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Funding Application Timeline

We have written this as a guideline for the time scales that might be expected when writing funding applications. The model we used is based on an NIHR RfPB application, but this could just as well apply to
almost any funding stream.

In most cases we have found that we need to think at least 6 months ahead of the submission date to get a successful application together.

We need to keep in mind to that the following:

1/ On average people have to make 4-5 applications to be awarded 1 grant
- so failure the first time round should not automatically put people off applying again
2/ The time between submission and being told the funders decision can be up to 6 months
3/ Following being told that the award has been granted, the NIHR insists that ethical approval is gained before the contract for the grant is awarded

It can therefore be a year between submission and starting work on a project.

Task Time (Weeks)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1.0 Getting Started
Who is involved?
What are you trying to Investigate
What is your main Research Question?
2.0 Starting the Write-Up
Conduct a thorough literature Search
Begin to think about methodology
Consult a statistician/Health Economist if applicable
Make your main/secondary aims explicit
3.0 Ethics
Begin IRAS form for Ethical Approval
4.0 Finance
Complete a Preliminary Costing Sheet
Ask Applicants about time involved in study
5.0 PPI
Research possible patient groups/Charities
Arrange meeting to discuss level of involvement
6.0 Proposal Write-Up
Write up Background Section
Write up Methodology and Plan Section
Write up Other Sections
Complete Annexes
7.0 Finance Cont.
Revise Preliminary costings Sheet
Revise applicants time to study
Arrange meetings with finance advisors to complete forms
8.0 Submission
Complete online submission of application (Inc. Annexes and Finance Forms
Sign and send off the Last sheet to RfPB
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

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