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JOB opportunities high in India or foriegn. Why?

Posted By: kandasamy doss  

  Job opportunities are high in India because now India is developed so many mnc
are open their branch in India. Here they invest low price then get high profit. So
they open new branches from that we have lot of job opportunities have been

  Posted By: keerthi 

    Yes job opportunities are more in India, which is developing now. Many foreign
companies are Opening their branches in India in the name of BPO's and CALL
   The main reason why these foreign companies are opting India is due to the
simple fact that India has many graduates and unemployed youth who are ready
to accept a job with less pay then their foreign counter parts. Due to which they
will gain more profits.

Posted By: sowbhagyavathi 

   As India is a developing country, the Job opportunities in India are more.

 India has large number of graduates and postgraduates in each and every field
such as science and technology, IT sector, arts, etc.

As the graduates and postgraduates in India are ready to expose themselves to

the world of competition, they are ready to work for less pay. The main reason for
that is, the people want experience and exposure to different environment where
the chance of learning several things is more.

 Money matters less for people who have the capacity to prove themselves. The
foreign companies in the present that's openings their branches in India because
they knew that Indians are hardworking and they have the zeal to accept and
work for the upliftment of their country 

 Posted By: meenakshisekar

  No job opportunities are not only more in India but they are also more in other
countries like china, Japan etc.reason is now Chinese.  Japanese they are also
equally competent to u and us know why china has seen a drastic change in their
development? B’s they work even harder and smarter than us. Even more people
and more opportunities are there in India do u known that we are also ranking
high in unemployment? 

  Posted By: keerthi

 As meena said As far as job opportunities are considered they are more in china
and Japan but they don't give a chance to foreigners as in US.
 If we consider the opportunities for Indians I think there are more opportunities
in India than in US or any other country abroad as most of the mnc's are
opening their branches here.

No one studies for an MBA. Everyone studies

for a job.
rachna Rating:
said this on 08 Dec 2009 1:06:37 AM IST
i m totally agree i with the above statement that no body study for MBA bt for today
wrld competition has increased to a great height that almost everyone is going for acquiring
 higher education so that they can be given preference among the common the need to
be extra talented is increasing day by day because the persons are getting conscious towards
their career the only possible way for this is to achieve higher education.for instance in
cmpany fo a job if their two persons one is simply and anthr is MBA thn definitely the
later one is goin to get a higher position in as compare to the former...
(Reply to this comment)

sreekanth Rating:
said this on 11 Dec 2009 1:41:10 PM IST
yes i do agree with rachana because now a days people mainly the job seekers will try to get a
good job.the best example is we can see in news about the illegal certification providers
etc.The main thing behind this is the company will mentions there need like Btech,MBA etc
there may so many people who may try to get in good mnc's at any cost that is only having a
degree so they may try this worse in my view now study for mba is only a way to get
good position
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psv rao Rating:
said this on 09 Jan 2010 9:08:22 PM IST
In the final analysis, our intention is to get a good job and prosper from there. In the present
day context, where B Tech degree has become the basic qualification, it is imperative to have
something extra to squeeze ahead. This is possible through a MBA degree. One cannot deny
  that the economy runs on the wheels of finance and recession or no recesssion finance
provides the necessary discipline to stay on track. However, a MBA with experience is
definitely more fetching and hence it may be said that one seeks a job first and enhances his
chances of progress by getting a MBA degree after say 2-3 years of experience.
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krishna Rating:
said this on 13 Jan 2010 8:57:30 PM IST
sry miss rachna bt i dont hv the same opinion..okk we can get a job by showing our mba
degree...but what after that..are we going to work for our whole life with that
  increament nothing..because getting job is an another thig but if we want to establish
ourselves in the market and get proper career growth we should have the required skills of a
manager..thats why doing mba properly is required..
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akriti Rating:
said this on 19 Jan 2010 5:40:39 PM IST
i dont think so now a days everyone is runing for an mba so its very difficult for everyone to
get a gud job .
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vineeth ramanathan Rating:

said this on 10 Dec 2009 7:23:30 PM IST
i am very much agreeing with this topic becoz in this booming competition no one will go only
for the sake of getting a job
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priya Rating:
said this on 17 Dec 2009 12:15:58 PM IST
This view cannot be fully agreed upon. With the current recessions any student will want be
assured of a job.Ensuring whether it is appropriate to what he had studied will not play much
bigger role now. As pointed out by rachna people study to get preference while getting jobs. Job
that has to be done by a B.E student are now also available to an MBA student.When such
oppurtunities are given it will be definitely used and hence the students cannot be blamed. So
change in the mindset of the employers is needed rather than in the students
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 Tusha Rating:
said this on 17 Dec 2009 7:51:39 PM IST
Even MBA curriculums have a tinge of job experience in their curriculum as they also think
students should get placed. There should be a change in the mindset of educational institutions
to make the students more competent so that they may get any sector rather than putting a stress
on just getting a job.
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mahendra Rating:
said this on 23 Dec 2009 9:34:36 AM IST
Yes I will agree with the quatation made. In the present scenario every individual is trying to
 attain maximum position in the society with maximum salary. He or she is choosing their best
possible way of gaining such position. Out of which MBA is the major option choosed by so
many they have wide range oppurtunities growing in the recent past.I think doing MBA after the
completion of degree is not the right thing with out any experience.
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Sujitha.S Rating:
said this on 25 Dec 2009 12:36:32 PM IST
I am not agree with this statement because in this present recission everyone want to get job in
 good MNC's with their knowledge.Studies are not important regarding to job.with doing B.Tech
or degree so many are getting jobs in MNC's.After degree only we do MBA.It is one of the
experiance in studies it may be a different subject oppurtuniites are different for MBA. But
without MBA also we will get job by using technical and non technical skills.
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Santosh Kumar Rating:

said this on 31 Dec 2009 9:43:46 AM IST
I totally disagree with this statement because MBA has it's own importance and what ever we
learns in MBA will helpful totally in our career. And even it is starting step to start business. It
teaches many things and even many skills we can acquire through MBA. So we properly utilize
MBA , that's more than enough. It will show steps to start your career from starting point. Let's
us take some personalities as examples. Harsh Boggle he has done MBA through IIMS and how
where he is. In his speech he said that what ever i am right now it's all only MBA. So I mean
that it has it's own importance and a gate through to start a business. So i request everyone to
utilize this MBA and be one of them in billion persons.
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ajay Rating:
said this on 31 Dec 2009 6:22:18 PM IST
no doubt mba has a great importance which helps us to grow well in our career. but i think its
helpful if and only if we have a work experience along with it. because only then we can
practically implement that. But today students who are going for MBA without exprience do this
only to be more eligible for MNC's.but not with the motive to gain something.
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 saify Rating:
said this on 31 Dec 2009 9:13:40 PM IST
no idea
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vishal Rating:
said this on 04 Jan 2010 10:45:38 AM IST
 i totally agree with the statement. but if u look at the basic view point abt 90% of people believe
a successful person is one who is earning a handsome salary and for that u have to be an mba if
u wanna earn a lot in corporate world. mba is a ticket to enter into corporate world...........
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ANKIT Rating:
said this on 10 Jan 2010 10:25:58 AM IST
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Vanitha Rating:
said this on 06 Jan 2010 10:45:41 AM IST
i do agree with every1 b'z each one has their own perception.. first of al doing mba is to improve
 our knowledge.. after tat only job .. so many people do mba as a passion ..even though so many
prefer for a job... we should be in a postion to learn and experience everything in our post
graducation ... with zero knowledge no companies wil opt us.. so first preference which i give is
to mba.. and not job..
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Alok Mishra Rating:

said this on 18 Jan 2010 6:38:04 PM IST
 I too have an opinion smililar to miss Rachna. See we get skills from MBA is ok things but thats
why we get that skill obviously to be a good Coorporate player. SO we can consider MBA as a
pavement that leads us to job or entrepreneurship.
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sumit mandal Rating:

said this on 21 Jan 2010 8:33:41 AM IST
i would like to be unbiased in this.....the reason for my being unbiased is that we all know that
we spend almost 23 yrs of our life studying.....n y do we do this,,,,,so that we can earn some
respect in the society for ourselves as well as our its fine that most of the people r
opting for mba in todays so called competitive world.....but what i think is that atleast the
engineering students should not opt for mba. why do i say this!!!!!!!!!! it is bcz an engineer
spends nearly 6 yrs of his life goin thru the techi topics n suddenly he diverts himself to a
commerce field which i think is nt a good other words an engineer in such a case
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 anks Rating:
said this on 21 Jan 2010 7:24:51 PM IST
this statement is true to some extent,but mba is just not made for earning money .there are
several examples of students who have done mba and opened their own business,they have left
their fat salaries and took risk of,we cant say mba is just done for getting
career upliftment.
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mansor Rating:
said this on 22 Jan 2010 12:42:28 AM IST
  i totally agree with anks that mba is not only aticket to enter corporate world bcoz if this is
true then why experienced persons who are still in job bt. still doing mba so it must have
something for which companies themselves sponsoring candidates for mba

"Effect of media?"
sreekanth Rating:
said this on 11 Dec 2009 2:02:45 PM IST
Its a good topic.If we are taking a matter there will be boon and bane.The media is helping us in
 so many ways it will helps us to know about the news which is farther from us for example if
ther any eartquake or etc happens in other countries we ill get its news within 15 that
we ill get warnings to be get ready for a thing.if we are taking the othaer side we can see so
many peoples are spending ther much times in front of the tv,internet etc.
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Manoj Rating:
said this on 21 Dec 2009 8:47:27 PM IST
Effect of Media is like a coin having a bad side and good side. It is very good in few terms
like social security, breaking monopoly of Govt. or any private organisation of few
commodities, bringing awareness of the rights and duties of citizens, Helps the victims by
encouraging to help public in some cases. But like in some cases like national security this
media trying to show the lacuna of the security system also shows to the world that we as a
nation are lacking at these points ( which indirectly helps the terrorists and unfaithful people
to the nation also). So, effect of media is good at large and media is serving us the way want
the stuff. they are more related with the profit part of theirs so serving the small stories with
tags of Breaking news which actually are not of Big interests. So, Media person should also
focus on proving the real news and the awareness about the mankind as a whole.
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sangeetha Rating:
 said this on 19 Dec 2009 4:51:35 PM IST
no comments
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 Sujitha.S Rating:
said this on 25 Dec 2009 12:48:29 PM IST
Now a days media helps more to people like they are helping indirectly to people by informing
all events before.Like if there is a bandh in a city media may inform one day before to
people.with this people must take care.In this way media helps more to people
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anil Rating:
said this on 05 Jan 2010 10:24:16 PM IST
ya u ofcourse right..... but frnd media too god certain disadvantages lik,, many uses in a diff
way , mostly what u said of informin certain events like some strikes n bandhs in city ,,, but i
guess media add little ... not little more spicy to d information and makes d viewers to turn to
a off side
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sahil bansal Rating:

said this on 25 Dec 2009 3:42:35 PM IST
Media serves us with the latest news.. whatz going around us- good or bad. Whatz the latest
news. Whatever happens in world we get to know in just few minutes.. It gets us updated about
 each and every sector. if any calamity happens in country or in any part of world..we are well
aware of it. But some news channels are just running for their own profits.. If they don't have
any good news then they start showing fake news or irrelevant topics just to increase their TRP.
They should keep it in mind that any fake news can create a big chaos and also can derail our
youth and we should only watch good news channels like BBC, AAJ TAK, CNBC.
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Tito Rating:
said this on 13 Jan 2010 10:37:22 AM IST
Standing in the 21st century even a pin drop can be heard and viewed a thousand miles away,
thanks to the media. This is a coin with two faces. The media does inform people about the
governments, prevents its monopoly, gives us news about distant parts spreads awareness like in
case of polio, AIDS, helps bring justice to people, etc yet some times for the profit of respective
companies they do add a bit too much to their stories, shows lacklustre condition of our security
system, or too much of the personal lives of celebrities, etc. Media like the internet or the TV are
also helpful for studies Thus over all we find it helpful. In short our hunger for knowledge is to a
large extent doused by media, we cant think of life without it!
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moolikavitha Rating:
said this on 13 Jan 2010 9:18:32 PM IST
 yes i agree with all media is like a coin having good and bad. Its very useful in breaking
monopoly, social security nd awareness to the people about government nd diseases. But they
are more related with the profit part nd show the fake news!
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 neha Rating:
said this on 15 Jan 2010 6:38:04 PM IST
media is a undoubtly important part of our keeps us familier with wats happening
around.many cases helps people to get we can see in ruchika should be
awarded for the re-opening of case and proceddings of court.but in many cases just to make a
story look more appealing they use background music,many sounds and the list continues.......
and make a serious issue into a amusing one.but we should not forget after all its a business for
them they will want more and more people to see their channel. and we also need some
break from our mundane life.

Terror Threat form Bangladesh- effect on bilateral relations

India played a central role in the independence of Bangladesh. In 1972, both countries
signed a Treaty of Friendship and Peace. Bangladesh’s Mainstream party Awami League is
generally considered to be friendly
towards India. As both countries agreed to jointly fight terrorism. Terror activities by the
outfits of Banga Senaand Harkat-ul-jhad-al Islami effecting our nation. The Sharing of
Gnages Waters as also a matter of dispute.

Influence of media on voters

Telecasting poll - related programmes like interviews, discussions and poll analysis and surveys  could 
influence voters. Do you think these programmes including animations ones also must  be barred
before few months of elections.

Do you think Political leaders money distribution tactics

would bring triumph
Reports say of many new and benami accounts popping up which are being used by candidates to
transfer money to their constituencies. In

some cases candidates are asking businessmen to pay the formers, supports and collect the money
with interest after the elections.

Ragging menace
At several colleges, ragging has become a big menace. In spite of being banned why does it continue
to exist?

Why has students who have been apparently educated for many years in schools resorting to such
inhuman practices?

Job generation - a serious issue
Employment generations is in economic hit. In future there is a sharp fll of 49 percent

in job generation. Job creation across the various industries has been synchronizing.

Overflowing of drainages
 By Moderator ..
 Published 12/7/2009
 Current GD Topics
 Unrated

Overflowing of drainages
It should be avoided only by the collective effort of public and municipal officials. Damaged pipelines
and negligence of municipal authorities

could cause a major threat in monsoon season. Because of the overlook of officials sewage water
overflows on the main road at many places.

 Credibility of ATMs - common people suffers
In this speedy era.. instead of spending more time at banks we can simply draw money with the help
of ATMs. Thanks to technology. But now.. some ATMs creating terror in the hearts

of customers. Yes this is fact.. When a person at Hyderabad tried to withdraw cash.. ATM didn’t
responded for the transaction but it delivered a bill and money was debited from account.

Sankara Narayanan Rating:

said this on 27 Jan 2010 2:44:11 AM IST

Technology has its own merits and limitations. There r few instances where we find ATM s failing to
work; but, from a wider point of view, internet banking has offered variety of luxuries to its customers. "
core banking" technology has made banking operations feasible in no time. i think the need of the hour
is not to blame the technology for its malfunctioning; but to look into the "minute" problems that occur
and try to get them right.


Do you think economic crisis is the best time to start a

As a business person we have to know making the best way of any situation. This recession period
also a chance for a person who want to start a new business. This

time creates an opportunity in all spheres. Real boom came down and the prices are on a surge,
manpower availability has improved, equipment also at better commercial terms.


Police harassments
We may proudly say that the Police man is a person who saves our life . A  brave heart is a great
personlity, who sacrifice their life to cost our lives. But now

a days.. brutal activities of  police coming into limelight. In some remote areas tribal and poor were
forcibly taken to police stations and allegedly tortured by police.


What could be done to prevent Sea terror

The terror attacks in Mumbai shows there is a possibility of the similar attacks on our country.
Through sea route, terrorist could enter into our land.

To counter threats, our naval force have to play significant role. Introducing new ships, weapons
should be done quickly. Costal security would be strengthen soon.


IITians in crisis
IITians, as soon as they completed their course.. corporate companies waiting to recruit them with a
garland. Those golden days are gone. Now prestigious

IIT students are still waiting for companies to recruit them. Companies claim that they does not have
enough projects to recruit number of students.


Do you think protests should be staged in decent manner

Protests must staged in more practical and educative manner. Protesters following an extreme
methods like using underwears to express

their protest. Instead of using these idiotic tactics they could ensure various other ways in which a
decent protest could be staged.


What could be done to control food crisis

Global food crisis is on its height. With the financial crisis it is rapidly increasing. Even though Poor

spending half of their family budget to food grains they yet to have sufficient food. Developing
countries like India food crisis was most acute.


Life in danger - Passengers traveling on footboard

The city passengers lives in danger. They are facing difficulties with non availability

of buses. Even the school children travel on the footboard on RTC buses.

The most reputed and stable financial institutions of America have collapsed. This incident

effected economy globally. Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, American International Group AIG have
gone in financial crisis.


Effective Steps to remove our poverty

To make Our India economically rich first thing which we have to do is, bringing back India black
money stashed in foreign

banks. If the Million crores dollars which stashed in overseas banks was retrieved it would be help in
promoting the development of our country.


What could be done to prevent acid attacks

What ever the reason could be Acid throwing cases are constantly increasing

in this days. Recently a trader sprayed acid on Judge in Andhara pradesh.


Ban on corporal punishment

Corporate teaches should realise that slow learning is one of the attitudes of children. Untill the
primary corporate education

system strengthen this type of incidents would continue to happen. The government should reform
the Corporate education system as soon as possible.

The situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan forcing America
to move closely with India
America, most probably in recent days advancing its relations ship with India. As a part of wide

diplomatic agenda and to tackle terrorism form Pak based Taliban United States improving its
diplomatic relations with India.


Do you think Pak would take strict action against Taliban

Present situation justifying the comment but Pakistan, who bow down in front of Taliban should
never have such stamina to smash away Taliban. Pressure

coming form International community especially from America have been forcing Act like that. But
this action would be permanent and soon after Pak reveals its reality.

Increasing Recruiting scams creating a panic among Job seekers. This time, because of

recession there is no projects for bigger firms then how can small firms would provide an opportunity
to unemployees.


Satyam issue - is the phase of uncertainty over

Following the Satyam take over, tech Mahindra has receiving many new clients with multi million

contracts. Tech Mahindra working With the focus on retention Satyam’s bench strength by absorbing
them in various projects.


Hygiene problem in star restaurants

Do you think restaurants with its star dignity really maintaining hygiene. A survey by health ministry
show that, most of all the eating joints should not maintain good hygienic standards in their kitchen,
dining hall, and storerooms.


Increasing advertisement - necessity of broad costing code in

The broadcasting code in Britain should never allow the product promotion in television

programmes. Like that India should issue a broadcasting code and the prominence should given to the


Recession effect - increasing unemployment rate in US

Economic melt down hits the state’s revenues and unemployment rate increasing rapidly in the State
of California.

Recession badly damaging the lively hood of people in US. Do you think this climate could effect the
economy of third world countries?


Airborne Early Warning And Control System - Eye in the

India became the first country in South Asia to own an Airborne Early Warning and Control System
(AWACS) with the Israeli made airbase on the country’s western coast. It would provide our means to

a tab on enemy aircraft, missiles taking off form the border and alerting response defensive systems is
its primary work. The AWACS would provide to track incoming missiles and look deep into the
neighboring countries under all weather conditions.


Safety measures - speed governors on school buses

It is very unfortunate to hear that Managements of several schools refusing to fit speed governors on
school buses. Ignoring the safety

of students. The transport department should take strict action and would seize school buses if speed
governors are not installed before the start of academic year.


Poverty Vs food law

Central government proposes to enact National food security act. It will provide food security for all.
Every poor family will get 25 kgs of rice or wheat per month

at Rs. 3 per kilogram. It definitely helpful to the poor. But there is an argument that, helping poor
could increase lazy ness that would ruin their lives in long run. Do you agree with this comment.


Indo - Pak relations

The citizens militia in Pakistan has occupied three of the villages. It is trying to push Taliban out.

standing against the militants. Do you think it is something that very positive action. Would it improve
the Indo-Pak relations.


Should girls have a share in Vedic studies

In these modern days women are barred form Vedic studies. Despite the apparent growth in
knowledge level, number

of girls are not coming forward to peruse Vedic studies. We should work collectively to eliminate this
myth about gender bias and the Vedas.


Sensex speculations - investors dilemma

Sensex speculations throwing investors into a dilemma. The sensex goes up and down
in a day. If there is a sharp correction in the morning, that will followed by a bounce back in the


Do you think fresh money will support the market

Fresh money comes when the sensex touches bull run. But in this speculation where will the support
come from?


Do you think Pakistan is our unhappy neighbour

Yes. Pak is our unhappy neighbour. Pakistan, which allowed terrorism

to grow has itself  become its biggest victim. So India has to be on high alert all the time.


Racism Row
Indians contribute a substantial amount to the Australia’s economy and it is the responsibility

of the Australian government to protect Indians. Australians and their government should understand
this point.


Should the public sector be privatized?


Posted By: meenakshisekar

 Yes of course privatization of public sectors leads to some healthy changes in an org. b's when
you take public sectors u can find some slackness (or a little bit) delay in their services. But in
case of private since service is there first and foremost duty they act rapidly.

Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,
            Privatization of public sector. Lot depends of which sector we are talking about. Let me
clarify few doubts in the primary stage. Can we expect all private hospitals in our cities in our
town which do not have an entry for poor people, can we have only private sector telephone
companies, can we have private companies have complete control on oil reserves, can we have
all transport be provided by private sector and RTC vanishes, can we expect an private sector to
take care of our defense. In the same way we cant expect the government to set up an IT
industry on its own, we cant expect them to handle all the load of flight transport. My point over
here is both are not mutually exclusive. We need to accept the fact that both are here to stay and
we cannot make it without one. They do have their importance and we need to deal this issue
according to the context.

There are some strategic sectors, which need to be under control of Indian government like
oil/gas sector. The subsidy we enjoy will be never provided by a private sector. The government
in this case helps its citizens to a great extent and making them available to its citizens. The
ration card system is a great boon to the poor. Coming to some sectors like steel and mobile
where both are present and a healthy competition among them always benefits the customers. It
is also a point to be noted that Government itself cannot take the complete load just like it cant
take the load of all flight customers where private sector is playing its helping role. Then there is
education sector, which also has good competition with CBSE matching with any education
system of either state syllabus or the schools coming up with their own syllabus. The public
transport sector too is a mix of public and private and here you can see a striking difference. You
can easily differentiate the profit motive of private personal whose salaries depend on the profit
to their owner. In autos you can see some 6-8 people are dumped then starts the engine. I do
accept that some services are best in private sector as they fear their job loss and their owners do
get the best out of them by making them to work more no. Of hours.

The lazy mindset of some public sector could be taken into account to convert it to a private
sector. I would like to suggest that counseling sessions for these to have a better future by
working for the organization would help it to grow better and be under the public sector
umbrella. We can take some examples by some of our previous strategies, which helped us to
renovate dull companies, which lacked in performance. If a private individual is going to buy the
company and could change its fortunes, why can't the public government do it? It can. Running
away from a trouble is not a solution. Facing it head-on will produce better results.

Posted By: mallika_pillai

          I totally agree with Mr.ssrkraju.... As he said it depends on which sector we are talking
about. And both have a different importance of their own. Privatization has its own proms and
public sector have their own. I think both needs to be there as far today’s development is

         Taking the view it is right that the work at public sectors is not working the way it should.
But if everyone understands the responsibilities then it can also work the same way as private
sectors. Again I think for some sectors it is ok otherwise it should be done by the respected ones

Love marriage/Arranged marriage.


Posted By: pooja

Hello friends,

           According to me arrange marriages are better if we consider there will be 99% success in
arrange marriages there will be more mutual understanding in between both of them. And the
foremost thing is that there will be support of our parents. Most of the love marriages are
unsuccessful so according to me arrange marriages are best.

Posted By: meenakshisekar

What pooja says is absolutely correct

         When u get a new bond through arranged marriage naturally there arises a demand for
mutual understanding b's when u are entirely new to a group of people u will try to know people
their likes, dislikes hence u will become more flexible and u could win their hearts so that in a
difficult situation u'll get everybody’s help.

Posted By: sowmya571


            Well success of BOTH marriages depends on our self basically. If u finds a person whom u
can feel comfortable to live with, be happy and secure in their presence then whatever
love/arranged our marriage will be successful

            If LOVE marriage we tend to know ab them before itself and then start thinking of getting
married. Well Love marriages fail because people tend to find faults in others /lack of
understanding. Whatever but there also cases where relationship is maintained in wonderful

           In arranged marriage it becomes an obligation to live with the person. Adjust with them
thru out our life n parents do help /guide us if therez a problem.  Thatz the major difference

            Well in both cases for a relationship to be healthy Understanding /Love /affection/
adjustment/ Responsibility is necessary ... above all
Parents who don’t agree for love marriage basically want us to be in better position /live happily.
Considering /respecting them is also equally important.

Posted By: deeptisehgal

Hi all

           I feel in a love marriage you enter with a lot of expectations where these expectations have
already reached a level and then you start expecting more than that. But in an arranged
marriage you have the expectations but there is no particular level already set. You set those
levels after marriage.

          I would rather say that there is no guarantee for any type of marrige. Even an arranged
marriage might fail and love marriage be a hit or vice versa.

           According to me what one needs to be focused upon is the level of understanding between
the two whether it be a love marriage or arranged marrige. Of course other parameters do affect
apart understanding. It should be a matter of personal choice rather than a matter of debate.

Posted By: vikas_lion123

             As pooja and meenakshisekar said that love marriages don't last long and arranged
marriages last longer I don't agree to this statement rather I would like to say that the success of
a marriage is strongly dependent on the mutual understanding between the two persons as
sowmya571 said, it depends on the compatibility of the two persons how well they can adjust
with each other how much do they care about each other.

            What pooja and meenakshiskar is saying is based on the success of the arranged
marriages is because of what seems from the outside that they are together, but in many cases its
only the mutual adjustment and because they are ready from the first day to adjust with the
other person and not understand them and end up there life in doing so. The most important
aspect is here to be compatible as this enhances the outcome

            And lastly we have our responsibilities towards our parents so the marriage should be
agreed by them and the compatibility of two persons who have to spend the life together should
also be kept in mind,u can also consider this compatibility as love also.

            So what I can conclude on my side is that those one, which is love, and are then arranged


” Effect Of Western Culture On Indian Youth "


Posted By: pavani

          How there is head and tail for a coin, there is both positive and negative impact of western
culture on India and especially on Indian youth,

          In past in India men were our traditional dresses, but now it is entirely changed, now the
Indian youth moving with jeans, t-shirts, minis, micros, etc., here we can proud of that western
culture, it bringing us with the fast moving world.

           But when we consider the pubs, it is the thing to be strictly punished. In pubs both men
and women are in drastic stage, by taking drugs, it should be punished. And we need to felt sorry
for that.

           And there r many things to be taken from the western culture.

Posted By: navedkhan05



Posted By: ulty

             I Strongly believe that there is a substantial influence of western culture on Indian
youths. Mere mention of the word 'India' signifies a place of cultural heritage as well as
diversity. But the cultural legacy that we are showing to the whole world is becoming a thing of
history in metropolitan cities.

            On one side we enjoy our so-called rich culture and really admire it but on the other side
we find discotheques full of young guys and girls. Secondly, Joint family tradition; one of the
biggest assets of India is now vanishing under the shadow of the so-called western culture.
Nuclear families are taking place of many years' old values. Youth of today is more interested in
their privacy rather than enjoying their lives with others. Individualization has broken up the
joint family system, paving way for the youth to fall prey to drug addiction. This stage is the
most vulnerable period of life where the youth need guidance, counseling, education and care by

             So how did we get part of their culture over here, you ask, their culture has become over
popularized here, through electronic media that everyone wants to be just like them. Because of
that India has lost her identity from all other countries. We’ve now become a copy – cat to all
other nations and we may lose our individuality. The reason is because, we want another image,
we don’t want to be the olden – day - traditional country, which still hasn’t become the so -
called ‘modern’, even in the 21st century. We don’t want to look like imposters to all other well –
developed countries. If you have ever thought of that, erase that thought because the image
we’ve got planted in our minds is terribly wrong. India is not an imposter to other nations, it
never has been, but will if the people of today continue to do everything they see on cable TV.

             India is an independent country now and has been for a while, with no such problems.
The reason behind that is because our ancestors fought for us, so that we could have a future in
our own way, not with any other way, which we are not used to. I’m not saying that India should
stop everything they’ve learnt from western countries, but to have some individuality from other
nations and to set an example to the other 3rd world countries and give out the message that
there are other nations to set an example on.

        So, for the people who fought for us, for India to keep her dignity and to be a leader to other
countries, we the people of today must be our own country and not be some other country,
which we’re not. Everyone is his or her own countryman - why can’t we be our own as well?


Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture

Replies:   Posted By: Roopa Foreign Television channels are destroying our culture            In
my opinion as the coin has too sides ... this topic is also having both advantages and
disadvantages.            Coming to advantages some of the foreign channels like BBC, Discovery,
National Geography, Animal Planet, BSNC, Star sports, Ten sports... are very much useful to us
to update our knowledge. And the technology used by these channels is excellent.              But
coming to the disadvantages of course there are some channels, which destroys our Indian
culture.              All it depends on our mind set. If we use those channels in right way they will be
useful to us. If we use in wrong way it creates bad impact on our culture.   Posted By: faraz
Yes, I believe all in all the foreign TV are destroying our culture. We have a rich and diverse
culture. But, western culture doesn't have such values and social esteem. They have a totally
different mindset as they leave the child once his 10-12 yr old. They are spoiling the values and
social fabric of Indians.   Posted By: chris_ti_na1234            I feel that foreign channels are
destroying our culture to a certain extend.           
But I feel Indians are people who are much on a positive side. If only the right aspect of the
channel that is right content is perceived then it won’t do much harm. To be very practical ban
on foreign channels is absurd, but a controlled telecast can be done.            As Indian audiences
are usually family, I feel that those programs that suit a family could be telecasted.            
Various channels of educational importance like discovery and national geographic are worth
watching by Indians.            I would like to raise a question whether Indian channels are
promoting Indian culture.             I think at first a proper rule should be made for the controlled
telecast of visual media whether it is Indian channel or foreign   Posted By: Rena HI,   
India is known and it is outstanding from other company’s bcoz of its culture. Still it is known
for its culture. Television is a form of media to create awareness among people and to entertain
people. According to me, nothing is affecting our culture. Nobody is responsible for that. Each
individual is responsible for his or her success or failure. SO foreign channels r not affecting our
culture. Not only television, all the available sources will be a favor or against to us in the way of
utilization. If u looks at it in wrong manner, it is against and vice versa. There r many channels
such as BBC, DISCOVERY, STAR SPORTS, ESPN, STAR NEWS and many channels which gives
us a high standard and gives the information about the nook and corner.

             But if we think that foreign channels are affecting our culture, then not only foreign
channels, Indian channels are also affecting our culture. And it is wrong only if Indian channels
affect our culture. Culture is not in the way of dressing and culture is not fashion. It is the
behavior, manner etc. So according to me, all depends on the way in which we take. So if u watch
the channel in a wrong way, then surely it will destroy-not our culture, it will destroy u.    


What you prefer Development side or ITES/BPO. WHY?


Posted By: keerthi

Hello every body,

           As per my background and subject I will choose a job on development side only. The
reason is quiet clear that I would always prefer work on a platform where I can implement the
subject which I learnt. This would obviously give a job satisfaction.

            On the other hand if we consider BPOS/ITES jobs most of them demand a voice based
service or giving replies to foreign customers on phones, etc. For these jobs I think there is no
area where we can work on our subject. I don’t get a chance to implement or improve my skills.

           Well I know very little about ITES/BPO jobs. May be I having a BIASED view about them.
          SO FRIENDS please I request every one of u to post their own opinions on this topic. No
matter if it is a small sentence just post ur ideas that not only improves your skills but also
increases ur thought process.

I expect more replies from u

Posted By: keerthi

Hello friends

          This a kind of MOCK GD, and I hope we wont get this opportunity any where else unless
we pay something. As our moderator asserts, here there is no one to comment on u. Even if
some one comments just ignore them.

          If the same topic is given in real GD it will be very easy to participate, and this obviously
increases ur confidence level.

          And one more point to note is we can get more points on the topic only when all of us
express our views.

         In most of the GD's the interviewers expect us to atleast speak a few words, no matter how
much it contributes to the discussion. Infact they see our body language, behavior, etc.

        SO I request all of u to actively participate in this and utilize this to maximum extent.

Posted By: meenakshisekar

 Hi all

         As I’m doing my engineering I wud undoubtedly choose development side b's I like to work
in an area that well develops my knowledge in my domain and moreover I like to face

      Reg ITES. I think now-a -daz for doing these jobs just any graduation is enough and in those
sectors unless we are put in a company that gives weight age to technical skills there u’ll not be
able to expose or develop ur technical skills.

         Acc. to me any job that I do must provoke my knowledge and make me able to perform as
efficient as much.

US war on Iraq-justified or not

Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

          When we talk of US war, we have to take two dimensions of it. The war itself and the stage
later. US war on Iraq was based on the reason of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" which couldn't
be found. The heinous killing of thousands and torture to millions by Saddam Hussain and his
sons is highly notorious. One has to punish them to death to retain humanity in this world. The
ghastly incidents of killings shown in TV's in the early war days do show the barbaric nature of
Saddam. If you can remember in one of the incident young boys in their placing bombs in their
pockets with their mouth and hands tied killed twenties. In one of the evacuation process, some
thousands of skeletons were found showing mass killings using mass of weapons of mass
destruction. The war taking lives of Saddam Hussain sons is a great achievement and seizing of
power from the dictator is quite appreciable.

The other dimension is the suffering that is still borne by the citizens. The war on Iraq could be
won with little resistance was a known fact. The American power was on show during the war
but killing of innocent civilians is not an acceptable fact. No one can justify the death of even one
person for no reason or mistake of him. The plight of the civilians during the war is more
pathetic with no security and basic amenities. Loyalists of Saddam created much furor in the
region to make things just worse but the fall of Saddam was celebrated all over. The task of
America then was to restore peace and rebuilt the nation with a constructive government and
leaves the place as early as possible. Their return delayed and trouble mounted day by day to a
situation, which is getting worse as days are passing by.

Posted By: rajapattanayak

Hi everybody...

          I don't think US war against Iraq was right. Every country has their own issues but if the
country like US always does the same like in Iraq then the world is going to be hell. I am not in
favor of Saddam but it is the internal issue of Iraq. Who gives the power and rights to US for a
war to solve the problem by killing innocent peoples? UN is there. Did US take the confidence of
UN before the war? NO.....

Till now US army can't find any Weapons of Mass Destruction. So what’s the purpose of that war
then? In my opinion J.Bush only wanted the revenge. That’s all…since the work, which he has
done for the peace of Iraq people, could be possible by UN and international committee.

Posted By: sowmya571


US war on Iraq-justified or not. Well COMPLETELY its A war on TERRORISM. We don’t have
any right to kill innocent people for somebody else. ITS NOT JUSTIFIED.

Simply Saddam should be punished for the way he ruled Iraq, killing many people. Today his
situation is pathetic in  USA. No one is saying to reuse him rather than PUNISH him.

USA has destructed completely the PEOPLE, RESOURCES, LOOTED EVERYTHING infact.

IT EASY TO KILL BUT VERY DIFFICULT TO MAKE A LIFE, which these mindless people will
never know

Posted By: meera

            The war on Iraq by US is inhuman activity. Many innocent people have lost their life due
to the outbreak of the war. The attitude of US must have been to save the life of people from the
clutches of saddam and his son. But the citizens of Iraq were the one who were mainly affected
by the out cause of this war. As US is a powerful country with huge weapons, no other country
can sustain before it. This can happen to any country tomorrow .So it is in the hands of we
people to protest against this inhuman activity.

Posted By: sandyhunter

          The only thing good from the war was the ousting of Saddam, but this could have been
done without making such a big Hoopla out of it all.  The way the war was carried out is totally

Saddam had to be ousted for he was an inhuman dictator. Everything he has done is totally
heinous from the invasion of Kuwait to the genocides perpetrated against his people. This
victory of US was celebrated everywhere, though his policies will be denounced forever.

           But, the war raged by US was redundant, with unnecessary show of power. It is kind of a
tradition for the American presidents to show off.

From the world war-2 till the present day. The main objective of the US, which is pretty much
obvious, was to fulfill its desire of controlling the oil resources in the Middle East, as there is a
very high demand of oil in both the US and the European countries. It was a mere exploitation of
the helpless people of Iraq.

        In my opinion the motive behind the war can also be collated with the 9/11.The whole
scenario of 9/11 was very humiliating for the bush government. It had exposed major breach in
the security and the failure on part of the government and the CIA. It had bruised the reputation
of the country's very powerful history. To my knowledge that was the only such incident in the
history of US where a terrorist group, and that did such great magnitude of damage ironically
happened in bush's tenure. So to clear that humiliating blemish on him the Bush administration
launched the war against Iraq in the disguise of war against terrorism, after it's unsuccessful
operation in Afghanistan to capture bin. Hence the excess shows of power to remind the world
of its supremacy.

           So the war in Iraq is not justified and not at all at the cost of so many valuable human lives
lost and the permanent damage done to the surviving desperate people who's lives have become
even more pathetic after the war.


Education in India-or the lack of it.

 By Moderator ..
 Published 04/3/2006
 Rating:

Education in India-or the lack of it.

Posted By: pooja

Hello Friends,

               Today’s education system in India has developed a lot and according to me India’s
education system is top most among all over the world. But in spite of this there are many
people who are illiterate because of poverty many parents want to send their children but they
are not able to because of such high school's fees so govt of India should introduce a rule such
that they provide proper education to the children who are below poverty line. Even Big
voluntary organizations can come forward and can help them making each and every child to be
educated and developing our country...

Posted By: raghu


          Education is an important aspect, which can decide the country's future. If the literacy in
the country increases, obviously the Economy gets improved. It's better to know that the Govt. is
coming up with midday meal schemes, but this alone is not sufficient to overcome the poverty or
help the poor children. I suggest that the Govt. has to request the corporate companies and
Private schools to help the poor children. And it's the responsibility of each and every individual
to look after the poor children for a better future of that country. One can also help the poor
children by sharing the knowledge like teaching a subject once in a week or twice in a week in
Govt schools. 

        This can help in building a bright future for that country.

Posted By: keerthi

Hello every body,

            Yes education in India has developed a lot. In olden days   only few people in a family
were educated and girls were not allowed to go to schools. But now the TREND is something
different, there is no difference between a girl and a boy at any aspect. But still our India in not
100% literate. This is mainly due to the poverty existing in India.

Coming to the education system in India it is memory based education but not activity based. As
a result there are very less people with good skills and leadership qualities. I think schools in
India both public and private must give some importance to activity-based education also.

Instead of leaving the responsibilities to government in order to educate the poor children the
private voluntary bodies has to come up, and the role of youth is very important here. As raghu
said one can help the poor by sharing the knowledge with them.


Indian villages-our strength or our weakness? 


Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

             Indian Villages - The name itself brings in a lot of happiness and fun-filled memories.
The place where we can smell the land, we can see all-round greenery and peace far away from
the chaos and hustle life of cities. The calmness and serenity of the atmosphere sends is in itself
a positive outlook.

Village is the place where our daily rice/wheat comes from. It is the place where our daily
commodities like sugar, honey, tea, coffee, milk, oil, wood, etc comes from. The list is endless.
The credit for ecological balance also goes for the villages where the trees take care of the
pollution that we create in cities. The term village itself signifies Strength. It is truly termed as
the backbone of India. A developed India need not abolish its villages. The cities and villages
have to go hand in hand to achieve considerable progress. The GDP growth where other sectors
are scoring more is due to the fact that they have been stressed more and more amount of inputs
are being diverted to these sectors. Consider 1960's where the green revolution has provided
India with enough food stocks that it could even export food. It could be a pathetic stage for a
country like India to import food for its citizens. We still do remember the Bengal's starving
where thousands of people died lack of food. India may grow be leaps and bounds in IT;
Industrial, and other sectors in cities but Villages are going to stay as a major strength for any
developing country like India.

Posted By: sowmya571


Indian villages-our strength or our weakness?

Well they are strength to our nation

1 it contribute to POLITICS

2 They bring AGRICULTURE to maximum level

3 They also do revolutions when things get complicated infact necessary for our nation

Well things shud be changed a lot

Posted By: sidhu

Indian villages-our strength or our weakness?

Hi friends,

                Yes I agree with soumya to say that Indian villages are strength rather then weakness,
even though our country developing in sectors like science & technology but

At the same time we have to agree that our economy depends a lot upon agriculture sector,
which is in turn, depends upon village farmers.

        Indian villages are existing still b'coz of their great tradition & values, even though there is
lack of infrastructure for the farmer to farm agriculture land still they are growing seeds in their
land due to their great will power which makes feel India to be a proud nation.

So friends I m very happy to say that Indian villages are strength to the nation.
Posted By: dpak

Hi people,

            Indian villages are our strength, bcoz they contribute the maximum for our agricultural
sector as pointed out by soumya and sidhu. But I would like to add by saying, most of our Indian
population (more than 70%)lie in the villages.lately, these people are moving into the cities to
find jobs and for a better living and end up in slums. Therefore I feel the government shud
develop the rural areas (other than agriculture) and provide more job opportunities to them, so
that they could be stopped from migrating into the cities (and eventually end up in slums-which
has to be eradicated from he cities). Moreover, this way they can utilize the population of the
villages to develop their own villages and hence also our economy. It’s high time our villages are

Posted By: satyadev

I too agree what my friends told...

Villages are the Core Parts to India,

In all aspects People in Villages are contributing for Nations Health and wealth, Agriculture

We have to support the People in Indian Villages for their growth our Nations economy, by
providing all the facilities for their work.

Posted By: rhea

           As most of my friends have mentioned here that villages are undoubtedly the strength of
the nation I like to add few points here that as the bricks, though too small, form the base of a
huge structure, the villages are also the backbone of the economy, politics, and population of a
country. And when it comes to a country like India whose economy even today, largely depends
on agriculture we cannot deny the contribution of the Indian villages. Moreover the small scale
industries, handicrafts take an important role in the growth of the economy.

            Event though we have become strong in technology we cannot deny the manpower which
comes from the large population of the villages.

The concentrated population in Indian villages determines largely the fate of Indian politics.

So I must conclude that we should take care to strengthen our this strength by providing proper
education, healthcare, awareness, and required help in other sectors.

Posted By: cishawsharma

            Obviously our villages are our strength. But we are unable to recognize the importance of
our villages. Our villages are the hubs of our nations economy. And our culture and heritage is
our village. But due to some climatic conditions some of our villages are still poor and
economically backward. New technology must be introduced into our villages. The most serene
and beautiful places in our country are only villages not cities.

ranjan Rating:

said this on 20 Sep 2007 3:05:17 AM IST

yes this one is the very nice topic today the the indian villagers are became the back bone of the
country due to agriculture

(Reply to this comment)

nikhil mittal Rating:

said this on 05 Dec 2007 6:29:46 AM IST

yes, i agree with Sidhu that our villages r our strength and we shuld take care of it.

(Reply to this comment)

rahul PAREEK Rating:

said this on 23 Feb 2008 10:56:45 AM IST

 hi, i travelled , village afetr village, understanding them... asked them if they hedge their produce or go
for arbitrage? they looked as if i m speking hebrew, the prob boils down again to age old probs of
education, health, and exposue. i hope someones listening.

(Reply to this comment)

 SADHNA Rating:

said this on 27 Jul 2008 1:45:37 PM IST

yes.........our villages are our strength.....if we think deeply we will find that normally all our basic needs
are fullfilled through villages only.........let it be food,clothing or adobe...milk which is the strength of
almost all the human beings is also mostly taken from villages only...we can say that villages are our
heritage n we can not satnd without them in india....without them india will be handicapped,they form
essential part of our country...villagers are more concerned for the environment to be healthy and
green,here we can take the example of "CHIPKU MOVEMENT"

(Reply to this comment)

Ramesh Singh Rating:

said this on 24 Aug 2009 5:59:02 AM IST

Our India has 2nd highest human resources, 70% population lives in villages, they have agriculture work
maximum for 180 days, modern technique is utilization only 6%, where as in developed nations it is
around 66% in order to make our villages as our strength we have to work in these areas and take out
reins from politicians, we have seen what they have done to our villages.

(Reply to this comment)

Khushbu Rating:

said this on 22 Jan 2010 8:01:25 AM IST

 i concur with ramesh views most of our indian villages is still backward...there s no higher educational
facilities not well equipped hospitalisation facilities the future of villages children s really dump which
2day marked our indian villages as a sign of bigest hindrance n d way of development.therefore, first of
al we hve 2 modernize dis areas aftr dat we can freely says villages=strength,a plac of our ancestrors
and b proud to b an indian where both cities &villages go hand n hand & both plays a vital rol n our
developmnt proces


Indian customs-are we in a time warp?


Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

          When we talk of Indian Customs, we need to broaden our mind. Dowry, Sati, Child
Marriage, etc are not the only Indian customs. It is an Indian custom which says Respect Elders,
Respect Teachers, Parents are the first Teachers, Honor your guests, Dress traditionally
according to situation, strive for excellence, etc. These are also part of our custom. The point
here is we generally follow those customary aspects, which give benefit in a simple way like
dowry. Our custom also says that treat your spouse as your better half. Why is this factor
missing? Our custom also gives us some responsibility. I do agree that Dowry, child marriage,
sati etc in any form should be avoided. They still exist in the present society due to ignorance of
people and all those around who choose to be mute spectators.

Child marriage is generally done due to the attitude of poor parents who want to let off the so-
called burden on them. Effective education of children in this society is very important in
dealing with these incidents. We cannot get a readymade solution for this; it takes some time to
get to the future void of these stray incidents. Consider for example the bizarre incidents of US
students open fires in schools or cafeteria in today's news - is it US custom. No! Custom should
not be made responsible for these stray incidents. It is our responsibility as a citizen of India to
project our customs and traditions in positive light and should always work to clean out some
out-dated customs.

Posted By: cishawsharma

            This is due to lack of knowledge and lack of exposure to the world.And there might be due
to the fact that they have to respect their tradition and customs.But the bottom line is due to lack
of knowledge and exposure.

Saritha Rating:

said this on 12 Oct 2007 5:52:41 AM IST

Hi everybody Now a days Dowry has become a fashion for the rich people due to their ignorance and
love for their children. They are comparing with the other parents and their status. Though it is a
 custom it should not exceed the purpose. In this generation women are earning their livelihood by
doing the jobs. They are equally participating in running the house. Then what is the need for the
dowry? She is performing her duty in many things such as after leaving from the job she looks after her
house satisfying all the needs. She cooks, looks after her children and many more things. In my view this
dowry system should be removed. If we take step towards this then it automatically disappears.

(Reply to this comment)

 hemamlini Rating:

said this on 08 Dec 2007 7:05:25 AM IST

itz very useful for us......especially for attending interviews.......

(Reply to this comment)

prasahnt ahuja Rating:

said this on 27 Dec 2007 4:32:49 AM IST

no im against the topic,our indian culutre is very tradiational it is bcoz of the customs which we follow,n
according to me this customs should be followed to make our india a better country thanks.

(Reply to this comment)

Ananth Rating:

said this on 09 Mar 2009 7:01:17 AM IST

  I like to brifely your against points.

(Reply to this comment)

Manas Rating:

said this on 05 May 2009 7:22:14 PM IST

the World is changing every time to time so we have to adapt some new customs from other. as i
  mean in good sence adopt good one which will be help ful in our nearer it's not necessary
to keep our customs as a life long.........

(Reply to this comment)

 vishal Rating:

said this on 06 Mar 2008 4:34:49 AM IST

Hi everybody i m agree with the statement of Saritha...dowry becomes the trend among the high profile
ppl tht mostly r well educated. they ve been doing such of maintaining status btwn their society n
relatives. our culture is very traditional n superstitious. they 've been static to the tradition wht their
ancestors did. So at the age of globalization n due to increase of competition in different field
everybody needs to be think pratically n work according to wht the time requires. if we 've been
continue keeping this custom alive our country wud one step back frm other nation in near future.So
we all should 've integrated approach to eradicate the old belief n customs tht malign our nation
(Reply to this comment)

Abhi Rating:

said this on 07 Mar 2008 1:27:02 PM IST

 our customs are our heritage we should respect them. As far as impact is considered it totally depends
on individual.But also we have to take steps to increase awareness about the right and wrong
customs.SO that India should feel proud of his tradition & custom.

(Reply to this comment)

mahavir singh Rating:

said this on 06 Oct 2009 7:21:12 PM IST

yah it's better that we have to make aware the people about what is right & what is wrong. till they
  will not understand the things that what's better for us & for our generation. we can't remove these
customs from our country.?

(Reply to this comment)

vijayaa Rating:

said this on 01 Apr 2008 4:57:48 AM IST

i m really impressed by visiting this ..... i promise if i get free time i'll contribute my ideas ....

(Reply to this comment)

  himanshu Rating:

said this on 10 Apr 2008 4:35:10 PM IST

hello well most of the time we are talking about child marriage and dowry and sati but their more
social evil like child abuse, cast abuse and regional beleave are eating over nation .politician and
reagonal parties exploiting the Indian people as their vote its time to stand up against this
problem and it over deauity

(Reply to this comment)

nickey Rating:

said this on 24 Nov 2008 4:49:22 AM IST

hi vijayaa if u r impress den u should post ur comment on dis ...................coz u have written dis bt u
  have to sth abt dis topic except dis isn't it.............. ok dis article is really gud by this people should
have to inspire abt our custom. thanx

(Reply to this comment)

sandeep Rating:

said this on 24 Sep 2008 8:39:38 AM IST

hi all, when we talking about our Indian customs some are good and some are bad. dowry, sati, child
marriage all are bad for India but some tradition like respecting elders, teachers, parents are good.

(Reply to this comment)

nickey Rating:

said this on 24 Nov 2008 4:53:15 AM IST

ya u r right sandeep coz every coin has two side oneis gud n one is bad.... n nothing is perfect in dis

(Reply to this comment)

shameeer Rating:

said this on 25 Sep 2008 10:29:26 AM IST


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 manu Rating:

said this on 23 Oct 2008 3:38:30 PM IST


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Ananth Rating:

said this on 09 Mar 2009 7:11:52 AM IST

In this topic only not for the GD purpose this is our culture based topic so. In this modern world culture
is developed. So Dowry is decreased with help of Love marriage. But Dressing culture is spoil. So some
time our culture is developed and spoiled. Fasion is raising the India. It is best thing but our people is
careful candle this modern world.

(Reply to this comment)

Priyanka Rating:

said this on 28 Jul 2009 1:04:15 PM IST

Why was dowry started in the first place? Have any of you thought about that............ Not so long ago it
was the belief that women are only ment to take care of their family and home, they didnt have jobs
and thus didnt earn money. In order that they have some independent spending money, just incase any
misfortune befell their husband they were given items like cash, gold, property etc. so as to help them
(the women). This is the actual dowry custom which was meant for protecting the women who were
 completely dependent on their husbands to earn the money required to feed their families. Now-a-days
this generous and noble thought of our ancestors is not valued, it is now only a mean of extracting
money out of the women's parents. Infact these days even the women have jobs and thus the ability to
earn and finance the family. Thus now dowry in its actual sense has no meaning as women now can
fend for themselves. So I think this custom in modern times should be abolished. But yes there are
many customs in India that our really good which I dont find in most foreigners such as respecting
elders, taking care of one's family(staying in a family), dresscode,....etc for which I m proud to be an

(Reply to this comment)

 manu Rating:

said this on 24 Oct 2009 6:32:32 PM IST

if we talk about indian customs then it includes sati,dowry,child marriage etc but now dowry is most
rating custom in indian in the modern world everybdy is capable enough that he/she can
earn his/her livelyhood very well. if we see the customs in india the dowry has become a fashion in the
soceity....but only the language is changed tht parents says they r giving to her daughter as love n
blessings but sorry frnds internally this is a fake veil of dowry system....on the other hand also from the
in laws family they should also resist for this custom. so this should be abolished by both the
parties..this is the only way we can destroy this dowry custom

(Reply to this comment)

dhananjay Rating:

said this on 11 Dec 2009 1:36:41 PM IST

many of my friends stated that indian culture is good,dowry to be stopped, sati, child marriage all are
 bad for India . but r we doing something to improve the situation . i had seen many educated guys like
mba, engg doctors are taking my opinion first catch these so called educated people and teach
some moral values.importance of woman in a family.she is not a materialk to buy or sell in in the name
of dowry.i feel ashamed of this.

(Reply to this comment)

arya Rating:

said this on 19 Jan 2010 7:50:06 PM IST

In this modern world, eventhough the bridegroom is denying to get dowry their parents are forcing him
 to accept that inorder to show their status in the society. Society is not an associated group each
individuals together form the group.So one should not think what the society says for avoiding
dowry.The government also should enable strict punishments upto imprisonment to those who
receives dowry, which may atleast reduce the rate of marriage business.

(Reply to this comment)

 sowmya Rating:

said this on 19 Jan 2010 8:00:26 PM IST

i strongly agree that lack of knowledge and exposure is the main reason for customs like
dowry,sati,child marriage,child labour,etc....people in urban places should be educated and they should
be taught the morals of life and value of education.poverty is the main eradicate that many
schools have come up with free education and with many other amenities.the government should also
frame strict rules and regulations so every child gets educated and comes up in life.once this is done we
can abolish the customs.

What ails Indian sports?

Posted By: HELP


        A nation of 950 million, we fail to produce great champions barring the occasional
Vishwanathan Anand or Geet Sethi. Sports system steeped in bureaucracy. Overriding
popularity of cricket leading to neglect in other sports. Traditionally, sports not accorded much
importance by us as a career. Need to develop sports from the primary school level-"catch me
young"? Various incentives to be given to budding sportsmen like academic credits, sports in
lieu of a few other subjects etc. Development of sports infrastructure, making it amenable and

Posted By: mohanraai  

Dear Friends, 

            Good topic. I want to highlight some reasons to lack in Sports in our nation.

            In our nation have many sports persons. But due to family situation, the person mind
was converted (brain washed by parents) to earn money and spend with his/her family like
wise. Of course in sports also got money in many ways. But some people only go to successful
sports person (spiritual confident persons). And some coaches gave mental torture to their
students both men/women’s. This is also one of the reasons. Also now a days parents also
advise to children’s " he become a doctor/engineers". So they don't allow to spending time with
sports. They guide only to them. If some persons allowed means, they also good up to their
college days, after that they focused to jobs.

           So the main reasons, doesn't have correct guidance to them.

Posted By: meenakshisekar

 As what mohanrai said

           The main reason for this is right from the child hood the child is brought up in a mind
setup that only thro studies we can earn money and if a person is not studying well he is not fit
for anything.

         Parents are the main reason for this.b’s many parents doesn’t encourage their kids in
sports as they do in other fields. They think that if a child has interest in sports he will have to
suffer if he grows up.

          Proper encourage mend from the childhood is lacking and slowly they lose their interest in

            Even if a grown up boy is playing very well he is not selected for playing in the national
team b's playing for national team needs some recommendations these days and main thing
is          talent is not given importance rather fame and money are given.


How green was my valley..Are we paying the price of


Posted By: faraz

            Yes, I believe we are paying the price of nature. When man is so ruthlessly plundering
nature's resources than he has to pay the price for it! The price for it is the greenhouse effect,
global warming, etc. and the various respiratory and other diseases caused by air, water and
land pollution. We are no longer the physically strong bodies of the yester years. Even today
when we ask our elders they boastfully say of their manhood and how they used to be so strong
and daring!!! The present man is more inclined towards a plastic life with new resources and
greater comforts by greedily extracting the world of its fauna and flora!!!

Posted By: BINNY


         Yes, we are paying the price of nature. With ever increasing deforestation &
industrialization we are moving the world towards a dead end ...Though our scientists are
working on reversing the affects of Global Warming & depletion of Ozone layer. If they are not
successful by the D-day ...we will be definitely extinct from this Universe...
Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

            India is a developing country and to build its industries we need to have land and we go
for deforestation and destruction of land resources. True and Accepted. But, how can we justify
the duties related to this. Why can't we plant the trees that are cut somewhere else? Why don’t
we compensate the deforestation? Who has given us the right to change the balance of mother
Earth? Who would be responsible for the change in climatic conditions? Do the industries take
care of environmental pollution once they are constructed? Indeed they do add fuel to the fire.

Most of the barren land can be changed to a lively green place with little care and concern. Every
tree cut should be accompanied with plantation of one or two trees. Development and forest
cover are not mutually exclusive and they can co-exist together. We can have self-sufficient
forests by taking precautionary measures. Many animals and birds are getting extinct within no
time and if this trend continues. The extinction of man can be delayed but will be inevitable.
Man is clever and has to care of nature, which has been taking care of us since the formation of
earth. Earth is the only place in the whole universe to have life. It is in our hands that we can
prevent its extinction otherwise in future may be some people from other stars find earth and
could comment "there was life on earth some time back, we just missed them". It is not a far
future when we say to our grandchildren that "there is a village with greenery in some state and
we can visit it in this summer". I urge you all that if we don’t take necessary action it will be too

Posted By: meera

              Yes we r paying the price of nature. Due to deforestation we r destruction the human life
by destroying various natural resources. It can also result in pollution, which affects the human
and also animals in a great percentage.

               A depletion of the ozone layer will increase the UV-radiation at ground level. Increasing
doses of UV may cause skin cancer, eye cataracts, damage to the immune system in animals as
well as human beings, and have an adverse impact on plant growth.

             So it is in hands of we people to save the nature & save our life

Posted By: cishawsharma

          Yeah there is lot of pollution. And we are not at all caring for nature.We should concentrate
on saving the nature at least from now. Decrease the pollution. We have to go green.I.e. using
less paper, growing some trees at our place or in our neighborhood, using good source of fuel.

Posted By: keerthi

We had a beautiful green natural environment, which is not comparable with other countries. In
the past we were very proud to say about it. But now-a-days all the nations are trying to show
supremacy over one another, and in this process they are unknowingly destroying the natural

Population is one of the reasons of this destruction, which in directly results in pollution. This
results in the increase of no of industries and other utilities like vehicles, etc. These are releasing
some of the poisonous/toxic gases like Carbon monoxide and sulphurdioxide and also carbon

Carbon monoxide when inhaled by human beings mixes with hemoglobin of blood and forms
carboxy hemoglobin. This oxygen reduces carrying capacity of the hemoglobin.

Sulphurdioxide released into the atmosphere mixes with the rainwater or water vapor in the
atmosphere and forms sulphuric acid and this results in acid rains.

Chloroform carbons, which are released from refrigerators and aero planes, are causing the
destruction of ozone layer.

             All of us know that co2 is responsible for greenhouse effect and global warming which
causes the melting of ice at the poles and soon the earth may be submerged.

And due to the industrial effluents, sewage, which is released into the water, are harmful to the
aquatic organisms.

In this way if we start saying there is endless list .So we have to think about the possible
measures to control them.

   1. Using solar energy effectively we can control thermal pollution.

   2. Water pollution can be reduced by treating the industrial effluents chemically and
biologically before releasing them into the water.

   3. Global warming/green house effect can be reduced by deforestation. And by planting as

many trees as possible.

neeraj Rating:

said this on 10 Sep 2007 1:04:01 PM IST

yes this is quite indeed true that we are very unfair to nature.the forest have been concentrated to only
few kilometers .tress have been cut down at much faster rates. as a result we are paying price for itin a
form of green houses gases,pollution,soil erosion etc. some species have been allready extinct from this
world and some are on verge of destroying forest we destroy their habitat,as a result they comes
out into man living area which result in conflict between two. why we don't plant as many as tree as we
cut down to maintain equilibrium,this shows that mankind has really become selfish for it need.if we
require forest resoures then some strategies should be adopted .

VALENTIN E'S DAY!! Advantages & Disadvantages along

with your opinion

Posted By: devamanohari


          As human beings we definitely need feelings such as love, affection, caring.etc etc. But I
think only these feeling cannot make man s life perfect. Simply we can say these things are part
of life.

I know, on Valentines Day many hearts are going to be....

Dntwry. And need not to. As I said earlier its a part of life. And accept it.

So cheers

Happy Valentines Day

Posted By: Sridhar

Yes its true devamanohari 

Posted By: sowmya571


           Well as manohari said Love is part of life. Many people express their love on this day, but I
always feel that there neednt be a specific day to express love since when ever our heart feels like
expressing u can express of course time n situation do matter. But still

         Since it’s a part of life u neednt have to take seriously jus enjoy the moment /...else be
sincerely stick/try it again may be their views might be changed and they might also accept it.

Posted By: sandeepvats

Abstruse topic...

Okk in my views valentine day provide opportunities for flower sellers to earn 10 times more.
It give opportunities to SHIV SENA LEADERS demonstrate once in a year to prove they exist.

Well to valentines this day means special to them they get feeling of oneness, buissy husband
wives take out time at least once in a year to show there love and affection to there valentines.

This day has great importance in western countries.


Posted By: saurabh



Quality is a myth in India.

 By Moderator .
 Published 03/25/2006
 Rating:

Quality is a myth in India


Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

          Quality! A word that says it all about a product. We say, it’s a good product or a bad
product. So, what is in first case Quality? Why is it directly proportionality with reliability and
good will? Quality according to me is in conformance with some standards set to make a product
more valuable and accountable. In Indian market some products do lack quality due to following
reasons: Cost, Time, Attitude, Lack of Competition etc. It takes an initial cost to renovate an
existing product to bring in quality and assurance of quality. The 'chalta hai' attitude of some
producers is taking its toll. For example, every year some thousands of farmers are committing
suicides for fake seeds. Many are dying due to food poisoning. Ill built buildings are collapsing
due to lack of quality. The quality is but a Myth in India except for some Industries.

In Global scenario, why are other companies gaining Indian market? It’s due to quality. How
many of us are using Indian TV's, shoes, clothes, and other accessories? The fact is that we do
have faith in other companies as they take the responsibility of quality where we can be assured
of the product. For a sustained growth in India, the quality base should be emphasized, the
products should match with world-class standards, and then only we can survive in this global
village. It is not enough for manufacturing quality steel, cement, IT products, etc. it is equally
important to provide quality water, quality food, and quality air... Now, I would like to make a
point here. It is each individual's responsibility to see that quality is provided in day-to-day life. 

Posted By: Leila

hi all,

        this topic is quite interesting to discuss. Quality when I define in terms of Indian mentally
its of two kind, one if the cost is more then they say "quality" is good. there is another kind of
people who choose for "less cost more quantity but they never look at the quality. I think the
major cause for other companies gaining Indian market is due to laziness of Indians, and there
is a prestigious issue to use Indian product.       

remedy for this is everyone should be aware of quality and how we waste our resources to others

Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

           If Quality is a Myth in India. Why are Multi National Companies coming to India to start
their industries with our work force. The outsourcing of software products and services itself is
accounting for a major chunk in Indian GDP. We do have quality products all over and many
organizations that take care of this. CMMi, SIX Sigma, ISO, AGMARK to name a few. Each
industry has its own standards apart from this to be within acceptable errors. We can’t take few
incidents of farmers and conclude that we don’t have quality all over the world. In spite of huge
pollution that we create in water, soil, air, and the government is striving hard to give us clean
water to the mounting population, which is increasing day by day by leaps and bounds.

World looks at India for quality people. It is here that n no. of foreigners visit yearly and do stay
in world-class hotels. Considering the population we have, the public services provided to us do
match world standards. The rail/road/air network picking up accurate timings would stun even
developed countries that could manage things with lesser population. It is upon us to invest little
more and buy quality products and discourage low-quality products. It lies in our hands to weed
out this problem. In developed countries the taxpayers pay nearly 30% of their taxes, whereas in
India only 3% of them pay their taxes. This is a point to be noted, to demand quality we need to
perform our duties first. A small example to close my talk. Consider the number of cine theaters
we have and their punctuality they maintain. I doubt any country in the world to produce the
same result.

Posted By: cishawsharma

Quality is a myth in India.

           In my opinion quality is not a myth in India. In any aspect like in consumer goods or
human capability. in any sense we maintain a good quality. however in some areas we lack in
quality due to economic problems. But in some areas we are doing our best. like in information
technology we maintain a very good quality of work. but coming to some consumer goods we
lack in quality due to socio-political-economical problems. We must also concentrate on
consumer goods quality to improve our economic status.however we are concentrating in
improving our quality.

Posted By: sowmya571


      Quality is a myth in India.

Well today every company is striving to get good quality product or service. Because of few

1 Competition in each every sector

2 Striving to prove themselves

3 Ability to capture the Customers

4 Meeting the demands on customer based products

 Well today In India/Abroad  the need for quality-based product opted by customers differs
since it depends on following factors like

1 Income they get

2 Preference level

3 Wants n Needs n Desires

4 Status Level
          Well some times People reallydont look for quality, which is not that important
all depends on the situation basically .

Posted By: faraz

          Quality was a myth in India a few years back! But with growing disposable incomes of
Indian’s and increasing consumer protection concerns ,buyers are getting more aware and wise
in their decisions! The manufacturing and other skills of Indian entrepreneurs may have been
traditional but now with a growing population and huge investments ,India is on the forefront of
economic reforms and liberalization. With the dawn of the 21st century ,India is having a boast
in terms of bilateral relations with many countries and the recent visits by US and other
countries highlights this. It won't be late before India stands on the likes of china in terms of
quality and service and soon emerge as a superpower dictating terms to others.

Posted By: meera

            In my point of view Quality is not a myth in inda. Now a days customers were having
great awareness related to quality assurance. They prefer to buy only branded product. To fulfill
this need of customer the products were manufactured according to the standards  like
ISO,AGMARK .It is not a true fact that we r not able to sustain against global completion’s we
know many  industrialist  like Rathan tata,mittal were from India .But to some extent we r also
failing in producing Quality product due to economic & political problem.

Sumit Rating:

said this on 29 Jan 2008 1:11:36 AM IST

I dont agree that quality is a myth in India. With few incidences one cannot discount the quality of indian
products. Be it IT/ITES services or apperals India is the major contributer. I am citing a recent comment
from Carlos Ghosn of Nissan and Renault when Logan was launched in India. He said that it was India's
frugal engineering talent and the ability to produce products at such low cost that will make it the hub
for auto manufacturers all over the world. All the major MNCs are setting up their centers in India
because of out capability of doing quality work and that to at 1/10th the cost of most developed


Position of Women in India compared to

other nations
 By Moderator ..
 Published 04/3/2006
 Rating:

Position of Women in India compared to other nations


Posted By: meenakshisekar

Hi all

        This is quite a little bit tough topic. Friends we can approach this topic in many ways

          1.reg.societial status now day’s women are given equal status.

          2.but from the point of safety its a?

Please friends give some opinions to start with.b's it’s a very good topic that needs immediate

Posted By: sriya


      Though women are given reservations in many sectors, but we lack in providing safety
measures to women when compared with other countries. The attitude towards women must be
changed. Severe punishment must be given to culprits who indulge in crimes. This is the main
point where we lack when compared with other nations. In Arab countries if any person
commits heinous crime like rape, he is given capital punishment or severe punishment is given
depending upon the crime he has done. In India, we don’t have any such law. Recently her
driver, but what punishment was given to the culprit murdered a call center women
employee????? Either fine will be charged or he will be put in jail for 3-4 months. Will this fine
be the correct punishment for the culprit??? The law must be changed; punishment must be
made severe, so that no other person even thinks of committing such crimes against women 

Posted By: meenakshisekar

      Very good sriya I     appreciate ur thoughts b’s I can c ineffable expressions in Ur words.
What u r saying is 100% correct  .I agree to u ad insists the same.

Posted By: koneru9999

       The position of woman in India compared to other countries is poor. In some villages they
are considering woman as a kitchen bee. This type of attitude has to be changed. But compared
to the early days, these days’ women are coming out freely and participating in every field. This
is a good sign. Also, as our friend sruya said the law has to be changed is exactly correct. If the
law was changed then these crimes will reduces.

Posted By: satwath

          Ya I agree what shriya says. If we take the case of Dowry System women r made to suffer a
lot in India compared to other countries. We see daily in the newspapers women setting
themselves ablaze bcoz of this. They r tortured by their husbands and in laws fr getting more
and more from their parents the women should suffer like this. Govt should take necessary
measures to stop Dowry system in our country to prevent the women committing suicides.


Are marriages becoming a business in India?

 By Moderator ..
 Published 04/3/2006
 Rating:

Are marriages becoming a business in India?


Posted By: Boopathiraja

Hi everybody,

       I accept this point. Now a days marriages going on tender. It is just like an agreement
between two families. If a lady coming with money when marrying, she treats well. Otherwise
she treats badly. She will meet many problems in her husband's house.

Posted By: Keerthi

Hello friends,

            A must topic to be discussed I feel. Yes " Marriages have become a good business" to earn
lakhs and crores even. Today a guy u studies in US demands at least 10 lakhs and the highest
limit can be anything .I feel people prefer to do MS just to make business.
             I heard about some people who are not ready even to see the girl, If her parents cannot
afford to give MIN amount, though she is good at attitude studies and good looking as well.

             I don’t know what Marriage is to do with the money when both the persons have good
qualifications to settle well in life. Infact the importance must be given to the people who are
going to marry, the decision must be given to them bcoz they are the ones who are going to live
together for the rest of the life.

              Daily we see a lot of news about the women being harassed and killed just for the sake of
dowry. What kind of person he is when he is ready to kill his partner for the sake of money. In
my view such persons must be given a death sentence. And government should take severe
action on the persons who accept dowry.

               We see many politicians daily giving long speeches against this issue, but what happens
when it comes to his own daughters or sons marriage, God only knows how much they give or

And some parents in the rich families take it as a prestige issue. I think they feel the one whom
takes/gives more money is very great. So I feel this system must be eliminated in rich families

Posted By: OOPS

I 100% agree with Keerthi.

               Beggars are better than the people who take dowry. Parents should change their attitude
towards taking dowry.

               Even I have seen many girls who suggest their brothers to take dowry.

It is a sick attitude.  Lot of males playing with female life just because of dowry. We should
punish the people who take dowry.

                 It’s becoming a dangerous issue in poor class families. It is very sad to know that even
few idiots ready to kill their best half just for dowry. If they give birth to a baby girl they are just
throwing them in dustbin.  Think for a while?

These days 80% males want to study in US or want to work in US just to take more dowries.
What a sick attitude? We have to punish these educated idiots. Even I have seen many of friends
going to US or UK just to take more dowries.  Yes its 100% purely a business now in India in fact
it is a growing business.

As a guy my suggestion to other guys:

 Marry a girl but not money. Money is sick it just come & go in our life but your wife will stay
with you till your final breath. You cannot measure a girl with money. She is more than any
amount of money. It’s our responsibility to protect them If not soon you will see a world with out
these angles

Start changing the attitude of your parents & sisters towards taking dowry.

** Think of our culture once " INDIA is the only place where a female has a lot respect “ But now
wts happening?


What is the effect of movies on youth. (Is it

good or bad)?
 By Moderator ..
 Published 04/3/2006
 Rating:

What is the effect of movies on youth. (Is it good or bad)?


Posted By: keerthi

Hello friends,

             The Indian movies greatly effect our youth. The main purpose of watching movies is for
the sake of entertainment or to have some relief. Every thing is ok till that point. But when we
see a movie definitely we grasp something from that, some people may grasp good and some

               The general attitude of the people is they quickly grasp bad things and they over look
good. If something good is depicted in movies they usually say it’s "over" or sentimental.

               And most of our movies in India are love oriented and there is nothing creative about
them.99% of the movies are based on a love story. These are influencing the youth to a great
extent. Once our Indian culture is that a girl and a boy marries with the consent of their parents
and well-wishers.
                But now by seeing the movies people try to imitate the characters in a movie. Most of
them are committing suicides if they fail in love. Love is just a part of life why should one give up
every thing if they fail in love.

                 I think Indian movies should improve in certain aspects. The only motive of the
directors and filmmakers is to gain more collections from movies. They should not think in that
way. A movie can influence many minds. So they must think well before making a movie. They
should see that they are creative and in some way different from routine.

Posted By: sowmya571


Yes keerthi ur right

                  Indian movies have good effect on youth ... they provoke many things like violence,
love. Well not all movies are like that some are good too like RANG DE BASANTHI latest one
which gives inspiration to YOUTH watt they shud contribute to INDIA, how politician are, ect...

                 Well rather than focusing on LOVE they shud promote inspiration to YOUTH, WAT
THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THEM so that our nation will progress.



  Posted By: Njoy

 I agree with keerthi & sowmya.

Movies like PAGE 3 (HINDI), AA NAluguru (Telugu) are really exemplary.

Posted By: keerthi

                U r right soumya. There are a very few movies like "rang de basanthi” which we can
count with our fingertips. Hats why I said about 99% are love oriented .The remaining 1% may
come under that category. I may be wrong in numerical statistics but most of them are love
oriented, as we all know.


Globalization - Advantages & Disadvantages

Posted By: BINNY

               Globalization has many advantages for developing and developed countries. But, this
has lead to a great dissatisfaction among the under developed/developing countries. Though
Liberalization has many impacts on any country's economy, it has increased the per capita

              Due to globalization the business market in the world has no boundaries, they can
market their products in any part of the world. This has improved the chances of laying hands
on global markets & technologies, which would definitely increase our Quality of Living

            But globalization has lead to a major dissatisfaction among under developed/developing
countries where they are cut off from the rest of the world. This has also increased the chances
of inferiority complex among these nations.

Posted By: sowmya571


   " Globalization - Advantages & Disadvantages "

                 The Era of Globalization" is fast becoming the preferred term for describing the current
times. Just as the Depression, the Cold War Era, the Space Age, and the Roaring 20's are used to
describe particular periods of history; globalization describes the political, economic, and
cultural atmosphere of today.

               People around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before.
Information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part
of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more
frequent. International communication is commonplace. This phenomenon has been titled
"globalization." These are major advantages of globalization

        While some people think of globalization as primarily a synonym for global business, it is
much more than that. The same forces that allow businesses to operate as if national borders did
not exist also allow social activists, labor organizers, journalists, academics, and many others to
work on a global stage.

            There is a fundamental problem with globalization, which will cause international tension
and trade disputes without arresting the process.

             The problem is the irrational nature of the global market, coupled with the extreme
vulnerability of the poorest and most marginalized in emerging economies to sudden changes in
exchange, interest rates, or big investment decisions.  Globalization therefore can sometimes be
            Everyone sells when the price is already rock-bottom You can have a bizarre situation
where everyone privately thinks that the currency is already too low, but continues to sell hard
only because they are certain that everyone else thinks the currency still has further to fall. Rates
fall through the floor in a mass wave of panic selling, as dealers dump currency in the near
certain knowledge that they can buy it back at a profit in a few minutes, hours or days.

            Well it has got tremendous benefits as well as its own pitfalls


Cricket shud be banned or not. Cricket as a

national obsession is a detriment to other
 By Moderator ..
 Published 04/4/2006
 Rating:

Cricket shud be banned or not. Cricket as a national

obsession is a detriment to other sports

Posted By: Dr YVS

              Don’t get furious with me. If banning is the only way, you create opportunity of rooter
sports, its stupid. I suggest create equal opportunity of the sports people and games such a way
that the other sports also cherish the fans. Don’t overdo...which we are doing for cricket. Just do

Posted By: mohanraai

Hi Good morning Guys,

             My idea is don't Ban. Bcz, Many of the children’s are interested only on cricket. If we
banned that game then the 50% of children to loose the sports sprits. If we all thinking, we ban
the cricket children may interested in other games. Not like that. Now days may of the aged
people also playing cricket. It is a flexible game, in that game age is not a constraint. If u takes
athletics and other games aged people can't play. Can play, but limited.
           So don't banned, we can encourage other games also and give more sponsorship to other
games than cricket.

Posted By: moni

Hi all,

          In my opinion banning of cricket will not give a remedy for this problem. Why cricket
makes a detriment to other sports/games it is some thing very interesting than any other
games.11 members forms a union and they are playing according to their own strength and their
views. It gives the self-confidence not to players, but for all others who all are watching this one.

          We cannot ban this in a short span of time because it is very popular in India even in
villages also people used to see cricket, and women’s are also interested. We can do only one
thing using these cricketers we can make one show or procession for making the people aware of
some other games. We cannot avert cricket. It’s my opinion (It is the only game or sport that we
in first 5)

Posted By: vinvish

            In my opinion cricket when it came to our country it was not as much success as it is now.
Only after few years later it became famous among the common man. I think the management of
any sport has a lot of responsibility in making any sport famous. Since the BCCI took the
responsibility of publicizing cricket in the schools, colleges etc. They introduced domestic games
like ranji trophy, duleep trophy etc. But on the other hand our national game Hockey has
suffered a huge blow now. When we heard of the greats like Dhyan chand the whole world
feared India in hockey. But because of the lack of good management, infrastructure today our
hockey team is losing in every front. One thing, which the hockey management has done, is the
introduction of Premier Hockey League, which is drawing huge crowd towards watching hockey.
So these type new steps not only helps the players but also brings lot of public support into it. In
Tennis for example with the performance of Sania the Indian tennis has got a huge boost which
was there .Now there are more sponsor for it with organizing tournaments like chennai open
and Bangalore open etc. So it’s not banning any game but giving support to all games.


Does banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our

Posted By: suresh_patike

                Yes if we banning the fashion shows and New Year parties then there is a chance to save
the Indian culture. Our India culture is greatest culture in the world. In previous days these
fashion shows and parties are not at all celebrated. Now days just we have been following the
British culture last when we got independence. So need not follow these extra cultural activities.
Now a days in India so many girls and boys following the they were seen in the fashion shows.

So we must ban these activities

Posted By: BINNY

             I don’t think we should ban fashion shows and New Year parties. We should limit the
nudity displayed in these shows. No body can justify that these are Western cultures. We have
been following these parties since ancient ages. The kings use to celebrate by arranging dances &
drinks in their courtyard.

           We are just giving a 20 the century touch to these parties by arranging DJ's and Re-Mix

Posted By: ozobalu


It’s an art of culture

Fashion is necessary to bring out new creation to change our life

So it’s all-useful one to our dream come true


Posted By: meenakshisekar


          Fashion shows and new year Parties should be banned.b's we can say yes to these things
when they didn’t have impact on Indian culture, but they have large impact on our culture.

         Due to these parties and all shows even girls have started cultivating the habit of taking
drinks, which totally damages our culture.

         I dint mean that these are the only way that girls are spoiled but it plays a major role. 

Posted By: ramesh_ram143

           Good morning everybody. It is somewhat difficult to decide that banning of fashion shows
and New Year parties save our culture or not, but I personally feel that it does not spoil our
culture. Today their r many corporate employees and other people work all the days. They will
be much interested to attend these types of parties just for refreshment.

            But these types of parties should be held with out vulgar activities it should be up to the
limits. I think it is the part of our culture because we have these types of parties from our ancient
days. The kings used to arrange these types of parties during events such as after winning the
war etc.,

            Finally I think if these parties are held without vulgarity they do not spoil our culture.




Posted By: sidhu

         Balance between professionalism and Family is to be maintained in every individual life,
avoiding any of these would create uncertainty in a individual life, because both gives
identification to an individual, it is like   railway track, if one of the track is damaged means
there will be every chance for train to be derailed, so as in life, professionalism & family plays
same role.

Posted By: vinvish

              Professionalism and family can be described as the two sides of the same coin as both
are equally important in one's life. Our profession gives you an individual identity and financial
security on the other hand family gives you an emotional security. Neglecting any one of these
could result in distress in one's life. A balance has to be maintained between the two, which is
very easy to say, but to do it in practical is very difficult. In today's hitech busy lifestyle one
cannot find the time to spend with his family. In Bangalore we have seen that there is increase in
the number of people going to psychologists to get counseling on how to handle the stress and
tension. The people of today are more inclined towards their profession and hence they get very
little time to spend with their family. They may lead a luxurious life but there is absence of peace
of mind.

Posted By: moni

 Hi all,
              Family gives mental strength to a person and the professionalism gives a man financial
strength, and high status (luxurious) lifestyle in society. But if a man has all things but he didn't
have any peace or calmness through out his life means it is utter waste of earning the money
alone. Therefore professionalism and the family play a vital role in ones life, so we can't avert
any one of these. It (professionalism and the family) looks like two eyes of a man. We can’t bear
if any one gets lost.

Posted By: keerthi

Hello friends,

         I agree wid u all. Professionalism as well as family both is very essential for an individual.
One needs to be financially in a good position to achieve any thing, which also needs the good
support from his/her family. But it is not that family support is a must to achieve some thing.
Many great people have become great though they have less or no support from family.

                  When it comes to maintaining a balance between the both I think its not possible in all
the cases. As our friend "Vinvish" said it is easy to say but very difficult to do in practice. And To
achieve our goals sometimes we need to sacrifice our family. Take for example the people in the
army, in order to sever the country they have to stay away from their families. As it is
mandatory. Hence balance between the both depends on ones profession and their ability to
maintain that.

Posted By: mohanraai

Hi all,

            I agree with all. Both we need now a days, bcz should need spend time with family to relax
in our machine life. Otherwise as one of friend said to relax we r going to psychotics. We can
spend more time with family. Profession is need but not life is a profession.

Life is now a full of money.

Life is a full of joy and no need of much more money. Now a day’s people r moving to save
money and earn money.

Money is needed but limited money is enough for peace of mind.

                "Your r the owner of money, not money is the owner for u"

Responsibility Of Politicians in Today’s Politics How to
reduce corruption in Indian Politics

 Posted By: sowmya571


            Well today’s Indian politics is mainly corrupted. Well though there are people who really
want to contribute, their efforts r not getting done. There are very less people like chandrababu
Naidu who really is disciplined, hard working and thoughtful 4 people

           It is the responsibility of youngsters to take part in IAS as well IPS to help our INDIA,
India needs still development in enhancement of Farmers, since there is tremendous loss for our
farmers in past few years due to drought and floods ... And facilities in rural areas also shud be
improved a lot like setting up more internet centers as well as many Colleges with good faculties

           Politicians are misusing their power and are striving more 4 power n money rather than
implementing what they have promised to our nation

           In order to reduce these kind of acts our people who elect them shud be educated, and
analyze the persons background and capabilities before voting them. Also politician’s shud
follow some ethics in performing their duties

       Then INDIA wd be progressed a lot

Posted By: meenakshisekar

Hi all

           The topic given is quite intersting.b's whatever may be the societal problem if we go on
browse through it ultimately u'll find out that corruption will be the basic reason for it.

         It starts right from the basic (smaller level like oa's) itself and it is the root cause for all the

          Politicians need to play an active role in abolishing corruption. But no one is thinking of it
they are thinking people as vote banks and forget them after they've won the elections.

Posted By: Krishna


        This is very interesting Topic. But as Sowmya Told that the Former Chief Minister of
Andhra Prudish is a hard worker...I too agree. But one person cannot do the whole changes.

         But in our many politicians are well educated? So, we who r electing them is
not paying any attention to the person who is in race. Uneducated people don't think of all these

         Even the politicians are thinking that Politics is the way where they can earn more money
in a short spell. Even these politicians are not even allowing the hard working Officials (I.A.S,
I.P.S etc.). Now days we have seen many situations in the newspaper about the harassment of
the politicians on Officials.

So. Every Parents and person is thinking that we must become Software Engineer, Doctor etc.
But how many are thinking that we must become a politician except the heirs of these

In olden days, when the King dies, his son is becoming the King. The same is going on now days.

All that I say is, now a day’s literacy is going high in India. So every one should think about the
person who is in race and vote for the best.




Posted By: pooja

 Hello frnds,

              I totally disagree with the concept of dowry I mean we should completely ban this
concept. So many women are getting harass and they are getting killed cos of dowry and many of
them are taking steps like they are attempting suicides which is a very shameless act so we have
got the power we can change the world as only youth can change the world so youth should
decide that they are not going to take dowries.

              Even taking dowry is a crime but more crime is giving dowries so we should come
forward to eradicate it from our society.
Posted By: sowmya571


        Well I totally disagree for the sole reason that a person shud take dowry 4 marriage. Since
when compared a guy will jus do a job, but a female will take care of home, her job as well as
kids and lot more...

        And also what is more important is AFFECTION n LOVE 4 each other rather than all these
things. I guess guys shud think reg this and change them

Posted By: Vision

Hey sowmya

         My sister always wants me to take dowry & even my Mom too.

Like this lot of females supporting dowry. Not only guys but also girls also should think of it.
They better not to enocourage their children and brothers to take dowry.

What you say sowmya?


Posted By: Vision

Have a look at this: -

Posted By: rathour

Hi frnds

I agreed with "pooja's" view.definetly DOWERY is a curse

Of sociaty.people think if they r taking more dowry they get prestige in society .so there should
be awareness.

           1stly,it should be banned. Women are getting harass and they are getting killed bcoz of
dowry and many of them are taking steps like they are attempting suicides.
           We should come forward to eradicate it from our society. But it’s not an easy task. To
eradicate the dowry from our sociaty, there should be awareness among youth especially in
Indian woman.

          There should be awareness from childhood. To give and take dowry both r declared as a
crime. If any one is caught he/she should be punished.


US war on Iraq-justified or not.


Posted By: pooja

Hello friends,

              According to me it is not justified one killing so many innocent people for any one is not

              I think war is not the solution of anything. So I completely against of war, which is not at
all, justified one.

Posted By: AmitSrivastava

              Well, Looking From the Perspective of being in a world where every moment has an
impact on you, I wud say it is not justified, but then again what if our neighboring Countries
have some one who is a threat to our Country and also to the World, What we wud have done?? I
think the same thing.

Posted By: faraz

              Well, it’s not justified, as the manner in which US carried out attacks is very barbaric and
totally uncalled for. Such big bully attitude will only ruin the image of its allies and US.

Posted By: cishawsharma

            I feel it as purely economic strategy.

            As US is a powerful nation and it can make any tom and dick stories to advertise that Iraq
is a N-nation.

            And no one will dare to point out that its wrong.
            Why did US &UK try to show sympathy and try to step into the land of Iraq? Why not any
other country.

            The answer is fairly transparent.

            Any country, which has abundant oil deposits, will rule the world and unfortunately Iraq
is having abundant deposits of oil...

            And these countries try to exploit it and named it as "n-nation ". Eventually which lead to
the war.

            Even our Kashmir issue is a political plot by rich nations.

            Because these nation have to sell their arms to someone to make money.

            Every country has such issue (esp. third world nations) like a pain in the neck.

Thank u.

Posted By: s_riyazudeen

Hi to all,

According to me us war against Iraq should not be justified. It shows that a nation with good
wealth can do anything they want. The same thing can happen to our country also. US can also
attack us. It should not be justified. They want to become the world leader.


Got contribution to IT

Posted By: BINNY

          I think there is a lot of contribution of the Govt in the IT sector. With reduction of prices of
PC's in last budget has made computers available to common man. With the infrastructure
provided by the Govt, IT companies are eyeing on India as the dream destination.

         I think compared to Central Govt; State Govt has done a lot in Andhra Pradesh in
developing IT. The construction of Hitech City has improved a lot of scope for the Computer
Posted By: kishi1985

Hi everyone,

         I personally think that the government has done a great deal in improving the
infrastructure and providing opportunities for the MNC's to invest in our country. I think the
boom of the IT sector has been well utilized by our country than any other country, one of the
reasons for this would be the alarming manpower in the form of engineers that we possess. The
ITES industry has also grown to a new stature because of the ever-adapting quality of us, since
we adapt to any language and any country and our high tolerance level the MNC's are exploiting
the mind power here and the government and the people of our county are rejoicing this
wonderful opportunity.

         But I would like to make it a point over here that India should allow more MNC's to settle
in very quickly because the east pacific countries such as Japan are adapting very quickly,
anyway hats up to the government they have done a great job.

Posted By: sridevi_p_549

Hi frnz ,

        I agree with u. our gvt especially state gvt in our AP is contributing well for the growth of IT.
Our gvt is encouraging IT field well.

Posted By: madhab

              The IT industry is the only industry which helped to emerge India economically so
quickly to the front line of the World. India now become the cynosure of world's largest MNC's
and the IT companies.

              We not only by our talents but the Govt. achieve this achieving also. Indian Govt. and the
State govt. now giving a lot of opportunity to the IT and MNC industries to set their plant in
their state. We can see it from the Planned IT Park of Several States.

               Bangalore, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Pune, Kerala all these state govt. are competing
each other to give the maxim facility to these industries to make their state fully industrialized.

              There is a lot of contribution of the Govt in the IT sector. With reduction of prices of PC's
in last budget has made computers available to common man. With the infrastructure provided
by the Govt, IT companies are eyeing on India as the dream destination.


How to deal with international terrorism?


Posted By: meenakshisekar

Hi all

        This is a very very interesting topic. Now the whole world fears of this thing only.

         To deal with international terrorism we (all countries) must join our hands together and
plan it out. Unless or otherwise this happens not a single country cannot abolish or deal with
international terrorism.

         No country shud permit terrorist activities in their country and they shud stick to that.

        Each country shud be loyal to each other and to the world after that only we can fight

Posted By: BINNY

           I think international terrorism is a curse to this mankind. I agree with meenakshisekar
that all the countries should join hands to fight against this terrorism. All the law enforcing
agencies should join hands and eliminate terrorism from a particular region on a monthly or bi-
weekly basis. All the countries should combine their technology, weapons and manpower to
fight against these terrorists.

           Not only the govt but also, we have some responsibilities in fighting against the terrorism.
We should not elect any corrupt politician. These people are indirectly encouraging and funding
the terrorism by Hawala and other means.

Posted By: pooja

           Yes I totally agree with binny and meenakshi we can deal with it only when all the
countries join their hands together not fighting against them but unitedely we should fight
against terrorism which is really a curse to mankind.

Posted By: sidhu

How to deal with international terrorism?


        I agree with u all but I like to add some more to it, fighting against terrorism is indirectly
achieve by removing poverty, racial & religion & region (rrrp) sentiment’s, these r the main
reasons, why terrorism developing, if we able to spread a message, by saying only one & one only
(rrrp) exists, that is mankind, then we r able to succeed in removing most the people from that
type of organizations, with that those organizations become weak, then their existence will be in
doubt, so friends first we have to make our mindset to invite those guys who r like to leave those
type of organizations, then there will be every chance to eliminate any kind of organizations who
r working against mankind.

Posted By: mohanraai

Well Guys,

                 Ya I agree with sidhu's suggestion. We should first find out which is lead to terrorism.
We think all to combine all the nations, its is also a terrorism like now US fighted against Iraq
like that. One of the nations won't like to join na then fight with that nation. This will leads to
terrorism. So analyze y the terrorism happening and all and find the solution. If some of the
organization may come to surrender. This will give the solution. Other wise can't stop terrorism.


Your opinion on these days LOVE (bf & gf culture) in youth


Posted By: pooja

           These days it has become common to have Gf or Bf but no true love only just time pass
sake. It is affecting our Indian culture. I am not at all against of it but I believe in true love not
the one, which is done only for time pass. But today’s youth they are falling in love in such a
small ages so according to me they should realize that this is not the age for them this is the age
when they can think about their careers so for doing anything their should be some right time...

Posted By: rajapattanayak

            I think now a day’s youth thinks that love is just a classroom. We have to enter into it. But
I do believe love comes from the heart not from the eyes. Friendship is love and all other things
are nothing but infatuation. We shouldn't make this love as a fashion. We have to think first
what is infatuation and what is real love. I do believe if everyone thinks that love is nothing but
giving everything to the beloved without expecting anything from her/him then this world must
change to heaven.

Posted By: prasanna

Hi all
               I agree wid what pooja was saying but unfortunately this is only d age where ppl fall in
love  .It has become very common for a common man these days 2 have a gf and he wastes whole
of his pocket for d sake of his gf. We shld first think of our carriers at dis age and first settle in
our life. After settling we can expedite in our own way. It has also become a fashion 2 have a gf
or bf these days. Our parents struggle a lot for d sake of our future n we shld even think of dem
also .Who r all those gf n bf who come in d middle of our lives. First settling in our life is very
important. Then we can think of other activities.

Posted By: Madhuri

                Even I agree with Pooja. Now a day’s love has become a game between two people. First
youth should concentrate on their career and should stand for themselves then they should
think about others. Now days from small ages people are going crazy and spoiling their careers.
But finally we should not forget our culture.

Posted By: faraz

             Well to define it precisely its not love between the youth but you can say its just
infatuation. These things happen bcoz of the various films on display these days due to which
the youth try to think that things in reel life can be enacted in real life. So, their friends to go
ahead with such love acts propel such misguided youth. In most of the cases there is loss and
misery to one or both the parties involved.


If there were no armies in the world…


Posted By: arunabha2003

          As someone said "Peace could be achieved with a barrel of a gun".

          If you think of this issue deeply, you will come across some questions I your mind.   What
is the price of your freedom? What is the price of your safety and dignity of you and your loved
ones? You just cant it into figures, can you?

        Whatever freedom we enjoy in this world is because we are "FREE", because of our armed
forces that protect our borders with their lives at stake. We all owe them.

         But power, military or political, can be dangerous if in wrong hands. So, it too has to be
balanced, by governing bodies.
           Many think that without armies, the world would be a better place. Well, in my opinion,
there will be nothing as such...

Posted By: OOPS

Yeh I agree with you arunabha

Posted By: faraz

                I disagree with both of you. If there were no armies in the world then there would be
peace. Well if you see at a global level; no armies, no boundaries, no countries, only one world.
The world will be bursting out of its seams of nationalization and liberalization will take center
stage. People will interact more and there will be free trade policies. When your wish of no
armies is fulfilled then more constructive policies will emerge for betterment of mankind as a

Posted By: chayanika

                Dear faraz, according to you at a global level, we can think of a situation where thr is no
army, no boundary, and no country. But faraz reality tells us to count from the opposite side. I.e.
it’s because of countries and their boundaries, we need armies. And we can't ignore the
importance of having well defined boundaries, as it is said,” Good fencing makes good relation".
Now, u was talking about having one world, but I think it is always better to have small pieces of
everything as then they can be looked after well.  Just as we always break a large complicated
program code into smaller modules.

            Now comes the question of defense budget and war. Obviously to maintain an army we
are to spend a portion of our wealth and I think it’s worth it. Its nothing but a part and parcel of
any country. And regarding wars, I think it’s the authorities that are interested in wars or in
waging weapons. And its not because armies are there, there is war. The truth is "as war is there
the authorities employ the armies".

Posted By: pooja

Hello frnds,

              Yes even I agree with arunabha, it is not necessary that if their is no army there will be
peace whatever we are today it is cos of army, to protect us they sacrificed their lives.

        Army is the heart of the nation and life of the nation...I am very proud of them. Army is
fighting with terrorism they are the main reason who are controlling terrorism till some extent.

        Hats off to u army...


Are studies more beneficial in India or in Abroad.

Posted By: arunabha2003

                India is one of the fastest developing countries. Everything is changing, & so is our
education system. It has been at par since British era, but recent years saw monumental growth,
be that in quality or in quantity. Our government is doing quite a good job providing global
standard education, and that is evident in the continuous emergence of quality graduates,
engineers, etc. My words are further justified by the interest of MNCs to tap INDIAN talent.

                We have come a long way in education standards, but there is still lot to learn, lot to
improve upon. Indeed, SKY IS THE LIMIT. We have to, HAVE TO keep faith...

Posted By: ulty

Hii All...

                According to my viewpoint studies are more beneficial in abroad as compared to India.

Study abroad can be the opportunity of a lifetime — to experience another culture and its
people, to develop friendships and to make professional contacts overseas. It can also provide a
unique perspective to your academic course work and a greater awareness of yourself and the
world. Study abroad identifies a person as an individual who is informed, confident, self-
sufficient, and able to learn quickly and adapt to changing conditions

               To be educated in India and be a part of the Indian education system is an honor, or
rather should be an honor for any Indian. There is no harm in getting educated abroad, but the
implementation of the same knowledge, using that knowledge to improve the education system
in India would prove a better bet, or give Indian education system a better tomorrow. We always
have words to blame the system, but never have the courage to be a part of it and try change it
for a better tomorrow. So these are a few words for those so-called " wise people" who have gone
abroad and criticize the Indian education system, that they too are responsible for the
betterment of the system and should contribute towards by thinking good rather than criticizing
the system.

Posted By: kiran123

Hi friends,
               In my viewpoint studies in abroad is more beneficial when compare to India. Why
because the present Indian educational system is very poor when compare to other countries.

               The main system at Indian institutes are concentrating on only the THEORY PART, not
concentrating on the PRACTICAL PART but the other countries give more preference to the
PRACTICAL PART. For this our students are very lack at practical knowledge and the things are
learned by the students at their education time those are

Vanish to contribute at the time of practical part. So, give the importance to both equal.

               And the cost of MEDICINE at our country very high when compare to other countries.
And maximum seats are based on Donation only. So the poor people are

Not getting the chine to contribute their knowledge.

If any comments please send me....


Women are good managers.


Posted By: arunabha2003

Time's changing, and so is the world around us.

              Women have always been good at managing, and I say this referring to all women alike.
That includes not only women who are managers in leading companies, but also the housewives,
who keep the "home dept" running flawlessly. Infact research shows that women have better
multi-tasking abilities than most men.

           So it’s undeniable that women are good managers, sometimes, arguably, even better...

Posted By: sidhu

Women are good managers

Hi friends,

          Yes, women are good managers as men, I would say that they are doing well at every
platform for example people like Sonia Gandhi who is indirectly running the Govt at center,
From Business arena people like Sailja Kiran who is a C.E.O of margadarshi chit funds & many
more, who proved themselves what they are capable of in their respective business fields, so
friends I want to say that women are not less to men from any corner.

Posted By: faraz

              Well I believe that women are definitely good managers as they have the emotional
quotient and are mentally more strong than their male counterparts in dealing with dangerous
situations. But, to be more practical it’s not possible for them to compete against men in

Posted By: meera

             Yah I accept women managers are well suited as they have more patience and ability to
tackle the tricky situation. If they can be a good homemaker why can't they be a good manager?

Posted By: BINNY


            I think woman are more flexible compared to men.they can deal with tough situations
very efficiently, they can manage both home and business/office well compared to men. But, I
think they need a man behind them to give them a morale boost and support Nenu
Unnanu type.

            God has given all the ingredients to women.they can work under tremendous pressure ...I
think by birth they have the managing skills.let it be managing the house or business. I think
compared to men, women have a lot more patience and they work hard.

          But ultimately I think, " For every women to be successful, there should be a man behind
her "


Significance of GD in requirements

Posted By: arunabha2003

             Well I think that Group Discussions are a perfect way to judge a host of skills, which
cannot be evaluated, in any written test. Skills like leadership qualities and responsiveness to
other peoples views and judgment, how people react and mould themselves into the GD are very
important points to be evaluated in a future employee. The companies of today are fast moving,
so changing and moreover adapting to the conditions is quite important. Pressure handling
capabilities, public speaking qualities as well as modesty and humility and persuasive nature of
a person are also put to test during a group discussion session, which all amount to the total
evaluation of the candidate.

Posted By: OOPS

Yes I agree with arunabha2003. 

Posted By: faraz

           Performing well in a GD is definitely a very important prerequisite for getting a job. The
person's rationale judgment and composure in dealing with situations are put to test. How the
person goes about interacting with people and how he behaves in a group is also given relevance.
The one who talks more and dominates is not selected usually.

Posted By: sowmya571


      I guess GD is essential in requirements since we can know many things ab the candidate like

1 His Communication skills

2 His ability to work in Team

3 His behavior to some extent whether he is dominative or whether he simple in accepting


4 Last but not the least person’s confidence

Posted By: sreenu3442003

         Yes GDs are essential in requirements. Because of in GD we can evaluate the following

1) Communication skills

2) Reaction dealing with program

3) Thinking capability

4) Confidence
5) Leadership qualities

So GDs are essential in requirements


Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?


Posted By: meenakshisekar

This topic wow very interesting!

          Peace or non-violence never gets outdated b's they always at a time or when situation
demands need to be addressed.

        Not every thing can be achieved with violence. Whatever daz it may be nowadaz or olden
daz there are things that need to be addressed purely as non-violence.

         For ex: problem b/w husband and wife these daz shud b approached with a mind set of
peace.b's those are not things were violence cant play its active role.

Posted By: faraz

          Well if you look at a world prespective, then I definitely agree that peace and non-violence
are outdated concepts!!! The very word peace is out of the minds of people. Countries are
competing against each other in building nuclear weapons, buying heavy machinery and arsenal,
showing their strength and combat in air, water and land. On-violence has taken back stage with
evolving technology and various forms of discrimination and hatred policies.

Posted By: mohanraai


              No, it is avail. Otherwise u can't live in the world. Some of the place avail violence. The
people didn't have their needs, then that leads to violence. If u need then only that violence. If u
would like to speak about violence, then u get tensed and ur pressure also increased. Ignore that
news abt that, u feel happy. I don't say, don't to hear the news and all. U watches the news and
don't be create this as big issue. Then only it becomes violence. Every one like to cool, then this
matter is closed.

              Violence will happen always, u should stabilize that violence as peace of life.
When the minds between people misunderstand, this will be a problem.

Posted By: ssrkraju

Hi All,

           The word Violence itself sounds panic and something bad or worse. Today morning we
hear of violence in Varanasi Temple killing 20 and injuring other 50. That itself starts pinching
somewhere deep in the heart why Violence? It is out of our area of influence but it still hurts.
Even the violence to prisoners in the Abu-Garib Jail or at the Border does have an adverse
impact on us. When this is the case why should one turn to violence. Coming to the point of
today's scenario, we should not be misguided by the headlines by various news channels. Yes! I
do accept that there is violence all-around but there is peace all-over which we are unable to
sense. We see an incident in any remote place in the country and just go on commenting that
our country is not a safe place, but we are not witnessing the calmness in 99% of the cities,
towns, villages, schools, colleges, offices... If you have the heart to see, you can also find peace in
yourself. It is the hectic schedules and busy daily routines that we are unable to browse through
ourselves. The chart in police records may contain huge number of violent events but they didn’t
achieve anything in sense. Destruction can never gain anything. They can boost only ignorant
and arrogant people. Being optimistic and solving problems in an effective manner should take
us away from this violence. I strongly feel that there is always an alternate way to violence. Yes!
It may a bit difficult one but the point is There is. Not only now, but in future also, for mankind
to stay on this Earth and for his very living, peace and non-violence are the only players.


Is it necessary to ban COCOCOLA in India


Posted By: 02091A0342

Regarding group discussion on love marriages.

          I agree that arranged marriages are more stable than love marriages. According to survey
nearly eighty percent of the love marriages are failures. Most of the love marriages are failure
because they lack sincerity. When they are in love they try to show some extra positive
behaviors, which they actually lack in order to gain the heart of their counterpart. But after
marriage they slowly start exhibiting their original character and misunderstandings will slowly
crop up between the two.

In order to succeed in love marriages one need to be really sincere and he must be able to
convince their parents.
            Another reason for the failure of the love marriages are that generally the ages of both the
persons will be same. According to research girls are three years more matured than boys. So
due to the difference in their maturity levels there are more chances of misunderstandings.

Posted By: 02091A0342

         Sorry friends I have registered today only. So I was little bit confused. You can include the
above topic in love marriages verses arranged marriages. I wont repeat the mistake from next
time onwards.

Posted By: biranchi

             In my opinion not only coco cola all type of coal drinks should be banned. Because these
drinks are having that much acid, which is equal to the acid present in liquids, used for toilet
cleaning. And I have practiced it. So imagine what will happen if we drink that liquid. And we
are unnecessary loosing 8 or 9 rupees, which is of cost at most 1 rupee. If we use that price for
drinking a coconut drink then it will be healthier than that. So in my opinion it should be

            But one think is more important that how to aware people about it. And if we banned
than many people who are working on this will be uncork.

Posted By: cishawsharma

    We once banned coca cola earlier and lifted the ban again.

    Yes coca cola should be banned in India, in the health point of view. It’s not good for health
drinking coca cola or any fizzy drinks.

    However our cine stars are endorsing that product as if that is their own company. I wonder if
anyone star will have it.

    Coming to the point, our money flows to foreign if we buy any foreign commodity.

    And coca cola plays a vital role coz we think that drinking coke is fad now. Almost all at one
point drinks that. Its contains only sugar and sugar. Which will suddenly increase our blood
sugar levels.

    Even though the cost of the product is less, drinking coke or coca cola is unhealthy
economically and physically.

Multinational Companies: Are they devils in disguise?


Posted By: cishawsharma

                I don’t think that multinational companies are devils in disguise.

But there might be lot of pressure to complete a project.

Sometimes we have to work day and night to complete it forgetting our family life. And there
will b a huge competition at work.

If we consider these reasons very tough then yes its devil in disguise.

Posted By: innovia

No. They are not.

          They bring in the new technology. Also helps to maximize the resource utilization. Think
the number of options both in job market and in products they brings. Yeah.they do create more
competition, but that’s what creates option!

Posted By: sowmya571


       Multinational Companies: Are they devils in disguise?

Put it this way    People


Posted By: sowmya571


  Yes the Investments made By MNC's are really worth








So there are benefits as well as disadvantages. Here


What are your suggestions to develop this nation

Posted By: faraz

            My suggestions to develop this nation! Wow never thought some one would ask me such a
question. Well first I would suggest revamping the total political system to make it more
transparent and honest. Next would be to make education compulsory and eradication of child
labour. After that I would suggest using more alternate sources of energy and spending more
money in this aspect by govt. Next online would be total networking of rural population to make
them aware of latest agricultural practises. My final suggestion would be to make latest gadgets
around the world more accessible to the nation. (On par with US) Hope these things will be
noted ............

Posted By: sowmya571


What are your suggestions to develop this nation?

Well My suggestions WD be

1 Political System should be changed a lot

2 Rural Areas Needs to be concentrated since there are many areas where people are still
suffering without water, electricity and proper education too.
3 Agricultural Aspects should be given more funds and also

Posted By: Rena


   To develop the nation, as faraz said, the present politics should come to an end.

       1.There should be only one political party. Bcoz if there r more than 1 political parties,
policians spend their most time in finding fault with ruling party and vice versa. Both the
parties’ r not concentrating in the development of the nation. Both parties r aiming at telling
against each other’s. People r not benefited anything. If the people come to know that the ruling
party is doing something wrong, immediately they should be given rights to take that ruling
party from the power. India can be developed only if the politicians think that it is their nation.

       2. There should be some recognition for the talented people and the salary must be given
according to their work. Less salary only leads to migration. If we have talented people, then
only we can implement new ideas. But other nations r implementing the ideas of Indian in their
countries and all r going to foreign countries due to salary.

       3.Education system must be changed. This is not the right system followed here. Practical
implementation will leads to good knowledge. We r concentrating only in theory and not in
practical. There should be some correlation between the studies and the work. But now days,
there is no relation between studies and job. Education should help us to improve much. But
today's education is a burden for many people.

Posted By: keerthi

I agree with Rena regarding the point that we need only a single party.

   1. Lets not think about parties for a while. These parties are formed because different people
have different opinions. As rena said all the disputes arise between the parties, as each of them
want to be superior over the other. Instead of concentrating on the actual problems of the nation
they try to find fault with each other over trivial issues.

   2. We need to improve our education system from the ground levels. Like teaching, discipline
now a days we can hardly find the children who give merge respect to their teachers. They don’t
care the teachers and comment in front of them. Our education system must be activity based as
well as value based to make the children perfect in all respects like studies as well as
communication skills, leader ship qualities and many more.

   3. Most important point is Create a corruption free nation. Infact this is the root cause of all
disasters. Carelessness, and absence of locality towards nation are the reasons. This change cant
be bought about by any group or any institute. Creation of corruption free nation depends on
today’s youth. Dont accepts or takes or encourages bribes that are the better solution for this

ya,i agree with rena's pt,but care should be taken on urban areas.there is very poor edu. system as well
as they should develop their skills in various activities especially students.. no matter in which institution
they are studying ie. either a govt. school r pvt. school..and our govt should takes care of poor
students..if they so..all students ll shine.. and really our politcal system ll change,its goes in a very bad
way.. and 'public ' ,we should treat nature as our mother v shouldn't pay way to destroy that
prceious one..these are my pts

(Reply to this comment)

the very first step to be taken by indian government should be towards the education. because people
in india are very hard working and they do their work with honesty . they are paying tax to indian
government just because of the govenment should take care of them but govenment is not utilising that
money to indian population .instead of that these ministers and government enjoy with the money and
they totally become careless about their work. next the govenment should start the free computer
education everywhere in its nation. because if we will have more educated people we do not have to
depend upon the others countries for our small services.government should think of this.

(Reply to this comment)

Time is money & money bring devlopment in all sphere of we must save time by oing work at
time.we always start solvimg a poblem by its effect not byb its cause. History is the tastemoney of this. I
fully agree that th major obstacles in our devopment , bureucracy, population politics,improper
utilisation of resources.In null shell the problem is with wrong attitude not with any other thing .If the
attitude of the people who are in politics & in any other thing will be correct than all problem will solve
automatically. ."your attitude defines your altitude".

(Reply to this comment)

Well, in order to develop our nation first of all our political structure should be reconstructed. It has to
be transparent so that the common people should be aware of what the politicians are thinking about
the overall development,whether they are heading towards the right direction or not and even they can
express their views regarding that.And the education system should be directed in such a way that there
has to be a proper blend of theoritical knowledgeas well as practical implementation.And the last but
not the least we should not exhibit any inhuman natures. Child labour is one of the infamous thing that
has been still going on over years. it must be eradicated as soon as possible.

(Reply to this comment)

i agree with you all. but i think only young generation and the patriotic people can take the nation to
new heights. but you know patriotism in us is lost. new generation is blidly follwing western trends. they
dont see western people love their country and language. only some people knows wht is our national
anthem and national song. now-a-days people use to complain whts happening in india. but they dont
see their own contribution to this. what we have done for our country? everybody loves oneself.
whatever is the reason, it seems as if i would never see any major progress in india in my life. as thins
are getting worst by the time.

(Reply to this comment)

well, in order to develope our nation,the only thing which comes into my mind is start the nation with a
fresh thought by involving more young n dynamic people in the developement of the
china,the government should motivate and reward people who follow or help in controlling the
population of the country.better focus on education sector,rural developement,infrastructure and
ofcourse development of the country.plz gemme some tips so that i can also contribute in making our
country better.

 72
Success is all about human relations

Posted By: Roopa

Hi frnz,

                    Every one wants success in their life so they strive hard for it. But success without
human relationships will not gain anything. For example: Take in the case of Ganguly. Of course
he was a good batsman and captain ...But he didn’t maintain good relationship among his
colleagues. But coming to the case of Dravid ...he is also a good player at the same time a good
human being maintain a good relationship will every one. So every one like Dravid than
Ganguly. This shows that success alone is not worthy but success with good human relationship
gives us more happiness.

                      Every one must remember that even though we have success or failure we should
definitely must have at least four members beside us to appreciate us for our success or
comment on our failure, so that we can better know about us where we have gone wrong.

Posted By: MightyMastero

                     Nice reply rupa. Maintaining cool relationships is an art infact.

                    One of the best ways to educate our hearts is to look at our interaction with the
people, because our relationships with others are fundamentally a reflection of our relationship
with ourselves... By Dr. Dtephen Covey

                      Yep it’s true. Successful people listen to others more & talk very less.
                    Let me write down 2 important ethics behind highly successful people on the planet.

                1: Talk in terms of other person interest

                2: Walk in other person shoe.

                  If we can able to adopt these 2 things into our real life will be so cool.

Posted By: cishawsharma

Yeah that true

        Every course we do is internally link with humans.

        Esp. management is purely linked with humans.

        So we have learned how to deal with people, how to manage         them, and how to work
with them.

        A negative person cannot succeed in his life.

        To lead a successful life one has to b very positive.

Posted By: MightyMastero

        Yep.  To tackle with human being is very difficult in this world. If u masters this art you can
rock everywhere




Posted By: faraz

 Yes, to some extent I believe advertisements are essential for a sportsman. As they play
for the pride of the country they are regarded as public figures so it is but natural for
them to go for ad campaigns, showing them sporting a product of a company.

    The
companies and ad agencies are now cashing on sportspersons to rake up their
brand values! And this trend is being given boost with such young talent blossoming and
reaching their nadirs! From the azharuddin to sania mirza’s, ad has gone a long way.
          But
the advertisements have its share of pitfalls. Excessive or overdose of ads may
leave the sportsperson media savvy and a significant decline in his/ her performance in
their respective sports! This has resulted in decline of top players in tennis, football,
cricket, etc...The huge money and potential of earning big bucks is luring the
sportsperson and ultimately result in an irreparable effect on his professional life!!!!

Posted By: ssrkraju


 I would start today's talk with an example. When we are promoted to a new class, for
good books and by good authors, whom do we ask for? A teacher or a bank manager?
Looks very awkward, yes it is! Why do we need to have a tennis star or a cricketer tell us
to eat particular biscuits? What has our sensational star Dhoni to do with Exude battery?
(Sorry to use an example) What does Ifran or John know about the brand new Mobiles?
Does Viswanathan Anand get the knowledge of chess by eating Parle-G? Does Amitabh
Bachan eat chocolates?
  I want to make it clear at the outset that they don't have anything to do with the product
they advertise. They do promote the product with the publicity they have. For example,
Munaf Patel not known to these industries are running to sign him. Was he using their
products, a little thought would give the answer as NO.
 The basic challenge before any sportsperson is to master the game and be the best in
his/her discipline. He needs to win and prove the talent to others by giving out his best
efforts. There are more successful sports people than the cricketers we see.
 We can get the fact that our Indians are getting gold medals in the ongoing common
wealth games. Why are they not being targeted? The reason is we pay less attention to
these games. Cricket or Tennis or F1 have become a great choice of viewers. They are
getting lot of money for advertisements, the players also having their chunk.
  If the sports personalities have influence they can come up with great messages for our
Indian youth and others. I like some of them taking a large step in this direction. I don’t
have any problem with them gaining huge amounts; they can spend a part of it to the
society for its well-being. Indeed many do them and have set an example for all of us.
 I would like them to advice them that instead of advertising for some unwanted and
irrelevant ads, they can start some programs/camps to entertain local talent whenever
they find some time and with the help of government we can develop the game and just
bring the best of country in to the limelight.


Present state of Indian Cricket team


Posted By: ssrkraju

 When we talk of Indian cricket we need to consider two aspects, statistics and overall
growth. Recent statistics show that India is doing great winning ODI Pakistan series by
4-1, Win against England in the Test, Kumble achieving 500 wickets, Rahul getting into
100 test milestone, Sachin still the highest run scorer, Dravid still being the wall of India,
new talent coming in like Dhoni, Sreesasanth, Munaf, among others.
 Indian cricket can be considered as reaching its peak as our Indian stock market. Talent
in India has never been a question. Tapping it and giving it a direction was most
essential thing. This is exactly taking place now, young blood coming in and many new
faces getting opportunities and proving their talent beyond doubt. Nowadays we are
struggling to keep cricketers out of eleven.
 One thing we are able to see know in Indian cricket is their improved attitude and they
are no doubt doing all the homework to perform better everyday. In my point of view,
winning or losing doesn’t matter much when our side is fighting not just giving away.
 Recently the matches between Australia and South Africa, in my opinion both are
winners as both struggled to be the best and a matter of a ball or one run need not
separate their ratings. The basic attitude of positive play is now seen in all players. I do
accept Kalyani's emotions for Ganguly, here we need to understand that many new all
rounders are coming by and we need to encourage them. Like dravid used to keep as well
as bat, but there is no need for him to keep the wickets, they have found almost a good
substitute in the form of Dhoni - a blaster.
 The outlook of our players has undergone a shift in the recent past. The fight is now
more important, result is not. This orientation would help any team going a long way.
For example, Australia worked hard for some time and now the results are shown.
Beating each and every match in the world cup and being on the top of world, they have
bought results from their sheer determination. I feel India is moving in the right
direction and will be a good team to watch for in the 2007 world cup.

Small incidents like Sachin getting out for petty scores in last few matches should mask their
talent to produce when others have given away. The performance of the team should be
considered as a whole to determine the state of Indian cricket and we also need to change our
mindset - we cant expect it to win all matches all the times. Winning and losing are both part of
a game. At the end of the day, better team wins.

 Posted By: winner

 Present state of Indian cricket team is very good and there are both good bowlers as well
as batsman. Now our team has become one of the best! But they have to work more to
attain great destinations.

Posted By: BINNY

 I think INDIAN team was considered to be one of the best in the world with lot of
consistency. Now the present team has lot of instability. The condition is like a SEESAW,
when bowlers do well, the batsman's do a poor performance. When the batsman's do a
good job means the bowlers will do a poor performance. This way it has become difficult
to predict the chances of winning... 

 Posted By: faraz

 Well yes to some extent I believe the Indian team is good enough to face any sort of
opposition, but the young bowlers are very much inexperienced and need to be groomed
and picked accordingly. Another area of concern is the fielding of most players! The
players need to be very fast and fit, and I think in present cricket scenario fielding is
playing a major role in deciding the winner!!


Management Education-Is it necessary to succeed in


Posted By: Tan 

 I don’t think so. It is like degree to get into some company. But to start a business we
need right attitude and hard-working capability and positive thinking and proactive ness.
 There are many great businessmen in our country and i think no one did any
management degree.

Posted By: faraz 

 Yes, to some extent I agree with cishaw, but you just can't say there were visionaries who
have no degrees and therefore you don't need mgmt education! There is a difference. I
believe management education is very important for entrepreneurs as it gives the total
perspective and in this rat-and -mouse chase, strategies and goal plans can be framed if
you have that ability which is most possibly groomed by your management education.
 With the dawn of 21st century you can witness an increasing number of people joining
business schools and competing against one another, the astuteness or shrewdness may
be in built in some, but mostly can be made only by B-schools! Be it IIM"s, or FMS,
management education is here to stay!!You should first differentiate managers from
entrepreneurs to get your facts right!!!!!

Posted By: chris_ti_na1234


         I feel that managerial skills are something which inborn to a person. I think it’s nothing
of a good management institute to generate any genius but genius joins good
management institutes. I don’t feel a mere MBA could make a person a right manager.
His decision making skills his problem solving capability and enduring the ill
circumstances with brave and bold mind.

         I would like to depict certain examples, the reliance group developer and patron
Dhirubai Ambani was not a MBA, his will power his wise actions built a empire, but his
both the sons were MBA and they destroyed the empire and shattered it into two.

         So I feel the management institutes are not the sole producer of the right managers but
the circumstances and experiences make the man

Public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth


Posted By: BINNY 

 I think it is not a myth. It is fact that the "Public sector is a guarantor of job security”. As
the increase of public sectors has lead to competantancy between the Government and
Private Sectors. This is a good sign for increase in JOB opportunities.

Posted By: sowmya571

 Well now the scenario is other way round. Many people are shifting to Private sectors since.
 Good salary
 Good growths
so better to analyze the features before entering

 Posted By: ssrkraju

 Is public sector a guarantor of job is a myth? No! Public sector is a guarantor of job.
Consider for example, do you see your parents or your friend’s parents moving out of
public sector of shifting jobs frequently. No! Anyone who joined in earlier days never
thought of shifting of job even they are baffled to see the present generation moving from
one job to another.
 There was lot of emotional touch with the job itself and they were very content with the
job at hand. This led to the feeling from the other side also, even though the employer
may not be so productive but is loyal. The key term over here is loyalty. We see the
average years an employee works in an public sector would be staggering 20-30 years
where as in today's IT industry it is far low at 2-5 years.
 Public sector has always been a non-profit organization in most of the situations and has
never thrown out people as the private organizations do which strive for profits. They
always have surplus of employees and they never feel the crunch and the work pressure
will also be very less compared to other sectors. But the generation has changed, they
still remain job guarantors but the younger generation is not attracted to it any longer.
 If recent IIM campus is any indication, seven PSU's have returned empty handed unable
to beat the competition with MNC's in offering higher salaries. The main reasons quoted
were not only salaries but the challenges are also limited given the lack of freedom. The
ideas do take a long process to come into action.

Public sector like banking and other administrative jobs are still favorites of many but the
growth potential along with performance is still a barrier to be crossed in PSU's.

Is china a threat to Indian industry?



Posted By: aayushkaistha

 No, I don’t think china is a threat to Indian industry. This is because, it is now a well-
known fact that the products and services provided by china are much cheaper than any
other country but at the same time they are much inferior to quality as compared to
countries like India.

 Also, statistics confirm that India is the fastest growing industry and will definitely
overtake china by 2010.Therefore, the fact remains that it is rather India

that poses a threat to the china's industry rather than the reverse.

Posted By: meera

 Yes I believe that we have to compete a lot to overcome the threat of china to Indian
industry. Their hardware, software & telecom were much bigger than India’s. They have
huge captive in this domestic market as compared to India. It is estimated that Chinese
domestic market is four times that of India.
 But these Chinese markets were currently dominated by MNC's. This provides an
excellent opportunity for Indian firm to overcome the threat imposed by china.

 Posted By: ssrkraju

 Before I start off, I would like to clear a point made by Aayushkaistha above, China's
economy is increasing by leaps and bounds. Even by 2050, China is going to lead India
and is going to become a Global leader whereas India will be trailing alongside America.
China is definitely a threat to India.
 I would like to illustrate with a small example, China plans for Olympics, which is about
to begin 8 years from now. It nourishes talent in a long run and the tally in any
international arena would prove it. Coming to India, the recently concluded Common
Wealth Games, out of 22 Gold medals, 16 were won in a single event shooting, among it 5
were picked by an individual. Rathore's silver medal, Karanam bronze medal in
Olympics in the past two Olympics do say a lot about our planning.
 Yes! I do agree Chinese goods are cheaper, they may lack in quality, but they do have a
market here. They are lot of middle class and lower-middle class people who cant afford
to quality goods and do satisfy themselves with these goods and are happy about it. They
don’t need ISO certifications for their children's toys and petty things like that.
  They have taken Indian market by waves. It’s a fact that India is a leading country in
manufacturing hardware and providing software solutions. But China is not far behind;
they are also going for English as mandatory subject so they would overtake us in no
more than 10 years from now. The rising salaries and costs are making the Giants to
think of new places to save cost. It is not far away a day where China would be having a
bigger piece of cake.

 i don't think that china is a threat to indian economy.As i have many reason for this,firstly we are
not dependent on anyone. we have many mnc that are working not nationally as well as
internationally.we have many foreign delegate like Us,russia. we grow our own resources and
use it. and the most heartning nes is that we are much ahead in term of software field to
is estimated that half of the software employee working for america are indians. yes of course
there are few area in which we are somewhat behind china like that of technology,sports and
tourism.But i don't think that the basis of any country economy could be these. and another
point which i would like to mention is that if we want ourself to be much ahead of china then we
must control is important factor and big hinderence in the payth of growth of any
nation. but as now i don't think china as athreat to india.
 (Reply to this comment)


What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?


Posted By: faraz 

 Well India with a ever-increasing population is a cause of concern right from its
existence! But, with more self-help groups and better living conditions and increasing
importance to girl child this is turning into an asset for India.
 HUMAN CAPITAL as it is called is growing into a very useful tool for India, right from
cheap manpower to neutral accent for BPO’s, indians ever-increasing population may
soon be turned down as not such a serious problem as it used to be with the GROWING
education concern all over the country!
  I believe at this time we should concentrate on more of educational institutions and
better awareness in health and mailto:hygiene! @! And - hygiene! @! And spend more on
it on par with defense and army!!!!

Posted By: ssrkraju

 I would like to start with small statistics, India is seven times more popular than
America, but has its population, which is seven times that of America. That would
underline how intense is Indian population. The view of it as an asset or liability is not of
concern here. The steps we can take to reduce the growth in population are of concern
  In the initial days, the no. of children were more and the existing population was of not
concern. But now even two or three children is adding to increasing population. Why?
The reason is the increased number of couples. The younger generation population is
now at an all time high.
 To combat the population, we need to have massive campaigns and education among
masses regarding family control. The quote that "Children are god's gift" should be
misinterpreted. Everyone on earth would agree on it, but that doesn’t imply that we give
birth to him or her and let him or her starve. It’s a logical issue as well an emotional one.
We need to deal it carefully. We need to take help from local agencies, local heads, and it
should be a home-to-home campaign as election. When we can spend on election a lot,
we too can afford to spend on these issues. Education would go a long way in dealing
with this situation.
 The initiative of government to deprive people from government services having more
than two people is applauded but should be followed in true spirit. The essence of these
policies should be dealt at detail to all concerned and the problems that may arise out of
huge population should be dealt with region wise. The educated youth can also play a
role in its own way. The huge rallies carried out for no reason should be avoided and few
could be directed to a worthy cause like this.


When I woke up in the morning I saw…


Posted By: sowmya571

Well it’s a vague one to start with but then very interesting to describe

·        Each day would be dawning with new hopes and aspirations; I always visualize what are
the things, which are to be done, and my contribution towards it.

          Some times I wonder how things are going since days tend to be more routine, Which
will be boring, but then ALL THINGS DEMAND EQUAL ATTENTION so justifying
them wd be more easy and also Fulfilling the task is very important.

         On the whole every day is more A REMARKABLE/ Specific DAY.To proceed

Posted By: sweetsatish143 
 When I woke up in the early morning I saw the climate was very pleasant. I went to a
daily walk and had a bath and went to a temple. There I saw my childhood friend raghu.i
felt very happy for meeting him. He suggested me to write an IAS exam. By his
encouragement only I got a job.

Posted By: Tan

 As soon as I woke I will check the watch because I will never wake up on time (every time
very late). If I woke up early I will sigh! And have a nice cup of coffee. And if it is other
way round then will try to spend as much time as possible in the bathroom and take bath
and come out so that I will not get daily scolding.

Posted By: meera

 When I woke up in the morning I saw the darkness around me. Then I prayed to god
hoping that this day will teach me a new experience and I should be happy through the

Posted By: winner

 When I woke up in the morning I will first see my mother then God and prays him that I
should be good to all! Then I will start with my usual work.

Posted By: ssrkraju

 This is not a group discussion topic even then I would like to contribute something over
 Early Morning, this reminds me of a great comedian who said; every morning we have an
option "Either we can be happy or we can be sad". I agree with him no one can make up
happy or sad without our consent. It is purely our perspective that we see happiness in
things or events.
 For example, we hear of a person being killed somewhere, we are concerned about him
and we feel sad even if we don’t know him. Yes! That’s humanity but we need to judge
our "area of concern" and "area of influence" rightly described by Stephen Covey in his
book "The seven habits of effective people".
 We need to be proactive and we need to live every moment as said in a lighter vein in a
Hindi film known to all "Kaho naa pyaar hai", "Ek pal ka jeena phir tho hai jana...” Do
take things as they come and any blame-game would take you anywhere. If you share
love and friendship, you will always get it in return may little delayed.
 Like any work done would give its fruits, you will reap your harvest as per your hard
work. Live life to the fullest and see happiness in everything and do see that at the end of
the day we don’t have any regrets again in a lighter vein "Kal ho na ho".

Marriage is a social trap

Posted By: Jyoti Bhatnagar

 I would not agree to call Marriage as a trap. Yes it is a social bond. A bond that brings
many families close to each other. A bond that passes our culture from one generation to
others. A bond that increases our strength of passion, devotion and tolerance. If
everyone starts thinking that its a trap then our culture will be lost one day and we will
start believing in live-in relationships, which i my not good for the society.

marrige is a very holy is based on the mutal trust betbeen two it would be quite
unfair to labelled it as a social trap. As it help to share your burden, yours get respect from
other after being get married. but some time it makes you to get bound within certain limitations. As
you get responsibility of another need to take care of him/her. you are bound to become
family person.neverthless ,some people enjoy the responsibility,some do not. so my point of view,it
depend from person to .it's depend upon the atitude of person.

(Reply to this comment)

I would not agree marriage is a trap becoz we should have the responsability of maintain the next
generation people. It is a social purpose. Is a life long agreement between two people. we should
understand the feelings and imotions of our partner. It will make beautiful family. In Indian culture
family system is very important. The relationship between husband and wife is very strong as compared
to western culture. so marriage is not a trap it is our duty for our nation.

(Reply to this comment)


Russia's offer to India in nuclear deal - How is it going to

affect South Asia's stability?

 Posted By: ssrkraju

 All has known indo-US nuclear deal. Now, India is not a NPT country but is a special
consideration in the eyes of the world. Given its history, it’s an exception. Russia's offer
to India to supply nuclear fuel is a great achievement, the offer is for those 12 nuclear
stations which would be under world preview once the deal gets materialized and
everything gets streamlined.
  If we once consider Russian foreign policy, it supplies fuel for NPT countries to which
India is an exception. This shows the special place India has attained in the recent past.
Now, they are coming to terms with India, now India is powerful, strong and an
independent nation in terms of its foreign policy.
 Given Russia's friendship with India and growing Indian status, the South Asia's stability
is under question. Pakistan, which tested its nuclear capability within weeks along side
India, is a clear indication that it is not far behind. It being a close ally to US in anti-
terrorism could have a strong ground in international arena. It couldn’t get any deal
from its Uncle Sam it now looks at China for help.
 It looks as if the arms race is still going to continue just to match each other as hackers
do have a fight with developers. The deal which India is about to clinch allows it to have
fuel for its reactors from International market can go a long way in developing India with
a minimum usage of fossil fuels like oil and gas for generating power.
  India is not a threat - it’s a universal fact but need to be ready to face any attack from
any country around it. That's the only reason why our nuclear weapons are always on
alert state. Mutual faith is the only answer to the prevailing situation. 

India share a healthy relationship with Russia.two countries have shared many foreign policies between
themself.Russia has always being helping hand to India whether it is economical,political or social. the
recent agrement of India with Russia regarding nuclear deal will make india more powerful,strong. i
think this is crucial steps while considering the fact that our neighbour country are showing their nuclear
power . i don't thinks that this will be threat to south asia stability as every nation has today the power
of nuclear. nuclear source could be blessing in disguise considering the fact that we don't have much
energy resources left in term of fuel,gas etc. so if we use it in the right way,the question of unstabiliyt
never arises.

i personally feel that as india has not signed NPT, india has a previlage over other countries those who
have signed NPT.This is a clear indication that india is a rational country nd every other country belives
in india that they are going to use this power only for the powere purpose not to harm any south asia

(Reply to this comment)


IWF being banned from commonwealth games - shame on

India - what can be done?

Posted By: Rena 

·         The Commonwealth is a unique family of developed and developing nations, a voluntary
association of independent sovereign states spread over every continent and ocean.
From Africa to Asia, from Pacific shores to the Caribbean, the Commonwealth's 1.7
billion people make up 30% of the world's population and are of many faiths, races,
languages and cultures.

·         CGF vision is to promote friendly, world-class games and to develop the sport and
strengthen the commonwealth. Africa, America, Asia, Caribbean, Europe and Oceania
are all participating in the commonwealth.

·          In this great game, which is considered to be next to the Olympics, India faced a ban up
to four years in weightlifting competitions, after it was confirmed that both the "A" and
"B" samples of two lifters returned positive in the 18th Commonwealth Games.

·          Indian Weightlifting Federation has been banned for the second time within seven
months of a one-year suspension period and its disappointed officials are not able to
explain the utter humiliation. This is a great shame for INDIA. Whole world will not talk
about our third position in the final list.

·          All will speak about the second time ban. Games are conducted to develop the spirit and
relation between the countries. It is not for getting the prizes. Participation plays a
major role. All should not aim at only prizes and all should not aim for the honour. Since
all aim only at those things, the result is negative. All the players should set an example
for others. They should not be a hot topic to be discussed happily by all. They should not
give a place for other countries to gossip in this matter.


Posted By: rameshkrr

Hai rena,

·         You are right. But there may be some reasons for those types of things, which
happened in IWF. We cannot blame the person who participated in that.

·                Can any body that know about the fire will keep his hand in it. Even though some will
come and join in hospital saying they had undergone burns. Hope you got my opinion.

Is Sonia's resignation a sacrifice?

 By Moderator ..
 Published 04/9/2006
 Rating:

Is Sonia's resignation a sacrifice?


Posted By: Rena 

         Gandhi resigned as MP and NAC chief on Thursday. That resignation took place only
after they have been exposed. The party has received a first attack when Jaya bachchan
had been disqualifed. According to me, that is not a sacrifice.

         If she did this before, we can consider it as a sacrifice. But all happened when her
attempts to be against law gone useless and after she came to know that the President
would not sign an ordinance to bail her out of the office of profit controversy.

          She resigned to be on the safer side. Before she is caught, she resigned and all r telling it
as a sacrifice. She knows that if she continues to be in that seat, Congress would face the

 As Advani said, her resignation is "not a sacrifice but a compulsion, not morality but drama."

Posted By: ssrkraju

 Sonia's resignation is depicted as a sacrifice in the lines of her rejection to highest

coveted post of Prime Minister two years ago. I would like to mention that the conditions
in May 2004 and March 2006 are very different and needs a deeper look to distinguish
 In May 2004 when Congress was elected to lead the country, she although not born in
India, had an Indian citizenship. She became a Member of Parliament, which implied
that she was in all respects eligible for the post of Prime Minister.
 Then came her rejection on basis of her inner voice. It was a personal decision as hailed
by party cadre. It was a sacrifice, to gain more political mileage and given that the post
would go to a well deserved Finance Minister Manmohan Singh who drove Indian
economy with his bold decisions in late 80's.
 Coming to Sonia's resignation in March 2006. Let's first consider the circumstances
where she resigned. It all started with the term "Office of Profit" which is not defined in
our Indian Constitution. Not holding any profitable office under government is one of
the eligible criteria for an Individual to contest for the post of Member of Parliament.
 The Jaya Bachan case, she was holding a post of UP film development chairman, which
is an office of profit and Supreme Court, has ordered her withdrawal of her candidature
as MP. If Sonia has resigned after Jaya went out of Parliament would have been a
sacrifice. Instead they waited.
 The actual purpose of ordinance is that when the parliament is not in session and any
emergency situation to bring in a bill can be brought through ordinance, which requires
President's approval. Congress tried to bring an ordinance by stalling the proceedings of
the Parliament, which is unethical. Next as the media played its role of bringing the
consequences to light.
 The indications from Rastrapati Bhavan not in favor of Congress led to the resignation of
Sonia. This is not at all a Sacrifice and is just a face-saving measure, which came at
wrong time. The moral responsibility is not adhered to as she also said that she is going
to contest again. Rather she should have left politics. Now, her victory from Rae Bareli is
anyway confirmed and the ordinance will pull the NAC post from office of profit. Now,
Sonia will again have her MP post as well as NAC post will a small gap. Is there anything
she is losing?

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