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Can anyone comment on why this query does not work? ty

Insert into kss_temp_person

select combhomeacct.effectivedtm, combhomeacct.expirationdtm, jaids.ppstartdatedtm,
from jaids
join combhomeacct on jaids.employeeid = combhomeacct.employeeid
and ((combhomeacct.effectivedtm =< jaids.ppstartdatedtm and combhomeacct.expirationdtm >=
jaids.npenddatedtm + 7
or combhomeacct.effectivedtm >= jaids.ppstartdatedtm and combhomeacct.expirationdtm <=
jaids.npenddatedtm + 7
or combhomeacct.effectivedtm <= jaids.ppstartdatedtm and combhomeaccount.expirationdtm >=
or combhomeacct.effectivedtm <= jaids.npenddate + 7 and combhomeacct.expirationdate >
jaids.npenddate + 7));

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robheus Re: syntax 0 Apr 29 2010, 4:15 AM EDT by


Thread started: Apr 29 2010, 4:15 AM EDT  Watch

  Look under syntax of SQL SELECT statement for exact syntax.

You use the word JOIN, but the join condition is simply part of the WHERE clause,
and you need to specify the table to join in the WHERE clause.

And please re-evaluate your long conditional statement. You supplied double
parentesis, (the " (" and " )" characters), but that doesn't make the statement any
sounder. Please consider the order of evaluation of a combination of AND and OR
clauses. You might get the wrong condition.

For clarity, and to show the intended behaviour, use parenthesis of subexpresions
in conditions.
for example:

Instead of:

A and B or C

either say

A and (B or C)


(A and B) or C

Depending on what you intended

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