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2. Atropa mule fratkoa Spec. Plant. sila.

Bella-donna fruteftens rotundifolia Hifpanica. ,
Town. Init. 77.
Stamm frutex rotundifolium Hifpanicum. Bat-
ril. Obf. 2. IMO. 1173.
Reamd-lemd floubby Sparlifh Bella-dom.
3. Atropa fohis linuato-angulatis, calycibus claufis
acutangulis. Spec. Plam. !SI.
Bella-donna Rote magno violaceo. Hill. Herb.
Brit. 329.
Alkekengi amplo Sore violaceo. Few. Per. 724
rab. 16.
Large viokt-floare'd Bella-donna,o. Dee* Nigh..
The firft of the (pecks here enumerated is the
plant in queflion. The !mond has been found grow-
ing naturally in no other country than Spain. The
third was firll dilkovered by Father Feuillee in Peru,
and is therefore only an inhabitant of the gardens
in th)s part of the world.

The root is perennial. It is pretty long, and di-
vided into many branches of a brown colour, fuccu-
lent, and of a difagreeable fmell. The radical leaves
are frequently a foot long, and five inches broad, of
an oval acuminated figure, and not finuated on the
edges. The fialk riles to three or four feet : it is
much divaricated and branched. The cauline leaves
Rand alternately upon it, in dupe like the radical,

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