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Summer Training

Working Capital Management

Rohit Kumar Thapa


Understanding about working capital management in

the relation to healthcare organization.
The Working Capital Cycle
2) Purchase Resources
& Pay Bills

1)Obtain Cash

3) Provide Services

4)Billing &

Time Importance- Cash owed by providing services should be

received on time for the payment to supplier/salaries.
Short Term and Long Term Borrowing
Finance short-term working capital needs with short-
term debt.
Finance long-term working capital needs with long-
term financing.
When organisation has fluctuating needs for working
capital, employ a mixed strategy.
Comparison of Short and Long Term
Short-term Long-term

Interest Rate Lower Higher

Interest Cost Lower Higher

Profit Higher Lower

Volatility Risks Higher Fixed

Assets Mix Strategy

Assets Mix Strategy

Aggressive App roach Conservative App roac h

Investing More in Fixed Assets Lower Liquidity Higher Liquidity Less Investment in Fixed Assets
Comparison of aggressive and Conservative
Aggressive Strategy Conservative Strategy

Goal Maximum Returns Minimum Risk

Liquidity Low High

Risk High Low

Return High Low

Billing collection and Disbursement
Billi Colle Tran rseme Disbu
ng ction sit nt
●Patient ●Payement
service nt sent


●Payeme deposited
nt buted
& available
delivered received for use
Thank you

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