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[ 6o ]

The oblervatiom, which I have made ugorrfortie

kinds of polype-beds, lead RIC to think, that whe
are called polypes, in thok bodies, which are ch-
ferved to come out of and return into the cells, an
more than the heads of the animal. I have leen
&me, which heel a bag, into which pafs'd thee
food, which I law them (wallow ; and another bag,
into which pallid the groffen part of that food, gin
it was digefted. This is the cafe, for inflance, of the
plumed yolypes, which I dekrihed at the end of de
third memoir, in the work publithed by me on ow
kind of (yetis-water polyp..
Monf. Donati ha obi-creed divers very curious
faas ni the journey, which hc made into the moon.
tains. He has, in particular, traced out an imtncoe
bed of marine bodies. This bed crolles dse bight.*
mountains, which kparate Provence from Piedmont,
and lofes itfelf in the plains of Piedmont.
He has likewife obferved a mak of rock, which
forms the extremity of a pretty high mountain, the
foot of which k wafhed by the fea. This rock n,
at a coofiderable height, intirely placed by pholades,
that (pecks of marine thell-filh fo well known, whirl
digs cells in the (tones. It appears from hence, thst
this ruck was fome time covered by the fea. Ac-
cording to Monf. Donati, the fea has infenfibly tt-
tired from the parts, which were wafhtd by it;
and he thinks, that there mutt have been a wry
confiderable (pace of time between that and the
time, when this mountain, pierced by pholades, on
covered by the waters of the lea. Hi deduces hi
opinion from the following fad. There is in thi
rock, pretty near the (Urfaco of the ha, a natural

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