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[ so ]
eows of Reps, which are fupported at the an& 6,
lions claws. He has a bald head, a long opda
beard, hairy body, and naked feet. The dnpett
about him is loofe end flowing: the fore-fwgw
each hand is extended, and all the felt are daft
Front his hack wife, a branch above thc head, wf,,,
it divides into two, which, twilling their foliage
round it, fall and fpread thcmfelves below the Owe".
dens, on each of which Rand is placed to ix
lamp. In the middle, betwixt the extranitio d
thele two faun branches, is a bird refembling a F.:
roquet. The whole of this figure is in a very goa
tulle. All thefe things above-mentioned Mx d
In November was &Covered a beautiful amble
Terminus, of Greek workmandlip, as big as Acid.
It is dreft in a chlamys ; has a young counterusre,
and the head is covered with a Grecian hclmet.
Many other things have alfo been found, aslamps,
yaks, and fucb-like, in bronze- And we haw aka
met with paintings. If any farther difoweris ate
made, which ate remarkable, you may depead
being informed of them.
At prefect my time is Math taken up, in week
extremely difficult and tedious; which is this : Wks
the theatre was firfl difcovered, there were (vend
it, among other things, feveral harks in brace,
larger than the life ; but all of them bruifed, wit
broken into many pieces. From this fad candies
they art not yet reftored. But his maj=i1
expreffed a particular defire to fee that
podible, with regard to one of them, I milked
attempt it ; and accordingly have fet about it.
7 IL

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