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1) Public Access
9) Urban
A. Transit/Pedestrian/Water/
Cycling A. Fully connected to the city,
public transit, conforms to
2) Public Use historical street grid, walkable
A. Open spaces fully accessible
year-round. 10) Green & Sustainable
A. LEED certified with goal of
B. Opportunities for community becoming LEED Silver
B. Storm water management
3) No Cost/Low Cost Opportunity
A. Free to access, no entrance fees 11) 4 Seasons
B. Reasonably priced food and A. Designed to be in use year-
round. Summer – boating,
entertainment to make it
fishing. Winter – ice skating,
affordable for WNY families
Diverse Use Financial Payback
4) Neighborhoods
12) Economic Growth
A. “Creation of a new downtown
neighborhood” where blighted
A. Construction will create 1,894
direct new jobs and 3,182 total
land exists
jobs over a 30 year period
5) Mixed Use
A. Restaurants/Hotels/Retail/ B. Fully operational project will
create 1,670 direct new jobs and
2,631 overall jobs over a 30
6) Recreation, Cultural, Community year period
A. “Reconnecting waterfront with
13) Increase Tax Revenues
Downtown” museums, cultural
spaces, sense of history, open A. Construction will generate
public spaces $11.9 million in local tax
revenues over a 30 year period.
7) Residential
A. Creation of new housing (lofts). B. Fully operational project will
Plan fully integrates existing generate $155.7 million in local
Marine Drive Apts into design. tax revenues over a 30 year
8) Equal Opportunity Employment
14) Local Business
A. Project Labor Agreement /
Prevailing wages during A. Marketplace- goal is to provide
construction phase Buffalo niche for local
B. Outreach Plan / Workforce
Development 15) Local Jobs
A. Construction
B. Staffing – retail, restaurant,
C. Operations

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