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Grass 101 - Varieties of Grass

By Greg Pierce

Grass is considered to be a very important component in a natural landscape. Due to its

number of species and easy-to-grow process, entrepreneurs and scientists have developed
a way to make more out of the usual uses of this plant. Grasses were only limited to
landscaping purposes before. Because of technological advancements, grass have become
so much more than just a plant. Today, grasses are used to make brooms, roofs and a lot
more. This has led to the increasing popularity of growing grass.

Only a few of the type of grass has helped us in our day to day activities especially that it
has become an industry. There are many uses of grass and some are unknown to us yet. In
essence, grass can be used in three different ways: The first use is for food. Corn, rice, and
other starchy foods we have are actually grass. We eat them daily but we don't know that
we aer actually eating grass. One more example is sugarcane. The extract of this type of
grass is converted and made into sugar that people use regularly. In other words, not only
farm animals eat grass. Even we, humans, eat them as well. Hence, growing grass is an
essential part of producing many types of food.

Grass is commonly used in gardens and for lawns. When landscapers choose a kind of
grass to grow, the type of environment and the kind of soil is taken into consideration. This
kind of grass grows easily. There are special grasses like the marsh grass which can make
a tropical effect in the garden.

Lastly, the use of grass includes making a wide variety of items such as brooms, decorative
items, textile and many more. As mentioned, growing grass is already an industry since
people can make money out of it. Grasses can help our environment. This is because it can
minimize and reduce the effects of soil erosion. This is how helpful and useful grass is.
Grass gives a lot of benefits especially to us, humans.

Learning how to plant grass seed and creating beautiful landscapes is important. To achieve

this, you need to understand the lawn fertilizingproducts and select the best one for the grass'
growth. Choose only the best fertilizer to avoid wasting your effort, time and money in buying
fertilizers which do not provide enough nutrition for the grass.

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