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. JY ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES BEVERAGE SERVICE AGREEMENT pate__O/ 04 / 2007 Cont Name Satya Department Floor cae z Address 2 Freedom SA oy anda gencleuc Stato Client Contact_—Sh Kron! “Reu de Telephone # ext ever Prower On Rawal Rena Voune Senvee ary "Our Lom ‘Lesse au Pen Mon Pace SEE eae aa es a Saag aig Bes nae ei comico. fame aa: bs neeaiens ae SN cate ene at endl Lio 8 Compact Vena Siig sas gas eases) 5 Retegerator ee yi eee Gl a ay Microwave Oven eae real ae tal a va ent ZG 5.00 Fitton §— Couette aye eee ae oI an nal am gee or era CU) ea Sas Qe Polyvend Sea ane ovata Pieces) S$ Decanters) Pour Pitchers) Warmers) Other z ARAMARK SERVICE PLEDGE: “Installation of equipment by uniformed ARAMARK Professional Service Technician ‘Delivery of products by ARAMARK uniformed Customer Sales and Service Representatives on your regularly schadulod route delvery day. “ARAMARK Customer Sales and Service Representative wil inspect your equipment for cleanliness and exchange your decanters when product is dalivered. ‘Service on your equipment by ARAMARK Service Technician - Guaranteed within twenty-four ours. “A Customer Service and Product Review completed atleast once a year by @ member of your ARAMARK Management Tear. * Your cates prices are guaranteed for a one (1) year period from the date ofthis Agreement, when monthly usage Is maintained at ovals indeat- ‘in he volume per month section of this Agreamnt.Howaver, at any tme during the fxm of this Agreement, nciuding the ist year, the "Green Colfee Bean Index” as published in The Wal Steet Journal increases in any calendar quarter by more than 10%, ARAMARK shal have the ight to increase coffee prices to reflect such incroa ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE BEVERAGE SERVICE AGREEMENT 1. The nial term of his Agreement is for thre years commencing on the [MAPK pursuant this Agreement must be purchased from ARAMARK. dato sot forth abovo, and it hall automatically renew ona year to ear 6. Clot wil not hol ARAMARK rospensiblo for any portonalinuy or is heoatar, unioss terminated by witan nates by ther party nok property damage caused by equpment ‘umished by ARAMARK, Inter than 60 days prior tothe en of th then current term, ‘excopt when such injury or damage Is solely atbutable 1 the neg 2, This agreement may be cancelled by Cit if or any reason Cent is ‘gence of ARAMARK or Its employees. ssatisted wih the level of sorvice Client is experencing, andi ator 7. ARAMARK prices and other charges are based on markt condtions noting ARAMARK, ARAMARK falls to beng the level of Sorvco Up 10 in oestonce on te efectve date ofthis Agroemont. Inthe event cf a ‘Caon’s expectations within 20 days af such natfeton, ‘change in market conaitons, ARAMARK shal have te right to aahist 3, Tile of ll equipment shall remain in ARAMARK at limes during the prices or charges ofc the change in conditions, which adjustments toc of tis Agreement ‘shall bo reflected on Client's invoices. In addon, in the event of an 4, Iruciens wil Be paid in full witin 10 days of Clon cocoipt of the ineroase in the Consumer Price Index ("CPF), ARAMARK chal have Invoico, the night, on an annual basis, ypon 10 days’ notice, to increase pices ‘5. Al products used in connection withthe equipment tuished by ARA- {0 rect such increase inthe CP, Wont KeudeR Shi dec Pani Name Sipatue ‘Acoapted on behalf of Cent by ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SEAVICES, INC. _ Act! Glu boa. (OCS STAND 10196 Resresonaive ‘Accepted on behalf of ARAMARK

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