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[ 52

on. What the two firft teem were, it

diflinguifh, there being not a fufficiency remaiw
of the firft, and nothing but roots of the facpa. '

both pierced with the tcredo, or au-i-wortsk Rota(

there trees was fend, about ten inchot decp, end that
the natural earth, in which thefe trees had
flourithed. It was a black marfh-carth, in=
the leaves of the juncus were intirely preformed from
putrefaftioo. Thefe trees were 300 yards below
full-fca-mark and, when thc tide a in, ham at
kilt la feet of warm above them : and dcobtak
there are the remains of other trees farther nanni
the fouth, which the fea perpetually covers, and
have more than 30 feet watcr above them. Bat
thek are futficient to confirm the ancient traditio
of theft parts, that St. Michael's mount, now lag
a mde inclofed with the fee, when the Mk I a,
flood formerly in a wood. That the wood conflate
of oak, very large, hazel and willow trees, Ihtyr,.d
difpute. That there has been a fublidence of tht
fea-fhorm hereabouts, is hinted in my letter to yea
p. pa and the different kvels and tendencies, sv
we obferved in the pofitions of the trees we keed,
afford us fome material inferences, as to the dere
and inequalities of loch fubfulences in general a
the age, in which this fubfidence happened (near Imo
years luxe at kali) may convince us, dm when
earthquakes happen, it is well for the cottony, tbe
they are attended with kbfidences ; for then de
ground fettles and thc iflammable manse, Mack
occalioncd the earthquake, has no looger mom a
fprcad, unite, and recruit its forces, fa as to croft
frequent and fubkquent earthquakes: whereas, Me.

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