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cont.:goatee, that attends, is the lois of <home pank,

that drop off by the mortification ; for thc woq
heals of itfelf, without any application: but when
comes to its lab period, the poor lick perfoos art Isah'
ribly deformed, and truly worthy of compel/Ion.
This fliocking difeafe is obi:creed to have
other unhappy charaCters ; as, IA, that k is here5m
tag, and that Come families are more apt to be kis*
with it than others: idly, that it is infeetious, beigo
communicated tee taitum, and alio caught by/cavort
company with thole fo difeafed gdly, that -a
incurable, or at kali that no remedy has yet b:r
found to cure it. They have in vain tried mere*.
rials, iudorifics, and every other regimen tied is
venereal complaints, under a notion, that this tem(' :I
was the confequente of ihme venereal taint e

inthead of being of fervice, thole methods rather '

fused to debroy the patients ; for, far front klisal ;
the difeafe, the antivenereal medicines unlocked the -
diftemper, the moth dreadful fungtoms appeared,
and all thofc in treated perithed iome years foamy
than the others, who ihd not uke thefe medicines.
A very jail fear of being inieCted with this mei
dithemper the diniculty of examining infethad Fict-
ions before the diteafe came to its [late ; the length
of time of its lying c,ncealesl, by the ewe of de
patients to keep it liCret ; the uncertainty of the
svhich ditlingunh it in the beginning;
produced an ex:tor:I:nary dread in a:I the inhabitants
of thia Wand. Th:y one another, bee vir-
tue and merit had :in theltsr frgm tht; cruel km/.
They called this dlilemper the !croft ; and conter
iluyntly ref:in:ea fevers: memeirs to the generals 1111i

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