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54 1

would be fuflialently thong for the purpok

Ream-engine. IA
made an experiment firft on a Mull b.,*
about 12 inchm diameter, made in the Rape plata
commonly ulcd in fleam-enginea, with fame a
the top, of about t inch diameter, far the Ilea,*
pafs thro', the aperture of which was coveted met
a thin plate, fixt at one end with a hinge, aaad a
fmall leaden weight to Ride on the other, in the a.
ture of a Reel-yard, to mark the flrength or qamil
of the Ream. A tin pipe made thy this papa. I
with feveral fmall holes towards the end, pefiti
front a fmall pair of bellows, through the ma
part of the boiler, to within about an inch dais
bottom. The boiler was half filled with war,
which roared the holes in the pipe about la ids
From the beft obferration I was capable of asking
with this machine, by blowing air thro' eke Wag
Water, it produced about y. TOM Ream dna us
produced by the fame fire without blow* a
I then applied a machine of this kind a the ea.,
gine at the York-buildings water-works, the tab
of which is Is reet diameter. This is a pasia
boiler, a feCtion and plan of which is annexed. k
has a double concave, with a kind of door.sny
mirage from one to the other, in order to kt
flame pars, as it were, thro' and round the Ina; lig
which means there is no-where above nine ickea of
vrater to be heated thee', the the boiler is fo large:
and which, by three years experience, b. b.
found to require lefs fuel, than any ober fire-a
gine of equal bignele.
I fix

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