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PAGE 14° RCVD.AT 619107 2: 19:52 PAY 218 654 1825 SATYAM GDC oor 8221 DOW CIRCLE EAST STRONGSVILLE, OHIO 44136 PHONE: 440-238-5565 FAX: 440-238-3920 EMALL: Fax Te Sharon From: Sheree Willis — a Fox 216-654-1825 Pages: ee Phone bate: 6/19/07 pe OlL a XUngent crerrevew _Peaseconment _X Please Reply _ 1 tease Resyoe ‘econments: URGENT ACCOUNT IS DAYS PAST DUE My records indicate the following Invoice(s) have not been paid. Please process for poyment ond call with a payment date. If your records indicate they have been paid, Please fax a copy of the check to Share’e Willis 440.238.3920 Pleose make sure that you put the invoice number(s) that you are paying on your remittance, Our terms are NIOEOM..All accounts 60 days past due will be switched to COD. Paste Dag Tin] SYRAIPATIGBDNS:2815*CSD-21 654 125° DURATION ms. cx vee 61/90 og/i9/07 , 19:53 FAX 216 954 1625 SATYAM GDC ooz CiNTAS. FACILITY’ SERVICES RENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT’ aa CEC a . 5 The customer, its successors and assigns ("Customer") orders from CINTAS CORPORATION or any of its subsiéiares, successors and assigns (“Compalny") all of the Customer's requirements of facility services rental services during the toim of this agreement, all In accordance with the pricing, terms and concitions contained hhorain, Pricing is based on $2 weeks billng per rental lem per year. ‘ai Items wil be cleaned and maintained by Gompany. All items that require replacement due to normal wear will be replaced by Company et no charge to Customer. “The weekly rental charge for any Item can be terminated, but only afer all items issued to Customer, of fe value of same, have been retumed to Company. All Itemé remain the property of Cammpary. Any special products {Jogo mats) must be purchased by the customer if service is stopped. If tems are lest or destroyed By arty means, ‘Customer will pay for sald items at the then current replacement values. Customer agrees to natily Company, in wring, of any hazardous materials that may be picked up by Company in the soiled garments or other texties serviced under this agreement. in ao ease will hazardous materials be present to the extent that they may be harmful to Company's employees. ‘This agreement Is effectve as of the date of execution. The Iida! term of this agreement shall be as set foun con the front of this agreement and shall automatically renew for the seme period of time unless Company is ote. to the contrary, in wring, 60 days in advance of the expiration of the then current torm. Company has tho right to ineraase prloes, The Customar has the right 10 rect the price ieraase, it Customer rejects ne Price increase, Company may terminate this agreement. Customer hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Company from ary claims and damages acing out of associated with this agreement, including any claims arising from defective oréducts, Gompany guarantees to deliver the highest quality textile rental sorvice at all times. Any complain’s about the quality of the service which have not been resoived in the normal course of business must bs sent by renistored lear to Company's General Manager. if Company then falls to resolve aay material Gompiaiat in & reasonable period of time, Customer may terminate this agroement provides all rental Heme seria for at the then current replacement values er returned to Company in good and usable coneition “addkionel procucts and servicos ray be added to this agreement and shall avtomatically besorne a Part of and subjoot to the lors hereot. this agreement is terminated eaty, the parties agree thatthe damages susioined Sy Company wil be substantial anc dificult to ascertain, Therefore, # this agreement is terminated by Customer Flos the sapleable expiration date for any eason other than fer documentad quay of service reasons wih eee not cured as set forth above, or terminated by Company for cause at any time, Custamer will pay to Company, ts Heuidated camages and not 2s a penaly, the greater of 50% of the average weokty Invaloe total mulupied bY the number of reeks remaining in the unexpired torm, of buy back all Facility Services Products alocatod to ‘Customer at tne then current replacement valus. Customer sfallaisa be responsible for any unpaid charges on Customer's account prior 19 termination, Any dispute or matter evising In connection with or relating to this orwemert shall bo recoWved by binding and final apivation under applicable state or federal laws prowding Jor Te rrocoment of agreements to arbitate disputes. Any such diepute shall be datermined on an Individual Basi, ei ne considered unique as to its facts, and stall not be consolidated in any arbiation or otter proceeding with any claim or controversy of any other party. custome: cerifies that Company is in no way infringing upon any existing contract betwoon Customer anc another sevice provider. ‘ stone oe) Page 2082 (608) AGE 24 RCVD AT BQ 2:10:20 PH [Eastem Dayight Time*SVR:NJPHTO 56 * DNS:2815* CSID:216 6541825 DURATION nmssj014E zt ceez/et/98 06/19/07 13:53 FAX 216 @54, 1825 SATYAM @DC Boos ee . Now CiNtAs. . Location No, OL Stomasiale, es FACILITY SERVICES RENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT customer LD Prone(Z1G) SMF = BRE anos oy Chovel etre! cae Olt 2p $42 FACILITY SERVICES PRODUCTS PRICING Tent Caseipior Ranial Frag] — invertor ‘Wait Pate lew Oh Bland. Had | gas |. | |@sn | o4e5h io (so bos ( Lc «This agreement is effective 28 of the dato of exaoution for a term ot 80 months from date cf installation. = The adeitonal charges fisted below are subject lo adlustment by Company effecve upon notice to Customer, whi notice rey be in the form of an invoice. COD Toms $_——_—_ per wack enatge for por semiee (it Amount Dua is Carted to Following Won) cease Pare am 0 ag at rt a F weeky Maymum Crage $22 per wert ‘+ Automate Lost Replacement Charge: tem et of neetaey § ee v« Automatic Lost Replacement Charge: tem ———-—smmmme——-% of Inventory S$ Ea + Under no circumstances will he Company accept textes bearing foe fiquid. Shop towele may net be used to can up ol or solvent spits. Shop towel conser § = mee—=— per week = Amwork Charge for LogoMat § = sevice charge s_ 4.20 per wook ‘Tis Senice Gharps i Wen to help Company Day various Muctuatng Curent ard fre core fusing, but ot Kd to, east recy Tihcmnty vests te ne snctanmtont anergy tues, serdce and SbWvry cf goods and series, In akon to other miselarenue ‘Gost newred or Dat may Be cured In Bo ture by Comper + Omer thea a a ee a . » rane Pi emo —— 2 \ rue SS Q ott enage C Please Frnt Tho OPLCOTOAS _(reniasye (_ Pectemar 19) Bin neneenia Office vO AT e907 20:20PM aso Dig Tn] SVRALPNTOTG* DSS" C871 ES 185" DURATION UMSLOTAE::2x zeae /et/se | Siva ws PAGE 34

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