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Soldiers !"#$%&'('%%%)%%%%6789:;%<=>%?7+%<



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June 2010

3 Vice Chief letter

9 Faces of Strength

24 On Point

26 Become a CID special agent

4 CID: Behind the shield
Soldiers from the Criminal Investigation Command 

defend the Army's honor.

10 Supporting CID special agents
Special agents respond to a range of problems, 
from life­threatening incidents to suicides.

18 Leaving a paper trail
Forensic documents and digital evidence are used 

to nab criminals.

22 Putting the puzzle together
Soldiers analyze chemicals for illlegal substances. 

28 Evidence of crime
CID special agents are the Army's experts in 
solving crimes at home and abroad, undergoing 
intense, comprehensive training.

44 DOD's 'secret service'
Military leaders are guarded by Soldiers skilled in 
providing protection from a wide range of threats.
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June 1, 2010

To the Soldiers, civilians and Family members of the

United States Army Criminal Investigation Command:

I salute you for your countless contributions to our Army and to our country, as you continue
your dual mission in direct support of overseas contingency operations and protecting the Soldiers,
civilians, and Families at home and abroad.

Your dedication to provide a safe environment in which our Soldiers, civilians and their Fami-
lies live, work and operate, has earned you the well-deserved reputation you hold today as one of
the premier law enforcement agencies in the world.

The ongoing missions in Iraq and Afghanistan have developed an operational capability that
expands many of CID’s traditional roles. You have risen to the call.

The CID’s work in forensics, biometrics and criminal intelligence, as well as your organization’s
criminal investigative expertise in conducting and mentoring local national investigations contin-
ues as a critical component to developing rule of law in theater. Your contributions in this arena
have led to the investigation of complex criminal scenarios, exploitation and recovery of forensic
evidence and development of local national police efficacy.

Your tremendous success in shaping theater governance and civil authority has measurably
advanced theater operations, and paid tremendous dividends to combatant commanders. The
commanders on the ground benefit first hand from the application of these capabilities in support
of combat operations. Your efforts allow commanders to take the fight to the enemy, and most
importantly, save lives.

After more than eight years of war, I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as an
Army. It has required a total team effort by active and reserve components of our entire force, both
overseas and at home. Throughout, our Army law enforcement personnel have played an absolutely
key and critical role.

You should be very proud of what you have accomplished on behalf of our Army and our Na-
tion. Be assured that you have made a significant and lasting impact.

Thank you for your service, commitment and innumerable sacrifices.

Army Strong!

Peter W. Chiarelli
General, United States Army
Vice Chief of Staff

military history, a special-

ized organization within the

Department of Defense has patrolled
the globe. Deployed in times of crisis,
its members perform an extremely
sensitive yet essential mission. They
serve the greater-Army community
and assist their fellow Soldiers.
The men and women of the U.S.
Army Criminal Investigation Com-
mand, commonly referred to as CID,
have a clear mission: to pursue truth as
they strive to make the Army stronger
by bringing those few in the ranks
who commit crimes, or those who
commit crimes against the Army, to
“Many people don’t realize the
impact that we have on a person’s life,
the impact we have on the Army,” said
Special Agent Edgar Collins, the depu-
ty chief of investigative operations for
CID. “In a sense, we are defending the
honor of the United States Army…
and that makes our job crucial.”
Headquartered at Fort Belvoir,
Va., CID is a worldwide network of
highly trained special agents responsi-
ble for investigating felony-level crime.
Their work environment is unforgiv-
ing. Murder, fraud, arson and sexual
assault are just a few of the types of
investigations spearheaded by these
federal law enforcement professionals.
“This is not a television show, this
is real life, and these are people’s lives,”
said Special Agent Clifton Dyer. “The
job can get really ugly sometimes, but
what could be more important than

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Behind the shield
?.( ":/,:#( +/:+=( &,( +=#2( intelligence and economic crime/
extremist criminal activity threat
,+/%6#( +.( 1&<#( +=#( 0/12( assessments. On the battlefield, CID
,+/.*)#/>>>> special-agent criminal investigations
are expanded to include war crimes,
as well as anti-terrorism and force-
helping Soldiers and their Families in a protection missions.
time of crisis? CID comprises approximately
“It’s just too bad that people 2,500 Soldiers and civilians, and is
sometimes focus only on the bad guy organized into six major subordinate
we put away, and not the Soldiers or groups. It is specifically structured
the Family members that we helped,” to prevent undue command influ-
Dyer added. ence, allowing for unencumbered
Serving a population of more than investigations. A stovepipe organiza-
1 million Soldiers, civilians, contrac- tion, CID reports
tors and Family members—both directly to the
while at home and deployed—CID chief of staff
provides an invaluable resource and secre-
to commanders at posts, camps tary of the
and stations. CID special agents Army, to @A.++.1B(345(=&,(9##*(%*(#C%,+#*$#(,%*$#(DEDF>(
not only investigate crimes, they ensure all +.(,"#$%&'(&)#*+,>
conduct logistics security operations
and assessments, as well as criminal known and suspected crimes
are investigated thoroughly
and impartially.
“It’s unfortunate, but with
most communities of 1 million
plus, crime is going to happen,”
said Special Agent Jennifer Bry-
an, chief of economic crimes and
logistic security. “Still, it speaks
very highly of an organization
that has the strength of character
to investigate itself, regardless of
what the outcome may be.”
During World War I, American
expeditionary forces entered France.
As the Army expanded in both size
and strength, so too did the crime
rate. From this expansion, the need
for a criminal investigative organiza-
tion was born. In 1918, Gen. John J.
Pershing directed the Army’s provost

marshal general to organize the first The workhorses of the command
Criminal Investigation Division within are the six subordinate units: 202nd
the newly established Military Police Military Police Group (CID), 3rd Mili-
Corps. Today, the command retains the tary Police Group (CID), 6th Military
“D” in its official title, USACIDC, as a Police Group (CID), 701st Military
historical reminder; hence the common Police Group (CID), the U.S. Army
reference to the organization is “CID.” Criminal Investigation Laboratory and
Established as a separate major the U.S. Army Crime Records Center.
Army command Sept. 17, 1971, Each of these organizations
USACIDC was redesignated as a direct performs a vital function for CID, as
reporting unit Oct. 1, 2004, reporting well as providing the Army and DOD
to the provost marshal general of the with personnel who possess the criti-
Army, who also serves as the com- cal investigative skills unique to CID
manding general of CID. This struc- special agents. CID investigations are perform this mission both at home and
ture gives the Army’s senior leadership routinely, and successfully, prosecuted while deployed.
a comprehensive, single source for all in military and federal judicial forums, “Unlike other Army units, who
Army law enforcement matters. as well as in state courts and foreign have a specific mission deployed and
Throughout its history, CID has judicial venues across the globe. then a training mission at home, our
maintained a high operational tempo, The 3rd, 6th and 202nd Military mission never stops,” Collins said. “It’s
and continues to support Army mis- Police Groups conduct felony criminal an unfortunate truth, but we often
sions and operations around the world, investigations, such as murder, sexual meet people on possibly the worst day
whenever and wherever the Army assault, grand larceny, drugs and child of their life.
operates. abuse. They also execute crime preven- “These are people who have had a
tion operations and preserve the force crime committed against them, not just
and Army resources operations within a their property, but them,” Collins said.
specific geo- “So what we do, day in and day out, is
graphical area extremely important.”
of responsibil- The 701st Military Police Group,

ity. This also co-located with CID headquarters, is

includes major home to four specialized units. Just like
Army com- its higher headquarters, it has a world-
mands. Ever wide area of responsibility. These units
vigilant, agents are the Protective Service Battalion, the
Computer Crimes Investigative Unit,
the Field Investigative Unit and the
Major Procurement Fraud Unit.
!"##$"%&'()*$+ Much like the Secret Service, PSB
is tasked with providing personal
protection for key DOD and
Army officials worldwide. This
unique mission is mandated
by Congress and includes
protecting the secretary of
defense, secretary of the
Army and the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
When requested, PSB
special agents also pro-
vide protection for foreign
military dignitaries, gen-
+%)&+#( $/%1#( /#)&/;'#,,( .-( +=#( $%/$:1,+&*$#( ./( eral officers and VIPs visiting
Army installations stateside and
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As the Army’s cyber-detectives,

the Defense Information Systems and firearms and toolmarks.
Agency. “Most folks don’t understand that
The “quiet professionals” of CID, you cannot process a crime scene in an
the Field Investigative Unit inves- hour, and a criminal investigation is
tigates cases requiring extreme sen- not closed in a day, but it does make
sitivity. This includes investigations for good TV,” said Special Agent Brian
involving classified activities, cases Janysek, a forensic science officer and
of national interest, of interest to the special-agent-in-charge of the Fort
the Army’s leadership, special access Belvoir Resident Agency. “Besides,
programs and investigations of Army our lab (USACIL) is the lab for all the
senior leaders or general officers. military investigative agencies.”
The shining star in the war A unique aspect of CID special
against fraud, the Major Procure- agents, especially those working general
ment Fraud Unit centrally directs and crime investigations, is their involve-
coordinates investigations of fraud ment in the case, from the moment
worldwide. Because of the they walk onto the scene until the case
complex nature of the is closed. Some federal law enforce-
investigations and the ment agencies or major police depart-
time involved, MPFU is ments have crime scene technicians or
comprised entirely of evidence collection teams to process a
civilian special agents scene. CID special agents process the
who have extensive scene themselves, collecting evidence,
experience investigating white-collar photographing and recreating events,
crimes. thus affording the investigators an inti-
MPFU investigations include mate knowledge of what took place.
procurement of major weapons Established in 1950, the U.S. Army
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systems, support systems, and civil Crime Records Center, also collocated
,=..+#/(#C#/$%,#(&+(&*(.*7".,+(-&$%'%+2>(345(&)#*+,( and military construction contracts with CID headquarters, supports not
%*(+=#($.:/,#(.-(+=#%/(;:+%#,> awarded and/or managed by the only USACIDC and the DOD, but
Army Corps of Engineers. Historical- also foreign, federal, state and local law
CCIU’s primary mission is to conduct ly, MPFU’s recoveries have exceeded enforcement agencies.
criminal investigations of intrusions the entire annual CID operating As the keeper of all Army law
and related malicious activities involv- budget. enforcement information, USACRC
ing Army computers and networks. “We are one of the only com- receives, safeguards, maintains and dis-
Highly respected players within mands that actually makes money seminates information for law enforce-
the cyber-security community, several for the Department of Defense,” said ment purposes. The center also serves
CCIU special agents and alumni have Special Agent Michelle Chowaniec, as the authority for Army law enforce-
been recently recognized by leading the acting resident-agent-in-charge of ment Freedom of Information Act and
law enforcement organizations, such as the Hartford Fraud Resident Agency. Privacy Act information.
the International Association of Chiefs “Most of our cases involve complex Another major function of the
of Police and the Office of the United schemes, often with major corpora- center is the management of the Army
States Attorney General. tions or defense contractors, and very law enforcement Polygraph Program.
“Because of my background, I was sophisticated bad guys.” Special agent polygraphers attend a
able to go over and speak with our The U.S. Army Criminal In- grueling six-month training program
international partners at NATO and vestigation Laboratory, located just at the DOD Polygraph Institute, con-
help address concerns about emerging outside Atlanta, provides forensic sidered to be one of the most academi-
cyber-security issues,” said Howard A. laboratory services to all DOD cally challenging courses in the military
Schmidt, special assistant to the presi- investigative agencies, as well as other today.
dent and cyber-security coordinator, federal law enforcement agencies. Special agents are the backbone of
and a former CID special agent. The laboratory conducts state-of- the command. Often dressed in civilian
While assigned to CCIU, Schmidt the-art forensic examinations in drug attire, these highly skilled noncommis-
was detailed to the CID counterintel- chemistry, trace evidence, serology sioned officers and warrant officers are
ligence cell at the Joint Task Force- (body fluids), DNA, latent prints,
Computer Network Operations with forensic documents, digital evidence



&1#/.* 73
sworn federal law enforcement officers. spend about
There are some civilian special agents two weeks.
within the specialized units, specifi- “It’s like
cally MPFU and CCIU, however, the trying to com-
bulk of the force is Soldiers, many who pare apples and
have attended advanced programs in meat,” Meyer
law enforcement techniques, criminal added. “There 8R(/#$.67
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investigations, tactics and procedures. is no compari- A&++&'%.*8(O+=(4*-&* +/2 %.*(H= .(H #/#($&
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Special agents are recruited inter- son between our #/%*)(+=#(/#1&%*,(.-(+H =8(4/& U>(0(3 45(," #$ %&'(&)#*+(@/%)=+B(1
nally from across the Army from every program and TSSO8(%*(4,<&*;&/%2&

military occupational speciality. How- anything else on

ever, all agents share a common back- the market.”
ground: attendance at the Apprentice Advanced training opportunities in forensic science, investigations and
Special Agent Course, conducted by for those within the command include prosecution to assist in the training of
the U.S. Army Military Police School some of the premiere law enforcement special agents, and the deployment of
at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. training programs in the world, such as special sexual assault investigators to
The comprehensive, 15-week the FBI National Academy, Scotland establish Special Victim Units at major
course provides the foundation for Yard Academy or the Canadian Police Army installations throughout the
all special agents with a basic level College. world, are just a few examples of the
of knowledge pertaining to criminal A unique aspect of these programs command’s dedication to the commu-
investigations. Many within the federal for CID special agents is that they are nity it serves.
law enforcement community, both offered to those who need it most—the The key to success in meeting the
military and civilian agencies, view the agent in the field. Other federal law Army’s future investigative challenge is
course as the best basic special agent enforcement agencies and major police the Soldier- and civilian-agent whose
training program in the United States. departments often reserve this type of continuing mission is to live the CID
“Our program is the best there is, training for their senior investigators or motto: “Do what has to be done.”!!
period,” said Special Agent Ronald chiefs of police.
Meyer, chief of the Physical Evidence CID continues to adapt to the
Branch at USAMPS. “Whereas, at oth- needs of the 21st century, providing
er institutions, their prospective special quality investigative support worldwide
agents spend maybe two days learn- to commanders and warfighters alike.
ing how to process a crime scene, our Innovative programs, such as the 3.'92(J&:,#/(H./<,(-./(345(K:9'%$(0-7
students here at Fort Leonard Wood addition of highly qualified experts -&%/,>



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“But our agents can’t do that. Our

agents are agents in the field on a deploy-
ment and also in a garrison. In a de-
ployed environment, they’re responding
to life-threatening incidents. If they’re in
a garrison environment, they’re respond-
ing to suicides…to child death cases,
domestic violence cases where there’ve
!"#$%&'%&()*+,'-".&/0&1#))*23 enforcement was exposed to critical been horrific incidents, traffic fatalities,”
incident stressors, trauma—criti- Ferguson continued.

RIMINAL Investigation Com- cal incident being an incident where Many special agents may never have
mand special agents frequently they’re exposed to the point that they’re a problem, but stress and trauma from
respond to and investigate unable to cope during or following an these cases has the potential to lead to
terrible crimes—suicides, homicides, incident, or unable to handle it psycho- post-traumatic stress disorder and even
child abuse, sexual assaults, even mul- logically,” Ferguson said. suicide. Ferguson explained that this is in
tiple shootings, such as the Fort Hood, “We did the research, probably a small percentage of cases, however, and
Texas, shooting last year—and their about six or seven years ago. We went that it’s important not to ignore many
regular exposure to trauma can take its to the commandant and said, ‘We’re other symptoms that can result, includ-
toll. not concerned about our MPs today. ing addiction, insomnia, depression,
In fact, law enforcement officers But within three to five years, we’re divorce, violence, illness, professional
in general have higher rates of alcohol going to have some potential problems problems and burnout.
abuse, divorce, domestic violence and with our agents, with our MPs, with “One of the things I always tell
anger-management problems, accord- our correctional personnel,’” she said. them,” she said, “is that their response to
ing to Donna Ferguson, the course “Unlike some other MOSs, on and trauma, they see it as abnormal, when re-
manager and branch chief for the Criti- off the battlefield we have a true mis- ally, it’s a normal reaction to an abnormal
cal Incident Peer Support course at the sion, whereas if you’re infantry or field situation. It’s not them who’s the prob-
U.S. Army Military Police School at artillery, you have a deployed mission lem, it’s the trauma that they see.”
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. and when you come off a deployment, Not every person will respond the
“It was because our civilian law you…go back into training. same way, she cautioned, adding that “no

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CID special agents #/--*$9'5,1%/-E$F5*-(@$(@)'6$6/5$.@'$!5).)(*+$"-()0'-.$G''5$?1&3


reaction” is still a reaction, and symp- feel right now? How did you feel on CIPS is “some of the best training
toms may show up days or even weeks the scene?’ And you deal with that out there,” agreed Special Agent Ron-
later. Ferguson helped develop the CIPS because usually, whatever their worst ald Meyer, the outgoing chief of the
program, a peer-based support program thought was, is what their nightmares Forensics Training Branch at USAMPS.
that teaches agents to help each other in are…. And then you deal with their “For me, there are peers who I talk to
the immediate aftermath of a trauma. signs and deal with their symptoms and we just kind of share feelings and
The training is included in leader- and then you start to bring them thoughts. On occasion, I’ve gone and
development courses at USAMPS for a back. Now it makes sense to them,” talked to my chaplain (and) for me,
day or half a day, and many agents go she continued. running is a way I cope with some
back to their home station and request CIPS also focuses on coping things, but everybody’s got to develop a
a full course. Ferguson sends trainers skills and communication. Ferguson coping skill.
and materials to the units, based around said that many people, when trying “One of my concerns is making
the units’ schedules, to maximize the to comfort someone, would tell that sure the young agents develop the
number of attendees, and she and entire person not to cry, but that it’s far appropriate coping skills to deal with
teams have deployed to help after major better to let them feel emotion and things, and, as a supervisory agent,
tragedies. They went to Fort Hood, for simply support them. recognizing those stressors and making
example, and even spent a month in Iraq The program is not a replacement sure they receive the proper counsel-
last summer to help a unit that had faced for either psychological or spiritual ing,” he said. !
a number of tragedies. counseling, she cautioned, but it can
“A debriefing…takes the trauma and be an important bridge that gives !"#$%&'()*+$*,'-.%$(*5'61++C$&5/('%%$'2)0'-('$*.$*$
brings it down where they understand,” special agents the push they need '2)0'-('$65/:$*++$%'52)('$F5*-(@'%$)%$&5/('%%'0$
Ferguson said. “If you’ve got five to seven to get additional help. Often by the *.$.@'$D;?;$B5:C$!5):)-*+$"-2'%.),*.)/-$=*F/5*./5C$
people who respond to an incident, each time they get professional help, it’s
person sees something different. What too late and the problems are chronic
will happen to one, is that they might be and will take much longer to resolve,
angry. Another might be sad. Another so CIPS is a form of early interven-
might be frustrated…. (It) takes them tion. Or it may be all the help they
through a psychological process that need.
they don’t even realize is happening. “It is saving lives,” Ferguson said.
Even though every agent on the scene “We get phone calls all the time from
knows each other, they sit down and the investigators and agents, from MPs,
de-briefer will say, ‘Tell me what your whether in theater or in the garri-
role is.’ ‘Well, I was the first responder son…who say, ‘This course changed
on the scene. I got the call from the MP my life. I understand now. I get it.
desk….’ First thing you do is restore all You helped me….’ Or Soldiers call-
the facts of the case…. ing to say, ‘Hey, I’m going to behav-
“Then you begin to ask them the ioral med. I just need to say thanks
question of what’s happening right now: because it’s tearing up my household
‘What are some of the emotions that you if I don’t go.’”

the digita
in l

i v
Det e


IME waits for no one, and in mestic hackers,” said Special Agent Mi- hacked systems,” Milner said. “From
today’s digital age, neither does chael Milner, the director of the CCIU. there, we figure out exactly what hap-
crime. No other medium has “That makes our mission extremely pened and then go after the bad guys.”
evolved as rapidly as the Internet, pro- challenging, because there isn’t an ‘off Army CID recognized the ex-
viding its users unparalleled access to switch’ for the Internet.” panding role of computers in crimi-
news, information, services and enter- Behind a vaulted door, in an unas- nal activities and investigations, and
tainment by simply clicking a mouse. suming red brick building on Fort provisionally established CCIU as the
Surfing the Web has become the norm, Belvoir, Va., lays the battlespace of the Computer Crime Investigative Team
but there are sharks in the waters. Army’s digital detectives. As the sole in January 1998. Prior to this, only a
Lurking below the surface, cyber entity for conducting criminal inves- single forensic examiner at the U.S.
criminals hunt, plot, scheme and attack tigations of intrusions and malicious Army Criminal Investigation Labora-
unsuspecting systems, networks and activities involving Army computer tory was dedicated to investigating
users. E-mail scams, hacks and viruses networks, CCIU maintains a constant computer crime.
are the tools of their trade. However, watch over the Army digital footprint. “We were originally created out of
the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation With personnel assigned at Belvoir, and the Field Investigative Unit, a special-
Command’s Computer Crimes Investi- an office at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., the ized unit within CID that investigates
gative Unit patrols this world, stalking members of CCIU are tasked with a classified programs, and given the
those who exploit it, and bringing challenging mission and a global area primary responsibility for investigating
them to justice. of operations. intrusions into U.S. Army computer
“The military presents a very large “Basically, our special agents go networks,” Milner said. “Now, as the
target for both international and do- in and conduct virtual autopsies on Army moves to an ever more net-cen-

tric environment, The program was developed in- !$
the opportu- house, at no cost to the government, 9+/$%')0':
nity for cyber and allowed non-CCIU personnel
crime will to deploy the program across vari-
only continue ous Army computer platforms. Once
to increase.” deployed, the program preserves col- )%!'833+/&!+9!(%!+%#+)%#!0/)7)%(2!)%1$'&)#(&)+%:
In Septem- lected digital evidence in an automated
ber 1998, the team manner following computer intrusions,
became the Computer expedites critical threat information to
Crime Resident Agency network defenders, and analyzes mali-
! ! ! ! ;)#)&(2! $1)*$%0$! 0+7$'! )%! 1(/)+8'! 9+/7'!
&5/+8#5+8&! &5$! 0+8/'$! +9! 0+738&$/! 0/)7$! )%<
and moved to Fort Belvoir. cious software.
The CCRA was redesignated in “What’s great about the program
November 1999 as the Computer is when the bad guys do one thing, we
Crime Investigative Unit and separated can adapt,” said Special Agent David
from FIU, becoming a subordinate Shaver, who as a result of his work
element of the 701st Military Police developing the REAP, was selected as
Group (CID). In January 2000, CCIU the 2009 August Vollmer Excellence
was officially established as a criminal in Forensic Science Award winner. The
investigative organization within CID. Vollmer award is a national award and
Because investigations of this is the highest recognition for current
nature require a specialized level of or past contribution by an individual
computer expertise, special agents in the field of forensic science.
assigned to CCIU receive advanced
computer training from the Defense
Cyber Investigations Training Acad-
emy, the Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center and other technical
experts. CCIU special agents also use
their extensive knowledge of informa-
tion technology to provide guidance to
other CID special agents who conduct
investigations involving computers.
By its very nature, and due to the
rigorous training required, CCIU is
made up of civilian special agents.
Many served in uniform as CID special
agents, before specializing in computer
crimes and cyber security. “CCIU is one of the best outfits
Since its creation, CCIU has been a working in cyber law enforcement
key element in the successful prosecu- today,” said Howard Schmidt, special
tion of numerous computer intrusion assistant to the president of the United
matters, and has been recognized States and cyber-security coordinator. "
around the globe. CCIU, as well as Schmidt, who is a former CID special
its special agents and alumni, have agent, was appointed by President
been honored for their expertise and Barack Obama to head cyber security
development of technological products for the White House while serving at Currently, Milner is serving as the
in the realm of cyber security. CCIU. senior U.S. advisor to the Iraq Ministry
An example of this was the creation “Without my time in CID and of Interior’s National Information and
of the Rapid Extraction and Analysis government service, I don’t know if I Investigation Agency—Iraq’s equiva-
Program. With a global mission, Mil- would have had the insight and depth lent to the FBI—providing strategic
ner said staffing challenges prevented of understanding of government and counsel on criminal investigative and
agents from physically responding how it relates to cyber security,” he intelligence matters. This marks the
to every cyber incident, and CCIU said. “I think that staying involved in first time a CID leader has been as-
needed a solution. The REAP was that those communities helped tremen- signed to a senior staff position with
solution. dously.” U.S. Forces-Iraq. !

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at the Crime Records Center

!"#$%&'%&()*+,-./0-&12&3)4-5 To release those records, organiza- checks and database management.

67#"#5&'%&(-88$-%&9)5"$# tions or CID agents have to query the “We release (records) throughout
Records Division, Chester Longcor, the the DOD for security purposes. We

HE U.S. Army Crime Records division chief, explained: have significant interface with local
Center at Fort Belvoir, Va., “CID agents and military police law enforcement, they query us all the
receives, stores and maintains are vetted through us, and they have time,” McGuire said. “We post records
about 40 years worth of criminal history telephonic access. No one else has tel- to the NCIC, National Crime Informa-
records for the Criminal Investigation ephonic access to us because of DOD tion Center, under certain thresholds
Command and other Army law enforce- rules and Freedom of Information-type that they query against and come to us
ment entities. things. Anyone else has to come to us is for the actual files.”
Though owned and operated by a written document with a signature on The records division supports
CID, the Crime Records Center has the bottom.” criminal name checks, childcare name
an Army mission, Phillip J. McGuire, There is someone available 24 checks, senior officer promotion name
director, explained. hours a day at the CRC for name checks, and releases records for use in
The overall mission of the CRC can
be broken into three primary objectives:
receipt, maintenance and retention of
records; the Freedom of Information/
Privacy Act program; and the Army
Law Enforcement Polygraph Program,
McGuire said.
“On the CID side of the house, we
receive all reports of investigations that
CID conducts. They assume investi-
gative responsibility, we receive that
investigative report and maintain it,”
McGuire said. “On the military police
side of the house, we only receive sub-
ject military police reports.”
In addition to maintaining and
receiving records, the CRC will also
release those records for various reasons
and purposes related to administrative
and law enforcement use, McGuire

different studies, like sexual assault federally certified examiners,” he said.
studies, Longcor said. They also run Applicants go through an internal
the Soldier-Civilian Offense program, evaluation process, and must hold a
which ensures that Army personnel minimum of a baccalaureate degree.
or former Army personnel that have Applicants attend the Defense Acad-
been arrested have up-to-date criminal emy for Credibility Assessment’s basic
records at the CRC. polygraph course, which is taught at
“We average about 25,000 name the graduate level, Middleton said.
checks a month. It’s constantly going, Once that school is completed, there is
all the time,” Longcor said. a six-month internship where appli-
The Freedom of Information/Priva- cants conduct exams under supervi-
cy Act program at the CRC is one of the sion.
most important issues today, McGuire “After you successfully complete
said. One major effort at the CRC is that, then you’re brought up here for !4A(K0,-7LM-:@0$8#<-#&0*;:-'0K80B-#-'0$0*;-@(<6=
providing death investigation records to evaluation to see if you’re not only
Family members. able to properly conduct a polygraph
“What an FOIA request is, is a third examination, but you have that
party requesting a document. A privacy particular skill set, and then you are
request is, of course, you want the certified by the commanding general,”
record that pertains to you,” McGuire Middleton said.
explained. “We do about 3,000 of those All examiners must meet a
a year. Now, that’s a little misleading. continuing education requirement of
Three thousand requests isn’t 3,000 re- about 40 hours a year, and must con-
cords; one request could entail hundreds duct a set number of exams within six
of records.” months to maintain certification.
The CRC also runs the amendment While polygraph results them-
program. In addition to making people selves are not usually admissible in
aware of what records exist and provid- court, Middleton said, any statements
ing copies of what they can have, the made during the testing period are
amendment program allows an individ- admissible. Middleton also pointed
ual to request a correction on a record if out that no one can be made to take
there is an inaccuracy, McGuire said. a polygraph test in their arena—if an
The other main CRC responsibil- individual does not sign the consent
ity is the Army Law Enforcement form, the examiner will not conduct
Polygraph Program, used to conduct the test, “and no adverse action can !4A(K0-#*+-A0<(B,--797-05@<(600:-/#*+<0-5('0-
criminal-specific issue testing. McGuire, be taken against them based solely ;/#*-O?JJJ-'0P)0:;:->('-8*>('5#;8(*-#**)#<<62-./0-
797- '0$08K0:?- :#>0&)#'+:?- 5#8*;#8*:- #*+- +8:=
also a certified polygraph examiner, said on their refusal to take a polygraph :058*#;0:-8*>('5#;8(*->'(5-4'56-<#B-0*>('$050*;-
'0$('+:?- #*+- #<:(- :0'K0:- #:- 7LMQ:- R'00+(5- (>-
they conduct about 1,500 tests a year. exam.” L*>('5#;8(*-#*+-H'8K#$6-4$;-#);/('8;62
“We’re very proud of our program,” The full polygraph exam consists
he said. The federal government is of three parts: the pretest, in which
modeled after the Army program, and the case facts are discussed; the actual
during the 1970s, the CRC was one polygraph test; and the post-test,
of the first organizations to establish a where the examiner speaks with a
centralized quality-control system for subject about the polygraph exam,
polygraph testing. Middleton explained.
“Polygraphs are a very powerful Polygraph results are reliable and
investigative tool, but it’s also controver- valid with a “confident, school-trained
sial, so we keep it under control. After examiner conducting an exam in ac-
the test has been administered, we do a cordance with established techniques,”
100-percent quality control of all poly- he added.
graph examinations,” McGuire added. The CRC is important to CID and
Emory Middleton, chief of poly- the Army because it helps support se-
graph and an examiner, explained curity measures, ensures the quality of
that all examiners undergo extensive the force and helps protects the force
training. “All the examiners within the through the polygraph and FOI/Pri-
CID are senior agents, but they are also vacy Act programs, McGuire said."!

21st‐century crime

!"#$%&'%&()*+,'-".&/0&1#))*23 The DNA Branch at the U.S. Army “When we’re talking about doing
Criminal Investigation Laboratory, Fort a sexual assault examination—and let’s

NA—three small letters that Gillem, Ga., which serves all branches say it has multiple suspects, and let’s
have drastically changed the of the Department of Defense, has say the bedding has not been laundered
world and forever altered how recently doubled in size. About 50 in quite some time…you’re looking at
crimes are investigated and prosecuted. examiners at the lab process around maybe a comforter or a sheet that has
More formally known as deoxy- 90-95 cases a month, mostly looking 80-plus stains, and…you have to al-
ribonucleic acid, DNA contains the at blood, semen and saliva, although most test them all,” Fletcher explained,
genetic makeup of every living organ- they also have the capability to examine adding that when he worked for a state
ism and is unique to each individual, tissue, urine and hair. crime lab, he couldn’t spend weeks
except in the case of identical twins. In the past two decades, DNA pouring over evidence the way he does
DNA collected from a crime scene techniques have become so sensitive at USACIL.
can be compared against a suspect’s to and advanced that examiners can often “What I like about CID and the
prove whether or not he was present at obtain usable DNA samples by test- military is, ‘do what has to be done.’
the scene. ing places a suspect or victim merely If it takes a little longer to get a case
touched. If a suspect grabs a victim’s done, we want to get it done the first
lapels, for example, examiners may be time. We’re a little more thorough in
!"#$ %&'()*%+$ ,-+)./)*'$ 0)*1$ 2%1)*.$ /-%$ !"#$
%&/+'3/)4*$ 5+43%..$ '/$ /-%$ 6787$ #+(9$ ,+)()*':$ able to obtain DNA from those lapels. our analysis in the sense that we would
;*<%./)1'/)4*$='24+'/4+9$'/$>4+/$?)::%(@$?'7$!"#$ In addition, chief DNA examiner examine evidence that maybe in a state
.5%3)':$5+%3'A/)4*.$*4/$/4$34*/'()*'/%$.'(5:%.$ Jeffrey “Fletch” Fletcher can lift DNA lab wouldn’t be probative. From this
B)/-$ /-%)+$ 4B*$ !"#7$ 68#,;=$ from the underarms or collar of a seem- aspect, we’re able to look at everything,”
':.4$ (')*/')*.$ '$ ./'CC$ !"#$
D'/'2'.%$/4$%*.A+%$*4$4*%$ ingly unstained shirt, and has been able he continued.
,#%P"#O#4*#+Q%JRC4B4%M/% to identify, or clear, alleged sex offend- In order for a DNA sample to
E%CC+%9$,'./+4F ers based on touch DNA on victims’ do investigators and prosecutors any
bra cups. He has also found the DNA good, however, it must be compared
of victims on the inside of suspects’ against a “known standard,” in other
underwear. words, a sample taken from a suspect
“You’d be amazed what we can or victim. Once the two samples have
get DNA from,” said Fletcher. In fact, been processed, a computer printout
the DNA replication, extraction and lists the number of times each particu-
comparison process has become so lar code repeats itself, and the examiner
streamlined that a sample as small as a compares the two.
pencil point can be processed in a mat- Although 99.7 percent of DNA
ter of days. The hardest part is finding is the same for everyone, according to
the DNA to test. Fletcher, certain regions on the DNA

J@$14*%1$ABS%G?V%$N,.0#$-%RC01%?,H$%I-4H$33$3%,% J@$14*S% EFG% 3I$H0,1% ,T$#B3% T,BC$-% $L05$#H$% ,B%

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solving with DNA
strand vary greatly. Examiners look at scientists moan that juries expect 16 samples. So that’s a pretty exciting
about 15 of those regions, and can say DNA in every case and discount other project,” Salyards explained.
with certainty if two DNA samples evidence, new research is about to The first operational prototype
came from the same person, and add a revolutionize DNA itself. should be available this summer.
statistical weight. Fletcher said this is According to Jeff Salyards, the While it could experience issues
where experts come up with numbers director of science and technology (i.e. initially, as with many prototypes, he
like a one-in-50-billion chance of the research and development) at USACIL, believes it will eventually work and
sample occurring naturally in a different the Army and DOD have partnered that the future will take forensic sci-
person. Since there are far less than 50 with the Departments of Homeland ence beyond DNA.
billion people on earth, it’s an identity Security, Justice and State, as well as “I suspect in 15 years…I’ll be
statement. All it says, however, is that private labs, on a “DNA-on-a-chip” gray-haired with my walker and we’ll
a suspect was at a crime scene or came project using microfluidics and nano- have a beer joking about ‘Remember
in contact with a victim, it doesn’t say technology. It promises to drastically when we used to do DNA?’ I think it
why or how. Those questions are left for increase the number of samples that will be something like that,” Salyards
investigators to answer. can be run at once, and decrease the said. “There are some possible replace-
Lab workers also upload samples time it takes to do so. ment molecules. One of them, related
from suspected criminals to the Com- “The way we do DNA right now is to DNA, is something called RNA.
bined DNA Indexing System, a data- with something called PCR: poly- Your DNA is a sort of recipe for how
base of DNA designed and maintained merase chain reaction,” Salyards said. to make protein in your body and
by the FBI. Crime labs nationwide “Even if you just have a tiny, tiny bit there’s an intermediate step that…
use the system as a way to identify an of DNA, it’s OK, because we make reads the DNA and then it goes out
unknown sample, if a potential crimi- copies of the DNA. In order to do and makes the proteins.
nal has offended before and is in the that, we need to heat it up and cool it “As a result, there’s a lot more
database, or to link cases. For example, down. One of the advantages of (using RNA floating around in your cells.
a sample uploaded at USACIL might microfluidics), is that the material flows There’s one copy of DNA and all
match a sample uploaded by a Florida through something that’s skinnier than kinds of chunks of RNA because
crime lab. a hair—this little tiny microfluidic your body’s constantly making these
“That way we can coordinate with chamber. You can heat this chip up proteins. It may be that those would
one another to generate investiga- with 16 of those lanes in there and cool survive longer in degraded samples.
tive leads that help solve crimes,” said it down much faster than a plastic tube. It may be that there’s a whole branch
Mike Mann, a CODIS technician at “Instead of taking hours, maybe of biochemistry that we just don’t un-
USACIL. even a couple days, it takes minutes. derstand well enough, that we might
And while DNA may have revolu- In a rush DNA job right now, we can find some other marker that’s equally
tionized the way crimes are solved, to probably do it in two or three days. variable, equally unique, that’s maybe
the extent that investigators and forensic This thing will take 45 minutes to do easier to test, that goes even faster.”"!

J@$14*S%G?V%$NB-,HB04#%,#5%05$#B0DH,B04#%$W"0I.$#B% J@$14*% A,-% -0TCBS% 8$,5% G?V% $N,.0#$-% !$AA-$/%

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>4+/$?)::%(@$?'7$I-%$*%B$!"#$B)*1$B'.$34(5:%/%D$ -$I10H,B04#%,#5%05$#B0DH,B04#%I-4H$33%,B%BC$%9+U+%
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HE F Crim w n, c . Dietz e u l
e U .S . Army atory at a ll y f o cused o enhancement rk here in e d a nd the k to the specia
at th a b o r c id e o r w o e x a m t b a c
ation L ompris
- io/v of ou be sen
Investig is extensive, c e the and aud t 50 percent graphy, 20-25 a disk, to osecutor. onths
o u o
il le m , Ga., a s . M o st ar “A b
o ) c h il d po r n
l a s s a u lts, a g e n t or pr e s w e e ks or m to the
Fort G analytical are ink about ed t xua tak due
v en t th is (relat (related to) se ud, larceny, Often it ital evidence, case the
g s e m ig h A , n t is so f f r a in s d ig O en
t h
ings yo f forensics: D tent
N perce s t consist t is an offense es
to proc f information. terabytes of
s u a l o h e r e a t y
ou thin
, la and t ything
the var
ie o
volume working has 1
when y ence, drug ch olmarks. s u ic ide—an Dietze said of e branch c h is
id to h bra n . cial-
trace ev firearms and n’t immedi- t h e m ilitary,”
m e t h rough t a , D ie tze said ctions has spe is
nd do that co dat f our se section
prints a ver, two areas sic docu- of cases ss the services s into the
“Each o The imaging
H o w e : f o re n ro e . /video
o m e to mind ence. from ac thing that com rile media” iz e d training rse, the audio
c al evid Every t e ear co u
nd digit ce Bran es,
ch onto “s k digital a two-y
ments a igital Eviden n n c h is copied o r b la n
The D obile p D
h bra rd drive analysis
o m p u ters, m f o r C I ( a w iped ha ), during the
sc o s device
analyze ideo and phot enforcement storage
a il s , v r y la w f,
e-m ilita chie
other m branch
and all David Deitze,


enhancement is a two-year course, trace it to a suspect.
and (computer forensics) is a one-year Uniform patterns
course,” Dietze said. “We generally hire are seemingly random,
people, especially into this section, that much like handwrit-
already have certification in computer ing, but an expert eye
forensics.” and a little help from a
In the audio/video section, analysts good tool go a long way,
process evidence using new digital Malone added.
techniques to make images clearer, The Forensic Docu-
and authenticate evidence to ensure it ment Branch conducts
wasn’t altered, Carl Kriigel, team leader, mostly handwriting analy-
explained. sis, Joseph Parker, division
Christina Malone, a digital- chief, explained.
evidence trainee, explained that her “We don’t tell person-
section analyzes photographic compari- alities from handwriting, '+#",4%"=.
sons and image alterations, looking for nor do we believe that it can 0-%+,"8 B%,4"J2">.))'+#E
+#'&"5.& (
( /G%/;"H./% /%2"@A4.,."B9"6)':
inconsistencies in the image, perspec- be done,” Parker cautioned. F.#% $ 4 "A
(+( )9#'#"
tive, pixel size, or the direction of light. “The research that has been
“One of the fancier things we done on that shows that
have now is the 3-D scanner,” Malone there is no consistency in the
said. The scanner uses a laser grid to results…we only work for
determine how far objects are from the identification of someone.” ers, one reviewing the work of the
scanner, creating a three-dimensional A good portion of the analysis the other, the resulting error rate is close to
image. branch conducts is forgeries, like alter- zero, he added.
This tool is primarily used for ing medical prescriptions, but they also Jerry Gayle, forensic-document
documenting crime scenes, but can also analyze other writing samples, such as examiner, explained that handwriting
be used for blood-spatter interpretation suicide notes. Handwriting-analysis is made unique by small changes in let-
measurements, Dietze said. training is extensive; the program ters individuals accumulate over time,
Another useful tool in the imaging takes full-time students a minimum of as writing becomes more of an innate
section is the military uniform unique- two years to complete. The students process.
ness statistical estimator, which detects look at tens of thousands of writings, “These characteristics accumulate,
pattern matches in military uniforms, Parker said, and discuss them with and by the time a person becomes an
and uses statistics to determine the experienced examiners “so they can adult it’s habit, and it’s the totality of
likelihood of that portion of a pattern learn what’s important and what’s not these characteristics that makes writing
appearing in a specific place on a uni- important for identification or elimina- identifiable,” Gayle said.
form, Malone said. The tool will match tion purposes. Most of the obvious writing charac-
the pattern sample to a database, and “What we’re doing is subjective, I teristics are the way letters are formed,
have to convince the judge and the jury slant of the writing, and so forth, Gayle
that I know what said. Some of the less obvious charac-
I’m doing, and teristics are “I” dots and “T” crossings,
here’s why,” Parker the upper and lower extenders, and
added. internal proportions of tall letters to
The most effec- the main body of the handwriting.
tive tool at the divi- “No one of those characteristics
sion’s disposal is its like that is sufficient for identification,
people. “Most of our but taken together, enough uncommon
work, particularly for characteristics make it possible to iden-
handwriting, occurs tify a person’s handwriting,” Gayle said.
between our ears,” To conduct an examination, inves-
Parker said. tigators compare a collection of known
Academic research writings (writings known to be by the
conducted over the subject), and a collection of questioned
past several years has writings.
supported as much, “During the examination process
indicating that when we sit down and we go through the
there are two examin- questioned and known handwriting

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letter by letter, comparing it to see if fied or eliminated,” he added. While forensic document analysis
matching characteristics are found, The human eye does most of the and computer forensics may not seem
or if characteristics are found that are handwriting examinations, but examin- as glamorous as some of the other disci-
distinctly different,” Gayle explained. ers also employ stereomicroscopes to plines within CID, they are integral
“We have a range of conclusions look at details in the ink line, Gayle parts of the organization, providing
of different strengths to describe the explained. valuable information and insight to
strength of evidence that we found, and Despite the subjective nature of investigators."!
of course, in some cases, for varying handwriting analysis, it can be very
reasons, we can’t reach a conclusion at effective if the examiner is well
all. And that’s one of our conclusions, trained, Parker
that the person could neither be identi- said.

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Putting the
puzzle together

HE Drug Chemistry Branch drug-facilitated sexual assaults, and of the sample that escaped to the floor.
at the U.S. Army Criminal In- looks for alcohol or other legal and “That’s the problem you get when with
vestigation Laboratory receives illegal substances. bulk quantities this big—it’s hard to
samples of unknown chemicals from “We like, at a very minimum, keep things clean,” Nawin commented.
investigators in the field and analyzes to have two different really strong “The next step…is that I’m going
them, attempting to identify them and confirmatory tests on the same exhibit, to take samples from each bale—I’m
determine how much of the substance and then we’ll go ‘OK,’” and positively going to weigh them all, take samples
is present in a sample. of them all, and then I’m going to do
Dan Reinhardt, chief of the my analysis on it, which in-
Drug Chemistry Branch, explained cludes…looking (at it) through a
that though a chemist may be able to microscope,” Nawin explained.
identify a substance, he hasn’t solved Reinhardt explained that
the case—the special agents when analyzing a drug, the first
have to do that; the thing to do is break
Drug Chemistry the compound
Branch just provides apart, to deter-
one of the integral mine the struc-
pieces. ture of the com-
“What we’re try- pound, known
ing to do is identify, as structural
first, any controlled- elucidation. The
substances,” Reinhardt, gas chromatography
who has a doctorate in organic mass spectrometer is one
chemistry, said. There are roughly 400 of the instruments that performs
compounds on the federal controlled the separation, and provides
substance list, making the chemists’ information on the compound.
job a bit daunting. “I blow that (compound)
If a chemist can’t tell what a com- identify a substance,” Reinhardt said. apart with an electron beam and pick
pound is from one test, they often run “The more tests you do, the better it up all the little fragments, the mol-
it through other types of tests, which gets.” ecules, count them electronically, and
may help identify the compound. One forensic drug chemist, Jason graph them,” Reinhardt said. From
“After that we can identify a lot of Nawin, demonstrated how to start pro- there, a chemist can start to identify
the prescription drugs, which expands cessing a bulk quantity of marijuana. the substance.
the whole realm. But we do that more He was processing roughly 100 pounds In addition to identifying unknown
on a case-by-case basis,” he added. of the drug, packaged in several large substances, the branch determines the
The branch looks at about 1,200 bales. First, Nawin had to weigh the quantity of some samples.
cases a year, which is more than one drug. He spread brown paper on the “A typical example would be, the
third of the cases that come into examining table to gather anything that military uses morphine injectors, so
USACIL, Reinhardt said. Most of might fall, and then opened the bale you have a solution of morphine that
the cases involve marijuana, cocaine, and began to weigh the marijuana. they use for the battlefield…say some-
methamphetamines or other illegal The smell was overwhelming. An- body gets a hold of those and takes half
drugs, but the branch also sees many other chemist swept up smaller chunks of the liquid out and replaces it with a

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saline,” Reinhardt said. vestigator, fortunately or unfortunately, “We all get one little piece of the
“(When) somebody in the field has most of the hard work going on…I puzzle to try to pull the whole picture
starts figuring out what’s going on, can’t tell what happened, but I can tell together,” he said. !
they’ll come to us,” he said. The chem- them what it’s not supposed to be.
ists identify the morphine, but deter- “I just think of us as one little piece
mine it’s not the correct level, that half of the puzzle. With that, we also have
of it may be missing. “We turn that to get the agents involved,” Reinhardt
back over to the investigator and the in- said.

!" !"#$%



CID’s Field Investigative Unit

!"#$%&'%&()**$)%&+,-"$# The unit was initially formed as a task of a handful of agents entrusted with
force. However, after four years and an the responsibility and independence

HE Field Investigative Unit is a expanding mission and caseload, the associated with the work FIU does.
specialized unit which provides task force evolved into a permanent She explained that one of the most
a full range of criminal investi- organization called the Field Investiga- challenging aspects of being an FIU
gative services and support within the tive Activity. agent was to investigate within specific
Army, to include investigations of se- CIDC reorganized all specialized security parameters.
nior Army leaders, cases with national units and placed them under the 701st “It’s a rewarding job…you don’t do
attention and other designated sensitive Military Police Group (CID) in 1996, it for the medals or the glory, you do it
situations as directed by the U.S. Army and the activity was redesignated as the because it’s the right thing to do.” !
Criminal Investigation Command. FIU.
The FIU also conducts investiga- The special agents assigned to the
tions in the areas of contract and FIU are of the highest caliber and have
acquisition fraud within research and extensive investigative experience.
development, and testing and evalua- Special agents aren’t assigned to the
tions programs funded by the Army. FIU, they are nominated. Nominees go
In April 1984, Gen. Maxwell R. through a board review that looks over
Thurman, then the Army’s vice chief of their entire service record, as well as
staff, directed USACIDC to conduct their overall suitability for the position.
an investigation into allegations of A former FIU agent (who cannot
misconduct concerning personnel be named for security reasons) said it
associated with a classified program. feels great knowing that you are one



The evidence
of crime


HEN the Army’s Criminal

Investigation Command’s
special agents need to have the newest evidence at the front. When
evidence for a case analyzed, they send the technicians bring the containers out
it to a cutting-edge laboratory located to process, they assign them tracking
in Fort Gillem, Ga. The U.S. Army numbers before beginning the case-
Criminal Investigation Laboratory isn’t work, he said. times the container must go to more
like the labs seen on television, but the “Most (containers) are double- than one branch.
facility is impressive. packaged, with documents within the “There’s a priority of branches
Forensic evidence arrives at the inside of the outer wrapping, while depending on what examinations need
lab’s evidence-processing branch via a evidence is in the second wrapping,” to be completed by those branches, say
secure delivery system, Alonzo Rhodes, Rhodes said. “All we really do is open like trace,” Rhodes said. “Trace” refers
branch chief, explained. From the the outer packaging, take the paper- to trace evidence, a very small piece of
crime scene to the lab, all evidence is work out, review the paperwork,” and evidence left at a crime scene that may
carefully handled, packaged and main- reseal the package before routing it to be used to identify or link a suspect to
tained to ensure its integrity through- the appropriate evidence branch. a crime.
out the process. The evidence-processing branch is “Trace goes through first, because
“This is where all evidence basi- equipped to take something as large if everybody goes and opens that up it
cally meets the lab, and is processed as a vehicle, and once even processed messes up the evidence within. It gives
for distribution throughout the lab a chimney, Rhodes said. If evidence you cross contamination,” he added.
to the appropriate branches,” Rhodes is too large to send, investigators can Chris Taylor, chief of the Trace
said, while showing off the crime lab’s always contact them and request that Evidence Branch, said there are about
evidence receiving area. an examiner come out to the scene. six collection rooms used to process
The packages, which are called Once the evidence is processed, it’s evidence, like clothing, for fibers, glass
containers, are stored in a vault, with sent to the appropriate branch. Some- or paints. “These are considered clean



rooms. We want separation of subject or other substances. instrumental in helping to develop

and victim clothing at all times. If you “Probably one of the better, the and bring this technology to U.S. law
have a third-party scene or you have most overlooked piece of forensic evi- enforcement.
multiple suspects, we’ll use a variety of dence that there is, is footwear,” Don “Cyanoarcrylate, when heated,
rooms,” he said. Coffey, the Latent Print Branch chief, turns into…a gaseous form. And the
Trace evidence works with the explained. “Because you don’t hover gaseous form will attach itself to the
smallest samples imaginable. Taylor into a scene, unless you rappel down molecules of moisture, and then it
displayed a picture of an enlargement there, you’re going to walk in and walk plasticizes (or makes plastic), that mois-
of a penny, with fibers, paint and glass out. So if you have the ability and the ture,” Coffey said. The cyanoacrylate
chips next to it—the penny appeared equipment to capture those footwear print is very durable. “You can wipe
enormous by comparison. impressions, they are always there, this and rub on this and it’s not going
“These size samples right here whether it’s carpet, on dirt, dust, tile or to come off. If it were a print, it would
would be plenty big enough for us to whatever.” be gone.”
do all the analysis we need to do to say, Tire-track impressions also make Other techniques used to lift
if these items are consistent with, say, up a good portion of the work done fingerprints include chemical devel-
a known paint sample from a vehicle,” in latent prints. Investigators will take opment with ninhydrine, which will
Taylor said. castings of the track, and latent print make the prints show up blue when
“Every contact leaves a trace,” he examiners will try to find a match in a heated; and spectral photography,
said. The branch can analyze fibers, tread database. which uses the whole light spectrum
chemical or crystalline materials, But of course, fingerprint analysis is to take pictures of otherwise invisible
powder, soil, fire debris, gun residue, the bread and butter of the branch. fingerprints.
explosives—even glitter—and trace it The first thing to attack in a finger- “You can develop a print in paper
back to potential suspects. print is moisture, Coffey said. Finger- that’s like 200 years old,” Coffey said.
In addition to pulling fibers or print powder adheres to the moisture, In fact, examiners recently lifted
traces of soil from evidence and using and enables an investigator to lift the the prints of the nation’s founding fa-
them to determine a suspect, examiners print from a surface, which is the “clas- thers off supporting documents related
can also pull fingerprints from almost sic” method. to the Declaration of Independence.
any surface. In the early 1980s, examiners “So, (you can lift prints from) just
The Latent Print Branch is respon- discovered “super-glue fuming”, or about anything you can talk about with
sible for analyzing fingerprints and cyanoacrylate fuming. According to the exception of water in a liquid state,
other impressions made in the ground, CID officials, a CID special agent was fire and air.

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“I’ve seen fingerprints come up on

ice cubes before,” Coffey added.
In a separate interview, Jeff
Salyards, director of the Science and
Technology Division, described how
fingerprint technology is evolving. A
naval laboratory in California is in the
process of developing what Salyards
terms a “magic fingerprint powder.”
“They think they might be able to
develop a nanoparticle that sticks to %
fingerprint residue and nothing else. So
you could look at (a) table, throw some
on, blow it off, and the only thing that
would be there are fingerprints,” he
Innovative technology is not lim-
ited to the Latent Print Branch, either.
The Firearms and Toolmarks Branch
at USACIL uses a state-of-the-art wet
trap for ammunition recovery, as well
as a 20-foot-long cotton trap, used to
capture .50-caliber bullets.
“Now we can, for the first time
ever, capture .50-caliber machine gun
bullets right here at the Army Crime
Lab,” Don Mikko, chief of firearms
and toolmarks, said. " G"-0#T%,%H-0.$%3H$#$%$N,.0#,B04#>%3I$H0,1%,T$#B3%H4#5"HB%M"11$B[B-,^$HB4-/%B$3B0#T%A4-%,%5$,BC%0#L$3B0,
The branch conducts microscopic $L05$#H$%03%H411$HB$5%,#5%BC4-4"TC1/%,#,1/Z$5+%JRC4B4%M/%9+U+%V-./%EFGS

comparisons of firearms, ammunition

and other tools. They also restore serial % K4-$#30H%3H0$#B03B%803,%E,-34#%$N,.0#$3%,%D#T$-I-0#B%B-$,B$5%*0BC%-C45,.0#$%,#5%011".0#,B$5%*0BC%,%


numbers and reconstruct shootings, Once evidence has made it


Mikko said. through all the appropriate branches,

“What’s unique about our branch it goes back to evidence process-
in (relation to) toolmarks, is that ing. There, it’s repackaged with the
we’re the only crime laboratory—fire- results and returned to the submitter,
arms branch, that is—that (handles) Rhodes explained.
a large magnitude of toolmark-related The Forensic Analysis Division
cases,” he said. receives roughly 3,000 cases a year
In the recovery rooms, examin- from all military law enforcement
ers will test-fire guns into the water agencies, each filtered first through
tank, wet trap, or cotton box, and evidence processing, and then the
recover the bullet and cartridge, and other branches. The casework is
then make a comparison against the detailed, and can be time consuming,
evidence. “We can tell you if a bullet but the results are important pieces in
or cartridge case was fired in and an investigative puzzle.
through that gun, to the exclusion of “It’s amazing to me how hard
every other gun in the world,” Mikko our agents have to work, the pres-
said. sure they’re under, the stakes they’re
“Every single firearm or every under to get this kind of stuff right,”
single tool has its own fingerprints, Salyards said. “That’s just an amaz-
but we don’t call them fingerprints— ing resource that the Army has in the
we call them individual characteris- agent corps.” !
C4.0H05$S%0#L$3B0T,B04#+ tics,” he added.

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h t
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Sh i n # $ % & & ' (
e n s i c s
!" f o r
!"#$%&'%&()*+,'-".&/0&1#))*23 attack, not to mention the potential of building and moved on or detonated
finding gruesome war-crime evidence an improvised explosive device, but
like the mass graves Meyer processed in now they might dust for fingerprints,

RIME happens everywhere: Iraq in 2003. take water bottles for DNA testing, and
on-post and off, in garrison “The threat is different,” he said. collect other evidence first.
and even in a combat zone, so “We were processing mass graves. I’m Meyer actually sends a mobile
Army Criminal Investigation Com- not worried about being at a location training team to places like the Nation-
mand agents must be prepared to solve for an extended period of time and al Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif.,
cases anytime, anywhere. exposing myself to the enemy…here at to teach deploying Soldiers about site
Criminal investigations on the Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Crime scenes exploitation and battlefield forensics.
battlefield are “exponentially” differ- have a tendency to be more hasty, In addition, CID provides battlefield
ent than those in garrison, said Special higher threat, in Iraq and Afghani- forensic kits to brigade combat teams
Agent Ronald Meyer, former chief of stan…so it’s a lot different.” that include fingerprint powders,
the Forensics Training Branch at the Regular Soldiers, however, fas- brushes, cards and rubber gloves.
U.S. Military Police School. They pres- cinated by forensics they watch on According to Jeff Salyards, the
ent their own challenges, including the television crime shows, have become director of science and technology (the
heat, the often limited time to process a force-multipliers for agents. In the past, Army’s term for research and devel-
crime scene and the ever-present risk of a unit would probably have cleared a opment) at the U.S. Army Criminal

a picture of this thing. I may have a
screen or something where I can type
in a little information, one line, about
what this is. And then I hit print and
there’s now a bar code. I don’t need a
bunch of notes.
“Part two was we teamed with the
biometric community. The guys in the
field already have to carry a tactical
biometric collec-

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tion device…. So
we’re teaming with those folks to say
wouldn’t it be great, instead of going,
‘Here’s your site exploitation device,
Investigation Laboratory at Fort Gil- here’s your biometric thing,’
lem, Ga., a new, rugged, GPS-enabled if we just go, ‘Here’s one
camera/computer/printer for Soldiers device that can be used
is also in the works for labeling and for all those things?’
recording evidence. “And we’re also working
“We’re calling (it) a site-exploita- with the cyber piece so there’s
tion device,” he said. “Right now… a computer that hides on
downrange, I’m in battle rattle, I’ve that device…that lets
got gloves on, a helmet on. I’ve got you…look for certain
a digital camera, hopefully. I’ve got files…. There’s a USB device on
a notepad…. It would be great if we here, so if I plug it into a computer,
could give them a digital camera that’s let me…see if there are any bad files.
GPS-enabled, that maybe has a way to I’m excited…anything that makes
input some information, and maybe those guys (have) to carry less stuff….
even has a small printer attached that That seems to be a common cry….
could give you a barcode. So this You’re carrying this anyway. We’re just
camera knows who I am, knows why going to make it more capable for you,”
I’m there…knows where I am. I take Salyards continued.

Until recently, investigators also
had to ship all of their evidence back to
the States for processing at USACIL.
But in 2005, the first joint expedition-
ary forensics facilities were established
in Iraq to process fingerprints, firearms
and even DNA collected downrange.
The JEFFs have since been deployed Evidence processed at the JEFFs
to Afghanistan as well, with additional has been used to link senior Taliban
labs ready to deploy on an as-needed leaders to crimes, update watch lists,
basis. increase force protection and prosecute
Some of the labs are still in devel- criminals in Iraqi courts.
opment, and many of the 150-odd “As far as I know, everybody’s re- and tool marks. Perhaps this weapon
technicians have yet to be hired, but ally pleased with the first rotation and was fired before on our Soldiers and
the ultimate goal is for the teams to support we’re providing,” said JEFF we recovered a round, and we com-
rotate and spend two months stateside Operations Specialist Jerzy Mikulski, a pare them and we can tie it directly to
for every month of deployment, ac- retired CID special agent who recently a group of people or maybe even an
cording to Col. Martin Rowe, chief of returned from Afghanistan. “The time individual who was involved in a sniper
the Expeditionary Forensics Division. it takes to return any kind of forensic attack,” he explained.
“The challenge came, you know, we data back to the United States, can The JEFFs, Rowe added, could also
have all the technology and all the pro- mean Soldiers’ lives being saved. If we be very beneficial in a natural disaster
cedures well established here,” he said. process evidence and it leads to some like Hurricane Katrina or the recent
“How do you take that and apply it to kind of active investigation, or provides earthquake in Haiti, because the JEFFs
an area where you don’t have power all some intelligence or data to units will eventually be able to deploy on a
the time, or you don’t have clean water fighting, it’s obviously very beneficial. moment’s notice.
or you’ve got dust and sand? Rugged- Having assets on site or in theater “That’s another one of the things
izing the equipment to make it operate provides (a) far more timely exchange that we’re planning…. When Hur-
in that type of environment was a huge of information. ricane Katrina came through, it wiped
challenge.” “We take weapons, we process out three or four crime labs—the state
them for DNA, process them for fin- lab, county lab and the city lab so they
gerprints. We submit them to firearms were without. The National Institute
of Justice went down there and set
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up some mobile labs, but we could L#)&.4'#,,(18(+3#(,%+;&+%1*E(@-A(%*7#,+%)&+1.,(&.#(#F"#$+#4(+1(*1+(1*'5(%*7#,+%)&+#(

certainly see this…maybe not doing
forensic criminal work, but doing iden-
tification of remains…pulling…and
profiling the DNA samples,” he said.
Meyer added that from identifying prosecution, force protection
remains in mass graves or after natural and (medicine), which are the
disasters, to keeping insurgents off for- five forensic functions…. The
ward operating bases, the possibilities future is that the military police
are limitless and will change the future will be the primary collectors to the senior tactical
of battlefield forensics. of evidence on a battlefield… commanders for op-
Soldiers will take “basic law en- the lab will ultimately analyze erational decisions,”
forcement skill sets and (apply) them to it, and…if it’s noncriminal, Meyers explained. !
the battlefield for targeting, sourcing, that analysis will then be given




il in the


HE U.S. Army Criminal In-
vestigation Command trains
its agents extensively at the
U.S. Army Military Police School at
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
CID agents complete law, testi-
monial evidence, drug operations,
family advocacy, and forensics courses
during their training, Marine Master
Sgt. Shane Reichenberg, noncom-
missioned officer-in-charge of the
Military Police Investigation Division,
The school is a joint facility,
training representatives from all four
services, said Chief Warrant Officer
4 Ronald Meyer, former chief of the
forensics-training branch. “We can
provide standardized training across
the entire spectrum. It’s pretty inter-
Some of the most intense train-
ing occurs during the forensic and
testimonial evidence blocks, which
comprise both classroom lectures and
hands-on training in mock crime
Testimonial evidence training
can be difficult because it is more of
an art form than an exact science,
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Barry Young,
branch chief, said. Students role-play,
one taking on the position of the
investigator, the other, suspect, and


practice interrogation techniques. this facility,” Carter explained. process a crime scene in the Basic
The instructors provide guidance “When it’s time for them to train Course, they are taught a detailed list
and mentorship, teaching students the on any kind of criminalistics, hands- of things to check and given eight
ins and outs of conducting a suspect on training, they come to this facility. hours to process a mock scene, which
interview, and guiding them through We also have the Warrant Officer is staged with fake evidence such as
the questioning process. One of the Basic and Advanced courses for CID guns, liquor bottles and “bodies.”
more difficult things to teach students agents, (as well as) the Advanced “A year from now, if they went to
is how to get people to talk. Crime Scenes Investigative Tech- court, they could literally reconstruct
Some of the processes are difficult niques course.” this room based off their photographs,
to master, Young said, so that’s one “In this training facility here we their measurements and all their
hurdle the students have to overcome. have 60 mock-crime-scene rooms, notes,” Reichenberg said of the detail
“The only way to understand this which is pretty neat,” Meyer said. It involved in the training.
job is to do it,” Young said, adding allows us to train 60 students at a Photography is extremely im-
that you have to be a people-person. time to a specific standard.” portant as a crime scene technician,
Forensics is the bulk of the The students learn how to process Carter said, because much of the
training administrated at the school, crime scenes, identify, collect and documentation for a crime is pho-
according to Staff Sgt. Aaron Carter, preserve evidence, and how to con- tographic. Both the Advanced and
Advanced Crime Scenes Investigative duct death investigations, Meyer said. the Basic courses focus on honing
Techniques Course instructor. Twenty to 30 percent of what other photography skills.
“We have the Military Police law enforcement agencies teach in “The first two and a half days (of
Investigators Course, the CID Special their advanced courses, CID teaches the advanced class) are photography,”
Agent Course—those are the basic in its Basic Course. Carter said. “Understanding the con-
courses that we have come through When students learn how to cepts and applications of photography,


the camera, the equipment that we

have…the most important thing that
an agent or an investigator needs to
understand is how to use their camera.”
In the advanced crime scene class,
students also practice crime scene
processing outside. They learn how to
take casts of impressions in the ground,
from boots or tires and the like; how to
process shallow graves, how to process
scattered remains, and how to analyze
blood-spatter patterns.
“We’re very, very thorough and
that’s one of the things we’re renowned
for: how thorough and accurate we are
in our crime scene processing,” Carter
“My goal for them is to understand
the basics of what we teach them and
to do a good job at the basics,” he
added. These “basics” are the platform
for criminalistics, and every investiga-
tor needs a good foundation before he

can excel, Carter explained.

The interrogation and forensics
training is so detailed, one CID special
agent would be able to operate in any
environment independently, Meyer
“I know of no other training
institution in the United States at the
federal or state level that has the train-
ing capabilities that we have…and I’ve
seen many of them,” he said. “We train EHI&23(4$-&B,#.&-=4$5($0/&D'##B&),#%&12,=043&5(035$-&#4$#&B0))(,(4$&-6,)2/(-&B6,043&D'##B8-.'2$$(,&
great students and agents.” ! $,204043&2$&$5(&9:;:&<,%=&>0'0$2,=&+#'0/(&;/5##'&2$&@#,$&A(#42,B&C##B?&>#:&

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Major Procurement
Fraud Unit

RACKING down those who due to fraud and greed. The contractor was sentenced to pay
commit fraud against the U.S. MPFU agents investigate all types restitution in the amount of $1 million
Army falls on the shoulders of of fraud, kickback schemes, double- plus interest, and placed on probation
the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation billing plots and bribery. Their investi- for five years.
Command’s Major Procurement Fraud gations run the gamut from defective “MPFU agents are highly moti-
Unit. Unwavering in their pursuit of personal protective gear and ammu- vated federal law enforcement officers,
the truth, wherever the evidence may nition to defective tank and aircraft well versed in the investigation of
lead, MPFU special agents leave no parts. Some manufacturers have faked fraud and corruption cases,” said James
page unturned. test results or substituted materials Podolak, director of the MPFU. “They
With six subordinate field offices with cheaper, less effective ones, creat- are trained to conduct their investiga-
and more than 27 resident agencies, ing deadly situations for Soldiers. tions with a view toward realizing the
the civilian special agents of MPFU In one case, a manufacturer who best possible remedy as a result of their
conduct investigations into allegations had a contract worth more than $6 investigations, whether they are in
of fraud associated with the Army’s million provided defective nuclear, CONUS or in a contingency contract-
major acquisitions programs, such as biological and chemical filters for the ing environment.
weapons systems, support systems and M1A1 tank, resulting in fires inside “Many of MPFU’s agents are re-
civil/military construction contracts several tanks. During one such fire cruited from the active-duty CID, who
awarded by the Army Corps of Engi- a Soldier was killed. After countless are then trained and mentored by se-
neers. Many of the MPFU’s offices are hours of investigative work by the nior MPFU agents, as well as educated
located within major contracting hubs, MPFU, the contractor pled guilty to in contracting, and in the investigation
such as Atlanta and Detroit. major fraud against the U.S. govern- of fraud and corruption crimes.”
Over the past 10 years, MPFU ment, false claims and false state- To accomplish their mission,
has recovered more than $1.5 billion ments. The contractor was sentenced MPFU rarely uses any “CSI”-type
dollars, of which $411.2 million has to 20 years in prison and ordered to equipment in their investigations—
been returned directly to the Army. pay restitution in the amount of $9.2 most of the time it’s just good old-fash-
Since 2005, MPFU has conducted million. ioned detective work and the tenacious
investigations resulting in more than In another case, a contractor failed spirit of the CID special agents that
225 indictments and 342 convictions, to properly heat-treat main rotor close cases. Special agents live for
240 suspensions and 288 debarments blade pins used on the UH60 Black scouring documents and scanning files
of contractors. Hawk helicopter, causing corroding for that one piece of evidence that can
With such substantial sums of and cracking and eventual failure in break a case.
money at stake comes a large responsi- the main rotor blade pins. The U.S. “We are dealing with sophisticated
bility, one that all MPFU agents hold Army Aviation and Missile Com- people who know how to keep their
in the highest regard. However, money mand issued a safety of flight alert and fraud hidden, or at least they try to,”
is not the only thing at stake; the lives mandated the grounding of all UH60s said Special Agent Mark Mansfield,
of Soldiers can also hang in the balance while the proper repairs were made. assigned to the Atlanta Fraud Field

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Office. “Some of the cases consist of number of years ago to assign civilian
pretty sophisticated schemes, while special agents to these unique investiga-
others are crimes of opportunity…ei- tions. Because the cases can take a long
ther way it’s straight-out theft and once time to investigate and bring to trial,
we get involved, they have nowhere to having the same case agents working
run.” them from start to finish is a big plus,
Mansfield, who has a degree in according to CID officials.
finance, added that the complex nature “On average, each case takes about
of government contracting lends itself two years,” said Kilgore. “We keep our
to making MPFU agents experts in the investigations open past the investiga-
contracting field. tive findings and support the prosecu-
“You have to understand the tors through sentencing and fining.”
product,” said Mansfield. “The business Podolak said some of the toughest
of the Army has to go forward, and challenges facing the MPFU special
investigating these crimes not only agents today are the highly complex “If you think you can succeed in
serves as a deterrent, but it also keeps fraud and corruption investigations, committing fraud crimes, remember
the Army whole.” combined with an ever-increasing that MPFU exists to protect the Army’s
MPFU conducts undercover opera- caseload. interests and to preserve the integrity of
tions and uses several forms of surveil- “MPFU agents deploy alongside our contracting process,” he said. “We
lance techniques during some of its in- our Soldiers as combat multipliers to will follow all leads to obtain all pos-
vestigations, according to Special Agent combat and prevent fraud and cor- sible remedies…our agents will work
Wes Kilgore, special-agent-in-charge at ruption on the battlefield, as well as to not only put you in jail for fraud or
the Pacific Fraud Field Office. responding to humanitarian relief corruption, but they will also seek to
“We are a small organization with a efforts in the U.S. and elsewhere in the take all those ‘spoils’ of your crime—
critical mission,” said Kilgore. “As long world,” he said. your house, cars, other property and
as there are large-dollar contracts, there There are CID MPFU special illicit bank accounts—and you will be
will always be people who succumb to agents on the ground in Iraq and debarred from doing business with the
temptation, and we will be there to go Afghanistan, there were CID special U.S. government." !
after them with every resource we have agents on the ground when troops were
available.” sent into New Orleans after Hurricane
Being an MPFU special agent Katrina, and there will be special agents
takes patience, since many of the cases deployed wherever there is an Army
do not produce immediate results. presence.
Some cases languish for years under Podolak offered some advice to
mountains of documents and legal those who think they can get away with B%@@8%C&D01582&E28F1&@28&.!GDHID&,4?9"$&
wrangling. That is why CID decided a ripping off the Army: G@@0"81A



particularly helpful.
“Walking down the street in the
dark, if somebody approaches me,
!"#$%&'%&()*+,'-".&/0&1#))*23 protective services: I know more what you do than (in)
“The general thought process… regular armor training and combatives.
is they are a lot of babysitters,” he This is something I can use every day of

HE next time you see the sec- confessed. “They just take care of the my life and it is a fun course,” she said.
retary of defense, chairman of general, and walk him around and Special agents will take a bullet
the joint chiefs, or a number of (Soldiers) don’t realize how physical if necessary, but their job is to get a
other top Department of Defense and that is, or how much thought process principal out of harm’s way and keep
Army officials, you may want to think goes into it…. The training builds everyone safe from assassination,
twice about moving too aggressively to confidence…. I went on a (protection) kidnapping, injury and embarrassment.
get an autograph or take a picture. mission prior to having this training Embarrassment can include anything
That’s because they’re guarded by and it was nerve-wracking.” from a principal slipping and falling,
the Army’s own version of the Se- The course teaches them to remain to deliberate acts meant to discredit a
cret Service: highly trained Criminal vigilant, said C. William “Bill” West, protectee.
Investigation Command special agents a retired protective service agent and Much of their training runs coun-
who undergo the specialized Protective chief of the Protective Service Training ter to basic military training, and West
Service Training Course at the U.S. Branch. and his team watched the students
Army Military Police School at Fort “My goal is that these folks take go from taking cover and grabbing
Leonard Wood, Mo. away the basic tools so that they can flashlights instead of guns, to operating
The three-week course follows go out and…protect their protectees, in teams of effective protective service
Secret Service doctrine, teaching CID understand that their first job is to agents guarding principals while de-
special agents—as well as military protect the protectee, second job is to ployed to “Badistan” in the final course
policemen and agents from other get off the ‘X,’” West said, explaining exercise.
services—the basics of protection. that no protective agent should ever During the scenario, instructors
Their training includes defense against be considered a “bullet sponge” or be posed as a U.S.-allied chieftain and his
an attacker, evacuation, surveillance confused with a bodyguard—someone bodyguard, leading the special agents
detection, threat assessments, walk- who’s main role is to discourage threats and protectees to a remote village.
ing formations, high-speed defensive by simply looking scary. In addition to spending much
driving, helicopter operations and Sig Most special agents are unassum- of their time on foot and
Sauer pistol and MP 5-K submachine ing and of average build, including coordinating with
gun qualifications, as well as multiple some very petite, but capable women. foreign nationals—
protection exercises. They aren’t treated any differently,
A week into the course, Special said Special Agent Amy Washington,
Agent Kevin Strong said the training who noted that as a woman, the new
had already changed his opinion of self-defense moves she learned were

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always a challenge, accord-

ing to West—they faced an insurgent
“This scenario is based on a real
situation that occurred several years ago sess a number of different
in Iraq,” said team leader and instruc- factors that make for a successful
tor Jeff Bishop, who played Ali, the protective service mission.”
clan leader. “(It’s about) their tactical After the course, special agents can
decision making; how they position be assigned to the Protective Ser-
themselves and actually protect the vices Battalion at Fort Belvoir, Va., to
protectee in a location where they’ve continue on-the-job training and help PSO for former
not had the luxury to do an advance… guard one of the eight top Army and Secretary of Defense
and what type of communication is DOD leaders; sent to a small detail Donald Rumsfeld. “Both
going on. to protect a general officer overseas sides of the highway were
“Is the (personal security officer) or downrange; or returned to one of going southbound, so you can
making some recommendations? Like, the CID units worldwide, available to imagine trying to get one vehicle
for example, ‘We probably shouldn’t fill in on a protective service detail as with lights and sirens going north-
go here if we haven’t had the chance to needed. bound to the Pentagon while every-
do reconnaissance….’ Also, we usually September 11, 2001, changed the body else was going southbound. But
use a female on this day because we’re world of protective services, tripling the we responded.”
using Middle Eastern culture…. Some- number of special agents and increasing Special Agent Robert Colon, PSB
times they’re not really solicited for the number and nature of threats they assistant operations officer, added that
advice; they’re not really looked upon face. Most of the special agents believe after the Twin Towers collapsed he was
that favorably as security officers, so the Pentagon attack targeted one of allowed to make one phone call. “I
we’re trying to see how that student… their principals and it was a time that called my wife and said, ‘Go get the
interacts and handles herself…. And no one who was on duty will ever for- kids, I’ll call you at home.’ Two min-
also when the attack occurs, get, said Special Agent Michael Jones, utes after the phone call the Pentagon
we want to now the PSB first sergeant. got hit. She had no idea, but because
as- “I got to base…and I was met at of the fact that she was so in tune with
the front door by two other agents… our job…she was OK with what I was
with a weapon and a bul- doing.” It was eight days before Colon
letproof vest and…that would be able to call his wife again.
was it,” said Special Family support is crucial to the
Agent Thomas special agents, who might spend 250
M. Romero, days of the year on the road with their
who served principals, in addition to deployment
as the time and intense work hours. They
can’t call in sick or stay home because
of inclement weather. During two

Washington blizzards in February that
closed the federal government for a
week, the agents were still at work, on
time, every day. is the beauty of being a CID agent.”
In addition to missing their spouses Another advantage is the opportu- generals and high-ranking government
and parents, PSB Family members face nity to see the world. From Azerbaijan officials show them, mean the most to
some unique challenges as well: special to Greece to Russia, “the Navy doesn’t the special agents.
agents who are paid to expect bad have anything on protective services. “It’s more than any gift you could
things to happen, and can’t turn off We go everywhere,” said Jones. Special ever receive, any award…to have a
that switch at home. agents also accompany their protectees senior leader say that he understands
“Every time you come home, it’s to events like the World Series and your sacrifices and thank you person-
a honeymoon,” said Jones. “But…be- Army-Navy game, and West once stood ally,” Jones said.
cause you learn how to drive a certain close enough to the Sistine Chapel ceil- “It’s the best job in the Army,” said
way, sometimes you forget when your ing that he could have touched it. Romero. “Other than the MP who’s
wife and kids are in the car…. My wife “And it’s not uncommon for the deployed…this is the singularly most
would very calmly lean over and say, principal to turn to the agent…and say, important job in the entire MP Corps.
‘Mike, you’re not at work.’ ‘Hey Tom, what do you think about We’ve got young Soldiers, E-5s, E-6s,
“My oldest daughter didn’t tell this?’ You’ve got a secretary of defense young warrant officers, who are tasked
people what my job was because boys asking a CID agent for his or her to provide personal protection to our
wouldn’t come around the house…. I opinion. That’s a powerful place to be country’s leadership, and they do it
think it’s just one of those things. It’s in. At the end of the day, I’m confident without question…. They perform
having a cop dad, is really what it is… that the agents are going to give an brilliantly.”
and sometimes it is just intimidat- honest assessment, but still keep their The truth is, the special agents
ing…. It’s not to the kids because it’s comments restricted to their respective don’t know how successful they are.
the norm to them, but everybody else, lanes,” added Lt. Col. Tom Denzler, There have been times when they
‘Your dad’s a cop? We’ll have you home PSB battalion commander. stopped or avoided attacks, but they
by 10:30.’ And we’re also (Soldiers) In fact, their personal interaction don’t know how many they’ve thwarted
too, so you get a double-whammy. with their principals, and the con- just by being there, and that’s just fine
You’re a cop and you’re a Soldier, which sideration and appreciation four-star with them. !



e r ’ s e d
ke driv e

Cour s e s t a
t r e m
to the ex

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!"#$%&'%&()*+,'-".&/0&1#))*23 “Each student will have a car that won’t know what to do. The security
they hit another car with and ram driver is going to find out what to do
them out of the way, in front and back and fast. When…someone is shooting

RIVING: it’s the portion of (going straight and in reverse),” said at his car, or tries to block it, a chauffer
training that CID special Rodney Larson, lead instructor for the may slam on the brakes or panic.”
agents and students in the Anti-terrorism Evasive Driving Course. But, West added, the security
Protective Services Training Course “If you get the technique, you can get driver or Protective Service agent will
at the U.S. Military Police School, them out of the way before you drive take immediate action, using a number
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., both look straight through them. You’re using of different tactics and techniques they
forward to and dread the most. your car and your engine as a weapon, learn to protect the “principals,” and
But the driving instruction students versus stopping and trying to get out get them to a safe location.
receive in the various courses offered at and have a gunfight. You’re mobile so Students can use their new driving
the school is anything but typical. They you stay mobile.” skills in real life as well, Larson pointed
learn to ram other vehicles without The cars lose headlights, bumpers out, especially accident-avoidance
causing injury, stop or turn their cars and other pieces as the training pro- techniques. In fact, he was able to use
while driving at high speeds, and drive gresses, and according to C. William a controlled ram to keep both himself
in reverse at 50 mph. “Bill” West, chief of the Protective Ser- and another driver safe when a colli-
They are taught to use their ve- vice Training Branch, the regular cars sion in his private vehicle was unavoid-
hicles—from police-packaged sedans go through a set of high-performance able.
and SUVs to an armored Humvee—as brakes every class, and high-perfor- “You learn so much here that you
weapons, important tools to keep their mance tires every two or three classes. just don’t get anywhere else,” said
protectees safe. The school does have an armored Special Agent Jason Herndon after un-
The school also purchases “clunk- car with four-inch thick glass (it weighs dergoing the training. “We have a lot
ers” students can use to practice ram- about 12,000 pounds), which provides of guys, Reservists, who come in and
ming and moving other cars. Airbags extra protection and time to get away. they’re police officers and they admit,
are removed and students wear helmets “Lets take the position of a secu- ‘We never had any of this driving.’ So
and padding for safety, while an rity driver and a chauffer,” said West. they can take it back to their units in
instructor rides shotgun, ready to grab “When a situation arises, the chauf- the civilian world and train them as
the wheel at any time. feur is going…to get scared because he well.” !


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