Applied Physics: Holography

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Submitted to,
Ms. Saba Javaid

Submitted by,
Zehra Ali

Holography is three-dimensional laser photography. The hologram is a true, three-
dimensional record of the original object. It contains depth and parallax, which is the
ability to see around the object to objects placed behind.
The word, hologram is composed of the Greek terms, "holos" for "whole view"; and
gram, meaning "written". A hologram is a three-dimensional record of the positive
interference of laser light waves. A technical term for holography is wavefront
In holography, we record the positive interference of matching wavefronts of laser light.
This three-dimensional record is formed as a diffraction pattern; a series of very fine
lines, or concentric circles. This diffraction grating bends the viewing light back onto the
path of the original recording wave fronts of laser light. The three-dimensional version
of the object - the hologram - is reconstructed as light.

How is a hologram created?

The process of creating a hologram is known as holography. In other words,
holography is a form of photography-an advanced form-that allows an image to be
recorded in three dimensions. Holographic process creates an image made up of two
superimposed 2-dimensional images of the same object as seen from different reference
points. Lasers are used in holography as it requires the use of light of a single exact
wavelength. There are two laser beams and a photographic plate used to take an image
of any object. In the process, the laser beams go through beam spreaders and like a
flashlight the spreaders spread the laser light out . One beam illuminates the object from
the side called the side beam while the other beam travels through the photographic
plate. It hits the object head-on which is somewhat similar to the way in which a
conventional camera takes a 2-D image. The second beam is known as reference beam
and the reflecting light from this beam leaves an image on the photographic plate and at
the same time the side beam also creates an image by its light.

The result is thus a photographic plate

creating two images simultaneously. The
image thus formed is a hologram. The
hologram is made up of the interference
pattern between the two original images
and hence it is a three-dimensional

Characteristics of a Hologram
Holograms have unique characteristics.
These are discussed below:
 The light from a reconstructed image from a hologram reaching to the observer's
eye is the same as that would come from the original object. One can see in the
holographic image the depth, parallax and different perspectives available in the
actual object scene. As a matter of
 The hologram of a diffuse object can be reconstructed by a small portion of the
hologram. If a hologram breaks into pieces, each piece can reproduce the entire
image. However, as the hologram size reduces, a loss of image perspective,
resolution and brightness result in the constructed image.
 A contact print of a hologram will reconstruct a positive image indistinguishable
from the image produced by the original.
 Two images, usually a real (pseudoscopic) and a virtual (orthoscopic) can be
reconstructed from a hologram.
 A cylindrical hologram provides a 360 deg view of the object.
 More than one independent scenes can be stored in the same photographic plate
which can be viewed one at a time, without any cross-talk.

There are two basic types of holograms:

Transmission holograms: Transmission holograms are clear film windows which

transmit the viewing light. Transmission holograms are usually recorded on film, which
we laminate to Plexiglas. The resulting hologram is a clear window onto a holographic
world which contains maximum depth, projection and parallax. However, the
holographic imagery is only on a horizontal plane. Viewed vertically, or up and down,
the holograms travel through a colorful rainbow smear, or spectral shift in color. Hence,
transmission holograms are often called "Rainbow Holograms”.

Reflection holograms: Reflection holograms are high contrast with dark

backgrounds which reflect the viewing light Reflection holograms contain full parallax,
with up to a foot of depth and projection on both horizontal and vertical planes.
Reflection holograms’ sharp, high-contrasting imagery usually play back in a single
color. Through photochemical techniques and double exposures, incredible colors can
be obtained. Reflection holograms use front lighting.

Holography can be used for a broad range of applications. We give below a detailed
explanation of some of the popular areas in which holograms are used.

Holograms have also proven effective in the entertainment industry. Various
Hollywood movies, specially the science fiction films, have used holographic special
effects. Even movie posters are made holographic. Holograms are also used as
promotional tools on records and CD covers.

An example: Some popular movies using holographic effects are like Star Treks' Holo
deck, Star Wars' Princess Laya, Hologram Man and Escape from LA etc.

Medical Applications
Holographic technique is also used in various medical applications like CAT scans, X-
ray, MRI, Ultrasound, opthalmology, endoscopy, otology, orthopedics and many more

Art and Interactive Graphics

Art and Interactive Graphics is a very special area of holography, comprising is the
most exciting area for printing. Holography is an art in itself as it deals with making
some kind of visuals. By using holographic effects for the background of over printing
lithography, some of the in-store lighting problems of holograms can be overcome.
Color printing combined with holography form stunning interactive visual effects.

Holographic Interferometry
This is also a very important holographic technique for measuring changes in the
dimensions of an object. This technique is useful in industrial stress analysis, quality
control etc.

Holographic Jewellery
Hologram jewelry has been into fashion since quite a long time. They have gained
immense popularity especially with movies having 3-D effect hitting the silver screen so
often now. The glittering & magical effect of these jewelry intrigues the wearer & the
onlookers. Hologram is extensively being used in jewelry making to charm the buyers
& it has definitely created its own niche in the market.

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