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Minutes of Coimbatore ACME Round Table 133’s 374th meeting

& 20th for the year held on 25th February 2010 at 8 pm hosted
by Tr. Satish S at The Coimbatore Cosmopolitan Club


1. To develop the fellowship of young men through the medium of their business and professional occupations and
community service activities.

2. To encourage active and responsible citizenship by cultivating the highest ideals in business, professional and civic

3. To promote and further international understanding friendship and co-operation.

4. To promote the extension of the association.

Coimbatore ACME Round Table 133 - Minutes of the 374th meeting – 25th Feb 2010 Page 1 of 11


1 LMF Tr. Amir A Vagh A 13 65% 10

2 Tr. Arun Kumar V.R. A 10 50% 3

3 LMF Tr. Balamurgan P 15 75% 3

4 Tr. Chirag P Majithia P 12 60% 3

5 LMF Tr. Chirag Vora P 15 75% 15

6 LMF Tr. Gautam Pasricha P 8 40% 2

7 LMF Tr. Guhan V P 18 90% 11

8 Tr. Jayakumar P 15 75% 5

9 Tr. Madhu. A P 16 80% 2

10 LMF Tr. M. Nishant Jain AP 11 55% 2

11 Tr. Prabhakar P 14 70% 4

12 Tr. Prasanna Krishna A 12 60% 3

13 LMF Tr. Satish Balagopal P 14 70% 1 12

14 Tr. Satish S. P 12 60% 7

15 LMF Tr. Sivakumar P 18 90% 5

16 Tr. Sundararaman (T) P 16 80% 4

17 Tr. Survesh P 12 60% 4

18 Tr. Vignesh (C) P 19 95% 8

19 LMF Tr. Vijayanth P 10 50% 25

20 LMF Tr. Vikas D Zaveri P 11 55%

21 LMF Tr. Vikram Mohan (IPC) AP 10 50% 1

22 Tr. Vinay Kumar (S) P 18 90% 13

Attendance% For this meeting – 82%

HTs present

Visiting Tablers/Sq. Legs Penta CPRT 101 - Tr. Dharani , Tr. Mahesh Ramamurthi – MMRT42, Sq. Leg,
Rajkumar CRT 9

P-Present, PL-Present but Late, AP-Apology, A-Absent

Coimbatore ACME Round Table 133 - Minutes of the 374th meeting – 25th Feb 2010 Page 2 of 11

Chairman Vignesh called the meeting to order with toasts to the President, Republic of India and to the Sponsor
Table Coimbatore Penta Round Table 101.


Tr. Chirag Majithia read the Aims and Objects of Round Table India.


The Chairman welcomed the fellow and visiting Tablers, HTs and Sq. Legs to the 374rd meeting & 20th for the year.


Apologies were received from Trs. Vikram Mohan, HT Govind, Sq. Leg Jangs, HT Suri, Tr. Nishanth


Tr. Jaykumar was appointed as the sergeant.


373rd meeting minutes corrections – Nil


The minutes of the 373rd was confirmed with Tr. Viji proposing and Tr. Guhan seconding.


The floor felt for events like Mid Term meet, and when there were 7 tables in Coimbatore, it could be a group of 3 or
4 tables that organized the event to ensure better participation from all tables.


Chairman thanked all for attending the MTM at Kodai and for all the support at the bar, food and regn. Counters.

Belated anniversary wishes to Tr. Ram, Jay and advance wishges to Tr. guhan


Mail received from T-man Tr. Rash Bohra about Little Genius Club Twinkler Magazine– “Genius Talk” launch.
Requested articles for the same.

Details on Round Table International World Meeting to be held in Dubai from 29th September to 3rd
October 2010 from AC Tr. Baboo.

Details on AGM of Round Table Luxembourg from 30th April to 2nd May' 2010 sent by IPP/IRO Tr. Pranay

Area trek due to happen this weekend has been postponed.

COB to be held in Bangalore from July 9th – 11th

Details on IGNITE - a National Leadership Conclave for potential leaders of RTI sent by Tr. Vineet Parikh - National
Convenor, Leadership & Personal Development/Rules

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373rd meeting minutes sent to AEX and NEX.



Minutes from various Tables were received through „Area 7‟ groups

TREASURER: (Tr. Sundaraman)

The balances were reported as:

Charity - Rs. 3,18,109.35 (Rs. 50,000 towards Save Tiger project + Rs. 2000 outflows)

Admin - Rs. 22,286.85

F&S – Rs. 2707.80

Trust – Rs. 81,714

PROJECTS: (Tr. Sivakumar & Tr. Survesh)

Chettipalayam school was visited and inspection was done. Project was expected to be completed by 2 nd week of
May 2010. Rs. 1 lakh check was received for the same from SSA.

Rs. 50,000 to be given as advance for work at Apachi Koundan school.

Rs. 52000 was distributed to villagers in the Hassanur and Thengumarata area as compensation for their livestock

A thanks was received from the head mistress at Daliyur school for the toilet block to Tr. Guhan for the tiled
bathroom. Also she requested 3 fans and 6 tubelights.

FUND RAISING: (Tr. Chirag Majithia & Tr. Madhu)

Area golf tournament fund raiser was tentatively in the 1st or 2nd week of June. Expected outflow from each
participating table is Rs. 50,000 and all funds raised by us would be 100% US.

Tag Heuer had sponsored watches for around Rs. 1,00,000 as prizes.

The Area golf tournament convenor Tr. Satish Balagopal requested information on projects done around the
Chettipalayam area to get a reduction in the golf club fee.

Another fund raising event planned at the Area level was the Area Track event a motorsports event. The floor felt
the event should have another name other than 'Wheels'. Cannon Ball run was a name suggested.

FELLOWSHIP: (Tr. Guhan & Tr. Nishanth)

After the last meeting good fellowship at Coimbatore Club.

Great time at MTM at Kodaikanal with about 20 heads and twinklers – and thanks to HT Suri.

Family get together on the 19th was organized by LC 85

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Tr. Chirag's social was on Sunday alongwith 3 other tables.

Reminder to complete fellowship groups by next meeting.

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PUBLICITY: (Tr. Gautham & Tr. Jaykumar)

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The table raised a toast to Tr. Bala for a great round of publicity on Save Tiger campaign in different dailies and on

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Tablers reported messages from many Hts, Sq, Legs and others wishing us on excellent coverage on the initiative.

A tie up with Aircell with their Save Tiger campaign was discussed and suggested.

Tr. Arun was to head a team to take this Save Tiger initiative forward as we have some good momentum.

Tr. Vinay was to give a proposal for a website asap for the same.

IRO: (Tr. Satish Balagopal)

Reminder for Munich trip

Round Table

RULES: (Tr. Satish Balagopal)

Tr. Satish Balagopal highlighted a loop hole in the Bluebook and he suggested corrections for the same in the next
national AGM which was discussed on the floor and the following is what is proposed as changes as motions.

The following were the motions to be proposed at the next AGM.

Motion no 1

Blue Book Chapter no 3. Meeting Procedure . ( Under QUORUM pt no 6)

6. When a meeting is adjourned for lack of quorum, at least 30 days due notice of the adjourned meeting shall be
given to all persons entitled to be present; the adjourned meeting shall be empowered to transact business even
though a quorum be not present.

Be redrafted as

When a meeting is adjourned for lack of quorum, at least 30 days due notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given
to all persons entitled to be present.

Explanation :-

As the original meeting itself was adjourned due to lack of quorum, it‟s only logical that the reconvened meeting
happen „with‟ quorum. An adjourned meeting should not be empowered to transact business without a quorum.

Motion no 2

It is hereby proposed that a candidate‟s DSA application be entertained only once in his lifetime. And, the voting for
the same shall be by way of a national referendum .

Explanation ;-

The Distinguished service award is the pinnacle award in RT India. This must be seen more as a recognition for
service rendered to the movement than an award. This award is granted on application by the voting members of the
National Executive till now. Of late it is noticed that rejected applications are tabled again and again . This does not
do justice to the most coveted award of our movement. The wisdom , respect and decisions made by each National
executive must be respected and honored. Once a candidates application is rejected by any National executive, that
application should not be tabled in subsequent years.

The voting members of the NeX may not always be aware of a DSA Candidate. In order to avoid this a national
referendum is proposed.

SUPPLY HOUSE & GREETING CARDS: (Tr. Prabhakar & Prasanna)

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Tr. Vinay & Tr. Prabhakar won the raffle

HRD: (Tr. Amir)

The visit to HT Hari's factory was fixed on Mar. 6th

Sports (Tr. Vikas)

On Mar 13th and 14th an inter Area 20 20 match was being organized and particiapation was requested.

NFD & Archives (Tr. Vikram)


RT Events (Tr. Vijayanth)


EXTENSION (Tr. Arun & Tr. Satish S)



Greeting were received form MMRT 42 (Tr. Mahesh) and Penta 101 (Tr. Dharani)

HT Govind and Tr. Guhan passed a view from the AEX meeting that entertainment budgets could be trimmed at Area

Tr. Vinay was nominated for Area Editor position by Tr. Satish Balagopal and seconded Tr. Guhan. The floor
welcomed it.


The next meeting – 375th meeting to be held on Mar. 11th to be hosted by Tr. Siva at his residence.


Tr. Jaykumar announced the following collections:

Fines – Rs. 900

Raffle – Rs. 900

Sunshine‟s – Rs. 400

Pin fines/sales – Rs. 300


Tr. Madhu delivered the vote of thanks.


Chairman Vignesh concluded the meeting with a Toast to Round Table India and Round Table International.

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Help Growly save his species!

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