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There was difference in released amount in P&D

reports & Finance Department data. This issue was discussed by

Mr. Arshad, Director Budget with Secretary P&D Department.
Secretary P&D advised undersigned on 04.09.2009 to resolve that
issue. For this purpose Budget Officer-V of Finance Department
deputed by Finance Department and issue was discussed in detail
scheme wise.

It was observed that that difference was due to

following reasons:-

i) Finance Department does not accommodate release

figures issued through:

a) Supplementary Grant.
b) Excess & Surrender Statement.
c) Figure of 100 million shown shown as released
for PRSP “Integrated Poverty Alleviation
Programme for Southern Punjab” by Finance
Department was not correct as amount was not
released by expenditure wing of Finance

Thus that issue was disposed off.

Now Finance Department has again desired the figures

(Page-36) on Performa for Chief Minister meeting. Needful is done
& Secretary P&D may peruse draft letter before it is issued.

(Muhammad Aslam
Chief (Regional Planning)

Secretary, P&D

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