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[ 74

of the deadly quality of the Bella-donna ; and they

are unhappily corroborated by more recent indenter
in modern authors. The Gentleman's Magazine (ao),
Mr. Miller in ha Gardeners Didionary, and Dr,
Hill in his Britifh Herbal (at), exhibit to us avail
melancholy cafes of this kind.
The effeas of this plant have been fo extraordi.
nary, that (Coma! diluina treatifes have bcon pub.
idled profeffedly upon it. The moll remarkable of
thefe is that of J. M. Faber's, printed at Aug thug
in 1677, under the following title ; Strychnomonio
ophcana StrytIoni ntaniri onn. quomon, eel Sawn f.
rion recentiorum bylariant. In this tad the autha
has conceal a number of cafes from various hands,
concerning the poilonous quality of the plant in qua.
Ilion. In the year 1714. C. Sicelius publithed s
steatite uposi tha plant, under the title of Diatribe
de Bello-donna. 7rom. ban.


Who it was, that was bold enough to venture firft

upon the internal uk of this plant m a medicine, I
cannot fay ; chance very probably led to it, as in
many other cake. In the mean time, there is realm
to believe, that it is not altogether a modern pada.
One would be led to think, by the accounts given a
in Matthiolus and Bodes's, that in their days in
I kno
r eawrattioondowleasternerywelnna
iey ygiz
alwy.n and that th knew.

(20) Foe Augud ao1 &Maks 1747. OId RN SCRs 4t

(.1 Page 329.

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