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I fist a pipe of' on inch and half diameter to a

psir of double bellows three feet diameter t which
pipc reached about WC foot under the furhce of the
water in the boiler, to the end of which are fixed
horizontally two branches, each about eight feet
long, tapering from one inch diameter to about 4
of an inch. Thefe branches are bent in circular
manner, as in the plan, to anfwer the form of the
concave, and are perforated with fmall holes about
four inches diRant at the thickell part, and decree-
ing gradually in alliance, to within 4 of an inch,
towazda the (mall end. The teafon of thefe branches
being made taper, and the diflance between the holes
&treating to the fmall cnrl, was in order to give the
greater power to the air forced by the bellows to dif-
charge the water lodged in facia a length of pipe;
and I &fisted by this method, that the water was
gradually forced thro' the holes to the end of each
branch, and litmed to throw an equal quantity of
air then' the water.
The length of the pipe, to which the branches are
fixed horizontally, is abots 18 feet to the nolle of thc
bellows : notwithlianding which length, the Ream,
that palled thrd the pipe into the beilows, was fo hot
befixe the water boiled, as to force thra the leather
but this I safily remedied, by fixing a trals cock of
one inch and a half diameter to the pipe, which hin-
dered the Ream from afcending, until the engine
was wady to work and being opened, the air con-
tinually keeps it cold until the engine has done
working ; then the cock mod be /hut again.
The bellow. is worked by means of a fmall lever,
and pullica applied to the great lever of the fire-

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