.

1915. Cadet Bn. (Garrison) 1917. 2nd Lieut, ist
(Garrison) Bn. Worcs. 1917. Invalided out Jan. 1918.

WALKER, 2nd Lieut. W. H. T. 28th Bn. London Regt.

(Artists' Rifles) 1915. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. 1916.
Invalided out 1917-

WHEATLEY, Pte. Joined R.F.A. Easter 1917. Then

became Assistant to Army Schoolmaster at Woolwich

Maj. Maj. i/5th Devon. Regt.
(T.F.), India. Transferred R.A.M.C. 1917. O.C.

Contingent Sept. 1910 Aug. 1914.

LANGDALE, 2nd Lieut. E. G. 2.nd Lieut, i/sth Leic.

Regt. (T.F.) 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1910. Lieut. Aug.
1914. Capt. 191 5. Despatches. Killed in action at
the HohenzoUern Redoubt.

PULLINGER, Capt. S. R. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 191 4.

i/5th Leic. Regt., attd. N. Mid. (46th) Div. Cyclist
Coy. Nov. 1914. France Feb. 1915. Capt. 17th Corps
Cyclist Bn. 1/6/16. Instructor 17th Corps School

May Dec. 19 18.

GOUGH, Lieut.-Col. H. P. B., M.C. 2nd Lieut. O.C.

Contingent Sept. 1914 ^Mar. 1915. 17th Bn. Welsh
Regt. Mar. 1915. Capt. Sept. 1915. Act.-Lieut.-Col.
Jan. 1918. M.C. and 2 Bars. Died of wounds Apr.

BROMHEAD, 2nd Lieut. T. J. 2nd Lieut. Sergt.

R.A.M.C. Oct. 1915 May 1916. Transferred to 17th
Bn. London Regt. (T.F.) Wounded June 1916.
Invalided out July 191 7. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List
(T.F.) Nov. 1917. Resigned Dec. 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

JERWOOD, Rev. F. H. Temp. Capt. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 6/4/15. Temp. Lieut. Oct. 1916.
Temp. Capt. 11/5/18. O.C. Contingent since Mar.

SWEATMAN, Lieut. S. E. Temp. Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 2/3/16. Temp. Lieut.

JAMES, Maj. E. M. 2nd Lieut. O.C. Contingent May
1913 —Sept. 1914. 2nd Lieut. (S.R.) R. War. Regt.
14/9/14. Temp. Capt. 12/2/15. Substantive Capt.
3 1 /i 0/15. France with loth Bn. R. War. Regt.
17/7/15 — Apr. 1916, and from 20/1 1/16 21/12/16. —
Wounded 2/12/16. Instr. Offr. Cdt. Bn. Aug.

1916 Nov. 191 7. Chief Instr. (Temp. Maj.) Con-
— 6/3/19,
valescent Officers' Hospital Feb. 1918
Resigned commission 6/3/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

HEADLAM, Lieut. G. E. Lieut. O.C. Contingent Oct.

1914 —present.
2nd Lieut. 19/10/14. Temp.
Substantive Lieut. Apr. 1919.


DYSON, Lieut. J. E. With R.A.F. in Italy.


TRYON, Lieut.-Col. G. A., MX. Capt. Capt. 2nd Bn.
K.R.R.C, France Nov. 1914. Wounded 1/1/15. 4'th
Bn. K.R.R.C. June 1915. Salonika Sept. 1915.
Act.-Maj, (2nd-in-c.) in spring of 191 8. France July
1918 as Act.-Lieut.-Col. M.C. Jan. 1918. Des-
patches 29/1 1/17. Killed in action 7/11/18.

NORBURY, Capt. F. C. Capt, Capt. ist Bn. K.R.R.C.

France Nov. 1914. Killed in action near Bethune

MISKIN, Maj. M. J., M.C. 2.nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 9th (S.)
Bn. N. Staffs. Regt. (Dec. 1914). France June 1915
Dec. igi6. Act. -Capt. Transferred to Tank Corps
Jan. 191 7 as 2nd Lieut. Messines and Cambrai. M.C.
Act.-Maj. Aug. 191 8. Bar to M.C. Killed in action

WILLIAMSON, Capt. G. H., M.C. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 7th

(S.)Bn. K.R.R.C. (Dec. 1914). France Spring 1915.
Act.-Capt. Dec. 1916. Despatches Oct. 1916. M.C.
1 916. Somme 1916. Died of wounds at Arras

WOODALL, Lieut. F. E. Lieut. Lieut. Guards Machine

Gun Regt. 9/9/18. Demobilised 18/12/18.

KINGHAM, 2nd Lieut. B. V. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. East

Anglian Div. Engineers (T.F.) 25/10/18. Seconded
for service with Special Brigade R.E., France,
6/11/18. Disembodied 12/5/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

NIGHTINGALE, Maj. A. D. Maj. O.C. Contingent.

BOLTON, Lieut. P. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

HOUGH, Lieut. J. S. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


OLIVE, Lieut. G. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

SQUIRE, Lieut. S. G. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

COLE, Lieut. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

BREWSTER, Lieut. G. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


OLLEY, Lieut. J. S. 2nd Lieut. 224th Siege Battery

R.G.A. 9/9/16 (S.R.) France Jan. 1917. Vimy Apr.
1917; Messines June 1917. Left France Apr. 1918.

Salonika Nov. 1918 Feb. 1919 with 132nd Siege
Battery R.G.A. Lieut. Disembodied 7/2/ig.

TRUELOVE, 2nd Lieut. H, E. 2nd Lieut. Interned at
Ruhleben Aug. 1914 Nov. 1918.—
Retained for service with O.T.C.

DODSON, Capt, C. W. Capt. (local) Assisted to raise and

organise the Plymouth Bn. of the Devon Volunteer

Regt. Sept. Dec. 1914. Capt. 5th Bn. The Queen's
(Roy. W. Surrey Regt.) p.s. (q).

MARTEN, 2nd Lieut. R. G. 2nd Lieut. Service with



^ CHAYTOR, Rev. H. J. Chaplain to the Forces,

4th Class (T.F.) since 1912. Chaplain in Plymouth

Garrison Aug. 1914 Aug. 1916. France Aug. 1916
Aug. 191 7. 3rd Div. Present at Guillemont (Aug.
1916), Serre (Nov. 1916), Arras (Apr. May 191 7).—
STANSFIELD, 2nd Lieut. H. W. M.G.C.

PALMER, Sergt. F. P. Served in Plymouth Bn. Devon
Vol. Regt. since Sept. 1914.


DAVIS, Lieut. G. H. Lieut. 4th Bn. City of London
Regt. (Roy. Fus.) 15/1/16. Lieut. 15/7/17. France

Mar. Sept. 1916. Wounded at Lenze Wood,
Somme, 8/9/16. O. i/c Recruit Training 3rd (Res.)

London Regt. Feb. June 191 7. Bn. Signalling
Of&cer Oct. 191 7 Nov. 1918. Rejoined 4th Bn.
London Regt. France Nov. 1918.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BAXTER, Capt. F. H. Capt. Retained for service as

O.C. Contingent.

HAWKEY, 2nd Lieut. H. S. Tf^nd Lieut. Retained

for service with Contingent (Temp. Commission).


SKINNER, Maj. F. T. 14th Bn. Hants. Regt. Lieut.

Oct. 1914. Capt. Mar. 1915. Maj. 17/8/16. France
Mar. 1916. Killed in action 3/9/16.

RANDALL, 2nd Lieut. F. P. Somerset Light Inf. July

1915. Killed in action 1 6/9/1 6.

ROSSITER, Lieut. R. O. C. 4th Bn. Welsh Regt. 12/9/15.

Lieut. 1/7/17. Employed at Ministry of Food.

MACFARLANE, Capt. W. N. R.A.S.C. Temp. Lieut.

29/11/17. Temp. Capt. 30/12/18.


OVEREND, Maj. F. L., T.D. Capt. Prior to war in

command of this Contingent of O.T.C. Restored to
establishment of 5th S. Staffs. 20/9/14. Maj. (Sub-
stantive) 30/5/17. Units with which served 5th S. :

Staffs., 46th Div. 2/5th S. Staffs., 59th Div.

; ;

seconded (Dec. 1916) to 25th Bn. Durham L.I. (after-

wards Lab. Corps). France 14/3/17 14/7/17. Rail-
way construction Vimy Ridge and Messines Ridge.
Territorial Decoration 31/5/19.

THOMAS, Capt. W. G., M.C. Lieut. Aug. 1914— Jan.

1 915.90th Winnipeg Rifles, Feb. 19 15 July 1917.
9th Bn. R.W.F. 6/7/17— 20/3/19. M.G.C., Bde.

M.G. Officer Dec. 19 15 Mar. 1916. Assistant Instr.
G.H.Q. Lewis Gun School Mar. 1917 July 1917
Chief Instr. 19th Corps Lewis Gun School July
— ;

1917 May 1918 9th Corps Lewis Gun School June

1918 Jan. 1919.
Disembodied March 1919. M.C.

EVANS. 2nd Lieut. 5/6/15. Lieut. R.A.S.C.

Lieut. H. B.
1/2/16. France, —
Aug. 1915 Sept. 1916. No. 3
Base Supply Depot Sept. 191 5
; —
Nov. 191 5 ;

Interpreter and Local Purchasing Officer, Supply

Depot, EtaplesNov. 1915 Sept. 1916. O.C. Supplies
and Transport, Swanage, Jan. 1917 May 1917 and—
Oct. 1917— March 1918. Attd. 5th (Res.) Bn. S. Staffs
(T.F.) Regt. Aug. 1918— Nov. 1918. Re-attached
to O.T.C. 12/6/19, with seniority, 1/2/16 (as Lieut.)

HARMAN, Maj. H. A., D.S.O. Lieut. S. Staffs.

Regt. (S.R.), attd. Gold Coast Regt., W.A.F.F.
Capt. Apr. 1915 T/Maj. Nov. 1915.
; Shghtly
wounded Dec. 1916. Despatches (twice). D.S.O.

MORGAN, Lieut. F. A., M.C. Lieut. S. Staffs. Regt.
23/10/17. Dec. 1917— Feb. 1918, 2/5th (T.F.) S.
Staffs. Regt., 59th Div. Feb. 1918— Oct. 1918, i/6th
(T.F.) S. Staffs. Regt., 46th Div. France. 3/12/17—
3/10/18, "Scheldt Canal" 29/9/18. Rannecourt
3/10/18. M.C. 11/3/18. Wounded 29/9/18. Sub-
stantive Lieut. 3/ 1 0/18. Disembodied May 19 19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BAKER, Lieut. S. T. Temp. Lieut. O.C. Contingent.

2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 6/11/14. Temp. Lieut.

CLARK, 2nd Lieut. H. W. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) Mar. 1915.



CARPENTER, 2nd Lieut. B. S. Was Cadet Officer of this

Contingent. Temp, commission in Mddx. Regt.
Killed in action France Mar. 19 18.

WILLIAMS, 2nd Lieut. G. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.W.F.

Killed in action France 2 1/5/ 16.

DENNIS, Capt. G. P. 2nd Lieut. 1 6/9/1 5 K.O. Y.L.I.

Capt. 1/10/18. 18/9/15 — 1917 Paymaster and Field
Cashier, France, 191 8 Paymaster and Field Cashier
French Army. 191 9 Rhine Army College.

DAVIES, Pte. B. S. Pte. Liverpool Scottish, i/ioth

King's Liverpool Regt., 55th Div. France, Sept.

1916 Mar. 1 91 8. Wounded Mar. 191 8. Demobilised
Jan. 1919.

TERRY, Pte. W. E. R.F.C., 3rd A.M., 10/4/17 ; 2nd

A.M., 1/1/18 3rd A.M., 1/3/18. 20th Training Wing

H.Q.. R.A.F., Egypt, 8/10/17— 21/5/19. Demobi-

lised 9/6/19.


ELLERTON, Capt. C. F. Lieut. Temp. Capt. loth Bn.

Cheshire Regt. 1914. France July 191 5. Killed in
action on the Vimy Ridge 19/5/15-

HALES, Capt. A. J. S. H., M.C. Capt. Enlisted in Wilt-

shire Regt. Aug. 1914. France (Sergt.) Nov. 1914.
Won commission in Wiltshire Regt. for gallantry in
the field Feb. 1915. Awarded M.C. Mar. 1915. Twice
wounded. Killed in action on the Somme 6/7/16.

VIDAL, Capt. L. A. Lieut. 2nd Lieut, Oxford and Bucks.

Light (S.R.) Sept. 1914.
Inf. France Mar. 1915,
attd. 2nd D.C.L.I. Transferred to 2nd Oxford and
Bucks. Light Inf. Aug. 1915. Temp. Capt. 24/5/15.
Killed in action near Loos 25/9/15.

WALKER, Lieut. G.W. H. Lieut. Temp. Lieut. R.E.

1/7/17. Wounded July 1917 in France.

BIRT, Capt. R. H. C. Capt. Res. commission on going

to S. Africa 30/6/18.

DAVIES, Capt. A. W. Capt. Res. commission on leaving

Radley 26/5/17.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

LOWE, Capt. H. St. A. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

STEVENSON, Capt. F. P. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

MACPHERSON, Lieut. A. G. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

NEWMAN, Lieut. G. F. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


BUTTERWORTH, Lieut. G. S. K., M.C. EnUsted D.C.L.I.

Aug. 1914. 2nd Lieut. (Temp.) isth Bn. D.L.I. Sept.
1914. France July 1915. Wounded July 1916.
M.C. July 1916. Killed in action near Pozieres 5/8/16.

CARTER, Capt. J. S. Temp. Capt. Norfolk Vol. Regt.

28/1/17. Resigned Vol. commission on joining Army
15/4/17. 2nd Lieut. Gren. Guards (S.R.) 27/6/17. To
France Feb. 1918. Act.'-Capt. 25/8/18. Killed in
action 27/10/18.

^ HALL, Naval Instr. the Rev. W., R.N. Died on active

service 11/11/16.

HARSTON, Capt. F. N., M.C. EnUsted in Pub. Sch. Bde.

Aug. 1914. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Leics. Regt. Oct. 1914.
Temp. Capt. and Adjt. Feb. 1915. France July
1915. Jan. 1916 G.S.O. 3, 37th Div., Feb. 1917
Infantry Bde. Maj. Despatches June 191 7 and
Dec. 1917. M.C. May 1916. Killed in action 22/4/17.

HEDGECOCK, 2nd Lieut. A. T. 2nd Lieut. Irish Guards

(S.R.) 29/5/18. France Dec. 1918.

JONES. Capt. B.
C. 2nd Lieut. R.A.F. Aug. 1916.
Temp. Capt. 20/6/18. France. Wounded. Des-
patches Dec. 1 918.

KERRY, Capt. A. H. G., M.B.E. Despatch rider in

France Oct. 1914. Temp. Lieut. R.E. (S.R.) 11/12/15.
Act. -Capt. and Adjut. 7/9/18. Macedonia and
Palestine. M.B.E. Jan. 1919.

LOWE. Lieut.-Col.W. D., D.S.O., M.C. Capt. (Temp.)

i8th Bn. D.L.I. 6/10/14. France. Temp. Maj.
13/10/16. Attd. W. Yorks Regt. 6/10/17. Attd. E.
Lanes. Regt. 15/12/17. Act. -Lieut. -Col. 15/12/17.
Temp. Lieut.-Col. i8th D.L.I. 9/10/18. Despatches
(four times). M.C. D.S.O. July 1918.

PORTER, Capt. H. E. L.. M.C.
Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.E.
9/11/15. Temp.
Lieut. 15/2/17. Act.-Capt. 21/6/17.
Despatches June 1917. M.C. Jan. 1918. France.

^ SELWYN, Rev. E. G. C.F., 4th Class, Temp., 19/4/18.

Despatches June 1919.

SLOMAN. Lieut. H. N. P., M.C. Inns of Court O.T.C.

Sept. 1916. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Rifle Bde. 1/3/17.
France. Temp. Lieut. 27/2/18. Wounded Aug. 1917.
M.C. July 1917.

SMALE, W. R. Signaller R.G.A. Sept. 1917— Jan. 1919.

2/ 1 St Warwick Heavy Battery, Ramsgate.

WOOD-HILL, Lieut. B. Temp. 2nd Lieut. K.R.R.C.

22/10/16. Temp. Lieut. 31/10/17. Wounded July
191 7. Served in France. With Artists' Rifles Ofifr.
Cdt. Bn. from Sept. 191 7 Sept. — 1918. Res.
commission 25/9/18.

FREEMAN, P. B. 2nd Lieut, nth (S.) Bn. Wore. Regt.

now 2nd Lieut. Sherborne School O.T.C. (Resigned.)

FYFE, Capt. W. H. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F., and

G.S.O. 3rd grade.

>^ ROBINSON, Rev. T. Wood. Chaplain and Instructor


HUTCHINGS. Capt. C. E. 2nd Lieut. Capt. Roy. Berks.
Regt. (Cyclists).

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WEST, Capt. J. Capt. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

4/11/16. Temp. Capt. 19/2/19. Capt. (Subst.)

I5S9 K
CROOK, Capt. H. S. Capt. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)
1/6/05. Retired 2/10/18.

KEETON, 2nd Lieut. G. H. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 4/"/i4-

SHUTE, 2nd Lieut. H. A. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 5/2/15.


FRY, Lieut. J. G. Inns of Court O.T.C. 29/12/16. 2nd

Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.) 1/9/17- France, 51st Siege
Battery, R.G.A. 17/9/17 —19/1/19- Demobilised

EDWARDS, Pte. V. Pte., R.A.S.C. 1/8/18. Demobilised


RICHARDS, Lieut. D. S. Temp. Sub-Lieut. 1/8/18.

Admiralty Experimental Station, Kingswear, 1/9/18.
H.M.S. Sarepta, Portland, 4/11/18. Act. -Lieut.
10/11/18. Demobilised 25/4/19.

HAMILL, Trooper M. W. 2nd Regt. King Edward's

Horse 4/9/14. Discharged disabled 1 4/6/1 7.

CHAPMAN, F. B. Chemical Coy. R.E. 1 8/8/1 5. France,

5/9/15 — 10/11/15. Discharged (ill-health) 15/2/16.


WADE, Maj. N. H. O.C. Contingent up to 26/12/15
Temp. Capt. 12th Essex Regt. 27/12/15.
(R.) Bn,
Adjt. 26th T.R, Bn. Oct. 1916 —
11/5/17. Act.-Maj.
2nd-in-c. 52nd Bn. Bedford Regt. 12/5/17

9th (S.) Essex Regt. 6/9/18 12/3/19.

France Sept.
1918, 12th Div. Epehy 18/9/18 Arleux, 7/10/18
; ;

Courcelles, 13/10/18. Reverted to Capt. 20/9/18.

Education Officer, Light Division, Army of the
Rhine, 17/3/19-

Retained for service with O.T.C.

EADE, Capt. S. G. Capt. Medically graded for perman-

ent Home Service. 2nd Lieut., Unattd. List (T.F.),
26/4/13. Lieut, 22/7/15. Temp. Capt. 22/7/16.
Substantive Capt. 27/3/19. O.C. Contingent since
26/12/15. Certificate A, 1910, Territorial A, Mar.
1914. Adjdt. 4th Surrey Vol. Regt. Dec. 1915
May 191 7.

LAMB, Lieut. G. J. Temp. Lieut. Medical category,

Perm. Home Service. Transferred to CranleigU
O.T.C. July 1918.


ABBEY, Lieut. B. No. 3 Offr. Cdt. Bn. (Bristol) 5/10/16.

2nd Lieut. Essex Regt. Jan. 1917. Wounded, 3/5/17
and 9/8/17. Lieut. Essex Regt. July 1918. Staff
E.G. School of Musketry, Hythe, June 191 8 Mar. —
1919. Demobilised Mar. 1919.

CALISTRI. P. F. Joined Army Ordnance 3/8/15. Sergt.

Interpreter France 22/2/16 1/2/19.— Discharged

JONES, L.-Cpl. A.E. Joined Army Ordnance Corps 2/8/15.

Overseas Service ; Mudros, Salonika, Egypt and
Palestine 7/11/15 —
10/ 12/18. Medical Category B 11.
Rank on discharge, L.-Corpl. Demobilised 10/3/ 19.

HOOPER, 2nd Lieut. R. J. Joined Army CycUst Corps

27/1 1/15. No. 2 Oiifr. Cdt. Bn. (Cambridge) Aug.
1916. 2nd Lieut. The Duke of Cornwall's Light
Inf. Dec. 1916. France Jan. —
Mar. 191 7. Gazetted
out owing to ill-health 16/9/17.


CARTER, Capt. J. F. Capt. South Africa with

Vol. Coy. Suffolk Regt. Jan. igoo May 1901. —
Queen's Medal and 4 Clasps. 6th Bn. Rifle Brigade
(S.R.) Capt. 26/9/14 at Sheerness. To France
16/10/14. Attd. to 2nd Bn. K.R.R.C. First battle of
Ypres. Invalided home (pneumonia) 27/1 1/14.
Assistant Instructor Camb. Univ. School of Instruc-
tion, Mar. 1915 —Feb. 1916. Commanding B Coy.

Services List 24/2/17

No. 2 Offr. Cdt. Bn. Feb. 1916 Jan. 1919. Home
and 13/8/18. 9/1 /19.

GRUNDY, Lieut. J. 3/4th Bn. Leic. Regt. Temp.

Lieut. 19/1/16. France i/4th Bn. Leic. Regt., 2nd
Lieut. 10/3/16. Invahded 1/5/16. 3/4th Bn. Leic.
Regt. 1 1/8/16— 23/10/16. Transferred R.F.A. (T.)
France 5/3,17, 48th D.A.C. Invalided 11/2/18.
Attd. Min. of Lab. 5/10/18. Promoted Lieut.
11/7/17. Disembodied 31/3/19.

JENKYNS, Lieut.-Col. S. S., M.C. Capt. Transferred

to 6th Bn. Rifle Bde. (S.R.) 11/12/14 Sheerness.
France, 24/5/15, with 2nd Bn. Rifle Bde. Invalided
home July 1915. France 9/8/16 ist Bn. Rifle
Bde. Wounded (Les Boeufs) 23/10/16. Senior
Officers' Course, Aldershot (2nd Bn. Rifle Bde.)
Apr. 191 7. France July 191 7, 2nd-in-c. 13th Bn.
Rifle Bde. Act.-Lieut.-Col. commanding 9th North
Staffs —
Regt. 1/10/17 6/12/17, commanding 8th

Som. L.I. 6/12/17 31/1/18. 2nd-in-c., 8th Bn. E.
Lanes. Regt. 31/1/18 till disembodiment. Act.-Lieut.-
Col. 8th Bn. Som. L.I. Apr. 1918
Officer 4th Corps during June,

June 1918. Ed.
Act.-Lieut.-Col. 9th
Bn. North Staffs Regt. July—Sept. 1918. M.C.
5/6/18. Liaison Of&cer H.Q. 37th Div., Sept. 1918.
Demobilised 15/10/18 (H).

WILSON, Capt. T. I. W., M.C. Lieut. Capt. 21st Manch.

Regt., Dec. 1914. France Nov. 1915. Wounded
June 1916. M.C. 1/7/16. Invahded home until Oct.
1916. France Oct. 1916. Killed in action 28/1 i/i 6,


MORGA.N-OWEN, Lieut.-Col. M. M, D.S.O. Capt. i/4th

Bn. Essex Regt. Aug. 1914. Gallipoli, Anzac and
Suvla Bay 1915. Act.-Maj. Aug. Oct. 1915. In- —
valided home Oct. 1915. Res. Bn. Apr. 1916. France
Sept. 1916. Maj. and 2nd-in-c. nth Bn. Rifle Bde.
(20th Div.) Dec. 1916. Wounded (gas) Aug. 1917.
Act. -Lieut. -Col. Sept. 191 7. Temp. Lieut.-Col. loth
Bn. Rifle Bde, Dec. 1917. Severely wounded 29/3/18.
Despatches 1/1/18 and 3/6/18. D.S.O. (Immediate
Award) 6/3/18.

CROMMELIN-BROWN, Lieut. J. L. 2nd Lieut. Cadet

School, Trowbridge. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.),
30/12/15. France Feb. 1916. Shell shock invahded ;

home Mar. 1916. Instr., Cadet School, Trowbridge,

May 1917 July 1918. Lieut. 1/7/17. Salonika

Aug. 1918 ^May 1919.

BOURNS, Lieut. C. 2nd Lieut. Cadet School, Cambridge.

Lieut. 6th Rifle Bde. (S.R.), 22/1/15 Sheemess,
France Apr. 1915. Killed in action 25/5/15.

WILSON, Capt. A. P. Transferred i/4th Bn. The Border

Regt. 27/9/14. Burma, Dec. 1914. Attd. ist Bn.
Oxford & Bucks, July 1915. Mesopotamia, 29/7/15
15/12/15. Severely wounded 22/1 1/15 (Ctesiphon).
Rejoined i/4th Bn. The Border Regt. (T.F.)
1/3/16 Burma Rawalpindi Jan. —
Apr. 1918. Staff
School, Sanger, —
May Sept. 1918. Appointed
Brigade Maj., Multan Brigade, 1/10/18. Ordered to
revert to civil duties 1/12/18. Lieut. 22/1/16.
Capt. 12/5/17. (H.)

STRICKLAND, Capt. N. Capt. Adjutant 1914-17.

Commanding Officer 1917-19. (H.)

SNAPE, Capt. H. J. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

FISHER, Capt. B. H. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

SHEARME, Capt. J. S. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)


SCUTT, Lieut. C. A. 2nd Lieut. (General List) 13/2/16.

Interpreter, Salonika. Demobilised Apr. igig.

MAYNARD, Capt. H. A., M.C. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 14th

(S)Bn. Mddx. Regt. 8/10/14. Temp. Lieut. 31/12/14.
Attd. ist Roy. Munster Fus,, 29th Div. (Gallipoli),
H.S. with
—30/7/15- Wounded 30/6/15 and 12/7/15.
(2nd Res.) Bn.Mddx. Regt. asMusketry
Officer Sept.1915 to 8/3/16. To France 8/3/16.
Joined nth Bn. Mddx. Regt. Act.-Capt. 16/8/16.
Temp. Capt. 23^2/17. M.C. (Immediate Award),
Sept. 1916 (Somme) Bar to M.C. (Immediate
Award) Nov. 1917. Transferred to 4th Bn. Mddx.
Regt. 16/2/18 on disembodiment of nth Bn. Ap-
pointed Staff Capt. 63rd Inf. Bde. 37th Div. 10/4/18.
Act.-D.A.Q.M.G., 5th Div., 26/12/18— 31/3/19. De-
mobilised 31/3/19. Wounded 27/7/16.

GRUNDY, Lieut. A. G. 2nd Lieut. 6th Bn. Welsh Regt.

(T.F.), 10/11/14. Lieut. 12/2/15. Adjt. 3/6th Welsh

Regt. 1/5/ 1 5 Aug. 16. Embarked to France 31/8/16,
first Somme battle. Invalided 2/11/16. Intelligence
Staff, War Office, 14/3/ 17

31/3/18. Disembodied


TRIST, Lieut.-Col. L. H., D.S.O., M.C. Maj. France

1914-15. Macedonia 1915-19. ist Bn. Lines. Regt.,
3rd Div. 9th (S.) Bn. E. Lanes. Regt. 7th (S.) Bn.
Welsh Regt., 22nd Div. D.S.O., M.C. Despatches
i/i/i7andii/i/i9. Embodied 4/8/14. Twicewounded.
Permanent Unit Lines. Regt. (S.R.) Temp. Lieut.-
Col. Disembodied 20/2/19. q. (H.)

TOWNSHEND, Capt. D. R. Capt. GalUpoU 1915. nth

Bn. N. Lanes. Regt., attd. Lanes. Fus. Temp. Capt.
Killed in action 1915.

FURNESS, Capt. W. Capt. 8th Bn. L. N. Lanes. Regt.,
25th Div. France 1915-16. Temp. Capt. Wounded.
Disembodied Oct. 19 16.

BUSHELL, W. F. Capt, 53rd Div. Palestine

1917-18. 34th Div., France 1918. i/ist Bn. Here-
fordsliire Regt. (T.F.)

FERGUSSON, Lieut. L. R. Lieut. Capt. and StafiE Capt.

France 1916-18. R.H. and R.F.A. Act.-Capt. while
2nd class Assist. Instr. at Convalescent Hospital

DENNIS, Capt. A. H. W. Lieut. Capt. 1/6/16. 5th Bn

S. Lanes. Regt. (T.F.) France 1915-16. Wounded
1916. Army Musketry Staff, India, 191 7, serving
with Res. Bn. T.F.

ARMITAGE, Capt. V. L. Lieut. Lieut. 1/7/17 and Act.-

Capt. 29/8/17. Capt. and Adjt. 4th Bn. Northants
Regt. (T.F.). France 1917-19. A.P.M., Cologne,

PEACHELL, Capt. G. P. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Monmouth-

shire Regt. (T.F.) 4/8/15. France 191 8, 46th (N. Mid-
land) Div. Temp. Capt. Disembodied 28/1/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

FURNEAUX, Maj. L. R., T.D. Maj. Territorial Decor-


BERWICK, Maj. E. B. H., T.D. Capt. and Brevet Maj.

Home Services List. Brevet Maj. June 1919. Terri-
torial Decoration.

SUGDEN, Capt. K. A. R. Capt.

GIBSON, Lieut. H. H. Lieut.

PEEL. 2nd Lieut. D. H. 2nd Lieut.


BOWEN, Pte. G. Artists' Rifles.

BROWN, Lieut. A. F. R. Norfolk Regt. (S.R.), attd. 7th

Service Bn. France. M.C. 21/4/16.

BULLEN, Lieut. H. G. S. Lanes. Regt. France igi6-i8.

Twice wounded.

CARLINE. 2nd Lieut. S. W. R.A.F.

CRANE, Maj.H. R.A.M.C. Jan. 1913, attd. D.L.O.Y.,

Lieut. Welsh Field Ambulance.
ist O.C. 3/ist
Welsh Field Ambulance, Capt. Registrar and Medical
Divisional Officer Southwark MiUtary Hospital.
Act.-Maj. Disembodied 15/3/19. M.B.E. June, 1919.

GUILLEBAUD, Lieut. H. L. Wilts. Regt, 2nd Lieut.

Lieut. Loyal N. Lanes. Lieut. Lab. Corps 11/5/17.
Act.-Capt. 25/10/17. France. Wounded once.

HAWES, Lieut. E. H. Northumberland Fus,

HOWARD, 2nd Lieut. J. P. Hampshire Regt. Resigned

commission through ill-health 1915.

KEMPSTON, 2nd Lieut. N. C. Connaught Rangers, attd.

Innisk. Fus. France. Killed in action 19 16.

^KENDALL, Rev. H. E. Chaplain. R.N.

PAUL, Lieut.-Col. C.T.S., D.S.O. R.F.A. France 1914-17.

D.S.O. Killed in action.

PRICE, 2nd Lieut. R. EnHsted Aug. 1914. Roy. War,

Regt. 2nd Lieut. 19 16. France. Killed in action

^ PUNTON-SMITH, Rev. S. P. Temp. C.F., 4th Class,

21/8/17. France.

SYKES, Lieut. J. 4th Durham Light Inf. Extra Res.
Seconded Machine Gun Corps Inf. Lieut. 1/12/16.
Act.-Capt. 8/11/18.

TOMLINSON, Pte. A. C. K.O. Lancaster Regt.


MOON, Capt. A. E. Capt. Temp. Capt. 18/10/14, gth
(R.) Bn. The Queen's Roy. W. Surrey Regt. Nov.

1914 Sept. 1916. With 2nd Garrison Bn. Roy.
Irish Fus. in Salonika from Sept. 19 16 until he died
on service on 7/6/18. For short time Act.-Maj.

O.C. Contingent Jan. 1909 Sept. 1914.

BUTTERWORTH Capt. H.. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) Lieut.

Gazetted 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. (S.R.) The Queen's,
R.W. Surrey Regt. on 9/914. Nov. and Dec. 1914 in
France with 2nd Bn. Severely wounded 18/12/14
(Armentieres). Gazetted to 2nd Bn. The Queen's
4/3/15. 2nd Lieut., R.A.S.C. (M.T.), May 1915.
Until Aug. 1915 with the 52nd M.T. Depot
Coy., Aldershot. —
From Aug. 1915 Mar. 1918 in
France as Lieut, and Act.-Adjt. No. 2. G.H.Q.

Ammunition Park (Aug. 1915 Sept. 1916). Instr.,
School of Instruction for M.T. Officers, 2nd Army

H.Q. (Oct. 1916 Jan. 1917). Act.-Capt. and Adjt.
to " T " Supply Column, attd. 19th Army Corps

(Feb. 1917 Mar. 1918). Wounded (shell shock)

Mar. 191 8. In hospital Apr. 191 8 Aug. 19 18. Sept.
1918 to present time with 615th M.T. Coy., R.A.S.C,
Ireland. Despatches Jan. 1917.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

JONES, Capt. T. F. Capt. Temp. Capt. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 11/1/16. Substantive rank 7/5/16. (H.)
Certificates "A" and "B" O.C. Contmgent since
Sept. 1914.

KNIGHT, Lieut. C. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)
1/5/10. (H.) Certificates "A" and "B."

POOR, Lieut. J. S. Lieut. Cdt. 3/3/10 ; Sergt. to Sept.

1913 ; 2nd Lieut. 14/10/15 ; Lieut. 20/10/16. (H.)
Certificate " A."



LANK, Corpl. E. W., M.M. MobiUsed 16/8/16. Joined

R.G.A., No. 115411, attd. H.Q. 76th Bde. France
2/12/16. (Vimy, Apr. 1917 Messines, June 1917 ;

Passchendaele, Oct. 19 17.) —

Cambrai St. Quentin
Front 21/3/18 Albert, Morlancourt, July and Aug.

1918 ;Epehy, Le Catelet, Le Cateau, Sept. and Oct.

1918 ; Landrecies, Foret de Mormal, Nov. 191 8.
Transferred to R.E. Signals 28/4/17, but remained
with same unit throughout. M.M. (London Gazette
13/3/19). Demobilised 1919.

COLLINS, Spr. G. E. Mobilised 11/1/16. Joined

London Electrical Engineers. Posted No. iLondon
Anti-Aircraft Coy. (Apr. 1916), posted Depot Coy.
(Sept. 191 6), posted No. 53 Anti-Aircraft Coy. R.E.
(Jan. 191 7), and served with that unit until de-
mobilised 19 1 9.


MORGAN, Capt. I. A. 2nd Lieut. loth Bn. South Wales
Borderers 1/2/15. France 15/7/16. Ypres, Passchen-
daele. Attd. 2nd Bn. South Wales Border Regt. and
returned to the " Salient." Killed in action at Courte
Croix, Meteren, 17/5/18.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MATTHEWS, Capt. R. Temp. Capi. O.C. Contingent.

Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 22/6/12. Temp. Capt.



BRAND. Lieut. H. G. R.E., Sept. 1914, Motor Cyclist

Despatch Rider. France (Ypres) 1915. Gazetted
R.E. 2/7/16. France, Oct. 1916, attd. to Royal Naval
Division. Beaumont Hamel, Vimy, Passchendaele,
March Retreat and Bailleul 1918. Attd. 3rd Cavalry
Div. Nov. 1918. Despatches 9/4/17.

THETFORD, 2nd Lieut. C. F. R.A.M.C. 6/11/15.

Transferred to Special Bde. R.E. 18/10/16. France

14/11/16 20/9/18. Arras, Hill 60, Messines Ridge,
Ypres, Dixmude, Somme, Bethune. No. 2 Offr. Cdt.

Bn. Cambridge, 18/10/18 8/1/19. Gazetted 5th Bn.
Norfolk Regt. (T.F.) 12/3/19.


DEED, Capt. W. R. W. Lieut. Capt. i/sth The King's
Own Roy. Lanes. Regt. (T.F.) Embodied 4/8/14.
France 14/2/15. 28th Div. Second battle of Ypres.
55th Div. Battle of the Somme 1916, Cambrai 1917.
Ireland 1918-19. Disembodied 23/4/19.

PHILLIPS, 2nd Lieut. W. R. Lieut. Commissioned

10/9/14. Transferred to R.G.A. Sept. 1918. Dis-
embodied 16/1/19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

TUCK, Lieut. C. H. Lieut. Commissioned 1/7/15. Re-

tained for service with O.T.C.


BALSHAM, Lieut. W. 2nd Bn. Manch. Regt. Mobilised

1914. Missing Nov. 1914, since presumed killed.

SINKS, 2nd Lieut. B. H. 5th K.O. Roy. Lancaster Regt.

Commissioned Aug. 191 5. Killed in action Oct. 191 6.

DOVE, Lieut. C. K. R.G.A. Commissioned Dec. 1915.

GILLILAND, Gnr. G. R.G.A. Enlisted Apr. 1916.

Wounded 191 7, Salonika. Demobilised Feb. 1919.

FEATHERSTONE, Pte. H. L. A.S.C. (M.T.) Enlisted

Sept. 1918.

OWEN, Pte. C. H. EnUsted Sept. 1918.

LONG, Pte. E. Enlisted 1915.

SAMS, 2nd Lieut. R. A. 5th Bn King's Own (R. Lanes.)

Regt. Commissioned May 191 8. France 1918.
Demobilised Mar. 191 9.


STRONG, 2nd Lieut. A. N. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A.

LITTLE, Lieut.-Col. A. W. Lieut. Lieut.-Col. i6tli Bn.

Northd. Fus.

TALBOT, Maj. Maj. Unattd. List (T.F.) O.C.

Contingent. Maj. (2nd-in-c.) i6th (S.) Bn. (New-
castle) Northd. Fus. 48/9/14 —
22/2/15. (H.)

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WALTERS, 2nd Lieut. F. Y. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 14/10/14.

SHUTE, 2nd Lieut. H. A. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 11/4/15.

COWGILL, 2nd Lieut. J. C. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.)



CHALLONS, Capt. P. Sergt. Instr. in School Contingent.

Maj. 9th D.L.I. Wounded.

DA VIES. 2nd Lieut. D. G. W. R.F.A.

HINDMARSH, Lieut. H. H. K.O.S.B. ; then Intelhgence


MACKENZIE, 2nd Lieut. B. S. M. Queen's Roy. W.

Surrey Regt. Killed in action 191 7.

REES, 2nd Lieut. W. S. Sppr. R.E., then 2nd Lieut.


SELWOOD, Pte. H. E. Som. Regt.

WEST, Gnr. G. A., M.M. R.G.A. Awarded M.M.

MINTER, 2nd Lieut. W. H. R.G.A. Salonika and

Macedonia Aug. 191 8 Feb. 191 9. — 320th Siege
Battery and 196th Heavy Battery R.G.A.

BELL, Lieut. W. S. Lanes. Fus.

SAUNDERSON, 2nd Lieut. Wm. Australian Inf.


POLLARD, 3rd A.M. N. W. 3rd A.M. R.A.F.

BRADLEY, 2nd Lieut. M. L. S. R.G.A.

^ HARPER, Rev. W. E. Temp. C.F. 4th Class. Attd.

Northd. Fus. 149th Inf. Bde.


HARDY, Maj. H. H., M.B.E. Capt. Capt. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 1908-14. Capt. Rifle Bde. (S.R.) Oct. 1914.
Maj. 1918. Employed under W.O., Aug. and Sept.
1914. Capt. 8th Bn. Rifle Bde. 4/10/14. War
Office, —
June 1915 Mar. 1916. G.S.O. 3, War
Office, —
Aug. 1916 Apr. 1918. France, Apr.
191 7, and May — December 191 8. H.Q. Reserve
Army and 4th Army ; A. /G.S.O. 3 Fifth Army from
July to Dec. 1918. G.S.O. 3, Southern Command,
Jan. and Feb. 1919. Home Services List Feb. 1917
and 1918. M.B.E. June 1918.

KEMPSON, Maj. E. W. E., M.C. Lieut. 1912-14.

T/Capt. R.E. 5/5/15. E.E.F. XV. Corps Jan. 1916 ;
Maj. Feb. 1918. E.E.F., East Force, June 1916.
Demobilised 9/2/19. Despatches, Dec. 1916, Jan.
1918. M.C. Apr. 1918.

PODMORE, Lieut.-Col. H. 2nd Lieut. 1911-14. 2nd

Lieut. 6th Bn. Northants Regt. Sept. 1914. Lieut.-Col.
commanding 12th (S.) Bn. Mddx. Regt. 1918. D.S.O.
Despatches (twice). Wounded twice. Accidentally
killed Dec. 191 7.

BONHOTE, Pte. E. F. Lieut. 1911-14. Enlisted 6th

K.R.R.C. Transferred to M.G.C. M.G.C., France,

Mar. 1918 July 1918. 58th and 59th Divisions.
Demobilised Jan. 1919.

WHITWORTH, Capt. E. E. A., M.C. 2nd Lieut. 191 3- 14.

14th Bn. Rifle Bde. Dec. 19 14 Aug. 19 15. South

— —
Wales Borderers, Aug. 1915 Jan. 1919. France,
June 1916 Apr. 1917. 12th Bn. S.W.B., 40th Div.
Wounded April 1917. France, April 1918 Jan.
1919. 2nd Bn. South Wales Borderers, 29th Division.

Despatches, June 1918; Jan, 1919. M.C. Apr. 1917.
Croix de Guerre (French), Sept. 1918. DemobiUsed
Jan. 1919.

LOCKHART, 2nd Lieut. J. H. B. 2ndLieut. 1915. 3rd Bn.

Seaforth Highrs. Aug. 191 7. Overseas Service, Nov.

1917 Jan. 1919. IntelUgence Corps, attd. R.A.F.,

Nov. May 191 8. Air Photo Officer, Intelligence

G.H.Q,, June 1918 Jan. 1919. Demobilised Jan.1919.

Retained for Service with O.T.C.

HAWKESWORTH, Major C. E. M. Maj. Unattd. List


EVERS, Capt. and Bt. Major C. P. Capt. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Home Services List, Brevet Major.
COSTLEY WHITE, Capt, H. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

MEIER, Capt. F. A. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

ODGERS, Lieut. F. W. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

SMITH, Lieut. A. J. Lieut. Unattd. List. (T.F.)


WILSON, 2nd Lieut. H. S. 8th Bn. Worcs. Regt. (T.F.)

Sept. 1914. Killed in action, France, Sept. 1916.

SAMPSON, 2nd Lieut. O. M., R.G.A. Died of wounds,

France, Oct. 191 8.

SIMPSON, 2nd Lieut. J. H. 2nd Lieut. Grenadier

Guards. France.



MONTAGUE JONES, Maj. E., T.D. Maj. ist Herts.
Regt. Served in Flanders 5/11/14 to 6/7/15. ist
battle of Ypres, Givenchy Brickfields, Neuve
Chappelle, and Festubert (and-in-c. of ist Bn.)
Staff Halton Command, July 1915 to May 19 16.
1914 Star. T.D. 1919. Camp Secretary, Tidworth
Pennings, 1914-18-19. O.C. Contingent 1902-14 and
since 1916. p.s. (Q) (H).

HUNT, Lieut. E. G. Temp. Capt. 2nd Lieut. S. Staffs.

Regt. 1915-16. Anti-Gas Officer 1916-19. O.C.
Contingent 19 14- 15.

ABBOTT, Lieut. G. Lieut. Lieut, ist Herts. Regt.,

Apr. 191 7. Killed in action at Achiet-le-petit 28/8/18.

SANSFORD, Maj. F. E. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Dorset R.G.A.,

Aug. 1915. Served in France and Germany 1916-19.
Act.-Capt. 1916, Act.-Maj. 7/7/18. In command of
Armoured Train, 83rd Siege Battery, R.G.A.

WOOD, 2nd Lieut. W. J. C. 2nd Lieut. King's Shrop-

shire Light Infantry. Served in France Dec. 1915
July 19 1 8. 2nd Lieut. 1/3/ 17. Wounded and gassed
Jan. 1918.

Retained for service with the O.T.C.

HARLEY, Capt. T. R. Temp. Capt. Commanding

Officer 1915-16.

WARREN, 2nd Lieut. A. J. 2nd Lieut.


DENNETT, Lieut. F. C. H. Joined R.F.A. in the ranks

April 1916. Served in India in 1103rd Battery, 227th
Brigade, R.F.A. Transferred as 2nd Lieut, to 38th
Dogras Dec. 19 18.

DENT, Lieut. J. C, 2nd Lieut. (Res.) Bn. Prince of Wales,
W. Yorks Regt Sept. 1915. France 1916. Invalided
home with shell-shock Sept. 191 6. Rehnquished
commission (unfit) July 191 7. Somme 1916.

ANDREW, Sergt. P. R. Sergt. ist Bn. E. Surrey Regt.

Joined 29th (Res.) Bn. Roy. Fus. Sept. 1915. Trans-
ferred in France to ist E. Surreys Western Front, ;

Ypres and Nieppe Forest. Italy, as Sergeant, 191 8.

Selected for commission July 191 8, and joined No. 7
Offr. Cdt. Bn., Fermoy. Demobilised 1919.


Joined 2nd London Field
Ambulance Aug. Proceeded to France Feb.
191 5.
19 16, with 56th (London) Division. Mihtary Medal
(for stretcher bearing on Somme) Oct. 1916.


COWBURN, Maj. A. B. Capt. Gazetted to 5th Bn.
Border Regt. 26/9/14. Major later, O.C. Coy.

in No. 6 Offr. Cdt. Bn. Oxford Senior Officers'


Course, Aldershot, Nov. 191 7, then 2nd-in-c South

Wales Borderers. M.C. 1917.

FORD, Capt. R. J. Capt. Gazetted to 17th (Service) Bn.

Manch. Regt. 1/1/15. Killed in action France,

YATES, 2nd Lieut. J. S. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted to Roy.

West Kent, 3rd Bn., Apr. 1918. Killed in action
France 8/1 0/15.

ALLPASS, 2nd Lieut. H. B. K. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted to

3/4th Bn. Essex Regt. 21/12/15. Reported missing
Sept. 1916, assumed dead, June 191 7.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

ROBERTS, Capt. H. O. Capt. Gazetted (Oxford Univ.

O.T.C.) 20/1 i/i I. O.C. Contingent 1/1/15. Trans-
ferred to St. Bees O.T.C. 27/9/13.

H5 ^
BOULTER, Lieut. J. S. Lieut, Gazetted 21/9/14.

GEARY, 2nd Lieut. F. C. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted 15/12/14.

BROADBENT, 2nd Lieut, H. G. TJznd Lieut.

Gazetted 15/3/ 15, temporary commission.

RICHARDSON, 2nd Lieut. C. A. Tl2nd Lieut.

Gazetted 15/3/15, temporary commission,

JOLLIFFE, 2nd Lieut. J. E. A. T/2nd Lieut.

Gazetted temporary commission.


BOYD, 2nd Lieut. C. W. 2nd Lieut. Aug. 19 16 in


COMEAU, Prob. Flight-Lieut. A. E. Nov. 1917. Prob.

Flight-Lieut. R.N.A.S.



MAGILL, Capt. R. Capt. O.C. Contingent 1912-13.

3rd (attd. 2nd) Bn. Roy. Irish Fus. France 1915-16.
Wounded 191 6.

APLIN, Maj. H. Capt. O.C. Contingent 1913-14- 7th

Bn. Roy. Munster Fus. Wounded 1915. Despatches
1915. Legion of Honour (Croix d'Ofificier) 1915.
D.S.O. 1915. Suvla Bay and Salonika. (H.) p.s.

BURTON, Capt. B. W. Capt, O.C. Contingent 1914

to present date. 7th Offr. Cdt. Bn. (H.) p.

JOHNSTON. Capt. and Adjt. R. St. G. 2nd Lieut.

3rd (attd. 6th) Bn. Roy. Irish Regt. Served France

Nov. 1915 May 1916. Wounded Apr. 1916.

Retained for seivice with O.T.C.

BELL, Capt. W. A. C. Temp. Capt. Acting O.C. Con-

tingent since 8/4/16, Unattd. List (T.F.) p.s.

POUTET, 2nd Lieut. W. G. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.)


MURPHY, Lieut. W. H. 4th Bn. Roy. Dublin Fus.

France 1916. Wounded 1916. Despatches 1916.
2nd King's African Rifles. E. Africa 1918. Wounded

TATE, Maj. R. W. O.C. Dublin University O.T.C.


^WHELAN, Rev. P. S. Chaplain to the Forces, 4th

Class (Temp.).

TREBLE, Capt. J. N. 5th Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. L.L

Killed in action 191 5 in France.

LUCE, Capt. A. A., M.C. 12th Bn. Roy. Irish Rifles.

Wounded 1917. M.C. 1917. France.

CROSS, Lieut. P. F. 9th (attd. 6th) Bn. Roy. Irish Regt.

Killed in action in France Nov. 1916.

ELLIS. Lieut. W. A. 15th Bn. Roy. Irish Rifles. France

1917-18. Wounded 1918.
TACHELLA, Lieut. C. F. Indian Army.

TAYLOR, 2nd Lieut. J. A. H. ist Bn. Roy. Dubhn Fus.

GalUpoli 1915. Killed in action 24/9/15.

WEST, 2nd Lieut. J. S. R.G.A. France Mar.— July

1916. Killed in action July 1916.

FITZMAURICE, 2nd Lieut. J. G. 7th Bn. Roy. Munster
Fus. Wounded 1915. Despatches 191 5. Suvla Bay,
Salonika. France. Capt. Tank Corps.

WILMOT, 2nd Lieut. H. W. R.E. Gazetted 1915.

SAUNDERSON, 2nd Lieut. T. E. Pte. H.A.C. France

1915-17. 4th Bn. York and Lanes. (2nd Lieut.) 1917-
Killed in action June 191 8.

BISHOP, L.-Corpl. W. E. 2/7th Bn. Roy. Highrs.

SKENE, Capt. W. H. C.F. Remount Depot R.A.S.C.

SMITH, Capt. W. L. W.. M.C. R.G.A. M.C. 1918.

France 1916-18.

SWANN, Cadet A. R.G.A.


BENTLEY, F. C. Capt. Maj. 20th Bn. London Regt.
(T.F.) France since 1915. Despatches (twice).
Chevalier Legion d'Honeur.

INGLIS, Lieut.-Col. R., D.S.O. Lieut. Lieut. loth Bn.

Border Regt. 31/10/14. Adjt. 1/11/14. Capt. 1/12/14.
Transferred 20th K.R.R.C. 1 3/3/16. France 25/3/16.
Maj. 30/3/16. Act. -Lieut.-Col. 20/1 1/16. Injured in
action and evacuated sick 24/7/17. Despatches (3),
Dec. 1916, June 1917, Dec. 1917. D.S.O. Jan. 1918.
July 191 8 to present date Assist. Comdt. No. 8 School
of Aeronautics R.A.F. 2nd Lieut. Unattached List
(T.F.) June 1911. Lieut. June 1912.

LOCKTON, Lieut. J. 2nd Lieut. Seconded Special

Corps R.E. 7/3/16. Transferred to R.G.A. as Temp.
2nd Lieut. 8/5/17. Lieut. 8/11/18. Active service 2
years, France and Palestine (424th and 421st Siege
Batteries R.G.A. and Sound Ranging Sections R.E.)
2nd Lieut., Unattached List (T.F.), 21/4/15.


PARTRIDGE, Capt. H. C. ind Lieut. in6. Lieut. t/20th

Bn. London Regt. 31/8/14, France. 47th (London)
Div., 9/3/15— 30/10/15. Battles of Festubert and
Loos. France, 2/2oth Bn. London Regt., 6oth

— —
(London) Div., 24/6/16 30/1 1/16. Macedonia 6/12/16
Palestine and Egypt 16/6/ 17 —
1 4/6/1 7. 16/ 10/18.
O.C. Coy. Command Depot, Abbassia, Cairo, 5/4/18 —
12/10/18. Jerusalem, Capture of. Arrived England
on duty 29/10/18. T.F. Reserve 22/1 1/18 (Capt.)
Wounded 25/9/15, 23/10/15, 23/4/17. Injured in
action 9/12/17. Capt. (Substantive) 1/6/16. 2nd
Lieut., Unattached List (T.F.), 17/5/12.

SOUTHWELL, Lieut. P. H. G. Temp. Lieut. Lieut.

R.A.F. 28/10/19. Officer-in-c P.T. and Sports No. 8
School of Aeronautics, Cheltenham and Shorncliffe.
Temp. Administrative Lieut. R.A.F. Placed on
Unemployed List R.A.F. 22/1/19. 2nd Lieut.,
Unattached List (T.F.), 29/9/14. Temp. Lieut.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BROUGH, Capt. C. B. Capt. O.C. Contingent from 1914.


BOYES, Lieut.-Col. J. F. C, M.C. Superintending distri-

bution of Belgian Refugees 2/8/14 8/12/14. Gazetted
Lieut.-Col. Q.M.G.'s Staff, W.O., 9/12/14— 16/9/15.
Appointed O.C. Depot 4th London R.F.A. (T.F.).
Capt. in 4th London R.F.A. (T.F.) 17/9/15 13/2/17. —
Maj. 7/1/18 (Army Rank Lieut. Col.) CO. 28th Bn.
Roy. W. Surrey Regt. 14/2/17 12/10/18. Depot—

Labour Corps (France), 12/10/18 18/10/18. CO.

P.O.W. Unit 18/10/18 26/2/19. Demobilised 26/2/19
Maj. 4th London R.F.A. (T.F.) Despatches July 1917,
M.C. 1/2/18. O.C. ist Cdt. Bn. R.W. Kent. Regt.
(T.F.) 12/8/12 and 27/2/19.

BROWN, Spr. F. R. Spr. R.E. Killed in action 7/5/17.

NEVILLE, Petty Officer t?. ?.0., R.A.F.

WHITEHEAD, Corpl. T. J. Bombing Instr., Bombing

School, Uxbridge, R.A.F. Corpl. 21/9/18.

ROSE, srd Clerk V. R.A.F. 3rd Clerk. Demobilised


BENENSTOCK, L.-Corpl. L. M. L.-Corpl. ist Worcs.

Regt. Ireland 18/8/18 —
19/1/19. Demobilised 1 9/1 /i.


TAYLOR, Lieut. W. R. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.
Unattached List (T.F.) 18/10/14. Transferred to
9th Bn. The Buffs 24/6/16. France (6th The Buffs,

12th Div.) Aug. Oct. 1916. Wounded 7/10/16 at
Gueudecourt. With 3rd Buffs (Dover) Jan. Apr. —
1917. France (6th The Buffs, 12th Div.), Apr. Nov. —
1917. Wounded and captured 30/1 1/17 at Cambrai.
Temp. Lieut. 24/12/17. Repatriated 12/12/18.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

POWERS, Capt. C. Capf. O.C. Contingent since 22/2/10 •

READE, 2nd Lieut. J. A. D. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 24/6/16.


HORSLEY, Capt. S. S., 2nd Lieut. 3rd E. Surrey Regt.

(Special Reserve) 15/8/14. France, 2nd Bn. E. Surrey
Regt. Wounded 1915, 1916 at High Wood, 1917.
Capt. 23/8/16. Formerly in the Hereford Grammar
School Contingent O.T.C.


HUDSON, Capt. T. M. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 5/^/14,

5th (S.) Bn. R. Berkshire Regt. Temp. Lieut.
29/10/14. Temp. Capt. 10/6/15. Killed in action
Sept. or Oct. 1915 in France.

BAKER, 2nd Lieut. R. C. W. EnUsted in Artists' Rifles

29/7/18. Garrison Cadet Bn., Cambridge, Sept. and
Oct. 1918. Commission on General List Nov. 1918 ;
stationed at Rugeley Camp. Demobilised Apr. 1919.


BUSSELL, Capt. J. G. Capt. Tpr. Oxfordshire Imperial
Yeomanry 1900. South African War. O.C. Contin-
gent Sept. 1908 —Dec. 19 13. Transferred to Marl-
borough College O.T.C. Jan. 1914. Transferred to
7th Bn. Roy. Sussex Regt. Aug. 1914 as Capt. Killed
in action in France 28/6/15.

BARNES, Capt. F. Lieut. O.C. Contingent July May—

1915. Transferred to Special Reserve Sept. 1915.
2nd Lieut. Rifle Bde. Oct. 1915. Wounded at Ypres
July 1916. Capt. 1918.

CASS, Capt. L. F. Capt. O.C. Contingent Jan. 1914

May 1915. Transferred to Roy. Sussex Regt. as
Temp. Capt. May 1915. Killed in action in France

HOPE, 2nd Lieut. V. 2.nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Oct. 1915 July 1917.
Resigned commission July
2nd^ Lieut, R.G.A. Jan. 1918. France.

MORGAN, Lieut. D. F. Lieut. Cadet Officer 1915. 2nd

Lieut. Jan. 1916. Lieut. July 1917. Transferred for
special duty at Boy Scouts' Headquarters, London,
Apr. 1 91 8.

PARTINGTON, Capt. J. B. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

Sept. 1913 —July 1914.
Regt. Oct. 191 4. Capt.
Transferred to Devonshire
Killed in action in Mesopo-
tamia 3/2/17.


WARDLAW, Lieut. E. D. P. Lieut. Duke of Cornwall's

Light Inf. France 191 7. Wounded. Attd. to this
Contingent for duty 29/1/18.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

HAMMOND, Lieut. N. W. Temp. Lieut. O.C. Contingent

Sept. 1 91
5 —Apr. 1919.

WELLER, Lieut. A. J. Lieut. Ceased to serve with

Contingent July 1914. Now in Shrewsbury School


DAVIES, Lieut. L. Lieut. Rifle Bde. Killed in action in

France 3/6/17.


ALDERSON, Capt. A. E. ^nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. (The
Queen's) Roy. W. Surrey Regt., attd. ist K.O.Y.L.I.,
28th Div. France (1914-15), Loos. Salonika 1915-18.
Gazetted Sept. 1914. Accidentally drowned 11/3/18
in Salonika.

BOURNE, 2nd Lieut. C. 2nd Lieut. 6th Bn. (The

Queen's) Roy. W. Surrey Regt. France Nov. 1916
Apr. 1917. Arras. Gazetted Jan. 1916. Died of
wounds received at Battle of Arras 11/4/17.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

DRIFFIELD, Capt. L. T. Capt. Died 8/10/17.

INGRAM, Capt. C. W. Temp. Capt. Temp. Capt., Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 16/11/17. Lieut. 23/2/14.


LINNELL, Lieut. C. D. Temp, commission, General

List, Censor's Staff, Calais and Boulogne. Gazetted
Mar. 1917 ; still serving.

MERRIMAN, 2nd Lieut. F. V. Temp, commission.

General List, Censor's Staff.

REED, Lieut. L. H. B. R.F.A. France Passchendaele, :

Cambrai, the Retreat. Wounded 21/3/18. Gazetted

Aug. 191 7. Relinquished commission Jan. 1919.

^ CAVALIER, Rev. C. G. Temp.

FranceC.F., 4th Class.
Jan.—Nov. 1916. Ypres, the Somme. Salonika
Nov. 1916— July 1917. Palestine July 1917 — Jan.
1919. Beersheba, Jerusalem and the advance. final
Jan. 1916—Nov. 1916, 52nd Bde., 17th Div. Inf.
Nov. 1916— Jan. 1919, 179th Bde., 70th Div. Inf.
Gazetted Jan. 1916. Demobilised Mar. 1919. Pte.
Inns Court O.T.C. 16/9/15 —
of Chevallier 11/1/16.
of the Crown of Roumania.


COOPER, Capt. H. O., M.B.E. ind Lieut. R.F.A. C ,

Battery, 47th Bde., 14th Div., from July 1915. Lieut.

Feb. 1916. Capt. Feb. 1917. France, Sept. 1915 to
Feb. 19 1 9. Reconnaissance Officer R.A., 14th Div.,
1916 19th Corps 191 7
; 4th Army 19 18. Despatches

1918, M.B.E. 1919.

COOPER, Capt. H. Capt. O.C. Contingent Sept. 1915—

March 191 8. Intelligence Dept. from Mar. 1918.
France from July 19 18. Army of Occupation Feb.

Retained for setvice with O.T.C.

DARE, 2nd Lieut. A. G. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Sept.

1915. O.C. Contingent since Mar. 1918.



DIBLEY, 2nd Lieut. G. A. S. 2nd Lieut. Nov. 1917, 3rd

(Garrison) Bn. R.W.F. Attd. St. Lawrence College
O.T.C. from Mar. 1918.

>J<BELLERBY, Rev. A. C. B. Temp. C.F., 4th class.

France, Jan. May 19 17. Invalided. Chaplain to
ist Eastern General Hospital, Cambridge, July 19 17
Jan. 191 8. Chaplain to Offr. Cdt. Bn. Cambridge

Feb. 1918 Jan. 1919.

CARD WELL, 2nd Lieut, W. Intelligence Dept. (Censor's

Office, Dunkirk) since Aug. 1917.

PILCHER, Pte. K. R. Gnr., R.G.A., from May 1917.

France, Dec. 191 7 Oct. 191 8. Wounded Oct. 1918,
Demobilised Jan. 19 19.


PEARSON, Maj. A. H., M.C. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. 6/2/1 1.
Unattached List (T.F.) Lieut. 20/6/13. 2nd Lieut,
nth (S.) Bn. Loyal N. Lanes. Regt. 14/11/14. Lieut.
4/12/14. In France with ist Bn. Loyal N. Lanes., ist
Div., 23/3/16 —
14/7/16. Transferred to M.G.C. as
Instr. Sept. 1916. France 4/11/17 with 3rd M.G.C.
(ist Div.). Temp. Maj. 16/2/18. O.C. "D" Coy.
M.G.C, 51st (Highland) Div., 1/5/18. Battle of Lys
(1918), Rheims (1918), Scarpe (1918), Selle River
(1918). M.C. 1/7/16. Demobilised 16/4/19.

CARPENTER, Capt. J. A., M.C. ind Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

22/9/14. Temp, Lieut. 1 1/5/15. Unattached List T.F.
Joined Special Bde. R.E. 1915, France. M.C.

WORSTER, Capt. F. C, M.C. ind Lieid. 2nd Lieut.

9/914. Unattached List (T.F.) Transferred to Worcs.
Regt. France Sept. 191 5. M.C. Died of wounds

WHITAKER, 2nd Lieut. R. M. A. Temp. 2nd Lieut.
Temp. 2nd Lieut., Unattached List (T.F.), 14/7/15.
Temp. 2nd Lieut. 3rd (S.R.) Bn. Dorset Regt. 21/8/17.
France 8/9/17 — 28/1 /i 8 with 6th Bn. Dorset Regt.
(T.F.), 17th Div. Invalided 28/1/18. Demobilised

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BICKNELL, Capt. C. H., T.D. Capt. Volunteer Com-

mission 29/11/90. Commanded Cadet Corps from
formation and O.T.C. from formation in 1908 until
1 5/1 /i 5. Territorial Decoration.

PULLINGER, Capt. H. R. Capt. 2nd Lieut., Un-

attached List (T.F.), 2/7/12. Lieut. 29/12/14. Temp.
Capt. 29/2/15. Substantive Capt. 27/3/19. O.C.
Contingent since 15/1/15.

JONES, Lieut. A. M. Lieut. 2nd Lieut., Unattached

List (T.F.), 21 /9/14. Temp. Lieut. 18/11/16. Sub-
stantive Lieut. 2^1^ jig. O.T.C. service throughout.

SMITH, Lieut. L. C. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut., Unattached

List (T.F.), 18/2/15. Temp. Lieut. 18/11/16. O.T.C.
service throughout.

BOTTING, 2nd Lieut. C. G. 2yid Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Ueut., Unattached List (T.F.), 10/11/15. O.T.C.
service throughout.

PICTON, 2nd Lieut. T. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd Lieut.,

Unattached List (T.F.), 10/11/15. O.T.C, service

LANCASTER, 2nd Lieut. E. T. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd

Lieut., Unattached List (T.F.), 17/11/17. O.T.C.
service throughout.


BEWSHER, Maj. F. W., D.S.O., M.C. London Rifle

Bde. Since Aug. 1914 has held staff appointment.
Bde.-Maj., England, G.S.O. 2, 4th Army, France.
Now Bde. -Maj. in Egypt. M.C, D.S.O. Despatches.

CHESSEX, Lieut. R. E. A. R.N.V.R. H.M.S. Vanguard.

Lieut. Killed in action 9/7/17.

PENNY, Capt. G. S. Joined Inns of Court O.T.C. June

1916. Cadet School, 3rd (Res.) Bde. R.H.A., Sept.
igi6. 2nd Lieut., Special List (Interpreter), 14/1/17.
Salonika Mar. 1917. O.C. gth Macedonian Lab. Bn.
27/5/17. Act.-Capt. 1/5/17. Substantive Lieut.
15/7/18. Act. Chief British Censor, Greek P.O.,
Salonika, Sept. 1918. Chief Postal Censor, Constanti-
nople, Nov. 1918. Temp. Capt., attached G.S. (I.),
15/11/18. Demobilised Mar. 1919.

PHILLIPS, Capt. Rev. J. L. Temp. Lieut. R.A.O.C.

5/7/15- Service at home. Home Services List
1 3/8/18. Temp. Capt. 5/9/18. Relinquished commis-
sion on account of ill-health 19/1/19.

STICKLAND, Capt. J. R. ist Cambs. Regt. 1915.

2nd Lieut. France. Despatches 9/4/17. Wounded.
Until Apr. 1919 Instructional Staff R.M.A., Woolwich.

FENNEMORE, 2nd Lieut. G. C. (Originally a Cadet

Officer O.T.C.) 2nd Lieut. R.E., I.W.T., Apr. 1917.
Despatches. Died Mesopotamia 1918.

AFFLECK, Lieut. R. (Originally a Cadet Officer O.T.C.)

Oct. 1915, 2nd Lieut. Ox. and Bucks. L.I. France.
Wounded. M.G.C. Now N. Russian Exp. Force.



BADGLEY, Capt. J. M. C, M.C. Capt. Overseas Mar.

2nd Lieut. i/6th Bn. Glos. Regt. (T.F.) 6/9/15.
191 5.
Wounded Oct. and Nov. 1915. M.C. 24/12/15.
Instr. No. 3 Inf. Officers' —
School Sept. 1916 Apr.
1918. Assist. Instr. 2nd Army Central School.

France Apr. 1918 Jan. 1919. Disembodied 6/1/19.
Retained for services with this Contingent.

KING, Lieut. P. B. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 16/12/15. To A.S.C. 4/4/17 to loth Bn. S.W.B.
24/9/17. France 24/9/17. Wounded 20/3/18. 2nd Bn.
S.W. Borderers. —
France 1/10/18 16/1/19. De-
mobilised 16/1/19. Serving with Contingent.

GOOLDEN, Lieut. R. O. Lieut. Joined i8th Bn. Roy.

Fus. Sept. 1 9 14. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Beds. Regt.
May 1915. Joined 8th Bn. Beds. Regt. in France
Jan. 1916. Gas Officer to 38th (Welsh) Div. Feb. 1917
— Oct. 1917. Lieut. July 1917. Assist. Instr. at ist
Corps School, American E.F. France Oct. 191 7
Dec. 1918. Despatches 23/5/18. Acting Capt.

7/10/18 Dec. 1918. Joined Contingent May 1919.
Demobilised 26/3/19.


TOYNE, Maj. S. M. Attd. as Maj. nth Bn. York and

Lanes. Regt. 19 14 Sept. 1915. Military Representa-
tive Wetherby Area Jan. 1916 —
Oct. 1917. O.C. 2nd
Bn. North Riding Vols. Nov. 19 14 — June 1916.

LIDDLE, 2nd Lieut. H. W. France Jan. 191 7. Wounded

and captured at Arras 3/5/17. Repatriated 7/1/18.
Invalided out 24/4/18.



BAKER, Maj. S. 2nd Lieut. 8th Bn. W. Riding Regt.

(S.R.) 11/11/14.Suvla Bay landing and evacuation.
Wounded Aug. 191 5. 2nd-in-c. 8th Bn. W. Riding

Regt. 10/10/15 30/1/16. Suez Canal Jan. Apr. —

1916. Instr. to nth D.V. School June Aug. 1916.
Arras and Somme. Severely wounded Thiepval
14/9/16. Coy. Comdr. Offr. Cdt. Bn. Aug. 1917
Mar. 1919. Temp. Maj. 9/1 i/iB. Brevet Maj. 1/1/19.
O.C. Contingent.

BROWNE, Capt. F. A. M. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.).

2nd Lieut. 29/1/16. Dover Defences Feb, 1916—
Nov. 1916. Lieut, and Act.-Capt. and Adjt. 18/2/17.

France and Belgium 18/4/17 16/2/19, with 92nd
Brigade., R.G.A. Germany, Dec. 1918
, —
Feb. 1919.
Disembodied 16/2/19.

KAY, Lieut. A. S. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.). 2nd Lieut.

31/1/16. Lieut. 31/7/17. Anti-Aircraft Defences,
Dover. Officer Instr. 14/11/18 —
18/1/19. Dis-
embodied 14/2/19. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)
Nov. 1914.

KEEBLE, Lieut. C. F. A. 2nd Lieut. 4th Border Regt.

(T.F.) 17/8/18. France 14/10/18. Attd. to i/5th
Roy. S. Fusihers, 52nd Div. Act.-Lieut. 11/12/18.
. Disembodied 4/2/19. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)
19/3/16. Seconded to serve with Contingent.

CHURCHYARD, Lieut. A. S. Lieut. 6th Bn. Rifle Bde.

Aug. 1914. Gallipoli. Died 28/1/17.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WOODHOUSE, Capt. F. Capt. O.C. Contingent up to

21/12/17. Unattd. List (T.F.) from 24/12/17. Home
Services List.
WEECH, Maj. W. N. Maj. O.C. Contingent from 24/12/1.
Assist. Commandant Tyne Garrison School of In-
struction 191 5. Home Services List. Brevet Maj.

MEISTER, Capt. G. C. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

TODD, 2nd Lieut. G. H. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

MARSHALL, 2nd Lieut. D. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List


SUMNER, Lieut. E. J. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)


HARRISON, Capt. B. C. 2nd Lieut, nth Border Regt.

21/12/14. Somme. Wounded
1/7/16. St. Quentin.
Wounded Apr. 1917. Despatches. 5th Bn. Border
Regt. Apr. 191 8. Killed in action 11/8/18.

REID, Capt. J. A. Wore. Regt. Killed in action.

CHAMPAIN, Capt. T. H. B. EnUsted Wore. Regt.

9/9/14. Gazetted Lieut. 9th Bn. Rifle Bde. (S.)
13/10/14. France Aug. 1915. 14th Div. Somme
1916; Arras 1917. Attd. to Div. H.Q. Despatches:
Passchendaele 191 7, St. Quentin Mar. 191 8, Attd. to

R.A.O.C. June 1918 Apr. 1919 at Rouen. Gazetted
Temp. Capt. Apr. 1919. Demobihsed 25/4/19.

PACKARD. 2nd Lieut. E. W. S. EnUsted Norfolk Regt.

1916—Nov. 1916. Pte. M.G.C. Nov. 1917. 2nd Lieut.
May 191 8. 3rd Res. Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. Light Inf.
Seconded M.G.C. June 1918. Demobihsed Nov. 1918.

OGILVY, Pte. A. W. Enhsted 1 5/4/1 5, 24th Roy. Fus.

France Nov. 191 5. La Bassee, Festubert. Wounded
at Bully Greneny May 191 6. Discharged Sept. 191 6.




BENSLY, Maj. W. J. D.S.O., (H) CapL Capt. 7th

Bn. Dorsets 23/4/15 1/1/16.— Transferred to ist
B.W.I. Regt. 1/1/16. E.E.F. 21/1/16— 12/3/19
present at Gaza, Jordan Valley, Ammon. Temp.
Maj. 23/11/16; 2nd-in-c 17/1/18. Despatches
Dec. 1918, Feb. 1919, D.S.O. 1/1/19. Demobilised

O'HANLON. Capt. G., M.C. Attd. 3rd Bn. Dorsets

4/8/14 — 27/8/14. 2nd Lieut. 6th
(Service) Bn. Dorsets 18/8/14 Lieut. 24/11/14;

Capt. 16/2/15. France, 17th Div. 14/7/15 10/10/18.
Battle of the Somme 191 6. 2nd-in-c 1/8/ 16
8/8/16. M.C. Aug. 1916. Instructor 17th Div. School
25/2/17. Instructor i8th, afterwards 8th, Corps

School 14/4/17 10/10/18. Demobihsed 10/10/18.

TESTER, 2nd Lieut. A. F. 2nd Lieut. 4/4th R. W. Kent

1/10/15. Transferred to i/4th R. W. Kents. To

India 1/12/16, Mesopotamia lyl^/iy 29/8/17. Cable
Censor, Bombay. Attd. Gen. Staff Army H.Q., Simla,
1/9/18 —
31/12/18. Demobilised 15/2/19.

MAY, Lieut. H. G. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Bn. Dorset Regt.

Attd. ist Bn. Dorset Regt. France. Died (of
wounds received at St. Eloi 14/3/15), 28/3/15.

ALDERSON, Lieut. A. G. J. 2nd Lieut. 2/5th Bn.

D.C.L.I. (Capt.) transferred as Lieut, to Machine

Gun Corps, Grantham. Killed accidentally in a

bombing accident, Grantham, 1 9/1 0/16.

FREEMAN, 2nd Lieut. P. B. Corpl., i8th Bn. Roy. Fus.

1914. Act.-Capt. and Machine Gun Officer, nth Bn.
Wore. Regt. 1914-15. Invalided 7/11/15. 2nd Lieut.
Sherborne O.T.C. 1916-19. Resigned 9/5/19-

Retained for service with O.T.C.

DAVIS, Maj. E. Maj. O.C. Contingent from 1/1/18.

2nd Lieut. 25/9/06; Capt. 7/5/12; 2nd-in-c. 1912-18
Temp. Maj. 14/6/18 Maj. 27/3/19.

DUNKIN. Maj. H., T.D. Maj. O.C. Contingent 6/5/10-

1/1/18. Home Service List. Territorial Decoration.
Resigned 1/1/18.

ROSS, Lieut. A. H. T. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Sherborne

School O.T.C. lo/io/ii. Lieut. 18/3/13.

HODGSON, 2nd Lieut. H. 2nd Lieut. Bradfield College

O.T.C. 2nd Lieut. 1916-17. Transferred Sherborne
School O.T.C. Sept. 191 7.

CAREY, Lieut. G. M. Temp. Lieut. Temp. Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 21/2/15.

MORRIS, 2nd Lieut. C. C. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 7/6/17.


ELDERTON, Capt. M. B. Commissioned 1/1/16

R.G.A. (S.R.). France, with 143rd Siege Battery

Aug. 1916 June 1917

with 471st Siege Battery-

May 1 91 8 Nov. 1 91 8. Battles of Somme Aug.

1916 ;Arras, Apr. 1917 Peronne, Sept. 1918

Bellicourt, Sept. and Oct. 191 8.

DIXON, Lieut. G. G. Commissioned Aug. 1914, 9th (S.)

Bn. Essex Regt., Grenadier and Musketry Officer.
France with Bn. May 1915. Wounded 11/7/15.
Invahded Mar. 191 6.

161 M

POUND, Capt. J. R. Capt. Joined 2nd Bn. King's Shrop.

Light Inf. Sept. 1914. Temp. Capt. France 1915.
Killed in action Aug. 1915. (H.) (Q.)

WOODROPPE, Capt. L. M.C. Capt. 8th (S.) Bn. Rifle

Bde. Dec. 1914. France June 1915. Severely-
wounded near Hooge 31/7/15. Joined i6th (S.) Bn.
Rifle Bde., England, 1916. Temp. Capt. France 8th
(S.)Bn. Rifle Bde. May 1916. M.C. 31/7/15. (H.)(Q.)
Killed in action 4/6/16.

WHITE, Lieut. M. G. Capt. 6th (S.R.) Bn. Rifle Bde.

31/5/15 Sheemess. France 7/2/16 ist Bn. Rifle Bde.
Killed in action 1/1/16 in front of Mailly-Mailly.

BLORE, Maj. J. L. 2nd Lieut. 8th (S.) Bn. King's Shrop.

Light Inf. 6/10/14. Capt. 26/1 1/14. A.D.C. to Camp

Commandant July December 191 5. France 4/9/15.

Salonika 6/11/15. Sick 23/12/15 1/6/16. Southern
Command Headquarters and attd. to G.S. 2/6/16.
Temp. Maj. 1/5/18. StafE Capt. for Volunteers 11/7/18.
Staff Capt. Demobilization Branch 10/12/18. De-
mobilised 1 7/4/19.

SALE, Capt. R. 2nd Lieut. 8th (S.) Bn. King's Shrop-

shire Light Inf. 16/11/14. Temp. Capt. 15/7/15.
France 4/9/15. Salonika 6/1 i/i 5. England (malaria)
30/9/16. Attd. to 3rd Bn. K. S.L.I. Mar. 1917.
Instr. Offir. Cdt. Bn. 1/6/17— 20/10/18.

ROBERTS. Maj. F. W. Lieut. 6th Bn. Northants Regt.

18/4/15. France with Bn. 26/7/15. Capt. 3/1/16.
Temp. Maj. 17/10/16. Company Oflicer at R.M.C.,
Sandhurst, from June 191 8.

SOUTHWELL, Lieut. E. H. L. 2nd Lieut. 13th (S.)

Bn. Rifle Bde. 24/4/15. 15th (R.) Bn. Rifle Bde.
16/8/15. France 1/10/15 9th (S.) Bn. Rifle Bde.
Killed in action at Delville Wood 15/9/ 16.


>i< FORMAN, Rev. T. P. G., C.F. 2nd Lieut. Chaplain

M.G. Corps (Grantham) 20/1/16. Egypt 1/10/16
Feb. 191 7 with i/2nd East Anglian Field Ambulance
R.A.M.C. (T.F.). After malaria, with 2/ist East
Anglian Field Ambulance 162nd Bde. in Mar. First
and second battles of Gaza invalided to Base

(scarlet fever) May 191 7. Garrison Chaplain Ab-

bassia Barracks, Cairo, 1/7/17 25/9/18. —
Oct. 1918. R.A.F. Wireless School, Winchester,
Nov. 1918. Chaplain to Alexandria Hospital,

Cosham, Dec. 1918 .Jan. 1919. Demobilised 11/2/19.

Retained for service with OJT.C.

INGRAM, Maj. F. M., T.D. Capt. and Hon. Maj. Capt.

Roy. Berks. Regt. (T.F.) and Lieut, ist Vol. Bn. Berks.
Regt. O.C. Contingent throughout the war. Re-
signed 1/10/18. Home Services List 13/3/18. Pre-
viously Capt. Commanding Bradfield College Cadet
Corps from Nov. 1889 and Bradfield College O.T.C.
Contingent to Aug. 1908.

KITCHIN. Capt. A. E. Capt. With Shrewsbury School

throughout the war. O.C. Contingent 1/10/18.

>J< WHITFIELD, Rev. J. O. Capt. With Shrewsbury

School O.T.C. throughout the war.

WELLER, Lieut. A. J. 1911-14 with St. Edward's

School, Oxford, O.C. Wolverley School
Cadet Corps 19 14- 16. With Shrewsbury School
O.T.C. from 1916 to present date.

TOMBLING, Lieut. J. H. Lieut. With Shrewsbury School

O.T.C. throughout the war.

WOODROFFE, Lieut. J. M. Lieut. With Shrewsbury

School O.T.C. throughout the war.

MITFORD, 2nd Lieut. C. W. 2nd Lieut. With Shrews-

bury School O.T.C. from Mar. 191 5.
SOPWITH, 2nd Lieut. S. S. 2nd Lieut. With Shrewsbury
School O.T.C. from Nov. 1915.


OLDHAM, 2nd Lieut. J. B. 2nd Lieut. With Shrewsbury

School O.T.C. from Feb. 1916.

BAILEY, 2nd Lieut. R. F. 2nd Lieut. With Shrewsbury

School O.T.C. from Jan. 1915.


RAMBAUT, Maj. G. M., D.S.O. MobiUsed with 3rd N.

Midland Bde. R.F.A. (T.F.) 4/8/14. France 1915—
June 1 9 16 when wounded. France early 191 7 Dec. —
1917 when wounded at Cambrai. Awarded D.S.O.

^ KENDALL, Rev. H. E., Chaplain R.N., O.B.E. With

H.M.S. Alsatian, Flagship, loth Cruiser Squadron,

6/6/16 Feb. 191 8, Later to R.N. Barracks, Shotley.
With Northern Patrol 1/5/18 until demobiUsed 1/1/19.
O.B.E. June 1919.

HOWARD, 2nd Lieut. J. P. nth (Pioneer) Bn. Hamps.

Regt. 1915. Invalided out of the Service 1916.

BAINBRIG6E, 2nd Lieut. P. G. Inns of Court O.T.C.

May 1917.2nd Lieut. Welsh Regt. Dec. 1917. Joined
8th Bn. Welsh Regt. in France Feb. 1918. Killed in
action 1 8/9/1 8.


^BATTLE. Rev. G. E. Capt. Temp. C.F., 4th Class,
1/1/16. Newark-on-Trent with R.E.'s 1/1/16
30/4/17. Evington War Hospital, Leicester, I/5/17
— 20/10/17. Garrison Chaplain, Newcastle, 21/10/17
—30/6/19. Demobilised 30/6/19.

RYLEY, Rev. H. B. Capt. See Emanuel School A.

BERRY, Lieut. G. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

1910-12. Enlisted 14th Bn. London Regt. (London


»J. WILLIAMS, Rev. F. Lieut. Army Chaplain. I/c of

Church Army Hut Mar. 191 7. France, Hut Superin-
tendent, Apr. 1917 —Apr. 1918, France, Commissioner-
in-c. of Church Army work of ist Army, Apr. 191 8
Mar. 1919. Despatches, Sept. 191 7, Feb. 1919.
Resigned Mar. 19 19.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

JOHNSON, Capt., A. C. Capt. O.C. Contingent since

Sept. 1914. (H).



BRISSENDEN. Capt. H.,M.C. Temp. Commission, R.G. A..

30/3/15. Regular Commission 6/3/16. Italy 14/4/17
(a)317th Siege Battery (b) Instructor ot Gunnery,

G.H.Q., Italy {c) Adjutant, 94th Bde., Italy

; {d) ;

H.Q Staff, Heavy Artillery, Italy. M.C, Aug. 191 7.

Italian Bronze Medal Valour, Oct. 191 7. Battles :

Dosso Farti, June 191 7 San Marco, Aug. Sept.

; —

1917; Gorizia (Caporetto), Oct. Nov. 1917; Piave,
Nov. 1 91 8.

CURTIS, Pte. A. H. 24th Bn. Roy. Fus. 4/4/16. France,

1/7/ 1 6. Killed in action 4/8/16.

SAVAGE, Lieut. W. A. ist Bn. Leic. Regt. 5/9/16.

France, 16/9/16. Wounded 31/1/17. Discharged

ROCK, Warrant Schoolmaster G. E. H.M.S. Lion,

18/4/16. Demobilised 10/2/19.

MUTIMER, Corpl. R., M.M. Enlisted R.G.A. France.

Military Medal. Killed in action 22/7/17.

JONES, Capt. M. Lieut. i/6th Bn. W. Yorks Regt. Mar.
19 1 5.Transferred to 13th Bn. War. Regt. May 1915.
Mesopotamia. Wounded in last attempt to relieve
Kut 1916. Invalided home Aug. 1916. Recruiting
Staff, Aston, Birmingham, till July 1917. Trans-
ferred to loth Bn. War. Regt. July 191 7. Killed in
action in France 1 9/9/1 8.

SCOTT-ARCHER, Lieut. C. E. S. 2nd Lieut. Trans-

ferred Carnarvon Garrison Artillery (T.F.) Dec. 1915.
Joined Indian Exp. Force, Egypt, Aug. 1916. Pales-

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WATTS. A. H. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) 17/1/14.

O.C. Contingent throughout the war.


HASTINGS, Lieut. G. W. Killed in action in France

Aug. 1917.

WRIGHT, Naval Instr. R. B. Roy. Navy Sept. 1916.

Naval Instr. H.M.S. Vernon till Jan. 1919.

PEARSE, Lieut.-Col. S. A., D.S.O. Maj. O.C. Contingent
1909-14. Retired Ind. Army Maj. 2/4/09. 2nd-in-c
9th (S.) Bn. E. Lanes. Regt. 1/10/14. Lieut.-Col.
Commanding Sept. 1916. Wounded 14/9/16. Des-
patches 8/10/16. D.S.O. 1/1/17.

^ PARKER, Rev. F. Capt. Temp. C.F., 4th Class, 1914,

27th CCS. Salonika. Adjut. of Contingent 1909-12.

^BROWNE, Rev. O.B.E. Lieut, Temp. C.F., 4th
Class, 14th Welsh Regt., France.
Despatches, 191 7.
Wounded, 191 8. O.B.E. June, 1919. Lieut. Unattd.
List (T.F.) 1909-1911.

>J< BARRETT, Rev. G. Lieut. Temp. C.F., 4th

Class, 191 6, No. 6 Convalescent Depot, France. Lieut.
Unattd. List (T.F.) 1915-16.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

RYAN, Capt. N. Capf. Capt. Unattd. List (T.F.)

20/6/13. O.C. Contingent 1914-16.

COLLEY, Lieut. R. W. Lieut. Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

30/8/13. O.C. Contingent 1918-19.

BAINES, 2nd Lieut. R. R. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Un-

attd. List (T.F.) 17/9/13.

DE TRAFFORD, 2nd Lieut. R. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) 4/12/14.

HULL, 2nd Lieut. R. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List (T.F.) i^lilib.

SWINDELLS, 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

BEISLY, Lieut. P. L. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

List 18/10/17. Temp. Lieut. 13/12/18.

O'HEA, Lieut. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.

I. J. List
18/10/17. Temp. Lieut. 13/12/18.


HEURTLEY, Maj. W. A. 9th (S.) Bn. E. Lancashire

Regt. 1914. France 1915. Salonika 1916. Deputy
Governor in Mihtary Prison 191 7- Salonika. De-

RALPH. Lieut. H. W. 17th Siege Battery R.G.A. 1915.
Egypt. Wounded. Demobilised.

SOUTHERN, Lieut. A. C. R.G.A. Apr. 1917-18. In

ranks R.G.A. Cadet School June 1918. 2nd Lieut.
13/7/18. France Oct., 3rd Army. Selles River.
Demobilised Jan. 1919.

^ BARTLEY, Rev. W. H. Temp. C.F., 3rd Class, 19th

Div., France 191 5. Demobilised Mar. 191 9.

^ IRWIN, Rev. F. Temp. C.F., 4th Class, nth Bn.

Argyll and Sutherland Highrs. 27/3/17, 15th Div.
36th Div. 10/8/18. Demobihsed Mar. 1919.

>J< MORRISON, Rev. L. Temp. C.F., 4th Class, 1917,

Mar. No. i Section, 29th D.A.C. Demobilised Mar.

^WHITESIDE, Rev. D. Temp. C.F., 4th Class, nth

Field Ambulance, France 19 16. Demobilised Mar.

^ STEUART, Rev. R. H. J. Temp. C.F., 4th Class, 12th

H.L.I. France 1916. Gassed 1918.


PICKFORD, Maj. P. P., D.S.O., M.C. 2nd Lieut, il^th.
Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. (T.F.) 1915-19. M.C,
D.S.O. Served in France and Italy.

BRIDGES, 2nd Lieut. L. W. 2nd Lieut. 6th Roy. W.

Kent Regt.
Served in France from May 191 7 Jan. —
Retained for service with O.T.C.

HOLDGATE, Lieut. W. W. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

30/1 1/14. Unattached List (T.F.) Temp. Lieut. 5/1/16.

JAMES, 2nd Lieut. T. M. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Temp. 2nd
Lieut. 28/7/17. Unattached List (T.F.) Home
Service List 2 1/3/ 19.


MATTHEW, Pte. A. G. Roy. Artillery 1917-19.

LITTLEJOHN, Pte. E. S. Essex Regt. (Cyclists Bn.)

BROOKS, W. Lieut. O.T.C. May 1913—Apr.
Lieut. F.
1916. 2/5th Bn, Hants. Regt. (T.F.) 23/4/16. Egypt

and Palestine Jan. 1917 Mar. 1919. Demobilised
Mar. 1919.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WATKINS, Capt. E. V. Capt. O.C. Contingent May

1913—Aug. 1917-

DYER COSSINS, 2nd Lieut. H. J. 2nd Lieut. Unattd

List (T.F.) May 1913 —Mar. 1915.

DEERING. Lieut. F. S. Lieut. 1 9/4/1 5. Temp. Lieut.

Unattd List (T.F.) 20/6/17. O.C. Aug. 1917.

BARNES, 2nd Lieut. W. C. 2nd Lieut. Unattd List

(T.F.) June 1916.

MAYNE, 2nd Lieut. A. B. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) Sept. 1917.


DAY. Lieut. P. W. Pte. S.L.I., 3rd Bn., 19/4/17- 2nd

Lieut. 4th (attd. 17th) Bn. Hampshire Regt. (T.F.)
16/6/17, attd. 78th Lab. Coy., Nov. 1918. Lieut.
17/12/18. Disembodied 8/3/19. Service in France
and Germany. Cdt Offr O.T.C.

BEDFORD, 2nd Lieut. C. M. Enlisted 7th Bn. Sher. For.
(T.F.) 8/1/16. France 30/4/16. Wounded Gomme-
court 1/7/16. 2nd Lieut. 8th Bn. Sher. For. (T.F.)
29/8/17. France 25/10/17 29/1/19. —

CHENEY, Pte. H. J. R.A.M.C. Jan. 191 5. France Apr.


DAVIES, 2nd Lieut. E. L. Dvr. A.S.C. (M.T.) 1/2/17.

57th T.R. Bn. 20/9/17. 20th (S.) Bn. Lane. Fus.
9/1 1 /i 7. 2nd Lieut. (3rd Res. Bn.) S.W.B.. attd.
Welsh Regt. 16/5/18. Relinquished commission
31/3/19 owing to ill-health.

FRENCH. 2nd Lieut. A. F. Enlisted R.G.A. 20/6/17.

2nd Lieut. " A
" Siege Depot 8/12/17. 189th Siege
Batt. R.G.A., France, 7/2/18 13/1/19. —
Present at
Retreat to Amiens and Final Advance. Disembodied

GIBSON, Spr. N. Spr. R.E. 1 5/5/1 5. France. Still


HOWARD, Pte. C. H. EnUsted 6/2/17 3oth Mddx. Regt.

France 17/7/18 — 17/3/19. Demobilised 17/3/19.

VINCENT, Sergt. G. A. EnUsted Chasseurs a Pied Aug.

1914. Wounded Argonne Dec. 1914. Transferred to
French Artillery May 1915. Wounded July 1916.
Attd. French Engineers Jan. 191 7.

WALKER, 2nd Lieut. L. Pte. York Regt. Jan. 1915.

France Mar. 1915, wounded. 2nd Lieut. York Regt.
Jan. 1916. France Feb. 1916. Later in Italy.

WILLIAMS, Tpr. 2/ist Glam. Yeomanry

Sergt. A. J.
Dec. 1915. Attd. R.E. Assist. Instr. ist Cyclist Bde.

Signal School, Lowestoft, Apr. Nov. 191 7. Assist.
Instr. Army Signal School, Dunstable, Course Lecturer
in Electricity and Telephony Nov. 1917 Jan. 1919.
L.-Corpl. Apr. 1917. Sergt. Nov. 1917. Demobilised


CELIERES, Sergt. A. Pte. 130th Regt. Foot, French
Army Aug. 1914. Sergt. Feb. 1915. Wounded
Verdun 191 5. Invalided Sept. 191 5.


HAYES, Capt. and Brevet Maj. J. H. Capt. Instr.
Royston School of Instruction Aug. Sept. — 191 4.
6th Rifle Bde. France, 1914-15, attd. ist R.B. 1916,
attd. I2th R.B. O.C. "B' Coy. No. 10 Offr. Cdt. Bn.
June 1916. Home Services List 13/3/17. Brevet
Maj. 1/1/19. Education Officer p.s. Resigned
commission on Unattd. List (T.F.) m
191 2.

PYTCHES. Capt. G. J. Capt. 6th (CycUst) Bn. Suffolk

Regt. Attd. M.G.C. Gazette 17/10/14, 21/1/08.
Left this Contingent in 191 3.

MELLOR, Capt. J. E. Capt. O.C. Contingent and Instr.

at Cambridge Univ. School of Instruction for Officers

Aug. 191 4 Feb. 1916. Instr. at No. 2 Offr. Cdt. Bn.
Feb. —Jan. 1919.
Disembodied 19/1/19. (H.)
Embodied Nov. 1915.

HAINES, Lieut. F. P. iind Lieut. 8th Bn. Leic. Regt.

Missing, assumed killed, 191 7, France.

RIDDIOUGH. Capt. S. znd Lieut. R.A.M.C. (S.R.)

France and Palestine 1918. Gazette 15/1/19. Temp.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

SHEPHERDSON, Lieut. J. F. Temp. Lieut.


DELBOS, Lieut. V. F. Gen. List. France. Gazetted

1/5/17. Temp. Lieut.

HINDLE, Capt. E. R.E. Gazetted 18/9/17. Temp.

J4 REED, Rev. C. H., M.C., C.F. Temp. C.F., 4th Class,

attd. 8th Bn. Beds. Regt. M.C. Killed in action
Passchendaele 191 7.

POTTS, 2nd Lieut. F. A. Duke of Wellington's Regt.

Temp. 2nd Lieut.

^ PASSANT, Rev. E. J. Temp. C.F., 4th Class. 8/5/17.

France 1918. Attd. London Rifle Bde. and 281st
Bde. R.F.A.

>i< EDMUNDS, Rev. H. V. Temp. Chaplain to the

Forces, 4th Class. France 7/9/17.

WYNNE-WILSON, Rev. St. J. B. Temp. Chaplain to

the Forces, 4th Class. Cambridge 1918.


HERMAN, Capt. G. L. Capt. 3rd Roy. W. Kent Regt.

(S.R.) Staff Capt. 37th Bde, Mesopotamia.

SIMPSON, Lieut. A.H. Temp. Capt. 3rd Roy. Warwick

Regt. (S.R.) Died on active service in France 1/2/15.

GEMMELL, Capt. K. T., M.C. Lieut. Intelligence Corps.

France since Aug. 1914. Act.-Capt. M.C. Des-
patches (twice)

Retained for service with O.T.C.

RIDGEWAY, Lieut. N. V. Temp. Lieut. One year's

service in France as Chaplain, 4th Class (had
resigned, but returned to O.T.C. for the war).

VERE HODGE, Capt. H. S. Brevet Maj. O.C. Contingent

Home Services List 1 3/3/1 8.

SWAN, Capt. F. G. Capt. With Contingent.

PAGE, Capt. M. S. Temp. Capt. With Contingent.

ASTON, Lieut. R. L. Temp. Lieut. With Contingent

(had resigned, but returned to O.T.C. for the war).

KNOWLES, Lieut. S. Temp. Lieut. With Contingent.

MAIS, Lieut. S. P. B. Temp. Lieut. With this and the

Sherborne School Contingent.

ROCHE, 2nd Lieut. C. H. 2nd Lieut. Wth Contingent.

Ex-O.T.C. Officers

HALLAM, Capt. S. G. Capt. O.C. Contingent 1907-13

when resigned. Temp. Capt. Kent Regt. V.T.C.

CHURCHYARD, Maj. O. P. 2nd Lieut. Resigned 191 2.

7th Bn. Rifle Bde. Twice wounded (a) Yser Canal
5/7/15- (^) Vimy Ridge 21/5/16. Now (2nd grade)
Temp. Maj, at War Office. Despatches 1918.

HODGES, Capt. H. A. 2nd Lieut. Resigned 1912. Capt.

3rd Bn. Monmouth Regt., attd. nth S. Lanes. Regt.
Wounded at Ypres ^IsfiS- Despatches 9/4/17 and
7/11/17. Killed in action near Ham 24/3/18.


In France with 119th Battery
R.G.A. Then R.E., 3rd Field Survey Coy.
Then Artillery Survey Dept. 3rd Army. Temp. Maj.

Capt. A. C. From Dec. 1914 May 19 15 with
Service Sanitaire Mihtaire lere Armee des Vosges.
Now Temp. Capt. and O.C. No. 6 Coy., Group 2, Kent
Volunteers, A.S.C.

ARNOLD, Maj. W. 62nd Bde. R.F.A., 12th Div.
successively O.C. " D
" Battery, 77th Bde and " D
Battery, 173rd Bde., R.F.A., and Act. -Maj. for about
18 months. Three times wounded. Now in Ministry
of Munitions.

MELDAL. Capt. E. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (S.R.), Act.-Capt.

and Adjt. Coast Artillery Cadet School, Golden Hill,
I. of W.
SMITH, Lieut. B. A. R.G.A., 90th Heavy Battery, France.
Then attd. R.E. 4th Field Survey Coy. Accidentally
wounded (bursting gun) 13/11/17. Now working
under Experimental Officer on Salisbury Plain.
Temp. Lieut.

BOTHAM» Lieut. A. F. EnUsted 1914. Gnr. H.A.C. in

Egypt. Then 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. (S.R.) 1/12/15. Then
Lieut, and Adjt. io6th Bde. R.F.A. Died of wounds

J4 SMART, Rev. J. R. Temp. C.F. (4th Class) since

1 8/ 1 2/ 1 7 in France.


BELL, Maj H. R. . Lieut. Act. Maj .nth Bn. Tank Corps.

2nd Lieut. 2/9/15. Lieut. 1/7/16. Capt. 4/4/17.
Act.-Maj. 20/4/18. France Aug. 1916 Sept. 1918. —
Wounded 15/9/16. Despatches 25/5/18. In command
of Technical School 11/9/17 27/12/17. —Ditto ist

Bde. School 1/1/18 22/2/18. Killed in action during
the advance on Cambrai 3/9/18.

COTAZZI, Lieut. F. E. M. 2nd Lieut. loth Roy.

Scots June 191 6 Mar. 191 8. 2nd Roy. Scots, 3rd
Div., France, Apr. 1918 28/5/18. —
Severely gassed
at Hinges 20/5/18. From Dec. 191 8 up to present
date at the War Office on the review of the Enemy



WATSON, Lieut. R. A. France and Flanders. 3rd

Battle of Ypres, Cambrai, Hazebrouch, Meteren (Apr.
1919), the crossing of the Sambre 4/3/16

and 27/10/18 19/1/19.
June 1918
With Artists' Rifles till

22/6/18, when gazetted to ist Bn. The Border Regt.
From 29/6/18 with 33rd Bn. M.G.C. Demobilised

THOMAS, 2nd Lieut. G. J. Gazetted to Welsh Regt.

5th Bn. 16/6/15.

WOOD, 2nd Lieut. A. J. 3rd Bn. Monmouthshire Regt.


JONES, Lieut.-Col. C. H. (Hon. Lieut, in Army),
C.M.G., T.D., Legion of Honour. Maj. {Commanding
Officer May 1902 —
Apr. 1910). South Africa 1900-01.
Queen's Medal and 4 clasps. Hon. Lieut, in Army.
Lieut.-Col. Commanding 5th Leic. Regt. (T.F.) from
4/8/14 to 31/11/17. Twice wounded. Despatches
(twice) ; C.M.G. 1/1/16 Legion of Honour (Croix

d'Officier) June 1917; 1915 Star; T.D. 1918.

(Q) (H).

SHEA, Maj. R. P. Local Maj. {Commanding Officer

4/7/10— 22/8/14) 5th Regt. Transferred to
2nd Feb. 1915. Served
line Ireland during Dublin
Rebellion Apr. —Nov. 1916. France, Feb. 1917.
Severely wounded 31/3/17. Joined Res. Unit June
Sept. 1917. No. 24 (Tanks) O.C. Bn. (a) Coy. Comdr.

Sept. 1917 Mar. 1918 ; (6) Chief Instructor and 2nd-

in-c.Mar. Dec. 1918. Despatches, 18/12/17,13/8/18.
Demobilised 1/1/19. (q).

BROWN, Lieut. A. W. S. Capt.. {5th Leic. Regt.) Lieut.

6th Bn. Rifle Bde. (S.R.) 29/9/15, Sheerness. France,
13/4/16 with 3rd Bn. Rifle Bde., 24th Div. ICilled in
action near Guillemont 18/8/ 16.

Lieut. F. Capt. —
O.C. Contingent May July
Enlisted in i8th Bn. (Public Schools) Roy.
Fus. Aug. 1914. Lieut. 1/1/15. Transferred to
7th Bn. Roy. Fus. Killed in action at Ovillers
7/7/16. (Q).

HALE, Capt. E. N. Capt. Attd. as Instr. Inns of

Court O.T.C. Dec. 1914 Jan. 1915. Attd. as Instr.
3/ist London Field Coy. R.E. Aug. —
Oct, 1915.
Transferred 6tli Black Watch as Capt. 11/10/15.
France 5/5/16. Wounded 11/6/16 and 30/7/16.
Censor Duties (G.H.Q.) AlUed Press 6/3/17. G.S.O.
(3) O.C. Allied Press 11/10/17. Despatches 1/1/18.
Returned to 6th Black Watch at own request
14/4/18. G.S.O. (2) 25/10/18 (Censorship and
Publicity Section) G.H.Q. Censor for German Press
H.Q. Military Governor of Occupied Territory
6/12/18. Croix de Guerre avec Palme. Demobilised
12/6/19. (H).

BLAND, Maj. C. T.D. Capt. {5th Leic. Regt.) 2/4/1 1.

In France with i/5th Leic. Regt. 26/2/15 to 14/10/15.
Then medically graded for Permanent Home Service.
2nd-in-c. i/5th Leic. Regt. 4/6/15. 2nd-in-c. 3/5th
Leic. Regt. i '5/12/15. 2nd-in-c. Composite Bn.,
Catterick, Scheme " G." 2nd-in-c. 4th T.F. Res.
Leic. Regt. 1/9/16. Temp. Maj. 23/5/15. Substantive
Maj. 1/6/ 1 6. Garrison Messing Officer, Ripon Res.
Centre 23/10/18. Supervising Of&cer-in-c. Education
Ripon Res. Centre 7/11/18. 1915 Star. T.D. 1919.

HUGHES, Lieut. T. G. Temp. Lieut. Attd. i/5th Leic.

Regt. Aug.— Sept. 1914. Do. Inns of Court O.T.C.
Dec. 1914 to Jan. 1915. Course Signalling, etc., Tyne-

mouth Aug. 9 Sept. 191 5. Special Cert. Rifle
and Lewis Gun Course, Strensall (Distinguished),

Aug. Sept. 1916. Transferred to Intelligence
Corps (probation) Jan. 1917. France 27/2/17
58th (Lond.) Div. Gazetted Staff Lieut. (3rd CI.)
27/3/17. Do. (2nd CI) 8/8/17. To Security Section,
Headquarters Mil. Governor Occupied German Terri-
tory. Demobilised 3/3/19.

COLLEY, Lieut.-Col. W. H. 2nd Lieut. {3rd Yorks
Regt.) 3rd Yorks Regt. (S.R.) 2nd Lieut. 8/8/12.
Lieut. June 1914. Capt. 1/2/15. Wounded first
battle of Ypres 29/10/14. Attd. 2nd Yorks Regt.

Capt. 10/2/ 16 Nov. 16. Act.-Maj. Nov. Dec. —
1916. Capt. Jan. to July 1917. Act.-Maj. July .1917
— April 1918. Officer Commanding 17th Manch.
Regt. Act.-Maj. Dec. 19 1 7. Officer Commanding 1 6th
Manch. Regt. (Temp. Lieut.-Col.) 7/4/18 to date.

Home Service Aug. 1914 Feb. 1916. France (35
months to date), Feb. 191 6 to date. 1914 Star.
Chevalier de L'Ordre de Leopold Feb. 1918. Belgian
Croix de Guerre Feb. 191 8. Despatches Jan. 191 8.
O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) 1919.

HABERSHON, 2nd Lieut. S. H. 2nd Lieut. Attd.

Eastbourne Coll. O.T.C. Jan. 1916. Musketry Course,
Hythe, Easter 1916. Chelsea, Sept. 1916. Attd.
3rd Bn. Lond. Regt. Frinton, Jan. 191 7. Gazetted
2nd Lieut. 9th Suffolk Regt., July 1917. France, 9th
Nov. 1917. Shghtly wounded 1/12/17. Transferred
to i2th Bn. Suffolk Regt., Feb. 1918, Reported
missing 10/4/18 ; since unofficially reported killed in
action on 10/4/18.

RAYNOR, Capt. K. 2nd Lieut. 24/10/14. Two courses

of Instruction 191 5, including Musketry, Strensall
(" Distinguished "). Transferred 6th Black Watch
(T.F.) 2nd Lieut. 14/5/16. France 7/8/16 — 13/11/16.
Wounded 13/11/16 with 51st Div. at Beaumont
Hamel Capt. and Adjt. 4th Res. Bn. Black Watch,
Ripon, Apr. 1917 Mar. 1918.— Lieut. 14/11/17.
Studied Turkish at Oriental School of Languages

Mar. Aug. 1918. Palestine G.S.I. Sept. 1918.
Demobilised 16/4/ 19.

BARKER, Capt. A. Q.M. Sergt. -Instructor 1908-14.

Home Service only. Adjutant and Quartermaster,
School of Musketry, Strensall, Yorks. Previously
ditto, Hayling Island. Recommended and approved
for accelerated promotion to Capt. Feb. 1918. Re-
leased from O.T.C. Sept. 1914.

177 W
LLOYD- JONES. Maj. I. Capt. and Hon. Maj.,
G., T.D.
T.F. Reserve {attd.) Home
Service only. Brigade
Musketry Officer 35th Inf. Bde., Sept. 1914 Feb. —
1915 (Shorncliffe and Aldershot). Brigade Musketry
Officer, 9th Inf. Bde., Mar. 191 5 —
May 1915 (Ports-
mouth). Garrison Musketry Officer, Swanage, Aug.
and Sept. 1915. Musketry Officer to Bde. School of
Officers, 9th Res. Bde., Wareham, Dec. 191 5 to
Jan. 1916. Musketry Officer to Southern Command
Officers' School, Perham Down, Easter 1916.

SMALL, Regtl. Sergt.-Instructor R. E., D.C.M., Sergt.

Instructor. Regtl. Sergt.-Maj. to i/5th Leic. Regt.
France, 26/2/15 to 30/8/17. D.C.M. Jan. 1917. Long
Service and Good Conduct Medal Dec. 1914- 1915
Star. —
Also S. Africa Dec. 1899 June 1901, Queen's
Medal with 3 Clasps, King's Medal with 2 Clasps,
ist Leic. Regt.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

STERND ALE-BENNETT, Maj. R.. T.D. Capt. 24/6/13.

Temp. Maj. 1/11/15. Substantive Maj. 27/3/19. Home
Service only. C.O. Uppingham School Contingent
O.T.C. period of war. Recruiting Officer ist Res. Bn.
Artists' Rifles Dec. 1914 —
Jan. 191 5. Work specially
commended by G.O.C. London District. Instr. to 3/ist
London Field Coy. R.E. Aug. and Sept. 1915- Ar-
ranged Course for Commanding Officers O.T.C. at
Artists Rifles Cadet Unit, Romford, Aug. 1916.
Home Services List 1 3/8/1 3. Attended 9 courses of
Instruction 1915-18. Territorial Decoration 15/7/19.

CHAMPION, Capt. H. H. Home Service only. Capt.

Nov. 1908. Resigned 11/3/11. Re-gazetted Capt.
17/10/14. Three courses of Instruction 1916-18,
including Chelsea (qualified).

GRIFFITH, Capt. W. S. B. Home Service only.

Lieut. 24/6/13. Temp. Capt. 1/11/15. Substantive
Capt. 27/3/19. Five courses of Instruction 1916-18,
including (quaUfied) Rifle Course, Strensall and Drill
a,nd Topo. Course, Chelsea.
MOUNTFORT, Capt. C. C. Home Service only. O.C.
Dean —
Close Contingent 16/5/09 Dec. 1917. Trans
ferred Uppingham Contingent (Lieut.) 23/12/17.
Resigned, retaining rank of Capt. 1/3/19.

OWEN, Lieut. R. H. Home Service only. 2nd Lieut.

O.U.O.T.C. 7/10/14. Temp, Lieut. 27/1/15. Trans-
ferred Uppingham Contingent as Temp. Lieut.
20/12/15. Substantive Lieut. 27/3/19. Instructor
O.U.O.T.C. School for Officers 1914-15 during 9
Courses. Headmaster Uppingham School Jan. 1916.

ROBERTS, Lieut. A. B. Home Service only. 2nd Lieut.

27/2/15. Temp. Lieut. 25/9/16. Seven courses of
Instruction 191 5- 18, including Musketry, Strensall
(Distinguished) Grenade School, N. Command (ist
Class Cert.), Chelsea (quahfied). Ceased to serve on
leaving School Apr. 191 9.

JOHNSON, Lieut. J. B. Home Service only. 2nd Lieut.

8/6/15. Temp. Lieut. 13/10/16. Five courses of
Instruction, including (qualified) Strensall, Chelsea,
and Signalling Courses at Clipstone and Dunstable.

BURNABY, Lieut. R. B. Home Service only. 2nd Lieut.

27/10/15. Temp. Lieut. 27/10/17. Four courses of
Instruction 191 5- 17, including (qualified) Strensall,
Chelsea and P.T. Course at Newcastle. Resigned,
retaining rank of Lieut. 9/5/19.

BASHFORD, Lieut. F. G. Home Service only. 2nd

Lieut. 4/10/16. Temp. Lieut, 27/2/18. Two courses
191 7- 1 8 (qualified) Chelsea and Musketry (York).


OBERHOFFER, Pte. G. H. J. (Music Master). Pte., i8th

Bn. (Public Schools), Roy. Fus. Jan. 1915. Died of
wounds in France, 18/2/ 16.

HIRST, 2nd Lieut. F. E. (Music Master), (i.) Home
Service. 2nd Artists' Rifles O.T.C. 16/11/16; No. 9
O.C. Bn. Gailes, N.B., 6/12/16 ; 2nd Artists' Rifles
O.T.C. 21/3/17 ; No. 22 O.C. Bn., Cambridge. 2nd
Lieut. 298th Res. Coy. Labour Corps 1 7/6/1 7. (ii.) In
France with No. 145th Lab. Coy. 25/1 i/i 7. De-
mobilised 2/2/19.

THORNE, Lieut. H. S. Particulars wanting.

LUMSDEN, Cadet J. A. Pte. Inns of Court O.T.C,

14/8/18— 2/10/18. Cadet No. 4 R.G.A., Cadet School,
Golden Hill, Isle-of-Wight, 2/10/18. Demobilised

WEST, Miss Elsa (Music Mistress) V.A.D. ; " Music

Sister " at St. Dunstans, etc., at home. In France (i.)
Solo Violinist and Accompanist for Miss Lena Ash-
well's Concert Parties ; (ii.) Musical appointment
under Education Scheme for Choirs, organising and
teaching sight-reading, ear- training, musical apprecia-
tion, etc.


WORRALL, Capt. A. H. Capt. Rejoined 5th Lines.

Regt. (T.F.) 13/7/15. Sinn Fein Rebellion. Wounded
in France 12/3/17. Transferred to T.F. Reserve

DAWSON, Capt. A. M., M.C. Lieut. Capt. 5th Bn. Hants.

Regt. (T.F.) Wounded. M.C. Brigade Signalling

Retained for service with O.T.C.

PARNELL-SMITH, Capt. W. Capt. Unattd List (T.F.)

COOPER, Lieut. E.G. Temp. Lieut. Unattd List (T.F.)

QUIGLEY. LicTit. J. H. Temp. Lieut. Unattd List (T.F.)


HERIZ-SWttTH, Lieut. A. J. C.
6th Bn. Devonshire Regt.
(T.F.) Joined Bn. Devon Regt. Aug. 1914.
Mesopotamia 1916, where he was killed in action.

SPROTT, Capt. M. W. C. M.C. gth Norfolk Regt. 2nd

Lieut. 1914.France 1916. Wounded Sept. 1916
(Somme). M.C. Despatches. Adjt. and Act.-Capt.
Killed in action Mar. 19 18.

COHEN, Lieut. A. E. R.F.A. France since 191 7. Temp.


^ DA VIES, Rev. A. R. 2nd Lieut. Served in France as
Army Chaplain.

WRIGHT, Capt. A. J., D.S.O., M.C 2nd Lieut. First


commission 19/10/1 2 (T.F, unattached list). Posted

to i/4th Northants Regt. (T.F.) 30/12/14. Gallipoli
(Suvla and Anzac), Aug. 1915 to Dec. 1915. Adjt.
in Egypt Dec. 1916 to Feb. 191 7. Staff Capt. L. of C.
E.E.F. Feb. 1917 to May 1917. Brigade Maj. 233rd
Inf. Bde. E.E.F. May 1917 to Mar. 1918 (3rd battle
Gaza and subsequent advance to Jerusalem). Staff
School, Cambridge (" QuaUfied Staff "), Mar. 1918 to
July 19 18. Brigade Maj. 115th Inf. Bde., France,
July 191 8 to April 1919 (Allied advance Albert to
Mauberge). Disembodied 2/4/ig, Returned WeUing-
borough School May 1919. M.C, 3/6/17 (Egypt).
Despatches, Jan. 1919 (France). D.S.O., 3/6/19
(France). Temp. Lieut. May 191 5 Temp. Capt.

7/4/16. Substantive Lieut. 1/6/16. Now serving

with O.T.C.

Retained fov service with O.T.C,

MULES, Capt. F. J. T.D. 25 years Service. Capt. New

Zealand, Feb. 1884 Dec. 1890; England, 4/11/1900
— still serving 1919.

OXLAND, Lieut. C. H. Lietii. Joined 3/7/07—still

serving Feb. 1919 12 years.—
MARTYN, 2nd Lieut. O. 2nd Lieut.. Joined Sept. 1914.
2nd Lieut. 1916. Resigned Apr. 1919.


VANN (Rev.) Lieut.-Col. B. H. V.C. M.C. 6th Bn.

Sher. Foresters (T.F.) M.C. and 2 bars. Croix de
Guerre France 1914-18. Killed in action 3/10/18.

SIMPSON, Capt. H. B., 7th Bn. Northants. Regt.

France 1914-19.

FENNING, Capt. A. D. W., 9th Bn. Gloucester Regt.

Salonika 19 14- 19.

PINK, Capt. H. S., Sherwood Foresters I9I4>I9.

STEVENS, Lieut. G. H., R.H.A., Sound Ranging Section,


DICKINSON, Sergt. G. W. R., Canadians. Killed in


JAMES, Lieut. R, F., 9th East Yorks. Killed in action.

BROWN, Lieut. J. H., M.G.C. Cavalry. 1914-19.

MASON, Lieut. C. S., M.C, Roy. Sussex. 1915-19.

WILLIAMS, Lieut. C. H., R.A.F.

AtiDOUS, Pte. A. H., Queen's Westminsters. Joined
Oct. 1916. Killed in action 191 7.

JONES, 2nd Lieut. J. 1916-19.

LOWNDS, Lieut. E. H. Joined Oct. 1914. 23rd Service

Bn. R.F. —
Overseas Nov. 1915 Feb. 1916. Invalided
May 1916.

SPENCER, Lieut. A., R.G.A.

DRIVER, Capt. H., D.S.O., MX. 2nd Lieut. Posted to
7th Bn. Beds. Regt. Christmas 1915. D.S.O., M.C.
Wounded six times.

Retained fof service with O.T.C.

DOBSON, Capt. J. Capt. O.C. Contingent 4/8/14 to

present date. 2nd Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.) lo/io/io
Lieut. 1/5/12. Capt. 16/1/13.

HAMMERTON, Lieut. J. Lieut. Served with Con-

tingent 418/ 1 i{ to present date. 2nd Lieut. Unattd.
List (T.F.) lo/io/io. Lieut. 1/5/12.

HOWARTH, 2nd Lieut. H. 2nd Lieut. Served with

Contingent from 9/10/15 to present date.


LUMB, Maj. R. A. Served in M.G.C. during present war.


PRICE, 2nd Lieut. C. R. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A.

TREBLE, Capt. J. N. 2nd Lieut. Oxford and Bucks L.I.

France. Killed in action Oct. 1915.


APLIN, Major H., D.S.O. Lieut. Service in Gallipoli

Serbia, Palestine, France from July 19 15 —
Jan. 19 19,
with 6th Bn. Roy. Munster Fus. Despatches 1915,
191 6 and 191 7. Temp. Major Gazetted Unattd.
List (T.F.) 1906. Resigned Jan. 1 91 9. (H.) Legion
of Honour (French) Mar. 1917. D.S.O. June 1917,

BAKER, Capt. J., M.C. 2nd Lieut. Service inOallipoli,

Egypt, France from May 191 5 Jan. 191 9 with 7th
Bn. Manchester Regt. (T.F.), 42nd Div. Act.-Capt.
Gazetted Unattd. List (T.F.) Feb. 1913. Despatches
Dec. 1918. M.C. Jan. 1919.


HUGHES, Capt. O. S., M.C. France. Roy. Welsh Fus.

M.C. Wounded.

CHADWICK, Lieut. C. R. R.G.A. France. Prisoner

of war.

DAWE, Capt. L. G. France May- July 19 16 with 5th Bn.

Durham L.I. Lieut., Act.-Capt.
(T.F.) Gazetted
April 191 5. Disembodied Jan. 1919.

MALE, Lieut. S. F. 7th Bn. Somerset L.I. Seconded

for service with R.E. (Signals), France 24/6/15
17/1/19. Wounded 9/4/17.

HARMAN, Tpr. A. W. Q.O. Dorset Yeo. Wounded.

HARVEY, Pte. B. M. Naval Police.

HILLIER, Lieut. G. ind Lieut. 2nd Lieut. R.E. 426th
Field Coy. R.E. Carnarvon Nov. 1916
Lieut. R.E. 422nd Field Coy. R.E.
July 1917.
55th (W. Lanes.)

Div. (T.F.) France July 1917 Mar. 1919. Em-
bodied 29/11/16. Disembodied 12/3/19. 2nd Lieut.
Unattd. List (T.F.) 13/1/12.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

HARRIES, Rev. E. C. Capt. Captain Unattd.

List (T.F.) 19/9/11. O.C. Contingent before and
throughout the war.


WINGHAM, Lieut. E. G. R. 2nd Lieut. K.O.Y.L.L

4/2/15. Lieut. 26/9/15. France as Batt. M.G.O.
Sept.-Dec. 1915. Wounded Oct. 1915. Invalided
home 27/12/15. Transferred to M.G.C. 27/3/16.
Palestine Dec. 1916 —
Jan. 1919. Appointed Instr.
in Tactics (Officers' Class) at Imperial School of In-
struction, Egypt, from Sept. 1917 to Dec. 191S, with
local rank of Capt. Demobilised 9/2/19. Despatches

POWELL, Lieut. W. H. Temp. Lieut. King's (Shrop-

shire L.I.). Previously served in ranks of ist Bn.
Artists' Rifles.

GIFFARD. Major W. L., O.B.E. Joined Inns of Court

O.T.C. and subsequently commissioned in 8th Bn.
Oxf. & Bucks L.I. Jan. 1915. France Sept. 1915,
and Salonika Nov. 1915. At present with Leicester
Regt. and Staff Major G.H.Q. Army of Occupation,
Constantinople. O.B.E. Greek Military Cross.
Despatches (thrice).

REED, Maj. H. L. Lieut. Transferred to 20th (S.
Mddx. Regt. Capt. 28/2/15 Adjutant 1/5/16.

Act.-Bde. Maj. 119th Inf. Bde. France, Sept. 1916

and Jan. and Feb. 191 7. Temp. Maj. 8/3/17.
Staff Capt. 94th Inf. Bde 13/6/18. Staff Capt.
Midland District, Ireland, 14/12/18. (p.s.)


SHAW, Maj. D. P., D.S.O. 2nd Lieut. Transferred

6th (S) Dorsetshire Regt. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 1 8/9/1 4,
Temp. Lieut. 19/11/14, Temp. Capt. 19/12/14.
France, June 1915. Wounded 3/11/15. Coy. Comdr.
No. I Offr. Cdt. Bn. Apr. 1917 Jan. 1918. Re- —
joined 6th (S) Dorsetshire Regt., France, Mar. 1918.
Act.-Lieut.-Col. Sept.— Oct. 1918. D.S.O. 3/12/18.
Despatches 28/12/18. Demobihsed 20/5/19. (p.)

RUDWICK, Lieut. J. S. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Westminster School O.T.C. 11/11/15; Temp. Lieut.
20/12/16. Attd. R.E. Res. Training Centre,

Deganwy, 27/7/18 22/11/18; 4th Res. Bn. R.E.
22/1 1/18—6/5/18. (H.) (p.s.)

WOOTTON, Capt. H. A. Capt. {retired) Commanded

School for Young Officers Jan. 1915 Mar. igi6. —
Coy. Comdr. No. 10 Offr. Cdt. Bn. Mar. 1916
Oct. 1916. Attd. Ministry of Munitions, Technical
Section Gun. Ammunition Filling Dept. Oct. 1916.
Assistant Director Sept. 191 7. Demobilised Mar.
1919. (p.)

Retained for service with O.T.C.

WILLETT, Capt. A. T. Capt. O.C, Contingent

since Feb 1913. (H.) (p.)


FOLTON, 2nd Lieut. H., 4th Bn. Mddx. Regt. Killed in

action in France 4/1 0/16.

KIPPING, Lieut. C. S. Lieut. O.C. 15th London Regt.
Nov. 1918.

RITSON, Capt. F. 2nd Lieut. Gazetted 7th Bn. Dorset

Regt. Lieut. Jan. 1915. Capt. July 1916. Trans-
ferred 5th Bn. Dorset Regt. France Oct. 1916. Killed
in action Messines Ridge 1 6/6/1 7. (t.)

WILLIS, 2nd Lieut. H. H. 2nd Lieut. 29th Roy. Fus.
(Public Schools) Mar. 1916. France Aug. 1916.
Transferred 7th Bn. Roy. W. Kent Regt. Sommc.
Invalided May 191 7. O.C. Contingent.


ROGERS, Hon. Lieut. J. A. H. Cadet, 22nd Offr. Cdt. Bn.

Aug. 191 8. Lieut. Dorset Vol. Regt. 1916-18.

HORTON, Capt. E. F. sth Dorset Regt. Sept. 1914.

Wounded Gallipoli Aug. 191 5. Despatches. Now
R.T.O. Calais.

^ TANNER, Rev. E. N.M.C, C.F. Attd. M.G.S., Etaples

1916. 2ndWorcs. Regt. 1917. M.C. Sept. 1917. Bar
Apr. 1918.


CARTER. Capt. E. M. Capt. Commanding Sept. 1913

— Dec. 1914. 9th Bn. Worcs. Regt. (4/12/14).
Served in Gallipoli. 46th Training Res. Bn. (1/9/16).
R.T.O. (France) 28/9/18. Temp. Capt. Resumed
command of Contingent July 1919- (H.)
BRACHI, Capt. C. C. 2nd Lieut. King's Own Roy. Lanes.
Regt. (17/10/14) Served in Gallipoli. Despatches.
Invalided. Temp. Capt.


.C ., Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.G. A.
(S.R.) 9/3/16 Italian Expeditionary Force. M.C.
Italian Bronze Medal. Despatches. Act.-Capt.

Lieut. Lieut. Temp. Capt.
R.G. A. 1 Served in Palestine.
5/4/1 7. Died on
reaching England immediately after demobilisation
19/2/19. (H.)

JONES, Ivient. LI. J. Li&ui. 22nd Bn. Roy. Welsh fHis.
(6/6/16) Transferred to 3rd Bn. Roy. Welsh Fus.

France Apr. Sept. 1918, attd. to King's Liverpool
Regt. Invalided home. Temp. Lieut.

PORTER, Lieut. E. J. Lieut. 3/22nd Bn. London Regt.

(T.F.) (21/1/16) France. Died of wounds a prisoner
of war 18/1/17. Temp. Lieut.

FISHER, 2nd Lieut. C. J. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A.

Anti-Aircraft section (1/1/18) France. Temp. 2nd

MORGAN, Capt. R. B. Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. 6th

Hampshire Fire Command I.O.W. (9/11/16) Adjt.
and Act.-Capt. (6/1/18).

MAYO, 2nd Lieut. M. P. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Special

Appointment (21/12/16) Graded as Stafi Lieut., 2nd
Class. France. Temp. 2nd Lieut.

MORRIS, Capt. E. M. Capt. O.C. Contingent Sept.

1909—Aug. 1913. R.A.M.C. France, (p.s.)

Retained for service with O.T.C.

MICKLEWRIGHT, Capt. H. G. F. Capt. O.C. Con-

tingent Dec. 1914 July 1919. (H.)

RICHARDSON, Capt. S. W. Temp. Capt. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd List (T.F.) 31/7/18. Resigned June 1919.

KITCHENER, Lieut. E. E. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd List (T.F.) 31/3/16. Temp. Lieut. 10/12/18.
Resigned 9/5/19.

TATE, Lieut. E. W. Temp. Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd

List (T.F.) 5/1 7/16. Temp. Lieut. 10/12/18.

WOODGATE, 2nd Lieut. H. G. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 2nd

Lieut. Unattd List (T.F.) 26/1/17.

CEPPI, 2nd Lieut. M. Temp. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut. Unattd
List (T.F.) 14/5/17.


PAINE, Capt. W. L. Pte. Gren. Guards (Aug. 1914).

2nd Lieut. Kings Own (R. Lanes. Regt.) (16/1/15).
Subsequently Capt. and Adjt. Gallipoli. Killed in

MEO, 2nd Lieut. J. Roy. Sussex Regt. Temp, commission


TOLMIE, Pte. W. L. E. Surrey Regt. June 1916.

Transferred to Gordon Highrs. Returned to School
(Feb. 1917).



FOLEY, Capt. and Adjt. M. J. A. Lieut. 2/ioth

Bn. Middx. Regt. (T.F.) Killed in action Suvla
Bay 1915-

Retained for service with O.T.C.

EDMONDS, Capt. John. Capt. Served with School

Contingent since Apr. 1910. (H.)

WOOD, Lieut. Ernest. Temp. Lieut. Served with

School Contingent since 3/"/H«

KNIGHT, 2nd Lieut. T. H. Temp. 2nd Lieut. Served

with School Contingent since 3/ii/»4- (T-)


ASHTON, R. LI. London Rifle Bde. Mar.—Sept. 1917.

BROCKLEBANK, Lieut. S. J. R.G.A. Artists' Rifles

O.T.C. 3/11/15— 12/10/16. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. (T.F.)
12/10/16, Clyde Defences. Lieut. Apr. 1918. i8th
Ordnance Course, Woolwich, Sept. 1917 Aug. 191 8. —
"O" Certificate.

MEEK, StafE-Sergt. A. W. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) 15/9/15—


SEIDEL, C.Q.M.S. C. L. 2/24th Bn. London Regt., 60th

Div., France. Salonika. Transferred to Air Force
Base, Malta. Chief Clerk 1917-19.

ST. CEDD, C.S.M. (Instr.) S. W. Queen's Westminsters

Apr. 1914 Mar. 191 7. School of Musketry, Bisley,

Mar. 1917 Jan. 1919.

STEDMAN, D. C. London Rifle Bde. Mar. 1916— July

1916. Medical Discharge.

SMITH, Lieut. G. E. R.G.A. (T.) Artists' Rifles Jan.—

Aug. 1916. 2nd Lieut. R.G.A. Aug. 1914. Lieut.

Dec. 1 91 8, French Army Apr. May 191 7. Croix
de Guerre. Messines 7/6/17. Hospital through illness
Sept. 191 7 —Sept. 191 8.

BELL, Maj. G. M., D.S.O. Capt. Capt. nth (Pioneer)
Bn. Hampshire Regt. 20/10/14. Maj. Aug. 1915.
France, i6th Div., from 1 8/1 2/1 5 till death. Salient
and Somme. D.S.O. 1/1/17. Killed in action near
Ypres 31/7/17-

ROBERTSON, Maj. M., O.B.E., M.C. Capt. Capt. gth
(S.) Bn. Duke of Wellington's Regt. 21/9/14. France
and Belgium July 1915 Mar. 1917 — latterly as

Assist. Staff Capt. 52nd Inf. Bde. and Assist. Comndt.

17th Div. School. Nine months Ypres salient, 9
months Somme, Temp. Maj. 28/5/18. Despatches
1/1/17. M.C. 1/6/17. Home Services List 12/8/18.

Mar. 19 1 7 May 1919. Graded as Staff Capt. to
command a Coy. No. 11 O.C.B. O.B.E. 1/6/19.
TYNDALE, Lieut. H. E. G. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 8th (S.)
Bn. 6oth Rifles (31/8/14). Flanders 19/5/15— 23/8/15.
Wounded in action near Hooge. Attd. General Staff
War Office (Intelligence Directorate) 10/4/16 — 22/1/19
Home Services List. M.B.E. 1/6/19.
Retained for services with O.T.C.

ARIS, Maj. H. Maj. Commanding Contingent 1908-18.

Home Services List 1918. Relinquished commission
Aug. 1918.

DAVID, Maj. F. P. Maj. Commandant Cadet Corps

1901-08. Capt. in O.T.C. Resigned 14/8/13. Re-
joined 4/8/14 Appointed to command 1/9/18. (T.)

LITTLE, Capt. C. W. Capt. Resigned Cadet Corps

31/7/07. Capt. in O.T.C. 31/8/14.

BATHER, Capt. A. G. Capt. Resigned Cadet Corps

31/7/03. Capt. in O.T.C. 31/8/14.

DAVIDSON, 2nd Lieut. R. P. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.



DURELL, Lieut. C. V. 59th Siege Battery,


June 19 1 6 Feb. 191 7. Reconnaissance Officer, 9th
Corps H.A. Feb. 191 7 — —
Jan. 1918. Orderly Officer
45th Bde., R.G.A., Jan. 1918 Oct. 1918. Despatches.

ALTHAM. Capt. H. S., D.S.O., MX. 5th K.R.R.C. Attd.
7th Bn. K.R.R.C. Sept. 1914—Mar. 1915. StaflE

Capt. 41st Inf. Bde. Mar. 1915 Oct. 1916. Bde. Maj.

41st Inf. Bde. Oct. 1916 Feb. 1917. D.A.A.G,, 9th
Scottish Div. and G.H.Q. ist Echalen, France,
Feb. 1917— Dec. 1918. A.A.G., G.H.Q. ist Echalen,

France, Dec. 1918 Feb. 1919. Temp. Maj. Feb. 1918
— ^Dec. 1918. Temp. Lieut.-Col. —
Dec. 1918 Feb.
1919. 1914-15 Star. M.C. 1/6/16. D.S.O. 1/1/18.
Despatches 3 times.

CARSE, L.-Corpl. A. 6th (S.) Bn. Wiltshire Regt. Aug.

1916. L.-Corpl. Dec. 191 6. France June 191 7.
Joined unit, 19th Div., July 191 7. Hospital Sept.
1917. Feb. 1918. Rejoined unit Mar. 1918. Battles
of the Lys, Apr. 1918. Attd. D.H.Q., 19th Div., May
1918. Marne, Bethune, Somme, Cambrai. De-
mobilised Feb. 1 9 19.

FOWLER, Capt. Y. H., O.B.E. 191 5 Capt. R.M.A.

Gallipoh. Wounded. Seconded for service with
Ministry Munitions 22/4/16. O.B.E.

GODDARD, Lieut. F. W. Gazetted 2nd Lieut. (S.R.)

R.F.A. 8/10/15. 5c. Res. Bde. R.F.A., Colchester.
France Jan. 1916, 8 ist Battery, 5th Bde. (Lahore
Div.) Severely wounded Sanctuary Wood 28/5/16.
Ret. List 11/2/17.

HICKS. Capt. F. M. nth (S.) Bn. Hants Regt. Sept.

1914. Temp. Capt. loth (S.) Bn. Hants Feb. 1915.
July 191 5 to Gallipoli. Wounded battle of Sari Bair
(Anzac) 10/8/15. Feb. 1916 Salonika. Sept. 1916
Observer in 17th Squadron R.F.C. Apr, 1917 Croix
de Guerre. Aug. 191 7 became pilot in Egypt. Oct.

1917 May 1918 Scout Pilot in iiith Squadron R.F.C.
Palestine. July 1918 —Feb. 1919 instructing in flying
in 44th T.D.S. at Oxford. Aug. igi8 Flight Com-
mander. DemobiUsed Feb. 1919. Despatches (i).


JACKSON. Lieut. H. A. 6th Bn. (S.R.) K.R.R.C. Inns of

Court O.T.C. Jan. 1916. 8th Offir. Cdt. Bn. July
1916. Commission 22/1 1/16. France 10/1/17. ist
Bn. K.R.R.C, 2nd Div. Wounded (Miraumont)
17/2/17. France 17/7/17. 7th Bn. K.R.R.C. 14th
Div. Act.-Capt.
Wounded and taken
and Adjt. 1/11/17 — 23/1/18.
prisoner(Benay) 21/3/18.
Lieut. 22/5/18. Repatriated 1 8/1 2/1 8. Demobilised

PLATNAUER. Lieut. M. R.G.A. (T.F.) Coast defence.

Hartlepool (Durham R.G.A.) Aug. Dec. 1915. 94th

Siege Battery Jan. 1916 Feb. 191 7. France (Battle
of the Somme) Adjt., 45th Bde., R.G.A. Feb. 1917
Sept. 19 1 8. (Battles of Wytschaite, Lys, etc.)
Education Officer 15th Corps. Sept. 1918 Jan. —
1919. Act.-Capt, Aug. 1917 — Jan. 1919.

PYE, Lieut. D. R. 191 7 Experimental Officer R.A.F.

^ QUIRK, Rev. R. Jan.— Oct. 1917 Chaplain (C. of E.)

Abancourt. Nov. 1917 Apr. 1918 loth Corps School.
Apr. 191 8 2nd Corps and 8th Corps troops. Apr.

July 191 8. 2nd Army, H.A. School. July Nov. 191 8,
4th and 65th Bde. R.G.A. 20/11/18—Dec. 1918
59th Bde. R.G.A.

SOWERBUTTS, Lieut. J. A. Pte. 3rd Bn. Hants Regt.

Feb. 1916. L.-Corpl. May 1916. No. 3 O.C.B.
(Bristol) 17/7/16. Commission 25/10/16. 3/2oth
London Regt. France, 4/1/17, attd. 7th (S.) Bn. Rifle
Bde. Lieut. 9/7/17. Wounded (slightly) 26/8/17 (at
Inverness Copse. Ypres). M.C. 18/10/17. Captured
21/3/18. Repatriated 29/1 1 /i 8. Demobihsed 1 3/3/19.

WILSON, Lieut. E. R. 2nd Lieut. 6th (S.R.) Bn. Rifle

Bde. 1/5/16. Lieut. 1/9/17. Adjut. Depot Training
Companies 6th (R.B.) Queensborough Apr. and May
191 7. Studied Turkish at School of Oriental Langu-
ages, London, June —Dec. 191 7, and left for Egypt
Jan. 1918. G.S.I.. G.H.Q., Mar. 1918—Dec. 1918.
General Staff Intelligence, Aleppo. Dec. 191 8 Mar. —
1919. Disembodied 28/5/19. Act.-Capt. 4/11/18

19a Q
WYATT-EDGELL. Maj. C. S. C. Capt. In France as
Capt. in Devon Regt., and later with Chinese Labour
Bn. Act. -Maj. on Staff for Educational work in
France. O.C. Contingent up to 1915. Now de-

MANDEVILLE, Capt. P. Lieut. Capt. 5th Bn. W. York-

shire Regt. (T.F.) Mobilised ^l^li^ (being on Res. of
Officers). Served in France from Apr. 1915 Sept. —
1916, Battle of the Somme 4/7/16 —
28/9/16. Killed
in action at Schwaben Redoubt 28/9/16.

LAMB, Lieut. J. 2nd Lieut. W. Riding Regt. and M.G.C.

Service in France. Wounded. Now demobilised.

GARTNER, 2nd Lieut. J. W. J. Cadet Officer. 2nd Lieut.

Highland Light Inf. Home Service only. Now
demobilised. ,

Retained for service with O.T.C.

CALDECOTT, Lieut. W. Temp. Lieut. O.C. Contingent

1915-19- Temp. Lieut. 4J9I16.

RUMSEY, Lieut. H. W. L. Temp. Lieut. Temp. Lieut.



ABRAHAM, Lieut. A. C. Lieut. Devon Regt. Home

Service and India.

VEITCH, Lieut. A. G.21st Battery Leic. R.H.A. En-

gaged at Somme and Vimy Ridge1 916- 17. Killed in
action at Gavrelle 191 7.

MASON, Lieut. G. H. 2nd Lieut. Roy. Warwick Regt.

Attached M. Sound Ranging Section. Service in
France. Wounded.

GLEDHILL. Capt. W. G. Capt. Seconded to O.T.C.
from 5th Norfolks (T.F.) 12/10/08. 2nd Class Techoi
cal Officer (Capt.) R.A.F. 1 7/8/1 7. Sub-Divisional
Inspector R.A.F. (Technical Dept.) 1918-ig. Home
Services List Jan. 19 19. O.C. Contingent 1 2/1 1/08—

Retained for service with O.T.C.

HOUGHTON, Capt. C. E. J. Capt. Lieut. Unattd. List

(T.F.) 19/10/09. Temp. Capt. Jan. 1918. Sub-
stantive Capt. 28/3/19. O.C. Contingent since


SCOTT-WHITE, Lieut. R. 2/5th Bn. Som. L.I. (T.F.)

Jan. 1915. Transferred to ist Bn. in India.

WOLFE. Lieut. B. 2/5th Bn. Cheshire Regt. (T.F.) Jan.

1 91 7. France. Wounded.

DAVIS, Pte. R. K. (Headmaster) Inns of Court O.T.C.

May —Dec. 191 8.

WILLIAMS, 2nd Lieut. A. S. W. Nottingham Univ.

O.T.C. Dec. 1914. 2nd Lieut. 9th (S.) Bn. Devon-
shire Regt. Feb. 1915. Transferred to nth Bn.
Aug. 191 5. Invalided out Oct. 191 5.

BUCKLEY, Capt. E. Capt. 3rd Bn. York and Lanes,
(attd. ist and 2nd
Bns.). France 31/12/14 Sept. —

1915 and 7/7/17 Sept. 1917. Hohenzollern Redoubt
(seriously wounded Sept. 191 5) and Lens. Despatches
1/1/16. Killed in action 3/9/17.

CHESTERMAN, Capt. H. Capt. R.A.S.C.

DAVIES, Lieut. L. R. 2nd Lieut. i8th (S.) Bn. King's
(Liverpool) Regt. Killed in action 5/7/16.

DENNY, 2nd Lieut. B. M. R. 2nd Lieut, ist Bn. King's

(Liverpool) Regt. France (the Aisne and in Flanders)
Aug. 1914. Mortally wounded at Gonnebeke 24/10/14.
Died 26/10/14.

NORMAN, W. Lieut. 3rd Bn. Leic. Regt. Jan.

Capt. C.
191 6. Mesopotamia, G.S.O., 1916-19. India, 2nd
Bn. Roy. W. Kent Regt. 1919.

REW, Maj. H. F. Capt. R.F.A. Despatches (twice).

McKENZIE-REW, Capt. H. G. Capt. Essex Regt.

SOWERBUTTS, 2nd Lieut. R. 2nd Lieut. Worksop

College O.T.C. since Aug. 1918. Active Service in
France with nth K.R.R.C. from Jan. 1915 Nov. —
191 6 (seriously wounded).

WHITLEY, 2nd Lieut. B. H. Lieut. 3rd Roy. Scots.

France. Despatches. Killed in action on the
Somme 17/7/ 16.

Retained for service with O.T.C.

BUTLER, 2nd Lieut. H. M. 2nd Lieut. Worksop College

O.T.C. 1914-15. Denstone College O.T.C. 1915-19.
Resigned commission 24/5/19.

COWGILL, 2nd Lieut. J. C. 2nd Lieut. Worksop College

O.T.C. 1917-18. Newcastle Grammar School O.T.C.

SMITH, Capt. L. E. Temp. Capt. Joined Contingent

1911. O.C. Contingent 1914-16. O.C. Bloxham School
O.T.C. 1916-18.

TARVER, Lieut. J. E. Temp. Lieut. Worksop College

O.T.C. July 1915. O.C. Contingent since Jan. 1917.

WtLDERSPIN, Lieut. B. C. Temp. Lieut. Worksop
College O.T.C. Dec. 191 5. Resigned commission


I^BOND. Rev. B. K., MX. Temp. C.F., 4th Class,

30/10/14. Gallipoli.

DENNY, Lieut. E. M. C. Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf.

Awarded Military Cross.

>h DICKINSON, Rev. H. Temp. C.F., 4th Class. France.

Killed in action 30/10/17.

^ HALL, Rev. B. P. Temp. C.F., 4th Class.

J< MAYNARD, Rev. A. C. M. Temp. C.F., 4th Class.

PASCOE, Lieut. H. G. N. Staffs Regt.

REW, Capt. H. H. R.A.S.C. (Supply Branch). 2nd

Lieut. 14/10/14. —
France 21/12/14 30/10/17. Italy

1/11/17 4/2/19. Temp. Capt. Demobilised 29/4/19.

^ VICTOR, Rev. J. Temp. C.F., 4th Class.


FRANKLIN, Capt. T. B. Capt. 1914 4th Scottish Rifles,

Fort Matilda. 1915 Instr., School of Instruction,
Edinburgh. 1916 (i) No. 9 Ofifr. Cdt. Bn., Gailes
Camp. (2) France. 1917 No. 9 Ofir. Cdt. Bn., Gailes
Camp. Despatches 24/2/17. O.C. Contingent before
and during the war.


WILLIAMS. Maj. M. M. Welsh Regt. since 191 4.

ASHCROFT. Maj. A. H. Worcs. Regt. since 1914.

Despatches 10/4/16. Order of Crown of Italy 1918.

HUDSON, Lieut. A. W. British Red Cross, Italy, since

igi6. Croce di Guerra 1918.


DIPPIE, Maj. H. Capt. nth Bn. Worcs. Regt. 1915.
France and Salonika.

MORRIS, Capt. H. H. Lieut. Glocs. Regt. 1915. Salonika

and Egypt. Wounded 19 16 Salonika.

NICHOLAS, Capt. H. ^nd Lieut. 2/8th Bn. Worcs.

Regt. (T.F.) 19 16. France.

BAKER, 2nd Lieut. W. 2nd Lieut. 2/8th Bn. Worcs.

Regt. (T.F.) 1916

Retained for service with O.T.C.

ABBOTT, Lieut. H, H. Lieut. O.C. Contingent Jan. 1915

— Dec. 1918, Lieut. Unattd. List (T.F.)

CHESSALL, 2nd Lieut. W. A. H. 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut.

Unattd. List (T.F.) Dec. 19 15.

HILL, 2nd Lieut. E. E. St. L. 2nd Lieut. Gen. StafE in

Italy 1 91 8.


PAYNE, 2nd Lieut. H. Cadet Officer in Contingent 1916.

R.E. (Wireless) 191 7.

. ... .


Abbey, Lieut. B., Reigate 131
Abbott, Lieut. G., St. Albans .
Abbott, Lieut. H. H., R.G.S. Worcester 198
Abraham, Lieut. A. C., Wolverhampton 194
Acton, Lieut. R., City of London 32
Adams, 2nd Lieut. C. F., Dean Close 39
Adams, Lieut. C. W., Haileyhury 75
Adams, 2nd Lieut. E,, Ardingly 6
Adams, Capt. H. E., Dulwich .
Adamson, Capt. H. B., Aldenham I
Addenbrooke, Capt. A., Epsom 53
Adie, Lieut. C. J., Eton. 56
Ad lard, Capt. M., N.E. County 118
Affleck, Lieut. R., St. Paul's . 156
Albert, 2nd Lieut. E., George Watson's 68
Alderson, Capt. A. E., St. John's 152
Alderson, Lieut. A. G. J., Sherborne 160
Aldous, Pte. A. H., Wellingboro' 183
Aldridge, Capt. M., Cranleigh . 36
Alexander, Pte. J. S., Bloxham 13
Allan, 2nd Lieut. G. A. T., Christ's Hospital 30
Allardice, Capt. J. T., George Watson's 67
Allen, Lieut. C., Bloxham 12
Allen, 2nd Lieut. C. B., Loretto 105
Allen, 2nd Lieut. E. B., Merchant Taylors' 112
Allen, Rev. G. K., Christ's Hospital . 29
Allen, Rev. L. J., Charterhouse 25
Allen, Corpl. V, B., Bournemouth 14
Allison, Lieut. H. A., Handsworth 76
Allnatt, Maj. A. E., Ardingly 4
Allpass, 2nd Lieut. H. B. K., St. Bees 145
Allsop, 2nd Lieut. B., Aldenham 2

.. .

Altham, Capt. H. S., Winchester
Anderson, Sgt. T. Y., George Watson's
Anderson, Capt. W., George Watson's
Andrew, Sgt. P. R., St. Albans
Anscombe, Capt. A. W., King's Warwick
Aplin, Maj. H., St. Columha's .

Aplin, Maj. H., Wellington School

Argyle, Sgt. G. E., Nottingham High .

A.RIS, Maj. H., Winchester

Armitage, Capt. V. L., Rossall
Armitstead, Lieut. W. K., Felsted
Arnold, Maj. W., Tonbridge .

Ashcroft, Maj. A. H., Fettes . .

AsHTON, R. LI., Wilson's

AsKwiTH, Lieut. W. M., Bedford
Aston, Lieut. R. L,, Tonbridge.
Atchison, Lieut. G. T., Bedford
Atkin, Lieut. J. M., Bournemouth
Atkinson, Lieut. C. E., C/(/J{o«.
Atthill, Maj. G. Du S., ^yrftwg'/)/
Axe, Pte. A. C, Hurstpierpoint

Badgley, Capt. J. M. C, St. Peter's .

Bailey, 2nd Lieut. R. F., Shrewsbury

Bainbrigge, 2nd Lieut. P. G., Shrewsbury
Baines, 2nd Lieut R. R., Stony hurst .

Baines, 2nd Lieut. W., Bromsgrove

Baker, 2nd Lieut. R. C. W., St. Edmund's
Baker, Capt. A. S., Berkhamsted
Baker, Capt. J., Wellington School
Baker, Maj. S. E., Sedbergh
Baker, Lieut. S. T., Queen Mary's
Baker, Capt. T., Hymer's
Baker, 2nd Lieut. W., R.G.S. Worcester
Balsham, Lieut. W., R.G.S. Lancaster.
Barber, Rev. H. S., Hurstpierpoint .

Barker, Capt. A., Uppingham .

Barker, Lieut. F. D., Clifton .

Barnes, Capt. F., 5^. Edward's

Barnes, 2nd Lieut. W. C, Taunton .

Barnett, Rev. H. A., Ampleforth

Barraclough, 2nd Lieut. A., Bournemouth

... .
.. ........
..... ....
.. ...

Barrett, Rev. G., Stonyhurst . . . . . 167
Barrie, Lieut. G. Glasgow Academy
L., . . . 71
Barron, Lieut. T. B., King Ed. VII 90
Bartley, Rev. W. H., Stony hurst 168
Barton, Gnr. B. Ellesmere . . . . . . 50
Bashford, Lieut. F. G., Uppingham . . . . 179
Bates, 2nd Lieut. S. F., Berkhamsted . . . . . 12
Bather, Capt. A. G., Winchester . . . . 191
Battbrbvry, Lieut. T.K.E., Bedford 9
Battle, Rev. E. G., Sir R. Manwood's 164
Bavin, Maj. J. T., Berkhamsted . . . . 10
Baxter, Capt. F. H., Portsmouth 124 . . . .

Baylby, CsLipt.F., City of London .. .. .. 31

Beachcroft, 2nd Lieut. G. W., Dulwich 44 . • •

Beach-Hicks, 2nd Lieut. R. M. M., King's, Worcester 98

Beament, 2nd Lieut. W. O., Dean Close 39 . • •

Beck, Lieut. H. M., Aldenham . 2 . . . .

Beddow, J. F. H., Cambridge

Capt. C. & . . . 22
Bedford, 2nd Lieut. C. M., Taunton . . . . 170
Beetham, 2nd Lieut. B., Ar.£. CoM«/y. .. .. 118
Beguin-de-Meaux, Capt. A., /fayyow. .. .. 79
Beisley, Lieut. P. L., Stony hursi . . . . 167
Belcher, Maj. A. H., JBn^/t/oM 18
Belcher, Capt. G., Brighton . . . . . 18
Bell, Lieut. C. W., King's, C'bury. . . . . 96
Bell, Maj. E, A., Giggleswick . . . . . 69
Bell, Maj. G. M., Winchester . . . . . 190
Bell, Maj. H. R., TygM^. ... .. .. .. 174
Bell, 2nd Lieut. J. M., Merchiston Castle . . 113
Bell, Capt. J. W., Ardingly . . . . . 5
Bell, Capt. W. A. C, St. Columba's . . . • . 147
Bell, Capt. W. S., Hurstpierpoint . . • • 83
Bell, Lieut. W. S., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne " . . 141
Bellerby, Rev. A. C. B., St. Lawrence . . . 154
Belsham, Capt. S. J., Churcher's . . . • • 31
Bendall, Lieut. -Col. F. W. D., Bridlington . . . 17
Benenstock, L.-Cpl. L. M., St. Dunstan's . . . 150
Bennett, Lieut. W., Brighton.. .. .. ..19
Bensly, Maj. W. J., Sherborne. . . . . 160
Bentley, Capt. A. J., Newcastle High. . . . 117
Bentley, Maj. F. C. St. Dunstan's . . . . 148
Berry, Lieut. G., Sir K. Manwood's . . . . 164

. ....

^Berwick, Maj. E. B. H., Rossall
Bescoby, Capt. A. C, Elizabeth
Bevan, Lieut. A. E., Ardingly.
Bewsher, Maj. F W., St. Paul's
Bicknell, Capt. C. H., St. Paul's
BiLSBOROUGH, Licut. J. H., Exetev
BiNKS, 2nd Lieut. B. H., R.G.S., Lancaster
BiRLEY, Capt. N. B., Graham's. .

BiRT, Capt. R. H. C, Radley .

Bishop, Lieut. A. G., Cheltenham

Bishop, L.-Cpl. E., St. Columba's
Bishop, 2nd Lieut. B. S., King's College School
Blackburn, Sgt. P. G., Bedford Modern
Blackett, 2nd Lieut. J. P. M., Durham
Blagbrough, Maj. G. S. E., Bridlington
Blair, Lieut. G. W., Hillhead .

Blake, Rev. B., Beaumont

Blake, Capt. G. P., Bradfield .

Blakiston, Lieut. C. H., Eton . .

Blamire-Brown, Lieut. C, Christ's Hospital

Bland, Maj. C, Uppingham
Blore, Maj. J. L., Shrewsbury .

BoAG, 2nd Lieut. J. A., Hillhead

Board, Lieut. D., King's, Worcester
Boardman, Lieut.-Col. T. H., Christ's Hospital
Bodington, Capt. P. E., Cheltenham .

Bodley, Capt. D. H., Dean Close

Bolton, Lieut. P., Oundle
Bond, Rev. B. K., Worksop
Bond, Naval Instr. J. S., Cheltenham .

Bond, Capt. W. F., Lancing

BoNHOTE, Pte. E. F., Rugby
Bonne, Interpreter C. L. A., Bradford.
Booth, Capt. T. K. M., Christ's Hospital
Bolting, 2nd Lieut. C. G., St. Paul's
Border, Capt. G. W., Imp. Service
Both AM, Lieut. A. F., Tonbridge
Boulter, Lieut. J. S., St. Bees.
Bourne, 2nd Lieut. C, St. John's
Bourns, Lieut. C, Repton
Bowen, Pte. G., Rossall.
Bower, Lieut. A. J., Haileybury

. ..........

feowERS, Lieut. B. A., Cheltenham . . . . . 27
Boyd, 2nd Lieut. C. W., St. Bees . . . . . 146
Boyd, Lieut.-Col. M. A., Christ's Hospital . . . 30
BoYES, Lieut.-Col, J. F. C, S/. Dwws^aw's .. .. 149
Boyle, Lieut. J. A., Hillhead . .. . .. .. 81
Brachi, Capt. C. C, PFAt/5'i/^ 187
Bradley, 2nd Lieut. M. L. S., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-
Tyne . . . . . . . . 142
. . . . .

Brand, Lieut. H, G., R.G.S., High Wycombe 139 . • •

Brand, Eev. W., Beaumont . . . 7 . . . ,

Branfoot, l^ieut. C, Grimsby ..

. ... ••73
Brearley, Lieut. A. J., £;v5^ey ..
. ... ..58
Brent-Smith, 2nd Lieut. A. E., Lancing loi . . .

Brett-James, Capt. N. G., Mill Hill 115

Brewster, Lieut. G. W., bundle 123
. . . . .

Bridge, Pte. R. S., Bristol . . . . . . . 20

Bridges, 2nd Lieut. L. W., Sutton Valence . . . 168
Briggs, Cpl. J. B., Grimsby . . . . . • • 73
Bright, Bimbashi L. L,, Christ's Hospital . . . 30
Bright, Lieut. W. J., Aldenham . . . . . 2
Brissenden, Capt. H., Whitgift . . . . . 187
Brissenden, Capt. H., Sir R. Manwood's , • • 165
Broadbent, 2nd Lieut. C. H., Bradford . . . 16
Broadbent, 2nd Lieut. H. G., St. Bees . . . . 146
Brocklebank, Lieut. S. J., Wilson's . . . . . 190
Bromhead, 2nd Lieut. T. J., Oakham . . . . . 121
Broom, Lieut. C. G. M., City of London . . . 31
Brooks, Lieut. F. W., Taunton . . . . . 169
Brophy, R.S.M. ]., Manchester no
Brough, Capt. C. B., St. Dunstan's . . . . . 149
Brown, Lieut. A. F. R., Rossall . . . . . 136
Brown, Lieut. A. W. S., Uppingham . . . . . 175
Brown, Spr. F, R., 5/. Z)M«5^aw'5 .. .. .. 149
Brown, Capt. H. C, Handsworth . . . . . 77
Brown, Lieut. J. H., Wellingboro' . . . . . 182
'Bro'WH, Capt. M.W., Manchester .. ..
Brown, Lieut. S. V., Liverpool Institute . . . 104
Brown, Rev. W. H., Brighton . . . . . . . 19
Brown, Lieut. W. H., Mill Hill 115
Browne, Capt. F. A. M., Sedbergh . . . . . 158
'Brov/ne, Rev. ]., Stonyhurst .. .. .. ..167
Browne, Pte. W. W., Cranleigh . . . • • 37

. ...... ......

Bryant, Lieut. R. J. T., King Edward's, Bivmingham
Bryne, Rev. W. A., Ampleforfh
BucHANAN-DuNLOP, Lieut.-Col. A. H., Loretto
Buck, Lieut, G. R., Merchant Taylors' .

Buckley, Capt. E., Worksop .

Buckley, Lieut. P. K., Beaumont

BuDWORTH, 2nd Lieut. R. D., Durham
BuLKELEY, Rev. R. A, L. N., Ardingly
BuLLEN, Lieut. H. G., Rossall .

Bullock, Dvr. A., Grimsby

Bullock, Lieut.-Col. E. C, Malvern .

BUMPUS, 2nd Lieut. T. H., King's, Warwick

Bunting, Capt. R. J., N.E. County
BuRBEY, Maj. J. L., Clifton
Burgess, Pte. M. G., Dulwich .

BuRKiTT, Lieut. F., Bristol

Burnaby, Lieut. R. B., Uppingham .

BuRNE, Rev. R. V. H., Ardingly

BuRNELL, 2nd Lieut. I., Bromsgrove . .

Burnett, Capt. G., Emanuel .

Burton, Capt. B, W., St. Columba's .

BusHELL, Lieut. W. P., Rossall.

"BussELL, Capt. J. G., St. Edward's
Butler, 2nd Lieut. H. M., Denstone .

Butler, 2nd Lieut. H. M., Worksop . .

Butler, Lieut. L. G., Cheltenham

Butler, 2nd Lieut. W. G., Christ's Hospital
Butt, Capt. H. A., Clifton
BuTTERWicK, 2nd Lieut. C. J., Eton .

BuTTERWORTH, Lieut. G. S. K., Radley

BUTTERWORTH, Capt. H., R.G.S., Guildford
Byrde, Maj. E. H., Cheltenham

Cadman, Capt. H. S., Denstone .

Caldecott, Lieut. W., Wolverhampton

Caldwell, Lieut. W. C. P., Elizabeth .

Calistri, p. p., Reigate .

Callinan, 2nd Lieut. T. W., Merchant Taylors

Calvert, Capt. W. J. R., Harrow
Cammack, Capt. C, Grimsby
Campbell, Rev. N,, Beaumont .

Cane, 2nd Lieut. L. A., Mill Hill


Cane, 2nd Lieut. L. A. W. D., Forest . . 62
Cannell, Maj. F. S., King's, Grantham 97
Cannell, Capt. F. S., Kelly 88
Capron, 2nd Lieut. N. H., Merchant Taylors' 113
Card well, Capt. C. R., Lancing lOI
Cardwell, 2nd Lieut. W., St. Lawrence 154
Carey, Lieut. G. M., Sherborne 161
Carey, Rev. T., Beaumont 8
Carl, Schmtr. W. W. J., Ellesmere 50
Carlile, Capt. C, Brighton 18
Carline, 2nd Lieut. S. W., Rossall 136
Carney, ist A.M. R. H., Manchester . . no
Carnon, Capt. W,, George Heriot's 64
Carpenter, 2nd Lieut. B. S., Queen Mary's 126
Carpenter, Capt. J. A., 5^. Paul's 154
Carr, 2nd Lieut. F. G. P., Bedford Modern 9
Carrington, Capt. C. W., Harrow 79
Carrol, Capt, J. E. M., Hymer's 84
Carse, L.-Cpl. A., Winchester . 192
Carter, Capt. E. M., Whitgift . 187
Carter, Capt. J. F., Repton 132
Carter, Capt. J. S., Radley 128
Cartner, 2nd Lieut. J. W. J., Wolverhampton 194
Cartwright, Lieut. C. C, King Edward VII. 90
Cass, Capt. L. F., St. Edward's, . 151
Catazzi, Lieut. F. E. M., Trent. . 174
Cattermole, Capt. J. W., City of London 31
Catto, Lieut. W. S., George Watson's . . 66
Cauldwell, Lieut. L. V., Bristol 20
Cavalier, Rev. C. G., St. John's 153
Cavill, Capt. W. v., Ardingly . 5
Celieres, Sgt. A., Taunton 171
Ceppi, 2nd Lieut. M,, Whitgift . 189
Chadwick, Lieut. C. R., Wellington School 184
Chaffy, Lieut. L. B. T., Eton . 57
Chalkley, Pte. H. J., Whitgift. 189
Challenger, Cpl. A. E. E. K., Imp. Service 86
Chailons, Capt. P., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyn 141
Chambers, Lieut. E., Hertford. 77
Champain, Capt. T. H. B., Sedbergh . . 159
Champion, Lieut. -Col. C. C., Haileybury 75
Champion, Capt. H. H., Uppingham . . 178

. ..

Chapman, F. B., Reading
Chase, Capt. C. D., Campbell .

Chaytor, Rev. H. J., Plymouth

Chignell, Lieut. N. J., Charterhouse
Cheney, Pte. H. J., Taunton .

Chessall, 2nd Lieut. W. A. H., R.G.A., Worcester

Chessex, Lieut. R. E. A., 5^. Paul's
Chesterman, Capt. H., Worksop
Chicoteau, Cpl. C, Bristol
Child, Capt. A., Bloxham
Chinneck, Lieut. S. T. E., Bradfield
Chittock, Lieut. C, Felsted
Chottin, Lieut. E. P. E., Clifton
Christie, Capt. J., Eton
Churchyard, Lieut. A. S., Sedbergh
Churchyard, Maj. O. P., Tonbridge
Chute, Capt. J. C, Eton
Clapin, Capt. A. C, Tonbridge .

Clappen, Lieut. W. I., N.E. County

Clark, Lieut. E, D., Giggleswick
Clark, Maj. G. M., Bradfield . .

Clark, 2nd Lieut. H. W., Queen Mary's

Clarke, Capt. F. W., Dover
Clarke, Capt. G. T. K., Dulwich
Claughton, 2nd Lieut. I. D., Dean Close
Claughton, 2nd Lieut. T. W. A., Giggleswick
Clendon, Capt. A., Handsworth
Clissold, Maj. H., Clifton
Clough, Lieut. G. H., Hymer's.
Cockey, Capt. C. E. E., All Hallows
Cohen, Lieut. A. E., Victoria . .

CoL,B, hieut.W., Oundle.

Coleman, Capt. H. C, Christ's Hospital
Coleman, Capt. R. H. F., Denstone
Collingridge, Rev. E. C, Beaumont
CoLLEY, Lieut. R. W., Stony hurst
CoLLEY, Lieut.-Col. W. H., Uppingham
Collins, Spr. G. E., R.G.S., Guildford
Collins, 2nd Lieut. W. R., Bristol
COMEAU, Lieut. A. E., 5^. Bees . .

Confer, Maj. P., Glasgow Academy

Connell, Lieut. P., Kirkcaldy .

. ........
. ...,.....
. ............

CoNYBEARE, Capt, A, C, Eton . . . . . 56
Cooke, Lieut. A. W. H., Malvern . . . 108
Cooke, Lieut. H., Bavtfovd . . . . • 38
CooKSON, Lieut. R. T. C, Malvern . . . 108
Coombs, Maj. A. G., Berkhamsted 12 . . .

Cooper, Lieut. E. C, Victoria . . 180 . . .

Cooper, Capt. H., St. Lawrence 153 . . .

Cooper, Capt. H. O., St. Lawrence 153 . . .

Cooper, Lieut. J. H., Lancing. . 100 . . .

Cooper, Maj. W. R., George Watson's 66 . . .

Coote, Comdr. B. T., Harrow . .

79 . . • •

Cope, 2nd Lieut. G. E., Ellesmere 49 . . .

CoRBETT, Lieut. A. L., Brighton 19 . . .

Cosens, Maj. F. R. S., Oakham. .. . 120 . . .

CosENS, 2nd Lieut. W. R. H., Ellesmere 149 . .

CosTLEY- White, Capt. H., Rugby 143 . . . •

CouTTS, 2nd Lieut. N. V., Ardingly 6 . . .

Coward, Capt. H., Newcastle High 117 . . .

Cowb\jkn,Msl]. A.B., St. Bees ... ..

. .. 145
CowGiLL, 2nd Lieut. J. C, R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne 141
CowGiLL, 2nd Lieut. J. C, Worksop 196 . . .

Cox, lAeut. CM., Berkhamsted. .. ..

. .. 11
Cragg, Rev. R. H., Berkhamsted 11 . . .

Crampton, 2nd Lieut. A. A., D^ws^owe. .. ..41

Crane, Pte. H. E., Bedford Modern 10 . . .

Crane, Maj. J. H., i?055a// .. .. .. .. 136

Crawley-Bolvey, Capt. T. R., Clifton . • •
Crichton, Assist. -Paymaster H. T., Bradfield . 15
Crommelin-Brown, Lieut. J. L., Repton . . • 133
Crook, Capt. H. S., Reading . . . . . 130
Cross, Lieut. P. F., St. Columba's . . . 147
Cross, Lieut. P. M., Dartford 38
Cross, Capt. S. T., Cheltenham . . . . 26
Cross, Capt. W. E., Maidstone. . . . . 106
Crow, Maj. P., £^som .. .. .. .. ••52
Crowden, 2nd Lieut. H., George Watson's . . 67
Crowhurst, Capt. C, Cranleigh . . . 36
Crowther, Lieut. W. C, Dulwich . . .
Crump, Maj. G. H., C^e//ewAam .. .. ..26
Cullinan, Lieut. P. J., Beaumont . . .
Cummins, Capt. H. C. B., Edinburgh . . . . 48
Currall, and Lieut. R. S., George Watson's . . 68

.. .. . .. .

Curtis, Pte. A. H., Sir R. Manwood's. . 165
Curtis, 2nd Lieut. H,, EUesmere • 50
Curtis, Maj. H. R., EUesmere . . 49
Curtis, Maj. H. R., Ardingly . 5
Curtis, Lieut. S. W., Ardingly. 6

Dakin, Lieut. A., Hymer's

Dalby, Sgt.-Maj. J. D., George Heriot's
Dale, Pte. F., Berkhamsted
Dale, Maj, F. R., Le^ifs
Dalziel, Lieut. C., Ardingly .

Daniel, Lieut. J. F. R., Emanuel

VAi!JN, W.S., Manchester.,
Dare, 2nd Lieut. A. G., 5^. Lawrence .

Darwin, Spr. G., Manchester

David, Maj. F., Winchester
David, 2nd Lieut. H. L., Bedford
Davidson, 2nd Lieut. R. P., Winchester
Da vies. Rev. A. R., Wellingboro'
Da VIES, Capt. A. W., Radley ..
Da vies, Pte. B. S., Queen Mary's
Davies, Lieut. D., Merchant Taylors' .

Da VIES, Lieut. D. A. W,, Hurstpierpoint

Davies, 2nd Lieut. D. G. W., R.G.S., Newcastle-on
Davies, 2nd Lieut. E. L., Taunton
Davies, Capt. F. L. C, Cambridge and C.
Davies, Capt. H. B., Malvern .

Davies, 2nd Lieut. J., Forest .

Davies, Lieut. L., 5^. Edward's

Davies, Lieut. L. R., Worksop.
Davies, Cpl. T. G., Dorchester
Davis, Maj. E., Sherborne
Davis, Capt. E. G., Berkhamsted
Davis, Lieut. G. H., Portsmouth
Davis, Pte. R. K., Woodbridge .

Da WE,Capt. L. G., Wellington School .

Da WE,Lieut. L. S., Forest

Dawes, Rev. W. S., Ampleforth
Dawson, Capt. A. M,, Victoria. .
Dawson, Lieut. R. T., Edinburgh
Day, Lieut. P. W., Taunton

..... .

Deed, Capt. W, R. W., R.G.S., Lancaster • 139
Deering, Lieut. F. S., Taunton 169
Delbos, Lieut. V. F., The Leys, 171
Dell, 2nd Lieut. A. M.. King Ed. VII. 90
Dell, Lieut. R., Chigwell 27, Schoolmaster A., King Alfred's 89
Denham, Maj. H. A., Hymer's. 85
Dennett, Lieut. F. C. H., St. Albans . .
Dennis, Capt. A. H. W., Rossall 135
Dennls, Capt. G. P., Queen Mary's 126
Denny, 2nd Lieut. B. M. R., Worksop 196
Denny, Lieut. E. M. C, Worksop 197
Dent, Lieut. J. C, St. Albans .
De Satge, Cpl. P. C. H., Eton .
Despicht, Lieut. S. M., Hurstpierpoint 83
De Trafford, 2nd Lieut. R., Stonyhurst 167
Dewar, Lieut. J. M., George Heriot's . .
DiBBiN, Lieut. N. C, Newcastle High . .
DiBLEY, 2nd Lieut. G. A. S., 5/. Lawrence 154
Dick, 2nd Lieut. N. B., Aldenham 2
Dickinson, Sgt. G. W. R., Wellingboro' 182
Dickinson, Rev. H., Worksop. 197
Dickinson, Assist. -Paymaster P. P., Bradford 16
Dingle, Capt. A. J., Durham .
DiPPiE, Maj. H., R.G.S., Worcester 198
Dixon, Lieut. G. G., Sherborne 161
Dixon, Pte. H., Emanuel 52
Dixon, Lieut. H. H., Dulwich 44
DoBBS Lieut. F. W., Eton 56
DoBSON, Capt. J., Wellington 183
DoDD, Lieut. B. F., Brighton 19
DoDSON, Capt. C. W., Plymouth 123
DoDSON, 2nd Lieut. J. E., Liverpool College 103
DoGGART, Capt. J. M., Kirkcaldy 99
Doughty, Lieut. W. H., Liverpool Inst. 104
Douglas, Capt. W. T., George Heriot's 64
Dove, Lieut. C. K., R.G.S., Lancaster. 140
Dover, Lieut. G. C, King's, Bruton .
Dowell-Lee, Lieut. R. W., Ardingly .
DowNiE, Pte. E., George Watson's 69
Downing, H. J., Ardingly 6
Draper, Capt. F. W. M., City of London 31

. .. ....

Driffield, Capt. L. T., St. John's

Driver, Capt. H., Wellington .

Drury, 2nd Lieut. H. E., Hymer's

DuBUis, Capt. H. F., Ardingly.
Duchesne, 2nd Lieut. A., Haileybury.
Duckworth, Capt. F. R. G., Eton
DuMBLE, Lieut. T. M., Kelly . .

DuNGEY, Lieut. E., Edinburgh.

DuNKiN, Maj. H., Sherborne
DuNLOP, Lieut. J., Glasgow Academy .

Dunn, 2nd Lieut. A. J., Cranbrook

DuRELL, Lieut. C. V., Winchester
Durnford, Capt. R. S., Eton .

Dyer, Lieut. F. G., Cheltenham

Dyer, Lieut. H. F., Giggleswick
Dyer Cossins, 2nd Lieut. H. J., Taunton
Dyson, Lieut. J. E., Oratory ..

Eade, Capt. S. G., Reading

Edgar, Capt. R. D., George Heriot's .

Edmonds, Capt. J., Wilson's .

Edmunds, Rev. H. V., The Leys

Edwards, Capt. A. C. W., Christ's Hospital
Edwards, Pte. V., Reading
Edwardes, 2nd Lieut. T. E., Harrow. .

Effron, Sgt. G. H., King Ed. VII. .

Elder, Capt. W. G., Emanuel .

Elderton, Capt. M. B., Sherborne

Ellerton, Capt. C. F., Eastbourne
Ellerton, Capt. C. F., Radley.
Elliott, 2nd Lieut. H. D. E., Malvern
Elliott, 2nd Lieut. V. A., Mill Hill . .

Ellis, Capt. G. D., Liverpool Inst.

Ellis, Lieut. W. A., St. Columba's
Elverson, Lieut. R. W., Ellesmere
England, Capt. E. T., Exeter .

England, Capt. R. E., Handsworth

English, 2nd Lieut. F. H., Aldenham.
Enoch, Capt. A. J., Ardingly .

Erlebach, Lieut. S. A., N.E. County .

Evans, Capt. C. L., Dover

Evans Lieut. H. B., Queen Mary's .
. . .

Evans, Pte. S. J. A., Felsted .. 60
Evans, Lieut. T. H. T., Dover .. 43
EvERiTT, 2nd Lieut. R. E., King's, Canterbury 97
EvERS, Capt. and Brevet-Maj. C. P., Rugby 143
Eyre, Capt. C. H., Harrow 78
Eyre, Capt. W., Christ's Hospital 29

Fair, Maj. C. H., Haileybury .

Fairley, Ldg.-Seaman J., George Watson's 68
Farnell, Pte. E. N., City of London . . 32
Farnell, Lieut. H. L., Berf/oyrf. 8
Farr, Instr. -Lieut. H. F., Bromsgrove . 21
Farrell, Lieut. W. J., Haileybury 74
Farrow, Lieut. B. A., Bridlington 17
Fausset, Lieut. C. R., Kelly . . 87
Fawcett, Sgt. W. H., Grimsby. . 73
Fawcus, Lieut. J. G., Cranleigh 36
Fawdry, Lieut. R. C., Clijton.. 33
Fearenside, Lieut. -Col. E., Merchision Castle 114
Featherstone, Pte. H. L., R.G.S., Lancaster 140
Featherston, 2nd Lieut. S., Framlingham 63
Felton, Capt. R. H., King's College School 94
Fennemore, 2nd Lieut. G. C, 5^. Paul's 156
Penning, Capt. A. D. W., Wellingboro' 182
Fenton, Maj. B. L., King's, Worcester. 98
Fergusson, Lieut. L. R., Rossall 135
Ffrench, Lieut.-Col. W. K. P., City of London 32
Fiddle. 2nd Lieut. H. W., St. Peter's. . 157
FiELDEN, Lieut. T. P., Hurstpierpoint . 83
Finch, 2nd Lieut. G., All Hallows 3
FiNDLAY, 2nd Lieut. H. J., George Watson's 67
Finney, ist A.M. J. H., Manchester . no
Fisher, Capt. B. H., Repton 133
Fisher, 2nd Lieut. C. J., Whitgift 188
F isher, 2nd Lieut. G. W., Ipswich 87
FisHER, Lieut. J. W., Dartford. . 38
Fisher, Lieut. K., Clifton 33
FiTZMAURiCE, 2nd Lieut. J. G., St. Columba's 148
Flecker, Lieut. H. L. O., Dean Close .
Fletcher, Lieut. P. C, Charterhouse . 25
Fletcher, 2nd Lieut. W. G., Eton 55
Flower, Sgt. A., Beaumont 8

. ..
... ..

Flynn, Maj. T. H., Brighton .

Foley, Capt. M. J. A., Wilson's

Forbes, Sgt.-Maj. Instr. J., George Heriot's
Forbes, Capt. J. W. F., Christ's Hospital
Ford, 2nd Lieut. C. L., Eton
Ford, Capt. R. J., St. Bees
Forman, 2nd Lieut. F., Bournemouth .

FoRMAN, Rev. T. P. G., Shrewsbury

Forshaw, Capt. A. T., Manchester
Fortescue-Brickdale, Capt. J. M., Clifton
FoRTEY, Bdr. P. W., Dean Close
Foster,Lieut.-Col. J. H., Gresham's .
Foster,Lieut. R. C, Ardingly.
Foster,T. T., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne
Foster,Lieut. V. Le N., Eton .
Fowler, Capt. Y. H., Winchester
Fox, Capt. A., Lancing .

FoxELL, Capt. E. W. L., Christ's Hospital

Francis, Lieut. G. T., Ardingly
Franklin, Capt. T. B., Fettes .

Freeborn, Maj. E. W., Harrow

Freeman, 2nd Lieut. P. B., Sherborne.
Freeman, 2nd Lieut. P. B., Radley
French, 2nd Lieut. A. F., Taunton
Fry, Lieut. C. E., Manchester .

Fry, Lieut. J. G., Reading

Fryers, Lieut. J. L., Merchant Taylors'
FuLFORD, Rev. J. L. L., Exeter. .

Fulton, 2nd Lieut. H., Westminster .

FuRNEAUX, Maj. L. R., J?e^/ow.

FuRNESS, Capt. W., Rossall
Fyfe, Capt. W. H., Radley
Fyson, Lieut. G., Loretto

Gabain, Capt. W. G., Charterhouse

Gale, L.-Cpl. W. J., King's College School
Gale, W. P., King Alfred's
Gall, Gnr, W. J. R., George Watson's .

Gal-Ladeveze, Lieut. F., King's, Bruton

Gandy, Lieut. E. S., Epsom
Gard, Lieut. H. A. E., Dorchester
Gardiner, Capt. A. J., Dover .

. .
. ..
. ..

Gardiner, 2nd Lieut. E. A., Louth . , . 106
Garrett, Capt. R. J. C, Bedford . . .
Garrod, Lieut. H. G., City of London . . . . 31
Garside, 2nd Lieut. T. O., Dulwich . . .
Gaskin, 2nd Lieut. P. E., Nottingham High . . iig
Gass, Capt. G. I., Ellesmere . . . . . . . 50
Gately, Lieut. V. H., Derby . . . . . 42
Geary, Lieut. B. H., Forest . . . . . . . 62
Geary, 2nd Lieut. F. C., 5/. S^es .. .. .. 146
Gemmell, Capt. K. T., Tonbridge . . . 172
Gemmell, Capt. K. T., Mt7/ Wt// .. .. ..114
Gentle, Lieut. W., George Heriot's . . . 65
Gerrard, Ma,].K.F., George Watson's. .. ..66
GiBB, L.-Cpl. A. J., George Watson's . . . . 68
Gibbon, Lieut. -Col. W. D., Dulwich . . . .
Gibson, 2nd Lieut. G. F., King Edward's B'ham. .
Gibson, Lieut. H. H., Rossall . . . . . 135
Gibson, Spr. N., Taunton . . . . . 170
GiFFARD, Maj. W. L., West Buckland . . . 185
GiLLARD, Sig. S. C, Forest . . . . . . . 62
Gillett, Lieut. G. H., All Hallows . . . .
GiLLiLAND, Gnr. G., i?.G. 5., LaMC«s/e;'. ,. .. 140
Gladstone, Lieut. C. A., Eton. . . . •
Glasgow, Lieut. G., Emanuel . . . . . 51
Gledhill, Capt. W. G., Woodbridge .. .. .. 195
GoDDARD, Lieut. F. W., Winchester . . . 192
Godfrey, Lieut. J. B. D., King Edward VII.. . 90
GooDACRE, R.S.M. C. A., Grimsby . . .
Goodwin, Maj. F. S., EmaMifg/. .. .. . .. 51
Goodwin, Maj. H. S., Christ's Hospital . . 30
Goodv/yn, P<e. P. W., Loretto . . . . . • 105
GooLDEN, Lieut. R. O., 5^ Peter's . . . 157
Gordon, 2nd Lieut. E. B., Lancing . . . loi
Gordon, Maj. J., George Heriot's . . . . 63
GouGH, Lieut. -Col. H. P. B., Oakham. . . . . . 120
Gould, Pte. G., Ellesmere . . . . . 50
Gow, 2nd Lieut. A. S. F., f/ow. .. .. .-57
GowER, 2nd Lieut. L. C, Cranleigh . . .
Grace, Lieut. J. F., Eton . . . . • 56
Graham-Brown, Capt. G. F., Monkton Combe . 116
Gray, Capt. G., Cheltenham . . . . . 27
Greaves, Dvr. D., Forest . . . . . 62

. ... ..

Green, Maj. G., Christ's Hospital

Green, Cpl. H., Manchester
Green, 2nd Lieut. H. E. B., Nottingham High
Green, 2nd Lieut. W., Aldenham
Greenstreet, 2nd Lieut. J. W., Denstone
Griffith, Capt. W. S. B., Uppingham
Griffiths, Lieut. D. H., Manchester
Grime, Pte. A. G., King's, Grantham
Grundy, Lieut. A. G., Repton .

Grundy, Lieut. G. E., Haileybury

Grundy, Lieut. J., Repton
GuDGiN, Lieut. S. H., King's, Bruton
GuiLLEBAND, Licut. H. L., Rossall
Guise, 2nd Lieut. E. S., Handsworth
GuRNHiLL, Lieut., Forest
Gurrey, Maj. P., Dartford

Habershon, 2nd Lieut. S. H., Uppingham

Hacking, Capt. E. M., Aldenham
Hadland, 2nd Lieut. R. C, Ardingly. .

Hadland, Maj. S. A., Cranleigh

Haig-Brown, Lieut.-Col. A. R., Lancing
Haines, Lieut. F. P., The Leys.
Hainworth, 2nd Lieut. A. D., King's, Warwick
Haldane, 2nd Lieut. J. O., Merchiston Castle
Hale, Capt. E. N., Uppingham
Hale, 2nd Lieut. H. E., Cranleigh
Hales, Capt. A. J. S. H., Radley
Hall, Rev. B. P., Worksop
Hall, Lieut. C. S., Eastbourne .

Hall, Rev. W., Radley.

Hallam, Capt. S. G., Tonhridge
Halse, 2nd Lieut. L. W., Dean Close . .

Hambleton, Dk. Hand F. G., Cambridge &

Hamill, Tpr. M. W., Reading.
Hamilton, Capt. G., George Heriot's .

Hammerton, Lieut. J., Wellington

Hammick, Capt. D. LI., Gresham's
Hammond, 2nd Lieut. N. W., St. Edward's
Hampton, 2nd Lieut. W. O., Ardingly.
Hanson, Capt. J., Mill Hill .

Hardie, 2nd Lieut. A., George Heriot's

. .. ... .

Hardie, Lieut. J. A., George Heriot's . . . 64
Harding, Lieut. J. B., Forest.. .. .. ..62
Hardman, Capt. A., King Edward VII. . . 90
Hardy, Lieut. F., King Edward's, Bath . . 92
Hardy, Ma.]. H.H., Rugby .. .. .. .. 142
Hare, 2nd Lieut. A. B., George Watson's . . . 66
Hare, Sgt. E., George Heriot's. . . . . 66
Harley, Capt. T. R., St. Albans . . . • •
Harley, Lieut. T. R., King's Coll. Sch. . •
Harm AN, Tpr. A. W., Wellington School . . 184
Harua-s, Ma], Queen Mary's ..
li. A., .. .. 125
Harper, Lieut. V. M., Campbell . . . 24
Harper, Rev. W, E., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne .. 142
Harre, Capt. R. W., Mill Hill 114
Harries, Rev. E. C, West Buckland . . . 185
Harris, 2nd Lieut. R. A., Kelly . . . 88
Harris, Lieut. W. B., Lancing. . . . . 100
Harrison, Capt. B. C., Sedbergh . . . 159
Harston, Capt. F. N., i?ac^/^jy. .. .. ..128
Hartland, Cpl. R. W., Ellesmere . . . 50
Harvey, Pte. B. M., Wellington School . . 184
Harvey, Pte. F. E. E., Cambridge C. & . . 23
Hastings, Lieut. G. W., Solihull . . . 166
Haswell, 2nd Lieut. P., Giggleswick . . .. ..70
Hawcridge, Cpl. R. S., Manchester .. .. .. iii
Hawes, Lieut. E. H., Rossall . . . . . . . 136
Hawkesworth, Maj. C. E. M., Rugby . . .
Hawkey, 2nd Lieut. H. S., Portsmouth . . 124
Hawkins, Lieut. A. G., Eastbourne . . . . . 46
Hayes, Capt. & Bt.-Maj. J. H., The Leys . . . . 171
Headlam, Lieut. G. E., Oratory . . . . . 121
Headlam, Lieut. G. W., Eton . . . . . 56
Heald, Capt. B., Epsom . . . . • •
Heale, Rev. T. W., Clifton . . . . .
Heard, Maj. N., Newcastle High .. .. .. 117
Heathcote, Bdr. A., Manchester . . . . . . iii
Heaton, 2nd Lieut. R. B., Chigwell . . . . . 28
Hedgecock, 2nd Lieut. A. T., i^fli/ej/. .. .. 128
Hedley, Rev. P. F., Hurstpierpoint . . . . 83
Hemingway, C. S., N.E. County .. .. ..118
Hemsley, Maj. W. J., Clifton . . . . .
Henderson, Lieut. H. E., Bedford . . .

. ..
.... ...

tiEND'ERSO^, hient. K. M., A rdingly .. .. .. 6
Henderson, Capt. S., Felsted . . . . . 59
Hendrie, Capt. H. A., Bury . . . . . 22
Henerie, Brig.-General J. E. S., Mill Hill . . . 116
Hepple, R. I. D., AT.E. Cown^y. ... .. .. 118
Herbert, Capt. H. B., Berkhamsted .. .. .. 11
Heriz-Smith, Lieut. A. J. C, Victoria . . . i8i
Herman, Capt. G. L., Tonbridge . . . . 172
Hett, Capt. W. S., Brighton . . . . . 18
Heurtley, Maj. W. A., Stony hurst . . . . 167
Hicks, Capt. F. M., Winchester . . . . 192
HiLBOURNE, Lieut. G. M., Handsworth . . . 76
Hill, 2nd Lieut. A. T., Berkhamsted . . . . 11
Hill, 2nd Lieut. E. E. St, L., R.G.S., Worcester . . 198
HiLLiER, Lieut. G., West Buckland . . . . 184
Hillingsworth, Capt. J. H., Harrow. . • • 79
HiLLYARD, Lieut. T. G., Christ's Hospital . . . 30
Hilton, Lieut. H., Leeds . . . . . 102
Hind, 2nd Lieut. J., Cranhrook . . • • 35
Hindle, Capt. E., The Leys . . . . . 172
HiNDMARSH, Lie^ut. H. H,, R.G.S., ewcastle-on-Tyne 141
Hirst, 2nd Lieut. F. E., Uppingham .

HiTCHiNGS, Capt. O. T., Bridlington .

HoARE, Lieut.-Col. E. G., Monkton Combe

Hodges, Lieut. C. S., Felsted .

HoDGES, Capt. H. A., Tonbridge

Hodgkinson, Capt. J., Newcastle High
Hodgson, 2nd Lieut. E., Bradfield
Hodgson, 2nd Lieut. H., Sherborne
HoFFMEisTER, Capt. C. E., Brighton .

HoGGARTH, 2nd Licut. A. H. G., Churcher's

Holden, Capt. N. V., Manchester
Holdgate, Lieut. W. W.. Sutton Valence
Hollingworth, L., Dean Close
Holman, Maj. F., Hymer's
Hood, Capt. G. F., Nottingham High . .

Hoole, 2nd Lieut. B., Bloxham

Hooper, 2nd Lieut. R. J., Reigate
Hope, 2nd Lieut. P., Dulwich .

Hope, 2nd Lieut. V., St. Edward's

Hope-Jones, Capt. W., Eton .

Hopkins, Maj. T. H. C, Berkhamsted.

. .

Hopper, Capt A. N., King's, Grantham
HoRNSBY- Wright, Lieut. -Col. G. J., Felsted
HoRSLEY, Capt. S. S., St. Edmund's
HoRTON, Capt. E. F., Weymouth
Hose, Capt. H. F., Dulwich
Hough, Lieut. J. S., Oundle . .

Houghton, Capt. C. E. J., Woodbridge

Houseman, Lieut. J. B., Bridlington .

Howard, Pte. C. H., Taunton .

Howard, 2nd Lieut. J. P., Rossall

Howard, 2nd Lieut. J. P., Mill Hill .

Howard, 2nd Lieut. J. P., Shrewsbury

Howard, Lieut. J. R. E., Forest
Howarth, 2nd Lieut. H., Wellington.
HowsoN, Lieut. H. E. E., Eton. .

Hudson, Lieut. A. W., Fettes . .

Hudson, Capt. C. H., Bedford Modern.

Hudson, Capt. T. H., St. Edmund's .

Hughes, Capt. H., King's, Worcester .

Hughes, Capt. O. S., Wellington School

Hughes, Lieut. T. G., Uppingham
Hughes-Games, Capt. J. B., Forest
Hull, 2nd Lieut. R., Stony hurst
HuMBY, Capt. H. R., King's, Worcester
Hume, Capt. D. B. M., King's, Bruton
Hunt, Lieut. E. G., 5^. Albans. .

Hunt, Capt. F. R. W., Cheltenham

Husband, Capt. J., Kirkcaldy..
HusKiNSON, Capt. A. W., Denstone
HuTCHiNGS, Capt. C. E., Reading
Hylton-Stewart, Lieut. B. D., Haileybury

IcELY, Capt. H. E. M., Bromsgrove

Imlay, 2nd Lieut. A. D., Clifton
Ince, Lieut. S. R., King Edward's, Bath
Ingham, Sgt. W., Felsted
Inglis, Lieut. -Col. R., St. Dunstan's .

Ingram, Capt. C. W., St. John's

Ingram, Maj. F. M., Shrewsbury
Irvine, Capt. A. L., Charterhouse
Irwin, Rev. F., Stonyhurst

.. .

Jackson, Lieut. H. A., Winchester 193
Jacob, 2nd Lieut. F., Felsted . 60
Jacob, Lieut. L., Bloxham 13
Jago, Lieut. E. O., King Edward's, Bath 92
James, Maj. E. M., Oratory 121
James, Capt. E. S. P. K., Merchant Taylors' III
James, Rev. P. E., Durham 45
James, Lieut. R. F., Wellingboro' 182
James, 2nd Lieut. T. M., Sutton Valence 169
Jameson, Capt. H. P., Eastbourne 46
Jamieson, Lieut. J. R., Kirkcaldy 100
Jarratt, Capt. F. L., Bedford Modern, .
Jenkins, 2nd Lieut. G. R., Dean Close. .
Jenkins, Sgt. W. F., Hertford .
Jenkyns, Lieut.-Col. S. S., Repton 132
Jepson, Capt. R. W., Liverpool College. 103
Jerwood, Rev. F. H., Oakham. 121
JocE, Lieut. J. B. D., Haileybury 75
Johns, 2nd Lieut. C. W. S., Monkton Combe 116
Johnson, Capt. A. C, Sir R. Manwood's 165
Johnson, Lieut. J. B., Uppingham 179
Johnston, Capt. R. St. G., St. Columba's 146
Johnstone, 2nd Lieut, F., Manchester no
Johnstone, Capt. R. C. S., Cranleigh, 37
JoLLiFFE, 2nd Lieut. J. E. A., St. Bees. 146
Jones, L.-Cpl. A. E., Reigate . 131
Jones, Lieut. A. M., St. Paul's. 155
Jones, Capt. B. C, Radley 128
Jones,Lieut.-Col. C. H., Uppingham, 175
Jones,Capt. C. J., Mill Hill . 114
Jones,Lieut. E., Bradford 16
Jones,2nd Lieut. J., Wellingboro' 183
Jones,Pte. L. B. C, Christ's Hospital. 30
Jones, Lieut. LI. J., Whitgift . 188
Jones,Capt. M., Solihull 166
Jones,Capt. T. F., R.G.S., Guildford 137
Jones,Lieut. W. H., Mill Hill. 115
Jordan, 2nd Lieut. J. W., Hillhead 81
JoYNER, Capt. C. B., Felsted .

Kay, Lieut. A. S., Sedbergh 158

Keeble, Lieut. C, F. A., Sedbergh 158


Keep, Capt. G. R.. Ardingly 5
Keeton, 2nd Lieut. G. H., Reading . . . . . 130
Keith, Lieut. W. S., George Heriot's . . . • . 65
Kemble, Lieut. -Col. H. H., Charterhouse . . . 24
Kemp, Lieut. F, J., Clifton . . . . . • • 33
Kempson, Maj, E. W. E., Rugby . . . . . 142
Kempston, 2nd Lieut. N. C, Rossall . . . • . 136
Kendall, Rev. H. E., Rossall . . . . . . . 136
Kehbai.l, Kev.H. K., Shrewsbury .. .. .. 164
Kenion, Lieut. T. D., AT. £". CoMM/iy .. .. .. 118
Kennard, Capt. J. W. Nottingham High.
L., . . 119
KBTSHiBLJ^Y, Cpl. ]., Manchester .. .. .. iii
Kennington, 2nd Lieut. S., Lancing.. .. .. loi
Kent, Lieut. H. G., Harrow . . . . . . . . 78
Kentish-Wright, Capt. O., Gresham's . . . 72
Ker, Lieut. R. A., Malvern . . . . . . . 107
Kerr, Capt. H. B., George Heriot's . . . • • 63
Kerr, Lieut. H. J. A., Bournemouth . . . . . 14
Kerry, Capt. A. H. G., i?arf/d>/ 128
Ketterer, Rev. F., Beaumont. . . . . . . 7
Key, Rev. W. T., Framlingham . . . . . 63
Kindersley, Capt. R. S., £^ow. .. .. . ..56
King, 2nd Lieut, J. A., Kirkcaldy . . . . . 99
King, Lieut. P. B., St. Peter's . . . . . . . 157
King, Rev. S., Loretto . . . . . . . . . 105
King, 2nd Lieut, W,, Manchester . . . . . iii
Kingham, 2nd Lieut. B, V., Oundle . . . . . 122
KiNMAN, Maj. G. W., Hertford 77
Kipping, Lieut. C. S., Weymouth . . . . . 186
Kirk, Capt. L, C, Leeds. . . . . . . . . 102
KiRKBY, Capt, W. H., King Edward's, Birmingham . . 93
Kitchener, Lieut, E, E,, Whitgift . . . . . 188
Kitchin, Capt, A, E., Shrewsbury . . . • • 163
Kitching, Capt. A. F., Monkton Combe . . . 116
Kittermaster, Capt. A, N. C, Dulwich . • • 43
Kittermaster, Rev. D. B., Harrow . . . • • 79
Kittson, Lieut. E. C, Manchester . . . . . iii
Knight. Lieut. C, R.G.S., Guildford 138
Knight, 2nd Lieut. T. H., Wilson's . . . . . . 189
Knight- Adkin, Capt. ].ll.. All Hallows . . . 3
Knight- Adkin, Capt. J. H., Imp. Service . . . 86
Knowles, Lieut. S., Tonbridge .. .. • • I73

. ...

Lagden, Capt. R. O., Harrow .
Lake, 2nd Lieut. E. D. C, Charterhouse 24
Lamb, Lieut. G. J.. Cranleigh . 36
Lamb, Lieut. G. J.. Reigate 131
Lamb, Lieut. J., Wolverhampton 194
Lamonby, Pte. H., King's College School 95
Lancaster, 2nd Lieut. E. T,, St. Paul's 155
Langdale, 2nd Lieut. E. G., Oakham . 120
Langdon, Lieut. P. G., Bedford Modern 9
Langley, Lieut.-Comdr. A. S., King Edward' B'ham 93
Langley, Capt. E. T., King Edward's, Bath 92
Langley, Maj. O. R., Clifton .
Lank, Cpl. E. W., R.G.S., Guildford . 138
Latham, Capt. and Brevet-Maj. P. H., Haileyhury 74
Latter, Capt. A., King's, Canterbury . . 96
Lawrence, L.-Cpl. F. W., Bournemouth 14
Leaf, Capt. F. A,, Harrow 79
Lee, 2nd Lieut. A., King Edward's, Birmingh am 93
Lee, Lieut. -Col. H., Eton 57
Lee, Capt. H, F., Epsom 53
Lee, 2nd Lieut. H. V., Hurstpierpoint . 82
Lee-Harrison, Lieut. -Col. G., Mill Hill 114
Legge, Lieut. R. J., King's College School 94
Leggett, Maj. H, A., Nottingham High 119
Legh, Capt. A. H., Berkhamsted 12
Le Harivel, Pte. P. C. G., George Watson's 68
Leigh, Capt. P. L., Liverpool College 102
Leighton, Lieut. W., Bristol . . 20
Lemmey, Capt. F. G., Loretto . 104
Lempriere, Capt. L. R., Haileyhury 75
Lennie, Pte. R. M., George Watson's 68
Lester, Capt, E. C, Eastbourne 47
L'estrange, Capt. P. H., Malvern 108
Lewis, Capt. W,, Bristol 19
Lewis, Sgt. W., Handsworth .
LiDDLE, Capt. G. E.. King Alfred's 89
LiDDLE, Lieut. H. W,, King Edward VII 91
Line, Cpl. W. R. A., Ardingly . 6
LiNNELL, Lieut. C. D., St. John's
Lissant, Capt. S. P., Epsom .
Little, Lieut.-Col. A. W., R.G.S Newcastle-on-Tyne 140
Little, Capt. C. W., Winchester . 191 .

Little, Lieut. E. W., Bournemouth
LiTTLEjOHN, Pte. E. S., Sutton Valence
Littler, Lieut. H. D., Liverpool College
LiTTLEWooD, 2nd Lieut. A., Dean Close
Lloyd, Pte. R., Bradford
Lloyd, Lieut. W. R., Haileybury
Lloyd-Baker, Maj. A. B. L., Cheltenham
Lloyd-Jones, Maj. I. G., Uppingham.
Lob, Lieut. H., Manchester
Lock, Rfm, J. B., King Edward VII..
LocKHART, 2nd Lieut. J. H. B., Rugby.
LocKHART, Capt. T. T. R., George Watson's
LocKTON, Lieut. J. H., St. Dunstan's .

LocKYER, Pte. S. H., Merchiston Castle

Logan-Ramsey, Lieut. H., Cambridge & C.
LoMAS, Lieut. G. G., Ellesmere.
Long, Pte. E., R.G.S., Lancaster
Lonsdale, Lieut. H., Framlingham
Lovel, 2nd Lieut. W. H., Emanuel
Low, Lieut. D. H., Kelvinside . .

Lowe, Capt. H. St. A., Radley.

Lowe, Lieut. -CoL W. D., Radley
Lowe, Lieut. W. W., Malvern.
Lownds, Lieut. E. H., Wellingboro'
Luce, Capt. A. A., 5^. Columba's
Lugden, Capt. K. A. R., Rossall
LuMB, Maj. R. A., Wellington .

LuMB, Rev. T. W., Merchant Taylors'

LuMBY, Lieut. C. D. R., Berkhamsted.
Lumsden. Cadet A. J., Uppingham
LuTLEY, Pte. C. E., King Edward VII.
Lykes, Lieut. J., Rossall
Lyon, Col. R. E., Malvern
Lyttelton, Lieut. Hon. G. W., Eton

Macbeth, 2nd Lieut. J. D. G., Glasgow Academy

Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. C. L., Merchiston Castle
Macfarland, Capt. R. A. H., Campbell
Macfarlane, Capt. W. N., Portsmouth
Mackay, Rev. H. W., King Edward VII.
Mackenzie, 2nd Lieut. B. S. M., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-
Tyne 141

.... .

Maclean, Maj. J., Hillhead ..

Macnamara, Rev. A., Forest .

Macpherson, Lieut. A. G., Radley

Macrury, Capt. E., Clifton
Madden, Capt. J. G., Merchiston Castle
Madden, Capt. W. H., Campbell
Maddox, Rev. J. D., Ampleforth
Magill, Capt. R., St. Columba's
Makin, Capt. G., Manchester .

Mainprize, Lieut. W. H., King Edward VII.

Main waring, Lieut. C. L., Whitgift .

Mais, Lieut. S. P. B., Tonbridge

Male, Lieut. S. F.,Wellington School.
Malim, Capt. F. B., Haileybury
Mall AM, Lieut. P. P., Hurstpierpoint .
Mallory, Lieut. G. H. L., Charterhouse
Malone, 2nd Lieut. B. A., Beaumont
Malteson, Capt. H. F., Eastbourne
Mandeville, Capt. P., Wolverhampton
Mansell-Moullin, Lieut. O., Dover .

Mansford, Capt. C., Dartford..

Marks, F., N.E. County
Marsden, Capt, H. K., Eton .

Marshall, 2nd Lieut. D., Sedbergh .

Marshall, Lieut. F. H. C, Leeds

Marten, 2nd Lieut. R. G., Plymouth .

Marwood, Rev, R., Ampleforth

Martyn, 2nd Lieut. O., Wellingboro' .

Mason, Lieut. C, S,, Wellingboro'

Mason, 2nd Lieut. E., Eton
Mason, Lieut, G. H., Wolverhampton
Matson, Lieut, A. W., Forest .

Matthew, Pte. A. G,, Sutton Valence .

Matthews, Capt, C. E., Churcher's .

Matthews, Capt. G. E., Hymer's

Matthews, 2nd Lieut. H. N., Clifton .

Matthews, Capt, R,, R.G.S.. High Wycombe

Maude, Lieut. E. R., Dean Close
Mawson, Rev. R, L., Ampleforth
May, 2nd Lieut. H, G., Clifton.
May, Lieut, H. G,, Kelly
May, Lieut. H. G,, Sherborne . .

.. ...

Maybin, Lieut. J. J., George Watson's.

Maynard, Rev. A. C. M., Worksop
Maynard, Capt. H. A., i?ep/0M.
Mayne, 2nd Lieut. A. B., Taunton
Mayne, Rev. A. S., King Alfred's
Mayne, Lieut. G. W., Hymer's.
Mayo, Capt. E. A., Beaumont . .

Mayo, 2nd Lieut. M. P., Whitgift

Mayor, Capt. H. B., Clifton .

McAllister, Pte. W., HiUhead

McDonald, 2nd Lieut. C. M., HiUhead
McElwain, Maj. J., HiUhead .

McFarlane-Grieve, Lieut. R. W., Bronisgrove

McInnes, 2nd Lieut. W. M., Cambridge 6- C
McIntosh, 2nd Lieut. A. M., Giggleswick
McKenzie, a., N.E. County .

McKenzie-Rew, Capt. H. G., Worksop

McLellan. Maj. F. R. H.. MiU HiU .

McMinn, Lieut. W., HiUhead .

McNeile, Maj. A. M., Eton

Mead, Capt. G. C. F., Aldenham
Mead, R. G., King Alfred's
Mease, 2nd Lieut. W. A. L., King Edward VII
Medley, Capt. R. P., Felsted .

Meek, Staflf-Sergt. A. W., Wilsons .

Meier, Capt. F. A., Rugby

Meister, Capt. G. C, Sedbergh. .

Meldal, Capt. E., Tonbridge .

Mellersh, Lieut. E. L., Ardingly

Mellor, Capt. J. E., The Leys.
Meo, 2nd Lieut. J., Whitgift ..
Mercer, Lieut. -Col. E. G., Harrow . .

Meredith, Capt. W. M., Framlingham

Merrick, Capt. H., Densione .

Merriman, 2nd Lieut. F. V., St. John's

Merryweather, Maj. C. W., Manchester
Mertens. Capt. R. H. C, Cranleigh . .

Metcalfe, Capt. B. T., Exeter. .

Micklewright, Capt. H. G. F., Whitgift

Milburn, 2nd Lieut. W. H., Framlingham
Millar, 2nd Lieut. J., George Heriot's.
Millard, Lieut. A. G., Felsted.

... .

Miller, Lieut. J., George Watson's

Miller, Maj. J. C., Gresham's.
Miller, Lieut. R. W. R., Haileybury
Mills, Capt. E. J., Cranleigh .

Milne, 2nd Lieut. G., Kirkcaldy

MiNTER, 2nd Lieut. W. H., R.G.S., Newcastle on-Tynt
MiSKiN, Maj. M. J., Oundle
Mitchell, Rev. C. W., Merchant Taylors'
MiTFORD, 2nd Lieut. C. W., Shrewsbury
MoNFRiES, L.-Cpl. J. D. C, Chigwell . .

Montagu, Rev. W. P., Beaumont

Montague- J ONES, Maj. E., St. Albans
Montgomery, Capt. J. E., Felsted
Moon, Capt. A. E., R.G.S., Guildford.
Moore, Lieut. F. R., Cranleigh.
Moorsom, Capt. C. W. M., Harrow
Morgan, Maj. C. LI., Nottingham High
Morgan, Lieut. C, L., Nottingham High
Morgan, Lieut. D. F., St. Edward's .

Morgan, Lieut. F. A., King's, Worcester

Morgan, Lieut. F, A,, Queen Mary's .

Morgan, Capt. I. A., R.G.S., High Wycombe

Morgan, 2nd Lieut. J. S., Berkhamsted
Morgan, Capt. R. B., Whitgift.
Morgan-Owen, Lieut.-Col. M. M., Repton
MoRLEY, Lieut. R. S., Forest . .

MoRRES. Lieut. H. F. M., Eastbourne

Morris, 2nd Lieut. C. C, Sherborne
Morris, Capt. E. M., Whitgift .

Morris. Pte. G. W., Bradford .

Morris, Capt. H. H., R.G.S., Worcester

Morris, Lieut. T. F.. Eton
Morrison, Rev. L., Stony hurst
Mountfort, Capt. C. C, Dean Close .

Mountfort, Capt. C. C, Uppingham.

MowTON, L.-Cpl. W. E., Cambridge &^ C
Muirhead, Lieut. J. A. O., Clifton .

Mules, Capt. F. J., Wellingboro'

MuMFORD, Maj. E. M., Manchester .

Munns, 2nd Lieut. R. D. G., Dover .

Murphy, Sgt. S. H., Kelly

Murphy, Lieut. W. H., St. Columba's.

. . ....
... ....... .

MuTiMER, Cpl. R , Sir R. Manwood's 165

Napier, 2nd Lieut. G. S., ^//Ha/Zows. .. .. 3

Naulet, Lieut. M. F., George Watson's . . . 67
Naylor, 2nd Lieut. W. A., Charterhouse . . . 24
Neville, P.O. F., 5/. Dunstans . . . . • 150
Newberry, Spr. H., Grimsby . . . . • • 74
'Nbwbold, Ma,]. W., Tonbridge. .. . .. .. 173
l>iE'WMA-s,l.ieut. C. F., Hurstpierpoint. .. -.83
Newman, Lieut. G. F., Radley . . . . . . . 127
Newman, 2nd Lieut. J. B., Chigwell . . • • 27
Nicholas, Capt. H., R.G.S., Woro'ster . . . 198
Nicholas, 2nd Lieut. J. S., King Edward VII. . . 91
NiCHOLLS, Lieut. W. H., Hertford . . . . • • 77
Nightingale, Maj. A. D., Oundle . . . . 122
Nightingale, 2nd Lieut. F. L., Dulwich . • • 44
NiSBET, 2nd Lieut. J., G^or^e W^a/sow's .. ..68
NoRBURY, Capt. F. C, Oundle. . . . . . . 122
Norman, Capt. C. W., Ardingly . . . • 5
Norman, Capt. C. W., Worksop 196
Norman, Lieut. R. E., Cranleigh . . • • 37
Norman, Pte. S. G., Handsworth . . • • 77
NoTT, Capt. F. T., Cranleigh . . . . • • 37
NuTTALL, 2nd Lieut. J., Bloxham . . . . 13

Oakford. Bdr. S. C, Bristol 20

OATE-i^, W. Merchiston Castle.
S., .. . ..113
Oberhoffer, Pte. G. H. J., Uppingham . . . 179
, Odgers, Lieut. F. W., Rugby . . . . . ••143
Ogilvy, Pte. A. W. Sedbergh i59
Ogle, Lieut. F., Denstone . . . . • . . 41
Oglethorpe, Capt. H. C, King's College School . 94
O'Hanlon, Capt. G., Sherborne . . . . - • 160
O'Uea, Lieut. I. ]., Stony hurst 167
O'Leary, Pte. A. P., Loretto 105
Oldham, 2nd Lieut. J. B., Shrewsbury . . . • 164
Oldham, Pte. J. H., Ardingly . . . . . . • • 6
Olive, Lieut. G. W., Otiw£^/e 123
Olley, Lieut. S. J., OMMd/e 123
Ormrod, Lieut. G., Maidstone. .. .. . •• 107
Orwin, Capt. J. M., Hymer's . . . . • . • • 84
Overend, Maj. F. L., Queen Mary's . . . . . . 125

?25 Q
... ..

OvEY, Maj. D., Eton

Owen, Pte. C. H., R.G.S., Lancaster . .

Owen, Lieut. R. H., Uppingham

OxLAND, Lieut. C. H., Wellingboro'

Packard, 2nd Lieut. E. W. S., Sedbergh

Page, Lieut. H. A., Nottingham High
Page, Capt. M. S., Tonbridge . .

Paine, Capt. W. L., Whitgtft .

Palmer, Sgt, F. P., Plymouth .

Palmer, Lieut. T. T., Dorchester

Pardoe, Lieut. R. H., Handsworth
Parker, Capt. H. A. M., Bristol
Parkes, Lieut. C. W., Merchant Taylors'
Parkinson, Rev. C. T., Giggleswick
Parkinson, Lieut. W., Edinburgh
Parnell-Smith, Capt. W., Victoria
Parr, 2nd Lieut. E. M. M., Clifton
Parr, Lieut. H. W. M., Clifton. .

Parsons, Maj. J., Berkhamsted

Parsons, Lieut. J. R., Epsom . .

Partington, Capt. J. B., St. Edward's

Partridge, Capt. C. H., St. Dunstan's
Partridge, Capt. H. W., Gresham's
Pascoe, Lieut. H. G., Worksop
Passant, Rev. E. J., The Leys.
Pastfield, Lieut. G., Bloxham
Paterson, L.-Cpl. H., George Heriot's
Patterson, 2nd Lieut. J. B., Merchant Taylor
Patterson, 2nd Lieut. R. F., Christ's Hospital
Paul, Lieut.-Col. C. T. S., Rossall
Payne, Capt. C. E., Clifton
Payne, 2nd Lieut. H. R.G.S., Worcester
Peachell, Capt. G. P., Rossall
Peacock, Lieut. G. H., Eastbourne
Peacock, Maj. M. R., Kelly
Pearce, Capt. H. K., Brighton.
Pearse, Lieut.-Col. S. A., Stonyhurst .

Pearson, Maj. A. H., St. Paul's

Pearson, 2nd Lieut. F. R., George Watson's
Pearson, Col. R. F., Cheltenham
Peck, C.S.M. W. H., Bedford Modern .


Peel, Lieut. B. L., Edinburgh .
Peel, 2nd Lieut. D. H., Rossall 135
Peers, 2nd Lieut. E. A., Felsted 60
Pelling, Rev. S. B., Berkhamsted 12
Penn, 2nd Lieut. C. D., City of London 32
Penny, Capt. A. O. V., Kelly . .
Penny, Capt. G. S., St. Paul's .
Perkins, Lieut. R. M., George Herioi's 64
Perry, Rev. H. C, Bedford . 8
Pestle, Capt. H. P., EUesmere. 49
Petrie, Capt. F. E., Durham .
Petty, Lieut. -Col. W., Edinburgh 47
Philip, Gnr. G., George Watson's 68
Phillips, Maj. C. M., Ipswich .
Phillips, Capt. G. W., Bristol . 21
Phillips, Lieut. G. B., Maidstone 106
Phillips, Capt. J. L., 5/. Paul's 156
Phillips, Res. R. H., EUesmere 50
Phillips, Lieut. S. R. E., N.E. County 117
Phillips, 2nd Lieut. W. R., R.G.S., Lancaster 139
PiCKARD, Maj. H., Framlingham 62
PiCKFORD, Maj. P. P., Sutton Valence 168
Pickles, Capt. A., Haileybury . .
PiCTON, 2nd Lieut. T., St. Paul's 15.5
Pierce, Rev. C. F., Cranbrook .
Pierce, Capt. H. W., Edinburgh 48
PiGG, Maj. C. H., Cheltenham . . 26
PiGGOTT, Capt. G. H. O., Churchsr's 30
Pilcher, Pte. K. R., St. Lavurence 154
Pink, Capt. H. S., Wellingboro' . 182
Plant, Lieut. W. P., Dartford . 38
Platnauer, Lieut. M., Winchester 193
Plum, Lieut. H. V., Kelly 87
PococK, Lieut. H. B. I., Hurstpierpoint 83
Podmore, Lieut. -Col. H., Rugby 142
Poirier, Lieut. R. L., Emanuel 52
Pollard, 3rd A.M.N. W., R.G.S., NewcastL'-ofi Tynt 142
Pollard, 2nd Lieut. W. M. N., Denstone 40
Poole, Lieut. D. H., King's, Canterbury 96
Poole, Cpl. J., EUesmere 50
Poole, Maj. R. H., Bradfield .. 15
Poor, Lieut. J., R.G.S., Guildford 138

..... .

Porch, Lieut. R. B., Malvern .

Porter, Lieut. C. J., Whitgijt .

Porter, Pte. F. S., Charterhouse

Porter, Capt. H. E. L., Radley
Potts, Capt. and Brevet-Maj. C, Manchester
Potts, 2nd Lieut. F. A., The Leys
Pound, Capt. J. R., Shrewsbury
Poutet, 2nd Lieut. W. G., St. Columha's
Powell, Lieut.-Col. E. W., Eton
Powell, 2nd Lieut. T. G., Ipswich
Powell, Lieut. W. H,, West Buckland .

Powers, Capt. C, St. Edmund's

Pratte, Maj. W. S., Grimsby .

Price, 2nd Lieut. C. R., Wellington School

Price, 2nd Lieut. R., Rossall ,

Primavesi, Rev. A. F., Amplejorth

Prior, Sgt. A., King Edward VII.
Prior, Capt. E. F., Eton
Proctor, Capt. R. G., King Edward VII.
Pryce-Jones, 2nd Lieut. A. G., Dulwich
PuGH, Lieut. G. v., Hymer's
PUGH, Sgt.-Instr. R. W. B., Chigwell
Pullein-Thompson, Capt. H, J., King's College School
Pullinger, Capt. H. R., St. Paul's
PuLLiNGER, Capt. S. R., Oakham
Punton-Smith, Rev. S. P., Rossall
Purser, Lieut. F. D., Haileybury
Purvis, Lieut. J. S., Cranleigh.
Puttock, 2nd Lieut. M. A., Lancing
Pye, Lieut. D. R., Winchester .

Pytches, Capt. G. J., The Leys

Quick, Rev. E. K., Giggleswick.

Quigley, Lieut. J. H., Victoria
Quirk, Rev. R., Winchester

Radwell, Maj. J., Churcher's.

Ralph, Lieut. H. W., Stonyhurst
Rambaut, Rev. G. M., Shrewsbury
Rand, Capt. H. M., Hymer's .

Randall, 2nd Lieut. F. P., Portsmouth

Ratcliffe, 2nd Lieut. A. V., Framlingham


Kawes, Lieut. P. L., Berkhamsted .. .. ..12
Raymer, Lieut. -Col. R. R., Clifton . . . . . 32
Rayner, Lieut. R. M., Mill Hill 115
Rayner-Wood, Lieut. -Col. A. C, Eton . . . 56
Raynor, Capt. K., Uppitigham .. .. .. 177
Reade, 2nd Lieut. J. A. D., St. Edmund's . . . 150
Reed, Rev. C. H., The Leys . . . . . . . . 172
Reed, Maj. H, L., Wesiminsler .. .. .. 185
Reed, 2nd Lieut. H. W. T., Chel'enham . . . 27
Reed, Lieut. H. W. T., King's, Worcester . . . 99
Reed, Lieut. L. H. B., St. John's . . . . . 153
2nd hient.M., Cranleigh.
'R¥,ES, .. . .. ••37
Rees, Maj. R. A. T., Dulwich . . . . . 43 . • •

Rees, 2nd Lieut. W. S., R.G.S., N ewcastle-on-Tyne 141 . .

Reeve, 2nd Lieut. G. T., Bridlington.. .. .. 18

Reid, Capt. C. J., Haileybury . . . . . 74 . .

Reid, Capt. F. W., Glasgow Academy. . . 70 . .

Reid, Capt. J. A., Sedbergh . . . . .159 . • •

Reid, Capt. J. G., Cheltenham.. .. .. ..27

Renwick, Lieut. J. E., Liverpool College .. .. 103
Rew, Maj. H. F., Worksop .. .. .. .. 196
Rew, Capt. H. H., Worksop . . . . . . . . 197
Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. B., Liverpool College . . • • 103
Reynolds, Lieut. C. E. W., Cheltenham . . • • 27
Rhead, 2nd Lieut. G. F., King's College School . .
Rhys, lieut. B., Bromsgrove . . . . . . . 21
Rich, Capt. C. O., King Alfred's . . . . . 89
Richard, Capt. F. L., Hillhead . . . . . 80
Richards, Lieut. D. S., Reading . . . . . 130
Richardson, 2nd Lieut. C. A., St. Bees . . . 146
Richardson, Capt. S. W., ir/ii7^i/^ 188
Richardson, Maj. T. J., Handsworth. . .. .. 76
Riddiough, Capt. S., The Leys. . . . . . . 171
Ridgeway, Lieut. N. V., Tonbridge . . . . . . 172
Riding, Lieut. G. A., Mill Hill. . . . . . • • 115
Ridley, Capt. M. R., Clifton . . . . . . • • 33
Rieu, Pte. H., Merchant Taylors' . . . • . 113
RiNTOUL, Maj. D., C/i/ZoM .. .. .. ••33
Ritchie, Pte. J. B, /^^/vtwsi^*?. . .. .. ..89
RiTSON, Capt. F., Weymouth . . . . . . . 186
Roberts, Lieut. A. B., Uppingham .. .. ••179
Roberts, Lieut. A. J. R., Mill Hill 115

. . ..

l^OBERTs, Maj. C. E., Mevchiston Castle

Roberts, Maj. F. W., Bradfield
Roberts, Maj. F. W., Shrewsbury
Roberts, Capt. H. O., 5^. Bees.
Roberts, Rev. S., Beaumont .

Robertson, Lieut. E. A., Gresham's .

Robertson, Maj. M., Winchester

Robertson, Lieut. R. D., Hillhead
Robeson, Lieut.-Col. F. E., Eton
Robinson, Maj. F. L., Eton
Robinson, Bmdr. J. H., Brighton
Robinson, Pte. N. E., Hurstpierpoint .

Robinson, Capt. P. H., Hertford

Robinson, Rev. T. W., Radley .

Robinson, Lieut. W. de H., Christ's Hospital.

Robson, Lieut. E. I., Felsted . .

Roche, 2nd Lieut. C. H., Tonbridge .

Rock, W.-Schoolmaster. G. E., Sir R. Manwood's

RocKLiFF, Rev. E., Beaumont. .

RoDDA, Sgt. F. S. T., Kelly ..

Rogers, 2nd Lieut. A. H., Bournemouth
Rogers, Hon.-Lieut. J. A. H., Weymouth
Roscoe, 2nd Lieut. A., King Alfred's.
Rose, 3rd Clerk V., 5^. Dunstan's
Ross, Lieut. A. H. T., Sherborne
RossiTOR, Lieut. R. O. C, Portsmouth. .

Round, L.-Cpl. F. H., Charterhouse .

Rowland, Cpl. S. C, Mill Hill.

Rowntree, 2nd Lieut. M., King's, Worcester.
Roxburgh, Lieut. J. F., Lancing
RuDKiNS, Lieut. F. R., Emmanuel .

RuDwiCK, Lieut. J. S., Westminster . .

RuMSEY, 2nd Lieut, H. St. J., Epsom.

RuMSEY, Lieut. H, W. L., Wolverhampton
Ryan, Capt. N., Stony hurst
Ryley, Lieut. H. B., Emanuel. .

Ryrie, Spr. J. S., George Heriot's

Sackville-Lawson, H., Liverpool College

Saddler, Lieut. W., Manchester
Sale, Capt. R., Shrewsbury
Sampson, 2nd Lieut. O. M., Rugby

. ..

Sams, 2nd Lieut. R. A., R.GS., Lancaster
Sanderson, Lieut. G. B., Malvern
Sansford, Maj. F. E., St. Albans
Sargent, Pte. M. P., Kelly
Saunders, Naval Instr. A. H., Exeter.
Saunderson, 2nd Lieut. T. E., St. Columha's
Saunderson, 2nd Lieut. W., R.G.S., N ewcastle-on-T
Savage, Lieut. W. A., Sir R. Manwood's
ScHULZE, Pte. D. G., Kelvinside
Scott, Capt. C. E,, King's, Grantham.
Scott, Maj. G. A., George Heriot's
Scott, Lieut. J. C, King Edward VII
Scott,Capt. P. W., Hurstpietpoint
Scott,Capt. W., Berkhamsted. .

Scott-Archer, Lieut. C. E. S., Solihull

Scott-White, Lieut. R., Woodbridge
ScuTT, Lieut. C. A., Repton
Seaford, Lieut. H. J., Cranbrook
Searls, Capt. H., Ellesmere . .

Segar, Lieut. B. G., Emanuel . .

Seidel, C.Q.M.S. C. L.. Wilson's

Selby-Lowndes, 2nd Lieut. E., Dulwich
Selwood, Pte. H. E., R.G.S., N ewcastle-on-Tyne
Selwyn, Rev. E. G., Radley .

Sewell, Capt. F. A. S., Bedford

Sewell, Capt. W, G., Bournemouth . .

Seymour, Maj. H. R., George Watson's

Seymour-Hosley, Capt. F. W., Chigwell
Sharp, Lieut. W. D., Manchester
Shaw, Sgt. A. M., George Watson's
Shaw, Maj. D. P., Westminster
Shaw, Cdt. Cpl. R., Elizabeth
Shaw, Lieut. R. C, Lancing
Shea, Maj. R. P., Uppingham
Shearme, Capt. J. S., Repton
Shears, Capt. F. S., Chigwell
Sheepshanks, Lieut.-Col. A. C, Eton
Shepheard Walwyn, Lieut. R. A., Ardingly
Shepherd, Cpl. D. A. McR., Cranbrook
Shepherd, Capt. F. P., George Watson's
Shepherdson, Lieut. J. F., The Leys.
Sheppard, Maj. G., Bradfield ..

.... ..

Shera, Capt. F. H., Bradfield .

Shera, Capt. F. H., Malvern . .

Shrewsbury, Lieut. J. H., Grimsby .

Shute, 2nd Lieut. H. A., Reading

Shute, 2nd Lieut. H. A., R.G.S., Newcastle-on Tyne.
Sills, Maj. T. B., Bradfield .

Simon, Lieut. N., Liverpool Inst.

Simpson, Lieut. A. H., Tonbridge
Simpson, Capt. H. B., Wellinboro'
Simpson. 2nd Lieut. J. H., Rugby
Sims, Lieut. W., Hurstpierpoint
Sinclair, Capt. J. G., Ellesmere
Skene, Capt. W. L. W., St. Columba's.
Shilling, Capt. S. R., Hillhead.
Skinner, Maj. F. T., King Edward's, Bath
Skinner, Maj. F. T., Portsmouth
Slater, Capt. E. V,, Eton
Sleigh, Capt. G. B., Forest
Sleigh, Lieut. J. H., Bury
Sloley, 2nd Lieut. R. W., Liverpool College
Sloman, Capt. H., Cambridge S' C.
Sloman, Lieut. H. N. P., Radley
Smale, Sig. W. R., Radley
Small, R.S.I. R.E., Uppingham
Smart, Lieut.-Col. F. W. B., Charterhouse
Smart, Rev. J. R., Tonbridge .

Smith, Capt. A., Dean Close

Smith, Capt. A. H. T., Ardingly
Smith, Lieut. A. J., Rugby
Smith, Capt. A. M., Nottingham High . .

Smith, Lieut. B. A., Tonbridge.

Smith, Lieut. E. W., Grimsby .

Smith, Lieut. G. E., Wilson's .

Smith, Pte. H. A., Ellesmere

Smith, Lieut. H. C. L., King's, Worcester
Smith, 2nd Lieut. J. G., Bromsgrove .

Smith, Lieut. J. L., Denstone .

Smith, Lieut. L. C, St. Paul's .

Smith, Capt. L. E., Bloxham .

Smith, Capt. L. E., Worksop .

Smith, 2nd Lieut. L. I., Bradford

Smith, Maj. M. V., N.E. County

.. . ..

Smith, Sgt. R. L., George Heriot's 65

Smith, Capt. V. N., Gresham's .
Smith, Capt. W. G., Cranbrook. 35
Smith, Capt. W. L., St. Columba's 148
Snape, Capt. H. J., Repton 133
SopwiTH, 2nd Lieut. S. S., Shrewsbury . 163
Southern, Lieut. A. C, Stony hurst . 168
Southern, Lieut. T. A., N.E. County. 118
SouTHERTON, L. C, King's, Grantham. 97
Southwell, Lieut. E, L., Shrewsbury . 162
Southwell, Lieut. F. E. G., Hymer's. . 84
Southwell, Lieut. P. H. G., 5^. Dunsian's 149
SowERBUTTS, Lieut. J. A., Winchester . 193
SowERBUTTS, 2nd Licut. R., Worksop. 196
Spark, Lieut. S. H., Emanuel . . 51
Spark, Lieut. S. H., King's College School 94
Sparling, 2nd Lieut. H, P., Gresham's 71
Speakman, Lieut. L. A., Haileybury .
Spencer, Lieut. A., Wellingboro' 183
Spilsbury, Capt. A. J., City of London 31
Spivey, Capt. J. H., Bury 22
Sprott, Capt. M. W. C, Victoria 181
Squire, Maj. C. E., Lancing . 100
Squire, Lieut. S. G., Oundle . 123
Stafford, Lieut. F. J., Manchester no
Stanley, Capt. C. M., Kelly 88
Stansfield, 2nd Lieut. H. W., Plymouth 123
St. Cedd. C.S.M. S. W., Wilson's 190
Stedman, D. C, Wilson's 190
Stenner, Capt. C. L. R., Bridlington . . 17
Stephen, 2nd Lieut. F. C., Merchant Taylors 113
Stephenson, 2nd Lieut. J. L. L, Bedford 9
Sterndale-Bennett, Maj. R., Uppingham 178
Stevens, Lieut. G. H., Wellingboro' 182
Stevenson, Capt. F. P., Radley 127
Stewart, Rev. R. H. J., Stony hurst 168
Stewart, Capt. G., Hillhead . 82
Stickland, Capt. J. R., St. Paul's 156
Stidwell, 2nd Lieut. J., Cranbrook 35
Stileman, Capt. D. C. G., Epsom 53
Stinton, Capt. T., King Edward's, Birmingh am 93
Stocks, 2nd Lieut. F. W., Framlingham 63

... ..

Stotts, Rev. C. E., Malvern io8
Strand, 2nd Lieut. A. C, Dean Close . .
Strangeways, Lieut. L. R., Nottingham High 119
Strathairn, 2nd. Lieut. H. W., Merchiston Castle 114
Straughan, Lieut. T. A., Hurstpierpoint 83
Stream, Maj. E. J., Grimsby . .
Streat, Rev. C, Ardingly
Street, Lieut. A. W., King Edward's, Birmingham
Street, Lieut. F., Uppingham.
Strickland, Capt. N., Repton . .

Strong, 2nd Lieut. A. N., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne 140

Stuart-Duncan, Capt. C. H., Loretto .

Sturmer, 2nd CI. A.M., L. P. R., Bournemouth

Summers, Lieut. W. G., Dartford
Sumner, 2nd Lieut. E. J., Cambridge cS" C.
Sumner, Lieut. E. J., Sedbergh. .

Swan, Capt. F. G., Tonbridge .

SwANN, Cdt. A., St. Columba's .

SwEATMAN, Lieut. S. E., Oakham

Swift, Capt. C.T., Lancing
Swindells, 2nd Lieut., Stony hurst
Symes, 2nd Lieut. H., King's, Bruton .

Symo-nhs, Csipt. 'N.F., Bedford. .

Syson, Ma,]. A. E., Eton. .

Tachella, Lieut. C. P., St. Columba's.

Talbot, Maj. J., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne . .

Talbot, Lieut. J. W., Dean Close

Tanner, Rev. E. N., Weymouth
Tanqueray, Capt. T., Eastbourne
Tarver, Lieut. J. E.,Worksop. .

Tassell, Maj. D. S. M., Malvern

Tate, Lieut. E. W., Whitgift
Tate, Maj. R. W., St. Columba's
Taylor, Capt. A. R., Dulwich . .

Taylor, 2nd Lieut. C. M. C, Eton

Taylor, Lieut. J., George Heriot's
Taylor, 2nd Lieut. J. A. H., St. Columba's
Taylor, Pte. T. J., Dorchester. .

Taylor, Lieut. W. R., St. Edmund's .

Telfer, Lieut. R. G., Dulwich. .

Tempest, Rev. A., Beaumont .


Tennant, Capt. N. R. D., tiaileybuyy.
Terry, Pte. W. E., Queen Mary's
Tesch, 2nd Lieut. L. R., Cray^leigh
Tesch, C.S.M. L. R., Ardingly . .

Tester, 2nd Lieut. A. F., Sherborne .

Teversham, Cpl. T. F., Giggleswick .

Thetford, 2nd Lieut. C. F., R.G.S., High Wycombe

Thomas, 2nd Lieut. G. J., Trent
Thomas, Capt. L. G., Edinburgh
Thomas, 2nd Lieut. L. M., Ipswich
Thomas, Lieut. T., Haileybiiry . .

Thomas, 2nd Lieut. T. H., Handsworth

Thomas, Capt. W. G., Queen Mary's .

Thompson, Capt. A. R., Berkharnsted.

Thompson, Capt. C. C, Handsworth .

Thompson, Capt. H. F., Charterhouse.

Thompson, W. B., King Edward VII..
Thomson, Maj. J. C, Charterhouse
Thorne, Lieut. H. S., Uppingham
Thornton, A.M. G. P., Cambridge &> C
TiNDALL, Capt. A. S. F., Ardingly
TiNSLEY, Capt. R. P., Bridlington
TiPLADY, 2nd Lieut. H., Bournemouth.
TiREMAN, Capt. L. C, Malvern
Todd, 2nd Lieut. G. H., Sedbergh
Todd, Maj. J. A., George Herioi's
Todd, Lieut. -Col. L., Eton
ToLLEMACHE, Lieut. L. de O., Bradfield
ToLMiE, Pte. W. L., W
hit-gift . .

ToMBLiNG, Lieut. J. H., Shrewsbury

ToMLiNSON, Pte. A. C, Rossall. .

ToMLiNSON, Cpl. W. A., Felsted. .

Tordoff, Capt. B., Eastbourne .

TowNSHEND, Capt. D. R., Rossall

Treble, Capt. J. N., St. Columba's
Treble, Capt. J. N., Wellington School
Trist, Lieut. -Col. L. H., Rossall
Troubridge, Sgt. J. L., City of London
Truelove, 2nd Lieut. H. E., Plymouth
Tryon, Lieut. -Col. G. A., Oundle
Tuck, Lieut. C. H., R.G.S., Lancaster . .

Turner, Capt. F. G Felsted

, .

... . . .

Turner, Lieut L. V., Bristol . 20
Tyler, Capt. H. G., All Hallows 3
Tyndale, Lieut. H. E. G., Winchester 191
Tyne, Maj. S. M., St. Peter's 157
Tyson, 2nd Lieut. R., Bournemouth .
Tytterleigh, Cpl. A. C, Handsworth. 77

Unwin, Lieut. S. R., Louth

Vann, Lieut.-Col. B. H., Wellingboro' .

Vasey, Maj. G. H., Aldenham . .

Vasey, Capt. P. W., King's, Bruton .

Veitch, Lieut. A. G., Wolverhampton .
Vere Hodge, Capt. and Brevet-Maj. H. S., Tonbridg^e 172
Victor, Rev. J., Worksop 197
ViDAL, Capt. L. A., Radley 127
Vincent, Sgt. G. A,, Taunton . . . 170
Wade, Maj. N. H., Reigate 130
Wadmore, Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. M., Aldenham I
Walker, Lieut. G. W. H., Radley 127
Walker, Capt. H. S., Kelvinside 88
Walker, 2nd Lieut. L., Taunton
Walker, 2nd Lieut. W. H. T., Nottingham High
Wall, Capt. T., Cambridge &- C.
Wallace, Capt. D. M., George Heriot's
Waller, Lieut. B. P., Merchant Taylors'
Walling, Capt. E., Leeds
Wallis, 2nd Lieut., Emanuel .

Walsh, Capt, J. N., Gresham's. .

Walters, Lieut. D. J., Haileybury

Walters, 2nd Lieut. F. Y., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne
Wand-Tetley, 2nd Lieut. E. C, Exeter
Wanton, Capt. A. D. B., Edinburgh
Ward, Maj. H., King's, Grantham
Ward, Maj. J. G., Hymer's
Wardlaw, Lieut. E. D. P., St. Edward's
Warren, 2nd Lieut. A. J., St. Albans
Waterhouse, Lieut. G., Manchester
Waters, Capt. G. T., Haileybury
Wathen, Capt. A. R., Bradfield
Watkins, Capt. E. V., Taunton
Watkins, Lieut. H. B., King Edward VII

.. .

Watkins, a.m. L., Gigglesivick.

Watson, Lieut. R. A., Trent .

Watt, Lieut. G. T. C, King's College School

Watts, Lieut. A, H., Solihull .

Watts, Capt. H. L., Felsted ..

Waugh-Robertson, 2nd Lieut. G., George Watson's
Webb, Capt, B., Denstone
Webber, 2nd Lieut. A. C, Aldenham .

Weber, Lieut. W. E.. Mill Hill

Webster, S. H., 5/. Albans
Weech, Maj. W. N., Sedhergh .

Welch, Lieut. J. J., Eastbourne

Weller, Lieut. A. J., Shrewsbury
Weller, Lieut. A. J.. St. Edward's
Wells, Spr. A. P., Ardingly .

Wells, 2nd Lieut. E. L., Hertford

Wells, Capt. F. A., Emanuel
Wells, Lieut. W. D., Chigwell. .

Werner, Capt. C. A., Harrow.

West, Miss Elsa, Uppingham .

West, 2nd Lieut. E. L., Bedford Modern

West, Gnr. G. A., R.G.S., Newcastle-on-Tyne
West, 2nd Lieut. G. H., Bedford Modern
West, Capt. J., Reading
West, 2nd Lieut. J. S., 5/. Columba's
Westbrooke, Sgt. R. G., Hertford
Wheatley, Maj. C. W. C., Epsom
Wheatley, Pte., Nottingham High
Wheeler, Capt. C. N., Liverpool Inst
Whelan, Rev. P. S., St. Columba's
Whitaker, Lieut. R. J., King's, Worcester
Whitaker, 2nd Lieut. R. M. A., 5/. Paul's
White, Lieut. H. L., King Edward VII
White, Lieut. M. G., Shrewsbury
Whitehead, Lieut. J. E., Emanuel
Whitehead, Cpl. T. J., 5/. Dunstan's
Whiteside, Rev. D., Stonyhurst
Whitfield, Rev. J. O., Shrewsbury
Whiting, Capt. T., Liverpool Inst.
Whitley, 2nd Lieut. B. H., Denstone
Whitley, Lieut. B. H., Loretto.
Whitley, 2nd Lieut. B. H., Worksop

.. ..

Whitmore Maj. C. J. R., King Edward's, Birmingham
Whittall, Capt. F. J. G., Bromsgrove .

Whitworth, Lieut. A. W., Eton

Whitworth, Capt. E. E. A., Rugby .

Whitworth, Capt. W. H. A., Lancing.

Wicks, Lieut. A. T., Durham .

Wilderspin, Lieut. B. C, Worksop . .

Wilkinson, Maj. C. H., Eton .

Wilkinson, 2nd Lieut. H., Berkhamsted

WiLLETT, Capt. A. T., Westminster
WiLLETT, Lieut. B. H., Charterhouse .

Williams, Capt. C. a B., Hurstpierpoint

Williams, Sgt. A. J., Taunton. .

Williams, 2nd Lieut. A. S. W., Woodbridge

Williams, Lieut. C. H., Wellinghoro' . .

Williams, Rev. F., Sir R. Manwood's. .

Williams, 2nd Lieut. F. J. H., George Watson

Williams, Capt. F. L., Monkton Combe
Williams, Rev. F. S., Eastbourne
Williams, 2nd Lieut. G., Queen Mary's
Williams, Lieut. G. G., Lancing
Williams, Maj. M. M., Fettes .

Williams, Pte. T. E., Ellesmere

Williamson, 2nd Lieut. A., Berkhamsted
Williamson, Capt. G. H., Oundle
Willis, Pte. G. M. R., Mill Hill
Willis, 2nd Lieut. H. H., Weymouth .

Willis, Lieut. R., Hurstpierpoint

WiLMOT, 2nd Lieut. H. W., St. Columba's
Wilson, Capt. A. K., Derby
Wilson, Capt. A. P., Repton
Wilson, Pte. C. P., Manchester
Wilson, Lieut. E. R., Winchester
Wilson, 2nd Lieut. H. S., Rtigby
Wilson, Sgt. J., George Heriot's
Wilson, Lieut. R. E., Dean Close
W11.SON, l.ieut. T.E,., Ardingly. .

Wilson, Capt. T. W., Repton

Wingham, Lieut. E. G. R., West Buckland
Winsloe, Capt. F., Cranleigh .

WiNSLOE, 2nd Lieut. R. C, Cranleigh

Wolfe, Lieut. B., Woodbridge..

. .

Wood, 2nd Lieut. A. J., Trent. . 165
Wood, Lieut. E., Wilson's 189
Wood, 2nd Lieut. E. H., King Edward's, Birmingham 93
Wood, 2nd Lieut. W. J. C, St. Albans. 144
WooDALL, Lieut. F. E., Oundle. . 122
Woodard, 2nd Lieut. E. A., Durham .
WooDARD, Capt. F. A., Forest . . 61
WooDD, Lieut. G. N., Bury
WooDGATE, 2nd Lieut. H. G., Whitgift 188
Wood-Hill,Lieut. B., King's College School 94
WooD-HiLL,Lieut. B., Radley . 129
WooDHOUSE, Pte. C. L., King's, Grantham 97
WooDHOUSE, Capt. F., Sedbergh 158
WooDLOCK, Rev. F., Beaumont 8
WooDROFFE, Lieut. J. M., Shrewsbury 163
WooDROFFE, Capt. L., Shrewsbury 162
Woods, Lieut. F. A., Denstone. . 41
Woods, Sub-Lieut. F. C, Churcher's 31
WooTTON Capt. H. A., Westminster 186
WoRRALL, Capt. A. H., Victoria 180
WoRSTER, Capt. F. C, St. Paul's 154.
Wright, Capt. A. J., Wellingboro' 181
Wright, Capt. C. C. G., Dulwich 44
Wright, Pnr. C. E., Cambridge &> C. 22
Wright, Naval Instr. R. B., Solihull 166
Wright, Pte. R. J., Billhead . 82
Wright, Maj. R. M., Eton 54
Wright, Capt. R. W., Liverpool College 103
Wyatt-Edgell, Maj. C. S. C, Wolverhampton 194
Wykes, Lieut. P. H., Bradford. . 16
Wyld, Sub-Lieut. R. S. B., Mill Hill . 116
Wynne-Edwards, Capt. J. R., Leeds. 102
Wynne-Wilson, Rev. St. J. B., The Leys 172

Yates, 2nd Lieut. J. S., 5<,. Bees 145

Young, Capt. H. S., Merchiston Castle. 114
Young, Capt. R. A., Eton 55
Younghusband, Lieut. H., Hurstpierpoint 83


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