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I 12 /

Rave off a beard ce two from fence at the datum

of eight or ten feet from it. In form parts of the
country, particularly at Pembroke and Scnuate, about
ay miles S. E. from hence, there Wtfe (corral chakna
or openings made in the earth, from fume of which
water has iffued, and many cart- loads of a fine
whitills fort of land. Theme are thc principal effede
of thk earthquake Olt the land, fonse of which argue
a very quick and violent motion of the earth. Ths
thc degree of violence was doubtlefs different in dif-
ferent places, yet, that I might make Come eflimate
of it with us, I mealined the greaten diflance on the
ground, to which any of dm bricks, which wece
thrown off from the tops of my chimnies, bad
reached, and found it to be 3o fent, and the height
from which they fell was 3: fact. Now G000 bodies
fall thro' 16 feet nearly ill 1 of time ; and the times,
in which they fall through other heights, arc in tha
fubduplicatc ratio of thofe heights ; it follows, that
the velocity, wherewith thole bricks were thrown
off, was that of above t feet in t of time for
the fubduplicate ratio of 32 to 16 is the fame as th
fimple ratio of 3a to a little more thm at. But
the velocity sets lets at lefs he*hts: for the kcy he-
fore fpoken of, as thrown from off a duff 10
chamber in my houfe, was not thrown in far, in pew.
portion to thc height thin which it fell, as the bricks
were from the top of the chimnies and in my Iowa
rooms nothing was thrown down, but a Mull bell.
in the garret was nude to ring by it_ Hence it ap-.
pears, that am buildings were rocked wida.kkiedm
of angular motion, like that of a cradle; the oFfa
parts of them.moring fwilicr or dun. geemaRW,

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