Problem Statement

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Problem Statement:-

How is the period of a simple pendulum dependent on its length?

The period of a simple pendulum is dependent on its length.
When the length increases, the period increases
To determine the relationship between period and length of pendulum
Manipulated: Length of the pendulum
Responding: Period of the pendulum
Fixed: Mass of the pendulum
Retort stand with clamp, stopwatch, protractor, brass bob and metre rule, 100cm thread and small
pieces of plywood.
Arrangement of apparatus:

1) One end of the thread was tied to a brass bob and the other end clamped to the retort clamp of
two pieces of plywood.
2) The diagram of the arrangement of the apparatus was drawn in the space provided.
3) The thread was adjusted so that the length from the point it is clamped to the centre of the
bob, L is 20.0cm.
4) The pendulum was oscillated at a small angle of about 10°.
5) The time t for 20 complete oscillations was measured. The reading is recorded.
6) The time t for another 20 complete oscillations was measured. The reading is recorded.
7) The mean of t and t was determined and recorded as t. Subsequently, the time taken for one
complete oscillation which gave the value of the period of oscillation, T was determined. T
was calculated.
8) Procedures 3 to 7 was repeated for L = 30.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 50.0 cm, 60.0 cm and 70.0 cm.
9) The data were recorded in the table provided.
10) A graph of period , T , against length, L was plotted.
Length of pendulum, Time taken for 20 complete oscillations, Period, T = 1
L / cm t/s 20
t t Mean, t T
20.0 20.0 19.2 19.6 0.98 0.96
30.0 23.0 23.2 23.1 1.18 1.35
40.0 24.8 26.4 25.6 1.28 1.64
50.0 28.6 28.8 28.7 1.44 2.07
60.0 31.0 31.4 31.2 1.56 2.43
70.0 33.8 34.2 34.0 1.70 2.89

T is directly proportional to L
1) The experiment was carried out in an enclosed room to avoid influence of wind.
2) Make sure oscillations are in one plane.
3) Make sure retort stand is stable.

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