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Pills Decidua Umbilical Cord

- synthetic estrogen and progesterone - Endometrium after implantation --23 – 25 inches, lifeline
- increase estrogen X follicle stimulating hormone - whitish gray in color
- increase progesterone X luteinizing hormone 1.decidua basalis – base underneath the embryo -wharton’s jelly function
2.decidua capsularis – cover the embryo 1.covering
Contraindicated: 3.decidua vera – removing portion 2.prevents kinking and knotting
1. hypertension
2. heart disease Fetal Structure Fetal Membranes
3. liver disease Germ Layer Chorion – outside covering
4. kidney disease a.Ectoderm Amnion – inside covering
5. diabetes mellitus - hyperglycemia -nervous system
6. thromboplebitis INCREASED CLOT -integumentary system Amniotic Fluid Purpose
7. varicose veins b.mesoderm 1.protect the fetus - cushion
8. above 35 years old -musculoskeletal 2.regulates temperature
9. smoker -cardiovascular 3.allows fetal musculoskeletal devt.
10. breastfeeding – increase estrogen – decrease milk production -renal system 4.prevents cord compression
Increase estrogen, increase progesterone = increase clotting -lining of GI tract and respi tract Diagnostic Test – amniocentesis
-14th week
Decrease estrogen, decrease progesterone = decrease clotting Chorionic Villi -volume 200ml
(bleeding) a.Langhan’s -fetus is floating in amniotic fluid
-protect the fetus against syphilis until 24 weeks -empty bladder
Deprovera (progesterone) taken during breastfeed b.Synctial Later -consent
- last 3 months -hormones -aspirate 20 ml
Report to MD *Human Chorionic Gonodotropin -guided by ultrasound
Abdominal pain *Estrogen -abdomen punctured site
Chest pain *Human Plancetal Lactogen
Headache *Progesterone Pelvic Ultrasound
Eye problems -full bladder – to get better visualization
Severe leg pain -> (+) homan’s sign/thrombophlebitis Human Chorionic Gonadotropin -locate and aspirate 20 ml
- Maintains corpus luteum function (increase progesterone) – The pocket of amniotic fluid
Permanent Method placenta of first trimester Findings:
1.tubal ligation – woman cant be pregnant - Placenta, 12th week 1.Chromosomal Abnormalities
2.vasectomy – out patient basis, no heavy workload X 2 weeks - Makes pregnancy test (+) 2.Detect alpha feto protein –
10 – 20 ejaculations => sperm count will be done - False negative -> early
Aspermia – sterile - False positive – h-mole increase alpha feto protein - neural tube defect
Not a 100% decrease alpha feto protein – down syndrome
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms 3.LS Ratio = lung maturity
Fertilization and implantation 1.pregnancy test (+) Lecithin and sphingomyelin – 2:1
Egg cells are fertilized 2.human chorionic gonadotrophin increase
2.5 – 5ml/ejaculation 3.excessive vomiting due to elevation of Human Chorionic Complication:
Gonadotropin 1.increase uterine contraction (premature delivery)
Sperm Cell 4.Brownish vaginal discharge 2.leaking amniotic fluid
400 million/ejaculation 5.Abdominal enlargement 3.bleeding
20 million/ml = decrease, infertility, oligospermia 6.ultrasound 4.infection
- (-) fetal heart tone 5.Rh antibody formation
Sperm motility – 90 second – cervix - cluster of grape like vesicles
5 minutes – uterus Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)
Testes Management: -done at 10 – 12th week
1.Spermatogenes 1.Dilation and Curettage -using a small catheter and aspirate the chorionic villi
Seminiferous Tubules 2.Monitor HCG, 1 year – choriocarcinoma -using ultrasound to guide in locating the chorionic
2.Leydigs Cells 3.No pregnancy “small”
-testosterone FETAL LIMB DEFECTS
Human Placental Lactation
Cryptorchidism -also known as diabeto – genic hormone Amniotic Fluid
-testes should be in scrotum -prepare breast for lactation, 4th month, colostrums Normal volume – 800 – 1200ml
-undescended testes -regulates metabolism – insulin antagonist resistant Oligohydramnios – fetal, kidney defect,
Cord compression and needs to C.S.
Seminal Fluid Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Polyhydramnios – esophageal Atresia (close
-alkaline, fructose and protein – allow sperm survival Management: esophagus) leads to premature delivery
PRODUCTION OF: 2.exercise like walking and swimming
1.seminal vesicles 3.insulin Placenta – 12th week
2.cowpers gland AFTER VAS DEFERENS Function
3.prostate gland Complications: a.lungs – provide oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
4.lining of epididymis 1.Large Gestational Age/Macrosomia b.GI system – provide nourishment
2.Hypoglycemia c.Kidneys – remove waste production
Protective Layers -increase insulin d.Endocrine Gland – secretes HPG, HPL, Estrogen, Prolactin
1.Zona Pellucida -withdrawal of maternal blood e.Protects fetus – semi permeable membrane
2.Corona Radiata
Estrogen Can cross placenta:
2.Hyaluronidase -hormone of women 1.antibodies
-dissolve protective layer -sodium and water retention TT – X2 weeks
Zygote -increase breast size Ig G -
-fertilized egg cell -maintain thickness of endometrium Ig A - colostrums
46 – mitosis – cell division
46 diploid Progesterone 2.virus
-hormone of pregnancy *rubella
3.Morula -relaxes smooth muscle
-16-50 cells *uterine muscles and intestinal muscles 3.drugs
Blastocyst -constipation Antibiotics such as tetracyclines
a.Embryoblast Anesthetics
-embryo is 8 weeks Increase progesterone – decrease peristalsis – constipation Barbiturates
b.Trophoblast Decrease progesterone – increase peristalsis – diarrhea Coumadin anticoagulant
-chorionic villi Hemo drugs
placenta Umbilical Cord
AVA 4.alcohol – fetal alcohol syndrome
-less than 3 or more than 3 indicates problems in the heart and renal – mentally retarded
anomaly smoking (nicotine decrease blood supply)

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