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this day laid afide, except the infufion ; of whiek

the toci a cup-full and an lull; but her mouth ii7CI
brine* fo dry, that Ihe could (curdy fwallow a link
tea , aod the ver6go was fo violent, that fhe flag.
her light svas fo weakened, that lhe could
dankly red. Norwithflanding this, the had ita
anxiety, nor naufea, nor pain ; but her appetite wa
left, and her pulk quicker. The 3 ft all the Id-
mentioned fymptoms continued the fame the wra
pointed eminences on the upper part of the bred
were become two little holm likewife, and had dib
charged a few drops of good matter.
7 he id of February the upper fore had dikhargd
but little matter, and that thinner than before. TU
near the nipple was become more livid, and the two
holes were larger ; but there had been no dikhargs
for kveral days. The pulfc and appetite were gook
fleep natural, the body open. The pain, indeed,
was continual, but leB acute_ The ad, link altera-
tion. The fores difcharged but little. From di
time thcy were drelfdd twice in a day with Marina,
and over all the Earp. Satermin. The pain was not
fo violent, but was felt in another place, which be.
gan to fwell. From the 6th to the 18th better end
work : the pain more or lefs acute ; and the cur
menia puffed without any bad areas. At the ed
of this month the fchirrus all over the bred nra
much foftened, and fenfihly efunindhed. This wa
the opinkn of Dr. du Bois and Dr. Winter, as writ
as of Dr. Lambergen.
The ill of March an inflammation wok on dr
foie of the right foot, and extended up the leg about
four fingers above the heel. It ended in two grcat

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