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[ 89

humble opinion, deferved it, as tending to throw

new li3ht ugen antiquity; I bcg kave to trouble uo
ith my thoughts upen them.
I Ihnii b,gin with art rouleum in the King of the
Two Sicilies' palace at Partici wherein, among('
great number of other ancient and valuable remains,
are theft that follow, tuz.

Several tali luferii. The ore lupporeri to

have been known to the Greeks (1) by the name of
o as early as the Trojan war. But as the
monuments before us are undoubteiCy Ryman, I
Mali tontine my remarks upan them to the
received among that people ; and being guided partly
by what appears upon the face of than antiquities,
and partly by what the Latin dallies have delivered
in general upon this fubjetl, bcg leave to ohferve, in
the MR place, that the tali had each of diem but
lour fides, two broader, and the other two more nar-
row, on which they would ordioarily cell as the
rounding of their ends did not eafily permit them to
Rand upon thok part,. However, the.poflibility of
fuch a political (the' it did not occur to mc to makc
the experiment with theft pieces) may be deduced
from a paffage in Tully (a).
Further, with regard to the tnanner of di dinguifh ing
the kveral fides of dm tali, klInt learned (3) writers

(1) Horn. had. a3. o. 88.

la) ,tuet jam..
:dem, sr "P. sfylat . gas its teal trir rt radar refl..
Cr. er Fin I.. 3. t (a. 14. Verb.
raI Vol. Dace not. on fro,. L. ti. 01. 7. s. 25, be.
Vol.. so. N fp:2k

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