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EMC ® Documentum ®

CenterStage Pro
Version 1.0 SP1

Administration Guide

EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
Copyright © 2009 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Published December 2009
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change
without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.
For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................. 7

Chapter 1 Introduction to Administering CenterStage .................................................. 9

Administrative tasks .......................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2 Set Documentum Platform Options ............................................................. 11

Create a user in the repository ........................................................................... 11
Enable email notification for subscribed content ................................................. 12
Assign members who create users to the dce_user_manager role ......................... 13
Assign members who create spaces to the dce_room_creator role ........................ 13
Assign members who create space templates to the
dmc_kw_manage_space_templates role ............................................................. 14

Chapter 3 Set Federated Search Services Options ...................................................... 15

Chapter 4 Set Content Intelligence Services Options .................................................. 17
Chapter 5 Set Retention Policy Services Options ........................................................ 19
Enable all users to apply retention policies ......................................................... 19

Chapter 6 Configure Content Transformation Services ............................................... 21

Advanced Document Transformation Services.................................................... 22
Prepare for configuration .............................................................................. 22
Register formats for renditions ...................................................................... 23
Configure full-screen preview of images ........................................................ 24
Enlarge thumbnail size ................................................................................. 26
Complete configuration ................................................................................ 26
Media Transformation Services.......................................................................... 27
Prepare for configuration .............................................................................. 27
Configure full-screen preview of images ........................................................ 27
Enlarge thumbnail size ................................................................................. 29
Complete configuration ................................................................................ 30
Thumbnail Generator ....................................................................................... 30
General notes ............................................................................................... 30
Configure TG for multiple repositories........................................................... 31
CTS troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 34
Thumbnails not being generated.................................................................... 34
Resolving CTS hanging issue ......................................................................... 35
Avoiding pop-up issues ................................................................................ 35

Chapter 7 Set CenterStage Application Options .......................................................... 37

Customize the sign-in dialog box ....................................................................... 37
Notify users of preferred browsers .................................................................... 38

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 3

Table of Contents

Customize the product name ............................................................................. 39

Set languages ................................................................................................... 39
Set the session length ........................................................................................ 40
Set the frequency of subscription updates .......................................................... 40
Allow users to install CenterStage plug-ins ........................................................ 41
Disable entity extraction.................................................................................... 42
Improve search performance by customizing the format filter ............................. 43

Chapter 8 Manage CenterStage Spaces ....................................................................... 45

Common space management tasks .................................................................... 45
Understanding the CenterStage containment hierarchy ....................................... 46
Understanding spaces ....................................................................................... 46
Understanding users and permissions ............................................................... 47
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ............................................................................ 49
Understanding templates .................................................................................. 50

Chapter 9 Deploy Templates from Staging Environments ........................................... 51

Appendix A Best Practices for Building a Community .................................................... 53
Creating a community: a case study .................................................................. 53
The challenge ............................................................................................... 53
The setup ..................................................................................................... 54
Assigning access and security .................................................................... 54
Defining community roles ......................................................................... 55
Defining the space template ...................................................................... 55
Create spaces ........................................................................................... 56
Create wikis ............................................................................................. 56
Create blogs ............................................................................................. 56
Create discussions .................................................................................... 57
Seed with content ..................................................................................... 57
Creating content folders ........................................................................ 57
Seeding useful information ................................................................... 57
The kickoff ................................................................................................... 57
The payoff.................................................................................................... 58
Processes to govern content ............................................................................... 58

Appendix B CenterStage Object Types ........................................................................... 61

4 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1. Administrative tasks .............................................................................................. 9

Table 2. CIS filters ............................................................................................................. 17
Table 3. ADTS capabilities when used with CenterStage ...................................................... 21
Table 4. MTS capabilities when used with CenterStage ........................................................ 22
Table 5. Documentum format mapping .............................................................................. 23
Table 6. Subscription update jobs ....................................................................................... 41
Table 7. Client-side plug-ins .............................................................................................. 41
Table 8. Space management tasks ....................................................................................... 45
Table 9. Public and private spaces ...................................................................................... 47
Table 10. Permission levels in CenterStage............................................................................ 48
Table 11. CenterStage roles .................................................................................................. 49
Table 12. Template types ..................................................................................................... 50
Table 13. Case study: Issues and opportunities ..................................................................... 53
Table 14. Case study: Roles and access rights ....................................................................... 54
Table 15. Properties defined for the comment type ................................................................ 62
Table 16. Properties defined for the room type ...................................................................... 64
Table 17. Properties defined for the topic type ...................................................................... 66
Table 18. Properties defined for the preference set type ......................................................... 69
Table 19. Properties defined for the template type ................................................................. 71

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 5

Table of Contents

6 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide


This guide is for administrators and business experts who configure platform and application
options, and who create CenterStage spaces and templates.
The procedures in this guide reference the following EMC documents, found on the Powerlink
website (
• CenterStage Overview Guide
• Documentum Administrator 6.5 User Guide
• Documentum Composer 6.5 User Guide
• Documentum Federated Search Services Administration Guide
• Documentum Federated Search Adapter Installation Guide
• Documentum Content Intelligence Services Administration Guide

Revision history
The following changes have been made to this document.

Revision date Description

December 2009 Initial publication

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 7


8 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 1
Introduction to Administering

EMC Documentum CenterStage lets users create, edit, and collaborate on content in Documentum
repositories in your organization’s Documentum Enterprise Content Management System. Users run
CenterStage in web browsers, giving them access to repositories and content management functions.
CenterStage provides two clients: the CenterStage Essentials client provides basic content services;
the CenterStage Pro client provides basic content services plus administrative access, advanced
search, wikis, blogs, and RSS feeds.
After your organization has installed CenterStage on the EMC Documentum platform, administrators
must create users, set system-wide platform options, set system-wide CenterStage options, and create
the first CenterStage spaces so that users can begin working with content through CenterStage.
This chapter lists the tasks you must perform to set up CenterStage so that users can begin working
with content.
For a detailed introduction to CenterStage, see the CenterStage Overview Guide.

Administrative tasks
After your organization has installed CenterStage on the EMC Documentum platform, administer
CenterStage by performing the tasks listed in Table 1, page 9.

Table 1. Administrative tasks

Task Performed with this application

Chapter 2, Set Documentum Platform Options Documentum Administrator
Chapter 3, Set Federated Search Services Options Documentum Federated Search
Services Admin Center
Chapter 4, Set Content Intelligence Services Options Documentum Content Intelligence
Chapter 5, Set Retention Policy Services Options Documentum Administrator
Chapter 6, Configure Content Transformation Services Documentum Administrator
Chapter 7, Set CenterStage Application Options Documentum Administrator

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 9

Introduction to Administering CenterStage

Task Performed with this application

Chapter 8, Manage CenterStage Spaces CenterStage Pro
Chapter 9, Deploy Templates from Staging Environments Documentum Composer

10 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 2
Set Documentum Platform Options

You set the Documentum platform options using Documentum Administrator (DA), which is installed
with CenterStage. DA provides a web-based interface to administer the Documentum Content Server
platform, Documentum repositories, and Documentum platform clients, such as CenterStage.
To perform the procedures in this chapter, you must have the URL and a username to sign in to
your organization’s DA installation.
To set Documentum platform options, do the following:
• Create a user in the repository, page 11
• Enable email notification for subscribed content, page 12
• Assign members who create users to the dce_user_manager role, page 13
• Assign members who create spaces to the dce_room_creator role, page 13
• Assign members who create space templates to the dmc_kw_manage_space_templates role,
page 14

Depending on your installation, administering CenterStage can involve additional tasks not described
in this guide. To set other platform options, see the Documentum Administrator 6.5 User Guide.

Create a user in the repository

To use CenterStage, a person must have a user account in at least one EMC Documentum repository.
This section describes how to create a user account in a repository. Before you create a user,
determine the type of authentication used by the Documentum Content Server. The Content Server
can use any of the following: LDAP authentication, Windows domain authentication, or an inline
password managed by the server. For more detailed information on how to create a user, see the
chapter on users in the Documentum Administrator 6.5 User Guide.

To create a user:
1. In Documentum Administrator, connect to the repository in which to create the user and navigate
to Administration > User Management > Users.
2. Select File > New > User.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 11

Set Documentum Platform Options

3. Enter the following minimum information required to create a CenterStage user:

• Name: Type the name that appears to other users.
• User Login Name: Type the name for signing into a repository.
• User Source: Select one of the following options:
— None: The user is authenticated in a Windows domain.
— LDAP: User is authenticated by an LDAP server.
— Inline Password: User is authenticated by a password stored in the repository.
— UNIX only: User is authenticated by UNIX.
— Domain only: In a repository with Windows domain authentication enabled, user is
authenticated against a Windows domain.
— UNIX first: In a repository with Windows domain authentication enabled, user is
authenticated first by UNIX first and then against a domain.
— Domain first: In a repository with Windows domain authentication enabled, user is
authenticated first against a domain and then by UNIX.

Note: For instructions on entering additional user information, see the Documentum Administrator
6.5 User Guide.
4. To allow the user to receive email notifications when subscribed content changes, enter the
Email Address.
Note: For users to receive email notifications, you must also specify the SMTP server on the
Documentum platform, as described in Enable email notification for subscribed content, page 12.
5. Click OK.

Enable email notification for subscribed

For users to receive email notifications when subscribed content changes, do the following:
• Specify the SMTP server that provides mail services to the Content Server, as described in this
• For each user, set the Email Address option in the user’s profile, as described in Create a user
in the repository, page 11.

To specify the SMTP server that sends email notifications to CenterStage users:
1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Administration > Basic Configuration > Content
2. Select the Content Server and select View > Properties > Info.
3. In the SMTP Server field in the Info tab, type the name or IP address of the SMTP server that
provides mail services to the Content Server.
4. Click OK.

12 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Set Documentum Platform Options

Assign members who create users to the

dce_user_manager role
Space coordinators who create inline users for adding to spaces (user managers) must have the
dce_user_manager role. Inline user accounts are authenticated by the Content Server instead of
a Windows or UNIX domain or an LDAP directory. For instructions on creating inline users in
CenterStage, see the topic Create new users to add to a space in the Membership section of CenterStage
online Help.

To assign members to the dce_user_manager role:

1. In Documentum Administrator, open the User Management node.
2. Select the Roles node.
3. Navigate to and double-click the dce_user_manager role. If the role does not appear on the
first page of the list, navigate to the next page.
4. Select File > Add Member(s).
5. Add users to the role by selecting the users in the left pane and using the arrow button to move
the users to the right pane.
6. Click OK.

Assign members who create spaces to the

dce_room_creator role
Space coordinators who create spaces must have the dce_room_creator role.

To assign members to the dce_room_creator role:

1. In Documentum Administrator, open the User Management node.
2. Select the Roles node.
3. Navigate to and double-click the dce_room_creator role. If the role does not appear on the
first page of the list, navigate to the next page.
4. Select File > Add Member(s).
5. Add users to the role by selecting the users in the left pane and using the arrow button to move
the users to the right pane.
6. Click OK.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 13

Set Documentum Platform Options

Assign members who create space templates

to the dmc_kw_manage_space_templates role
Space coordinators who are in the dce_room_creator role in the repository can also be given
permission to create space templates.

To assign members to the dmc_kw_manage_space_templates role:

1. In Documentum Administrator, open the User Management node.
2. Select the Roles node.
3. Navigate to and double-click the dmc_kw_manage_space_templates role. If the role does not
appear on the first page of the list, navigate to the next page.
4. Select File > Add Member(s).
5. Add users to the role by selecting the users in the left pane and using the arrow button to move
the users to the right pane.
6. Click OK.

14 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 3
Set Federated Search Services Options

Federated search is available if your organization has enabled the connection with the Federated
Search Services (FS2) server. Federated search allows users to search external and internal sources at
the same time and display all results consistently. This section briefly describes the main steps to add
and configure external sources. For more information on FS2, see the Documentum Federated Search
Services Administration Guide, available within the CenterStage product on the Powerlink website.
You manage external sources using the Admin Center FS2 administration tool. Each external source
in CenterStage is an information source in Admin Center. An information source relies on an
adapter bundle (available as a *.jar file) and a specific configuration. Some information sources can
be available with a default configuration because they correspond to public information sources.
For example, the information sources Google, Wikipedia, OpenDirectory, and YahooDirectory are
already configured and available in CenterStage. Other information sources require configuration
before being available to users.
The following adapter bundles are available out-of-the-box with FS2:
• EMC Documentum ECM (Enterprise Content Management)
• EMC Documentum eRoom
• EMC Documentum ApplicationXtender
• EMC Documentum EmailXtender
• Google Desktop Enterprise
• Windows Search
• OpenSearch
• FS2 Indexing for shared drives

The configuration of each adapter is described in the Documentum Federated Search Adapter Installation
FS2 Admin Center can be accessed using a URL such as:
where <FS2_server_host> is the name or the IP address of FS2 server,
and <Admin_Center_port_number> is set to 3003 by default.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 15

Set Federated Search Services Options

Use FS2 Admin Center to perform the following administration tasks:

• Add information sources
• Upload new bundles
• Configure and test the adapters
• Set the authentication mode for the information sources: public access, corporate account (same
account shared by all users), and user account

16 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 4
Set Content Intelligence Services

Documentum Content Intelligence Services (CIS) extracts information for CenterStage Pro users to
select when they filter content lists to narrow the numbers of items displayed. CenterStage Pro
provides three filters, as described in Table 2, page 17. The CIS server analyzes CenterStage content
and metadata every 30 minutes to extract new or updated information. CIS refers to extracted values
as entities.

Table 2. CIS filters

Filter Information extracted from content and metadata

Place Geographical places grouped by countries and cities
People Names of users
Company Names of organizations, such as companies, institutions, or

You can make the following changes to CIS settings:

• Specify named entities, as described in the Documentum Content Intelligence Services Administration
Guide available within the CenterStage product on the Powerlink website.
• Modify the frequency with which CIS extracts new information, as described in the Documentum
Content Intelligence Services Administration Guide.
• Disable entity extraction, as described in Disable entity extraction, page 42.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 17

Set Content Intelligence Services Options

18 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 5
Set Retention Policy Services Options

Documentum Retention Policy Services (RPS) automates retention and disposition of content
in accordance with configured policies. RPS is a WDK-based application, like Documentum
Administrator (DA), that runs in an application server.
If you have deployed RPS in your CenterStage environment, consult this chapter for RPS-specific
configuration information.

Enable all users to apply retention policies

To ensure that all users have the necessary rights to apply retention policies to CenterStage objects,
run the method SetupCenterStageForRPS in DA. The method, which can be called by a job on a
nightly basis, adds the dcs_privileged_users role to the dm_retention_manager role, and
adds all space members and groups to the RPS contributor roles. Note that using CenterStage with
RPS requires a privileged DFC, which requires the DFC to be registered in the global repository.
Refer to the Documentum Retention Policy Services Administrator User Guide for details about RPS. Refer
to Documentum Content Server Fundamentals for information about privileged DFC.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 19

Set Retention Policy Services Options

20 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 6
Configure Content Transformation

CenterStage provides inline viewers that display the first page of a document with a thumbnail.
Documentum Thumbnail Generator (TG) creates single-page thumbnails (300 x 300 pixels in size) for
images, PDF files, and Office documents. If you install Documentum Media Transformation Services
(MTS) or Documentum Advanced Document Transformation Services (ADTS), CenterStage can
provide full-screen, multi-page document and image viewing capabilities in addition to thumbnails.
The following tables show the image and document formats supported by the optional transformation

Table 3. ADTS capabilities when used with CenterStage

Input format Thumbnail images Full-screen, multi-page views



Office (DOC, DOCX, DOT,

Images (GIF, JPEG, TIFF)






EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 21

Configure Content Transformation Services

Table 4. MTS capabilities when used with CenterStage

Input format Thumbnail images Full-screen, multi-page views

Images (AI, BMP, DNG, EPS,


Administrators can configure MTS and ADTS to generate renditions of different formats and sizes.
For more information, see the Media Transformation Services Installation Guide and the Advanced
Document Transformation Services Installation Guide.
After deciding which Content Transformation Services product is best suited for your CenterStage
deployment, consult the appropriate section for configuration information:
• Advanced Document Transformation Services, page 22
• Media Transformation Services, page 27
• Thumbnail Generator, page 30
General troubleshooting guidance is outlined in CTS troubleshooting, page 34.

Advanced Document Transformation Services

If you have chosen to use ADTS for viewing CenterStage content, perform these configuration tasks
in the order given:
1. Prepare for configuration, page 22
2. Register formats for renditions, page 23
3. Configure full-screen preview of images, page 24
4. Enlarge thumbnail size, page 26
5. Complete configuration, page 26

Prepare for configuration

Throughout the configuration process, you will be modifying two CTS profile files repeatedly. Thus,
you should check out these files first and complete all configuration tasks before checking them
back into the repository.

To check out the necessary CTS profile files:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets/System/Media Server/System Profiles

22 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

2. Select Show All Objects and Versions from the menu in the top right corner.
3. Check out these files:
• pdf_processing.xml
• register.xml
Now proceed to Register formats for renditions, page 23.

Register formats for renditions

When ADTS is deployed to your CenterStage repository, the register profile automatically registers all
imported files and passes them to the appropriate transformation profile for processing. By default,
the register profile for ADTS does not specify the file formats that it supports; unless ADTS has
already been fully configured, you will need to register the formats to be processed by the register.
When specifying formats in the register, be sure to use the Documentum format mapping names
rather than file extensions. Table 5, page 23 lists some examples of the format mapping used in
Documentum systems.

Table 5. Documentum format mapping

Description Documentum name Documentum name

(includes Office 2003) (Office 2007 only)
CAD drawings (DWF, DWG) acad
Corel WordPerfect (WPD) wpd8, wpd10
HTML html
Microsoft Excel (XLS) excel8book excel12book
Microsoft Excel (XLT) excel8template excel12template
Microsoft PowerPoint (POT) ppt8_template ppt12template
Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) ppt8 ppt12
Microsoft Visio (VSD) vsd, vsd1, vsd2, vsd3, vsd4
Microsoft Word (DOC) msw8 msw12
Microsoft Word (DOT) msw8template msw12template
PDF pdf

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 23

Configure Content Transformation Services

To register the formats:

1. Open register.xml in an XML or text editor.
2. Change the following tag:
<Format source="<sample>" target="<sample>"/>

<Format source="<Add source format here>" target="<Add target format
For example, to enable thumbnails and storyboards for Microsoft Word documents, your tag
would look like the following:
<Format source="msw8" target="msw8"/>

Note: Source and target formats are the same in the register profile. This is because processing
does not start from this profile; the source is passed to the next profile.
3. Save the file.

Configure full-screen preview of images

To enable rendering for larger resolution, full-screen images, both CenterStage and ADTS need
to be configured.

To configure CenterStage for full-screen preview of images:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Navigate to the <media> tag and change the <previewformat> setting from jpeg_th to
This configuration is used for full screen preview.
If MTS/ADTS is installed, this can be changed to return
other renditions for full screen Image Viewer.
eg: jpeg_preview or a larger jpeg_lres renditions.-->

3. Save app.xml.
4. Restart the CenterStage application server to load the change.
To configure ADTS for large renditions, create a new profile and register the profile.
Note: This procedure is based on ADTS 6.5 SP1/SP2.

To add a large rendition profile to the ADTS configuration:

1. Using a text or XML editor, open the pdf_processing.xml file.
2. Locate the following <InnerProfile> element:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/autoGenProxy_pdfstoryboard"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_lres"

24 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

InnerProfileToken="doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>

3. Change the profile by adding the <InnerTokenMapping> entries in bold text:

<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/autoGenProxy_pdfstoryboard"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_lres"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="false"
InnerProfileToken="overwrite_rendition" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="300"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_width_proxy" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="300"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_height_proxy" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="Low Resolution Proxy"
InnerProfileToken="rendition_description" Literal="true"/>

4. Add an inner profile for the Large Low Resolution Proxy to the <ProfileSequence> section,
just before the close tag, </ProfileSequence>. The example below uses the maximum
resolution of 1200 x 1200, but this value can be set to suit your environment.
<!-- This will enable large full screen renditions -->
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/autoGenProxy_pdfstoryboard"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_lres"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="false"
InnerProfileToken="overwrite_rendition" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="1200"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_width_proxy" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="1200"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_height_proxy" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="Large Low Resolution Proxy"
InnerProfileToken="rendition_description" Literal="true"/>

5. Save the change.

To register the large rendition profile:

1. Using a text or XML editor, open the register.xml file.
2. Add the following block of profiles to the <ProfileSequence> section, just before the close
tag, </ProfileSequence>.
<!--This extract properties for office formats -->
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/document_extract_props"
waitOnCompletion="true" useTargetFormat="true">
<!--This will generate thumbnail, proxy and storyboards for all document formats -->
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/document_registration"
waitOnCompletion="true" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="pdf"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<!--This will generate thumbnail, proxy and storyboards for pdf formats-->
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/pdf_processing"
waitOnCompletion="true" useTargetFormat="true">

3. Save the change.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 25

Configure Content Transformation Services

Enlarge thumbnail size

The default size for thumbnails in ADTS is 200 x 200 pixels. For better on-screen viewing, change
the thumbnails to 300 x 300 pixels using the following procedure.

To enlarge the thumbnails produced by ADTS:

1. In a text editor, open the pdf_processing.xml file for editing.
2. Change the value for doc_token_width_tn and doc_token_height_tn from 200 to 300 in
the following inner profile:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/thumbnail_pdfstoryboard"
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_th" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="false" InnerProfileToken=
"overwrite_rendition" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_width_tn" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_height_tn" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="large_jpeg_th" InnerProfileToken=
"target_page_modifier" Literal="true"/>

3. Change the values for doc_token_width and doc_token_height from 200 to 300 in the
following inner profiles:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/storyboard_pdfstoryboard"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_story" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_width" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_height" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="-1" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_pageNumber" Literal="true"/>

4. Save the file.

Complete configuration
Once you have completed all of the ADTS configuration, perform these tasks:
• In DA, check in the register.xml and pdf_processing.xml files as new versions.
• Restart the CTS service so that all configuration changes are captured.

26 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

Media Transformation Services

If you have chosen to use MTS for viewing CenterStage content, perform these configuration tasks in
the order given:
1. Prepare for configuration, page 27
2. Configure full-screen preview of images, page 27
3. Enlarge thumbnail size, page 29
4. Complete configuration, page 30
Note: Unlike ADTS, it is not necessary to register formats for MTS because by default the MTS
register.xml file contains all the formats supported by MTS to generate default renditions.

Prepare for configuration

Throughout the configuration process, you will be modifying two CTS profile files repeatedly. Thus,
you should check out these files first and complete all configuration tasks before checking them
back into the repository.

To check out the necessary CTS profile files:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets/System/Media Server/System Profiles
2. Select Show All Objects and Versions from the menu in the top right corner.
3. Check out these files:
• pdf_processing.xml
• register.xml
Now proceed to Configure full-screen preview of images, page 27.

Configure full-screen preview of images

To enable rendering for larger resolution, full-screen images, both CenterStage and MTS need to be

To configure CenterStage for full-screen preview of images:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Navigate to the <media> tag and change the <previewformat> setting from jpeg_th to
This configuration is used for full screen preview.
If MTS/ADTS is installed, this can be changed to return

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 27

Configure Content Transformation Services

other renditions for full screen Image Viewer.

eg: jpeg_preview or a larger jpeg_lres renditions.-->

3. Save app.xml.
4. Restart the CenterStage application server to load the change.
To configure MTS for large renditions, create a new profile and register the profile.
Note: This procedure is based on MTS 6.5 SP1/SP2.

To add a large rendition profile to the MTS configuration:

1. Using a text or XML editor, open the pdf_processing.xml file.
2. Add the following profile to the <ProfileSequence> section, just before the close tag,
</ProfileSequence>. The example below uses the maximum resolution of 1200 x 1200 pixels,
but this value can be set to suit your environment.
<!-- This will enable large full screen renditions -->
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/storyboard_pdfstoryboard"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_lres"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="1200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_width" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="1200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_height" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="–1" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_pageNumber" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="true" InnerProfileToken=
"enable_activepreview" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="true" InnerProfileToken=
"zip_output" Literal="true"/>

3. Save the changes.

To register the large rendition profile:

1. Using a text or XML editor, open the register.xml file.
2. Find the <InnerProfile> element containing the /autoGenProxy path.
3. Copy the element and paste the copy immediately after the copied element.
4. Change the width and height tokens to be the maximum desired resolution, such as 1200 x 1200.
5. Comment out or delete the default_proxy_format line:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/autoGenProxy"
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/autoGenProxy"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_lres"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<!-- <InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_lres"
InnerProfileToken="default_proxy_format" Literal="true"/> -->
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="true"
InnerProfileToken="overwrite_rendition" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="1200"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_width_proxy" Literal="true"/>

28 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="1200"
InnerProfileToken="doc_token_height_proxy" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="High Resolution Proxy"
InnerProfileToken="rendition_description" Literal="true"/>

6. Save the changes.

Enlarge thumbnail size

The default size for thumbnails in MTS is 200 x 200 pixels. For better on-screen viewing, change the
thumbnails to 300 x 300 pixels using the following procedures.

To enlarge the thumbnail size in the register:

1. In a text editor, open the register.xml file for editing.
2. Change the values for doc_token_width_tn and doc_token_height_tn from 200 to 300 in
the following inner profile:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/thumbnail"
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_th" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="true" InnerProfileToken=
"overwrite_rendition" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken="doc_token_width_tn"
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_height_tn" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="large_jpeg_th" InnerProfileToken=
"target_page_modifier" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="Large Thumbnail" InnerProfileToken=
"rendition_description" Literal="true"/>

3. Save and close the file.

To enlarge the thumbnails in the pdf_processing profile:

1. In a text editor, open the pdf_processing.xml file for editing.
2. Change the value for doc_token_width_tn and doc_token_height_tn from 200 to 300 in
the following inner profile:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/thumbnail_pdfstoryboard"
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_th" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="false" InnerProfileToken=
"overwrite_rendition" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_width_tn" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_height_tn" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="large_jpeg_th" InnerProfileToken=
"target_page_modifier" Literal="true"/>

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 29

Configure Content Transformation Services

3. Change the value for doc_token_width and doc_token_height from 200 to 300 in the
following inner profile:
<InnerProfile path="/System/Media Server/System Profiles/storyboard_pdfstoryboard"
waitOnCompletion="false" useTargetFormat="true">
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="jpeg_story" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_targetFormat" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_width" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="200" InnerProfileToken=
"doc_token_height" Literal="true"/>
<InnerTokenMapping LocalProfileToken="-1" InnerProfileToken=

4. Save and close the file.

Complete configuration
Once you have completed all of the MTS configuration, perform these tasks:
• In DA, check in the register.xml and pdf_processing.xml files as new versions.
• Restart the CTS service so that all configuration changes are captured.

Thumbnail Generator
If your Enterprise installation uses Documentum Thumbnail Generator (TG) to support thumbnail
display in CenterStage, the following guidelines and notes apply:
• General notes, page 30
• Configure TG for multiple repositories, page 31

General notes
• The Adlib Web Express server component of the TG installation requires IIS to be on port 80.
If IIS is on a different port, you can temporarily set IIS to port 80 before installing TG. Once
TG is installed and you set IIS back to the non-80 port, you must configure Adlib to use the
non-standard port.
• If one or more of the Adlib or Documentum Content Transformation Services do not install (are
not visible in Windows Services Manager), install them manually.

30 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

• If TG installs but is not working as expected, check the \Program

Files\Documentum\CTS\logs folder for possible problems.
• By default, TG only processes documents smaller than 10MB. Large PDFs or PPTs do not display
as thumbnails. You can work around this issue to process documents as large as 100MB by
doing the following:
1. Edit the file TGService.xml file, which by default is located in the \Program
Files\Documentum\CTS\config\tg\ folder.
2. Locate the following line:
<Filter name="FileSize" value="10"/>

3. Change the value to any value (in MB) up to a maximum of 100.

Note: The following note applies to TG:
[1] If you deploy TG to an existing repository, TG cannot process existing content.

Configure TG for multiple repositories

TG is designed to service a single repository. To enable TG for multiple repositories, follow the
procedures in this section.

To configure TG to service additional repositories:

1. Run the Transformation and Rich Media DAR files in each repository.
2. Stop the Content Transformation Services service on the TG host machine.
3. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\config folder.
4. Make backup copies of CTSProfileService.xml, CTSServerService.xml, and
SessionService.xml. Rename the backup files to,, and
Note: The backup files should not have the .xml extension.
5. Make the configuration file changes as described below.
6. Start the Content Transformation Services service on the TG host machine.
7. Once the TG application is running, run the following DQL statement:
Select *, product from cts_instance_info
Ensure that product ‘TG’ is shown under the ‘product’ attribute section.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 31

Configure Content Transformation Services

To modify the server configuration files for multiple repositories:

1. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\config folder.
2. Open the CTSServerService.xml file and edit it as follows:
a. Add a new Product element section with name attribute value of "TG", if it does not already
<Product name="CTS" version=""/>
<!-- Add a new Product element with the name TG -->
<Product name="TG" version="">
<BocsConfig allowBocsTransfer="true" allowSurrogateTransfer="true"
networkLocationId="" preferAcsTransfer="true"/>

b. Copy the two QueueProcessorContext sections and paste them to make another two
instances. Update the repository name wherever the string "docbase2_name_here" appears
in the following section:
<!-- Make a copy of the above two QueueProcessorContext section
for docbase2 -->
<!-- This is the entry for docbase2 to poll "dm_mediaserver" queue items -->
<QueueProcessorContext DocbaseName="docbase2_name_here">
<CTSServer AttributeName="queueItemName" AttributeValue="dm_mediaserver"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="queueInterval" AttributeValue="10"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxThreads" AttributeValue="10"/>
<!-- change the location of tempFileDir to match with the repository name -->
<CTSServer AttributeName="tempFileDir" AttributeValue=
<!-- change the mediaServerName to match with the repository name -->
<CTSServer AttributeName="mediaServerName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="sysOpUserName" AttributeValue="dmadmin"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxQueueItemsToSignOff" AttributeValue="5"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxQueueItemAge" AttributeValue="1m"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="processLocalContentOnly" AttributeValue=""/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="queueProcessor" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="notifySuccessMessage" AttributeValue="Yes"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="notifyFailureMessage" AttributeValue="Yes"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="ctsRefreshQueueItemName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="ignoreKeywordName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="thresholdForQueueItemsToSignOff" AttributeValue="2"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="ignoreItemsToSignOffLimit" AttributeValue="NO"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="markerInterval" AttributeValue="20"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="track_cts_response" AttributeValue="NO"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="networkLocationId" AttributeValue=""/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="allowBocsTransfer" AttributeValue=""/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="preferAcsTransfer" AttributeValue=""/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="allowSurrogateTransfer" AttributeValue=""/>

<!-- This is the entry for docbase2 to poll "dm_autorender_win31"

queue items -->

32 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

<QueueProcessorContext DocbaseName="docbase2">
<CTSServer AttributeName="queueItemName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="queueInterval" AttributeValue="10"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxThreads" AttributeValue="10"/>
<!-- change the location of tempFileDir to match with the repository name -->
<CTSServer AttributeName="tempFileDir" AttributeValue=
<!-- change the mediaServerName to match with the repository name -->
<CTSServer AttributeName="mediaServerName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="sysOpUserName" AttributeValue="dmadmin"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxQueueItemsToSignOff" AttributeValue="5"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxQueueItemAge" AttributeValue="1m"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="processLocalContentOnly" AttributeValue=""/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="queueProcessor" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="legacyTaskProcessor" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="aaesProfilePath" AttributeValue=
"/System/Media Server/Command Line Files/aes_legacy_calls.xml"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="bgProfilePath" AttributeValue=
"/System/Media Server/Command Line Files/background_legacy_calls.xml"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="customProfilePath" AttributeValue=
"/System/Media Server/Command Line Files/custom_legacy_calls.xml"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="notifySuccessMessage" AttributeValue="Yes"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="notifyFailureMessage" AttributeValue="Yes"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="ctsRefreshQueueItemName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="ignoreKeywordName" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="thresholdForQueueItemsToSignOff" AttributeValue="2"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="ignoreItemsToSignOffLimit" AttributeValue="NO"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="markerInterval" AttributeValue="20"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="track_cts_response" AttributeValue="NO"/>

c. Repeat Step b for any additional repositories.

d. Save your changes.
3. Open the CTSSessionService.xml file and edit it as follows:
a. Copy the LoginContext section to make another instance.
b. In the new LoginContext section, replace docbase2_name_here with the repository
name, and then replace docbase2_username with the repository username:
<LoginContext DocbaseName="docbase2_name_here" Domain="">
<CTSServer AttributeName="userName" AttributeValue="docbase2_username"/>
<CTSServer AttributeName="passwordFile" AttributeValue=
<CTSServer AttributeName="maxConnectionRetires" AttributeValue="10"/>

c. Create an mspassword2.txt file with the repository password and place it at the location
indicated above.
d. Repeat Step b and Step c for any additional repositories.
e. Save your changes.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 33

Configure Content Transformation Services

4. Open the CTSProfileService.xml file and edit it as follows:

a. Copy the ProfileManagerContext section to make another instance. Replace
docbase2_name_here with the name of the second repository:
<!-- This is the entry for docbase2 to poll "dm_autorender_win31"
queue items -->
<ProfileManagerContext DocbaseName="docbase2_name_here"
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="lightWeightProfile" CTSProfileValue=
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="lightWeightSystemProfile" CTSProfileValue=
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="heavyWeightProfile" CTSProfileValue=
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="lightWeightProfileFolder" CTSProfileValue=
"/System/Media Server/Profiles"/>
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="lightWeightSystemProfileFolder" CTSProfileValue=
"/System/Media Server/System Profiles"/>
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="heavyWeightProfileFolder" CTSProfileValue=
"/System/Media Server/Command Line Files"/>
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="tempFileDir" CTSProfileValue=
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="lwProfileDTD" CTSProfileValue=
<CTSServerProfile CTSProfileName="hwProfileDTD" CTSProfileValue=

b. Repeat Step a for any additional repositories.

c. Save your changes.

CTS troubleshooting
This section contains troubleshooting guidance relating to:
• Thumbnails not being generated, page 34
• Resolving CTS hanging issue, page 35
• Avoiding pop-up issues, page 35

Thumbnails not being generated

If you notice that thumbnails are not getting generated for some files, contact EMC Technical Support
for assistance. A hot fix is being created for this issue.

34 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Configure Content Transformation Services

Resolving CTS hanging issue

To solve the CTS hanging issue (SR #30643218), set the JVM force exit parameter by adding the
following setting in the C:\Program Files\Documentum\CTS\config\CTSServerService.
xml file:

Avoiding pop-up issues

Make sure that all installed programs on the CTS server have been launched and the registration
dialog box no longer appears. The registration screen that appears in some newly installed programs
may interfere with ADTS/MTS processing. Note that all applications must be closed prior to installing
the transformation application.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 35

Configure Content Transformation Services

36 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 7
Set CenterStage Application Options

This chapter describes the CenterStage configuration file and describes how to set CenterStage
application options that apply to all CenterStage users. You set system-wide options through
Documentum Administrator (DA), which is installed with CenterStage. DA runs in a web browser.
To access DA, you must have the URL of your organization’s DA installation and a username and
This chapter describes the following:
• Customize the sign-in dialog box, page 37
• Notify users of preferred browsers, page 38
• Customize the product name, page 39
• Set languages, page 39
• Set the session length, page 40
• Set the frequency of subscription updates, page 40
• Allow users to install CenterStage plug-ins, page 41
• Disable entity extraction, page 42
• Improve search performance by customizing the format filter, page 43

Customize the sign-in dialog box

The sign-in dialog box appears when a user first opens CenterStage by typing the CenterStage URL
in a web browser. You can customize the sign-in dialog box to provide instructions or disclaimer
text and to provide users a link they can click for additional help. The link can point to an email
address or a web page.

To customize the sign-in dialog box:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage.
2. Using a text or XML editor, edit the current version of the app.xml file.
3. To change the instructions and address for accessing help from the sign-in page, look for
<:html_help xml:lang="en">, where xml:lang is the locale to which the message pertains.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 37

Set CenterStage Application Options

4. Edit the text for <:div class=’login-custom-help’> and for <:div

5. To create disclaimer text that appears at the bottom of the sign-in dialog box, navigate to the
<disclaimer> tag set and do the following:
a. If you are editing the disclaimer for English, go to Step c. Otherwise, copy the entire
<disclaimer> tag set, shown here, and paste a new copy of the tag set after the original.
<disclaimer xml:lang="en">
<!-- put your disclaimer text here -->

b. Set the xml:lang attribute to the locale for which the disclaimer text applies.
c. Delete the comment <!-- put your disclaimer text here -->. In its place type
the disclaimer text.
d. To add a disclaimer for another language, paste a new copy of the <disclaimer> tag set and
repeat steps b and c.
6. Save app.xml.

Notify users of preferred browsers

You can configure the welcome text on the CenterStage sign-in page to inform end users of the
browsers that provide the best experience with CenterStage. To alert Internet Explorer 6 (IE 6) users
to the benefit of upgrading their browsers, for example, follow the procedure below.

To notify users of preferred browsers:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Configure a message for the specific browser (in this case, IE 6) by adding the tag highlighted in
<html_help xml:lang="en">
<div class='login-custom-help-panel-ie6'>
For the best CenterStage experience, we recommend using a modern web browser.
<div class='login-custom-help'><a href='#'>Trouble signing in?</a></div>
<div class='login-custom-help-instr'>If you're having trouble signing in,
please <a href="mailto:''">email your administrator

3. To format the new alert/instruction, configure the kw.css file. Continuing the example for
Internet Explorer 6 users, add the following code to the end of the stylesheet:
.ext-ie6 .login-custom-help,
.ext-ie6 .login-custom-help-instr {
display: none;
.ext-ie6 .login-custom-help-panel-ie6 {
display: block;

38 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Set CenterStage Application Options

color: #ff0000;
font: normal 10px tahoma;

• If you are using a JBOSS application server (used in single-server installation), modify kw.css
in one of the following locations:
— For a CenterStage Pro machine using JBOSS, modify kw.css
here: %documentum%\jboss4.2.0\server\DctmServer_
— For a CenterStage Essentials machine using JBOSS, modify kw.
css here: %documentum%\jboss4.2.0\server\DctmServer_
• If you are not using a JBOSS application server, perform the following steps to modify kw.css:
1. Stop the application server.
2. Delete the application server temp files.
3. Update kw.css in either CenterStage.war or CenterStagePro.war, as appropriate
(found here: js\kw\css\kw.css), and save it back in the WAR file, which is actually
a ZIP file.
4. Redeploy the modified WAR file.
5. Restart the application server.

Customize the product name

You can customize the name of the product to reflect your organization’s brand.
Note: In some areas of the user interface, such as those associated with the plug-ins, the CenterStage
name is hard coded and cannot be changed.

To customize the sign-in dialog box:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Customize the app_title element with the new product name.
3. Modify the CommunityHome element in accordance with your changes to the app_title element.
4. Save app.xml.

Set languages
You can view the list of supported languages in your CenterStage installation, and you can add
languages to the list.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 39

Set CenterStage Application Options

To specify supported languages:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Navigate to the <language> tag and add nested <locale> tags for each supported language. In the
example below, the English (United States) and the German locales have been added:
<!-- List of Locales supported by this application -->
<!-- add new locale code here -->
<!-- <locale>ja</locale> -->

3. Save app.xml.

Set the session length

When a user has been inactive for too long, CenterStage ends the user’s session. You can set the
length of time that CenterStage waits before ending the session.

To set how long CenterStage waits before ending an inactive user’s session:
1. Open the CenterStage WAR file.
2. Open the file, located in the WEB-INF\classes directory.
3. Set the following option to the number of minutes before CenterStage signs out an inactive user.
Do so by replacing the value of 240 in this example with the appropriate number of minutes:

4. Restart the application server so that this change takes effect.

Set the frequency of subscription updates

CenterStage keeps users informed of changes to their subscribed files by routinely sending each user
an email update. The user can choose to receive an email each time a subscribed item is changed,
or they can receive a daily or weekly email that lists all changes in a single subscription digest that
groups modified items by space. The default is for a user to receive a daily digest. CenterStage sends
updates to the email address set for the user during user creation, as described in Create a user in
the repository, page 11.
Administrators can set the time and frequency for each update option by editing the Documentum job
that controls that option. For each option, the job determines when and how often to send the update.
Table 6, page 41 describes the three jobs. For more information on jobs, see the chapter on jobs in
the Documentum Administrator 6.5 User Guide.

40 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Set CenterStage Application Options

Table 6. Subscription update jobs

Job Description
CenterStage Email Notification This job is used when a user selects to receive change notices
every time a subscribed item is updated. This job sends a
separate email for every item changed. By default, this job runs
every 15 minutes.
Daily CenterStage Email This job is used when a user selects daily updates. By default,
Notification this job runs Sunday through Friday at 2 A.M., according to the
user’s local time. This is the default option for the end user.
Weekly CenterStage Email This job is used when a user selects weekly updates. By default,
Notification this job runs every Thursday at 2 A.M., according to user’s local

To set when CenterStage sends subscription updates:

1. In Documentum Administrator, connect to the repository and navigate to Administration >
Job Management > Jobs.
2. Select the job to modify and select View > Properties > Info.
3. Select the Schedule tab and set when and how often to run the job.
4. Click OK.

Allow users to install CenterStage plug-ins

You can give users a choice whether to install and use the client-side plug-ins that provide the
functionality described in Table 7, page 41. If you do not enable this choice, users cannot use the

Table 7. Client-side plug-ins

Plug-in Description
UCF (Unified Client Facilities) This is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems.
content-transfer Java applet This plug-in provides UCF content transfer as an alternative to
HTTP content transfer. UCF content transfer lets users access
files from CenterStage as though from their own desktop.
CenterStage keeps track of the user’s downloaded files and
prevents accidental duplication of downloaded files.
The copy-and-paste ActiveX This allows Windows users to use the Windows clipboard with
control CenterStage.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 41

Set CenterStage Application Options

To configure the use of CenterStage plug-ins:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Two settings within the <content_transfer> node control the use of the plug-ins:
• <allow_cta_plugin> determines whether users are given the option to enable the plug-ins
through My Preferences. If this attribute is set to false, plug-in use is disabled even if users
had previously selected this option in My Preferences. The default setting is true:
<!-- Allow/disallow content transfer agent (CTA) plugin -->

• <install_cta_plugin_on_login> controls whether users are prompted with the choice

of installing these plug-ins when they log in to CenterStage for the first time. The
<allow_cta_plugin> attribute (described above) must be set to true for this setting to have
effect. The default setting of <install_cta_plugin_on_login> is false:
<!-- Prompt to install the plug-ins (including CTA) just after a user logs in
for the very first time. -->
<!-- Setting this to false means that users will have to visit their
MemberPreferences dialog in order -->
<!-- to install and use the plug-ins. -->

Change these settings as required.

3. Save app.xml.

Disable entity extraction

CenterStage’s entity extraction feature is leveraged from Documentum’s Content Intelligence Services
(CIS). Entity extraction takes information from a document’s content and metadata and uses the
information to help users find the document when filtering or searching.
Entity extraction is enabled by default.

To disable the extraction of entities:

1. In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CenterStage Pro
and open app.xml in a text editor.
2. Navigate to the lines shown here and type false in place of true in the <enable_entity_extraction>
tag set.
<!-- CIS uses this to determine if entities should
be extracted from documents inside spaces. -->

3. Save app.xml.

42 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Set CenterStage Application Options

Improve search performance by customizing

the format filter
Due to the high number of available formats in the repository, searches may perform poorly when
selecting formats in the format filter. To improve search performance, you can remove from the
format filter the formats that are not used by ignoring them. This setting is not definitive and
you may restore the filters at any time. You ignore a format by setting the format_class attribute
to kw_ignore in the formats table.
Ignoring some formats also reduces the list of possible formats in the Others format filter, which
can be a very long list.

To ignore a format:
1. In DA, open the DQL editor.
2. Run the following DQL query to get the list of available formats in the repository:
SELECT name, mime_type, description FROM dm_format WHERE NOT ANY
format_class='kw_ignore' ORDER BY name

3. Run the following DQL query:

UPDATE dm_format OBJECTS APPEND format_class='kw_ignore'WHERE "name" = 'xyz'
where xyz is the format to ignore.
4. Restart the application server to clean the cache of the formats table.

To restore a format:
1. In DA, open the DQL editor.
2. Run the following DQL query:
UPDATE dm_format OBJECTS REMOVE format_class[0] where "name" = 'xyz'
where xyz is the format to ignore.
Index [0] is used if there was no value already set for the repeating attribute format_class.
Otherwise, check for the right index.
3. Restart the application server to clean the cache of the formats table.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 43

Set CenterStage Application Options

44 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 8
Manage CenterStage Spaces

The procedures to manage CenterStage spaces are found in CenterStage Help. This chapter lists
the commonly used tasks that administrators perform to manage spaces. For the procedures, see
CenterStage Help.
This chapter also provides overviews of CenterStage concepts related to space management. For
overviews of all CenterStage concepts, see the CenterStage Overview Guide.
This chapter provides the following:
• Common space management tasks, page 45
• Understanding the CenterStage containment hierarchy, page 46
• Understanding spaces, page 46
• Understanding users and permissions, page 47
• Understanding templates, page 50

Common space management tasks

Table 8, page 45 lists the commonly used tasks that administrators perform to manage spaces. For
the procedures, see CenterStage Help.

Table 8. Space management tasks

To manage: Perform these tasks, as described in CenterStage Help

Spaces • Add new spaces

• Edit space settings

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 45

Manage CenterStage Spaces

To manage: Perform these tasks, as described in CenterStage Help

Members • Add space members

• Invite members to a space

• Change member roles

• Edit role settings

Templates • Create new space templates

• Create new content templates

• Edit template properties

• Copy space templates

• Copy content templates

• Modify the scope of content templates

• Activate templates

You can also create templates outside of CenterStage in a staging

environment and then deploy them to CenterStage, as described
in Chapter 9, Deploy Templates from Staging Environments.

Understanding the CenterStage containment

CenterStage allows users to access documents in the Documentum repository in a familiar and
collaborative way consistent with popular Web 2.0 applications. While CenterStage provides access to
the repository, the repository itself is never visible to the user. Each repository contains one or more
spaces, which provide a way of grouping information by a particular field of interest. Within spaces,
there are sections, which group information by type (wiki pages, blog entries, discussions). Sections
consist of one or more pages, which are used to organize and display content. Pages contain widgets,
which are lightweight applications used to edit and view discrete types of content, and attachments,
which are content files in their native formats.

Understanding spaces
A space is a CenterStage location created for a specific goal. Members achieve the goal through
creating and sharing content and information. Each space has a set of policies that define such
parameters as security, versioning, and notification. A space can also be subject to retention policies
managed through the Retention Policy Administration client. A space’s membership is either open
to all the repository’s users or restricted to specific users by invitation only. Each space member is
assigned a user role that defines the user’s access to content and actions. Users with the appropriate

46 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Manage CenterStage Spaces

permissions can create new spaces within a repository and can save existing spaces as new space
Once users are logged in, they can navigate to spaces. Spaces open as tabbed panels in CenterStage
and can be either public or private, as described in Table 9, page 47.
Note: Super users can always access private spaces, even if they are not members of a space.

Table 9. Public and private spaces

Type of space Description

Public Public spaces are open to all CenterStage users and open the flow
of information, avoiding the segregation of information into silos.
Private Private spaces restrict access to information that has security
requirements. Whereas a public space can be seen by all
CenterStage users, both from within and from without the
organization, a private space is restricted by invitation-only to
specific users.

Understanding users and permissions

A CenterStage user is a person with a unique login account to at least one CenterStage repository.
System administrators create user accounts. Administrators can create CenterStage accounts both for
intranet users as well as users outside the firewall.
The CenterStage user has automatic membership in all the repository’s public spaces and might
have membership in one or more of the repository’s private spaces. Within each space, the user
has an assigned role that determines the user’s permissions for performing actions and accessing
Permissions are granted on a per object basis. Each object in a space, including each location, is
assigned an access control list (ACL) that defines the actions users of each role can perform on the
object. CenterStage assigns an object an ACL at creation. By default, CenterStage assigns the ACL
of the space to a new object created in that space. A user with adequate permissions can change
an object’s ACL.
There are four permission levels in CenterStage, each of which is based on a combination of
Documentum basic and extended permissions. Permission levels are cumulative: each level allows
the rights granted to the levels below it. The four permission levels are described in Table 10, page 48.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 47

Manage CenterStage Spaces

Table 10. Permission levels in CenterStage

CenterStage permission level Documentum permission What you can do with this
level right
None (only for the space’s ACL) None Nothing; cannot see the object
Read Read Can:
• View an item (including
opening a file for viewing)

• See the item’s versions and

version comments

• Open a folder

• Create comments
(optionally, and can be
different for individual

• Create items

• Copy or move items

Create Relate plus Change Folder Read plus create an item, open
Links the item, and create comments
on the item; cannot move or
delete other people’s content.
Edit Write plus Change Location Create plus edit and move the
(except for section-level item and change its lifecycle
content), Change State state.
Delete Delete plus Change Location Edit plus delete the item.
(including section-level
content), Change State, Change
CenterStage provides standard roles that grant these permissions to members with that role. The
roles and their permissions are listed in Table 11, page 49.

48 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Manage CenterStage Spaces

Table 11. CenterStage roles

CenterStage permission
CenterStage role Public Space Private Space
Participant Edit Edit
Coordinator Edit (plus special coordinator Edit (plus special coordinator
rights*) rights*)
Content Owner Delete plus Change Ownership Delete plus Change Ownership
New custom roles Edit Edit
* Regardless of the Coordinator role’s permission level, it always has these extended permissions:
• Extended Delete
• DCTM Browse permission (to let the coordinator see an item, even if the role group is removed
from an item’s ACL)
• Change Owner
• Change Permissions
• Change Location
• Change State
• Change Folder Links
In addition, coordinators can always manage members and create/delete custom roles.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

By default, SSL is not enabled in CenterStage. Over HTTP, passwords are sent in clear text when SSL
is not enabled. EMC recommends that customers enable SSL to provide secure transmission of
sensitive data such as authentication credentials.
For more information, see the “Managing User Authentication” chapter in the EMC Documentum
Content Server Administration Guide.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 49

Manage CenterStage Spaces

Understanding templates
CenterStage includes a starter set of templates which are described in Table 12, page 50.

Table 12. Template types

Template type Description

Space template Space templates are collections of pages, widgets, layouts,
business logic, and content tailored to address the needs and
requirements of a specific business process or task set.
Wiki template Wiki templates provide pages and content for new sections. A
wiki template is tailored to a particular purpose, such as project
management, project specification, documentation, and so on.
Page template Page templates provide layout, widgets, content, attachments,
tags, and properties for new pages. Templates can include a
value for the layout type property, determining whether users
can change the layout of a new page.

When a page cannot be changed, users cannot add, remove,

reposition, or re-size widgets, nor can they change the number
of columns.

50 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Chapter 9
Deploy Templates from Staging

This chapter describes how to deploy templates from a staging environment to the CenterStage
repository. Templates provide users a way to create new spaces and pages with pre-existing
To deploy a template, you use Documentum Composer 6.5 SP2. Obtain the CenterStage reference
project (available with the CenterStage SDK on the EMC Developer Network website) and unzip the
CenterStage reference project in your Composer workspace. The instructions in this chapter assume
a knowledge of Documentum Composer; for more information, see the Documentum Composer 6.5
User Guide.

To deploy a template:
1. Use Documentum Composer to create a project that meets all of the following conditions:
• References the CenterStage reference project
• Contains the template
• Defines all the object types referenced in the template
2. Use Documentum Composer to select the template artifacts and any other artifacts from the
repository to import into the new project.
3. Perform the import.
Documentum Composer imports the template artifact under SysObjects.
4. Edit the install properties of each template to use the appropriate ACL (defined in the CenterStage
reference project) and install path (the default is the one that CenterStage expects).
Install the Composer project to one of the following locations in the target repository and assign
the specified ACL:
• For a space template, assign the dmc_kw_space_templates_acl ACL and install to /Templates /
• For a content template, assign the dmc_kw_content_templates_acl ACL and install to one of
the following:
— / Templates / Sections
— / Templates / Pages

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 51

Deploy Templates from Staging Environments

5. In your workspace, the CenterStage.dar and your project DAR must be in the same
6. Use Composer’s darinstaller.exe to deploy your project DAR to the new repository.

52 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Appendix A
Best Practices for Building a

This appendix describes some best practices for creating a community of spaces to achieve a business
In this appendix, the term community means a group of spaces created for a common business
solution. This differs from the term’s meaning in the CenterStage interface, where My Community
means all the spaces on the CenterStage site.

Creating a community: a case study

The challenge
Scratch Bonnet Software International is stuck in a rut. Discrete business units are pursuing product
lines and marketing solutions that make a certain amount of sense when taken in isolation, but they
are creating conflict and redundancy when taken as a whole.
Donald Canard, an inhouse business expert, pulled together a cross-functional team including
engineers, technical writers, user support, and product management to address these issues.
These are the issues and opportunities facing Scratch Bonnet Software.

Table 13. Case study: Issues and opportunities

Issues Opportunities
The Challenge Cross-team collaboration is low. There is an air of mistrust between
working groups and little opportunity for interaction.
The Theme Pull various product groups together as a team to advance enterprise goals.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 53

Best Practices for Building a Community

Issues Opportunities
The Objectives • Foster new ideas for cross-product collaboration

• Develop, discuss, and challenge them

• Turn viable ideas into salable products

The Participants Architects — Offer technical solutions, debate feasibility, seek opportunities
for synergy; innovators with the expertise and authority to launch new

Builders — Engineers discuss the nuts-and-bolts implementation of the

vision provided by the architects

Advocates — Intelligent users of the systems such as user experience

designers, technical writers, and product managers who can comment on
ease-of-use and feature completeness

Consumers — Provide feedback on the ideas presented and their relative


The setup
Donald creates a community for idea development and invites key people from within the
organization — those with expertise, with innovative strengths, and with authority to launch new
projects — and from without, including key customers and suppliers.
Donald works with the architects to assign areas of interest and expertise. Knowing that it is
important to keep the number of spaces and topics small at the outset, Donald suggests three
key initiatives on which to focus: Miguel Raton takes on rapid deployment, Horace Pferdkragen
volunteers to champion mobile applications, and Manfred Wunderhund signs up to tackle
cross-product efficiencies.

Assigning access and security

Donald defines the following roles and access rights for the Initiative spaces.

Table 14. Case study: Roles and access rights

Role Access rights

Architect Delete
Builder Edit
Advocate Edit
Consumer Read

54 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Best Practices for Building a Community

When inviting outsiders, Donald protects inhouse information by restricting access on all sensitive
documents and discussion threads. Consumers can read the public CenterStage information and
comment on it, but they cannot edit original information posted by internal sources.

Defining community roles

Although Donald was the instigator of the Initiatives site, most successful communities have Space
coordinators, two or three managers who divide responsibilities and who have a vested interest in
making spaces successful. Donald asks Miguel, Horace, and Manfred to assume these roles.
Space coordinators do the following:
• Create spaces and templates
• Set rules and best practices
• Encourage participation and keep conversations on track
• Brainstorm and solicit new ideas for growth
• Update the site
• Answer technical questions
The Advocates and Builders in the community are Content providers who drive the community’s
conversations. They ask the questions that get people talking. Both they and the Architects can also
act as subject matter experts to provide authoritative voices on specific topics.

Defining the space template

Each of the spaces will start with the same essential elements:
• An architect’s blog
• A discussion area
• A wiki for collaboration
• Collateral folders for static information
Rather than recreate the spaces for each initiative, Donald creates one generic space with these
elements, and saves it as a template named Initiative.
In the template, Donald creates the roles and sets permissions for each element in the space. These
settings are carried forward into each of the new spaces. The one change that Donald introduces into
the template is to set the permission for Consumers to None. Architects, Builders, and Advocates will
have the opportunity to create content and populate their discussions, wikis, blogs, and collateral
folders. When the space information reaches critical mass, the Architects change the permissions
setting for Consumers in their space to Read.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 55

Best Practices for Building a Community

Create spaces

Based on the Initiative template, he and the Architects create four initial spaces: Rapid Deployment,
Mobile Applications, Cross-product Efficiency, and a Synergy space that consolidates common
themes and provides a feedback mechanism for the initiative spaces overall.

Create wikis

At the heart of each of the spaces is a wiki, where participants write, challenge, and defend proofs
of concept for products. Each wiki is allowed to grow “organically,” based on the interests and
contributions of the Architect, Advocates, and Builders.
Specific sections in each wiki have individuals who are responsible for maintaining the content.
Builders and Advocates take ownership of elements of the overall initiative, effectively becoming
architects in their own areas. Each member understands that the area is theirs to update and maintain,
and time and resources are allocated to ensure that the information is current.
Special attention is paid to the titles of the wiki pages, to make sure that they are meaningful and
give a clear indication of the page content. Page titles appear in a number of places, including lists of
new and updated files, and can generate a good deal of interest.
Donald cautions contributors to avoid posting questions in wikis: readers are more likely to respond
to a post with useful content and alternative ideas.

Create blogs

Horace, Miguel, and Manfred, as team leads, all have their own blogs where they are able to wax
philosophical about their product initiatives, goals, potential solutions, or anything else they feel will
be of interest to their collaborators.
They know their audience is composed of “clued-in” people who are familiar with the technologies in
play but not necessarily the details of the inner workings. It is important to define jargon the first
time the words appear on the blog, and potentially more than once. Liberal use of external links to
online references reduces redundancy.
All three leads understand the importance of continual updates to their respective blogs. While no
one should speak unless there is something useful to say, successful blogs are continually updated
with new information. For Miguel and Manfred, this translates into daily updates of about a
paragraph of material. Horace is more likely to update once or twice weekly, but with longer posts.
While the blogs are conversational in tone, everyone is well aware that the opinions they publish
can exert influence on others and create controversy. The personality of each of the architects comes
through, which helps to engage readers and get them to join in with equally conversational comments.

56 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Best Practices for Building a Community

Create discussions

In the Synergy space, Donald and the Architects start the first few discussion threads, proposing
solutions to specific problems to get conversations started. They reply to each other’s proposals in a
sincere, productive, and provocative way. It is important not to sound forced or false when starting
discussions: potential contributors will shy away.

Seed with content

Paradoxically, a successful CenterStage deployment is created as a collaborative project, with

information contributed by members—but members are often reluctant to contribute to an empty
site. To get things started, it is important to upload interesting content before users arrive.

Creating content folders

Content folders are used to organize static information in CenterStage. Each of the spaces has a folder
named Collateral that organizes background information for each of the initiatives. In the Collateral
folder are the folders White papers, Product specifications, and Product documentation.

Seeding useful information

In order to encourage participation and stimulate ideas, Donald, Miguel, Horace, and Manfred
upload complete, up-to-date, useful collateral information for their areas. By posting or linking the
latest and greatest versions of supporting documents, the new CenterStage implementation quickly
becomes the best “source of truth” for all participants. Having a “one-stop shop” where users can
find the answers they need will quickly make the site indispensable.
Next, Advocates and Builders are invited to augment the existing information, comment on blog
entries, and respond to discussion questions. They add relevant links within content to add value for
readers, including links to content in other spaces or to external sources.

The kickoff
When the team agrees that the site has sufficient content to generate interest and provide useful
information, the Architects change the permissions setting for Consumers from None to Read,
and the site is live.
Donald and the team invite members to join the spaces. As a way to get the conversation going, they
ask the new members to share their thoughts on the initial content. This gives the new members a
task that gets them involved in the site immediately, and results in some useful feedback as the
site gets rolling.
Donald, Miguel, Horace, and Manfred monitor the community over time to see which types of pages
best suit the users’ preferred ways to communicate. Pages that draw few hits are deleted.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 57

Best Practices for Building a Community

Members use filters and advanced searches to find new subject matter experts and new relevant
information. Content contributors are encouraged to use tags as an alternative way of organizing
information, creating tag clouds of topics that appear most frequently.
Individuals maintain their areas of ownership, continually adding and updating information, but
also culling pages that are outdated or no longer part of the active project. Archiving and deleting
information that is no longer of interest to users improves performance, and helps to ensure that users
always get current data as a result of their searches.
Given that the point of the site is to generate interaction, the team leads are conscientious about
checking in with the community several times a day, reading the boards, and responding quickly to
keep the conversation lively and encourage participants to return frequently to follow the thread.
When someone posts new content that is of high interest, Donald or one of the Architects will send an
email with a link to the content, including new members or infrequent participants on the recipient
list, and ask for their feedback.
To measure community success, Donald uses tools such as CenterStage reporting services to run
reports on usage and activity within the community. He uses metrics such as levels of participation
and engagement, page views, and blog replies to gauge which areas are most effective and which
need more attention or should be removed. Measuring community success helps him to maximize
the return on investment.

The payoff
Over time, cultivation of the information and ideas allows the community to grow and change
according to business needs. As participants get comfortable with new ways of interacting, the
department or contributor who proposes a solution becomes less important than the collaborative
process that brings it to market. Data Darwinism allows the most productive threads to thrive and
grow, while less interesting discussions and wiki pages wither and die.
Donald is pleased to see the Architects, Builders, Advocates, and Consumers working together
as a single community, including several smaller communities-within-the-community, no longer
separated by job title, physical location, or functional area.

Processes to govern content

Governing your community means setting up policies and lifecycles to store content based on its
relevance and to prevent the growth of content from slowing system performance. Your governance
strategy should be in line with your organizational policies and procedures to control content growth.
Such policies and procedures are sometimes known as an Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
strategy. Work with those responsible for your organizational ILM strategy to manage the growth
and retention of your content. Determine policies and procedures that retain content based on its
value to your organization. You should routinely revisit this question as your community grows.

58 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Best Practices for Building a Community

To govern the community, do the following:

• Assign content value and create content lifecycles to retain and retire content
The usefulness of content often diminishes with time. To retain content for only as long as it is
useful, work with your organizational ILM experts to create a way to assign value to content. Then
create retention policies that use content value to promote, retain, and retire content. Keeping
content updated in this way increases visibility of relevant content, gives quick access to critical
information, and prevents risks to sensitive information.
As an example, you can have one space dedicated to innovation and another dedicated to social
events. You can create retention policies that keep information active in the innovation space for
a longer time than they do for information in the event space.
As an example of an approach to assign content value, you might create templates that
automatically assign properties to new or imported content based on content type and space
• Retire information
Different spaces and communities have different life spans. Some communities are purpose-built
for a single event or deliverable and have a very active but short life. Plan ahead for content
obsolescence. Use lifecycles and retention policies to plan how to age information and eventually
retire it.
• Extract reusable content for future spaces and communities
As you learn best approaches and best design practices from successful communities, you can
extract reusable content for future communities by creating templates that include successful
practices. Reusing content ensures a standard of quality, encourages the success, and improves
the speed of delivery of new efforts. Templates can leverage tagging techniques, classification
systems, and automatic assigning of content properties to consolidate information across spaces in
the community.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 59

Best Practices for Building a Community

60 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Appendix B
CenterStage Object Types

This appendix lists the object types used by CenterStage:

• Comment, page 62
• Discussion, page 63
• Room, page 64
• Topic, page 66
• Blog, page 67
• Blog entry, page 68
• Preference set, page 69
• Space home page, page 70
• Template, page 71

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 61



Records a comment in a discussion, blog, wiki, folder, or in relation to a content file.

Supertype: Richtext
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_comment
Object type tag: 08
A comment object represents a single comment in a discussion.

Table 15, page 62 lists the properties defined for the type.

Table 15. Properties defined for the comment type

Property Datatype Single or Description

comment_creation_ date S Original date and time at which
date a comment was created. This is
only set if the comment object
represents a comment copied from
the original comment.
comment_creator string (128) S Name of the user who originally
made the comment. This is
only set if the comment object
represents a comment copied from
the original comment.
comment_id integer S Identifying value for the comment
within the topic.
comment_modtag integer S Value of the topic’s last_update_
modtag property after the most
recent modification of this
comment_parentid integer S The identifying value of the
comment to which this comment
is a reply or response.

If the comment is not a reply to

another comment, this is 0.

62 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide



Contains one or more topics or topic subtypes.

Supertype: Folder
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_discussion
Object type tag: 0b
A discussion object serves as the container for topics relating to a particular discussion. Only objects
of type dm_topic or its subtypes may be linked to a discussion.

The discussion object type has no properties defined for the type. It inherits all its properties from its

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 63



Provides an additional access management layer for SysObjects.

Supertype: Folder
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_room
Object type tag: 0b
A room is a special folder that provides additional, optional functionality to control access to the
objects in the folder when the objects are accessed through the room.

Table 16, page 64 lists the properties defined for the type.

Table 16. Properties defined for the room type

Property Datatype Single or Description

builtin_groups string(32) R Names of private groups in the

The first four index positions are

reserved for the system-defined
groups in room:

default_contrib_ integer S Default base object-level
permit permission for the contributor’s
group applied to objects governed
by this room.
default_contrib_ string(32) S Default extended permission for
xpermit the contributor’s group applied to
objects governed by this room.
default_owner_permit integer S Default base object-level
permission for the owner’s
group applied to objects governed
by this room.

64 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide


Property Datatype Single or Description

default_owner_ string(32) S Default extended permission for
xpermit the owner’s group applied to
objects governed by this room.
is_public Boolean S Whether the room is a public or
private room.

T means the room is a public room.

F means the room is a private room

and only members of the Members
group (builtin_groups[0]) can
access objects in the room.

The only valid value is currently F.

only_owners_ Boolean S Whether membership in the
ungovern Owners groups is an additional
requirement for users trying to
remove an object from the room.

T means that a user must be a

member of the Owners group
in addition to having Write and
Change_permit permissions on an
object to remove that object from
the room.

F means that any user in the room

with Write and Change_permit
permissions on the object can
remove it from the room.
status_text string S Text description of the room’s
(maximum) status.

The length of this property is

the maximum allowed by the
underlying database.
status_value integer S Application-defined status value
of the room.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 65



Used to manage a single discussion.

Supertype: Folder
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_topic
Object type tag: 0b
A topic object is used to manage a discussion thread—the set of comments about a single topic.

Table 17, page 66 lists the properties defined for the type.

Table 17. Properties defined for the topic type

Property Datatype Single or Description

is_disabled Boolean S Whether the topic is disabled. T
means the topic is disabled. F
means the topic is not disabled.
The default is F.
Note: Users cannot create, view, or
edit comments in disabled topics.
next_comment_id integer S Value to be used as the object ID of
the next new comment.
last_update_modtag integer S Value used internally to track each
time a topic is modified.

66 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide



Used to manage weblog activities.

Supertype: Folder
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_kw_blog
Object type tag: 0b
A blog object is used to manage weblog activities. It is a specialized type of CenterStage section.

No non-inherited attributes.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 67

Blog entry

Blog entry

A special object type is used to store the individual entries that go into a blog archive.

Supertype: Folder
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_blog
Object type tag: 0b
A special object type that is used to store the individual entries that go into a blog archive.

No non-inherited attributes.

68 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide

Preference set

Preference set

Used to manage CenterStage preferences.

Supertype: dm_relation
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_kw_preference_set
Object type tag: 0b
Used to manage CenterStage preferences.

Table 18, page 69 lists the properties defined for the type.

Table 18. Properties defined for the preference set type

Property Datatype Single or Description

a_preference_name String (255) R Preference name.
a_preference_value String (255) R Preference value.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 69

Space home page

Space home page

Represents the home page of a CenterStage space.

Supertype: Folder
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dmc_kw_space_home_page
Object type tag: 0b
Represents the home page of a CenterStage space.

No non-inherited attributes.

70 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide



Defines a CenterStage template.

Supertype: dm_sysobject
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dm_kw_template
Object type tag: 0b
Defines a CenterStage template.

Table 19, page 71 lists the properties defined for the type.

Table 19. Properties defined for the template type

Property Datatype Single or Description

a_template_category String (256) S Template category.
a_target_object_type String (32) S Target object type.
a_product_used string (48) S Product used.
is_active Boolean S Whether the template is currently
a_target_application_ String (32) S Target application type.
has_dynamic_layout Boolean S Whether the layout is static or can
be changed.

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 71


72 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide


A managers, 55
Active X, configuring, 41 configuring
ADTS supported locales, 39
configuring for CenterStage, 22 users, 13
configuring full-screen preview, 24 content
enlarging thumbnails, 26 templates, 51
image support in CenterStage, 21 content analytics. See filters
registering formats for renditions, 23 Content Intelligence Services. See filters
using with CenterStage, 21 documentation, 7
Advanced Document Transformation content providers, defined, 55
Services. See ADTS Content Transformation Services. See CTS
app.xml CTS
settings in CIS, 42 configuring, 21
settings in DA, 24, 27, 37 to 40, 42 troubleshooting, 34
authentication, configuring, 40
B dce_room_creator role, 13
best practices for community building, 53 dce_user_manager role, 13
blog entry object type, 68 digests of changes, sending by email, 40
blog object type, 67 discussion object type, 63
blogs discussions
dmc_blog type, 68 dmc_comment type, 62
dmc_kw_blog type, 67 dmc_topic type, 66
dm_kw_template type, 71
dmc_blog type, 68
C dmc_comment type, 62
CenterStage dmc_discussion type, 63
case study, 53 dmc_kw_blog type, 67
hierarchy, 46 dmc_kw_manage_space_templates
object typesd, 61 role, 14
overview guide, 7 dmc_kw_preference_set type, 69
summary of administrative tasks, 9 dmc_kw_space_home_page type, 70
system configuration, 37 dmc_room type, 64
changing thumbnail size in ADTS, 26 dmc_topic type, 66
changing thumbnail size in MTS, 29 documentation, additional guides, 7
CIS. See filters Documentum Administrator
clipboard, enabling, 41 configuring CenterStage with, 11 to 12,
comment object type, 62 24, 27, 37 to 42
communities creating users, 11
guidelines, 53 disabling entity extraction, 42

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 73


documentation, 7 LDAP, authenticating with, 12

full-screen images, 24, 27 log in. See sign in
setting email server, 12
setting languages, 40
setting plug-in options, 42
setting sign-in options, 37 to 38 mail server, configuring, 12
setting subscription options, 41 Media Transformation Services. See MTS
signing in, 11 members, assigning, 13
Documentum Collaborative Services MTS
room object type, 64 configuring full-screen preview, 28
Documentum Composer enlarging thumbnails, 29
deploy templates, 51 image support in CenterStage, 22
documentation, 7 using with CenterStage, 21
Documentum format mapping, 23 multiple repositories, 31
Documentum platform, configuring, 11
domain, authenticating with, 12 N
named entities. See filters
email P
addresses, 37 password, user, 12
server, 12 performance, of searches, 43
subscription updates, 40 permissions
entities. See filters Create, 48
external sources, configuring, 15 Delete, 48
Edit, 48
F levels in CenterStage, 48
Federated Search Services None, 48
Admin Center, setting external overview, 47
sources, 15 Read, 48
configuring, 15 platform, configuring, 11
documentation, 7 plug-ins, configuring, 41
setting external sources, 15 Powerlink website, URL, 7
filters preference set object type, 69
configuring, 17 preferences, dmc_kw_preference_set
disable extraction, 42 type, 69
format filter, customizing, 43 product name, configuring, 39
format mapping table, 23
frequency of subscription updates, R
configuring, 40 repositories, user accounts, 11
FS2. See Federated Search Services resources, additional guides, 7
retain content, 59
I Retention Policy Services. See RPS
image viewer, configuring, 21 retire content, 59
inline users, 13 reuse content, 59
and related permissions, 49
L assign users, 13
languages, specifying, 39 assigning users to, 13

74 EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide


Content Owner, 49 management tasks, 45

Coordinator, 49 managing, 45
custom, 49 private, 47
dce_room_creator, 13 public, 47
dce_user_manager, 13 types of, 47
dmc_kw_manage_space_templates, 14 subject matter experts, defined, 55
overview, 47 subscriptions, email updates, 40
Participant, 49 system, configuring, 37
room object type, 64
and privileged DFC, 19
described, 19 template object type, 71
giving users rights to apply policies, 19 templates
running method for CenterStage, 19 ACLs, 51
deploy, 51
dm_kw_template type, 71
S Page, 50
search performance, improving, 43 Space, 50
search, configuring, 15 types, 50
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), enabling, 49 Wiki, 50
settings Thumbnail Generator, 21
CenterStage system, 37 general usage notes, 30
CIS, 17, 42 using for thumbnail support, 30
Documentum platform, 11 using with multiple repositories, 31
email, 12 thumbnails
entities, 42 in CenterStage, 21
languages, 39 troubleshooting, 34
plug-ins, 41 time-out, configuring, 40
searches, 15 topic object type, 66
session lengths, 40
, 37
subscription updates, 40
users, 11 UCF, configuring, 41
Unified Client Facilities. See UCF
adding preferred browser alert, 38 UNIX, authenticating with, 12
configure, 37 user managers, 13
configuring, 40 users, 11
message for specific browser, 38 See also members
SMTP server. See mail server assigning, 13
sources, configuring, 15 creating, 11, 13
Space home page object type, 70 dce_room_creator role, 13
spaces dce_user_manager role, 13
templates, 51 overview, 47
Spaces password, 12
coordinators, 55
described, 46 W
dmc_kw_space_home_page type, 70 WAR file, setting session length, 40
guidelines, 53

EMC Documentum CenterStage Pro 1.0 SP1 Administration Guide 75

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