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in of one or two children: but that then more vifibk,

and indeed more cruel, fymptoms appeared. Ai to
men, or infants, there is no rule to know it in them.
ts. For the explanation of the tattles, fymptonn,
and what we think the molt likely means of mire,
we refer to a particular differtarion. Let it fuffice
here to obfervc, that we do not imagine, Mat the
air, water, or manner of living, can produce it ; for we
have found as many fick in the low marrhy places,
as in more airy &line places and if many Negroes
wore infcacd in the Grand Terre, where they drink
the fool waters of punds and lakes, we fee an equal
number ill in places, where they have firth rivers and
running waters ; but they may prove proper tanks
fcr unkaing, and difpofing perkon to receive, the

,6. We believe, and are perfoaded, that the ori-

gin of this difeafe among the Negroes comcs from
Guinea: for almoft all the Negroes from that country
told us they came from thence with there reddifli
fpots, the firft and certain figns of the &Romper
17. As to the infefted Whites and Mulattoes of
this ifland, we were informed, that the difeafe was
not known among the Whites till about as or 30
years ago ; when, out of charity, they received a
miferable objett from the ifland of St. Chriflophets,
whole name was Clement ; who, about thc year
1694, fled hither. It was thc family of the Joffelins,
called the Chaloupers, that protedtd him ; which
family, as alk that of the Poulins, we found infetted
by communication with this fick man, as old Poulin
declared to us.

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