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quainted with the Rate of thofe, which ere fond

aCtually under the lea, and the revolutions, to wind
they are fubjeR, while they are covered by it. kis
Rill farther requifite to have an attention to the rm.,
huions, which have been and are contlantlyobfatrol,
with refpoff to the fca-fhores, which change tha
Gestation in Sacral parts, force advancing upoa dr
land, and others retiring. If all their different faila
be compared together, it will not bc doubted, but
there are a.Clually under the earth marine balk%
which are found there only in confoimeram of theft
flow revolutions, and not of an univerfal
Perhaps this notion might be extended to the grad
part of the marine foible bodies, which are knows
to us.
Moa. Donati informs me, that Ise would he glad
to prefect to the Royal Society an hdlory of coral,
if he thought, that it would be agreeable to them.

XII. A brief Botanical and Medical Wary

of the Solanum Lethale, Bella-donna, sr
Deadly Nightthade, ly Mr. Richard
Pultney. Comematicated 1, Mr. William
Wat fon, F. R. S.

And,. .7. 1DDEL A-DoN14 A is the name, whal

.757. BID the Italians, and particularly the Ve-
netians, apply to this plant r and Mr. Ray (t ) ob.
faces, that it is In mlled becaufe the Italian IAD
I) Nem. EtroaL ad Gloss. Cat. Caa p. 4j. Atm III
Not. p. 680.

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