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IL Dm flrange Efeas of fime ecrufient

Mixtura; in a Later from Dr. Junta
Mounfey, P6firian of tbe Ruffian 4rmr,
ami F. R.S to Mr. Henry Baker, F.R.S.
Commanirated by Mr Brker.
Moire., Frage oath, 1754.
Read J.. re. NIL Butler, a paper-flaMer, trying tn
m7, IN.1 make fome dikoveries for the bet-
ter fixing of °flours, was pat in great danger of his
life by the following mpertments
Having pat mato one gallipat a quarter Man ounce
of verdegris, and into another pot two leaves of Falk-
gold leaf, to each he gamed about a fpoonful of
aqua-fortis. They began immediately to fertment,
apecially the gold-leaE He was very affiduous in
flirting theta, to make the fohnion pole& Having
nothing elk at hand, he did this with a pair of (mall
Biters, at unit kngth, carefully turning away his
face, to prevent the fumes from entering his lungs.
He was called away, about other bafinefs, before he
had quite ended his prom& ; and loon after wafhol
and thifted himfelf: bat had (carte finithed tefore
he felt a burning pim in the ring-finger of his right
hand, which he imputed to his having inadvertently
touched the aqm-fortis. This increafed evesy mo-
ment, and :fleeted the 'Mole hand with hauling pain
and (welling, which eery [non fubfidal z but t cn it
flew into the left hand, and,* f ivr minutes afterwards,
. bun the infides of his legs, as if (Guiding water had
Da been

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