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December 31 2007

Mary Elizabeth Dawson

Commissioner Conflict
of Interest and Ethics

Re: Complaint against

RCMP Commissioner
William Elliot

While we rely on our alliances with private sector businesses the Canadian public expects us to
ensure that public funds are spent efficiently in the public’s best interest.

RCMP ethical standards are based on 6 core values: Integrity, honesty, professionalism,
compassion, respect and accountability.

Common sense in judgment and values at the core of behavior and held accountable.

public funds are spent efficiently in the public’s best interest.

Government corruption and conspiracy would be priority number one in this category.

All the time and money wasted covering up the issues of obvious government conspiracy beginning
with the ORHT and continuity throughout the government and York Regional Police and OPP
Anti-Rackets is far from the public’s best interest and in fact completely adverse being in the best
interests of the conspirators and the fact the evidence irrefutably proves the government doesn’t
give a damn about the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights which is not only evidenced on my
web site but the extreme difference in government wages and benefits compared to the private
sector’s is a major concern relative to the publics best interests especially since the private sector
works harder and longer for less.

Approximately 2 months ago there was a report on television revealing these statistics which are
obvious anyway but I am quite sure that was taken off the air due to government interference.
I scanned news after news for a couple days after but I could not find it.

The government waste a lot of time and money covering up things and creating new Commissions
for this and that purportedly to deal with the issues as they advertise them but when you attempt to
use them they are without jurisdiction, authority, competency, responsibility, fortitude and
conviction and absolutely none of the RCMP 6 core values: Integrity, honesty, professionalism,
compassion, respect and accountability.

I am not referring to the hired help of course but those people who are in responsible positions, who
don’t understand the meaning of the word relative to the people’s best interests whereas the most
important possession one has is his or her guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits
before and under the law.

My evidence was collected during normal course of existence where I had the unfortunate
experience of necessity dealing with issues which needed the help of the government services only
to find out their ineptness to do that which is required of them in a sane manner dealing with the
immoral.of society.

They have proven to be quite competent in keeping me from the justice expected of a competent
system which has guaranteed equality to every individual in protection and benefit in all matters
before and under the law and have proven irrefutably the system is designed to rob the moral
majority and cover each others back all done under the cover of darkness, cloak of secrecy which
will not go unnoticed, when I get this evidence to the general public very soon in the New Year.

Maintaining the trust the people have placed in you does not mean cover up everything so it does
not get to the public which you clearly do not comprehend or I should say being in on the
conspiracy you do most emphatically understand as the evidence shows and both of these two
scenarios results in the same thing not in the best interest of the public..
Conflict of Interest

The evidence shows all you people of the government personnel I have provided the evidence to are
in conflict of interest of the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights which the Federal Government
granted by the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982 which I have also provided to the
Commissioner of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Mary Elizabeth Dawson who was appointed under
the Federal Accountability Act, 2006

I find it incomprehensible that Mary does not consider Government Corruption and Conspiracy
unethical and in Conflict of Interest relative to the law and the individual’s guaranteed Charter

Once you get the gist of it all it is quite apparent that Government Corruption and Conspiracy is the
norm and expected of their personnel and Mary’s job is to diffuse the complaints.
In fact the whole system is designed to wear complainers out and I would imagine the majority give
up realizing they are seemingly impenetrable.

The whole system begins to backfire under persistent determination to get the justice demanded by
law as you are all aware as the evidence irrefutably shows.
The evidence long ago warranted a PUBLIC INQUIRY but loyalty remained to themselves, their
careers and above all their pensions, which demanded their loyalty to the conspiracy.

They are all well educated and experienced and know full well the issues I have raised are very
serious in nature being humongously detrimental to the people’s best interests and their guaranteed
Charter rights.

I do not expect any one of you to be capable of handling the issues yourself but I do expect you to
bring them forward to a PUBLIC INQUIRY which is the only viable approach due the

By not doing so and keeping it under wraps you are aiding and abetting the conspirators in direct
defiance of the law detrimental to the individual of the moral majority and society as a whole for
financial benefit. You all know full well that the evidence warrants looking into and you have
consulted with others and get your final advice from the ring leaders of the conspiracy or their
cohorts, which you feel relieves you of any liability or responsibility but who in their right mind
would accept such absurdity being advised by the alleged conspirators.

Oh I am sure you see that as sane in your world but out here in the real world it is absolutely insane
and this is the world where you will be tried in and there will be significant punishment to introduce
moral sanity to the government.

Their has not been one iota of interest from any one of you to run with these most serious issues
and you all know full well that the responsibility comes down to each and everyone of you in turn
whereas you know everyone else has refused to accept their responsibility.

Each one of you down the line of command had the power of authority of the law as your superiors
failed to accept their responsibilities being inconsistent to the support of the guarantee vital to the
well being and safety of the Canadian people being criminal denouncing their authority making
each one of you in turn legitimately in command and therefore responsible and will be held
accountable. Think hard because opportunity is running out. I am sure you know it.


Mary Elizabeth Dawson Commissioner of Conflict of Interest and Ethics

If you have been attentive and coherent to the aforesaid and the documents I have been
e-mailing your office to no avail I now draw your attention to RCMP Commissioner William Elliot.

On November 8 2007 I filed a complaint with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the
RCMP against two members of the RCMP for refusing to investigate government corruption and
conspiracy, evidence published on my web sites which I have provided as it surfaced to the RCMP
since January 2006.

I highly suspect the decision not to investigate came from the upper command and quite probably
Commissioner Elliot has been apprised of it.

On the same day November 8 2007 the Commission mailed the complaint to the Commissioner and
mailed me a copy along with a cover page. (Copy attached)

I received acknowledgment of receipt from the RCMP Professional Standards Unit dated December
16 2007.

This is done under the auspices of the RCMP Act and according to the November 8 2007 letter from
the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP he is required to provide me with a status
report every 30 days thereafter.
That means I should have received his first status report on December 16 2007 and with today being
December 31 2007 and not received it William Elliot is obvious in non compliance of the RCMP Act.

I have no doubt William Elliot, Stockwell Day, Robert Nicholson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper
have somewhat of a quandary on their hands.

Harper, Nicholson and Day would be reluctant to let Elliot go ahead and investigate them for their
significant roles in the conspiracy and Elliot knows where his bread comes from and with the
evidence not being trivia, frivolous or vexatious and most convincing of the government corruption
being published on my web site waiting for his response they do have a full plate to get out of this
Oh, I have full confidence in them and they will orchestrate a plan which is their forte but every step
of the way will be closely scrutinized wouldn’t you think.

I mean here we have it all front and centre for them to show us what they got implicating everyone
involved along the way.

Anyway I don’t believe in giving immorality an over extended fair chance to recoup although I am
keen on providing enough rope.

It’s now time to reel them in or at least put some reasonable pressure on them.
This document of course will be published on my web site by the time you read this in an effort to
alleviate me of some pressure and at least point the finger in case of any foreseeable occurrence.

Yes the nature of this is very serious and I suggest you start dealing with it in the manner it deserves.

I would say this is a matter of the well being and public safety of an individual I have come to know.

I reiterate RCMP Commissioner William Elliot is in non compliance with the RCMP Act rather minor in the
whole scheme of things but it is a place to commence to blow the whole thing wide open wouldn’t you think?

I request you to investigate the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot for Conflict of Interest namely for not
acting in the best interest of the people by performing his duty in a manner consistent with the Constitution
conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equality in protection and benefits in all matters
before and under the law whereas he is responsible to investigate the complaint against the two members of the
RCMP for refusing to investigate the government corruption and conspiracy and the only way to determine if
they had a right to refuse the evidence as invalid is to study it and if he is competent, responsible and
irreproachable as required to be able to support the guarantee of the Charter equally to every individual he
must find the evidence is far beyond any reasonable doubt of the government corruption and conspiracy which
he will have no legitimate reason to not find his RCMP members guilty as charged but then they have
obviously acted upon the authority of upper command which could probably have been him which just goes
round and round and out to Stockwell Day who is William Elliot’s superior and the evidence clearly shows his
efforts at diverting the issues and so on like that.

You know very well what I mean and you know where it’s all headed and this is your opportunity to just do
your job and distance yourself from the conspirators.

Once again I remind you of the absurdity to state you consulted with the alleged conspirators and were advised
not to proceed.

Each person is responsible for their own destiny which is readily understood but you people have a very
special responsibility for the well being and safety of the people who finance you and upon acceptance of
benefit for that purpose the contract is binding. Live up to it or live down to it.

Ultimately we are back to your responsibility to yourself. Round and round where it stops everybody knows.
Of course, with yourself.

I have attached document “Commission RCMP Complaints Dec. 27 2007” published on my web site which
contains the pertinent evidence. The November 8 letter from the Commission for Public Complaints Against
the RCMP and the November 16 2007 from the Professional Standards Unit.

I have also attached document “This column was published………Sept 13 2000” which is relevant.
All the evidence on my web site is relevant as to the conspiracy and RCMP Commissioner William Elliot is
aware and required to be coherent to it in addressing his complaint and it is relevant as to why he has not
provided me the 30 day status report.

I expect you to deal with this matter FFF Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith in case you have forgotten.

Should you be of the opinion that this matter has nothing to do with your jurisdiction I will expect a full
explanation as to why not and a copy of the letter you forward the matter to who will ultimately end up
holding the bag unless that person notifies me as to whom they passed the buck to.

Do you see what I mean?

I remind you the games are over, it’s been fun, schools out, grab a slice of reality.
A responsible person in you position would not just shrug off a conspiracy stating it has nothing to do with
you, because you are informed and it is far more than a moral responsibility.

You have my web address should you care to review the evidence and I highly recommend you show an
initiative to actually deal with that which is in the publics best interest and of course let us not forget your own.
Frank Gallagher
PS I have forwarded copy to Federal Ombudsman Victim of Crimes Re: Commissioner RCMP

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