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Themes Rough

Saint Ralph:

Determination: Ralph had an overwhelming amount of determination throughout the movie. He

believed that he had the ability and will power to win the Boston Marathon. His peers were constantly
putting him down and saying that there was no way he could win the marathon. Ralph reasoning for
running the marathon was for a miracle to happen. But after vigorous training and painful experiences,
Ralph realized that it would not be a miracle that would have him win the marathon but hard work and

Fate: ?????????????

Vantage Point:

Perspective: Perspective is the theme that drives the movie. Without perspective the movie would not
make sense. The entire movie takes place over 20 minutes and has many different perspectives on the
same event. The questions that pile up on one persons perspective are answered in another’s
perspective. The event and the people involved are all interconnected through shared perspectives. The
crisis is solved through all of the people sharing their knowledge and connecting together what had

Deceit: Deceit was an aspect that outlined the perspectives of the characters throughout the film
Vantage Point. Deceit was a tool used against the audience both in the film and the viewers. For
example, the president was a double in case of an attack, which did occur. Without deceit there would
be less suspense and mystery surrounding the occurring events. Deceit was used by both the good and
bad. When the duplicate president was shot, the real president was still pursued. This shows the depth
that the film makers wanted to present to the audience.

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