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SAP Solution Manager

System Landscape Directory

Overview of SLD

h t t p : / / w w w. l i n ke d i n . c o m / i n / s o l u t i o n m a n a g e r
We nce sl ao L aca ze
We nce sl ao L aca ze
Sap SLD ­ Overview

Table of Contents
Author Bio.................................................................................................................3
What is SLD?.............................................................................................................4
Who use SLD?...........................................................................................................4
SLD Strategy.............................................................................................................4
Access to the SLD......................................................................................................4
Create Landscape......................................................................................................5
Create your Product/Software ..................................................................................7
Create Technical System ..........................................................................................9
View Systems..........................................................................................................11
Delete Systems.......................................................................................................12
View Content Information........................................................................................13
Replicate SLD..........................................................................................................16
Define new Data Suppliers......................................................................................16
Cleanup old systems...............................................................................................18
SLD In Solution Manager.........................................................................................21
View and Change the Configuration.....................................................................21
User Maintenance................................................................................................22
Check the SLD Connection...................................................................................23
Reading Multiple SLD...........................................................................................24
Add User the SLD..............................................................................................24

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Author Bio
My name is Wenceslao Lacaze and I’ve been working as a SAP
basis Administrator and Solution Manager Consultant for the last 8
I’m a Techno-Functional SAP Solution Manager Subject Matter
Expert (SME), I Design, Build and Implement the product using “Run
Sap” Methodology.
I have developed a very extended experience with medium and
large scaled SAP installations in several (multi)national

I am based in Argentina, but work all around the World.

I work directly for clients or via an agency.
I do speak Spanish, Italian and English fluently.
You can contact me at:

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Sap SLD ­ Overview

What is SLD?
SLD is the acronym of “System Landscape Directory». Is a Java Application running
in all the Sap Java Systems. Is used like Central Information repository of all your
system Landscape. SLD use the Common Information Model (CIM), this is a
standard object oriented modeling DB.

Who use SLD?

SLD is used by:
• Process Integration.
PI/XI use SLD like the repository of all the Business Systems definitions,
without this service PI/XI doesn’t run.
• Solution Manager
SM Read the Information from the SLD and refresh the technical definition on
• Portal
Used by the JCO Destination.
Identify the role of the system and the Name reservation
• .SLM
Software Lifecycle Management is the tool provide by SAP to make the
pacification of you Landscape.
In SLD you can create Groups used by NWA to administrate more efficiently
the Landscape.
To know all the Systems in your Landsace.

SLD Strategy
The strategy for the SLD is very important, you need to decide in witch way you
want administrate the SLD Information, there are several way and key
points(Important, Version, Etc). You can check in the SLD paper to develop your strategy.
(My recommendation is read the Planing Guide for SLD).

Access to the SLD

To access to the SLD you can run the transaction SLDHTMLGUI or Goto

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Create Landscape
The Landscape definition are used by different applications, Is the best way to
group your systems to Administrate better. You can create Landscape to:
• Administration
which is created for administration purposes, for example, for common
• General
which can contain all types of application systems.
• NWDI Systems
that contains servers of the NWDI
• Scenario
is created for a specific business scenario. Scenario landscapes are used in the Software
Lifecycle Manager of SAP Netweaver.
• Transport
is created for transport purposes. For example, all SAP Web AS systems that are connected by an
ABAP transport path distributing the ABAP development.
• Web Service
is created to collect systems offering Web services and their clients. The hierarchy of these
landscapes defines the Web service that is most appropriate for a given client.

To create one Landscape go to SLD Main Screen. Goto Landscapes

click in “New Landscape”

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Complete with the Name and Landscape Type and Create

You can add new Systems to this landscape clicking in “Add System to

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Create your Product/Software

During the implementation phase, you need to define all the technical systems
who interact with you project, to do this you need to create you
System/Product/Software definitions.
To create you Product definition Goto the SLD Main ScreenProducts.

Click in “New Product Version”..

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Complete the information and Click in “Create”

Complete with the Software Unit Name and “Create”.

Complete the component Name and Status and “Create”.

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Create Technical System

Is recommendable to create the System in Automatic way using RZ70 in Abap, SLD
Data Supplier in Java or sldreg in other instances types.
If you want you to create manually you need to go to SLD main Screen and click in
Technical System.

Click in New Technical System.

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Select Third-Party and Next.

Complete with the System Name and Hostname

Select the Installed Product and the Software component and then click in Finish
button. You can create you own product definition, check the previous chapter.

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Now you can see the System in defined in the technical Systems Screen.

View Systems
Goto the SLD Main Screen and click in Technical Systems.

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Select one system and in the bottom of the screen you ca see all the technical
details for the system selected

Delete Systems
If you want to delete system, Goto the SLD main screen and click in Technical

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Select the System to delete and click in Remove.

View Content Information

If you want to check the Content of SLD, you can go inside the SLDAdministration
 Content Maintenance

Select the Subset “All With Instances” and BC Systems (our sample).

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Now we see the list of all BC Systems defined in this SLD

You can check the Last Modified date to control how updated is the information.
Click over one system to see the details.

You can see all the related information about this instance(You can update this
information but remember that is preferable use automatic update)

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If you click in Associated Instances you can see all the relationship with this

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Replicate SLD
Is mandatory to understand and create a Policy/Strategy for the SLD in your
company. SLD have different synchronization mechanics:
• Fully automatic synchronization
Only provide in NW 7.1 or higher.
• Automatic Message Forwarding
Using Data Suppliers.
• Data Export/Import.
Manually-Not recommended.
• Using CTS.
In NW7.0 and complex.

Define new Data Suppliers

If you want to update the SLD Information between 2 SLD, you can use the SLD
Data supplier.
In http:<SLD_HOST>:5<SysNr>00/SLD , AdministrationData Suppliers

Click in Add SLD..

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Add the Connection parameter and Save

Now you can see the new SLD connection.

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You can check in the SLD Log if the new connection start the replication process.(In
this sample don’t work because we use difference CIM Version ;-)).

Cleanup old systems

Every system in the landscape send all the technical Information to the SLD every
720 minutes, this is the standard time defined by sap.
If you don’t charge manually information in SLD is a good practice clean the SLD
Information to control the status of the updates in SLD.
Logon to SLD and list all the system, sort by Last Update. You can see few system
with old data.

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Goto AdministrationAutomatically Updated Data:

Select “Date” and “time” to filter to the report. Select all the Data older and Click
in Remove.

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Accept the warning and then the SLD clean the db.

If you go to HomeTechnical Systems you don’t found any more the old

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SLD In Solution Manager

View and Change the Configuration
To view the current SLD Configuration in Solution Manager, run the transaction
SMSY_SETUP or in the transaction SMSY Menu: GotoSetup System Landscape

If you go to expert Settings (Menu: Edit Expert Settings ) you can change the
parameters of the SLD Data Transfer.(Depend of witch Version you are running you
can Generate the Business Partners and the Systems form OSS). If you use more
than 1 SLD you leave the parameter SLD Host and Port blank.

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User Maintenance
To Control the User Maintenance you Goto: SMSY_SETUP Menu: GotoSLD User
Maintenance or run the transaction SLDAPICUST.

Here you can modify the User and password of the SLD Connection.

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Check the SLD Connection

To check the SLD Connection you can use the transaction SLDCHECK. This checks
all the properties and open the SLD Html Gui Page.

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Reading Multiple SLD

You can use more than 1 SLD, to add a new SLD you need to run the Transaction
LCRSERVADDR and add the new Server.
Add new SLD

Add User the SLD

Goto: SMSY_SETUP Menu: GotoSLD User Maintenance or run the transaction

Here you can add the new User/password for the SLD Connection.

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