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Skeema Bahagian A

1 B 16 C

2 B 17 A

3 D 18 C

4 D 19 D

5 A 20 B

6 B 21 C

7 A 22 A

8 B 23 C

9 B 24 C

10 D 25 A

11 C 26 B

12 A 27 C

13 B 28 C

14 C 29 C

15 C 30 D
Bahagian B

Soalan 1

(a) To investigate the relationship between distance between tree and average number per

Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara jarak antara pokok dengan purata bilangan buah setiap

(b) Distance between tree // Average number of fruit per tree

Jarak antara pokok // Purata bilangan buah setiap pokok

(c) The more distance between tree the more average number of fruit per tree.

Soalan 2

(a) To investigate the relationship between diameter of spring and average number of load

Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara diameter spring dengan bilangan beban.

(b) Diameter spring // Number of load

Diameter spring // Bilangan beban

(c) Diameter of spring increase, number of load decrease.

Diameter spring bertambah, bilangan beban berkurang

(d) 4

Soalan 3

(a) More evaporation happen to the vineger

Lebih banyak penyejatan berlaku pada cuka

(b) Increase


(C) Volume of vinegar left less than water.

Isipadu cuka yang tinggal kurang dari air

(d) Heat increase the rate of evaporation

Haba meningkatkan kadar penyejatan

Soalan 4

(a) To investigate the relationship between date and phases of the Moon can be seen.

(b) Increase


(c) The more date the more phases of the Moon can be seen

Tarikh bertambah, fasa bulan yang dapat dilihat bertambah

(d) More surface of Moon reflect light

Lebih banyak permukaan bulan yang memantulkan cahaya.

Soalan 5

(a) To investigate the relationship between gear ration and speed.

Mengkaji hubungan antara nisbah gear dengan kelajuan

(b) Increase


(c) 10

(d) Less friction // kurang geseran

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