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Answer 1: Unocal is a one-shop company which deals with the oil form the extraction stage to its

marketing .A company first and foremost point to consider before investing is quite obvious and that is
the high profit and low cost. So Unocal as other companies takes into consideration several things
before investing in yadana field. As the labor was cheap in Burma, it was rich in natural gas recourses,
it’s an entry point into other potential lucrative international markets and the Burmese government
maintain a stable climate .as the projected was to transport the gas 256 miles from the yadana field
(located in Burma) to Thailand through pipeline which had to be constructed by the Unocal. By
conducting research Unocal investigate the risks position on social political environment of the country
but the region where the pipeline had to be constructed was not safe enough to work as the Burma had
a military dictatorship which accused, harassed the rights of people which in result the Karens , rural
part of southern part ,had rebel against government, periodically. By knowing these facts the Unocal
didn’t step back and consider that by completion of this project will help people of Burma to have a
better standard of living and it will improve education, circumstances etc. so Unocal takes into account
the maximum benefits to the maximum number of people which is utilitarianism (the moral
philosophy),which in result help a lot of Burma people who were in the region of constructing pipeline
that includes improved health care, improvement in education , new transport infrastructure etc which
further help decrease in mortality rate by 31 to 13 deaths per 1000. These all claimed that Unocal had
been investigated and proved by collaborative for development action.

Answer 2: Burma people were discriminated, tortured, forced to work, harassed and murdered
by the military before as well so Unocal, as one of the partner in a project, had to construct the
pipeline through Thailand which not only benefit Unocal but the Burma people as well. Unocal
after knowing the danger of working in that part took the Burmese army security so that the
work should be done in a proper and calm environment which just didn’t mean to hurt or kill
people by any means and for no real reasons. Unocal was not morally responsible because it
was the government who is responsible for such activities, conducted on behalf of Unocal. If
not Unocal than there must be some other company worked on the project. As per the minority
group of Karens who suit against the Unocal for compensation to their homes and other lost.
Unocal announced to settle the federal lawsuit, compensate the Karen villagers and provides
funds for the people of that region.

Answer 3: the statement that Unocal came across was just right because it is just like many
sticks together are far powerful than a single stick. So Unocal’s view that engagement than
isolation is the proper course to achieve social and political change in developing countries
against repressive government is right because the Burmese is a poor country and by
contribution and engagement of more partners in a project like Unocal, Total etc help in build
and change the Burmese socially as well as improved it economically. It also strengthen the
economy and promote open societies, well being of human being and help growing the
opportunities against its repressive government.

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