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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Basics of modification in pricing ................................................................................................................... 2
Example ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Steps to follow .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Create data element for new field ........................................................................................................ 2
Add the date element to condition structure ....................................................................................... 5
Add new field to condition field catalog ............................................................................................... 6
Populating the field for sales order processing and billing document processing ............................... 7
Add field to Allowed Fields per Usage and Application ........................................................................ 9
Data sources ................................................................................................................................................ 10

If you want to add a new field to the condition field catalog (Which is not available in the standard field
catalog) and use it for condition record determination, then you need to setup below
configuration/coding correctly.
Basics of modification in pricing
The following communication structures are relevant in pricing:
KOMK (Pricing communication header)
KOMP (Pricing communication item)
KOMG (Allowed fields for condition structures)

For technical reasons, communication structure KOMG is used. It combines the fields from KOMK
and KOMP that are relevant for pricing in the standard system and are offered in the field catalog
of condition tables. If you want to use a new field in the field catalog, you must add the field to
KOMP or KOMK in the following INCLUDES:
o Header data in INCLUDE KOMKAZ in KOMK
o Item data in INCLUDE KOMPAZ in KOMP
When you use INCLUDES, the field is automatically added to KOMG and the field catalog.
The routines for assigning values to the new fields in order processing are found in the include
MV45AFZZ. Use the following user exits:
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK (Sales order header fields)
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP (Sales order item fields)
The routines for assigning values to the new fields in billing are found in the include RV60AFZZ.
Use the following user exits:
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK (Billing header fields)
I want to add the new partner function called End customer to the field catalog and determine pricing
based on that end customer mentioned in the sales order header.
Steps to follow
Create data element for new field
Go to SE11
Enter ZZKUNNR under field Data Type and press

Remember that new data fields must start with the letters "ZZ" or "YY", since SAP reserved these letters
to protect them from being overwritten during a release upgrade.

Select and press

Youll need to have a Access key to proceed

Get it from your basis consultant and enter it under field
and press
Maintain below data

Check it
Now you have created a new data element as ZZKUNNR
Add the date element to condition structure
First you need to identify where this field is in the sales order (Header or line item). Since I need to refer
header partner functions I need to add my new date element to KOMKAZ structure. If its line item data,
then you need to add it to KOMPAZ structure.
Adding ZZKUNNR to KOMKAZ structure
Go to SE11
Enter KOMKAZ under and press
Youll have to give the access key here as well.
Maintain below data

Check it
Due to the changes in the structure KOMKAZ, the field ZZKUNNR is now known in the structures KOMG
and KOMK because the structure KOMKAZ is included in both structures.

Add new field to condition field catalog
Go to below IMG path

Add the new field there

This new filed will be available for you to add in to the condition table under condition table creation
IMG step.

Populating the field for sales order processing and billing document processing
Now you need to add this field to relevant user exists in order to pick it in sales / billing document
For this you can use below includes and user exits.
Include- MV45AFZZ. Use the following user exits:
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK (For Sales order header fields)
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP (For Sales order item fields)
Include - RV60AFZZ. Use the following user exits:
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK (For Billing header fields)
o USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP (For Billing item fields)
In order to code it;
Go to SE38
Enter relevant include

Press Change
Youll have to give the developer key here
Since Im referring to the sales document header partner function, I have to use below user exit.
Sample code is as follows

Here it checks the sales order header partner function XE and pass it to the ZZKUNNR field in the
condition catalog.
You need to add same to the billing user exit under include RV60AFZZ as well.

Add field to Allowed Fields per Usage and Application
Go to SE11
Enter table T681F

Youll need Access key and a developer key here as well
Add below values

Use "E" has been added for fields in rebate processing.
Data sources
SAP Note 21040 - Allowed Fields not appearing for condition table
SAP Note 531835 - Using field PSTYV in the condition access
Documentation available in then IMG node for adding new fields

Author: Anupa Wijesinghe
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This article is done based on my research and readings, unless otherwise stated. The views expressed
are my own and not of anyone else.
Author accepts no liability for the content of the articles in this website or for the consequences of any
actions taken on the basis of the information provided. Using this information is at the users own
discretion and responsibility.

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