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f 67

The knit h a globule berry, Banding in large

cup, and 3i:raining three cells. The receptacle is
cenvon on both fider, tnd kidney-thapcd.
The Reds are numerous, and kidney-thapad alto.

i. Atrnra Eno'e herbacco, fold; ovatis integrit Linn.
p. 1St.
Aucpa. Linn. Hart. CUE v. Roy. Loge/. 423.
Hart. IJK 45. DHb. Parif. 70.
Bella-donna majoribus folin ct floribus. Tome.
1,1. 77. Bccrh.Lugd. II. 65, Miller, plate da.
Beda.donna dial Solarunn inhale. Hill. Herb.
Bunn. p. 308. tab. 47.
Bela-donna. Cluf. Pan. p. soy. Bod I Stap. p.586.
Cat Giffen. 142. Ran Syn. ed . g. p. a65. Vail-
lant. Swan. Par. p. 20. Hall. Hely. 507. Dale
Pharrnacol..' ed. p.71. Wilfoo. Synop. p. t an.
Solanoc oa. flora campanulatovulgatius, latio-
ribus foliis. Hill. Oxon. III. p. 131. tett. 13.

Solanum nunniferum. Focht 689. Icon. opt.

Solana., rnaniactun mania fire Bella-donna. J. B.
p. 611.
Solarium mehnoceratos. C. B. pin. 166.
Solanum Whale. G21.169. 21012.34o. Park. 346.
Raii Hill. Plant. 679.
Solanum map. five Herba Bella-donna. Manhiol.
Ontn. p. 756.
Solontun Coennitcrusn en lathaln. Lobel. Advert..
p. 101.
Dtaellj Nightflxvir, or Moak.
Ko 2. Atropa

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