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[ 42

Being arrived at Guadalorme, thc Count de hloym,.;"

court, and Monf Mcfnier, ordinator and fu
to this intendance, communicated to me tte444,11
of the general and illtentiaill I began then win,
form myfelf of the peccary inlingtions for Kt_
nagmyfelf of this dangerous catamaran, tbe
gremble confequences of which I ufily forefew,
had fo often heard of thck leprous (pot., dis'
judged it neceffary to know, whether what was
was true : for I could not comprehend, dm a
cafe, which has fo droadful an cnd, and tbe
ptoms then fit terrible, /hosed continue ten or
years without any other appearance than tbefe 6.6
(pots which, in themfeli es, had nothing way
I demanded an instant! to be made, in order to in*
myfelf of this faft (even] furgeons, as prafilidonmi.,,.
and (canal honed inhabitants, as obtirvers, new mil
cordingly called together, who all prmed thff
faft in this import which you, Sic .4.r.
have ken in the regider of the fulnielegancw _I
ifland. I am, nail tincerely, .t
S I R,
Your moll humbk and obedient Sawn,
Mgt& to. ,;.0. Perri* '
cf the.datielz,
p :lhool we ere :it.
found no inconvenience nor pain but, m the erip
nary, cat, drank, and dope well, paranning=

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