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7, 3

the latter, of two children, who perifhed by the fame

means ( I o).
Lobel (1 ) tens us, that the berries of this plant
arc prefent death ; and informs us of lome youths,
who, after eating them, became (lupin., and died
as horn an over-dofe of opium.
Matthiolus ( in) relates, from his own knowlege,
of forne children poifoned by the fame means.
Among all du infLuces of the intoxicating nature
of this plant, there is none more memorable than
that mentioned by the Scorch hillorian Buchanan
of the deftructtion of the army of Sweno ; w irk
is quoted by almoll all authr., who have wrots
upon this plant. It is there faid, that the Scots
mixcd a quantity of the juice of theft berries with
the drink, which, by their tntte, they were to fup-
ply the Danes with which fo intoxicated them,
that the Scots killed the greateft part of them while
they were aflecp. How far this anecdote is to be
depended upon, or whether other concurrent cit.
cumftances ought not to be taken into the account,
1 cannot determine.
OUT own herbalift Gerard ( mentions the cafe
of three boys in the Inc of Ely, who, having earm
of thefe berries, two of them died in leis than eight
hours ; but the third, by drinking pketifully of
honey and water, and vomiting after it, recovered.

I so) See &melt. pal. 7. Op. 9.

It ) Sorp.e. Aeleerfar. p.
lit) Ortr.Oos, p 7 p4-
( 3) Rerun katIcar. bb. 161.
(4) Ger cm. p.

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