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Fasiness seu! Strategic Management in China Session 2 of 4 Session Title: Strategies for Competing in Globalizing Markets Session Objective: To examine the issues companies face in crafting strategies suitable for domestic, multi- national and globally competitive industry environments Contents: ‘Motivations for companies expanding beyond their home country. Different strategy options for entering foreign markets Strategies for multi-country competition versus global competition. Profit sanctuaries and cross-market subsidization. Pros and cons of building intemational alliance partnerships Competing in emerging markets. Technical Notes: 32 pages of slides Required background Reading: Arthur A. Thompson, Jr and A J. Strickland III; Strategies for Competing in Globalizing Markets, Chapter 6, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 12th edition; China Machine Press. Optional Background Reading: 1. Arindam K. Bhattacharya and David C. Michael, How Local Companies Keep Multinationals at Bay, March 2008, Harvard Business Review. 2. Jonathan R. Woetzel, A Guide to Doing Business in China 2004 Special Edition, ‘The McKinsey Quarterly. 3. Raising Haier, February 2007, Harvard Business Review. 4. Yibing Wu, Taking Haier Higher, 2003 Number 3, The McKinsey Quarterly. 5. Ronald Inglehart, World Values Survey, University of Michigan LSA online Case: Haier. How to Tum A Chinese Household Name into A Global Brand, Asia Case Research Center, 2007. Questions: 1 Should Haier aggressively go after markets in Turkey and Mexico? Why or why not? 2. Should Haier divert more company resources in order to defend, even expand, its market position in China? Why or why not? 3. What should be Heaier’s global market entry/penetration strategy going forward? Which country markets should receive the highest priority? Fasiness seu! 4, What should be Haier’s global marketing strategy — branding, advertising, promotion, channel of distribution, pricing — going forward? 5. What should be Haier’s global product strategy going forward? 6. What should be Heier’s global alliance partnership strategy going forward? Note: Teaching arrangements and contents subject to change.

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