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NASA Ames 65th anniversary special edition pullout

Ames: from breaking ground to ground-breaking

The first firm mention of the center in the fall of 1939, building a liaison the first construction at Ames, found an
that became NASA Ames appeared 66 function between the NACA and west Army camera man. The moment was
years ago, on Dec. 30, 1938, in a report coast aircraft manufacturers and feed- oddly appropriate to the culture planted
presented to Joseph S. Ames, chair of the ing information about the selected site there. This pioneer shack on new space
National Advisory Committee for Aero- back to design engineers at Langley. was built cheap, fast, served its purpose,
Ames had encouraged NACA com-
mittee members to anticipate America’s Moffett Field on
entry into the second world war. So, May 21, 1940.
they formed a NACA special committee Groundbreaking
on future research facilities to study for the first
whether the Langley Memorial Aero- permanent
nautical Laboratory could be expanded Ames building
and, if not, where a second laboratory (now N210)
should be built. was in late
After considerable study, based on February.
an exhaustive earlier Navy survey, the
report proposed “a second major aero-
nautical research station by NACA on
the present Army field in Sunnyvale,
California.” President Roosevelt ap-
proved the plan quickly, though some
congressmen wanted this new lab built
in their districts. Congress approved
funding for construction, so long as site
selection was reopened.

Given a blank then disappeared from history. The fo-

plot to start cus was on the work, not the ceremony
with, they of it. The date was Dec. 20, 1939.
sketched out a On Jan. 29, 1940, this shack wel-
brilliantly comed the laboratory’s first two em-
imagined fu- ployees John Parsons and Ferris Nickle,
ture. For two both experts in construction contract-
months, Lan- ing. Today, we mark the founding of
gley engineers Ames with both events—the
outlined where, groundbreaking and the peopling of

Groundbreaking at Ames, Dec. 20, 1939. Russell Robinson, far right.

In June 1939, Vannevar Bush, who on the odd-

had succeeded the ailing Ames as NACA shaped 100 acre
chair (and for whom Bush Circle is site, the many
named), formed a new survey commit- new wind tun-
tee. This committee was chaired by nels could fit.
Charles Lindbergh who, in the decade Then, in an other-
since his famous flight, had seen most wise empty plot
every airfield in America. He had also of land (now at
seen first-hand Germany’s aviation en- the intersection of
thusiasm and spoke vigorously about King Road and
America’s need to invest in aviation re- D e F r a n c e The entire Ames staff on Aug. 30, 1940.
search. The Lindbergh committee sur- Avenue) they
veyed more then 50 sites; then, on Sept. sketched in a temporary construction Ames. It is the people here who have
22, 1939 announced that they had again shack. made this Center great. Throughout the
concluded the Sunnyvale site was best. Back at Moffett Field, a small con- 1940s, more staff arrived, notably Harvey
Russell Robinson, who had built the struction crew, their names now forgot- Allen, Walter Vincenti, Carlton Bioletti,
8-foot wind tunnel at Langley after ten, lined the roadways with string, then Smith DeFrance, John Dusterberry and
graduating from Stanford in 1930, was a prepared to dig a post hole for the shack R. T. Jones. Many were aerodynamicists
young NACA staffer on the Lindbergh flooring. Robinson, realizing that this who just had to see the tunnels they had
committee. He was still in the Bay area start, though small and unscripted, was designed being built.
continued on back

Astrogram - November 2004

continued from other side
Over the past 65 years, as displayed craft, and the blunt-body technology that yearning to dig deeper into our his-
on the chart above, the people planted at allows every spacecraft to return safely tory—not only to understand our unique
this place continued to break ground. to Earth and probes to enter other plan- culture but also to reinterpret the past in
Building like the burrowing owls native ets. light of current challenges.
to these baylands, Ames employees built Ames built the Pioneer series of ro- To understand the vision for space
the world’s greatest set of wind tunnels. botic explorers, the first human-made exploration today, we need to remem-
Then, they built simulators, laborato- objects to pass through the asteroid belt, ber how NACA developed fundamen-
ries, spacecraft and supercomputers. visit the giant planets and leave our tal innovations that enabled air flight.
Dug under Ames are the information solar system. We need to look back at the NASA of the
networks that gave birth to the commer- We also managed the Jupiter Galileo Apollo years and during the early de-
cial internet. probe, the Viking Life Detection Experi- velopment of the space shuttle. In doing
First rooted here were the disciplines ment, the first machine to dig a hole on so, this may help us build historical
of computational fluid dynamics, astro- Mars and contributed much to the Mars analogies for what we want NASA to
biology, and nanotechnology. We did Exploration Rovers, which later drilled once again become. Then, we will add
fundamental research in aircraft han- many holes on Mars. And, Ames people our future innovations to the Ames
dling qualities, air traffic management looked deep under ground—with spec- legacy.
and infrared astronomy. We studied troscopic, thermal and other instrumen- Like Robinson’s ad hoc work crew,
rocks dug out of the lunar regolith, tation—while aloft on airborne science Ames people will continue to break new
learned how meteorites cratered plan- aircraft or on orbit. Lunar Prospector, ground, to lift Earth, to lay foundations,
ets, and built robots capable of digging notably, discovered water at the poles of then build the way to the stars.
holes driven by their own artificial intel- the moon that may pave our path for our
ligence. We developed the swept-back return to the moon, Mars and beyond. BY GLENN BUGOS AND JACK BOYD
wing now used on all high-speed air- We at NASA Ames also have a NASA AMES HISTORY OFFICE

NASA Ames 65th Anniversary special edition pullout

2 Astrogram - November 2004

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